The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

m m m m • if m MUMM Sprfc^ AnnoMncement We wish to call your attention to the largest and greatest stock of Wall Papers, Burlaps, Room Mould­ ings, Linerusta Walton and Window Shades ever shown in Springfield, and at prices far below tho av­ erage dealer. Handling Wall Paper and Window Shades ex­ clusively, we can give yon better attention and can suggest better treatment for each and every room. Oar line comprises everything in wall decorations* such as Tapestry, Burlap, Linerusta Walton, Silks, Hand Pressed, Two Tones, Crown Panels, Forest Friezes, Panel Decorations, Varnish Tiles, Sanitas and a new and complete line of room mouldings ‘ to match each paper, • * Competent workmen furnished if desired and a call will convince you that we can decorate because WE KNOW HOW PRICES RANGE FROMSc PERROLLUPWARD. TEE NEW WALL PAPER AND DECORATIVE SHOP, JOSEPH H. KNAU 26 E. High Street, SPRINGFIELD,0. Wall Paper, Winnow Shades, and the New , Brenlin Shade Cloth, ................................. '7 » & #*<&$#*** I LOCAL AND PHONAL -WAN'TKI); Faim hand, quire of Andersor. Collins, In- MILLINERY 0PEN1N6 Of NewYork Model Hats Together With Artistic De* signs and Copies from Our own Jlteliers. March 18,19 and 20 Thursday, Friday, Saturday . inspection Invited. Osterly Millinery 57 Green St, Xenia, O. desk. Inquire at this office. —Don’ t miss the girls intercolle­ giate.debate next^Tnesday evening at the opera house at 8 o'clock. Mr. EmersonNishctof the Dayton Ilerahl spent Sabbath ■with his parents, Mr. J» I). Sllvey, guard at the State I’rleon, Columbus, has been spending several days at home. Mr. and Mrs. S. 33. Hanna of ftuthvem, Iowa, aro visiting Dr. and Mrs. J« W. Dixon. Rev. W, E. Puttwill give a tem­ perance address Sabbath afternoon at the M. E. church m Selma at 2:30 ~ J , It. Kyle'is located In the old Deary property where he will re pair watches, etc., until a'more suitable room can be found. Mr. Ira dates has purchased the house eccujiied by Mrs. Lucy Mc­ Clellan and owned by the ’Cedar- ville Realty Company, The price is said to . have been $2,300. Miss Hettio McDonald of Cellpa Ohio, wasthe guest of her sister. MrB. J. W, Radabaugh several day> last week. Both visited in Colum bus last Saturday, - —Former students and friends of Cedarville College will rally around the girls’ debating team next Tues­ day and help them defeat the Mus­ kingum girls. Beautiful imitation of natural wood finished with varnish may be obtained by applying one coat oi Campbell’s Varnish Stain C. M, CROUSE carries a full line of all colors and slz Snug, Color card free ThaW. 0, T, U’s will hald their regular monthly meeting, Thursday March is, at 2p. m, in the room at the Carnegie Library. Subject for discussion will be “ Cigarette Smok- ‘ • « Will M. Hundley* a former em­ ployee in tins office and publisher ot the Clermont, Va.,. Herald, ba« just taken over the Ousted, Mich, News, a'good proposition mLenawe county. flfld Miss Clara MeMIIlan, who have been living in Yellow Springs this winter, have gone south to re­ main several weeks. Mrs. McMil­ lan has been in poor health, having left Df. Hunt’s hospital in Colum­ bus a short time ago. The game of basket ball between the college team and the boys from the State School for the Beat, Columbus, last Friday night re­ sulted in a victory for the visitors by a score of 23 to 30. Tbe largest crowd of the season gathered in Alford Memorial to witness the game. Last Saturday evening the Selma High School baskofc ball team de­ feated the Yellow Springs team by a score df 13 to SO. The lineupwas: Yellow Springs. Selma. H. Thunderburg C Stevenson Young R. F. McDorman Thunderburg L, F. Carpenter Howell L. G« Bumgarner $ 6 , 000.00 IN CASH PRIZES, And Big Commissions To Our Solicitors We wish one solicitor for this section of the country to devote all or part time to securing rencwalsiand now subscriptions to TJo- torial Review. If you would like to get into a business of yo«r own, covering a apielal territoty for us year after yearand earn- ingfrom$l*ro$2<)a week according to your ability and tbe time you devote totho work,write to ns forourpropositiou.