The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

9m l*a«2k*«» O tr J*li Work will emypw* $ntk t f u f c u f * a y o t f c g p t i m , , . f f h e - w m m & m x i m ... Y E s m s K T S T FIST TRIAL PRIMARY LAW. Louis Tindall i Fever Stricken. BLACK-ELDER '- =’i’s”s~ ] Til* friends o l Mr. Louis Tindall The Bronsen primary election law ; of the Exchange Bank will regret to w ill he given its first te s t on Rep-, hear of his being down w ith typhoid tember 7 by th e voters of a ll the Ifever a t his home n ea r Belma. Mr. political parties of th is sta te , when j Tindall had n o t been well to r sever- municipal and township officers and * days before going to his homo members of hoards of education ! last week. ' Typhoid fever soon de- w ill he up for nomination. Each j veiopod and i t is cand idate m ust have a petition J cas® will prove a hoped th a t the m ild one. Dr. signed by a t lea st two per cent of the vo ters which is filed w ith the Board of Elections. Under the new system there is nothing to b a r an independen t tick e t for the regular oleetien in November. The primary on September 7 iB for each pa rty and w ill do away w ith repeating in prim ary elections, a common thing in cities. Bumgarner hopes to have the fever broken in a few days, ■While both of the leading politi­ cal parties m Springfield w ill nomi­ n a te candidates for m ayo r i t is ex­ pected th a t the leaders of the d ry movement w ill circulate a pe tition a n d have a fu ll tic k e t for th e Nov­ ember election under a n indepen­ den t head . I t is known th a t the o itygave a large m ajo rity to the wets in the recen t local option elec­ tion and th a t the leaders of both p a rtie s will endeavor to nominate none o ther th an one of a libe ral view on .law enforcement.* The Anti-Saloon League w ill back the independen t tick e t and if the pres­ en t prim ary law is unsatisfactory in selecting go<?d men for office th e re may be some more rad ical leg islation when the legislature moats n e x t w in ter. I t is evident th a t th e selection of good men fo r law enforcement moans much to loca l option success- *>• ' In. some p a rts of the state there w ill be a b itte r po litical fight for members of school board, particu­ la r ly in Dayton, Cincinnati and in Cleveland. The law en a c ted 'a few y e a rs ago whereby a il names for beards of education were to be placed on the ticket w ithou t a po­ litica l heading was termed a s the tak ing o f th e school* ou t of polities, Now the p rim a ry law g ives privi­ lege fo r political parties to make tifeir BotniBatimiw and .. fepea the; and" m u st select for himself. The politi­ cal bosses saw much in view for them in th a t women eould no t get to vote a t th e p rim aries and thus help select cand idates. The A tto r­ ney-General tendered an opinion F rid ay t h a t gives women th e righ t to vote for school board in p rim a­ rie s as w ellas in the regular elections *With th is opinion i t means th a t ne ithe r p a rty w ill gain any th ing by m ak ing such nominations and th a t th« names m igh t ju s t as well go on th e tick e t as heretofore, NOTICE. I w ill be ab sen t from my office from Monday, August 2nd ' un til August 9th. Dr, J . W . Dixon. GOIN’ CAMPIN'. E a rly Monday morning a pa rty of five campers will s ta rt from Cedar-* viUe o n a trip down to H igh land County, where they expect to spend a week or ten days camping on the Becky Fo rk of F a in t Creek abou t th irteen miles east of Hillsboro, Hooky Fork passes for about two miles previous to Its junction w ith the m am stream , through a deep, gorge, Incom e places more than a hundred feet in depth forming a Series of wild picturesque views. Idjbhe ravine are numerous caverns which are much visited and the surrounding country is an ideal c&mptng ground. I t is lu the’ vi­ c in ity of these eones the boys hope to pitch their tou t. They have every th ing in preparation, having a good supply of grub and other camp necessities and ’ have con­ strue tad a canvas top on. a. one-, horse wagon form ing a roomy ‘'overland skoono#.” The campers a re : W allace Irvine, Cameron Boss, -Rufus McFarland, Fred Marshall and