The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

if | Vm X t« ite«« Owr Work will oomp«-« with fii*t of any other firm,. . , Xerald. r j ^ ^ f w y y ' < 1 A A < W V I |# W ^ T ito km* whea am **# w*Oi iHCex, * « * * * « » Out y * * r Mluc>„ 11 * p an i t * * m 4 » mr*mmmm >w * » t i» e a n g fttiy tfw irttL - ^ ^ t ^ T y - B E C O N B YE tsc ?; AH m S3 o e d a b V IISE i ; Candidates For The Primary. The petition for J. II, Andrew for mayor before the primary has been at C. M. Ridgway’s drug fitorc this week, where the proprietor is busy getting signatures. The gang must have a*man for mayor that will give the people a “business administration/’ as Mr, Ridg- way states, viz: an administration that will not administrate against the “drug’' business. The connection of the An­ drew Bros, with, the Ridgway drug store is well known to our citizens. Their stand on the local option ques­ tion is in keeping with the man they support., Last Sabbath evening there was conference at the Ridgway drug store as to who should be the candidate for mayor d » the gang ticket. Several names were proposed and a number of arguments produced why this man. or that would not do. At first' it was pro­ posed to hove a strong “church’' man, but the drug store proprietor fought this in that he might he influenced by the, W, C. T. tL and be taken away under public sentiment. Mr. Ridgway means business this time,, in tjiat his candidate was defeated two years ago, when S. C. Wright was put down and out He will not listen to anything but J. H. Andrew for mayor, for he feels that Ins candidate npt being connected with any church and not under the di­ rect influence of the W, C. T, U. will have backbone enough to fight for his (Ridgway’s) rights, The conference, with the two Andrews present, resulted in J, H. Andrew being selected. The choice is said to be far from satisfac­ tory to all the Ridgway following and there may be an eruption in the camp most any day. "aaar The El Of ™ D A Y , AUGUST 13, 1909. Attention must | | called to the elec­ tion as npprm tittle men will a iipprakeairnt mi country, for tax of the. serious, if taut duties that electors at the N the reason that appraisement of is of vital intere The law which reunial appraise the place of the ment, was enacted of the legislature, the machinery it c easy of managem tins fall because the quodrennial throughout the s 'which is one the most impor- devolve upon the ber election, for jjust and equitable for tax purposes cadi individual, ides for the qitad- which is to take nnial appraise- the recent session provisions and e« are simple and A primary pur* HORSE EXHIBITION BUILDING, LARGEST STRUCTURE OF ITS KIND IN THE UNITED STATES. The .magnificent structure devoted to bousing and exhibiting pure bred horses at .the Ohio State Fair Is the largest building on the grounds, being 332 by 322 feet. It has stall capacity for GdOhead and is the admiration of .nil visitors. Broad aisles lead through the building, enabling an inspection of the animals in their resting quarters, while in its center is a large arena, where the animals are brought for premium adjudications. The Ohio State Fair will highest,number of Ibis year be held In Columbus Aug. 3l>, 31, Sept, 1, 2, 3 next, both day and night, and with, the unusual interest manifest should eclipse all former expositions. \ , „ : pose of the law, lvjWever, is to' secure reputable and rom$j|tent men for this office. That this fr apparent follows from tile provision* as to election. Sep­ arate poll books and ballots are to be provided and there .-should he no des­ ignation on the bffjlpt of the politics of the candidates. ." The voting and election then are imp-partisan in char­ acter, so far as assignation Is con* cerncd. The law provides for the se­ lection of appraisorrf for Jtlie cities, one for each township aflpt om* for each in­ corporated village, % Any number of persons with , the?: may be candidates, townships the Mr, Jesse Townslcy has his petition in circulation this week seeking the nomination for township trustee. He is one of the younger farmers in the township and has a wide acquaintance. He is at present central committeeman for the township. Brilliant Display Echo Of Of Fireworks.1 Reed Troubled ’Mr, J, G, McCorkcll has announced himself as candidate for mayor before the coming primary, Mr. McCorkcll h«S beep connected with public affairs for a ocmtber of years ikii'* fer'H k S*' otighly acquainted with the duties of the office to which he aspires. He has been corporation clerk and has made' a very efficient official. He Is popular about town and hia many friends will without doubt give him liberal support on September 7th. Notice has been served the leader^* of both