The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52
O u r Ex ten sive Holiday Goods Are now on display* Your choice of the following useful and serviceable Xmas gifts for men and boys: Hats Collars Hosiery Cardigan Jackets Underwear Gauntlet Gloves Pocket! iyok,: Mufflers Suit Oases Caps Jewelry Sweaters Bath Kobes Leggins Dress Gloves Collar Bags Silk and Ways Muffllets Shirts Neckwear Suspenders Smoking Coats Fur Gloves Umbrellas Hanhkerchiefs Fancy Vests Trunks and Valises Visit Our Store Before Buying Elsewhere; Sullivan, The Hatter, Springfield, Ohio. 21S, Limestone street, CHAS.A.GUMFS ..RUBBER HOUSE., 31-33 East Second street, Dayton, Ohio. When you want first-class Rubber Goods, give us. a cell. The majority of our Rubber Goods are made to our order, and are of better quality than you can f nd elsewhere. Ho i Water Bags, Fountain Syringes, Bulbs, Abdominal Supporters, Appendicitis Belts, Uterine Supporters, Trusses, Crutches, Tubing, Crutch Tips, Jockey Strops, Hard Rubber Syringes, Bubber Gloves, Rubber Mittens, Atomisers, Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, Leggins and Anklets, Ankle Supporters, I Bedside Tables, Back Bests, Invalid Beds, Bolling Wheel C h a irs,' Commodes, Bed Bans, Urinals, Invalid Rings, Air Cushions, W ater and Air Beds, Pillows, Sanitary Covers, Nursery Sheet ing, Rubber B ust Caps, Oolen and Rectal Tubes, Ice and Bath Caps, Rubber Aprons, Rubber Bands and Sleeves, Ladies’ Syringes, Fmgef Cots, Folding Bath Tubs, Areh Instep Super- tors, Telephone Receiver Cushions, Etc. m *M 8 , PLATES* and «dl kinds ofPhoto ' l a v t Tvmkl^Has# Ball and Gymnasiam Outfits. Leather and Rubber Belting, Packings,'Waste, Soresw ‘Wit*, Laos le a th e rs , Hose and H ill Supplies, BUBBER HEELS, BEST HADE. Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Poles, Reels, Rets, Campiag Beds. Snag Proof and Gold Seat Bubber Boots and Overshoes outwear anyother make, RUBBER and OIL CLOTHING. Do Your Christmas Buying Here. Tin? most for the money is characteric o£ the "Anderton" store, Wether you purchase dr not we are pleased to have you come in and examine our stock, We carry the beat makes in both Filled and Solid Gold Wat* cilesTincluding Waltham, Elgin, Hamilton, etc, Complete line d£silver bags. Ji Pew Suggestions D:ann*atls Rings Watches Bracelets Lockets Brodies Lavaliers Fobs Emblem Charms MilitaryBrushes Toilet Sets Silverware ANDERTON 6 SON, 1.3 Jf. Mam S t Dayton, Ohio. 7 mtm In Planning to Purchase Christmas Presents Do no t overlook the fa c t th a t i t is im portan t to purchase art ENTERING GIFT. T h e nam e T iJFMMVon the jewelry boxes signifies quality. There is nothing as nice for Christmas as something in the way of Jew.elry-^a diamond, a watch, spoons, a dock, silverware, cut glass and the almost endless variety of attractions found in a first-class jewelry store. This store has the Largest Stock to select from in its history. Everyt-lieng up-to-date. Many novelties to enlist your Attention. Avoid the rush incident to the last days before Christmas. Come now and make your selection. Take advantage of two important things- Ample Time and a complete stock. Th is is the place fo r R ea l Bargains. Engraving Free, The Tiffany Jewelry Store, Sou th Detroit S t , *mtm L Hija'iufifiMti ihAMleti XENIA, 0. THEmSTITUTE. IWednesday, 9:30 a. m, MUSIC. Invocation. Music........... WUberforc* Quartette “Com Raising" ......Solomon Johnson, Stryker, O. d is c u s s io n : “ I ly Experience with Farm Me- 0. W. Burlingame, Sharon, Ohio. MUSIC. DISCUSSION. Wednesday, / p. m. MTISfC. 'Analysis and Application of Com mercial FertUizere” .,.........—....... ........... ............:. S. W. Burlingame* “ Symptom* and Pretention of Tn ■berculoslB” ........ ........................ ___ V. E . Michael, Clifton, Ohio. MUSIC. “Twenty Years w ith Oats, Solomon Johnson. make this store headquarters for your Thursday, 9:30 a . m. Invocation. . MUSIC. “Tile Drainage'*...........i........... . . ..... ... „ .... ........' ...... Solomon Johnson. “Farm Management" Wm, M. Cook, Experimental S ta tion. Wooster, Ohio. MUsro. “ geo** Things I Saw a t th« Lstor* a a tlsa tl",.....,^.,......-.... ................... W. A. MeDorman, Selma, Ohio. “How We Grow Cloves and Why*' .............. ..... :.„..0* W. Burlingame. Thursday, / p, m. MUSIC. “Mixed Farming"............. .............. Solomon Johnson, “Economical Dork Production"... . ............. .William M. Cook. **»**«M»f*h Question Bex.......... J , H . Stormont. “How We Make Poultry Pay"... . .................—...8. W. Burlingame. MUSIC. muswitl* Paine fttfsto* *7 «0s- * as. mbs * wtawsc•«* LEGAL NOTICE. Serena Wilson, Plaintiff, vs. James Wilson,. Defendant. No. 18874 In Common Pleas Court, Grssue County, Ohio. > James Wilson, residence unknown will take notice th a t on ihe 4th day of December, 1900, Serena Wilson filed In said court her petition against him for divorce upon ths grounds of gross neglsot of duty and fraudulent contrast, and th a t the same will be lor. hearing a t the Court House, Xenia, Ohio on Jan uary 15, 1810, er as soon thereafter ae the same can be heard, by which time defendant must answer or de mur or judgment w ill he taken against him. id (Signed) Serena Wilson, You should aoo our lino of ohil* dron’o high out ohooa. Blank, Brown nod Rod toon $2.00, *2.60, *3.00 and *3,50. Koyos and Nosbltt, North Dotrott, St. Xenia, grata or Onto, Cm or roivae,i M liCcasCooatx j m EmS #* J. CaaNSt w *) ms oath that ht in MMkiepsrtnsr el U» Aria otP. J. Cm*** M On, S«<»«tasiasMio the city ofTOtsdc, •omiV* saaetstfs sfortoH, Hat eti4 ffina vflll f*r th« *«»*Olf* HT1KBRXD DOLLAR*lor seek mtsty mm of OskMrk S cannot be satod by lb* tun oi BstV* iesMCSSS, rt.k%% $. URKAKY, Sworn to bsfotome and subscribed in my ursiswc*. tbto(hhd«y ofDsoetabsr, A, It* H ii , A. W. OMCASOtt, | smmi | Kotsry Public jfsU’s Oebwtb rars k taken infernally «»i sets Baeetiy oti «»*Wood and b»*em*» IHWBPIw vMr 1 WPP PflwWemi aPeW IrU* V f gkfw more Kew Clever Items for Gifts at Popular Prices than you have ever had to choose frem, You are cordially invited to visit this Great Holiday Display. S H o liday S S S S S S i S S s GIFT FURS Chii&sen’s Far Bets, Muffs and Scarfs................|8.7« to $6.75 8«*rfs....................* ...................... *1.50 to $20.00 Wmttsa’s Muffs.................. ................................. *1.05 to $ 20.00 Wartaa's Fur Hats................................ ........................... $5.00 m m SILK PETTICOATS, For blaok......................-............... ............ ^ Boxed Hosiery for Gifts X sn 'i Silk Lisle Hose 4 colors, assorted to the box.......$1.00 Fancy Hose, 4pair, assorted patterns and colors ftbox...................... ........ :............... - .................. $ 1.00 'Weftrem** Silk LisleHoss, &pair to a box $1.00 Weneen’a Fine embroidered Bilk Lisle hose 2 pair.........$1,00 Women's Pure Silk Hose, Plain,................... $1.00, $1.50, $2,00 Wom*u’« Pure silk Embroidered Silk Hose $2.00, $2i50and $3.00 Brass Novelties for Gifts* Hammered Brass Trays round and o?al shapes.......... 25o Brass Singer Bowls,,.......................................... ............. «5o Brass Ferneries fi.r® to.................................................. $5.00 Brass Smoker Sets..,,.... Z ................... ........ ...................... $2.00 Bras* Nut Bowls $1.25 to..................................................$1.75 Era** Card Trays............................................................B0c CqkGlass Nappies, $1.00 t o ..... $1.85 (jpNMass ia Bowls....................... .... ......... ............... ........ $2.75 Cub Glass Tumblers................ ...... ....................... ...... ....... $1,00 Out Glass Celery Dishes....... ................................ ........... $8.00 Boxed Waist Patterns for Gifts Fine New Whito Goods In W aist Lengths, plain and figuied goods, boxed and tied with Holiday ribbons 69c 75c 89c Plaid Silk W aist Patterns, boxed in Holiday i j* i \ boxes, a t Women’s Silk Scarfs Large sizes, Silk Hemstitched. all the New Colorings.... ,.50o Women's Handsome Figured Silk Scarfs, choicest coIorB..SWc Silver Toilet Articles Handsome Toilet Sets, Mirror, Comb and Brush, boxed a t..... ...................... ............................................................. *«.oo Silver Toilet pieces, to matoh a t per piece.,..,..;.....................25e Men's Military Sets, sliver............... .......... ........... $8.50 and $5 Jewel Boxes, silver......... ................................ .. ............ *0o BUver H a t Brushes.......................................... . .................,$8.00 H a t P in Holders..................................................................... Fancy Ribbons for Gifts 100pieces assorted Fancy Ribbons, In widths ^ te 6 inches Wide, ligh t and dark colorings, priced a t about half the real values 25c 39c 50c Narrow Holiday Ribbons, per bolt, IQ yards.. Plain white Taffeta Ribbons for H a ir Bows, ..lQo 10c 15c 20c Handkerchiefs for Gifts. Women's French Hand Embroidered, very new and hand some, 25c and,... ....................................... ........................... boo Women’s Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c, 16c, 25o, 50o, 76o a n d ........................... :...........!............................................... $1,00 Women’s In itia l Handkerchiefs 15c and...,................. ....... ,25o Men's Initial Handkerchiefs. I2^c, lBo and,..,............. ......25c Children's boxed Handkerchiefs 8 to a box.....................-..10c Boxed Neckwear 7 Mallne Bows, Embroidered Stocks, Lace Collars, Tailored Stocks, 25c and ........ ............. ..........................................:..,;.60c Holiday Stickers and Tags Endless selection, for Dennison’s per package.................. 10c MEN’S and WOMEN’S BATH ROBES FOR GIFTS Made up from handsome Bath Robe Blankets, in large se lection of patterns and oolora........... .........,..$3.50, $5-00 $5.95 Bath Robe Blankets, to he made up............ ...... . .. ......... ,.$1,50 Women’s Dressing Savques and Kimonas... ,.„.50o, $1,00, $1,60 Jobe B ro th e rs & Co., XENIA, O. L. & n . HYMAN iT sm m tom d t b ia t y q v " * HAVE PREPARED AGrandChristmas Sale O ffe ring Rare Opportunities for Economical Buyers. Tremendous price reductions in fine, latent models. Ladies’ and Misses* Tailored Suits and Coats* — ---------------------------------------------- 1 11 - .....-...- ■--- ............ - | - ' . ..................................... Special low prices in Ladies Fine Furs. Deep Cuts in high grade Ladies’ Skirts and Waists. Great mark down in the very beet Men’s and Soys’ Suits Overcoats and Cravanettes. A saving of 50 per cent in Men’s and Boys fine Trousers. For Holiday Gifts Come and look at our handsome display of Ladles’ and Misses’ Men’s and Boys’ Sweater Coats, Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Caps, Suspenders, Mufflers, Ladies and Men’s Heckwear Men’s Fine Dress Shirts, Men’s, Boys’ and Ladies Gloves and Handkerchiefs. You will not be im* portuned to buy, Any article purchased in this store, not satisfactory, cheerfully exchanged or Money refunded. The Best Place in Greene county to Do Your Shopping. COPVRICHT •MWKMMyc« Railroad fare paid to Customers buying $to.oo ■worth or over. L. © M. MYMAN, SV E r. Mate etrait, LftSlftft* s a d Milk** (h ttiittk ti, Xvato. Ohio d i ■*4
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