The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52
• >I***%*» *# * * t J f o r S * n l iX M $ O u r ! •% Work will eompwr* with that of m j other firm .. . ilk Merald, . v*Sr ---J ' •«& >*,*-#i-Sf*</^ THIRTY-SECOND j a j i - r r ^ O T O B i i r i o T i f l ^ Why Ridgway Wanted Andrew For Mayor. Du ring the pa st lew weeks the Herald, has bad m any request# as to why th e re was no t a n Independent ticke t pu t in the field th is fall. To a ll the inquirer# wc have answered t h a t there did no t seem to. be enough o l crystallised sen tim en t for such a move- , m en t following the first tria l of the nfcw prim ary law, Tiie H ekaia >has always stood for a primary-so long as such .was conducted in the interests of the people and not a “one man” affair, where candidates were counted in or outjust as those har ing oharge saw fib. While we hare been implored from most ♦rety quarter to agitate a,movement for the election of a repre sentative man for mayor of the village, we have deemed it expe dient to rotnsln silent on the subject and allow the coming ad ministration to survive or perish on the platform on which J .H . Andrew was nominated. > The suffrage of the people has no t been considered in the selec tion of the on-coming executive. A p la tfo rm so wide th a t all classes could stand thereon was adop ted a t a secret ga the ring on a Sabbath n igh t in a certain d rug store.* I f was a t th is gathering th a t the names of J , H . Andrew and J . W. Pollock were mentioned. The prop rieto r of the drugstore, who has gained more c rie s# repu te owing to. liquor violations, promptly vetoed any proposition in the consideration of the l a t ter’s name. Mr. Andrew was the only m an t h a t Mr. Ridgway could place any confidence m and th is gentleman was forced into the race on the cry of a “ business adm in istration” for the people. Mr, Andrew d id n e t w an t th e nom ination and we are told t h a t he destroyed the first paper petitioning his name on the ticket. The same people thafcbrougbfc\him out the first time sta rted the , second paper and Mr. A n d r e w s au tho rity for the s ta tem en t th a t he would no t have allowed the uae.sf his nnifie the second time had it no t been for the H erald exposing the Sunday base bail games th a t were being played on his farm a t th a t time. W ith th is sta tem en t Mr. Andrew wen t before the liberal element and asked for th e ir support. No t satisfied w ith th is, voteB were pu r chased in an .pen m anner in order t h a t Mr. Andrew m igh t be nom fnated.and the H e U ald “ shown up .” Mr. Ridgway became active in the Andrew movement and left no stone unturned. The slogan of a “business adm in istration” was th e keynote of the campaign and Mr. Ridgway quietly spread the information among h is friends th a t there would be no W* O. T. U. and chu rch influence w ith the Andrew adm in istra tion and th a t temperance cranks were to be relegated to t h e rear. The “ open, town” was w ha t was wanted and w h a t was p rom ised .. AS for th e “ business adm in istra tion” th e H erald desires to inform, its reade rs th a t i t was n o t for the pub lic th a t Mr. Ridgway became so public sp irited . Mr. R idgway was found gu ilty of two counts in Mayor Wolford’s cou rt fo r v iolation of th e liquo r laws. H is fines amounted to $400 and costs. - Mr. R idgway has lo st these oases in the Common F leas and C ircu it Courts and w ill w ithou t doubt moot th e same fa te in the Supreme Court. Now mayor, J . H . Andrew, i t is expbotea t h a t th is official w ill c a rry ou t Mayor Wolford’s original sentence, R u t th is lies w ith th e discretion of the mayor and is n o t m anda to ry , H e re is where Mr. Ridgway gains his first “business” po in t n a d 8Jf« Andrew is pledged to do the tric k , or Mr. R idgway h a s falsified te a close friend. .. >It has been susplcioned for the p a s t few years th a t the Andrew Bros, w o rt s ilen t p a rtn e rs in th e d rug business w ith Mr, R idg way. D u ring the time of the ra id la s t J u ly i t was T, B. Andrew, who by the use of his automobile sp irited Mrs, Ridgway ou t ol , town a fte r closing Up th e store. This foiled the work of t h e de tectives, fo r a sho rt time u n til th e a rriv a l of the proprietor, who h ad been ou t of town, leaving ins wife in charge. I t was J . H , Andrew who