political parties in Cincinnati that unless better men are placed on the tickets to be nominated there will be an independent ticket. A citizens move ment has been in vogue in Cincinnati for some time and has considerable strength. It has the support of the civic bodies and a number of the busi­ ness men's organizations. The state ment given out is that a list of good men will enter the primary, and if not successful there will he an independent ticket at the fall election. It is claimed that the anti-saloon leaders in the vari­ ous cities will foltow the same course. Night entertainnisnt will be a lead­ ing feature of the coming Ohio. State Fair,! to be held in Columbus, August 30, 31, September 1, 2, 3, next, and an elaborate entertainment program lias xen prepared. At seven o’clock each evening of the Exposition, and contin­ uing for two hours, Keep's Famous Military Organisation will be heard in Elm or Robinson is wanted by the authorities tat assau lt and battery on John Srrd ajjd w ife and Mrs, Lina K eyes, all colored, Robinson is the *‘Starn boarder ah th e Read homo And cleaned ou t the house Tuesday n igh t and skipped. n m f I, /V ? 131 * po»»kf and ta. tend. .armaria. J i lM i l i l . k L i i l l f l M „» the program will include male quar- Injured Thursday. | certuicatte. Each fgivo bond in the work is to login July 5, A mini: per day or a hia month may he a jcommissioners, the payable out of the Every voter si and not only vote but express his' Olliers to do Ji be too much ed; [The law* does not matter of fact in the selection o one can violate in voting for the therefore, to. .1 * [The voter M Mr, D. B. McElwain is a probable candidate for land appraiser in the township, ? are Mr. H . R. H itchcock Is ft candi­ date for corporation cleric and will probably have the field to himself. Candidates ou t for council arc TV V . IIiff, Bert McFarland, J . P, Caldwell, fJ. W , Pollock, G« A. Bhroades, Wm. Cotteroll, M ■. Jacob Slegler id a candidate for renomlnation as corporation treasurer and has h is petition in circulation. Messrs. TVW . S t.J oh n and A. II. CrMwall each have their papers in circulation tor township trustee. Mr* XX.*MtVSSHWtlW *»WJ x*iD tion in circulation as a candidate for real esta te appraiser in the township. Electric Lights For Jeffersonville. Our neighboring village of Jefferson­ ville has taken on new life and will f-How the example of Yellow iSpriniD and have define lights. A contract will tie t literal into between the village and a company in Washington t*. It. and a line (-..nslrteted between the two towns to transmit the power. The commenud lighting will east fifteen rents per fkmrand wafts and there will he jiffy six- ine.indc.-5f.entrixfy-L.uuUo po*er lights b.r stm t lighting to cost $f# per light pof aw’.te.n. “ - “■‘ i *t o e * W * * « f c * l * ^ tettes, chimes and eminent instrumental soloists. As a crowning feature of the musical1program, Miss Wihninc Ham*' maiin, world's famous contralto, will render a choice selection of vocal solos. Miss Hamniann is universally recog­ nized ■as the world's sweetest song* oird, and music lovers will be delighted at the news of. her engagement at the State Fair. Following the band concerts visitors wilt be thrilled with a nightly $3,000 production of Pain’s Manhattan Beach Fireworks. Many novelties will be in­ troduced in the pyrotechnic program, including salutes of aerial guns; grand illumiilption of grounds with powerful colored lights ; huge batteries of gigan­ tic saucessions; mines of fiery hissing serpents; portraits in outline of fire of nation’s heroes; flights of rockets with floating festoons of fire; the starry flag; aerial bouquets and hundreds of other ffects, the most stupendous pyrotechnic display ever offered as a free attraction. In addition to the above features ten sterling free feature acts are programed each night, while Amusement Avenue, with its myriads of attractions, will, be a riot of entertainment. Ccadervillc will be well repre ,aited at Springfield on August 21, when the Barman <k Bailey greatest show on earth exhibits there on that date, for a great many of our citizens have al­ ready expressed themselves :r. having made up their minds to attend. A glance at the list of wonders to be seen wfih thin big rhow would lead one to believe that the limit in tremen­ dous size as well as number of novel­ ties to be seen has finally been reached. Barnum & Bailey present this year under their city of 14 acre.1! of tents more things new than have been of­ fered by all other shows in years. *'Ju- iter, the balloon horse/* Iftiroilj/s troupe of 16 Hungarian '.coal black stallions, the musical elephants, cele­ brated Konyot troupe, of equestrians, seven troupes of