The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

a—# . MMMWWlMyWtea. , tm Bxmftmw 0 m H h! W o rk w ill com p axv w i t k t h a t u f a rty o t h e r f i r m , . , i Mj/t- l i m *k*B sstrk tii with ' lifle i, atccJ** mss your s*«, iIs past due and a fronpt « iaasnt Sswracstlpdtfiired.. . . . c * r r : . S S I B X X i S i a ^ ^ G E D A E V 1 E & E , O H JD , )AY, AUGUST 27, » -E E IC jm m JU T O k a . H P. €EMTEM 1 1 The Reformed Frssby terian ceu- fsnn ial celebration of three days be­ gins today with a congregational picnic on the lawn a t A lford Mem­ orial. Here friends and fam ilies of tiie local congregations arid former memborn of the It. P, church wili gather on tho historic spot. The souvenir took is ready for distribution. I t contains tho p ic t arcs of a ll the pastorst the flvo houses of worship, h istory of tho congregation, poem by W. D. Nis- bet and an article on “Conv’iian- tore.” ‘ The following is tho program : F riday , August 27th,—Uongrega tioual picnic a t Alford Memorial; Toasts, Toastmaster, S. C- W righ t; Music; Announcements. Saturday , August 28th—1 ;80 p, m. Music; Invocation; Address of Wel­ come, Bev, J . Mills Taylor; Greet­ ings by representatives of local churches; Bottera; Music. 2;30 p, m .—Address, “ Fo rty Years a Go-laborer with Dr, Morton,” by Rev. W«A. Robb, D. D., James­ town, O ,; Music; Announcements; Benediction. 7:80 p. m.—Musio; Invocation; Address, Rev. R. A. Hutchison, D. D. Home Missionary Secretary of United Presby terian church; Music;. Address, “ Cedarville Col­ lege.” by Rev. Wm. R. G raham ; Music; Benediction. ■ Sabbath, August 29th,—»;30 a. m. Sabbath school; Exercises by the children; The Besson; Address, Dr. J , H ’ McMillan, Vice President of Monmouth College. 10:80 a. m, PubiioWorship; P salm ; Invocation ; Psalm ; Scripture; P ra y e r; Offering; Psalm ; Sermon, Rev, James Y. Boice, D, D., pastor -of F ir s t Reformed Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, P a .; P rayer; Psalm ; Benediction; Intermission. 1:80 p. m . Public worship; Psalm ; Invoca tion ; Scripture, P salm ; Ad­ dress, Rev. Jo h n John H , Kendall, B . D m pasto r of :Reformed Presby­ te rian church* Tarentum,- P a .; P ray e r; Psalm ; Benediction. 7:80, p« m ,—Public Worship;! The Boys In Cedar Camp. A number of boys o f town and v icinity have had the pleasure of enjoying a camping trip.. A wagon was scoured w ith stoefc racks and covered w ith tarpau lins; chere were seven in the crowd also a cool? m the person of Brice M iller and Roy Foster also w en t along proving quite a help. Tho wagon le ft town August 11, arriv ing homo August 20. Wo went by the way of Xenia, Spring Valley Centerville and'Mlamjeburg, About 4 miles from Miamisburgwe camped four days, Bpending the time fishing, swimming, rowing and the many Other th ing s th a t go to make camp life adm irab le. On our way home wo came through F rank lin , Spring- boro, Waynesville, Wilmington and Jamestown. Factories in the v a ­ rious towns were inspected and much usefu l information gained thereby. Soma of the crowd was visitors a t the Queen City one $ay , Howard Turnbull and Brice Mil­ ler were tho camp foxers, ever on th e a le rt to trap up some o f the fel­ lows who had been so lucky a s to win over some of th e fair sex. F red B. Ciemang and John Stew­ a r t were the “ camp sports” m fact the lad ies men. ' c Ralph E. Townsley had complete control of the “ canoe’, and a tta ch ­ ments and asked no odds of anyone over the rap ids a n d th e n the calms were confident. I t was with regrot th a t there W’cro no “ yutchets” (yachts) on the river as Collins W illiamson is very much a ttached to them of late. F red Townsley was head sheep buyer and one of the wise sleepy heads who tried to sleep through the n igh t of turmoil. Raymond 8. Bull, secretary of the re st committee, served some time as “ wagon shaker” in the small hours of the n igh t. ' > . One n igh t fried potatoes were served a t 12:00 »n<l watermelon a t 2 o’clock. Ho one was allowed to sleep more th an two consecutive hours a t any one time. Such a re a few of the m any pleas­ a n t adven tures of Cedar Camp. One of the Beys, STATEFAIR , \ Forty New Educa iturea— Columbus, Ohio, Ang. 27,—Mer­ chants of the North S idem Colum- humare proparing to en te rta in all visitors to tho S ta te fa ir the week of Aug. 80-Sept. 4, with a big carn i­ val which w ill eclipse any th ing ever before attempted in the capital city. The fair grounds are located on the North Side, which embraces as much territo ry and as many people as any Ohio city outside of tho five largest. Visitors to the fair will pas* through the scene of the Carn ival on their way to the fair. When they have inspected the record-breaking displays of prize farm products, live stock, machinery and other exh ib its, the North Siders w ill welcome them and beg .the privilege of showing their sk ill as hosts. I t is the first time in many years th a t Columbus has attempted to provide en tertain ­ m en t o ther than th a t offered by the sta te board of agriculture. I f any fca tu te Is omitted which would add to the pleasure and enjoyment of the visitors from everywhere, it will be an oversight, which w illno t be repeated in fu tu re years if called to the atten tion of the managers. - Each day during the big week will have its own special features. One n igh t thoro will be a big mask carn ival, with liberal prizes for men, women and couples. Every one of the thousands at tho North Side Carn ival th a t n igh t w ill be pledge to have a good time and to help everybody else to share the joys of th is Northern Gras. Another n ig h t will witness a pub­ lic wedding, when two well-known Columbus young people will s ta rt oh the most perilous journey known to the hum an race . Tho ceremony will be performed oh a big open platform , w ith a ll the trimming* of a home or church splicing. R ice and old shoes will be barred , bu t there w ill be enough confetti to load * freigh t ear. Mjardi Stupendous P ro fiM t&ftf Pain's Manhattan Beach ! ■ j n r k s E a c h Night—Dan P a td jP V I Minor Heir to Battle f o S j n d ’s *u- premacy, T u e s d a y s » u t 3 1 . Monday n ex t will H H r a r e d in the G'Jth annual O h lil Fair, w ith prospects th a t j f l ^ B * r exce] all former e x h i b i t i o n ■ e com- potitivo displays widjfl ^ E o r e ex- tensive, the e d u e a t f l ■ETcatnre* more numerous. wiraH H p enter- taimnen t and amussram Hm ily tire- grammed is most e « | The exposition will bs < h H b t y and nigh t. F a in ’s M a n f l H i Beech Fireworks is tU e fs a taH j ^ p e n ig h t entertainmen t, w i t h f l pyrotechnical. p ro g riH Hfexcellcd eluding H i ’Jocko’ among many other n s f l the acrobatic m onk ; jHno” the tra in ed elephan t; thwM Ewdo fan. 20 feet h ig h ; eiam ltaaM ^ E d u t e o f 1,000 rockets, “ The iH H U a v m ,” while each even ing jH ■ftrxnanee will bo concluded a ■ | Fain’s masterpiece, “ N i a g a r a H v i v i d l y po rtray ing in fire th e f l ■K v cat a- rac t. Three th o u sa n d ! B a r s will be expended each «v«n I f t f o r the fireworks display, i t the most stupendous p y r e * ■ c a l pro- d notion ever offered HK rse a t- trac tion . Kopp’s F ftjs ! ■ f l l i t a r y Band will rende r I A each evening, assisted by. M l ^KTiltnine Hamman, vocalist. H are fea tu red n igh tly » ■ t i A acts H a m n e c - rnent Avenue with ■Mtendous Spellman’s Shows w iiaB ■ a m u s e - by tarian ohuroh P m * P rayer; Psatm ; Benediction. ment and entertaining F o rty now feature* in th e educational and these, together. ; perb a rray of amt tor tainment w i l l : and m ost elaborate-; history. Tuesday, August! as good roads p ractical dome tide read b«r Messrs. Clarence A. Newport of Indianapolis, Ind ., and H a rry G. Kelly of Springfield* grandson of Mr. David T. Gibson, were m town Monday. Mr. Newport is 'a Bon of Thomas Jefferson Newport, one of th e early se ttle rs in th is tow n .1 Mr. Newport is delving in to the family h isto ry and is socking information a s to the Newport fam ilies which laid ou t the village. Through the p rank s of some boys tho school house bell was tolled Monday evening abou t eigh t o’clock Officer Konnon was o n th'o scene and attem p ted to find out who was responsible for the fun bu t the par­ ties escaped. The boys had tied a string to the tapper