The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

Q i £ 0 W * y t t£l > VHP ITIVILW'], 41111*)-. W $ £, t > j re u? Y o ia FATR^^Ani: »s<l promfco oarofulmul prompt* atfonrinn t * r l l !<(•" -isj- j toli'ii^M'ii 4 .* "H m jnri< S;o C h ild r en kvs or Strr:' eiffrr^ lie prescribes m alcoholic infcnfc f o r c k k h a n . H j v ;H p * l % s a y , " V e r y , v e ry f o ....j M d r e n .lfo_J2A j Z M X l y d t o NKW Y04U K5A5 5 sad BANK *<»*• The chonpeiit a vemoafc wo y to* t> m all.. c CEiOKRS^ .il>:it l‘!IU~ lisuuiL-y by |h vv g.„foa lie prescribes a tome for them. He will pro JaMv aniwvvr, “Verv, verv frequently/5 Then ask him flabout Ayer’s non-alcoholic garsaparilla as a tonic for the h voansi. FoIfmvhisadvice. Heknows, Jx^mfCSZJC^MMaS. '' ——---- --------------- ^ - ^ - ■•■ awB tgp ” *3 '"*"* '—mm— msmmm —^ winsst e w B iiJti iti Urufih \ M a t’*f a t I h f r y w ,^ * ? ,# f» r# |> |ff> BiWJjfJrel t 'U XV? I fin «tll fc* operated «upo* I n?!<* *i .’.who Sian ?\<„ea t UJ JUL .!*/ n; 3 -.- nest ai tie fcoivefc,” Adi your dcstcrif Tiu'tt sals hte stout Avcr’o M s. Soldfcryearly sixty yeas. li^e Cedarvrlle Herald. waste *) for dawn . S t . is o I V i* Y « a r . i » ’ Loam Made .,n % ! Estate, Personal Or /- uri .» i Security. Banking l-t m* .-5, t*>1} P. BI. y. \V. S itrm , V? *i i -t. U. la. • *?(!' JX»t> * * XCtTitOP, KHIDAY, JULY 2Sm mrgirsftstssssrtss riW8ip< -as*.-^rws^-wyexeea Cf , ««* t>‘c#. : .-•* fo” ' A -v>V f-r l i r l s . i just entering into womanhood, often suffer m ix;8 pain and misery during iho uiango of their physical organisation, M :: y v/omen v;M U’i you their female trouble started during that trying period, and has clung to them eve? i-iuce. Cardiff fs a friend to young girls, as v;e!5 r s to women of all ages. ‘ U has been found to help women during their trying periods by relieving pain and restoring disordered organs to health. Mrs. Mary Hudson, t East­ man, Mir-s., writes; “While ' staying 'with m e and going t o . School, m y young sister was la terrible misery, I got her to take a few doses of CARDUI and it helped her a t once. “ I have taken Cardiff my­ self and believe I would have been under the clay had it not been for that wonderful medi­ cine.” Try Cardul, U will help you. For sale everywhere, E 48 r- \ Wean*T(r«rwoudarfol "Ciuw*«>l»"fft» Miau«tnff ftrtlr«lyfitted*fftbotdMch r S?,*rrSr,^,14aj*p^)t«U.TMtlak*word ut 3>rAi«c1* *1**0 CMf'arMa’HorthfjirwouilfUfuleojupo^Uasju ^ 'r v, v^alUA nsuri«r» hut WlfchotuAY«il«.ndI fiml that OAscRtrstHi'olfovo ZE(?r«itt % day thitu nil the o U iqib I have tukofi . wouldin4ycftSi#K 4 AtcQuue, los-Morcot Bfc.*JcraoyCity, J« Best For __ The Bowels ^ C H O c e n e i io CANDYCATHARTIC Floa.snt, PMatablo, Potent, Tnatft Onod, Da ftooa, ■neverfelokod, Weaken or (Jrtpo, lOe, £ 30 ,OSc.Never •old in bnJk, The ronnino tabiet Bt.imncd 0 0 0 . Uuaianto.ij to o,ure or your inonoy bnofc, ! i Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 593 ANNUALSALE, TEN MILLION BONES FOAMO The New Economical and Convenient SHAMPOO TABLILT The line ot Poamo Tmiinparont, iilmmpoo Tar Tablet will cause th a t dull appearance of tho ham1 to vanish, giving place to th a t eu- eliantlng satin smoothness; tho ioveltnesi! for which you have so long sought for will ho yours, P R IC E 25 CENTS . $ To introduce Foamo we will mail {for a lim ited time only) a full shin tab let on receipt of 15;*. Rockwood Medical Co STATIONB. CINCINNATI, 0 Ths@rea!Diarrkees .uid ii)$ 8 !u i j iC S ^ ,'urCJ c/tife ; ’..4 cl.i,'lie