The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

1 1)namiipa Ft* Bxf^ltse* Ot? J*fc W o r k \ t U ni* ap « x® w itk i li»* t o f a n y o t h e r f i r m . , . . Mould I 7M$ &*#* *k«# »wlt«4 »fth a rf < iMex, dense** tkat y**r ssfcicrip f is past doe ' and a ir a n p t' settle^ meat is earnestly desired,. . . . . . H i r a E ® , & sJKuC. VILAGECOUNCIL Council m a t Wednesday evening to finish the business of the first half of the fiscal year. Hilts to the amount of 1838.22 were allowed and ordered paid. This tunount is much large r th an usua l owing to the faat th a t the new’stre e t work came in, salaries were allowed and W . L. Miller was allowed $100 for recodi­ fying the ordinances. A t a recen t meeting the finance committee introduced an ordinance to reduce the salaries of th e village officials. This was necessary to keep the tax levy as low as possible owing to the many improvements. The ordinance came up for final passage and was defeated. Tbs vote stood; affirmative, Pollock and Bull; negative, Caldwell, Irvine and ShroadeB. Randall was absent. The ordinance combining the office of m arshal and stree t com­ missioner was also defeated. A resolution passed allowing Dep­ u ty M arshal Kennon ten days on pay. Fo r more th a n a year he has been doing the work of the marshal, besides his regular duties. The semi-annual appropriation ordinance and the levy ordinance could no t he passed a fte r the defeat of the sa la ry ordinance. I t w ill. be necessary to make a higher levy for nex t y ea r than w ha t had been ori­ g inally determined upon by th e fi­ nance committee. News About The Courts. FINEY-BLACK Post Offii FRIDAY, JULY F ief Ended. NEXTYEAR'S STATE FORESTRY SERVICE. The Ohio A g ricu ltu ra l E xpe ri­ m en t S tation in co-operation with the TJ. S. Departm en t of Agricul­ tu re, Bureau of Forestry , have sent ou t notice th a t th e ir forestry party t are soon to m ake a tou r of Greene county. The p a rty consists of abou t six persona and they travel in their own wagon w ith their camping oat- fit and th e ir serv ices are free to all. They are anxious to get in touch w ith a ll p a rtie s in terested m. an y line o ffo re stry w * rk such as p lan t­ ing for posts or timber or improv­ in g the wood lot* you already have and-ttltg; aKKgfx»smu vsdaafcls.juL. vice and suggestion* on these m at­ ter*. ‘ t Anyone who would like to have them m ake a call a t their farm,1 w rite to 0 . A. Dobbins, Cedarvilie, giving location of farm and they w ill try to see you while m the county. WEATHER REPORT. Rainfall, 6.26; wind direction, South w est; per cent sunshine, 67; clear days, 16; cloudy. 6; p a rt cloudy 10; range of temperature, 14 degrees; average temperature, 74 degrees; fogs, 2; rains 22; thunder showers 11; highest temperature, 88 degrees; lowest tompsratur*, 66 degrees; rain fall to date, 20,05 in six months. ° Samuel Oreswell, Observer. to Contractors. Notice is hereby given th a t the work of construction of a County Ditch, in Cedarvillo Village, Grcehe county, Ohio, petitioned fo r by Cedarvillo Village, e t al, w illbe sold afcpublic outcry, to the lowest re­ sponsible bidders, on F riday the 9th day of Ju ly , 1806. Place of waie—tioad of the ditch. Sale to commence a t 10 o'clock a. m, MAIN DITCH Soction No. 2.—From station 0 to sta tion 4 plus 08 feet, avarage cut 8.6 feet. Dimensions of tileing, 24 Inches,—to be delivered on line of d itch . L abo r of excavating, lay ing and covering same. Section No, 1.—From station 4 p lus 08 feet to station 0 plus 61 feet, average cut, i feet. Labor o f exca­ va ting Open ditch . BRANCH DITCH. Section No. 1.