The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

fm Wo* that T It»WV ) cor. i ' Tcll ‘2 that lty? ’or mi ance idi d ■ maj >' tile lotibt hdrui ■nfcioi. it: n. aero ono t. Eio dr; d by at the , It i o sat on an ce fcli io cm ■Instil sly in so a c such rs m l e s s with will w d* iW LD j that In An maiased PeW igl from I > holds it the t this { was iN O f bes ta il m vim mil 3 t )S. £ IY Wc Ail m i ■ ,< fk ■&t* : "S ': £ ir -Jenkreioes not Mawtkt. M . ■wicwmivj 1 wvvwifl *«*» r w m titdHf Pa# F * r IU m H wum Otar \ Work will oompur# with? that o f any other lirm, , , A 'Cedarville herald. .TM* km wktajessiktS *ilk rs laecse, d#aotc$ that yeur *Kbr t, \ Is past due and a prompt ecoii** meet inw m m lf desired.. i * * *« * o ■ THIRTY-SKCONI) YEAH KO. a t ....— ...— —f ' f ^T) I RVTU CWTl f i X-— —KJ 0 &- -------- - f m f i l . 0 0 A YEAR . TEMPERANCEPEOPLE H o w w ill th e p e o p le o f X e u ia arid tho county in general take Mayor Brennan's statements concerning the jeleaso of a certain bootlegger in that city, after finding iam guilty? For more than a month tho tem­ perance people of Xenia have been divided over the course pursued by the mayor* This factor entered into the recent primary and was no doubt responsible for the Mayor withdrawing and announcing his intention of coming ot the general election. There is oveiy indication that the ono time concrete organization of tho drys in Xenia has been shat­ tered by some, of the leaders play­ ing attli* game of strong arm poli­ tics, It appears that these Jeadef# have sacrificed the cause of local option and law enforcement, to en­ hance their powers in a political way. ■ The contention in the dry ranks is whether Mayor Brennan acted wisely in releasing, from the work house a colored bootlegger within a few hours after bis cojmmtmcnfc to tins institution. Tho story goes that this offender called by phone a certain “ reform” politician and notified him that un­ less he was taken from tho work­ house both would talco a trip to Columbus, as he (the bootlegger), would just aa leave be there as where he was. The whole affair is .ail echo of crooked work in the fourth ward election two years ago on the part of a “ reform” leader to carry the election. Whether the threat of the boot­ legger on the ‘ ‘reformer” reached to Mayor Brennan Is hot known, but wo do knoiv that was liberated, Since then tho Mayor's actions have been questioned by the temperance people who are oppos­ ing his faction. It is stated that should a mandamus suit bo brought j to place the offender In the l workhouse again there will be, something doing in tho ‘ ‘reform"' camp. Ono faction of the drys j wanted OharlPi Johnson for mayor, ■ tho other, under tho leadership of] Or B. H. McClellan, wanted ■ Brennan, i , . Monday afternoon the mayor ar- . . . , . . peared before the ministerial **«,-< *!,at 18 b°»ffPUtoi. by tho twofac- clation and spoke on, Government.” At this BIGBOS, VS., LITTLE BOS. ‘Alfonso and Gaston” stunt CedarviflelCollege Opened Tuesday. PROTECTIVEAS’N HOLDSMETING. LETTEfi P “ Our City meeting it la stated that questions were put to the Executive as to hi# reason for liberating this particular man after being found guilty, His excuse was that he was out on “ probation’ which he claimed was a most effec­ tual weapon, but this kind of pro­ cedure needs lo be used with cau­ tion.. The mayor stated also that we must therfore “ do the right as we see the right and thus have the comfort of our own conscience and patiently learn to endure outside criticism, which is general y made withouta knowledge ofinsldo facts” It i# now claimed that previous to the primary Mr. Johnson sought the support .of the Brennan-Model- lan faction. Demands were made o f him-in return for support that Mr. Johnson would not grant. Here is where politics entered and ruined, any possible success on the part of the temperance people. With such a division neither side could win and “ Boss” Sohmldfc nominated a lull city ticket that will "Without doubt be elected this fall. The Herald has no direct interest in the Xenia squabble other than, for the success of the cause ot local option and the bearing it will have On the remainder ot the county. The liberal men are boasting now that they will elect liberal men for may­ or in, Xenia, Jamestown,' Yellow Springs and Cedatville and that people do nob . want fanatical cranks for these places, For years the people complained about the kind of city government that “ Boss” Schmidt, administered but tho Herald desires to go ou rec­ ord as to the methods that are be­ ing resorted to by “ so-called re­ formers.” It is wrong to criticise one and uphold the other. .tions of the Republican central committee of this county as to who controls the executive commitUt has reached ■.