Cis:.’, ; ; . , <1. . tw y, c .a iv o ilc '^ m a ta a <«i. -,-l£i:tT»5*' IciaJiOTii.ufM, mu1. p -csci.inL o tlK ch p - £ *. n't o f tyolioid faver. ■ v^oadojlul iiis lt s t!,t 5 in c d in a!i jc its o fth o w u ld , ** WORKSLIKE«AGS0/5 v.ih\ » £ P t J P ibm 2 8 e m t s t w t fcftx, Fnn’t.f: et.?su.i' .;■«)£ .ir/, ai;cd<,?;?r.i artni;,,*''tiii'n’S'rfn 0,<3<a'» IsiBdV^Hi^CHEWOAL CMPW , <Ss Y»U,8. A, Four Poker Hondo That VVoro Hold All Hight In tho Bark, A soldier told this poker story, which incidentally accentuates the distrust with Which poker players regard one another “when friciid- _______ ship ceases” and the faith a man 1m m nt n,r, fill,* in the hand lie holds: . , ‘ „ One n ig h t a f te r taps fo u r men •onth wools of th e ta n ii ( ongrosB ]ga^]iere(} jn a t**n t to do away with was Presiden t T a ft’s message t o ; their pa,v. I t was the night of pay Congress urging tho adoption of a [day, and there was no convenient tux on tho nod earnings of corpor- place in which to spend their money atiouK and a, jo in t resolution for a except over cards. CLu ,m o tion a l amendment to noth- ^ for^ Tno hero ^ nd thero. I t w?ls orize the enactment ot an income after midnight. The sentry was a ta x law ; and in te re st m the schod- chum and had been told not to see t of iycebi-Wg, Q. J «S 311'. anti ■Mr.v. t i atWsi=^Tn,frn « fr/ i ‘*hiay~?or j Jameetowa where «h* w ill vioit be- foro going tQ her Sir. a n d Mm. J . H . \V, FoW, Mr. anti M*.,. \Y y ^ .- j ali» &J< *. i;„ Kalph W olford m id t \ M. t ’nume iiid Bliss Hainli W olford Woro- guests of F o am y liseo rd o r, IT anh Si ills in Springfield la s t n ig h t ules has been subordinated to the now piano fo r in c re a sing tho n a ­ tional revomieB and a t the same the light in the tent. At last a jackpot was on th e board and, had been ^sweetened” until i t was .very tempting. Every one was in it, and Untie placing on the s ta tu te hooka a j it was worth heforo tbc open about medium for tho government control ($ 00 . When one of tho players through publicity of a ll tho corpor- [opened it, every one stayed and ations in tho I n i ted ' States. This .drew cards. proposed amendment- Juui promptr.a- j ) ago had a full house, the next . . . . . , , L man four tens, the third man four tod much discussion as to what con- and ihe dealer four accs. s titu te s “ n et earnings1’, and there seems fo b<> us m an y diffrroht views as there are mombers on th e F inance comm ittee. H is ap p a ren t th a t tho senate leaders feel tho question ot special tax a tio n in th e ta riff hill tt, bo one in w inch the P re sid en t’s views a re entitleLi to the g reatest wfcighi. The conference a t the W hite House.on Sunday n igh t,, be­ tween Pr •sideni T a rt, th e Republi­ can m embers of ilie F inance com­ mit fee and St-uator Hoot, no doubt clea red up m any m inor points of diil'erence, and i t was deckled at th is conference t h a t th e fu n d s nec­ essary i0 pay th e in te re st on bonds can n o t bo included a s n o t earnings of corpo rations subteef- to th e tax proposed by th e .P re sid en t, as in some in stances a t le a s t t h a t Would am oun t to double tax ation . Mr. T a ft wants an amendment which lie can defend before the country, as reasonable and effective, and which ,* *■• T , v 8 ^-fenT°|^gS lM 0S Hi®, legitimate corporate mteceeta, tttmhlctl in for a few minutes’ sieeti egitimate corporate There appears to be .every reason for believing th a t tho leaders are try ing in good faith to ca rry ont the wishes of Mr, Taft, and no doubt a satisfactory solution of all the problems connected will speed­ ily be soiyed and an am mend men t presented which w tll be acceptable to a ll friends of tho administsation in the Senate. Urged, But Not Practiced. Virtuo has many preachers, hut four martyrs.