The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

4MfM iiwiCiiiwriii'* ,vfc ' O 'Lsilfl r * Wo ! ‘O l - i - iot Ifoi'ii ErV5?m:JA«c fta 1pr<oL j 'cuEv&!ir;!!tr«ni^fc ofrc«it?o‘j f:> -till bat'-lurr-s SliVV YORK DRAKT and BANKMONEY^ORDURS^ Tim oltropoat and moat eon- vt way to by ijiaSI. Loans Made on Real Estate, Personal or Collateral Security. Banking Hours; 6f.A. M. to S, P, M, S. W. fjHiU’ii, President. O. L. S mith , Cashier* f i owLi* .ifIt D ro p o f A lcohol foa “ tonic"? A medicine that increases the strength of the whole system. What is an “alterative”? hortl* 4U^-Ci5i« lA s is "ly ac w *■ s Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from nSscho!. Ask your own doctor all about it. Never take a dicine doctors cannot endorse. 3K5E5I J. C.AyerCo.JsQti'ell,Mass, s-art-t-A .paijhmtrn 1 R t I J * J + 0=— --------- —.— ^ , - . - - - 0 ICopyrtsht, Ifc#, by American L.ecs Acco> I $ / €$ * > 'Revolutionist* Nearly all woman suffer some pain at times, due *o the ailments peculiar to their sen, If yev -r’trouble is yet in ’r i ’J. form, take Carduito - '/event it becoming more serious. If you have suffered long year gat Cardul at once, U. persistently and it will help you. Take! Chas, S. Fay, M’f’g. Optician £ ffi 15. Main tit., tiprniRllr-Id, O. X*AD£ M* 9 hie t e l Diarrhoea ndDyssnleryReaisib * i*'.rc ia: i a, lie ,fr; -ft* ;,lel ‘brJa cl!snLfiC-d, <bc?n- 'talar tSr y l K»U,tL.'rt'.iL.-.biiit,” •> c.::e prae t> Ut' /!„"<“.-Jeff .. 1 81*2ilCVOa^p- : j fc*Ca# ♦.nrr.a werJktM .1 f.l 3 offitewaltL lft?OOR3 LIKE tmfilC." ,mc. Wif.6»Y ' ,.w AStt-VOWY *c%e(w*\ f.O P ries 26 cent* par box. I v n f ' aceld*!!,rf' -arft/ sffr<1w|rrt <„ r,;,i # if ■a'eucs.adon’t r t it f .’junrtusl-.arectto THE ' “ 'ARtO CHEMICAL COMPANY, a m k . y j . i . L Uiifcatvjdsiiv a.tfen ot the bnweJspoisonoosproduct* muUbe abto.bcd. Then you have rapineKord, iiiiiousncss,headache. Askyour doctor about Ayer's Pills for constipation. The Cecteryffie Herald I f i . o o P e r Y e a r . K A R K .P I B U L L JCtMSo*. F R ID A Y , A P R I I i 0 , 1009 . Mrs. L. Eells, of. New Hartford, la., v/as afflicted for 24 years. She writes; "For the past 24 years I have been afflicted with womb trouble, causing extreme nervous­ ness, pain In right side and back — altogether making, life a burden. I tried doctors and various other remedies without relief, Finally l be­ gan using Wine of Cardui, Now l am entirely cured. 5 cheerfully advfse all women similarly.- afflicted to try Car­ diff." Sold everywhere. E44 BADBREATH ■**» actual!* as *retn »* crass, )ny. breath hurinr * linn <wor. I*.'. TTfck» »g» it 1 nisiid ri'C.iiuraeadi'iT «’Me»roti anil *[tcr using them I canTvllllerlli ami cheerfully say that they Haro enMrclfcureiljn*, I therefore let you know that I shall recommend them.tijauy «mo suffering from such troubles.” _ C W i I . Ualpuii, 1 WKirington 8t.,Ke«r Vork.H.V, Best For i The Bowels l&wcaidfc CANDYCATHARTIC .Pleaaant, Palatable, Potent. Tanto Good.Do flood, Merer Sicken. Weaken or Oripo. 10c, Sic,Wc.Mover sold In. bulg. The gonnlne tablet stamped 0 0 0 . Guaranteed to euro or your taouoy back. SterlingRemedyCo.,ChicagoorN.Y. 59 # ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Thti P.-d.litti;, •<;' (Ua<tmr. ban been prohibited by l;nv in most states on account of 1tip meompeteuey of the men th a t am engaged in tha t way o f doing business. A call a t our office will con vinco- you of tins difference. The maximum - minimum tariff plan in the Payne bill seems to meet with less opposition in Wash­ ington than when the bill was first introduced. Unquestionably the country wants tariff rates lowered generally and any1 arrangement which would involve (applying max­ imum rates, except in an emergency wouldjneet w ith disapproval, The minimum both of protection and revenue should be clearly establish, edi and the temporary application of the maximum rates to .a small part of our importations should be treated as an accidental enlarge­ ment both of protection and reve­ nue and as in no sense a “ retalia­ tory measure,” President Taft has made it clear to the leaders of Congress th a t he will engage m no controversies over specific duties in the tariff