The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

/ f m Jbtooil#*#* O ir J*fc Work will f«»p«r« wltlt iimt uf *av trtht*r firm.. . , « I R T T - S E O O ® _ X 2 M J a ^ M # •*^«</VAWV*AW*sA*^AV'*A'NS*,**i#A*^/Vw"/V«s/*AwVSAAVNS#*'NW*. ENTRIESCLOSE Th* su tm s for the Republican primary are all in and the cam­ paign Is on m dead earnest. Can­ didate* will devote their time with the voters until Tuesday, Septem­ ber 7. l a th e village the followihg are out for offlea: Mayor-- JC. G. McCorkoU. J . H. Andrew. Marshal— . W . It. Kennon. II. A. McLean. Clerk— ' H. B , Hitchcock. Treasurer— Jaoob Sleylcr, 4 . O. Barber. Assessor— I . F . Puffer. Calvin Ewry. Real Estate Appraiser— John Pierce. Council (6 to select). Dr, J . O. Stewart. . ' ■ J . P. Caldwell. L . G. Bull. George Irvin. G. A. Shreades. P , E , McFarland. t , v .i u a J . W. Pollock. Wm. Cotterell. C. C. Weimer. J . D. Silvey. J . » . Orr. TOWNSHIP OFFICES. Trustees (8 to select)— A. H. Creswoll, T, W . St, John. - W. BC. Barber. J . C. Townsley, 0 . H. Smith. ©lefk— F . A. Jackson. "Willard Troute, Constable— John Boas. W . Kennon. Treasurer— . W . H. Owens J . B . Cooper. Assessor— - Amos Tonkinson. , Betd Estate Appraiser— J . H. Stormont, tute Next Week. The Greene County Teachers’ In­ stitute* will be held in Xenia next week a t the McKinley school build­ ing. Hon. E." A. Jbneg, former State School Commissioner, and Miss Grace A. Greene, Principal of the Normal School, Dayton, arc the lecturers for the wook. Washington C. H. Fair Next. The Washington C. II. Fair will he held from Tuesday until Friday of next week. Almost $0,000 in Cash Premiums will be given in the speed ring and other depart­ ments. Banning, trotting and pacing races daily. There will be plenty of other features for amuse­ ment on the grounds. Wise Rule in Austria. ' Tire government of Austria laukes special Inducements to farmers who will reclaim water lands and make use of them. h e r a l d . This {jecn when marked with an Judes, denotes that year sshecsiij,! Is pact dee and a pwapi settk' ment soearnestlydesired,. . . . . . . M f l T i m 5B?“ coming primary. Tor the good of tbf*j for that olfteo sheq strictly a piufy figl reason withdraw*,^ However, lie tf.«i candidate on th* jctsat tlio regular1.i ember, Tim Mays lowing statement^ Mayor of all the, going to pi'fwnfc office of Chief Bass of all tbts pcopls^j* Charles S. Dodds are the didates a t the Nocld, flje Jhrtgjpiji It matters m>M Inated by th« will be a threw oor fall. Nceld was candidate two years; Bpliiiitn of Xenia! ay that liej at micro tho I» thinks that that a fight not bo made and for that mouncod as a ipendent tick- lion in Nov- iHdo the fol- I have been ib*, and I am ’Self for the tve to the vote m. and Wm. ipublican can- iry and Win. :ic candidate, will bo noin- dicans, tborer vd fight this ie Democratic latest Mayor GROUP OF HAPPY CHILDREN ENJOYING TH E OHIO STATE FAIR. Children’s day at the Ohio State Fair is an announcement that brings joy to thousands, of Ohio’s future statesmen and first ladies of the land. Note the expression on the faces in the group above reproduced and then spread the glad news that the exposition will this year be held in Columbus Aug. 80, 31, Sept. 1, 2, 3 next, and that on the fast named date the children of the state will be admitted free at the gates. The program for that day ha* been arranged with a view of especially appealing to the children, and one and all are cordially Uivited to attend. Lecture Course Numbers Selected. The number for the M. E . Broth­ erhood leoture course this winter have been selected and dates will be announced inter, The following are the attractions: Sterling Jubilee Singers. The Lucy Lae Concert Company. Hendrickson * Bosnni, magicians juggler* and illusionists, . Ralph Bingham, pereonator, hu* morlst, violinist, vocalist, and ra- ar>n Brooks Fletcher, lecturers. The course comprises »lx numbrrs and ,an exceptionally good one that should be liberally patronised m the interest of the Brotherhood. Cedarville Boy Drew Prize. According to the Cincinnati En­ quirer, Mr. Boy Tonkinson of this place, who went south some months ago, has drawn a lucky prize in the land drawing conducted by the Government