--F o r station 0 to Station 8 pins 20 feet. Labo r of ta k in g up, cleaning and relaying tileing now m grouud and re-cover­ ing same. Also cement head walls, also cleaning Culvert across Mala stree t. Specifications of work now on file and open for inspection. A for­ fe it deposit of $1$ cash, will be re ­ quired, on aw ard of eale of con­ struction , th a t successful bidder will en te r con tract and bond for faith fu l completion of the work. By order of the Board of Comity Commissioners. ■William Dodds, ComifcyAtiditor. by Gesrge W. Kendall, Deputy. Women Owner* of Railroad Stock, Women own 45 p e rc e n t of Amsii fan railroad stocks, . ' , County T reasurer Kauffman has brought su it against Mrs. V inna M. H a rp e r of th is place to recover $398.88 in liquor taxes which Is held against the property where John Jones sold liquor unlawfully and was convicted. She says th a t li­ quor was sold w ithout her know­ ledge and when i t became known said Jones was compelled to vacate the property. Robert Hood has b rough t suit against J , L. Ginn, as adm in istrator of the J. R. McLean estate recently, Adm in istrator is directed to sell two tra c ts of property a t public sale The su it of Prof. D. H. Barnes against the Bath township school board hasbeen occupying the a tten ­ tion of Judge Kyle th is week. F ifty witnesses have been subpoenaed in the case, th irty -six being to r the plain tiff. The Prof, was charged with improper conduct towards one of the teachers and was discharged. Ah investigation cleared him of all charges and he is now endeavoring to get his y ea r’s sa la ry a fter being discharged. The grand ju ry was in session Tuesday and reported four true bills, one of whicli was made known th a t of E d C lark of Yellow Springs in which lie was ind icted with in­ ten t to kill, and shooting with in ­ te n t to wound. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. AN OPPORTUNITY, , The Michigan Nursery Company, of Monroe, Michigan, one of the o ldest and most reliable nurseries in the oountry, wants a representa­ tive in th is vicinity. Good wages can be made selling their high grade trees, p lan ts, etc. "Write them today. 26ti. NOTICE. Beginning with July meter readings, gas will be furnished at 35 cents per thousand with a dis­ count of 5 cents per thousand if paid at the company's office on or be­ fore the 10th of the fol­ lowing month in which the gas has been used. The Ohio Fuel Supply Co. WANTED: HAY. To purchase in the meadow or cu t on the shares, St F , B. Turnbull. LEGAL NOTICE! No. 12283. Common P leas Court, Greens coun­ ty, Ohio. K atherine W y a tt vs Charles A. W ya tt. Charles A. W yatt, defendant heroin, place of residence unknown will take notice t h a t on the 31st day of Dec- embor,190S, plaintiff filed tn the said court her p e titlon^ga ln st him for di­ vorce upon the grounds of gross neg­ lec t oi du ty and extreme cruelty, and th a t the earns will he for hear­ ing a t the Court House, Xenia, Ohio, Ju ly mil, 1909, A. M. or as soon thereafter as the same can be hoard, by which time defendan t Is required to answer or demur to said petition or judgm en t will be taken against him. ’ 7-16-d, K atherine W yatt. Rheumatic Pule* relieved hr see ** I*. MU*#’ AnO-PalP i m MSk»NMM** Mr. Anderson T, F inney and Miss Fannie Black were quietly married Wednesday a t noon a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Davis in Cincin­ nati by Rev, Millen of the United P resby terian church in th a t city, Mr. John M. Finney Jr., and Miss Grace Clark of th is place were present, The bride recen tly came here from 'Los Angeles, Cal., coming E a s t with the groom’s sister, Mrs. Bells Clark previous to her death some weeks ago. The groom is a well known farm ­ er and Is an extensive land owner. Mr, and Mrs. F inney will retern to Oedarville in a few days where tb*y expect to go to housekeeping. They have the best/wishes of a large circle of fneiids. Death of John Shears. President Taft Jamestown Post nominating W. second term , t port of the county* grossional com committee and with the ’'b ig g«: The recent t county commit to the postofiice fl in th a t Jesse TajK tis and stipportki Taylor has been political ejrtjmy of b‘er of years and h tls with being op. the election la s t fa! The postofiice an'inspector to 3a: report