—Helvotlus, J. H. McHILLAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Cement Grave Vaults and Cement Building Blocks, Tolephono 7, Cedarville, Ohio. FOR SALE! Houses and Lots in Ccdarvilio and vicinity. Buy before the rush. We have three or four desirable proper­ ties just t utside the corporation limits at vefv reasonable prices, also to 4 ae res of land. Will sell one for less titan cost of dwelling which cost 500. Have a centrally located V»>|ti rooming bouse of 15 or 1G ro.ans very cheap. Farms for sale in Central Ohio. SMITH, CLEMANS &HOPPING XB'f? C l j y - a ? «JU)$*♦ IB3«jta e-Hk-j fit 3S •0 & ft m fi ff 3 u\in fliifip 95 h U« okp.h 13 c %‘S ^ silk 8 - J te m > 61/ 1S ‘•“It? an h i ” Sl-'tv sfbyfe* > OffSO as ”8u ri r:stri n r; m o S# 2 Cn X o S |§ B 3 2 3 g-g n * f |« 2 O E f ►"a > S p . s S ^ - o * z. n S': t RC r: | n n k L’o <£. J} g l h ^ S 2 Sp a s-g . <2 s g f s S s o * tv 2 | •< M P r x s JO* The opener threw a dollar into the pot. The next man raised, and it was raised, and reraised un til i t was beautiful to see. At this point" there was a scurry of foo!steps outside. The sentry rushed in, grasped the lantern and dashed it out, jerking and extin­ guishing it as ho did so. As tie disappeared he whispered hoarsely; ’ “Officer!” Instinctively four hands, went out in the darkness and spread them­ selves over the pot, while four other hands closely clutched, live cards each.- ‘Tlold on, fellows,” whispered the dealer. “ Every one take his hand off tho table and keep it off until Ihe light conies hack. We’ll ju st sit Imre and nurse our cards. My hand is good enough to wait for,” “go’s mine,” said the others. Then they waited. Slowly, -the night passed, growing chillier and more chill in its going. The sentry was cursed, the, officer was cursed, hu t still they ?at. A t last tho first glimpse of gray appeared in the sky. tumbled in for a few minutes’ sleep before th e bugle called them out again.-—Exchange. - An Indeterminate Sentence. During a lull in the program, the members of a feminine literary so­ ciety were discussing the case of three criminals who, though sen­ tenced to the penitentiary fo r life, vet stood a chance under the law o f being pardoned a fter fifteen years’ imprisonment. The crime of these men had been particularly atrocious, and one lady of the party was most emphatic in her denunciation of the criminals and tho law of the state which opened an avenue for leniency. “All th a t you say is true, Mrs. S.,” said one of the members. “But did you ever consider th a t no t one criminal in a hundred sentenced to life imprisonment ever serves but that term?” “Why?’ queried Mrs. S. innocent­ ly. “Don’t they live long enough?” Chanfjad ilm Sign. In the outer room of a Wall street office t ’ is sign was pudotl a few days ago; “Please Do Not Whistle. We Do All That Ourselves.” The messenger hoys oil service in the building evidently saw a funny t ide to the notice, for within ah hour more than twenty of them ar-ked, “When do you whistle?” “When ■does tho concert begin?” “How much for a ticket?” and similar queries. Tho sign came down after two days, and the manager of the office has had it replaced by one hearing in aggressively hold letters iiimplv the