bill, though he adheres in his position l hat he will deem it to he his duty to veto the Payne bill if the Senate depeives it of its revisionary fea­ tures, The President, also, has let it become known tha t if the tariff bill gives promise of inadequate revenue, Congress may hear from him with a forceful recommenda­ tion of some form of income tax. He has already gone to the length of having the Attorney General prepare a bill providing for a tax oi two per cent on the dividends of certain corporations. Evidently Mr, Taft takes seriously his pledgfe and that of the Republican platform to revise the schedules in fire Inter­ est of the whole people and will see to it th a t there is an equitable re­ adjustment in accordance with changed conditions. Absenteeism in the House of Rep­ resentatives is becoming a rep l evil, to such an extent indeed aS to in­ terfere with the business of the lower branch of Congress, I t is well known tha t durmg the closing days of the Sixtieth Congress n number of votes were lost to the or­ ganization us a result of the absence of members. From Washington comes the gratifying report that Speaker Cannon intends to look' after these delinquents who do not stay on the job during the consider­ ation of the tariff bill and th a t they will bo “ docked” if they ta il to a t­ tend the sessions. History affords ample precedent fof such a coarse. Speaker Crisp in ehe Fifty-third and Speaker Reed in the Fifty- fourth Congresses both brought a lot of absentees to their senses by ordering tha t deductions should be made from the salaries of these who failed to attend the session. The pity of i t is th a t such a method must be resorted to in order to en­ force a responsibility tha t should be regarded as a duty and a privilege. You want toasoiBt the band boys so th a t summer concerts will be possible so go to the picture show on Wednesday evening. An old chair can boroflnished and made to match other furniture by applying one coat of Campbell’s, Varmsh fitain. Any ono can uso it and do good work, 0. M. (JROUSE sells it. Or. Miles' Anti-pain Piiis -relieve rata £; ta 5? kop Oiifo, C ityof roir.oo, I I,t, cas C'ooireY J £3 PsAUii J. CnEWEVmakes oath that ho in senior partner of the firra of F. J. (’ iifuey & Co., doing busies*! in fim rity erfToledo, county, and state afoicairf, <mil that said fflria will pay the stir,is ONE HUNDRED DOLLAtUl for each eycry case of Catarrh that Cannot bo cured bv the u?o of H all ’ s U ataop . m (T ug , FRANK 3. OIlBNEY. ffv.ufu to hefoiarmo and subscribed Snmy day of Dcr.cia'r -r, A. Ii- 183(1. A, W, GLEASON, jcfiAuj Notary Publia Hall’s Catarrh care le .taken internally and cila directly on tho blood and uiaeons surfacesof tho system. Bend for testimoni* alt, free, J . II. MefHLLAN* Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Cement Grave Vaults and Cement Building Blocks, Telephone 7. Odarvlli#, Ohio. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Ragout of Rabbit. ^ , One nico young rabbit, half a pound of bacon, ono carrot, one onion, one ounce of flour, quarter of a teaspoon- ful of pepper. Wash and clean the rabbit, cut it into joints and dry well with a cloth. Cut tho bacon In slices and fry In a ptawpan. When the ba­ con Is dono fry the rabbit brown. Brown the flour in the fat, then stir in a quart of water, odd the carrot and onion cut in quarters, season with pep­ per and a little salt if the bacon does not make It salt enough to suit your taste. Boll gently for over one and a half hours. Serve the rabbit with the bacdn around It and gravy poured over i t ■ Hemming Tebieciothe. In hemming tablecloths a double hemstitch above an Inch and a half wide hem makes a very line finlBb. The ends must be cut by the thread to make the iiem true. With napkins to correspond and finished In the same way this makes a very fine table set- If the linen Is fine and heavy, with a pretty pattern. If the hemstitch’ Is thought to be too elaborate, the so called French hem at the end does very nicely. Turn a half Inch hem neatly and fold back, sewing a fine over and over stitch. Jellied Applet). Peel and core firm, tart apples. Put them over the fire in just enough wa­ ter to covet