vindicated still claims th a t i not make a fair wants the m a tte r i postoffice commit' Senator Dick insle have a heaving. S saying nothing and stand by the Preai ended the fight by re­ tails for his had the sup. un it tee, norl­ and state in close touch igher up. Ration of the p a rtly due jamestmvn a fte r Cue- tester Smith, [personal and [tis for anum - stiarged Gus­ to him in rtmenfc sent own and his itis. Taylor lapeetor did >rt and now »tl before the the Senate l a t they shall ttor Burton is willprobably. Rev John W. McOlanahan of Chicago, 111., w ill give his; in ter­ esting, patrio tic and inspiring lec­ tu re “The Challenge of the C ity” or. “ Giants in the L and” on the United P resby terian church lawn1 nex t W ednesday evening, July 7. I t is a telling collection; of s till and motion p ictu res of the g rea t social problem in the in te re st of Home Missions and Church Extension. L e t there ha good a ttendance not only of the. members o f the congre­ g a tion hu* citisenK iu general. A fre ew ill offering w ill be ta k e n St the close. E n jo y th e e o o L of the evening on the churoh lawn. In lestu rs w ill be given in tb s church. John 'Shears died a t his home Sabbath morning a fter an illness of several weeks, An operation for hprtfia was performed last Sa tu r­ day evening and the patien t never came from under the influence of the anaesthetic. The operation seemed to be tiie only th ing to re ­ lieve his condition. The deceased was a b o u t-65 years of age and wag born In Virginia. Five children besides a wife su r­ vive. They a re : Art, Cress, F rank Mrs. F rank Wisecup and Mrs. Reece H a tton . The funeral services were con­ ducted from the home Monday by Rev. W. E . P u tt. Burial took place a t tfce cemetery n s rth of town. FOURTHOFJULY WARNING. T h a t season of the. y ea r ianaw approaching when fond p a ren ts' al­ most regret t h a t oUr forefathers adopted the Declaration of Hide-; ally taken , doubtless tb s youth of the land will celebrate the glorious Fourth as usual. The average number of fires in Ohio annually, resu lting .d irectly to th e use of fireworks is about 36,’ and the average loss frem fires from* all causes is about $1500, W ithout expressing any opinion upon the merits of the controversy over woman suffrage, it is respect­ fully suggested th a t the women of th is country could save more lives and premises by directing their energy against the use of danger­ ous fireworks than they can ever save by the ballot Annually the mayor’s of our cities make proclamations concerning the use of common crackers and other dangerous noise and flro producers upon the Fourth. Bu t It would bo Impossible for any police force to enforce the provisions of an ordi­ nance. I t is suggested t h a t the place to begin Is with the sellers. Ordi­ nances which shall regulate or pro­ h ib it the sale of the more danger­ ous varieties of fireworks can he enforced much more easily than can those seeking to rogulate or prohibit tlveir use a fter they are once sold. A few cities have already abso­ lu tely refused the sale of fireworks and the faco th a t outBide of the property loss there are from 100 to 500 deaths annually, directly at­ tribu tab le to these dangerous agen­ cies 1 b sufficient justification for this action. Bu t th is drastic,legislation would no t be required i | the municipal au ­ thorities would pass regulatory measures. And then enforcement of theso measures can easily be had if the paren ts of the land will ap­ preciate the danger and a c t accord­ ingly in making Ihctr purchases. Barents are urged to back up to the fu llest ex ten t possible a ll efforts of our authorities to lessen these dangers to life and property. And especially are they urged to use the u tmost care m their purchases and la te r in the use of these joys of the youthful heart. J . W. ZVBEB, S ta te F ire Mar hal. Tho Gospel Auto pa rty which spout Monday and Tuesday with us loft a goad Impression of the