words, “Don’t Whistle.” —New York Tribune. Removing Gtorch, . An old negro laundress in respon­ sible for the following cure for bad­ ly scorched places caused by too hot irons: A half pint of vinegar ia put on the stove in a porcelain lined 1 aueepan. To this are added the juice of a largo onion and two ounces of fuller’s earth. The mix­ ture in boiled for five minutes, •trained, cooled and bottled. In re­ moving tho fcorch a littlo of the mixture is put on a clean white lin­ en rag and rubbed over the scorched place until i disappears. Several applications may bo necocrarv, Now York Times. Tho b&pgcni Flower. The largest flower in tho world is tho Itafflesia nrnoldi of Pkimafra, Its fiiaa is fully three foot in diata-dev ■ about the' sire of n rarrirr-e wheel. Thofiw jrt fall of thiaisjunensnflower are oval ar.1 creamy white* graving ronsjd si yeutor filled u itu r ^ u n tlc i long, violet lined ptej-urifi. The Hotter r/edghn about fifteen poaiels «te1 is <apnblo of containing nearly two gallons of water, Tho h k h ere like browncabbageheads, In our artieln i^gau ling tho lull $1<K> allowed \Y . J.. Milter for rt>- eoillfyiug tho orriinauces mention .should he matte ihafc thin amount covorn legal advice for council an woll an for th e work on tho ordi­ nances. Mr. Charles H, Crouse was given a complete b irthday surprise last Waturdny iu honor of bis th irty - th ird b irthday . About, forty guests were present. Among the out of town guests w e re ; George Vince and wife. James Vince and wife, Mrs. H a rry Vince and BIrs. Jam es Bandoleer of Booth Charleston and Mr. a n d BIrs, Joseph F la tte r of Clifton, According to the Xen ia Herald Attorney M, J . H artley and Hob. O. JO. B radfu to have taken i t upon themselves to interview Governor Harmon os to appointing Mr. H. Bf. Barber of tills place m a niember of tho Dayton Btate Hospital Board. There is no sa la ry connected with the position and honor is tho only emolument. BIr. Barber has not. y e t sa id ho was a cand ida te fo r the placd bu t h is. many Democratic friends arc insisting th a t h o . allow his name to be used. Work has begun on the tennis court and the committee in charge hope to have in shape by. next week It is necessary t h a t , ie assessment he paid a t ones to keep up expenses Please hand saiuh to one of the officers. Wo are in receipt of some pic­ tures and a copy of the Bluskotmo (Okla.) Pheoaix from Mr. IL‘. F, TOwhsley, son of Bfr, and Mrs.:' H, a . Townsley of th is place, BIr, Townsley is superintending a con­ struction gang in paving the stree ts of t h a t h ity . He represen ts ih e Bush Construction. Company of St. Denis a n d baa been in Muskogee for eigh t month)? where they had n f l l 6,^27 con tract. The Pheonlx tells of an au to p a rty headed by Mr. Townsley and the city officials th a t were on, t^ rin lp e « ii< in tour, Mr. Townetey expaet* to be sen t to Cuba th is w in ter wher# ho will on- gago in sim ilar work, SECTION SH. AN Ol.l'IXANCE . regulating the use of Automobiles Atul Bfotor Cvclcs. Be it ordained by the Council of the Village of CedatvHie, State of Ohio; * S ection 1, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to operate an automobile or motor cycle upon the streets of said corporation at a rate of speed greater than eight miles per hour, and any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall wpop Conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding $85 and pay die costs of prosecution. S ection 2. It shall he the duty of any