The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52
t?■b a ll ■nd ys tup atin 13,98 lug, .98ov,. Irer ..»So i 23c ,25o ilcs ..09c io $1 ».00 ASC . s in ..98o 73c ) 23c ?£5o jfing ' Rd$, ...130 i.i8C tcks, ,..98o jr in i 25e lera, $1.00 ■rush ,$1,23 . 'dors, ...00c i' ,.,.45e ..75c ten’ s in ed , hiefs lery, Suits i on o f every never goods low er tjisnm B IER if. tVLbcd, A? S' 35,.rfwt. W. !’ tuJcC ,U‘ CJ u f„ ».,£■; fJW iE.cMLJLra!; /CO53T0J to ?«mi§f4 E& m C obo * O w Job W>*rk wU2 =»oe»pore w ith </ any other firm gy*'ga? se^Mfu. TH IRTY -SECOND YEAR su. 72 ffhe 'Geda Merald, fiT % "'f-i ib »'T« 4with *»$ ^ i '/>, , ( i , "f stiiST >§ui r r* ^ 13 r ;t *rgt * present at* 6 r d. 7 .0c ! y d p * , r * t f , 5 -vr- i- 'K I iA I iV I I x O ; , OHIO , >A^s InXi'.MliKii 21 , l‘Jo 5 PR ICE $1.60 A YEAR , IKSPECTm Knight’s Open NewHall. SABATHSCHOL gives cum. - VI® Kniguts of Pythias ledge| . « 1 vnrt.aml Afe. John |h®3 opened their new hall formerly I <j»hp CJiriBtjnos •cantata, **U©Jyj Grand roJiunhus Tuesday j IkiyinT l*nO and IB give an in«I xight” given by the U. I*. Habbarh! January * ........ 'riie * Dr. J. <>, Ht _ Pierce w» iv. in f-n mb K i l ;i(■Bav r hail where they mer Mr, Suitor of the j vitation dancu Ohrhstmas eve. Smfor M „l«,ri‘ttr Company. <dove-"hall kb-5 hern <, ' ! and a hard maple flour laid, mail Mr. Siiiior funk thogvifflunen to fi!i6’ ^ o ::0 tin* largest and best th.» fire department where two off'lancing floors in the country. The idit machines are in Hieei esfr.l oper- jlodge has taken over several other ation. Tht* is one of the best proofs; amall rooms on the somo floor Ihat that the machine is a success for if jw ili bo used for entertainment it was »mt, the department would *purposes, have some other make, price being a small consideration. The gentlemen saw where the company had gome of thtdr parts made in Columbus ami also invt sti- gated Mr. Huitor’s business-qual ifications. rI1i | ,j4,;iGC,] i09t Monday evening was ■njarged, ropapemi 1presented In a very'pleasing man* tier Vile rostrum had been enlarged to accommodate the largo chorus and special decorations added to the appearance of the church. The chorus was under the leader I Oglesheo nhipof Miss Vera Miss Helen the piano. The chorus wars well drilled and the colas by tho little folks were well rendered, William Kyle, Dor othy Ogiesbee and Florence Smith having these parts. A duet by Misses Olivo Winter and Esther Townsloy and a trio by MissesMao and petit term of drawn as follows: Ilitlncr, Miami ip.’d Now Jixsf cr: M. J. J. M. Ford Xenia Stevenson t’cdari Olossinger, X( uia fington Bilvercrat Buckles Xenia 2d • ,vi>;i„ jams Xenia 4fh Bpencer worn oxccllont. During the cantata a largo class of ,v*v.ting men seated in the balcony responded to tlm Superintendent, F. P, Hastings, with scripture reading. „ , ,, Diehard Carlo will soon bo at the Mr. 1iorca who is well acquainted,Faxpbanlia Theatre Springfield with the tlu oroticalaK well as ^ :Wednesday, December.29th m his practical working of an auton obilo ; vr-yy best vehicle *Mary*s Lamb” , Turbos, Grace Boelclcy and Ethel states that the two-cycle engine 1With his usual excellent company a» arranged by Mr. Suitor is a t*uc-:Gf {y girls and catchy songs, cess. The lines of the machmo iu|‘ *Mary*.a Lamb in its orignal general give it a sfnking appear-, French state was a force ontitlcd ance. Tim machine was tested on].“ Time Mongodm” . Adaptec! by the the. hills and develops an ubun- editor of Punch it became ‘'Mi's, dance o f power. 1Ponherbury’s Past” aful as such' There are several of ibe Suitor was produced'- to America ■ several ycaraitgO.' Bichatd.Garlo lias' gone hackagainto the orignal French and made:.ahiltxjfal dhaftslataod ,bf of the fares. Be fakes the parj of Leandor Lamb tho henpecked bus- hdnd;v!