work th a t Is holm? done. Tho or­ ganisation Is supported by T. A. Snidor, a wealthy citizen of Cincin­ na ti. The services conducted each evening and Tuesday afternoon drew good crowds and people stood and gave stric t a tten tion for more than an hour. There was nothing sensational about the services. real ! estate . V irginia P. MuLstiRand Alexan­ der McLean to MarjfSL Gill, lot in Oedarville, $1. | Alice Walton to J tM s S, Compton 8 acres in Sp ring Yaflty tp„ $259. John T. Barnet to Jw tild a Corbett 35-100 of an acre in $1. Sarah J , H aversthM to George F. Stutsman, 78.68 acfss|j|i Sugarcreek tp., $1. M. D. Lupton a u ti® tr y W . Lup- tpn to John J. G u ild ® 17-100 of an acre in Xenia, $lO0tt» George N. P e rrill j S Llbble Per- rill to J* A. Jacks0B iS |t In, BOwers- vlUe, $160. J , HoVard J^dtieiqSMtoswal coun­ ty, F lorida. p . Carr, tra<‘t i f " m ary i r rtuaif3Fi*>»;'u, Hussey, three lots in Bowersvfiie, | i . S» W illiam H . Hagenbuch, ons- fourtb in terest in 1.1 acres in Bea­ vercreek tp., $1, Susannah and Byroh W. Sted- tnau to H a r ry F, and H a rrie t Sted- mnn, 81. Prince A. and Lizzie L ev is to W alter R . Taylor tracb in Silver- creek tp,, $300* Jerem iah K. Krepps to Joseph E , L ile 61,60 acres in Xenia and Spring Valley townships $1. M. J . H a rtley and N* A. Fulton to Leroy Wolf, lo t in Xenia, $300. deed Definition. Truo wit is nature to advantage iMsseiD-Pope. Returned After Thirty-Eight Years Drs. Bin and Bud Reid and their wives, the former from Anderson and the la tte r from Pemberton, Ind .r were guests of Mr, L. G. Bull and fam ily from Sabbath until Tuesday, They drove through m tho former’s new Chaliners-Detroit touring car. I t has been th irty- seven years since Dr. Bin left Ce- aiv ille and th is is his first v isit in th a t time. I>r. Bud v isited here about four years ago. Botii arc practicing dentist* in their respec­ tive cities. In their sho rt v isit here they m e t many of their boy­ hood acquaintances b u t found many change* and improvements in the town. $100 Rewards $100. Tho renders of ibis paper will bo pleased to learn thnt there is At laaat one dreader] disease that science hns been sble to euro in ali its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cumis the,only tnwitirc cure now known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh bolng a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, Hail's Catarrh CuTois taken internally, acting directly up­ on tho blood and mucoussarraccs of system thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work, The' prox>riotors have domuch faith in its cursthta powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure, Send for list o testimonials. Address. F. J. IHFNfcV ACb, Tokda O. Sold by Druggist, 76c, Hall’s Family Pills are the test, CASTOR IA For Influats and Childrsn, flu KM Y m Km JUwqt BoagM The Antioch Chautauqua will he held nex t year but. the time and place have not been decided upon. ;The program this season was a de­ cided suecees bu t Dr. Foss will have quite a deficlonoy to make up. The attendance was cut largely by the heavy rains pa rticu larly in the ovenlngs, Tho afternoon crowds were up to the standard . The cominittes soliciting the sale of season tickets reports over 1200 for next year. This will make a guar­ antee fund th a t insures a mors ex­ pensive program than ever. Dr. Fess reports th a t such man as Dr, Gunsanlus and W illiam Jennings Bryan will bo on tho program for next season. Should the reported sale of the Neff grounds to E, S, Kelly bo true Dr. Fess will be able to the pa rk . use Automobile Hill Climb. The automobile h ill climb a t Ft. Ancient la s t Saturday drew several of the buzz-wagon followers to th a t historic spot. Tbe hill is regarded as one of tho worst in the state and the contest was held, under the direction of the Cincinnati Automo­ bile Club. About twenty-seven different machines were entered and the Stoddard-Day ton made the mile on a fifteen