* stage where mere mention of either body reminds one of a burlesque show, Tho committee originally wat under the control o f tho “ reform” element. By diqkeringand playing peanut politics those at the head of thismovement lost control when “ Bossa’ Schmidt and bis followers stepped in and Increased the num­ ber of the executive committee from fifteen to thirty... This branch wanted to name the member of the Board of Elections aud this they accomplished. This is regarded as the largest plum that falls to the county organization. The “ reformers” realized this also but failed to get in their work in time. Bast Saturday afternoon the com­ mittee was called together, suppos­ edly for the purpose of considering the tie vote with the township trus­ tees In this towhship, A resolution was offered to increase the executive committee from thirty to fifty. The resolution was put. through by a vote of ten to six, Only a few more than half .of the membership were present. It is stated that ‘ ‘Boss” Schmidt still controls the central committee and can make another change in the executive whenever ho wishes to. It is claimed that there is nothing more of any great importance that the committee can do so it makes little difference, who control# this body. * Just how the “ reformers” hold, the new organization as regular is a mystery. Whenthe Schmidt crowd toon charge and W. L. Miller was dethroned as chairman, he protest­ ed that such work waft irregular and would not stand. In fact all the “ reform” bunch hailed the Schmidt people as a lot of bandits and night riders. Now tin* some crowd that felt the Schmidt dagger came out last Saturday -with corn cutter* and hand axst and took re­ venge, In the mama o f “ reform” Announce Their .% • New Arrivalsfor theFallSeason, 1909 LADIES’ and MISSES’ SUITS In all the new models, beautiful designs, popular materials, rich colorings, elegant trimmings and perfect fitting. High Grade Ladies’ Waists, Skirts and Petticoats ULTRA FASHIONABLE MEN’S andYOUNGMEN’S SUITS Of the latest styles in cut, materials and shades, best workmanship, perfect fitting and shape re­ taining. BOYS TWO-PIECE SUITS With plain or knickerbocker trousers, up-to-the- minute in style and fabrics, strongly made, ages, 3 to 16 years* Men’s,YoungMen’s andBoys Separate Trousers BOY’S BLOUSES With collars or band, in great variety, all sizes, An early inspection is solicited. You will not be urged to buy. Our Prices Are UniformandPositive­ ly the Lowest. & M. HYMAN, Ladies’ and Gentlemens Outfitters. $0 East Main Street, Ohio. Look for th# name op door and window* “ reform” Hag. It’ s to be regretted that Ferry ami Conk were not pres­ ent to gain information aa to mak­ ing a real capture and planting a “ real reform” flag. "Dr. B. B McClellan has been the “ Boss” o f the reformers and is known as tho “ Little Boss” in Xenia polities. Of course JL E. Schmidt Is the “ Big Boss” as usual The following twenty men were named in the resolution: D. 0. Jones, J. C. Townsloy, B. It. Mc­ Clellan, B. F. thonias. George Stiles, J. H. Andrew, J. C. Barber, GaJeB Grinnel], R. L. Gowdy, Samuel Barnett, W. E. Burrous, L. M. Gar­ field, D. C. Coy, W. H. Donges, Walter Weller, W. T. Sehnediker, J. II. McVey, John Baughn, J. B. Christopher and W. A. Carpenter. Monday evening tho executive committee members organized and replaced the men dethroned by the Schmidt people some months ago. W. L. Miller was made chairman, John A. Nosblt, treasurer, Georg* A. Hudson, secretary. BROWN-BLAKE. Married at IS midday, August 10, 1909, in the Presbyterian mission in Coyoacan, bliss Isabella Blake and Mr. Robert A. Brown. I)r. William Wallace, bead of th* mission school apd seminary offi­ ciated at the ceremony, and about 109 guests, intimate friends of the brid* and groom, were present. Tho marriage was a very quiet one owing to the recent death of the ! bride’ s father, Mr. A. Blake, and . no formal invitaHonfi were Issued, Tho bride was attended by six lit­ tle flower girls, Mistrtsses Marion, Florence and Margaret Vanderbilt, Elizabeth and Jallet B. Wallace, and Marjorie Blake. Thore wore no other attendants. Immediately following the ceremony the wed­ ding breakfast wa« spread at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. A. Blako, about thirty covers being laid- Immediately after the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Brown loft on their wedding trip to Oaxaca, where they will stay for about two weeks. They will make thoir homo in Coyoacan, whet* Mr. Brown is connected with tho Presbyterian .mission, as he has been for the past five years.