foreign acrobats, four troupes of aerialisis amt hundreds of other.arcane novelties all go to com­ plete a circus performance that has never been equalled. The.' big menag­ erie has beet* augmented by the addi­ tion of many new strange bew-ts and is larger than all the zoological g miens in this country combined. The street, parade so gorgeous and «> iremind ru­ in size, beggars; dcsrriptnm and in all is a fair index to the wonderful per­ formances that follow, CLOTHING I f you am In notul of a j hoy / BV’it. W hy no t lot us flf you «ufc otioe. Wo ca rry a band- sown line of up-tu-dato clothing a t populua prices. Wo also luivo » number of $l,",00 suils loft from la s t aeaatiu t h a t wo offiiy a t M'M ki each to close. Those uro greatbav - tfAimt. A t m m m r credentials the villages and receiving the es will get the d person must of $2,000. The ry 15 and ,end salary of of $150 per by the county rtsafioo being y fund.. to the polls the best men, and urge upon There cannot cm the subject, template nor as any polities officials, No obligation: It Ts/up/ taxpayer, ar EDUCATIONAL FEATURES OF OHIO STATE FAIR— VIEW OF ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. Education Is the cardinal principle of Ohio’s million dollar state exposition, and many are the lessons presented In the magnificent exhibits imd displays throughout its seventeen distinct departments^ Live stock is its leading feature, but agriculture, horticulture, women's work and manufacturers’ displays are prominent, ail combining to form an educational institution of the highest, rank! Subservient to its educational purposes are its entertain­ ment features, consisting of. band concerts, pyrotechnic displays, free feature acts and the stupendous Spellman shows. The exposition will this year be held in Columbus Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1, 2, S and will be open both day and night Romatic Wedding Celebrated. The many friends here of Miss Alice Armstrong were taken by surprise this week, when if became known that on Tuesday she left- for Davidson, Okla-. homa. where she was to meet- her fu- Will Open . “Home Store” . PRICE *1,00 A YEAR. |Caught Selling Stolen Chickens. The Xenia police caught Murry Mar­ shall 'Iasi Saturday night while trying to sell stolen chickens to the Jenkir/s poultry house in that city. The propri­ etor was suspicious when Marshall and a colored man named Wm. Zimmerman called in the afternoon and arranged to deliver some chickens that night. The police were put next, with the re­ sult that Marshall was arrested; but Zimmerman made bis escape in tin- sight of police headquarters, ^ The fellows had attempted to hire a horse and buggy here last Saturday af­ ternoon, but were unsuccessful,. They wentffo Xenia and lured a rig there and drove back after their capture. They arrived at the Jenkin’s place about nine o’clock. It is supposed that die chick­ ens were stolen the night previous. Marshall was,.given a sweat by . the police and finally told a straight story, after several tales that no credence could be given them. One story was that Zimmerman owned the chickens and bad taken them to Xenia to sell, statement from them for the Xenia Zimmerman lives with a colored man named iFolly on the McElrdy farm owned by Andrew Bros. Sabbath Officer KennonVand L. G. Bull went-to the Polly home to .get a near the -house at the time they were : police. They also inquired as to Zim­ merman’s whereabouts and were in­ formed that he. bad gone down to the deep fill to play cards. They learned later that he was hid in the corn field Kerchner, and Mr, Neff on J. H. Stor- there. He has not been seen since-or even heard of. * - Marshall told the police that the chickens were stolen from D. B. Watt, Hugh Turnbull, John Taylor, D. B. but had no clue, mont’s farm. Mayor Brenpan on Monday assessed a fine of $32.50 and gave Marshall 10 days In tire works also. Several have • been missing chickens for some time, Mr. G. H. Hartman, accompanied by Mr, Orvilfe Stephens of Port William, were in town Tuesday making arrange­ ments for a new clothing and gents' furnishing store that is to be opened by Mr. .Tolm O’Brien was badly in Jurod Thursday wh ile endeavoring to stop lus team on South Main street. H e was knocked down by one of the horses autl the wagon passed over h is left limb. Ho. also received a serious blow on the right side of the bond that rendered him unconscious for several hours. Ho was taken to Dr. J . <), Stewart’s office where his wounds were dressed. H e is reported as resting easy this morning. PANTS Mon's and Boys’ Drees and 'Work Pants. SH IltTS A ll sizes and colors, 50c and $1.00 each, OVERALLS Every size m stock, we can fit yon a t 50c and 75c. A t B IRD ’S. PASTURE FOR RENT. COOacres of Blue.gra<-n pasture for cattle or horses, $1.23 a head par month. Whole field of green grass blades 15 inches long, matted a foot thick. .Shade, good water. John Bryan, Riverside Farm, Yellow springs Ohio. AN OPPORTUNITY. Tho Michigan Nursery Company, of Monroe, Michigan, ono of the oldest and most reliable m ifsene* in tho country, wants a representa­ tive in th is vicinity. Good wages can bo made selling their high grade trees, plants, etc. WTiio thorn today. £0d, Weather Report. Mr. Samuel Lrcswctl bos issued the following weather report for July: Ruinf.iU <>.:»!' inches, the heaviest for any month during the year. Total rainfall to date, is tl2.t-d incites. Wind direction, '-■iiitliwc ->i; per cir.t, sun bine, V'l; clear day:, ‘M; cloudy days, g; p m t cloudy, 3; mins 13; thunder showers, In; high- t- t temperature, fih diffrees; lowest tem­ perature, -V* degree1;; range of ustipera- Uue, 11 degrees; average temperature, 74 degrees. The summer Farmers’ insti­ tute will ho held at Rosemoor Park, near Jam< <.tn\vn, Wednesday, Augurt] Iflt’i, anil among the epeakets will be ox-G-ttctbor Andtew L. If. Harris, of 3 !atoii, tKH do hit duty fa the HWiter he can have no cause for complaint and should liold his peace thereafter about inequit­ able or unjust valuation*,* The work of the board of appraisers is the foun­ dation of our whole tax system. It is one of the most important positions in the village or township. Its impor tattce cannot lie exaggerated. Fitness alone should govern in the selection of the men. There ought to he no politics in the place. \ The auditor is required to print in pamphlet form a list showing all the real estate owner* in the village or township and valuation made of each parcel of real estate, a copy of which will he given each owner of real es­ tate. It is thought that the publicity feature by which every taxpayer will secure a pamphlet with a description and the rate of every piece of prop­ erty in his district will be a big help in bringing tip and equalizing values.— Green County Press The greatest occasion for gratitude over the tariff contest to all trncRcpub- licans must be the highly satisfactory maimer in which the President has ac­ quitted himself, demonstrating even to the most skeptical his right to the title of lender of his party. To William Harvey Cfawiord of Ceadcrville. H* kill is a revision downward, that the interests wire not able to cause the ■tultifieoffrn of the party pledges, that the measure contains a provision for taxing the net earnings of the. corpo­ rations and that it contains the germ of a tariff a»mniis<i»n which under his fostering tare promises to grow into n effective ag.iuy for the control of the protective tariff and the prevention of the effective influence of that self­ ishness and greed whz\h have done so much to make the protective policy re­ pugnant and which, uncontrolled, would have compassed its complete rejection 'thr> Vifnf'vt* Fair Board Officers Chosen. All the old official.' of the Fair Board wore so eluted HU’oidmg to reports at hand. About: were cast, which is the largest in the history of the asso­ ciation, Pi-.-iibnt Williamson appoint­ ed W. L. Mar-ball and F, C, Rader as jndge.-i and Harvey Flam as clerk toj v.-imt the t-all<'*s. The following is thej vote; Xenia -Wm, 1v>dd«, tlfHi; Win. j Purdoiii, -L* Bath town-hip A, L. j Sbnc-y, <TV<; 7. T Hcbble, 113, New j Jasper township—R Ik Williamson, T.]S;' J. W. Fudge. 113. Miami township -j J. B. Sl( irn«o«, 877: Grn. Drake, Ihft; tV.iict'.i!1'' T. BB. Andrew. 252; Geo. j Cfr*-\vtl!, Mr, Crawford is the son of the late Harvey Crawford of Ceadcrville. He is a man of excellent character and possessed of considerable wealth. For the past several years he has lived on his Oklahoma ranch, in sight of David­ son, a growing; hustling town, f Miss Mattie Crawford,' a sister of Mr. Crawford, accompanied the bride to be. Other members of the Craw­ ford family live at the same place.— Yellow Springs News, Young Men Go Camping. A lively crowd of young men left here Wednesday afternoon for the Mi­ ami Valley Chautauqua grounds, where they will go in camp. The party will he gone about ten days, and eggisists of the following young men; Ralph Towns- ley, Raymond Bull, Howard Turnbull, Fred Clematis, Fred Townslcy, John Stewart, Coilins Williamson, Roy Fos­ ter and Herbert Shaw. Brice Miller goes as coo!;, newstore ["Home Clothing Co.,” and it is hoped that business can be opened by Septem­ ber 15th or as soon as the room is com­ pleted, Mr, Hartman has purchased his fix­ tures and also a fine line of gents’ cloth­ ing and furnishings, anc} will aim to sell the highest grades of clothing possible in a town of this