The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52
mmmitk, ----—r^ir^frfx‘’~"T-nf :;v -V ia 1,1. ;- •«»JST MM Npa m M i mmm MM mnm J. C. CONWELL’S B ig S a le 20 • . . . r? Per Cent Discount. Commencing Saturday, June 26th, and Continuing until Satur- July 17th. I will offer my entire stock of vehicles consisting of BUGGIES, PHAETONS, RUNABOUTS, CARRIAGES and SPRING WAGONS, Also my entire stock of. Driving Harness at a discount of 20 per cent. No restrictions. Everything goes and as advertised. Everything guaranteed. I have the largest line that I have ever had on my floor. Come in and look, them over* Think of it, 20 per cent discount just when you want a vehicle. Think of it, 2.0 per cent discount just when youwant a set of harness Remember the date. Sale com mences Saturday, June 26th, and continues until Saturday, July 17. j. c. o T nwell , XENIA, OHIO. I SElF-IIEOUnHfi <■::? BELIEF5IBAP NEMOCORSET 314 For Short Stout Figures ALSO 350 TA LL STOUT Recommended for Com' * fort and Durability, HUTCHISON a GIBNEY Bargains Received. Cotton Sheets........................^............39c. (Full size, seam in the middle.) Large Towels. 10c, 12 l~2c Pillow Cases...........................*.......... *10° JHJTGRISOJl & GIBREY’S J XENIA, oiuo- LOCALAflD PHONAL £ ..Mite-*D nmm the newest patterns lx to $?,. Ikp-lC. -■atrt s-^rir- 'S u it Cases, ?!.£<»to a t Bird’s Locust Fence Posts Tho best lot of postn t h a t v a s ever ottered hero. In^crrltfei’ial Corn Kin;; Spreaders, Wf-hor Wanuin, Gasoline Engines fireat Western Cream licparatofs. Anti Carbon Auto Oil. Gale and lJudtey Cultivators. Cole, Peters, Columbia s. . Inspect the Jock oti the Farmers’ Fence that holds. C. N. STUCKEY 6 SON. M:«s JM itli B ir b fr very fly «ntert»!n*4 * huge number of hor frletitla«nThursday evmmg, ili-to-i t i:* ■ R i s e ' s ' -F IR EW ORK S , all binds a t B ird’s. Tho O . 0 . T. club n io ta t tho homo of Mis* Garris Flimsy. —Oransros, lem o ts and pineapples a t B ird ’s, A son was bom to Mr. and Mr;. W. W. Creswoll la s t Thursday. —-Groquet sots, 70o to $3.; ham* mocks, $1 to $3,50 each, a t Birds. Mrs. J . P, Barr of Dayton is the guuBfc of relatives. —Ice cream and cake Saturday evening in the Barber Block room. Mr. Foy Troute has accepted a position in Townsley’s grocery. L ightning and Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers a t B ird’s, Mrs. John, Boss and daughter, Bosse, are i v isiting relatives in Greenville, Miss Plieobe H anna is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Burgetfc in in Frederick, Wis. * —F ru it Ja rs, Mason, Lightning and Schram Self Sealers, a t Bird’s. —Satu rday n igh t is the night for ice cream and cake, Barber block. -■\ Miss Gladys W ildman lias been spending tho week with Mrs. L , H. Suiienbergor. Sugar, for fi.hs oath aiul nc tickets, Satu rday J u ly *. a t B ir i’g, Prof. K. JK. R andall am i fam ily of S p ring V alley spen t several d ay s th is w eek w ith M rs. id k a b o th Ban- dall, —Ico cream an d cake served by tlio I n d ie s ’ A id of tho G. P. chu rch on S a tu rd a y evening ill th e B arber block. Tho Sunsh ine Club will moot a t tho homo of tho Misses F rv in n ex t F rid a y afternoon . J u ly oth a t 2 o clock. All m em b ers' am request ed to a tte n d , Mrs. W. H . W illiamson and ch ild ren of Jiawson a re guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. A, Dobbins, Mr. D. B. Spangler, Mrs, Dobbin’s fa th e r, re tu rn ed to Bawmm iha first of tho week a fte r a few daya v isit. —The Ladies' Aid Society of tho IV P . church will servo ico cream and eako iu the vacan t room nex t to Johnson ’s Jewelry store on Sat urday evening, J uiy 3. —We are sacrificing ladies and childrens White Canvas'Slippers, Ladies $1.23grade. 7!