—Her­ ald, Mexico City. Tho farmers in the vicinity of Yellow Springs are getting ready for an organization of a Protective Association, tho object of which fs to prevent horse stealing, The many thefts of horses in tho county lias stirred farmors in every section There should bo some plan of co­ operation botweou the vam u i or* paiiteJttiehih 1 - The sixteenth y College opened with a good * tun* Tii* program opened by Rev. the invocation, by Rev. W. K. Browulee of Clift A quartette no; Sanderson, L . Charles Raney rendered several but the exercise*. The address of- delivered by Rev Salineville. G „ , theme, “ An Good tempergroi? cst faculties o f lit' the power of the good humor and will manifest distinguished by fc Daily application develops thought! dent can have n* to pattern after m pathies. Learn class mates and everything about, thy forJUncllIiiesa distinction. The manifests itself I character, strong lectnally and mor the rock of truth maiid the world'* kr of Cedai'villo jtesday morning face. exercises was |d*rson offering ripture reading tfter which Dr. lead in prayer, fating of Bev. BuJlenborgey, G.. F. Scigler ictions through- morning was 0. Foster of o ueed as his llenfc Spirit, ut of the high- Oultivate the an mind and rfect sunshine for men are _powar to think, every lesson ,es*. The #tu­ ber motto than of broad sym- ^to sympathize .^professors and ather sympa- henrt reaches 'XoelJent spirit strong moral yeically, inbe- y. Stand on you will de­ tention on all g about pleas- FORSALE ; breeding ewes. sides, Duty will ant relationship between student and professor, ThWbne that culti­ vates these traitoftw the ones being demanded by th* dtftiness and po­ litical world. f Prof. A. Li Palnipr gave an ex­ cellent reading of jme ,of Rudynrd NipHng's works, 2r©f« Palmer will teach oratory beside# chemistry. THEATRE«TE$. After making York and .Ohio* tin, the erstwhile vaudeville are fanatical coated: World,” wfeis tfnrl id” in New ii*y ana Aus- •notchere” of fared m the tTop O’ TIP I* come* to Wingfield, The Codarvillo Protective Asso­ ciation held an interesting meeting in the Mayor's office, Monday even­ ing, with a good attendance, Ow­ ing to the absence of President t-ooloy *n account of sickness, Mr, Alex Turnbull, vice president pro-1” sided in Ills plaeo. j thousand pieces. The association heard the bills read tor tho expense of the blood hounds as well as the Dayton auto­ mobile, The former was $25 and the latter $30. Tho chief of police of Daytonaskod for the reward of. fared for the return of tho Conley horse and elovor seed. This was $25 and tlie trustees allowed the threo bills. There were several other bills m connection with the last cases that wore paid. By resolution an assessment of of ono dollar per member was or­ dered. All members that are not fully paid up are notin good stand­ ing according to the constitution and by-laws of tho association. Most of the members present paid their assessment that night. Others should leave the money with the secretary and treasurer, Mr. 0. L, Smith. The trustees or captains asked for more assistance and a motion was passed allowing each one to name two additional men. It was the sentiment of the meeting that when a member heard of a horse being stolen to immediately offer his ser­ vices. The telephone company was asked to make a rule that the com­ pany’ s lines should be at the ser­ vice of the officers without having to Wait qn the line where possibly there was gossiping going on. Each member was asked to have a ready description of the herse* owned. Cards were ordered printed so that ft full description of each how* can be filled in. This would save giving a hasty description after the horse had gone. These blanks can be had of the secretary, Mr, Smith, and each member is asked to get as many as is necessary and fill them out immediately. MILK IN CHUNKS. it is now proposo to deliver milk tu customers frozen. This is really nothiug new, as that is tho way it lo commonly handled in Hihotia in] winter. You buy milk there in chunks, frozen around a stick which ()fJ TueS(J lnorm-,)g tbo n: n A EJ f S i u • h M° “ L f H d°U!fc tool: a two-horso wagon load of U i* >i n n re” l t ,, ,a 4 . ° j uhaiM, table, beds, and em and don’ t spill the milk” but “ take - & . *. - ' . . - - - enro and don’ t break the milk,” for a ohnn k o fit dropped on tho hard frozen ground will break into a WANTED. Young lady of good address and standing