in the division of the Flathead reservation m Idaho. Mr. Tonkinson gets ICOacres. Congressman Denver in Xenia. A. D. S. What Does it Mean? The best druggists in each city and town have been selected in th# formation of an association to manufacture pure drugs, safe household remedies and toilet articles. This combination of 10,000 Retail druggists have, through a National Committee of America** most progressive pharmacists, chosen the best for­ mula* f#r preparing these var­ ious preparations, These preparations are guaran­ teed to be absolutely pure and to be tho best that can be pro­ duced. They are no Cure-Alls, but are simple and reliable house hold remedies designed to take the place of patent medicines, which are so often made by ir­ responsible Arms, These medi- etnes are recognized by tho sym­ bol* A D H. and way be pro­ cured of Isaac Wisterman. GKDABVtLLE, OHIO Xouia is all ftstii* over tho fact the department uf Washington hap issued an order that unless tho city takes advantage of the $10,01:0 offer .or a government building site with­ in a short time, tho appropriation will lapse. A meeting of tho Commercial Club was hold Tuesday evening and somo action is expected at once. Congressman Denver and Hccrofary David Hempstead laid the matter bofotb President Prngh of tlio Com­ mercial Club. The. sites in view arc being held by the owners at a price above tho appropriation. It may bo tht t the public will bo called upon to put up $1,00!) additional to got tho Florence Hotel site, NEW MAIL SCHEDULE. WEST BOUND, _ Train Due. Mail Make TTp. No. 81, 7:13 &. m. 7:00 No, 10,3:14 p. in. 0:00 p.m. No, 83, 6:37 p. m. 6:15 EAST BOUND. No. CO, 8:01 a, in. 8 :10 a. m. "No, 0, ,10:47 a. m. 10:15 a. m. No, 10, 4:49 p, m. 4:i!0p,m. No. 81, 7:81 p, m. fi.TGp. m. T. N. Turbos, P. M. AN OPPORTUNITY. Tho Michigan Nursery Company, of Monroe, Michigan, one of the oldest and most reliable 'nurseries In tho country, wants a representa­ tive in tliis vicinity, flood wages can bo made selling their high grade trees, plants, etc. Writo them today, acd. F Brennan and the fffht was a liol Olio, The iattfj? vr« votes according to the Neeld people ol* one precinct whtfreij county politician manipulated the vt in Brennan’,# favor, beiieved that the had anything .to do.-^ Androw-IUdgivky i ing a' candidate, of over zealous fru FEATURES Ohio State Fair, Columbus, August 30, 31, September 1, 2, 3, to be Replete With Novel Educational Amusement and EatertrjmitHrf: ? < m km Ph*- Spellman's Stupendous Shows, Miss Wilmine Hammann, Vocalist, Features of the Night Enter- tainment—A Multitude of Edu cational Innovations. by about 80 count but ed fraud in * prominent id to have the count was novel' or himself this a-la- of elect* i the work Think of iti features promised at an Exposition where ‘‘features” have always predomi­ nated. Yet this As the bold an­ nouncement of the managers of the Ohio Slate Fair, to be hold in Col­ umbus, August C6, 31, September 1,2, 8, next, and present indications aro that they will fully make good in every dotail. •’ Entries in tho competitive de­ partments of the Exposition closed Saturday, last, with the largest entry list in Its history, and not a class in the seventeen distinct de­ partments hut what will be well represented, Ohio’s reputation as the leading Exposition of the Dillon will not ho jeopardized tills season if tho number and quality of exhib­ its entered ih the*basing index. Magnificent uducatioi al exhibits, however, aro not all of the cm g Exposition, as superb amusement and entertainment will lie pro­ gramed both day and night, inclu­ ding PainVManhattan Beach Fire­ works; Kopp’s Military Band; Miss Wilinino Hammann, vocalist; Spellman's twenty stupendous shows; ton sterling free feature acts three daily spirited harness races, while as its leading feature m this litio announcement is made that those kings of the turf, Dan Patch and Minor Heir, will on Tuesday, August 81, meet m a battle royal for the world s speed supremacy. Other novel innovations of tho Exposition Will bo displays of tho handiwork id inmates of the va­ rious state institutions, affording opportunity for all to become famil­ iar with what Ohio is doing in ear- ing for and