perron or persons operating an au­ tomobile or motor cycle, to stop said machine on the streets of said corpora­ tion at the request of civ the signal by putting up td the hand from a person riding, leading or driving a liotse or horses or other amm.ti upon said streets, and to remain stationary st lung as may bereasenabiy 11ec<«ary, to allow such horse, homes or other animals t j pass, and the came ivzitb :i,ms shall apply to stop at retjeo t <-r signal whether such automobile or u;-*; tyc;o 'kali be traveling in the r.uac or oppewite direc­ tion from that of 5;;.h person or persons having said L>r:;e, h-.arts *-t -other ani­ mals iu charge. S ection C. It shall I js the duty of any perron o r petrous operating any au­ tomobile or motor cyi i:1to keep to tho 1 tight of the street so as to k a v : two- thinls of the £tre<: free for the passage of other vehicles in use up;,:; said street. Sl'CiloN 4, That all atifesnobtie? or motor cycles shall, during thu period from one hour after ounset to one hour before satirise, exhibit a temp or lamps showing a white light or lights for a feuM’-nable distant c in she direction towards which such vehicle is proceed­ ing, and aL-.i a rod Jig!'.; or lights in the reverse direction, and shall also be op- er.iU <1with j -;; oi d a:,J so,';:; lent brain; and a suitable horn or ether signal. H e <lioN 0, It shill bn the duty o ft any pet con or p e i-;w operating any I automobile or motor cycle upon the j streets “ f said <orgoaaffon, in sound an ; alarm by blowing c.f a I.otn before the turning of a (timer of a e re c to r mossing at tho intersection of c.u'd street, and it shall aim be the duty of said person or pcieons operating raid uutcuioiiiic or motor cycle to round a:i oiaim by the blowing'of a hoi n before attempting to passveiaclc;;going ;:j she Paine dire?* tinn, j SiMrHoN 0, Thlsordinaticfi filial! take cttci.t and be i:ifoia-io>;.i alter the earlici-t pci >>.3 allow.. 1by law. Passed Mav Id, Ibnih j . If, W o n out), Mayor. d iiE iil; j . Hi, M i .C mhki 'U-., t*up, f;5er!», Ffeal Putho*, Tiu-fo £s nothing jio pntheHo aa ill# cfloibi of a dull mind to purine# bright speech. •TAKE TH IS C l i!" For Infants and Children, The Kind Yon Have ‘ * * * ' ' ' Always liougrii Itoniclcn f|iG?s'IS ''a lk c ffy | - ngsft affili! .dECoataUts 1 jiU ttr. OpuimJfOEftw r twrMu.jrak H/iSS-CJ O T IC . j!a!pccfc?d£rS:tf-ivimrciiEn 'Seal* R.;y.:!sSd:?-*f Jl - JiulitaiFfrSbda* ■ / ”?»av?^r uxiiitdSttem JCif.,y/c.-i rtjiat n e c n o n d L o s s Ci>FSEJEJ5P. -<-■!, 1 c'fi ««?■■ "< EacSnnilc Si^wnlurc of . .1 K ®W 1T0BK . Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years e m u THECCMTAUnCOMPANY*NEWYORKCITY. ITHE BEST VEHICtU^S FOH THE MONEY. I T H E ' i a © S C A ¥ - 1V6G IES , S i l i i f S g S p r i t ? ! , f m $ f 019 f h M , W M S Best quality—Select Ma* teruil. Carefully m ade . Built to stand Hard Service. The chrapest in the end. Write for complete Catalog nhd Prices, McKAY CARRIAGE CO., GH0VECUV. pfl. MOHENTS, GUT STONE, STATUARY. ■«fdi •'TES -t.bA'ift M m The men who transfer huge blocks of granite into beautiful monuments and headstones in our workshop are the most skillful that money can procure. . , You cun depend on getting the very finest artistic creations here- - and ;;i prices lielow the ordinary. BViUi o u r superio r farihU es and equipm ent, whteh a re 1. >t equalled by .