Clarke Nagley. The la tte r will be accompanied by h is cam era and expects to obtain a number o f p ictures of the :camp and surrounding scenery. herald. S This itws «r|eft walked, with a< i index, denotes'that year eshscop s is past due and a yrempt jfc.iU. | men! is earnestly desired.. . . . . . ^ O S D A ^ T T t T r Y ..’JOfr K K H T ■ r o i C E r T n } ^ ^ A very beau tifu l wedding was solemnized in Clifton, Tuesday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George D, E lder, when th e ir daugh te r Miss L id a D. E lde r was united m m arriage to Wendall M. B lack, son of Key. George D. Black, of Yellow Springs, a t five o’clock. About eighty guests were present for the event. Tbs home bad beep beau tifu lly decorated In wh ite and green, the color scheme throughout The ring ceremony was used by the fa th e r of tbe groom, Itev, Black. The couple appeared unattended. A fter the ceremony a d a in ty wad ding auppsrwafl served, six couples being a t the bride’s tab le . The couple were driven to Yellow Springs where t'hhy took a tra in for their wedding tpnr, the destination being unknown. Deathof JamesShepherd. Mr. Jam es Shepherd ’died* S a tu r­ day even ing a t his home in Keokuk, tewa, w ith blood poisoning. A telegram was received here Sa tu r­ day notifying bis sisters, Mrs, A. O. Bridgman and H . A. Townsley of hIS serious illness. They left th a t evening fo r Keokuk bu t did no t a r­ rive u n til a fte r th e b ro the r's death. The funera l was held Tuesday. A wife a n d two children survive. Mr. Jessie M cCkl Wooster Univei by Dr, A. It. Mr were in tow n 1 the en trance o f ; William W a tt into the University] The en trance of men in to th is s« Cedarville will be fitting manner room and on the; W a tt U a s ta r and Mr. Corry is. a fa s t base b a ll i rang ooster. treasurer of acoempanied ■u Qf Xenia, arrang ing for Oliver Jobe, a lte r Corry September, three young means th a t eeented in a in the class tie field. Mr. ball player ttt of place in I t is estimated th a t GO,000 people w ill a ttend the Clark County F a ir a t Springfield on Tuesday, August 10th when Dan F a teh 1:55 and Mi­ nor H e ir 1 :5S»/f wilt pacoan exhibi­ tion mile. The meeting of the world’s two moBt famous horses will prove one of the biggest draw­ ing cards in this section o f the s ta te tills yenr. The Clark County Fa ir Board lias eclipsed all previous preparations for the annual fa ir and over $12,000 is off rod in spec# and class premiums. From pignsand inscriptions found on the sides . of some of the -separators, it Is evident th a t the threshermen expect* to enforce a new rule as to settlem en t of ac­ counts. On one machine a notice is posted t h a t unless there' is im ­ mediate paym en t one-^aif cent per bushel will be added. The owner of ano ther machine has the follow- i»g posted: “Man is made of dust; Dust settles, Are you a man? Bennsylvanla O n e s Missei Carrie Rife and Carrie Hutchison are attend ing tkc Miami Valley. Chautauqua. the cslebra- of the Be-; congregation! August 27, tea in charge a SjaUVMiir, distribution te h s tin g and j book to all be th e his- DEATHOF Mrs. Ja n e Laughead, aged 330, died Tuesday n ig h t a t 2:15 a t the home of her son, John Laughead on In connection fcion of the organ! formed Presbyter! which is to take p *8, and 29, the com have in preparatn Book to be. ready during the celebrato PerhapB the most notable fea tu re of t who are interested tory of the congregation from its beginning in 1804 doi$n to th# pres­ ent, wfaiob is berofr prepared by Prof. F . A. Ju rk a t, x fh is souvenir will also contain * likeness of the pastors of the congregation and a brief sketch of each ; also pictures of th e five church buildings in which they have worshiped du ring the century. There will be o ther views of local in te re s t contained therein and the Committee has word from W. D. Nisbefc of th e Chicago Evening P o s t th a t be baa a special poem in preparation fo r th is hook. These are a few ©f th e principle features. The commute* re%Eifcwi th a t ont- EXCURSIONS TO NIAGARA FALLS August 18, v ia Cleveland and the lakes. TOATLANTIC CITY, CAPE MAY And other Seashore Resorts, August 5. TO COLORADO AND CALIFORNIA Doily w ith long limit. Variable RoitteB. TO ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION Daily, Seattle, Po rtland , San Francisco and other Pacific Coast and W estern cities m ay be visited on the trip , which may be made over var­ iable rou ts west of Chicago and St. Louis. Homeseekers Northwest, West, SWthwest Oft designated dates du ring summer. - ,9 k fc.p.