And then from a tree top performed their mischief. Some one suggested th a t a gun be procured aud fired into the trees and while the search was being mado in the b*lfrey tower two boys descend­ ed tho treo on tho ea st side of the building and was soon lo st in the darkness. The Y. P , C. U. of tho United Presby terian church of Clifton will give a lawn foto on tho church lawn, Tuesday afternoon and eve, August 81. A ll aro cordially invi­ ted. A. D. S. Peroxide Cream! A most de ligh tfu l preparation for rendering the skin so ft and velvety* I t possessed the peculiar fea­ tu re of n o t being e ithe r oily or sticky . \Vh :h applied to tho face or hands with s ligh t rubbing i t im ­ mediately disappears leaving the Akin h i perfect condition with th a t much sough t a fte r «o£t glow e f health . I t acts its ftpleasing remedy for chapped hands or fabe, sore lips, pimples, sunburn, chafing black­ e r irrita tion of the skin. Bailies wishing ft b righ t, clear complex- ion Will find this cream to im­ p a rt a delicate; and pleasing ef­ fect to tho fft-0. hands and arms, a ja r, For sale by Isaac Wisterman. CKUARVIT.BE, OHIO l ^ r in g f i e ld . Following a custom of the past eighteen years, Springfield will again close a busy summer o f en ter­ tainm en t and amusement features with a n elaborate Babor Day cele­ bration on Monday, September 6th. H an s a re umUr way for many new features, designed for the express purpose of giving to the amusement loving pubiio something now and difforontin the way of en te rta in ­ ment. One thousand children will p a r­ ticipate in a flag d rill under tho supervision of Prof. B. B. Mclntlro. This feature proved most popular last year, and formod one ot the most a ttrac tiv e portions of tho pleasing program. Matinee racing and liigh-clasB vaiideviilo, in ter­ mingled w ith hand concerts will »1 bo form a large portion of the afternoon en te rta inm en t. Prize d rills by the children from tho fra- fcornal homes aro also being ar­ ranged. In tho morning, the pa­ rade of labor unions, with many added features, will bo held fls usual Out-of-town people will he in te r­ ested more d irectly in the elaborate display of fireworks, winch will be given in the evening, following a band concert and vaudeville cuter- taiuinotit in fron to f tlieg rand stand a t tho fa ir grounds. For th is year the committee lifts selected a de­ cidedly in to resting program fe r the pyroteclihicai display, including many now creations in aerial bombs, fancy rockets, brillian t can­ dles, spectacular flower pots and elaborate set pieces. The display must bo seen to bo appreciated, and it is already assured th a t many hundreds of persons from surround­ ing cities w ill witness the oxhlbitien Miss Nora Forbes of Clifton, daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs. TV. H. Forbes, was m arried Tuesday morn­ ing a t nine o'clock to Charles I 1. Henry, ft young veterinary dentist of Springfield. The couple will spend their honey moon in trave l­ ing by wagon to Cincinnati camp­ ing along the way. From there they go to St. Boms by boat. Byron TV. King, the ominenfc lec­ tu rer, gave ttu excellent Bible rend- in g in tho opera house la s t Sabbath evening before a large audience. I t was on behalf of Rov. TV. 3). P u tt th a t tho famous lectu rer came to th is place under tho auspices of tho M.-R. Brotherhood. Music for tho evening was furn ished by ft quar- tot,to composed of B< II. Hullenborg- or, d ia rie s llaney, G. F. Sirgler *n* U. TV. SuUenb*rg:*rol Dayton. I opsnlng n igh t. Kvery automobil*, motor oyci# and blcycl# owner in Columbus h a s b«*n invited to p a r­ ticipate. Rivalry among them is increasing In th e s*arch for decora­ tive ideas which can cap tu re the prizes th a t will be given to the best decorated yi each class. The en tire carn ival will be given out-of-doors, along North High stre e t and on big sliow lots ad jactm ,, T h a t portion of the main thorough­ fare of Columbus will be tho scene of more lavish decorations than any th ing ever before attem p ted in the city. The big electric hrohes, which have caused Columbus to be justly famed aa the Arch City, will be covered with buutiug, flags, col­ ored ligh ts and novel effocts. Every business house and residence will bo hidden behind b rillian t colors and electric lihgts. A t n igh t the elaborate flroworks displays, amid th isb n llian ts c ttln gw ill he thrilling and awe-inspiring—never-to-bo-for* gotten. Death Of John O’Brien. John O’Brlon, who was badly In­ jured on South Main s tre e t on Thursday, August 12, when ho was run over by a wagon loaded with coal. He bad attempted to stop his team which hod become frightened. I t was known afte r medical exam­ ination by Dr, J . 