educating her wards; installation of a Complete domestic aeioncodepartment sn tho women's building; practical demonstration of scientific road building; daily lectures by experts on topics of vital Importance to agriculturist# and many others equally as inter­ esting as tho ones hero mentioned. Never before has such state wide interest boon shown in tho Exposi­ tion, and with tno auporb enter­ tainment programed, and ths introduction of many novel educa­ tional features, it is a foregono eon- elusion that tho coming Exposition Will outrank any of its predecessors from every viewpoint. LOOT;--’Pearl Brooch with dia­ mond in eonter, A liberal reward will bo paid for return of stuno. Theodore J . Fitch, Tin re will" be n< before the primal triob or township a wise move'frypit is supposed to* f„# schools or in the i members, Save legislature reined hlems from the #4 and citizens, fm can bo candidat election. The action of nance in s*t per year has Up to that idatea out either dis- This is that there 8 in the of board ago the arty tim'd ticket party, regular he o di­ al $100 ndidates appear i jk plac* thenalary a t $$*). repoiftd to Several years ago> when J. II. An- drcif was a member i>f council, the W. C, T- IT. wanted a prohibitive ordinance against the sale of iifjuor. Tin's \ysD before there had hmi any local option elections. Mr. Andrew had no hesitancy in casting liis vote, against tlsc measure, A few years later Thoms Mitchell was up for selling contrary to law, and J. II. Andrew and T. I), Andrew were there to go his bond. Another case was when C. M; Kidgway was arrested by the "Committee of One Hundred," the Andrew Bros, took his part and to­ day T. 1?. Andrew is oa Ilidgway’s bond on two cases that arc being fought through the courts. Me. llidgway need:’, a "husinesa mar," for mayor, and lie has selected or.o. that weak! stand bv him like the rock '->t Gibraltar. Many Farms Change Hands. The real estate llrm of Smith, Clematis & Hopping 1ms sold a large number of farms within tho past fow week#. Among them arc tho following: Christian Mai tin farm, Clifton, IC2 acres, to Perry <’Dawson at $!;(*. Louis Boidman farm of SO acres, Yellow Springs road to C. 31. Gor­ don, a t $Cd, Wood Warner farm of u.'J acres to Darnel Denne!i*y, $l3„tMb Hill Carpenter farm to William Ogleshce, 3,,’l acres *+ $l"o. O. 13. Campbell farm, 1*)0 acres, a t $109 to Beal Brother# near Xenia. Tho farm belonging to tho Boss heirs near Jamestown. 180 at $-0 per aero. ,Thefctnonntrerres<»iit#ti in these farms totals over $*7,oo<*. vwt # k shim : « pm * h « v v *m * « mpm * m BRICE $1.00 A TEAR. CEDARVILESTIL ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES AT OHIO'S GRAND STATE EXPO­ SITION. Night entertainment will be inaugurated, at the coming Ohio state Fair, to be held in Columbus Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1, 2, 3 next, and with the superb attractions to be programmed nightly should prove one of the most interesting features of the exposition. The grounds and buildings will be brilliantly Illuminated, while band concerts, pyrotechnic displays, free feature perform­ ances and the stupendous Spellman shows wSU provide Amusement and enter­ tainment for all visitors. In addition to the evening amusement features, each of the seventeen mammoth exhibition buildings, with their magniiieent educa­ tional displays, will be open for Inspection. IN THE LEAD. Yellow tfpringa imu been crowing aver what they have done m the way of money orders from the post office. Thin may be true iw to postal funds but when it cornea to money orders Cedarville is still In tho lead A few years ago a now money or­ der system was inaugurated and a comparison between Cedarviile, Jamostown. Yellow Bprmgo and South Charleston will prove inter­ esting. Since that time tho loyal office has issued 20,110 . money or­ ders. Jamestown Is about 1,0011 be­ hind, yellow Springs is short 8,0C0, South Charleston by about 10,000, Tills proves that the local office is doing an enormous business in money orders in comparison with other places of the game sivte. We have an excellent, mail service When Mr, Tarbox took charge of tho office it was only fourth class now B is third and it has steadily advanced. With the addition of several factories it would be second class with free city delivery. DESCRIPTIONOF Beading the excellent description and historical in Adents of tires Little Miami Cliff's, m the Herald, a few weeks ago, I think it only just, that onr own Massie*’ creek should b# described, ‘MHMWIpr t* u<rn»iiti«wifthi|» t tw t t - x Sm s or O hio , Cirs-or, LiicA 8 tw o s rv 1 <V* s k ,T. CntxKv rrek«* o*t, fihst be is gemor l'srtr’er of th* firtn »>fE J, C iwmj V Jts to., UO’iijrbn*i*e** hi frm city of Tnltdo, county. *nd «**te #!