«c|' givhs Mtim^voiyi' vp ,; portum ty• ii£d:|ias •.ShCh'lieth before in the part and those who saw him before will be more than anxious to see him, again. machines it) Columbus and they have a good reputation for durable bllity. Notice To TelephonePatrons. The employees of the Cedarville Telephone Company w ill bo given the usual Holiday this year, Christ- mas,- and the exchange will be < losed that day between the hours of nine in tho morning until six in the evening. -■ CedgrvillB Telephone Od. READTHIS. Cedarville Defeats Lebanon Team. ijktlCiSOViT presided atjBoirson, Silvorcrw 1inson Sllvorercek Jefferson Tp: Geo Bath f GeorgeH . S ■. Pd it'-J ,A .'M eM Tp.; Daniel. Trootl Daniel Baker Miam Dathj J, B. Cummin Levi Tippy Bath; O' Cedarville Tp.? J Jefforson ,;Tp . ? w Xenaa 1st ward :W. 3rd ward; B. C ley Tp,;,Harry,Eet Wilson Bath|John j , j^Trotn-Xedia.^ Masofl Hiiyhrcreek; Caesatcjfeok* Th.t, meet January #?%*• |nary 3, r«r» f< r the ,J ),• t n »d John ir,| rVC. Pli'fglS, ; XniiaTp.:* Hard. W. b , ; T j».; f r a ,: |A. A. Whit-. Arthur M ., h K. M. W ib ; Pd; <'hrney i 'arr* n Boh. j %n A. \"onng| Pimm-Tman, | Cedurville. 'I Crdarvillci Jgltv«ircrcek;. fm. luirrouaj iactoinneek;| toe Stuckey: Gerard jr. Umendick; Ball Xenia j [Spring Val-f Itaiui: fl. \Y, I 5; Isaiah! ?L, Wcaver| Jury wilt| rt imy Jau .1 Tho Lebanon University basket team met trierlocal college in Alford Memorial lust Friday night, the the homo boys winning by a score of 61to 18. The visitors were unable If long wear Influences you in to make a goad showing, the purchase o f Boys5 school, shoes, you w ill buy the Amer ican Boy at Keyes and NisbetUs/ North Detroit S t,, Xenia. Mr. D. H. McFarland and wife left Thursday for Tennessee ..where they expect to spend tile winter, It is probable that Mr. McFarland will locate there if lie can find N 0 l7 # j . X have opened » Xenia Ave. where b<M hudby the week dayj ecus treatment gu&ri News' dispatches announced the marl A. Hutchison ,S* John A. Harnard formerly of this place but fora numberof years town IV *:” *1 Ihin clerk in Xenia,fp. and by tue of this office clerk of tho tawn-{ -‘ ® „* w ship school board retires from office the firstof the year* In recognition for hi^i services on tho part of the township teachers he was present ed a'solid gold waieh chain last to K . dnilh, vmir iunpokrinHon is *«omrthmg to *suifc Mm. He h ^ i Friday alternoon. Prof. Bo doubt your subsenp i 8f. I hr liousehold koodh in P » iv - ir rn.wfn«i: ciiTterinfendi.v D. ontonsome paper or magazine w |*tored hi*houwbold«<»»<&in D hv - 1Crawford; superintendent« of the Meri* have employment, "Mr. ton where Ms daughters, Letl^v*t!ifi |township schools presented the gift. w ill be soon I send for a ll magazines and per* you can e&ve money. h i T » , u _____ . . . ___u , ..... McF»r-. Give!^*^*^***1^ r*ntf 1^ 1 ^ r' and Mrs,,. Elmer WaddJ at the bride’ s Ber. Hutchis his first wlfuj of this pl»ipe| erki year* ag£. James Hutchison with Mr. and Mm. The tfc*r ffaurant on ling i-fttj hv teakC. nrf- (d. flea Harris, iiftys ago ■pf ,Ucv. B, try of 1 lse W « ,vU. IK {B. . , ling Thsmlay. ibmvu here Mary Orr di«‘d Key- Master, in'! home’ [err. te iv- FAjSv#r. W e have been the means of helping scores to decide what would be an excellent and desirable Xmas gift for Father, Grandfather, Little Brother, Sweetheart or Friend, It is a pleasure for us to show our goods. Come in and let us show them to you. Just a Few Suggestions Suits, finest quality.and tailoring, - $9,90 to $25 Overcoats, latest “nifty ones” , - $7*50 tp $22 Hats, Soft Felts and Derbies, - j 50c to $4.00 W h y not get him a new Suit or Overcoat? W e have a complete assortment of Neckwear, Sus penders, Belts, Belt and Fob combinations, and Sus pender, Arm Band and Sox Supporter combinations, air in Xmas boxes at - - 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 Collar Bags, TravelingSets, Mufflers, Scarf Pins, anda Very FineLine of LadiesandGent’s Umbrellas—Come inand SeeUs! HOME C lothing Co., 8d T. X. Tarbox. ‘ ted by the former. foldat their home Monday. , Hon, George Little 13 in New; York on a bu*iue»* trip thi* week*1 „ „ , ... 