them, sprinkling them gen­ erously with white sugar. Cook slowly it the back of the fire until the apples are tender. Take them out and ar­ range la a bowl. Bring the liquid left from them to a boil and add to .It a tablespoonful of gelatin •which has been soaked for half an hour in a v^-y little cold water.' When this is as- solved pour all over the apples, Improved Egg Beater. The newest fixing'in the line of egg beaters Ip a device which is said to perform Its primary function of beat­ ing an egg in the most complete man­ ner, and at the same time It can be used as an Ice cream freezer. It Is also claimed that it can be used as a butter churn where It is desired to make butter in small quantities. The device Is to the shape of.a cylip ier made of heavy tin, with a conlea.’ BOWTEE BEA.TEUWOBXS. base. To the lowest end of the dasher la attached a perforated tin cone. By moving the dasher up and down the material to be whipped or beaten Is forced through the holes In the cone, thereby beating the material thorough­ ly and quickly by means of the result­ ing air suction._______ r'wk and Apple 8t«w, Cut f ,omt of pork in thick pieces. Peel and slice two baking apples, four onions and six potatoes. Lay the slices of meat and vegetables together In a pie dl3h, sprinkle with pepper, salt and powdered sage, cover the water or gravy, tie down with greased paper and bake for two hours. Th« meat should be dipped In flour before putting It in the dial;, so as to give a little tbickenlag to the gravy. Lotion For the Fjme. When one Is dressed and it is incon­ venient to wash, an excellent lotion to have Is 6 cents’ worth of boraele acid dissolved In 10 cents’ worth of alcohol. This Is perfectly harmless, and by rub­ bing the skin well v/ith tills, applied with a handkerchief, every pore will he elc&used and you will look and feel as well as If you had usrd the bent soap and water. This Is almost indis­ pensable when traveling. A Home Remedy For Duma. No housekeeper should be without a bottle Of olive oil and llmewater for burns, A preparation should always be in readiness la caso of emergency. Add llmewater to off until a creamy emulsion is formed, and bottle, always shaking well before applying. The ef­ fect of this upon burns Is wonderful In its healing and soothing powers, and it is equally efficacious for sun­ burn.-*Harper’s Bazar. Sharrtpoh Cream, Take the yolks of two fresh eggs and tho Juleo of a lemon, beat thor­ oughly and mix with a small packet of soap powder. Dour ono plat of boiling water over the whole and stir well un­ til tho soap Is dissolved, But in a tin with air light lid. When cool the mix­ ture should ho am consistency of Jelly. A small piece wRl make lather sufll- elent to shamtam the hair thoroughly. Yarn Economy. Take any soiled knitted garment that has served its*(line, ravel and skein yarn over a eh.Hr, tying it In several places, and wash with white soap in ammonia water. You will have yarn that will he just Ilka new* k&Utod la other garment, called myself n rtuJeut, ih-jugh ray mind was rather beat oa obtaining freedom frem dcapoUsm ifcaq my stud­ ies, St, petcresburg was full of revo­ lution and ronsequentiy full of spies. One day I left cur depot for revolu­ tionary supplies, having filled my pockets with them, and I started oat to leave them i t points from which they would, be further distributed. A man was standing near the door open­ ing on to the street, who eyed mo sharply. I knew at once that he was a spy sent to watch those who came and went from the bouse. We were suspected. Without appearing to notice him I sauntered off, swinging my cane unconcernedly, but when I got to a corner turned op purpose to note whether lie was following me. When I saw that he was I gave myself up for lost, I walked on outwardly unconcerned, inwardly terror stricken, until I saw an open door, the entrance to a re­ spectable dwelling. Without reckoning what further I should do or say I mounted the steps, passed in at the door and closed It after me. No one was in the hall. 1 went Into a room evidently used for ,a reception room. This, too, was empty. Lace curtains covered the windows opening on to the street, and, peeping through, I