The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

ftercdd. Thj» new »>tn marked wirt »» Iftaex, denotes that ymtr *ub*c*ip is past due and » prompt eefih.. rnent £« earnestly deeded 22 , I If i ; Stolen Rug May Complicate Gang’s School Board Editor Out Fight, The eontostfover the selection of members of the Board or Education will'without doubt result in a hot . fight on the part of the Andrew- Bigway whiskey crowd to keep con­ trol of the public schools. The tax rate has been gradually increased un tiO t has reached the lim it al­ lowed by law. The Bidgway program i s to center a ll force* on S, U. Wright and only this week a program was mapped out by Bldgway, T. B. Andrew and S- G. "Wright in tho former’s place of business. The Herald has this information a t hand attd can give tho detailed conversation to any one that will inquire for .it. In sub* stance th* plan is to.use tho Andrew mid Bidgway automobiles ip haul­ ing voters to the polls election day. ■Men and women are to be instruct­ ed to vote for "Wright alone,, this plan to bo adopted to insure his election owing to a financial obliga­ tion that Judas, owes these two men. The clerkship pays $75 a year During the course of the. conver­ sation T. B , Andrew stated that he would see Mm 1 Hamilton and she would gat all th e ‘’niggers” to vote for Weight and that the automo­ biles were to haul as many of the W . C, T. U, as possible. Since the day these three men FLORIDA. We are in receipt of a copy of “ Picturesque Florida” a handsoxn- ly illustrated magazine No. I. VoT. 1 , published by 0 , O. Wifcein Orlan- da, Fla. The magazine is a credit to the publisher and reflects the prosperous c'dhdition of that couq*J after the ceremony for try and the many advantages to be** ’ '* ‘ ‘ " enjoyed/ Orlanda, is the home of Messrs. Milton and. E, S.-Keyes. Mr. WUfce ‘luirity. i becoming it is the to farm ia> And it Is ferffiothods yield will finch JO.A- iy tho di.e- tiplififed by for food. met in the drugstore there has been an event recorded that neither of the party was aware of, Wednes­ day this same woman, Min Hamil­ ton, found a rug at th# Bidgway homo that she had missed for some time. Legal action was threaten­ ed and the Bidgway’s returned the rug to the owner. Mrs. Hamilton did not claim that Mrs. Bidgway had*taken the rug, Vrhich is said to have been a good one, but that probably it had been stolen from her home and traded for-whiskey. While'the rug has been returned Mrs. Hamilton is demanding of the Bidgway’s as to how they obtained possession of her property, Mr. Bidgway now claims that Minnie is trying to work up a whiskey case against him. Just what effect this phase of the case will have with the colored ele­ ment is not known. I t Is probably safe to predict that Ti B. Andrew w ill not insist on Mrs, Hamilton supporting Wright for school boaid. Again, .the position of the W. C. T. TJ. will be watched with interest. I t was Bidgway who would nof listen to any one hut J. H. Andreev for mayor, for the reason he could ne t be reached by the W 0 . T. IT. and was not connected with the “churoh influence” as Mr. Bidgway put it. TURNBULL-PAULLIN. Mr. Orlando Turnbull and Miss Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Faullin were married last Thursday afternoon a t the home of • the bride by Bev. W. A.Bobb, D, D ., The bride and groom left shortly i FfflH fh a viAtfeVnnMW "# am '«i *1 w.l For Mayor. In Jamestown the political pot has reached the boiling stage and from this fact an independent ticket has been put in the field for mayor and council. Editor George Eckerle of tho Green County Press I b out for the chief executiveahip C. J McLaughlin, Morris Eisenman, "Will Ferguson and John Ervin are tht candidates for council. Mr, Ervin is a former Cedarrillian and hat been a tnemb'er of the village coun­ cil In Jamestown for two years Mr. Eisenman is a member of the BepubJican^Cpuaty Executive Com­ mittee but comes “Independent.” II iB claimed that Jamestown has been wide open the past two years under the administration that has been put up by the Jesse Taylor forces. Certainly this cannot be true for Jesse Taylor ran for con gress on his “ temperance record.” A plank in the platform the Inde­ pendents announce refers to strict enforceme. t of temperance laws and that if the Independents win “ there will be ho cause to bo ashamed of their Home City.” BEALPOSITION; Ordinarily the Herald would fnof make mention of tbji selection of a candidate for stat« representative when i t is the year* for municipal and township elections. But th# position ni two of Janies- Candidates For School Board. There will be plenty oi candidates for school board atthe coming ejec­ tion according to the petitions that have been circulated. John W. Johnson, H . A. Turnbull, L. H. Sullenberger, T. N. Tarbox, F., A, Jurkat, S. C. Wright and T. J. Fitch. There are three members to select. The members out for re election are Tarbox, SuIIenberger and Wright. town’s citizens brings to bear on tf real position of should be mad# km Jesse Tqylor and are poetical partnelj the other is. Whi other defends