>o p a ir; child ren ’s 75c and $1.00 grade, 4i>'e to Gl)c. a t B ird’s. Mrs. JOarl l'‘stick aftd two •or,s of Columbus came, this inorniiig for a visit w ith Miss Lillie Htowart. Mr, Ustick is expected Saturday even- ing, ** —W ill pay 20c per dozen for No. 1 clean fresh eggs, in trade Satu r day Ju ly 3, a t B ird ’s. . Mrs. W. H . Owens entertained the Embroidery Club on Wednes day afternoon, . The Jun io r Missionary Society held u p icm e iu the Charles Cooley grove, Thursday. —Ladies and Misses ank le Btrap Shoes in tan and p a te n t leathers a t $1.50 and $2.00 pa ir a t B ird’s, Mrs. G. W . Harper spen t several days la s t week with Mrs* .Warner lu Yellow Springs. —P o s tc a rd s , made of anything, anywhere and anytime, Clarke Jfagloy, Bov. W . Gv Robb and wife of Bovina Center, X. Y., are v isiting Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Bterrett Mrs. F . P. Foster, bad for her gucBts Mrs. Nolan and daugh ter of Lilly Chapel, last Habbaih. Miss Mary Bratton returned to Chicago Tuesday a fte r a v isit with her toother, Mrs Loftiso Bratton. FOIL BALE!—Nineteen acres of mixed hay on tho ground. A nn a Miller Townsioy, Mr. Recce Barber, who travelB for the Wasliburn-Crosby Company is hero for a few days vacation. Mrs. I). S, Erv in , Mrs. 0 . L. Smith and daughter, Isabelle, left Tues day evening for a visit, with Mr. anil Mrs. F rank Ervin of Cincinnati, lifts io8 Evelyn McGiven and Carrie Finney left for Denver where they will a ttend the National Teachers’ Convention. Mr. Joseph McDonald and wife of Celina arc spending the w<*el; with th e ir son-in-law, Mr. J . W. Radubatigh and family. FOB SA LE :-L ow , iron wheel, platform wagon. Corn bed and hay lnddors combined. ( \ E . Conley. Mrs. R. F. K err entertained a number of lady friends on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. J , P. Rogers of Wheeling, W. Va., who is lior guest. —Wp still sell 6 loaves of. bread for 25 g and every one says its the best th a t pomes to tow n. Try it a t B ird ’s. The Farmer* National Bank in .Springfield of winch Mr. W. j . Wildman is the cashier, was opened for business la s t Saturday . The bank baa elegant, new quarters near the corner Of Main and Lime stone. Mr, R. B ird expects to erect a new dwelling on the lot a t the rea r 'o t his store* He is a t presentremodel- mg the Mitchell houses th a t was moved there some Weeks ago. W ith the add ition of these two houses th is stree t will be considerably im proved, The Ohio F u e l * Supply Co. has Increased the prioe of gas' in X en ia from twenty-five cents per thous and to th irty cents. Xenia had a con tract for twenty-five cent gas for three years and this has expired This eame company now makes tho penalty only five emus per thousand in stead of ten as heretofore, Air. and Mrs, R* G, Calvert of Selma en tertained abou t one hun dred and th irty friends « t their homo la s t Saturday evening in hon or of th e ir son, Cecil K .,CaIvortand bride of Indianapolis, The room* were prelily decorated as V/fts the lawn. Guests were present from Columbus, Springfield, Xenia, Go- darville, Jamestown, South Charles ton, Richmond amt Indianapolis. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING FOR SALE : Four months old Polled Jersey malo calf, eligiblo to register. Solid color. Gedarvill® phone. I). R. Johnson. Mr. Wm. Blair who has been suf fering with erysipelas and blood poison duo to a cut with « razor is reported as heiug improved. Ho lias sutforpd intensely tho past week lint is now though t to be out of danger, Mr. J . G. George suttorscl the am pu tation of his rig h t foot about midway between the knee and ankle on Wednesday. Some tlnm ago ha was operated upon hu t this d id not prove sucoeuaftil. Tim in ju ry was duo to a sprain in the in step whore mfiaination sa t in. Al though he 1» about; eighty years of age he has stood the operation well, aror headsche Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Plus, —Ladies Whit*. Duck Dress Sk irts nicely made and frimmed a t $3 and $2.50 each, a t Bird’s. At a meeting*# tho schoo l board Wednesday evening Prof. F . I \ Foster’s resignation was returned to h im a t his request. Tho Prof, lias been ottered tlm super! a tend ency of tho Houtb Solon schools a t a sa la ry of $0o per month. He has b 5«sn receiving $(!