saw the spy looking up at the bouse with a puzzled expression. Ho stopped one who was passing, pointed to the house and asked a question. I could not heat what It was, but presumed lie asked who lived there. The person evidently told him what he wished to know, for he appeared satisfied, hut I was dis­ appointed that he did not go away. Hearing e light footstep behind me, I turned and saw a young girl, dressed to go out, drawing on a pair of gloves. She looked a t me surprised and for an explanation as to my presence. My wits did not work quickly, but this was all the better, considering tbe course I took. I was stammering at a reason for my presence when one oc­ curred to toe. I would pretend to have got Into the wrong bouse. I feigned a puzzled look, cast any eyes about me, then asked, “Will you kindly tell me who Jives here?.’* “Colonel Andrlovltch, superintendent of police.” Great heavens! I had stumbled into the worst possible position—In the residence of a chief of police, my pockets full of revolutionary docu­ ments and a spy waiting for me* out* Bide, , If I pretended to have got into the wrong house there was nothing for me to do but leave and walk into the arms of the Spy. If I pretended to have called on the superintendent I must have a reason, for doing so. I decided on the latter Course before In­ venting the reason. “Then I am not mistakes? after all,” t said, "I hare called to see the super­ intendent. The ,®oor stood open, so I walked la. Ik Colonel Andrlovltch a t home?” . “No, but t expect bim every moment. Will you be seated and wait for hlmT’ I looked at my watch, not to note the time, but for ah excuse to put off a decision, “I have but little time to spare,” I said. “I will wait a few minutes, Colonel Andrlovltch is your”— “Father.** “IndeedI I am very glad. Ferhaps you can help mo.” “Haw?” Now, the method of her assistance flashed into my brain with tbe rapidity of an electric current. I lowered my voice and spoke quickly and impress­ ively “Come to the window.” - She followed me, and 1 showed her the spy loitering outside. “Do you see .hat man? He Is a revolutionist. He* belongs to a gang who aro djstributing revolutionary documents. I bavo como here to Inform upon them to your fa­ ther. The circle suspect me and have sent this man to spy upon my move­ ments, Should I go out on to tlid street Xwould be followed and mur­ dered.” My story evidently impressed tbe girl, and she stood thinking. “But yon can stay here till father returns.” Stay there with my pocket full of revolutionary documents and a man without ready to denounce mo! Not if I could help it. Again I set my inven­ tive powers to work. “Such a course,” I safd, "would en­ able the revolutionary circle to get rid of their documents and escape. If there Is a back door through which I can pass to another street Xcould go out, join the circle, of which Xam a pretended member, forestall this spy, and while they are deliberating wheth­ er to believe his story or mine your father can send and bavo them ar­ rested.” “There are a back door," ohe said, “and a yard, beyond which is an al­ ley.” I was near the window, with my eye keeping watch outside. Half a block asfay I saw a man In uniform coming flown the street, It was the superin­ tendent. ‘Toll your father when he comes,” I eoid, “to send to 49— -street,surround fhe house, and ho will hag the lot, JJhowme the floor.” The girl led me to the rear of the house and opened the floor. I passed out Into the garden and tho adoy and thence to the street, where I mingled with the throng, I afterward looked for tho address X had given. Fortunately there was no- such number 2DM0KP COMPTON. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, In the matter of Publication of Notice in the Kstate of Harrison Johnson, Deceased. Notie* is here­ by given th a t the undersigned lias been appointed and duly qualified by the Frobate Court of Greene Uounty, as Administrator of tho above named estate. All persons in­ debted to said estate must mako Immediate payment; those having claims will present them for settle­ ment, % F. Kerr, At- -»wl »weeateai*watt%>gM***** A g V i The Kind Yon Have Always Doughty and which luu) bee*, in uso for over 3 0 years, has borne the signature -of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thi*. All'Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good,” are hut Experiments that trifle w ith and endanger the health o f Infonts and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA CJastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t * contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms - and allays Feverishness* I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency* I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* , The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend* . . . GENUINE, CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought In U se F o r Over 3 0 Years. TUBOCNTAUR<©MI»AUV. tT MURRAYSTREET, NEW,YORKCITV. THE BEST VEHICLES FOR THE MONEY. T H E M c K A Y BUGGIES, SURREYS, Spring, Road & Oil Field W A G O N S Best quality—Select Ma­ terial, Carefully m a d e . Built to stand Hard Service. The cheapest in the end. Write for complete Catalog and Prices. ■ McKAY CARRIAGE CO., GROVE CITY. PA. 'TAKE THIS CUT l l What Do YouThink of the Kewest of Styles in Spring Jackets and Su its at Hutchison &Gibney’s? N E W S K I R T S . Panama, Sicilian, Serge Mohairs, $ 3,75 to $ia- C A R P E T R O O M . Best display of Rugs, Mattings, etc., we have yet shown, and a little lo wer .j j 1 % < HOTGHISON & GIBHEY’S, XENIA, OHIO. m # 1 E L A S T I C R O O F P A I N T f fo r tin , metal, paper, felt and rubefold roofs. Is proof against th e weather o r rust. Absolutely non- porous, Will n o t crack, pool, blister o r scale. W ilt n o t evaporate offer once set. Is a fine water-proof­ in g material. Contains no ingredients such a s S ilt and lima which enter Into th e composition o f fhe tn ajo r p art of tho so-called roof an d iro n paints on* th e market to-day which h av e no elastic qualities and aro destructive to metals and fibres, and are bound to crycialise any- metal. I t is germ proof. Sendfor tinular andprice iisl. Why not purchase the best•when it tests no mere. VHm DALLMAW C O O PKW t U P P L Y CO ., ro n d * d U » la o ,W I » . Meat is Healthy, The human syntem needs meat, not the tough, in- digestable kind which makes it a labor for the diges­ tive organs to asimilate it, but the nutritious, juicy kind which gives you muscle and nerve for daily duties. a W, Crouse & Co, Suectiior to C, C, WEIMER, TRY OUR JOB PRINTING HWtU.UT« “Wo recommend it; ther* isn’t nay bettor... In mid-summer you have to trust to a largo degree to your butwhor. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather aro the only kind to ' buy; wo have proper appliance* for hooping them right, and they’r* sweet and safe when sold. *Don’t go meat shopping when It’s hot, Buy of us. and he sure. C. H, CROUSE, CBDARVILLE, O. co o n a x i M Z b» S3 5> =: & 5= 2 3 ^ F L. ft m - • > 1 % - PI 2 </> m S ----- kJL— - • “V» TheBookmaker ..Bestaarant... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOR LADIESUP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W 2 5 C E N T S . - Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Night. Tho Best of Good Used in the Cul­ inary Department. Piles or Smiles? A POSITIVE GUARANTEE Is ImmtCIitilyreltare amt uttimritlycurt with OR. HEBRAS UNGOID the most wonderful ectenllfle discovery of modemtimesforthoseverestcasesofItefrina> Piles, Eczema, 'letter, Salt Uhoum, Bing Worm,Barbers Itcli. etc. Thinhighlymedicated antiscpt'3 Salvo kills the germs, removes tho trouble and heals tho irritation permanently. Absolute satisfaction guaranteedormoneyrefunded. PriceGO ctfi, atDruggists, or rallied. Trial sample2cents tocovermailing. T H E fi, C. B IT TN ER CO ., Toledo, Ohio. m PILES FISTULA ANDAM, DISEASES OF THE RECTUM .'Ntef'-s'uarx 4 sh *.* ar & hi to 4h» t?c*e*sr:*j *r.«j isuiobst..:!! i*eteakee a «pw]a*(7tf t:.»e Jhi<Eel *ttv*areconst*”*excericKre, ta:n •r.3r.o fiewr.tloa ftca F.Ia^cr,KL!r.e?* *r.i Skin ftteamt CteiKk t! ffftttxrOHJMOKONKKCTAIiBI4XA9I9<rk*RI t £ j J ^ l U ! i 6 d t S S & d r . j. j . M c C lellan C olumbus , 0. OMtttok Building, 44 East BrMd Strict JTOtVM THCBIST IMSUU*, VSISF Th.-SHmtSONIAtf miss HOLD* INANV Sold By iMito Wlst«rm«rt,