* State your experience, Sf any. Tell us Chat line of work you have been do­ ing, how old you are, bowmuch time you can devote to the work, etc. Then we can write to you most clearly ami and with com­ plete understanding. Someone in your locality will secure'thi* position. Sf you think you aro the one you had better write at one* new, Tomorrow may bo too late. THE PICTORIAL* REVIEW COMPANY, D#*k At, 853 Broadway, New York. ’ urn* The Misses McNeill's moved this week into the Mazo property. Mr. J. VV Johnson expects to occupy tho homo with Mr. Joseph McAfee. Mr* J. W, McFarland takes the property vacated by Mr. Johnson and Mr. It. W. McLean will move into the McFarland house. Mr. McLean is agent for the National CashRegister Company in Spring- field at present. On Tuesday night before a largo audloyce at Selina, the Olif on High School met their fate before tho Selma High School in afast basket ball game by a score of 31 to 19 In favor of tho latter. Clifton thinks they have a fast team but Sohna is a good deal faster. The game two weeks ago was33 to 11 instead of 23 to 6 as reported in tho Herald last Week. IHumor «$ PWk>*ophy p| ay fltmcaa & swr* 4 t ,",rir 1 ■ 1 -i-n—v 1 1 1 i i _ - ............. _ _ ____ - ■_____ j j - PERT PARAGRAPHS. ?. '..r . »n ■iHM-e c Jr bits a I •••'in. ii. d *•> ,\«>u trin vrin a reputa- Con f-r Pint, that will naturally ,V; i: t.» U* luiruWrtl ajtll til* ‘?i»; i i;»s. " D A W N , OHIO. ... JfcA ^ Jlfc. jufc. ■ a, ^W W W W W W W W W W W W i^ aL , We Announce Our ! oa LOO B y YOUiee\ oqKtao^a^ioJ —qf---- or tv;:y to ma Ite yourself unprptiM' sui! cSfcrrlio Is to knew Kicrc tto- ri. .5 ab;ut year- self than y«u can gel people to listen to. 1 You never ap­ preciate your luck until you haven't It. lu that WRjr it doesn't differ from lots of eth­ er things, The trouble about being good friends with n doctor Is yon never can tell when ho U looking you over with a profession;;) eye and appraising your pocketbw/k. There Is ho use la regretting the past’ At the same time it may be said that sometimes it shows desira­ ble dualities of tubid and heart to do so.' , Every friend a man baa represents some side of hi* composite nature, so. If you want to sioa bits up have a roundup. SPR IN G OPEN ING For Tuesday, March 16, And For The WeeR. An exhibit of authoritative Spring fashions for—women, children, infants, men and boys. An hour spent here during these Opening Days-will give one a cor­ rect idea of the styles to be worn this spring season. The RIKE-KUMLE.R CO. We all know that we showour good taate when we prefer our­ selves, but It is., horrid taste to show' It, Sometimes peo­ ple talk but little because they use the time think­ ing. and some­ times it Is' be­ cause they don't think. Some people are so mean that they won’t even let you borrow trouble without good security. The man who makes mistakes and manages so that the other fellow pays for them, doc* not need any praying for, * , “ . Work of *n Expert. St<s&itnga kiss 1**r* sn tteeif, And » very fine *rt Indeed- NOjob for a bttr*rl*nfur one ot that sort Need fO#t*r no hoo* no meqeed. ■ The man with deagmi tm the *tri he . adores. tb* p»ao* and sb* ih »a May pall off *W» ctnnt tfethoat fear o f arrest <! , ' Or<betoff banted ?g> the orima fha feetetw kt k*- »wrw by word or by Mgh Pee* MMmtt ht» seat tothestate of her mind.' Or drop himso meek as a line. And that's whery It taxes skUt aottmen a^d To know lent the state of her mind,, go that htf&Mur guese Jf he's favored and ■■not ■■ Be one •who is gome it blind. If rightly performed there Is nothing *° llna. v « ■ As stealing a kiss on the sty , And nearing her protest*, but reading consent In twiiteie* that steam la her eye. Ahd if In hi eshoulder aha hurlee her feca He knows ts on the right track. Add, craving her .pardon, ha has as re­ ward The pleaamo of putting it back, On the Oulst. “Blinks I* se> 1 .‘served glace he came back from Europe," “Yes. You see, be bad to do It under bis breath all of the Hue there." “Do what}" “Of course It Wasn't compulsory, but he Yclt it Incumbent on him as a loyal citizen of the republic." ‘Tut me on." “Committing lese majesty,!’ Prsetlcal Suggastiort. “I)Id you know the mouse and -the elephant belonged to the same fam­ ily?’’ “Is that so?" “That Is what the scientist* say.” “Say, what kind of * scheme would It be to take a cat along if a follow wore to go elerhant banting?” Those clear personal liberty fel­ low*. have a bard time. Jt you pass an ordmaueo to prohibit spitting on the white sidewalk, scineono says you aro Iiitcforring with hio person­ al rights. I f a man lets his horse stand at tho rack until someone takes pity and pais him in tho stable, tho personal liberty howl is heard, and if a man wants (» get drunk and abuse Ids family, or somebody, or make some kind of a disturbance bo at once becomes pa* trlotlc, amt w« hoar tho personal liberty howl. How many women n this community complain of n - eroaehments upon their personal liberty” How many industrious, tleeeut* thrifty men say any thing f about personal liberty” It i* the 1 {UHluery of Dm hoodlum ami his *ft tends. Do you belong to that, class'.' But this is only sentiment. - ’ |MouUi Uhatlegton Hentinel, j » $160 Reward* $100. Tho fcudufs of thispGpcr will be pleased tolcsmcLst there 1* at least one dreaded diseaso thataciwc « ha* !*mi aide to curein dll its stages an;! that is <Mirth. Hall's Oianli Cure'istheonly i*#Uivi carenow known to the mcdiiat fraternity. Catarrh being a cun*tituti >iml diwas1'. requires a H h IV h r3{!lITh CureIs takeninternally, actingdirectly up» on theblfecdandmmouafurraces of system thereby iltsfrovlng fh*1fmindatioa of tho disease, andginng ths |*thnt strength by buildinguptl*»»C'n«tHnti'*n snl assisting natureindoing ifs work. The piopriotofs havesomueh Ldth In Its > urativo powers, thattlu-y olierwiSHundnd Iktllars forany CiUOthat it fail* to mrc. tVndfor list o testimonials. Address, b\ J. ’ HFKF.Y *•Co*ToledaO, Soldby I'rujorlO 7.V, Hall’s Family Tills ar*the 1>e«t, ’ A WORD ABOUT SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES* How much b«it*r to have! your deeds and fwiwwaal papers where they are aafa ff*»rr fira and readily accessible. A tuiaplaced paper often >canae* w’orlda dt ffoahle, We have tham for rent at H nm than onedhird of a cent,p*r day. THE EXOHAJfGE BANK, OadarriUe. Ohio* THEY ALLWANT BURTON Cleveland Congressman Would Be a Sure Winner If Ciiofca of Sen­ ator Were Jeff to People. Cleveland. O,—Primary elections Lave no warmer advocate than Con­ gressman Theodore E. Burton of Cleveland. Early, in the fight for the senate seat occupied by J. B. Foraker, Mr. Burton said he would'like to sea \ primaries held In every county in the state for this purpose of instructing the legislator-elect how to vote cmthe question of United States senator. He has all the time been confident that if the choice