•#**» I. *ol that ivud ffirin wii? m * tb# cam* <*N*I5 1ITM j RKP I) of that i#nn’'t l-e cnttA hy ffi*ii**r.f lGit.’c. 11as, srkKyK i . > iiknisy . Hwcrntobcf-'r<*n!*##d»td-*'>V*',i inmy prcwiKC, tliiH(>,bd*jr A. !>■ h. W N('W»y 1'ftbUc { ^ J tlsli'R <At.irrh f<tr* i« t*kn< bi»»rRsdy end #■Htliwily W.n*d end nmcous Mirfet#* <A theeye***#. HoldfortetHmoui- *te4fm*. ; unmercifully with nature’# works, and cut away the nmjeaac cedars and maples that once falnged the banka of Masaies* creek, yet it still presents scenery of unexcelled aquatic, beauty. Men, who once lived and spent their boyhood days along the stream never forget its shady nooks and pools, and when they go out into the world they always have -a'fond remojnbvanco of bow they used to stroll along the foot paths and plungo into tho refreshing .water. No, they never forget, and when their hair becomes sprinkled with gray they return .again and stroll along the path where long years age their bare feet trod toward the oldBWimmin’ hole by the mill, Mnssics’ creek originates from two tributaries which unite their waters at the eastern odgo of Cedarville and form the Greek proper. From here till it reaches a point about two miles west of the village the stream leads a tortuous course. Through years it has followed its present bod and has cut) its way through solid limestone and formed a gorge similar to that of the Miami Adam has been constructed across the gorgo from bank to hauls which at this place is thirty feet across and of about the same depth. This dam affords abundance of wator to supply a targe paper Industry and power to run a flottr mill which has run ceaselessly for g life time. The old-fashioned ovtr shot water wheel has been replaced by a turbine, and the old erushiug stones that ground wheat and. corn for our grand­ father/: have boon thrown fisido to utako v/oy for the now inventions. As tho. water rumbles over the dam it falls into the deep gorge and goes rushing ondown its rocky way. Tho limestone walls loom upward oss both aides, ssv.wr, covered and green with the clinging cedars and (dumps of fern. Overhead the wil­ lows, which have escaped tho wood­ man’s ax, bend far out over the yawning precipice and almost shut out the sun light from tlio stream below. A t a point called “Tno Falls” a quarter of a mllo below tho mill dam, great rocks have fallen from the high banks and completely blockade the path of tlio water which bounds over tho obstruction seething and foaming, a sea of angry water, on, on it rushes dash­ ing bright silver to white and send­ ing a dull rumble down tho ravino like the ocean In a rocky cavern, A little way further down is an em liv ing ftpring of cool, sparkling water that gushes from tho Solid rock mid a bed of dripping moss and green water cross. Above the ehffs an arch is formed which bonds out like a sheltering roof over tho natural fountain. Cedars cling to •very nieho and eraviee on the oTwhturglug olfit and the surround­ ing t-cenory is worth an artist’s study. The creek flows merrily at its foot and alter gathering, the sparkling contents enters a quiet pool where it stops to linger and rests from its mad rush down th gorge. Here in the shaded se­ questered spot tho fishes sport-and- play aud on the rocks the water BhakeB and turtles bask in the sum­ mer sun. A drowsy, sleepy feeling surrounds the place and it seems that nature keeps quiet that the water might rest in peace. 