■> here. -Veterinary Dentistry can he had a t Townsioy"« blacksmith shop Power float is used, the only abso- uto way to drsss the tooth w ithou t bleeding or injury. I bold a diplo ma from tho Detroit Veterinary Dental college. Also expert horse shoeing. £3(1 W. A. Van Tress. Mr. John Rankin of Gre*ley, Colo., stopped litre for a sho rt visit with his son-m-law, Mr. Clayton McMillan. Mr. Rankin is on his way to Oyster Bay where he will v isit Rev, J a Son McMillan and wife. Mrs. Rankin and Mis. Clayton Mc Millan tl-iive been to FI* I ’iiDt for same tune. Mr. B. W. Sm ith , wif* and daugh ter, Mary Emma, who have been in California fo rm er* than a yea r a r rived a t Solum Thursday evening and will visit, there for some time before moving into tho Crawford property. Mr. Sm ith and fam ily havo traveled some lour thousand m iles sine* leaving California, They went to Seattle and visited tho Exposition In th a t city ami then went,into British Columbia. They made a v isit w ith Mr, and Mrs. Howard Curry all Lethbridge, Al berta, Canada-. Mr. f o r t y owns t;Jo acre* and now has about f,oo acres plowed ready tor wheat, Both sp ring and fall wheat Is raised in th a t country. Mr. Htnith spates th a t Lethbridge is n# longer a small town, having grown to a city, wwf fWw* «ta«**« »r. im«g SM*. HfrM afltrmuii, W e announce our Summer Sale with a greater confidence than ever of offering * to our patrons-better and greater oppor tunities for securing genuine bargains. Except the few items we contract to sell at a fixed price Everything is Reduced. THE RIKE=KUMLER CO., DAYTON, OHIO. U T News from the Great Bankrupt Clothing Sale at I Hollencamp’s DID IT EVER OC CUR TO YOU? There are times when Opportunity knocks at your door. Such a sale as is now going on, how can any. thinking man overlook? It’s a Bankrupt-Sale of the Eagle Clothing Co. Stock, including Hats and Furnishing Goods. It’s AN UNUSUAL SALE. *8 si . B N MEN’S FINE SUITS Made by Strouse Bros. Extraordinary quality. Eagle Price $25.. BANKRUPT SALE- $ 12.25 MEN’SFINESUITS Inall new shader and coioringcrmade by Kuhr Nathan & Fisher,\ ‘Sincerity’ GlotheS. Eagle Price$22.50. BANKRUPT SALE- $ 10.95 Men’s Worsted Suits In all the newest shapes and models' the very very highest of art in tailoring. Eagle price $ 20 . BANKRUPT SALE- r $ 9.85 Men’s Cassimere Suits. b a n k r u p t s a l e - Serge lined, peg top trousers, Eagle Price $18.00 $ 8.75 Men’s Business Suits. “ >««“'rs.LE- In fancy cheviots and the like, Eagle Sale Price $IS $ 7.25 ‘ MEN’S GOOD SERVICEABLE SUITS Fancy cheviots, cassimeres andworsteds. Eagle price $12, BANKRUPT SALE- $ 5 - 8 5 THIS IS A B0NAFIDE BANKRUPT SALE From start to finish wc can “back up” every price above mentioned—and better j still, we can convince you that the reductions that we claim to offer are REAL, GENUINE AND POSITIVELY TRUE! COME IN ARD LOOK OVER THE EAGLE STOCK. It comprised the best makers of High Art Clothing in America. 1 NOW SEE WHAT $10.95 AND $12,25 WILL DO FOR YOU You are cordially invited to attend this sale, You will not be importuned to buy. The purchasing will beentiaely left to your judgment. It is up to you! THE B. HOLLENCAMPSONS’ |COMPANY, JEFFERSON and MARKET STREETS. DAYTON, OHIO. & fr.ftiHiVMteinT jiuifriiifliuyfri PRINTING X X
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