size. Mr. Hartman has been in business in Cincinnati for the past- five years and comes highly recommended. His home is near Wilmington, where his father is a well-known rod extensive land owner. He is a very pleasant-gentle­ man and lias the qualifications of mak­ ing friends quick. He comes to this place believing that tile town and com­ munity can support a store Such as he expects to open. In fact, he has come to make Ceadcrville bis home. Mr. and Sirs. F. B. Turnbull and son, Robert, left Saturday for Sulphur Lick Springs on a ten day stay at that resort, Dr. MU m TAWMM m Pm rtltev* Mta What Does It Mean? Tho best druggists in each city Mid tO” 3 liftrC 1)0012 BOlBCiCfi ill the formation of an association to mmiufacturo pure drugs, safe household remedies and toilet articles. This combination of 10,0(H) R e ta il druggists have, through a National Committeo of America's most progressiva pharmacists, chosen the best for­ mulas fo r preparing these var­ ious preparations. These preparations are guaran­ teed to bo absolutely pure and to be the best th a t can be pro­ duced. They are no Cure-Alls, bu t are simple and reliable house hold remedies designed to take the place of pa ten t medicines, which are so often made by ir­ responsible firms. These medi­ cines aro recognized by the sym­ bols A-D-B. and m ay be p ro ­ cured of Isaac Wisterman. OEDARVILLE, OHIO Change Time Of Trains. There is to be a change in the time of some of the trains here after Sab­ bath noon. A new train will be put on going west at about 7 , 15. Neither sec­ tion of No. 21 will stop. It is also re­ ported that there will he no evening train east at 6:44. A new train east will be due. here about 3:30, As the new card is not in the agent's hands yet, the exact time and changes cannot be given. School Board On Inspection Trip. The members of the Township Board of Education were out last Saturday on an inspection trip visiting the var­ ious sclioolhouses in the district. This is the first trip of tin's nature that has been taken by ,the hoard in a good many years and the result is that all the members arc well acquainted with the. condition of cadi building. A num­ ber of extensive repairs will he made, such as rerooling, laying of floors/ erec­ tion of porches and « pairs to stoves and interior decoration. The members were taken over the township in Mr, G. F. Fieglcr’s automobile. Miss Lena Gilbert, of Ccadervillc, wh > for th.e past two years has been a teacher at the F. aiul G. O. Home, Xenia, is here to attend the oxer* cLcs of tho Antioch Summer School. She u-tunvi to the Lome next year. She is a cousin of Mrs, ‘Towuo Far- lisk , -Yellow Springs News, Sunday Ball Ci A large crowd witnessed a game base ball last Sunday afternoon on the Weymouth farm owned by J. H, and T. B, Andrew in the eastern part of the township.' Andrew Ferryman is tlioq,tenant on the place. This was the second Sunday game this summer, and both drew large crowds from Ccadcr- villc, Gladstone and Jamestown. There being strong opposition to base ball on the Sabbath at any of the near-by towns, the games are being played on the Andrew Bras. farm. To Improve Columbus Pike. The townslup trustees and county commissioners conic to terms on the improvement of the Columbus pike be­ tween the railroad and Blockson's bridge, A ' N jr ’ The work will be done under the direction of the district supervisor, Mr. G. E. Jobe. In this way the money will all be expended in the township. Farmers having teams for hire can share in the cost of the improvement, The commissioners will purchase enough of the Harper land to widen the road. The improvement was badly needed, Fistic Combat Between Logmen. A terrible assault was made Wednes­ day morning on John W. Reid by Charles Elliott, with the result that the. former was bruised about the head, kicked in the side hnd bad one eye en­ tirely closed from a powerful blow, Reid Haims that he was first knocked down with a brick and then pounded by Elliott, The affair was over some trouble con­ cerning Elliott being fired as a teamster for the Miami Lumber & Veneer Co, flint is cutting the Hopping timberlan i. Reid is a foreman attd is said to be to sponsible for Elliott’s dismissal. The latter swore •vengeance and made the best of bis oportemify Wednesday on South Miller street, where the two met. near Andtew Bros, office. T, R, An drew took the wounded man to Dr. J. O. Stewart, where he received medical aid. Elliott took to a corn field near by and a purse was soon formed that rounded him up. He was placed in jail awl that afternoon had his hearing before Mayor Wolfutd, Ite entered a plea of tv-1 guilty to a- .sudf and batterv ami his trial is set for today, • mttetetetK m m «•***§ i j j j * »* Vij- v