1 Gat * “Wear-Well” Hint at Try Marshall for fresh candies-'. ^jpom^ Clothing Company; ! charged that Blaek atol« $72 worth! j of clover from John and Mnr- The ;r!s Taylor-on the night o f Scptem-j ber 13. 1 I T h e D eW e e s e= B id lem a n Co.» s ’ . . ’ H The Daylight Store, 8& 10E. Thiid Stret, Dayton, Ohio., i Wi l l Begin the People’s Greatest Cost and' ft ft ft * ft J! ft ft ft ft ft ft ft S Clearance Sale on MondavMorning, January 3 rd, R. A. DeWEESE ------- — IN CONNECTION WITH THE DeWEESE-BIDLEIHAH CO. --------- ---- 8and 10East Third Street,Dayton, Ohio. Will Begin the People’s Greatest Cost and Clearance Saleof Shoes MONDAY, JAN U AR Y 1 3, 1910! FIRST FLOOR. Brest Goods . Velvets..... Calico, Ginghams Muslins 'raids Linens Towling l.'Msimeres . Fascinators Htnuery. . cost- cost .. .at cost east .. .at eirsit east . at east . at ccst at east .at cost Silks ..... (dothe. ...... ITiealrfi.... . GhirUiigi. . Napkstifj , . . Fiassuels. Gloves.,....... Mufflers.... Uorsnta ..... . . at cunt ... at cost , at- coot .,.. at eoifc . at coat . at cost at coot . a t east cast .. at cost immamtaSiMfc£M* SECOND FLOOR ITN DT5RVVBAR LARGEST ST0CK-THE GREATEST VARIETY IN DAYTON Mia'* f ndenrear . at uM Chi Wien’s rnclerwearat. east i*ad»^* I■nd#rwear. at e&st Sfea’s colored shirts. at cost Itnulta Underwear . atc^st Men's White Hijirfs afct-osfc Bed Hpread* . .... uf cost tnvtatte, rmhrellao . .at cost Th» <>i«brat«il McCall Patterns . .... at tost We ar* «xc imW i agents for the Oelebratod McCall Patterns* THIRD FLOOR, OVERSTOCKED Misses’ and Children's,.... Drosses ........ at coot Latltoa Dreon okirlo .atcost Ladi-’oWrappers.... at coat Infants-Wear... ... at cose Traffics’ Buits...........flt cost Ladles walking skirl6,.af *i(^t Ladies Jackets. &/,eosl cost Ladles Silk, Woolen and Wash Waists . We are exclusive agents fvr the celebrated Wobltex Ladies Ready»to«Wear Garment* in Suit*! Skirts, and Jackets, FOURTH FLOOR, Immense Line of CARPETS, CUR- TAINS, ETC. Uarpots ................... at coat Huf ;a ...................... ftt vast Lftco Coftam •...... atcosb Oil Window «hado3...... at coat, llv/oopM* .. . ul Draperies............ ......atcost Forfk-i-*.'s .. .. com Blankets........ cost Matting* . . at cost Comforts... ............. .at eosfc Womens Shoes at Cost Women’s Slippers at Cost Women’s Rubbers at Cost Men's Shoes at Cost Men’s Boots at Cost Men’s Rubbers at Cost Boys’ Shoes at Cost Boys’ Rubbers at Cost Misses’ Childrens’ and Infants1Shoes at Cost Log ins , Polish and Findings at Cost One thing you can depend on, i£ yon want good, honest stylish footwear this is the place to buy. Our goods are the product of the foremost manufac turers in the country and the best that money can buy. All odd Jots at less than half price. Don’t miss this sale, a rare oppor tunity to buy Good all Solid Leather Shoes for little money. Don’t forget, every article in our store, from the First to the Fourth floor, W I L L B E S O L D A T CO ST , and many goods to close out at almost your own price. R E M E M B E R , The People’s Greatest Cost and Clearance Sale will begin on M O N D A Y M O R N IN G , J A N U A R Y 3,1910. In this department you will find the most up-to-date shoe stock in the city. :r. A T P f l Q T ----------------- - — J t S l X v / V / O X $30,000 Worth of Solid Leather Shoes E v e r y P«dr a t Cost « Noth ing R e s e rv ed R A T fc " • M T 'I P I P (TKU * • jtj L * M J C t W J E jX lv v ^ X L * IN 8 and 10 East Third Street, Dayton, Ohio. CONNECTION WITH T.,I DeWEESE-BIDLEMAN COMPANY. V '** I
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