£f.t£c'!lars 1,10101 nearest T icket Agent, or call on or w rite J . W. RADABAUGH, Agent. " 1 “ IT PAYS TO TRADE 1^ SPRINGFIELD." IT WH.L PAY YOU TO COME TO THE - BIG VACATION SHOE SALE Of H igh-G rade Sum m er F o o tw ea r Excursion rates on all lines of Low Shoes for Men, Women & Children Prices were never quoted so low on good dependable shoes as you will find now a t Springfield's largest and best shoe house. I n th e A r c a d e Sale Starts Thursday, July 29th; and ends Saturday, August 14th County Auditor Wm. Dodds will b© candidate for m ayo r m Xenia and h is pe tition is now being circu­ la te d . A fter the exp iration of his term as aud ito r he will devots his tim e to his campaign. I t is conced­ ed th a t Wm. F. Bronnan will be a candidate for his th ird term and a warm time is expected in the coun­ ty seat. Mayor Brennan was given a stiff fight two: yearn ago and won by something lik« 80 votoB. The Xenia H erald , organ of De­ mocracy in th is county, in a ’double column article la s t week goes a fte r Governor Harmon fo r n e t recogniz­ ing th is county in th e d is trib u tio n o f patronage. The article states t h a t while th e county is strongly Republican ikwould be 'good poll- tics to reward the fa ith fu l for the excellent showing la s t fall, Oiark coun ty is m entioned as a strong Re­ publican county and several good places have fallen to those who (supported th e Governor. The H er­ a ld epeaks in earnestness and im ­ p lies t h a t unless something falls th a t Is worthy of recognition little ©an be expected In the fu ture. The Governor has certain ly bandied the patronage situa tion With diplomacy a n d satisfied the largest per cent of th e p a rty followers. Even with th is record the Herald wants Greene County in th e l is t o f the successful. « Jesse Taylor le f t fo r Washington, XLC„ l a s t S a tu rd ay a rriv ing there Sabbath morning. As usual Jesse found th e correspondent* for the Monday m o rn ing papers am i gave an accoun t of lu s a rriv a l a ad his purpose. Jesse Isa* bad trouble abou t the postoffice appointment in Jamestown and a ll bis protesting over the appohstment of W. O. <’us ils fo r a second term has brought h im nothing, Custis has been named for b is second term by Pres­ iden t T a f t »«w h a t difference wheth­ e r the appo in tm en t is confirmed or not, t ’ustis still bolds the fo rt and draw* th e s a la ry , so Jesse m igh t as well ta k e thing* easy. -------J 2 J a i « £ WMhttf iwtoi »* #•*** ** Ur, m m AMMMft *** rtMete Is Promise of Coming Ohio State Fair-Many Educational Novel- ties to be introduce^-Exposi- tion to be Open Day and Night-Superb Entertain­ ment and Amusement Program. A record breaker in every pa rtic ­ ular Is th e prediction for the coming Ohio S ta te F a ir and'{Industrial E x ­ position, to be held in Columbus, August 30, 31, Heptember 1, 2 'a n d 3. I t will be replete w ith novel educa­ tional features, one of which—the domestic science department is at- tracting unusual attention, This school will be located m the aud i­ torium of the handsome new wo­ men’s building and will be under tho d irec t supervision o fMiss B . A. W ardali, of tha Ohio S ta te Univer­ sity. Miss W ardali has arranged a m ostattractivV p reg ram , Including p rac tica l demonstrations and daily leeture* by experts. Various Btato Institutions and de­ partm en ts including the Experi­ m en t S tation S tate University, D iary and Food Commissioner’* Department and the S ta te L ibrary , will occupy one en tire struc tu re with in teresting displays. The building wherein these exhibits w ill be housed Will also be equipped with a modern lecture room where scientists will discourse upoa topics of v ita l importance to agricultural in terests. The managers a