0 . S tew a rt th a t the man had boon badly injured. However ho improved for a time bu t was taken worse and died early Tuesday morning. The deceased was abou t 67 years of age and was married to Mrs. Sarah Jan a Cttvaner, The widow is the only surviving member of tha fam ily. Mr. O’Brien lias lived on tho H a r­ per land for abou t 13 years and was an industrious farmer, H e was born In Ireland . The funeral was held from tUo Catholic church in South Charles­ ton, Tlmrady morning. Will Address Mass Meeting. Dr. TV. R. MeChesney has accept­ ed an inv ita tion to address a mass mooting a t Monmouth, III., on Sab­ bath evening October I), during the United Presbyterian Young Peoples Christian Union Annual convention o n th a t date there will be three m ass meetings held in th a t city. th s ie racing and Miner Heir. all. jmised tments, [tb* BU-. id er«- ideal fttftte’ft iknown UWlih is*- Dan Patch house m WAGONSTOLEN. Thieves stole a horse and light . wagon from I. N. Patterson on the IJames Barber farm some time Sat- ! til’day night. j The slaugh ter house of C, H. Crouse being close by the thieves helped themselvee to . the hides in (ha t building. The house was en­ tered by b reak ing the look with a sledge hammer and the contents were easily removed. Mr. Crouse suspicioned th a t tho hides were stolen upon bearing th a t tho Patterson herso and wagon were gone. Ho went immediately and made a n inspection and found th is to he the case:. Tho parties were tracked to Sonth Charleston and it is claimed th a t such »■wagon passed through t h a t town about 3:30 a. m. Tho track was la st beyond th a t place. The Cedarville Protective officials wore no t in f ormed of the th e ft until. Monday morning, twenty four hours a fte r the discovery. I t was. almost impossible to get a clue of any kind th is Jate. Presiden t Cooley sen t out cards to near by towns,. Tele­ phone messages were sen t out on Sabbath m an endeavor to get some clue. ARVILLE COLEGE. Subjects offered in Cedarville Col­ lege, First Semester, Beginning September 21, 1909. Suit Against Administrator* A su it was filed in the Common Picas court F riday by Je rem iah M, Finney against B,! G. Bull, admin­ istra to r of tho estate of Sarah F. Miller. H e aver* in his petition th a t on Oct. 1,1604, he became sure­ ty on a promissory note f a r Sarab F, Miller, then Alive, and th a t on September 27, 1007, the payee of the note recovered a judgmen t against h im on a note fo r $60,16 in the. Com­ mon Pica* Court. The petition fu rther s ta te s th u t he was com­ pelled to pay the judgment, and prays th a t lie may be reimbursed from th e estate of the said Sarah F . Miller.—Gazette. THE GUILTY PARROT. Mrs. Carrf* Chapman Catt, the well known suffragist, while she hopes to give due credit to the noble being, Man, does not, #n th e other hand, over estimate the lords of creation. She was speaking recent­ ly «f ano ther prorainen*'. woman who Is somewhat Inkewarm in the the suffrage cause, “ The trouble with Mrs. B laek .” said Mrs. C a tt is th a t she fairly worships her husband. She th ink s th a t h e is absolutely perfect, TVhy the woman ac tu a lly believes th a t the p a rro t taugh t him to swear.” - - Woman’s Home (Jompanten for September. AN OPPORTUNITY. Tho Michigan Nursery Company, of Monroe, Michigan, one of the oldest and most reliable nurseries in the country, w an ts a representa­ tive in th is vicinity, fined wages can lie made selling their high grade trees, p lan ts, etc. W rite thorn today. 