to-solicit aeco'unts tor col­ lection from doctors, milk men, dentists and merchants in Greene county, salary or commission. Steady employment and quick turns. Address at once American Fiducial Co. Ashtabula, O. re- 22 head o f Detain G. R. McMillan. dry other articles, which would bo needed, up to tho cabin where we intended camping. On Wednesday we filled tho back with eatabh s, dishes and ourselves (soma of the most important articles w# thought) and we started out full o f anticlpa- 'tions of the good time coming. Tbo road ascends gradually from the time wo leave Dayton, which i:i fifteen hundred feet above the Sea level, until we reach our destina­ tion on the summit of Mt. Ecklor, a "distance of sixteen miles and at an altitude of four thousand six hundred feet where my brother- in-law owns some valuable timber land. 1 Wo arrived at our destination at about one o’elock p. m. and as [Continued on last page.] Ohio, Monday, fctepfc 28th. A guar­ antee of the merit* of the attrac­ tion# is the two long engagements In New York Glty at the Majestic and Casino Theatre# winch wa* followed by several months at the Studebakef theatre, Chicago. It ha* odd people, a unique book, clev­ er lyrics, music ot the bright and catchy sort, dance# that appeal and a big singing and dancing chorus, The plec* 1#lit two acts wit h three scenes, namely Christmas Land, Pass m the Mountain* and tlio Pal­ ace of Queen Aurora Borealis, on th* Plaza o f in. the C ity of lllnsia. There is a plot winch concerns Shcliman, a parody on Wellman who 'started out an expedition to the North Pole in a balloon, a toy maker, a little . girl who wants to grow up immediately. Jack Frost the villain of Hi* North Pole Region and two friendly Esquimeanx. There are numerous xong hits and dance* and the Collie Ballet. Six young ladies and six dog# go through a series of graceful move­ ments, and the pretty animals en­ joy their work as thoroughly as do the girls. Harry Bulger in “ The Night of the Fourth,” Is the laugh provoking exhibition which will be offered at tbo Fairbanks Theatre on Thursday September 30th, This well knewn comedian needs no Introduction to the public. He i» a star in musical comedies. During tlie past seasons he has not a failure against him. In several cases he took material which had not proved completely successful and secured nproarous comic effects, giving life to the pro­ duction. The secret of his popular­ ity and success is in the possession of a comic personality. He has an accurate sense of fun and is able to give this quality to any stage ma­ terial he handles. In “ The night of the Fourth” he has an exceptional opportunity, for the piece is one in Which he achieves his leading rep­ utation a# a comedian, It is a like­ ly farcical piece, with comic situa- tioiisfrom start to finish, all of a kind which Mr. Bulger I# so adapt in handling. The production po*< scsos an abundant number of lively catchy tunes, splendid specialties and attractive dancing numbers. The company supporting Mr. Bul­ ger is particularly capable one and tho costumes and sceneries are beautiful. Th# entire entertain' merit is assured to furnish continu­ ous lnerlment, FOR HALE; A cement block machine ami moulds tor several kinds of work. Also house moving outfit, puUejy*, ropeftj eh*. Apply t o ! A. I). Towiisley. FORSALE; Gentle driving horse tor school children, Sid, c . G, Turnbull. The Thinker Knows. Only the, man whose hand# /never touch the realities of fife .despairs of human progress or doubts the provb Sence of God.—Albert J. Beveridge. W e will be prepared to show the latest designs in Fall and WinterMillinety Friday and Saturday, October 1st and 2nd W e invite all to call and inspect them . Miss jff. L. Craufurd, Miss K^ate J\[isbet will assist KSttrMtlEi 1 8 7 7 WREN’S Springfield9= = » = Ohio. 1 9 0 9 A N N O U N C E T H E IK . ANUALFALLOPENING Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September- 31st, October 1st and 2nd Musical program by Hawken’ s Cadet Band Thursday afternoon, and night. We desire your presence. This Great Store lias in readiness for your inspection the largest and most comprehensive assortment of new Fall and Winter merchandise ever tjhown in Ohio The collection is more beautiful than ever before, more varied, more attractive. Tempting prices in all departments opening days. All out-of-town buyers living within a radius of 40 miles of Springfield mak~ i ing purchases of $15 or over will be refunded their round trip faro under tho < plan o f The Merchants’ Association. j Rheumatic rain* r*suw*t hy tm jh bp, |$$M’ **K*rw* tm , U *o«M *K«4*