rc p lan ­ ning other educational innovations equally a s in te resting a s the’above, winch Will be announced late r. Although en tries in the competi­ tive departmen ts of the Exposition do no t clow un til August 11th nex t ttie .Secretary's m ail is daily flooded with applications for entrance, thus assuring most magnificent displays in each of the seventeen depart­ ments The amusement and en ter­ tainm en t to be provided w ill f a r ex­ cel th a t of former years, as a n es­ pecially sffong program will p re­ vail cash evening, including band concerts, free featu re acts, Spell­ man’s .Stupendous shows and a b rillian t pyrotechnic display. The Exposition will be of such grandeur and magnitude a* to well deserve the liberal patronage which ind ica ­ tion* now forecast, * J f Price Bale of W all Paper, West’s, Xenia. T%te^ mms A nh L we* Sum before hek maririag* to0 Djudd Laughead in J a n u a ry 1867, Mr. Laughead died f?»pt 25, 1826. The deceased was a member of the Bee ond U- P . church l a X en ia for many years.. One son John, a t home, on* step daugh ter, Mr*. Ahe* Dome, of Cuyahoga Falls, and two brothers and one siste r of Palestine, III,, survive. The funoral services were held Thursday from th e home a t 1:30 o’clock, conducted by Dr. Joseph Kyle. Mr, and Mrs. O. A, Dobbin* ex­ pect t* leave nex t week fo r Oklaho­ m a where they w ill m ake th e la b ter*# b ro ther a v isit County Fair Next Week. Everybody Is ge tting ready for the only county fa ir n ex t week when all Greene County will tu rn ou t to see th e various exhibits. Prizes to the amoun t of $0,500 a rc offered in the various departmen ts. There will be two flights daily by an a ir ­ ship, th is one a ttrac tion alone will be the draw ing card for thousands of people. A ll departments have a full lis t bl entries. The school exh ib it w ill be worthy of a v isit as will be the Wooster A g ricu ltu ra l Experim en t exhibit. Lon Houston of Houtb Charleston, probably the w ealth iest man In th is section of tho s ta te IS critically ill a t his home having been bedfast for six weeks. He weighs lees than 100 pounds. The National Ch ristian Assoela- *4» kt•*»■* 5W* '£*'4*04. f XS’LFi* **w»axa «r **■ *«* ajimiw xscasx week a t which time officers wore chosen for next year. Rev. W . J , Sanderson was elected president. Resolutions were passed strongly condemning secret societies. One sot of solid bu-yclo tires for sate. J . A. Btormont, Misses R u th and E d ith Ramsey daugh ters of Mr. ami Mrs. N . L. Ramsey, are victims of the typhoid fever. AN OPPORTUNITY. The Michigan Nursery Company, of Monroe, Michigan, on# of the oldest and most reliable nurseries In the country, want* a represen ta­ tive In tid e vicinity. Goed wags* can be made selling their high grade trees, p lan ts, etc. Writ* them today. 20d. fo r bteUetn Dr, MW# Anti-Pai* BN* have plfaeod a cents per oopy upon it. The edition 1*lim ited of coarse. And as meet erf them w ill b©need ia the congrega­ tion, any person desiring an ex tra copy should leave their order with Prof. F . A- J u r k a t a t th e Exchange B a n k a s soon as possible. LAWN FETE, Class No. 5. of the Methodist church will give a lawn fete on the opera bouse lawn, August 7 thf for the benefit of Foreign Missions, Miss Nelli* Condon, who has been in B radford, Pa., for severalmontbs where she has a position with a large m illinery house, returned home Wednesday, for her summer vacation.' Mr. and Mrs. J , K. Steel, son and daugh ter of New Alexander, Pa., stopped over here Tuesday n igh t with Mr. and Mrs. W. It. S te rre ti, enrollte to Kansas City in a big 40- horse power Model 1? Buick to u r­ ing car. They expect to make the round trip motoring and had excel­ len t success so fa r. Mr. Ralph Wolford en tertained a t cards Wednesday a nam b sr of friends In honor *f Mr. Jam e s A. Gray, and b is friend Miss Bylvia Kamaly«f ©t P ittsbu rg . Progressive “ Five H und red ’' was the order of the evo.iing. Refreshments Wore served. • Dictionaries aad Dictionary holders, a t W est’s Bock fttore, Xenia. Ms„ (’Paries n iaaftm , wife and daughter of Bprtnf field were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, T. F inney