to his] With Taylorand tators of politics in have a sample of tl ministration for wl are responsible. Jamestown peopi#| der an “open* That is there, given to law enfor# two y ears. Taylor i manipulated th# to suit themseive#, satisfaction of the local affairs fact that tht tea# two men lines E. Lewis What one is one does the [truest strength was the die. [amestown we :ind of an ad- |eh these men save Jived un- .ministration, nq attention i«nt,.the past tt Lewie, have sutive branch jeh to the dis- iperance ele­ ment. The people vfeuld not stand for such conditions feugor arid an FOUR BALLOTS. ■ ■:■Every man t h a t ;:the polls a w e d d i n g 'here on nex t, election day w ill be trip through the East. , *handed four ballots, The first will Mr. arid Mrs. Turnbull are popu- he th# on# containing the names of corporation and township officers; the next wiil be for hoard of #dtoa- lar young people and. they have the congratulation of a .large circle of p w t i il i nfiili'Wfa^Iawiiw-etr farmer a nd the ecwpl# w ill make fourth for bond issue for children’s their home on th is place on their;home, return from the East. nhonmaUe rains reitovea or Us* «* Or. UU m ' Antl-Faln Pills. SCSosss-J* sts FOR SALE*.' 16 inches long. -Ash stove worid cut Andrew Winter Ready for Business! THE NEW H O M E Clothing Co. Men’sSuits, $9.90to$25 Come in and see them. We also have & fine up-to-date stock of- Youth’s and Boys’ Fall and Clothing. Furnishing Goods?—We Can’ t Be Beat A complete stock comprising a full assortment, of latest Fall Shirts, Largest and Nobbiest Line of Neckwear— Ever Shown in Cedarville Oluett, Peabody's “Arrow Brand” Collars. Extra Large and Nifty Line of Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Etc We have an immense line of Fall and Winter Underwear. All latest styles iiFHats and Caps are shown here. Come to the Opening of T h e Only NEW Store In Greene county, Saturday, October 23, 1909. A S o u v e n i r for your w i f e or sw ee thear t w ith every pu rcha se Get The HABIT—Trade at HOME. H o m e C l o t h i n g C o . , New Bank Wdg., 8. Main 8 t„ Cedurville, Ohio. lOCCf f f i t f “f ' ,,#l* <r'* ^ * * * * independent ticket the field in the hop#| relna of the village J safer hands. Some month* ago up the Buccessprshi; member of th# I seating tins county, shown that th# cm prestige by not hi larger calibre and elected by a split,v the will of the ina)ti In the county,, A t that time the dent Fesa of Antn mentioned and w-i of an underground part of business and different' Civ Dr. Fees to alio 1 name. I t is kno Ilonaire, E. S. E« admirer of the Dr, his influence in Probably no m»! gone fromthi# oou: lfttlv# halls ha* failure that h been put in ff i>I»cing tho ^iverinnent In Herald took if Lewis as a lature repre­ waft then had lost her ig «- man of Lewis was and not by * ojt the voters, Uhe Of Presi college was re informed retaenton the .’politicians He# to urge Use of hi® »at the mil Is a strong id: would us# action, has ever theXegis the dismal tv Meat proven bra# from w # facktbat Be is incompetent and unqualified to fill the place and has little conception of the duties and grav# responsibil­ ities that are imposed upon him, Mr. Lewis’ position in the Sena torial contest is well known, to most a ll classes of citizens. The part that he and Jesse Taylor played is not only known to Senator Burton hut to the Taft people as well. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Lewis may have something to answer for before an­ other campaign rolls around. More than this Mr. Lewis must face in tho near future his part In a certain endorsement wherein the terms; of the transaction made his part bind­ ing, Mr, Lewis, you failed to cover your tracks and yours and Jesse Taylor’s every move Is known. MOTION PICTURES. Taylor’s motion'pictUres and ju­ bilee singers drew a targe crowd to the opera house last night and the audience was well pleased. There will he a change of songs attd pic­ tures tonight and tomorrow night POST CARDS FREE. Send me six cents in stamps and I will send you postage paid, free, 10 beautiful “Remembrance” Pest Cards, printed in many colors. This offer good only to farm folks. Ad­ dress, James Slocum, £10 Majestio Bldg.. Detroit, Mich. NOTICE. Anyone coming into possession of a gold watch and fob bearing the initials “I t please return to this office and receive reward. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Notice is hereby given that hunt­ ers muefc remain off the form of Samuel Cresweli. Persons found hunting will he prosecuted accord­ ing to law* 41d. WANTED. % Young lady of good address and standing to solicit accounts lor col« lection from deotore, milk men dentists and merchant* in Greene county, salary or commission. Hteady employment and quick re turns, Address at once American FiduclAl Co. s Ashtabula, 0 , FOB HALE. A cement block machine and moulds for several kinds of work. Also house moving outfit, pulleys, ropes, etc, Apply to A. D. Tewueley, The Fairbanks l ’heatre, will be present on Tuesday, October 26th., a delineation of the world wide popular novol, “St. Elmo.” This is the first time tho story has been successfully staged end It Is meet ing with unbounded success. There are few people who havo not read fhe book and all who are familiar with it are very enthusiastic ovej ts dramatic interest, Inplayforn it Is one of the most stirring pieces ?efore the public. I t easily takes rank with the foremost popular pro­ duction of the day. T’he company Is able in every respect and is meet­ ing with hearty response from ail audiences. This occasion will he a rare one for the public. On- Thursday evening, October 20th., will be given at the Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield, one of the dis­ tinct novelties of tho season. Otis Skinner In Booth Tarkington’s and Harry Leon Wilson’s new play, “Your Humble Servant.” Mr. Skin­ ner in this piece assumes trie role of a wandering player who meets the tragedy of his life with the utmost grace and humor at every turn. Those who recall Mr. Skinner's im­ personation in “The Honor of the Family” w ill see at once the many opportunitUr for him in this new character. Also those who recall Mr. Tarkington’s and Mr. Wilson’s sk ill in' writing,. “The Man from Home” will observe at once how perfectly they are able to supply Mr. Skinner with a satiafac tory vehicle. This production i* unusuallp many ways while at the same time it affords Mr, Sknner the opportunity to impersonate a charT geter combining both the comedy and romantic atmosphere in which, he revels. A il of the characters on the play are distinct types and hence each member of trie cast had to be selected with special view to hie peculiar adaptation to the part. This has been done with the utmost care and the result is one of the moat flawless casts represented by any company on the -stage. The production is beingmade by Charles Frohinau and every detail has been furnished to th# utmost. Without question this performance will be one ofvthe most delightful of the season. PRICE *1.00 A YEAR. Are You Particular? t l f you are Eg particular m we are when i t comw to hat buying, we will see you here when you get tired of your old hat. SOFT HATS— 50c> 75c, $1, $1.50 & $2.00 FINER GRADES................................. $2,50 & $3.00 EXTRA F INE ................... .....................$3.50 to $5.00 Sullivan, The Hatter, -tf* 21S. Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Mayor’s Proclamation. T he S tate oy O hio , G reene C ounty , T he I ncorporated V ii ,- 1 .AOE OJF CEDARVIxmiO. In compliance with the laws of the State of Ohio, 1, J. H. Wolford, Mayor of the Viliace of Codarviile, Greene county, Ohio, hereby give notice and proclaim to the qualified vbters of the said municipal corpor­ ation, that on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2d, 1909, between the hoars of 6:30 a. in., cen­ tral standard time, and 6:80 p. m. central standard time, in the Boverai eloction precincts of the said village of Cedarville, an election will be held for' the purpose of choosing tho following officers for the said corporation, to wit: One person for Mayor of tho In­ corporated Village of Cedarville, for the term of two years. One person for Marshal of the In­ corporated Village of Cedarville, for the term of two ye irs, One person for Treasurer of the incorporated Village of Cedarville, for the term of two years. One pardon for .Clerk of the Incor­ porated Village of Cedarville, for tho term of two years. Ono person for Assessor of the In­ corporated Village of Cedarville, for the term of two years. Six members of Council for the Incorporated, Village of Cedarvi'Ie, for the term of two years. One person for Beal Estate Ap­ praiser. And tho said qualified voters ol said municipal corporation of 0 *- darvllle, Greene county, Ohio, arc hereby notified to assemble at the usual voting place in the usual election precinct on the day and between the hours aforesaid, and there to proceed to vote by ballot for the several offices as above des- Igna'ed, in accordance with th# laws of the State governing such elections. Given under my hand and seal of said Village, at tho May­ er's office in said Village B»Ari of Cedarville, Ohio, this 12tli day of October, 1909. J. II, WontoRD, Mayor Of the Incorporated Village ol Ce* darville, Ohio* —For Sale.' Futo-bted Rhoxle Is­ land Bod Cockerels. Carrie E. fjtewart, Springfield, B . It. 4. Clip ton Bell Rhone 4S2. * Mr. and Mrs, W. J* Tarbox cuter* U insd a few friends at dinner last Friday. TAYLOR’S Motion Pictures AND and Jubilee Singers O p e r a H o u s e OCTOBER21-22=23. A dm isson ioc = 15 c Rugs and Carpets WE ABE HOW SHOWING OUR FALL LINE OF BUGS, WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PATTERNS IN ALL THE LEADING MAKES. OUR PRICES ABE RIGHT. Van Jlusdal $r Co., 25 South M ain Street, DJiVTOM, » » * ' * OHIO. NEWMEAT STORE I^have opened a meat s to re in the J . C Barber room and asks for a s h i r e ol your patronage. The finest outfit in the county has been installed for the storing, handling and re­ tailing of fresh and sa lt meats. Our prices w ill always be consistent w ith the market quotations. Inspection Invited. C. C. Weimer. V V, \