The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

mm .i — an < **»' i For lxoell«eio« 0 « r Job Work w ill ownpar* w ith fSwtof nay other firm .. , . THIRTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 49 GEDARVJL2&, UNANIMOUSVOTE Encampment Set For Next June THEATRE NOTES. A t a meeting'of th e Un ited P res­ by terian congregation Monday a fte r noon, Rev. E . E . Robb a second y e a r s tud en t ot th e X en iaSem inary was given an unanimous vote. On th e nom inating ballot Rev. Robb received a majority#* votes over a ll th e other names which fore shadowed his election, ‘When the ballo t for election was takei? here* ceived 83 eufc.ef 112 votes. I t was then moved and seconded t h a t Rev, Robb b* given a unanimous vote, which was approved by a rising vote. ■,.■■■ ' The congregation h a s been w ith ­ ou t a p a sto r since th e resignation of Rev. O, H i Milligan, who Vas called to 'Avalon Fa., congregation, la s t Feb ruary . A number of prospective cand idates were heard bu t the con­ gregation ’could n o t make choice un til a fte r Rev. Robb preached Sab ­ bath . I t was apparen t a fter the m o rn ing sermon th a t the congrega­ tion was ready fop a vote. <= Rev, Robb comes from Washing­ ton . Pa., being a member of Rev Pressley Thompson's congregation Several years ago be decided to en­ te r the m in istry and had only attend ed. A lleghany Seminary a few weeks when tak en sick. Upon his recovery he.then decided to study law .and fo r a time was deputy county clerk* During th is time It is said th a t he was n o t satisfied with, h is work and by th e inflnence of Rev. Thompson was induced to en ter the X en ia Sem­ inary . While in Washington*he wUs superin tenden t th e Sabbath schools a n d performed considerable misson work th a t resu lted in bringing up the attendance of t h a t organization. The f a c t t h a t Rev. Robb lo r a sec­ ond tim e decided to en te r the m in­ is tr y and is given a call while in h is second y e a r is a tribu te th a t oomes to bufefew and should g rea t­ ly streng then him as to hav ing ta k ­ en th e proper steps towards h is life work . , . 3$»v„ Robb us m arried and has one The date for the S ta te Q. A. R . encampment h a s been s a t fo r June 14, lfi and 18 in Xenia. Is expecting to entertain themero- cers.of the encampment m a fitting manner. I t is certain th a t 15,000o r 20,000 people will be there th a t week The fac t th a t the O. 8. & S. O. homo is. located there and many have never seen th is' Instltitu tion , will be the means ot a ttrac tin g more members of the post than usual. >;Of , wg} JWft Grand Gold Medal Contest The g rand gold modal contest h e ld . a t th e Old Town Methodist under the auspices of the Greene County W. C. T. U, F riday evening was unusually enjoyable affair and an excellent program was rendered by the following: “ The B ridal Wine Cup” , Glenna B ryan o fJamestown “One of the fallen” Verna Bird,Ced a ry ille; “ Undressing L ittle R ed” , F a ith S traley , Jamestown ; “ The Court of L a s t appeal” Lucy Shaw, Clifton, “A defence of the D runk­ a rd ” , E lizabeth Finley, Xenia. To Miss. Shaw was awarded the medal which was presented by Rev. Mason of the P resby te rian church, Xenia, in a mpst clever add entertaining manner. Throughout the program music was rendered by a tp ta f te t of m ixed voices and several solos, . ‘Van Allen’s W ife” is the tills oi »new play in which Miss Fannie W ard will be a t the Fairbanks The­ atre , Spiagfield, Wednesday Deo, fc I t is the -work of Fo rrest Halsey and Leo A rthu r and the p lo t is found on an ineldon t in th e lif e of a famous American d iplomat whoso name for obvious m asons is w ithheld . The characters depleted are those o f men and women of good breeding in to whose circles circumstances force a young and handsome woman of the best instincts and tastes bu t who who has been a toy of the Fates, Happily m arried and th e mother of a child, her. life fa ils in to p leasan t paths. However, in the m idst o th e r contentment, she again becomes the p lay th ing of the unforseen and her former life, h ith e rto a secret to her husband and those whom she loves becomes revealed. She is forced out of h e r husband 's home and her ch ild ’s hea rt. Mips. W ard w ill be supported by a notable cast which includes H . Keeves-Smith, John W. Dean; E rro l Dunbar, Henry Duggan J a n e t S later, 'George Jackson and M argaret Fuller. Alabama Carried ByThe Wets „Th« election in the s ta te of Alaba­ ma, Monday as to an amendment of tb s constitution p roh ib iting the sal* m th e r«®git»d m a. Blanch’Walph w ill appear a t the Fairbanks Theatre Springfield on Satu rday , December 11th fo r two performances in her la te s t p lay 'T,ho Test” which I r said to b t the bet *of the many roles she portray­ ed. The story is th a to f a g irl of the tenements and gives’ Miss* Walsh an opportunity fo ra display of emo­ tional w-.