percent grade with four curves in 1:11 1-6 M. There were several other machines th a t made excellent showing bu t the Stoddard-Dayton was th e only con­ testing machine on time th a t was driven by a professional driver. Among those from her* who attend ­ ed w ere:.D r, .J . W. Dixon, C. M. Orouss, F r a n k A. Jackson, Ph il D. Dixnn, ^.Andrew W in ter, G. F . S iegler abd Kurlh Bull. The Sufcior L, T. L. will meet this evening (Friday) in Carnegie H a ll a,t 7:80 o’clock. A fu ll attendance the election of b? bers will pleas* observe th a t the regu lar meetings will be held oil the second and fou rth Tuesday even­ ings of each month unless other no­ tice is given. The Fou rth tins year w ill bo largely celebrated on Monday ow­ ing to the calendar date falling on Sabbath. Tho cities will recognize Monday ns the day and I t is hoped th a t the patrio tic sp irit will only bo displayed on the one day, Monday, Parties leaving horses hitched abou t town on Saturdaj* evening should use e x tra care In case the small boy cannot wait until Monday for his jollification, Mr. G. A- McClellan w ith a party of six made a successful baloon as­ cension 'Tuesday a t Dayton. The s ta r t was made uoar eleven o’clock and a t four th irty the decent WaB made near North Vernon, Ind . Thore was, a small prin ting press and m iniature copicB of the Dayton Jou rnal were p rin ted and dropped from the sky. The Borrower of Trouble. Ho who foresees calamities suffers them twice over.—Porteous, Bears th# Itiffaatsrte? MEARIGK’S Clearance Sale of Suits, Coats, Skirts, Silk and Satin Dresses We are now offering our en­ tire stock of high-class Ladies Garments at a great reduc­ tion. J We find our stock entirely too large, and in order to re­ duce same we have cut the price on every garment we own. You will save dollars by purchasing this week. MEARICK’S Cloak House, IDAYT 0 K , ...............OHIO. Binder Twine It’s wcrry-not'wjrk—that tries one’s soul, and it’s poor twine that adds to the farmer’s trials while harvesting his grain. PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE will make the har­ vest a success. Hay Tools The Bain Side Delivery Bake and the Dain Hay Loader is the greatest pair of hay tools ever built, They will not pound, thresh, bunch, wad or tangle the hay. Will work on anjr ground, hilly. or level. These features have helped to place them on the unapproachable plfjme they occupy today. COME AND SEE TH E NEW W A Y EGKLE HAY STACKER. Thomas Crown Mowers, 5 ft. cut $40; 6 ft. cut $42. Thomas 9 ft Steel Bake, 23 teeth $22; 10 1-2 ft, 26 teeth, $24. Thomas 6 fork Steel Tedder, $31; 8 fork Steel Tedder $34.00. KERR& HASTINGS BROS. ONE-HALF PRICE To dose all one, two and three pair lots. Lace Curtains and Portieres. Styles that will not be brought out for Fall. Sample one half price. * • « i * r v ■ ♦* Prop patterns in ColonialFilet and Madras piece goods Short lengths in Drapery and Upholstery fabrics, at prices to close out quick. SEE SHOW WINDOWS. THE P. M, HARMAN CO„ 30-32 North Main St., DAYTON, OHIO, -5 r. Hot Weather H A T S NOBBY, NOVELTY SHAPES FOR UP-TO-DATE DRESSERS Also mote conservative styles, y ach t shapes and others In big assortment. Soft brim summ arhats—they stay on you r head, are comfortable and na tty . P r ices to s u it any p u r s e . ST IFF HATS, $1.00 to..................... SOFT HATS, 50c to ....................... STRAWS, 25c to ....... ....... ............. .. $ 3 .0 0 PANAMAS, $4.60, $5.00 and ................ $ 6 .0 0 SULL IVAN , THE HATTE.R, 27 S. Limestone Street, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Our Spring Showing Of handsome fabrics for sack su its, frock and cutaway coats and Chesterfield overcoats em­ braces a ll the la te s t novelties in elegan t and exclusive im ­ ported and domestic woolens. Wo j re prepare to fashion you a su it th a t will be peerless in cut, fit and distingue sty le a t |y> a t a reasonable figure. j r CQPVIHSHt" tQANY, Leading X E W A r p . P * ’