-my n d a il eoncern in th e r . IS., w« are p rep ared an never before to fu rn ish high g rad e work a t tens money th a n in ferio r wori: w ill cost elsewhere. Wo employ no agen ts in th is te rrito ry . I f a t a ll in te re sted in any in ottr lino, w rite or ’phono for catalogue or if possible call (o sec us. Boll ’phone llul. C itiz e n s ’phone 215. E stab lish ed Ihlll. . G EO RG E D O D D S & SO N , 113 , 1 x 5 , 117 , iig West Main S t , Xenia» O , R1EDLING P 2 A N O S embody evtty detail that can poenibly add to tiia vviluo o£ a T’htso of tho v<ry hi;> jc r.t grade. 'il:a low p;b;o at veliich they me sold ai.iouf-.hcu tho;e (ompet- 1nttujud, ;<;of i'l.movalue. “ lift dling” on a i folio me ana highest arti .tic re- r-ulfu in tone, t-i:rin durability and eaec; eh rigti. Feud for catahiguo and name and adtlre-'ia of our age nt in your vicinity. AI. RiEGLHiGPIAKOGO,, - Plymouth, Wise. r » W "* “Wo recommend it; thera isn’t nay hotter.,, Ju mid-f>ummor you have to trust to a largo degree to your hut teller. Well Cared For Meats in ho t weather are th e only k ind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them righ t, and they ’re sweet and safe when sold. Don’t go m eat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure. C. H. CROUSE, (JEDAKV ILLE , O, ELASTIC ' H O O F P A I N T fe? lb>, metal, paper, ? fow? ' / /-v* noteva h for bn, j.y tal, paper. *.t asol rnberoid roofo. In ro r n r-t. Aha« lately non* Y. i!t r.;it < j- •<1, Mi-,ter or scale. Will i'i ’do nfti s’o;.< .■•. t. l i a lirn*water proof- inginat<ri.d. Ctn tain client.; ssmU an calt m.d liiao which eah r tho (.omporiition of the V,- s rf+ _ .*• . m %.+in* unn, ..... . . . . .... . t . .... .. m:tj; f ] ui <>£ the notalkd >oof and iron paints on / -i, the mmfs-!: to d —■*’ ’ *- ’............ " ;iy v.liidi liave no elastic qualltieg and are <1, ti c. five to uc-tnlo and fibre j , and are bound to cry,’ds.e any metal. It is jy na proof. Sfjtd fi:*‘ <!»■ tt.’.r iiuJ p i » list, t l\v no!p m iase t&t tesl t when it rests no men, T h o ©AkE-MAM ©OOr^KES O U P P L V 6 0 , , teond -tiU -laO j,W I» . \Hm j'liiir; '>"'V~ t - ji 1 ------ r --~r ..... 'i n1 'rinr——i"iTfrn—tr —1 n*-iminiriTTrJ'r-'i'T'nifr iniiftwtiwiriN>rwmiNiN[iNiB#i ■ *0BfKSK£% cat Is Healthy, Tho human fiyfitem naed’i moat, nofc fho. tough, in- digoytable kind v.hidi makoa it a lalior for the tive organa to animitate it, but the nutritions, juicy kind which givf'3 you muiuilo and nerve for daily duties. G W, Crouse h Co, Successor !a €« ■ c . m m % The Bookiaalter ...Hestawafit..’. IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FORLADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W 2 5 C E N T S . Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Ni^ht. The Best of Good Used In the Cul­ inary Departm en t. Piles or Smiles? A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to immediatelyrelieve andultimatelycorewilb DR. HEBRAS UNGOID tho most wonderful ceiontifie discovery of — •’— - — efcr , 1» ~'W P* kl»«•vu , auu ju*KUjyjiiujut' coted cntiscpt:e, Ealvo kills tho germs, re­ moves tho trouulo and Ktala the Irritation permanently. Absolute catisfaction gnar- nntccd or money refunded. Pxico GOels. ot Dmggkis. or mailed. Trial a.Linplo 2 cents to cover mailing. THE G. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, Ohio. (|l!»*MSS9^ FISTULA A!«» AM, DISEASESOFTHERECTO* RivSfP5'.1’? “--i5" '’5 to*9 tntwl.o Mil tt# 14 »r-«nuj ft ftt» o:*Mi6» «HtrR»°* uoox fwMetre ms Y lsm its n i •si ct ritieul*C'neJ. WsfjhsitSS-jf dr . j. j. M c C lellan C olumbus , 0 . n c i v i i the a i n t i u w n . UGHT. „ ..... ^n.SMUHSpNIAjf miss HOUMI Sold By Isaac Wlatarman,