were left to the people, the vote would be overwhelmingly for him. Efforts, |n one Way or another, have been made in a number of counties to obtain an expression of the popular will. Membera of the legislature have in several Instances, asked their .constituents to name their favorite. Congressman Burton has been named in every case. A few days ago, Representative- elect R. H. Anderson of Youngstown inserted a card in a Youngstown paper asking the people of Mahoning county to tell him who they wanted for senator, Mr. Burton wad the choice by a tremendaou* majlrlty. In Delaware county, the Delaware Dasette oondneted, a voting contact Mr. Rasta received more town three time* a* many votes as Charles F. Taft Representative-elect R. A. Cobb of , Trumbull county asked the voters of j the county to write him on the ques- ‘ tfon., Blanks were sent out and were to be returned marked With the fa­ vored candidate’s name and signed. So fdr, Burton has been the unan­ imous choice. » Mr- Burton, according to the men wllo aro managing his campaign, bat altogether the best of the contest. The people of the state who dtf not take an active Interest in politics are making their presence known and they are insisting on their legislators electing him. It is generally under­ stood that Mr. Burton will go Into tho caucus with votes to spare. It will hot be due to the politicians but to the people themselves. Millinery Opening Twelfth Anniversary The new styles for 1909 are here, ancl we take pleasureIn informing you that we will be ready for the spring trade ^ / 'V* Wednesday, Thursday and Friday March 17th, 18th and 19th We have made an extra effort in our display for this season* JIM are Cordially Invited. SINZ, W . Main S t, Steele B ’ld’g., Xenia * O. REMARKABLE TRIBUTE Paid to Theodore Burtah, the Emi­ nent Cleveland Congressman, Cleveland, O.—-In a recent editorial the Philadelphia North American paid a remarkable tribute to Theo­ dore E. BUrton, the eminent Clevo land congressman, who is now a can­ didate for United States senator. “Several times of late," reads the editorial “wo have said the wc never know a time when the American people ..wore willing to pay such a price as’ now for honesty In the high places of the public Service. The case of Theodoro E, Burton of Ohio, wc consider a striking proof of our contention. "Tried and conceded to be honest and able, four places of great Im­ portance aro open to him. And the only pity is that he cannot fill them all, or that there are not three other men at band identical with Burton In intellect, energy, integrity and patri­ otic purpose," Since Burton announced his can­ didacy for United States senator the great newspapers of the country from NowYorkto San Franciscohave been filled with eulogies such as aro sel­ dom accorded to living men. Many of these great mirrors of public opin­ ion throughout the United States ex­ press wonderment and surprise that with Burton a candidate tot United States Senator there should be even tlio semblance Of a contest or any hesitation on the part of th* Ohio lcgistlaturc to bestow upon hint the honor to which ho aspires. .................................. Jf ■' RIEDLINC P IA N O S embodyeverv detail that can possibly addto the value o£a Piano of the very* highest grade. The lowpriceat which theyarc soldastonishes those compet­ enttojudgeofPianovalue.