-rk.for which she is greatly adm ired Probably no other actress on th e American stage is as well eq­ uipped as M iss.‘Walsh for a chat- cater presentation such as is assign­ ed h e r in “The T e st” as phe has made an exhaustible study of life in the tenements in New York City. The T e s t ” was orig inally produc­ ed in Gan Francisco and endhupias- tically endorsed bym osten thm daa tic audiences. P rom inen t th ea tric a l managers p re s e n ta t the production a ll ag reed t h a t , the woman on th e Amerioan stage beat suited for the ch a rac te r was Mis*, Walsh and affev nagotattojts, Miss-. W alsh took m m .'V r 'T j ia s to * w m i fterald. $ * * +* w* . | This item when marked with an i index, denotes that your *«b*ciip $ Sa past dno and a prompt seids.**, I most is earnestly d e s i r e d , ] LY, DECEMBER 3, J909 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. ■MUTiers W ith ib« t f l H w iater, come tb s in<fraa*#jnN ru ra l carri- «ra more ius A J H B w r , more to eol- ivet. ffo m iiSSH patrons still throw p e n n I ^ B | B& box loose, do- lay the u m m u H ^B » Ip almost to fresve hi* ffiHH HfftampH, stamp lx>oks a a d s r in jH H iv e lo p e s should bn purohasv il^H H v a n c e , and the mall should bwH ^H|When the ear- tin t arrive^, Jm I f a U p a t r e n H make a n ef- fore to boon K K the time' i t would be of ^m in ta g e to the ca rrie r. I f you w d & M H b e amount of daily papordv^M H post, cards, packages, m jm H papers (ha t (ihey hand le B e i t would «ur- prisoyon. The n ex t t k ^ 9 get ready to p u t pennies td ffH M F t loose th ink of tHineeeanu^W B p tn d hardsh ips you a re impofflH H r your carrier wlm makes B p f o r t todeliver you r mail om H B ^ a n d on time everyday , fao tlH B ffi^aln o r shine. JamestfflH ’apers Silidated The J a m « a | | H p o h r n a l and Greene C o n n ^ H ^B re ek ly p a p e re published m u d f l H s have been Consolidated J H B y name of the Greene O oun taW B f e w . S. Gal- vin & Son b < ^ |B HpiibiUshing the Jou rnal and HR '.R ake rlo tho Frees The W / k H p a f the Press goes to G o w H while the J amoato-wn-'^^H Company takes ovorbh«^ffl| B H b h a n io a l eq- uipment ZfxAJgM th a t pub- Ifcatlon t h o r i n H ... las ts> ft taken OF IL ESTATE. Merger Of Companies. DEATHOF Steve and E lla Cousins to 8 S. Dean 3 acres Iq New Ja sp e r tp fOOO* Yellow Springs Lodge No, 1970 Grand Union Order of Odd Fellows to Margaret A Bailey tra o tm Yellow- Springs $450. Sheriff to W illiam E . Davis,0.8 acres in Xenia tp , $830, Ham ilton and Angelina Church to George W. Church lo t in Jamestown $ 1 . Anna and F , C« Co ttrel to Carrie .Dickman lo t in Osborn $400. Martba;E. Baumgardner to George R obs 100 acres in Bath tp. $1. George and K atie P Ross to Frances M. Gross 82aoresin Bath tp, $ 1 , Sarah E , H u rst to Charles E . Birch tra o tm Yellow Sp rings$900. H a rrie t Ask James W l-i-ersham and George Ask Horace G. , /icker- Sham q u it claim to throe lo ts in Spring Valley $80, \ Joshua Stine to Gertrude Coy, %, of an.acre in Beavercreek tp,, $1 WANTED. Young lady of good address and stand ing to so licit accounts lo r col­ lection from dootors, m ilk men den tists and merchants in Greene county, Balary or commission. S teady employment and quick re­ turns, Address a t once . American F iducial Co. Ashtabula, O. During the pa st few weeks there have been a number of telephone companies merged under one m ana ­ gement. While the independent companies overrth e state, the claim is made th a t the Bell people will not ye t have a manopoly on the business. * E a ste rn , dipatches gives the in ­ formation th a t thV Boll in terests have acquired control of th e W est­ ern Union Telegraph Company and these companies w ill bo operated and crone management. The Home Telephone Company of Dayton has been sold to Columbus parties and the Sdringfleid-Xenia company is about to pass under the control. of Toledo cap ital. W hatever deals a re made the Ced­ arville Telephone Company will not likely be included as