0aMi^biUilui.tij« ftygamorea bead down to meet their reflection in the crystal streams. The wild flowers gro^ir luxuriously In the rich black ea rth .' BcluWthiBSpotisanold fort and not far away on an upraised knoll is a quaint old mound, both of a people far difleront from those who inhabit tho country today. Stumps and trees of Imans”centuries growth arc fouud on those ancient earth works and discoveries al­ ready made prove to us that a race of people Uvea oil the hanks of Massios’ Greek long before the ad­ vent of the whi to man and the In­ dian. Many interesting traditions are told of the neighboring country when Gon. Massle (for whom tlio stream was christened) drove the Indiana across the .creek under the great chief Tocuniseh. , A t the Fo rt the hjgfa banks sud­ denly break off and the creek eutrrs a thickly grown swamp where, the cat-tails and the flags grow in confusion, From tho top of tho cliff tho stream can bo Been emerging from tho jun­ gle, winding and turning through the green pastures like a great snake till it is finally lost behind the blue hills in the distance. Below tho cliffs tho stream flows through a level valley With a ridge or bill on each side. A t very little cost, a dam could ho built from vidgo to ridge which would form a lake of most picturesque beauty and be tbo means of making a park or resort of rare beauty. F— News About The Tractions. Mr, 33. B. Kelly, the Yellow (Springs millionaire, lias returned from Europe and stator: that he lias no intention of purchasing the Springllold & Xenia traction lino or tho Noll Park. I). M. Stewart of Xenia ban also been counseled with tho deal but claims no knowledge of the report. Tho BpringAeld Bun states that Harry Frey is atill working, on his projected traction lino to Cincinnati but that nothing can bo given tho public at this time. There has been nothing of importance since tho filing the mortgage sn Glaik county to a Now York Trust Company sotno weeks ago. O W. Baker of tho tSpringtiold As Washington traction line still main­ tains that tho plana for the road aro being gotten into shape and that poneibly in tho tic#' future some­ thingmight be announced of inter­ est to the public. Hhcumstie i’*In* mlM*e9 by ure *» oc. Mil*’ Anthftd* ra *. m * m * * m . Veteran Waits ■ 45 Years. We are In receipt of a copy of the New Castle.. Ind., Times which gives an account of James L . Willis, a former citizen of this place, com­ ing Ihto his own as to Tank and pay as a member of Co. H, 23d O. V. I. . Through Commander Otis of Los Angeles, Cal., the department a t Washington has issued a remaster as second lieutenant of the 18‘itii O. V. 3., to date from March 9, 1886. The commission had been issued by GovJolin Brough of this state in the formation of Company H but Willis was mustered out under the command of sergeant. -The com­ mission lay in the Adjutant Gener­ a l’s ofllee in Columbus until just, recently when it was sent to Willis by Gov, Harmon. Willis has been guaranteed the payment of several huatiled dollars for difference in pay and for bounty New Culverts Being Placed. The superintendents in the three divisions of the township who have charge of tho roads have been plac­ ing some largo steel corrugated, tubes as culverts. ’The ends aro protected by cement caps. The steel tubes are furnished by the county conimlcsioners and the trustees are instructed to have them jmf; in, ’The cost is borne by the county. . K. of P. Lodge The different lodges fu tho coun­ ty of the Knights of Pythias order will hold a picnic a t tho Fa ir grounds on Friday, August 20. The B. of V. band of Xenia will fnrmnh music during Mia day. All mem- bors of the order and their friends are invited. Time Of Local The nowsehedulo for trains went into effect Bunday and tho follow­ ing So tho time of local service; West, No. 31, 7;13 a. m ,; No. 38, 6:87 p, m- E ast, No, 2l5, H:31 a. m .; No. St. 0:31. Persons desiring to go to Indianapolis, Chicago or G(. Louis can now take the morning train west, and change at "Xenia for tlio fast train. The same with tho East bound trains. Kinnane Property For Hospital. Tho .Binto Board of Health has taken -action on tlio ails for the joint tuberculosis hospital by tho counties of Greene, Madison, Clark anti Campaign. Tho Kinnane alto was selected and the site nppi svetl by tho amto board. 'Tho cojnsyiH- sionors from Greene couuiy were favorable to the Bkjl property near South Charleston. ' The option th t Klumtne property is f