26d. S tate ok Omo, U«» ee borrao, *^’ABOownr j m FnieK J. (’ shaky tethes rwlh that he is senior psrkne of +b« flrie i«f T, J. tVessiY * Co., divng bseiswe in the city of‘fOleilo, county, tail eta*e *fOweH, «n*1 that mv\ tarn wiffyer th«»*ane*w* HUMDRKI) DOlibAM* lor eeoheyenr mm of Oeterrh that unmet fee eww! hr Uie.nwt of H im .' s ( A?ABiwt« ( **, J riu g g l V RIWEY, fhrorn to btfomme ewl snfeeouhsd in my wcsi-nce. this fLh day of 1'eeember, A. 1)* \W>. A. W.fHKAgOg, | *At | ■ Notary Pehlle Hell'e (fetanth car* te.Mken InteMlIj sod sohi dtseMly tm the Wfa* w*d »**>«« life In#. ENGLISH. English Grammar, E lem en tary Rhetoric, E ng lith Classics, English Composition, Advanced Rhetoric and Composition, Two Sections of English L ite ratu re, Eng lish Poets. HISTORY. ology a ad 'A n tiq LATIN. B a tin Bessons, Caesgr and Cem- position, Sallust, Cicero’s Orations, Cicero’s Old Age And Friendship, Vergil’s Aeneid, Tacitus’-Agricola *nd Germany. MATHEMATICS. A rithmetic, E lem en ta ry Algebra, Geometry, College Algebra, Ana­ ly tica l Geometry, GERMAN. German Bessons, German Reader and Composition, Wilhelm .Tell, Advanced Readings and Syntax. FRENCH. French [Bespons, Essay Work, Rendlnff and Conversation. NATURAL SCIENCE. E lem en tary Physics, College Physics, General Chem istry, Agri­ cu ltu ral Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis, General Biology, Elemen­ tary Biology, Physiology, Astron­ omy, Zoology. PHIL0S0HY. psychology, H istory of Philoso­ phy, E th ics. SOCIAL SCIENCE. Economics, (social Psychology, Social Prolems. PEDAGOGY. H isto ry of Education, School Management, Methods. GREEK. Greek Lessons, Anabasis and Composition, Herodotus, New Tes­ tam en t Greek, Plato. HEBREW. Inductive Mothod, Bessons, Gram­ m ar. » BIBLE. P a tria rch a l and Hebrew H istory, Tho Poetic Books, P a rtia l Life of Christ. MUSIC. Piano, * Violin, Vocal, Chorus Drills. Oratory, Public Speaking. Voice Culture, Roading, Decla­ matory Drill, Oratorical Composi­ tion and Drill, Debates. B iteary So ­ ciety Work, Contests, Tuition and Contingent fee, a semester. Boarding and Furnished Room |3.60 a week. Chemical & Physics Laboratory J u s t Replenished and Trip led in Value and Efficiency. New free lim a ly w ith la te s t references. Send for catalogue or information Cedarville College, Cedarville, O. $5,000 Added t o Andrew’s Tax L ist “Sunny J im " , tho Andrew-Ridgway whiskey element candidate for mayor stand* on his merits, A s tric tly business adm in istration is w h a t Mr. Ridgway wants, The druggist feel* th a t it a mayor would pay more atten tion to the needs of the village and not so much to the liquor end of the proposi« tion, the town would be be tte r off. Hence, tho slogan, “An­ drew for mayor, to give the people a be tto r business adm inis­ tration .” J . H . Andrew is a business man, th a t is, he deals in a busines? way with hi* fellow men,u For instance, a wholesale grocery in Dayton, now defunct, of which ho was president, paying earnings ou t of the cap ital stock to lure some innocent investor. T ha t is business and little moro need be said. The proof lies w ith the victims in th is vicinity. Mr, Ridgway is a business man also. That is, he is a l­ ways on the a le rt for himself. We cannot blame him for wan ting a man for mayor th a t he knows will devote his time to village jjasine** o ther than the “ liquor” business. The past two years have been costly to the druggist in th a t lie 1* lighting two two hundred dollar fines for violating the liquor laws. To stay off Mayor Wolford’s sentence he is spending •everal hundred dollars iu lawyer and court fee* to defeat ju*Mce, i f possible. While the cases aro in court he la out eri bond furnished by T. B. Andrew, who always lend* a helping hand in time of need, A cand idate for mayor, who is a tax dodger brings the Issue squarely before the people, Mr. Andrew never denies b e lu g a tax dodger. H e k n o w e th a titis uftelesB, for records in Xenia are open to the pubiio. > I t was during the la s t school house election [for :a bond issue th a t the Andrew Bros, suffered a terrib le exposure on tax dodging At th a t time it was proven th a t J , H . Andrew only jiaid on a $1,000 valuation on his residence th a t he has he has refused $5,000 