the owners are in no combination andhave operat­ ed independent! A t present Oedar- vilie has the best l*mg distance ac­ comodations of apy town in this section of the state. While we have only one company we can get the service with the Boll people or U n it­ ed S ta tes long -distance. Neither Bell nor Independen t patrons in otherpiaces have such arrangement. ftti«ttmattc Pain* relieves hjr use < >r. UU m ' duntj-Pain PUlfc, *6 dosea U Urn j Grand Army veterans of Colum­ bus have sta rted a movement to have a il Confederate flags destroyed or snppresecl. They w an t a sta te flaw allowing the burn ing of the 12 flags in the sta te house relic room, and a fed e ra l law p roh ib iting the unfurling of Conferate flagB any whore in the country. Death came Modnay to Mr. And­ rew Carson a t the home o f‘Mr. J . (*, Georgo where he was taken a couple of weeks ago. suffering w ith b ladd ­ e r trouble. The deceased was the son of Mar­ t h a McMollum and Joseph C s ik u j and was born in Ire land in 1834 be­ ing in his 76th year. In 1840 be canto to th is country w ith his parents a u l settled m th is vicinity. Two sie tfjs Margaret and H anna departed scl eral years ago. He is survived by two brothers Joseph, of 111, and James, of Sptlngfleid and a eictf *, Mrs. Ma ry Evan s oJ Sterling K an ­ sas, The deceased unUed-'wUh the R. P. church (O. S.) before the civil war. . . . ■ and lived a devoted Christian life The funeral services wove held from the Georgo homo Wednesday afternoon, Rev, J . Mills T&ylor bav- . ing charge of the services. He was assisted by Dr. McChesney and Rev. W ,E . P u tt and Rev. Evans of K ansas City. / Bu rial took place a t Massies Creek Ceinetry. : POST CARDS FREE. Send me six cents in stam psand I will send you postage paid, free, 10 beautiful ‘‘Remembrance” Post Cards,’p rin ted in ttmnycolors. This offer good only to farm folks. Ad­ dress, James^Slocnm, 940 Majestic Bldg.. Detroit, Mich, >v jtm ■W 55 f !.»■* (W at * or O jho , Crrr, or routoo, 1 _ L ucas Couarv . j * PiUKKJ. Cmuonr make* oath that he is Mcior partner of the firm of F, J, Carat? A CO., oo'ag basiWM* iw the dty of Toledo, •ounty, end state afofeaH, «»id tlmt said fftrm will pay the sums VNf! HtINDRBD DOLLkttS for each »,yary odso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H aul ’ s C atarina C ork , FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to beforeme and aabeertbed in my this Oihday of December, A, p* preaenco, 1886. 1 0 A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public iidw tai The temperanoe people in t h a t sta te jnet like oth e s t a t e s , have be­ come Indiffeten t owing to insincer­ ity w ith so m any connected w ith th e cause. i Then A labama h a s failed to en­ force the local option laws. C ities and towns voted dry and then elect­ ed “ wetf” officials to >enforce the laws. The A labama election should be a warning to Ohio, though discour­ agem en t should ho t arise over one defeat- Hall'i Catarrh Cure la token internally, Mid idle directly on the blood and hircoub mrfecesof the system, fiend for testimoni­ al*, free. WISTERMAN’S Deams Meat Smoker Saves tim e, money and worry no smoke house, no fire, no m eat to bu rn or spoil. H a s been on th e m a rk e t for ten years and used by thousands of consumers. P u t up in q u a rt bottlfcs, one of which is enough for an o rd inary bu tch ­ ering. Prices 73c also small bottles for 10c, I t gives the fine flavor of smoke w ithou t destroy­ ing the delicate m e a t flavor or harden ing the m ea t which a fire is likely to do. I t keeps it b e tte r and prevents the a tta ck s of insects and mold. Can be applied w ith a brush, rag o r sponge *satisfaction guar- an ted . F u rth e r info rm ation a t drug­ sto re. Cedarville, 0. ■While workmen were excavating f o r a p e ic e o f m ach inery In one of the shops a t the pen iten tiary , a full Bizoci skeleton was found. I t is th o tig h tth c bones are those of the firs t victim of cholera which killed 137 prisoners la te In the 40’s. The lecture of Robert A rthu r E l- wood will bo 1‘Whaii tho Doctor Said” , An unfolding of lifes oppor­ tun ity and an encouragement to all in the strugg le onward, Opera House n ex t Tuesday evening Dee. 14. LEGAL NOTICE. Case No. 12431, Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, Sarah H ill, Plaintiff, va. Edward H ill, Defendant. 