* “ Jiiedllbg’’ On a Piano means highest artistic re­ sults in .tone, touch, durability and case design. Send for catalogue and nameandaddress of our agent in your vicinity. A1.RIEDUKBPIANOGO., - Plymouth,Who. THE HIGH GRADE LEHR PIANO IS USED AND ENDORSED BY Tbs 8 tm 4 CMStrvrisrysi Ssrtc. H*wYstkCHy. Th* C«N*i« M Music, PhttaMpMa.' CM mm CMSSmisryAtMNswrSchool tf 0 ?ort,CM omo , ThsP im M s CMMtnftorysi Stole, Psoto, Co*. AND OTHER LEADINQ CONSERVATORIES A sweet ret brilliant and powerful tone, exquisite bet adjustment ana durable workmanship .. the front rank of the beetInstrument*made It is the Meal piano for the home, wherelts tare ax * * ease, perfec: place ft In " today. II . . .. .. preeene*is a ton of cul u nd refinement, . The I.EHR PIANO is mannfhetnred Undersingularly Turorableconditions whirh lessen the cost of production, and it has achieved a brilliant sure*,aaa tho r si riceant instmmrnt la the market at a satlsfimtory price, VVBITK y t> » CATAI, , v e AND PJRICK8. H. U H R * COMPANY, Manufra, - Easton, Pa. MeCULLOUGH’S U FE SAVING BLOOD PURIFIER A Sp**dy and Safe Remedy for Rif Diseases of ths Skin and Blood. Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Fnrichc 3 theBlood. An especially valuableremedyforBoils, Carbuncles, trysipelvi, Ttsiiuns, Cancerous Humors, Ulcers, Ringworms, Oldfiores, Scrofula, Bvphilitif.Afii slionF.-rofulous Humors, Blotches. Pimples, Pustules, Halt Rheum and all discueei utWng from impure blood or low condition of tho system. Especially*recommended for all forms of SciaticRltenmatiFrn. WIICE, ONEDOLLAR PER BOTTLE. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. HEWirfBOtEfMi by Ma&ULUHIfiH CHEMICAL CO*, Ktfttott, T m m s s m . fry ttrancthwonar «*• torvaS wbl'' mtr«l m* atom# af $k* tn r and bowel tv. Mitwr R im «M Mtm tut m m m t FOR SALE! Houses and Lots in Cedarville and vicinity, Buy before the rush. Wc have three or four desirable proper* tics Justoutside the corporation limits at very reasonable prices, also to 4acres of land. Will sell one for less than cost of dwelling which Cifit 1,500. Have a centrally located roominghouse of id or Id rooms veiy cheap, Larajj sale in Central Ohio. SMITH, CLEMANS CHOPP ING The Rate o f interest and safety of principle sie the two hnpoitant <on» siderations in wise investing. Tins big bank with capital and surplus of over #700,0017.00 Allows y&urPdreim t interest on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit. I Tuns ©mm t t o s t m 16 “ 16 E A S T BHOAD ST C O L U M B U S * 0 . Bay your Bat The Ilatfcer, and 50e to 75e, Wc vou are bard to t: - a- Come to us and you a, bat to ord SULLIVAN, : 21 South Li Sprin LOCAL AND P Mr, H. M, Murdock in Day.ton. Mrs. F. B. Turnbul .Ied m South Chark-al< :ji. . _________ Mrs- David Turnbu 111., la the guest of rol Miss Sallie Spain- making her home wit Osborn. Mr, CarlOstersrrorn IowaTIs the guest of Clayton McMillan. Prof, and Mrs, L, T entertaining a thirtc tmit arrived at thier Mr. and Mrs. Fra of Springfield spent Mr. O- M. Townsley < Mrs, W. A. Turnb thejSutbroidery Club ternooij. Miss A. Ii. Qraufur home froin'Cincinn has been looking al t linery. Mrs. P. A. Alexand ter* Margarett, of £ were Saturday atid S ot Mr. and ftrs, W- Mr- D. M* Dallas Philadelphia where funeral of his slst Steel* who died last Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. T. B.. Andrew Vera, have' issued i number of their lady Patrick’s Day, fro twelve. •Mrs. W. It. Tarren her home in Xenia spe it several days 1 Belle Gray, while Mi m Washington, D. ( The college boys Lyric basket ball te last night by a score girl’ s basket ball tea ingum won over the team by a score of 26 Mrs. Lillfe Shro last week at her hoi was buried at the ce town last Sabbath, been held in James ceased wasthe daug Samuel Walker, wh many years. —For the n we will sell all S $ 2 . 00 . SULLIVAN, T 21 South Li Spri Latin Leave your ’ Smith & Sih her Shop, work Ruara gloss or dull Save mow ing the wen. w ib ii lamidr by hand „ O ihess 1 eouvineed, you? v