for. T. B. Andrew’s residence is listed a t the magnificent sum of $1,5Q0, Wo can name several houses on Xenia avenue that- are owned by widows th a t are listed for as much as they would bring a t public sale. These unfortu­ nate owners are no t voters and cannot take p a rt in defending themselves, yet J . H . and T. B. Andrew go on year a fte r year loading the burden on the poor widow and day laborer who m ay own a home. These are tho ones who pay the .largest .per cen to f our taxes, a ll becahso of incorrupt methods, where in the Andrews reso rt to underhand means to skim the cream croek fo r themselves. The Herald has the information, and we have no fea r of i t being contradicted, th a t j . H . and T,. B. Andrew were trapped by Inqu isito r Kendall a ad brought face to face w ith ifcCfi e ithe r of the Andrews making a protest. Since then is has been suspected th a t Mr. Kendall could haye made i t $ 10,000 and ra th e r th an have a law su it the Andrews would have paid up, To inspect the county aud ito r’s books the average c iti­ zen can find many in teresting things th a t furnishes proof Whs th e ta x dodgers really are. Robinson Goes To Works. E lm er Robinson, colored, who assaulted John Reed and Bina Keyes, sometitno ago and suddenly disappeared, returned home only to bo placed under arrest. Mayor Wolford sen t him to the workhouse Sa tu rday under a sen­ tence of 00 days with a fine of $20 and coats attached, Annual Picnic Of Knights. The Knight s ef P y th ia i of Greene county held th e ir annual picnie last F riday a t the la fr grounds and a cfowd of abou t five hundred people was In attendance represen ting tho various lodges in the county. Music W’as furnished by the 8. of V. hand. Fo r am u sem en t' there was a base-ball game,- motor cycle races, and a two h e a t mule race th a t furnished genuine sport. Mayor Brennan gave the address of welcome “ Charity a n d F ra te rn ­ ity ,” The Grand Chancellor of Ohio, Jacob WOelirle of Columbus made an excellent address, Mr.G. W. Snilenberger, connect­ ed with the N ational Cash Register Co., in tho well-fare work. Was the guest of his brother, B. I I . Bullen- borger and wife over Sabbath. 1 - Tll; BOUNDOVER. Charles E llio tt, charged with as­ sau lt and b a tte ry before Mayor Wolford, waived exam ination Mon­ day morning and was bound over to tlid grand ju ry under $500bond, fu r­ nished by W. A. Beal and John Spall r, E llio tt is charged with assau lting John W. Ileid on Wednesday, Aug­ ust IB Both were under the em­ ploy of tho Miami Lumber and Ve­ neer Co., of Dayton. The former lo st h is place as team ster and charged tho la tte r with being re ­ sponsible for the dismissal. E llio tt gave Reid a terrib le b ea t­ ing about the head, it being also charged th a t a brick was used to in­ flict the several wounds. Ileid was given medical a id and has been laid up ever since. J . C. Foley represented tlio defen­ d an t while H a rry Sm ith represent­ ed thep lainftff. J . H . A n d iw was on E llio t’s bond for his appearance in the m ayor’s court. - Mr. andM ra . J . W . Radabaugh and daughter, who have been m ak ­ ing a v is it w ith relatives in Celiua, have retu rned homo. Mr. John Sicgler of C incinnati, a cousin of Mr, Jacob Slegler, visited here lie first of the week. Mr. Sicgler is stree t inspector in hi» city holding a position under tho present adm in istration . Miss Mary McMillan was the guest of friends in Covington from Satu rday un til Monday. THE METROPOLITAN SCHOOL Of Music and Dramatic Art. IN THE ARCADE, SPRINOPIEDD , OHIO. THE LEADING MUSIC SCHOOL. Offers thorough course of instruction iu Piano, Voice, Violin, Pipe Organ, Harmony, Composition and Elocution, The school is equip- ped with ft two-manual organ for praellco add study . Unrivalled Teachers department. Concerts and r<eitals. Students O rchestra Certificate ami diplomas awarded Facu lty of em inent instructors includes THEODORE BOHBMANN, tho em inent German 1’iano Virtuoso; MMB. BBARA DOTY RAMTNOCRV; MISS aMANN- III3IMEK; BADRU LAYTON and many othoffl. Boat modern advantages a t moderate cost. F a ll term begins Sept, l. Catalog mailed free. Address J. FRANK IMcGUIRE} Director.