33dward H ill, residence unknown* w ill take notice t h a t oh the 20th day of October, 1909, said Sa rah Hill filed in the Common P leas Court, of Greene County, Ohio, her peti­ tion for divorce aga in st him the same being upon the grounds of w ilful absence fo r pioto th an thre» years and gross neg lect of duty, an il th a t tho same will be for h ea r­ ing a t tho Court House, m Xenia, Ohio, on December 13th, 1909, a t 9 O’clock a. m* b y which timo defen­ d a n t m ust answer or demur to said petition or judgment m ay bo taken ag a in st him. 401. (Signed) Sarah H ill w i» ft&Mto m a m * fiwr ton* in ‘'Tk* Test” th is season. Jury Out Ten Minutes. E d . B lack aliaB E v e rh a rt on the charge of ho rse stea ling from Wm. Conley of tho Reid farm near Cedar- ville was again a rraigned before Judge Kyle F rid ay and a fte r a de­ liberation of 10 m inutes the ju ry re­ turned the Verdict of “ gu ilty” . Black was found gu ilty a t the firs t tria l weeks ago and th e second trail was the resu lt of a jno tion made by the defendants attorney on the grounds th a t the value of the hors* was no t s ta ted in the verd ict of the jury. w WANTED : A good farm and diary Uand, Bell ’phone C98-4. J . W. M iller, Treheins I t is sta tsd th a t several a ttem p ts h avebeenm ade to wreck th e Jam es­ town elevato r owned by George A E rvin. A to n e time a wrench wen t through causing g re a t damage to m ach inery . O ther pieces of metal have been found and i t is though t th a t certain parties have been guilty of malicious destruction of property FOR SALE ;—A cem en t block machine and moulds lo r several k inds of work. Also house moving outfit, pulleys, ropes, etc. Apply to A. D. Townsley. Jefforsonsonvilic and Yellow Springs a re following Cedarville’* lead and are preparing for electric lights. The former village will got power from W ashington C. H . while the la tte r has contracted witlu- fhe jCodarvilfe- L igh t and Power Uom- i pany, Wo notice th a t Mr, H . 11. jGaillgher is in charge of the wirihg In Jeffersonville. twffiag* rS l**& Friday and i of Springfield Friday. held Sal* m Saturday. RaymmsH was a v isitor W. B. Ftfitag and XL M. Pence Pennsylvania Ownpany affinals of Cincinnati Were the guests of J , J . Negus iaarweek Mr.and Mr* Earl Rost ot Pitts­ burg Mr. and Mr*. Melvin Bruce of Springfield were the Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. Baumgardner Eliis Elder Sbandan Wyo,, was the guest of his brother Robei t Elder Friday laat. Mr. and Mra-'J. W, Soandland spent ThankegiviagatWeet Carroll­ ton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Miss. Lillie Morris will spend her vacation a t Oxford. --------- ?— — : —HOUSK FOR RENT : Inqu ire of o . L . Sm ith a t .th e Exchange Bank. Buy a Christmas Prweeftt for jrour Sweetheart a t T h e ’Home Clothing Company. Osborn is to have ano the r bank known a s th e \F irs* National Bank’ and M, L. F innell will be president and O. B. Kauffman former county treasurer* w ill be enabler. The K , of P. lodge h a s rented the largo hall in the Barber block over Townsley’s grocery and will occupy it as soon a s some improvements are made. E ve r sinao the ledge Was or­ ganized meetings have been held in tho I . O.O. F . hall. Messrs. H. M. Mardook and C lay­ ton McMillan went to Ken tucky Monday ex i*etfng to purchase a couple ca r loads o f feeding cattle. They did not care to take chances on buying ca ttle from stock yards, so they went Into the. Blucgrass country to parehaee direct. » r. Miles’ Antl-Pafn p ills relieve OMn. For h**d*rt»* X* warn* Anti P*in P llK i ng to $18.00 “before' absolutely F R E E a handsome Kitchen Set consist­ ing of Nine ( 9 ) Pieces, same is on exhibition in our windows. XMAS PR-ESE.NTS W e have on display the most handsome Xmas presents in Cedarville, for men, consisting of leath- er collar bags in all colors, traveling sets, fine neck­ wear, suspenders and fancy hosiery-packed in indi­ vidual Xmas boxes, “Pearl” buckle belts, Fine Mufflers, Belt and Watch Fob Combinations, Fine Cuff Links, Scarf Pins and many other appropriate presents. W e are also having made for our special order a fine line of Ladies and Gents’ Umbrellas. Ladies! Come in and buy a present for your Sweetheart HOME C L O T H I N G COMPANY, £ “The Quality Store 99 $ New Bank Block, Cedarville, Ohio. The Newsalt Jewelry House Thfe F ines t of its kind In*the^State of 6 hio for fine DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND STERLING SILVERWARE CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STR EET , - « - * * - * * DAYTON, OH IO . ‘f l 0