on Tuesday. Mr. Oldham is engaged in the grocery business in his city. (Wir'.v; $K)0 SUwardf $100. Ihe readers of this psper will be pleased to leem thst there Is «S kart one dreaded disease thst sstseos hm been abk to cate in all its stsges snd that is Osterrh. Hall* Catarrh t are is the only postttv* cure now known to this nridtaft fifcttmity. Cstkrth being a mostltutlonsl dkssss, requires a ronetitettnnsl tm rta e e t Hsd's Catarrh {Jure H taken iftternaitv, aAtng directly up* on the blood sndmtioaeeeariecss of systam thereby dntmytNg tbs feewlstson of the disease, and g<*uwt tbs patient strength by hnlldlng optba ecsMllttktt a«4 assisting nature la doing H* The proprietor!! have somart* m M s ta Its Vsfrtiv* powers, that they oWr eoe Swa*ee PeikMi tor any uses thst it tails to sees. Swarf for list o tvrttocwtftiltir xWrws. f . •eldfhyDna 3. C i n f t f f * Os, Tolwia 0. OUgprM ta Hafi’s r r n & T m m ftat fau. FAIR and INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION SPRINGFIELD, AUGUST 10-11-12.13. FIRST DAY-TUESDAY. DAN PATCH (1:85) and MINOR HE IR , (1 :»8 V i) tho two fau test horses in the World, race. Two ireeperformance* by Captain T ren t’s educated Beals and sea lions in fron t p a rt of grounds. Th ree races: *:1R paco stake, purse $590; 2:18 trot, purse $30i>; 2:30 tro t stake, puree $500. Concerts by two bands. THIRD DAY-THURSDAY Two free performances by Captain T ren t's troupe of educated seal* and sea lions. Fou r races: Free-for-all pace, purse $400; Merchants and m anu factu rers stake for 3-year old tro tters, purse $600; 2:20 pace, purse $300; road race, confined to county (track and m ati­ nee horses barred) purse $50. Concerts by two bands. SECOND DAY-WEDNESDAY. Two half mile heats between the original trotting ostriches. Marathon race, distance 10 miles, for purs© of $120. Two free perfor mances by Cant. T ren t’s troupB of educated soals and sea lions. Fon rrace s: 2:23 paco stake, purse $500} 2:85 pace, purs©$800; 2:24 tro t, purse $300; Arcade Hotel stake (for tro tte rs 2-ycar-old and under) purse $501). Concern b y two bands, FOURTH DAY-FRIDAY Two half-m ile h e a ts between the, original tro tting ostriches. Ono has a record ©f a mile in 2 : 12 . Two fro* performances by Captain T ren t's troupe of educated seals nnd«ea lions in fron t p a rt of grounds. Fou r raeos: Matinee Handicap, purse $100 2:40 tro t, purs© $300; 2;18 trofcstake, purse $500} 2:14 pace, purse $300. . Concert by tw# bands. AN EXHIBIT FROM THE OHIO EXPERIMENTAL STATION AT WOOSTER WILL BE ON THE GROUNDS DURING THE FAIR. JOBE BROTHERS&CO. XENIA, OHIO. WHITE WAISTS SPECIALLY PRICED. will This week is m ark down week on odds and ends of W h ite W aists. The prices arc so low you want several waists when you see bow good the W aists are for the price. W h ite Fill® I,awn Waists, good embroidery f r o n t a 75 cent waist f o r .. .J. ............................jgl? Fin# White Lingerie W aists th a t ware $1.50, a ll sizes, priced while they la s t a t .................. ..... All Lirtefl Tailored W aists were$2.G(J each. thiB week................................. ......................... .............. White Dress Sk irts............................................................................. ..........................$i.oi>, |i.25, $i.Bo and up Ladies’Tan Oxfords, $1.95 You never ex­ pected to buy new, n o b b y sty les in 18,80 and $8.00 Ox­ fords th a t are perfect In ev** •cry way, and ■ m arked ...$1.03 Do you knew Tau Oxfords can be dyed b lack , lieie is your chance to get a fine Oxford and m ake them blaok for ju s t about h a lf price. $&«<> and $8.00 Tan Oxford* Mostly Queen (iu ility ................................................ .......■'...... $1*W Colored Umbrellas, $1,49 They a re regu larly $2.t)0 and $2.80 qualities in Navy, Reds, Greens, Browns and B lack w ith fancy ■colored herder*, ju st w h a t you will w an t io r fa ir week, a lim ited number to be sold afc........................... ..................................... $ 1.49 a t Parasols Priced Right. J u s t the correct new colors, Peegee*, Greens, Browns and Blues, w ith th e new long h an ­ dle*. Price* fo r Ladies Parasols. $t to.$a