stood guard a t the fron t door of the R idgway es- tabllshmenfeWhile the officers were load ing booze from the back door in to a wagon. I t was T. B , Andrew who went on Ridgway'# bor l fo r both c^ses. I t was T. JB. Andrew who acted as dispen s e r du ring M r, R idgway’s trip to Cuba la s t w inter. I f th e An drew Bros, have no financial in te te s t in th is store why then do th ey do for Mr, Ridgway t h a t which they do no t for any one else? Mr. Ridgway has ano the r eye to business. H e has increased th e price of, h is th roa t-w ash to 115cents a ha lf-p in t and 60 cents a p in t. Th is i* only lay ing th e ground work fo r a prosperous two y e a rs and wo are sure th a t Mr, Andrew will no t embarnss h is friend in any manner. Another promise t h a t m u st be kep t o r a certain class disap pointed and th a t is th e sta tem en t of Mr, Andrew t h a t first of fenders before h im w ill be released and told to go home and use better judgment. There being no discrim ination, i t makes no difference who comes before His Honor, the first time, all are to be liberated . A number of years ago J . H . Andrew ran for township treasur e r on the Prohibition ticke t. This was m the days when such a step appeared to he a wise po litical move b u t the candidate m et de fea t ju s t th e same. Insince rity to the cause of the p a rty jm s the charge of the defeat then and i t seems th a t he has appeared in the double role ever since. I t would be an injustice to attem p t to defeat any candidate who claims to bear an honored nams runn ing on such a p latfo rm and en ter office bound and fettered. On Jan u a ry 1st, Mr, Andrew tak e s up the reins o f th e village government and we a re to. have two prosperous years under a “Business adm in istration .” I f he stand s by h is promises he will reap the w ra th and indignation of a Ch ristian community, If he fa ils be reaps the enm ity of his friends whose scorn will out like a two edged sword, f Great Sale Of Jerseys. — i . The public sale of 32 head of Polled JerseyB w ith a number of calves th a t wero sold Tuesday by Mr. W. H . Forbes, brought good prices. The h ighest brought $22Q while a number of calves only a few weeks old brough t abou t $50, The average of the sale was abou t |84. Mr. Forbes bad one ot the best J e r sey herds in the country and was known as a breeder of some excel len t ind iv iduals th a t proved to be great prize winners. POST CARDS FREE. Second Church Given Decision. Tho contention in the Courts as to th e righ tfu l owner of $l,33f as pro* needs of the sale of the Third *0. P, chu rch property in Xenia waa set- ■tied th is week by a C ircu it Cou rt decision wherein the Bseond church was dretared the rightful claimant# The heir# o f Daniel McMillan b rough t su it first b u t the Common Flea# Court made th e Second church”, ami tlio It. F , church of th is place, equal holders. The Sec ond church appealed on the ground t h a t i t was en titled to a ll. The cir cu it Court field th is to be tru e . The heirs dropped ou t of the case a fte r th e Common Flea# decision, FOR BAfit'];- *A content block machine and moulds tor several kind# of work. Also house moving outfit, pulley#* rope## etc. Apply to A. 3b T#W»il»y. Tuesday Is Election Day. There will bo no con test on the municipal ticket n ex t Tuesday ex cept for m arsha l, Jam es H . Bailey, having petitir ned his name as an independent candidate for th a t placo. H . A . McLean 1# the Re publican nominee. I t is expected th a t the selection of threo members for the board of education will prove in teresting . There a re seven c a n d id a te s :!, W. Johnson, H . A. Turnbull, L .I L Bullenberger, T. N. Tarbox, T. J . F itch , F , A. Ju rk a t and 8. C. W righ t. In the township th e re are only two candidates, J . I f . Stormont Aftd N. L. Ramsey, although there a re threo places to bo filled. - -For Bale.4 Pmm-bred Rhode I s land Red Cockerels. Carrie Jtl. Btowarl, Bptlngfleld, R. It, 4. Clif ton Bell Rhone 462, Send me six cents in stamps and I will send you postage paid, free, 10 beautifnl “ Remembrance” Post Cards, printed In many colors. This offer good only to farm folks. Ad dress, Jam es Slocum, 940 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE:—Persons are prohibited from hun ting w ith dog or gun on the land owned by A. L. St. John. Wisterman’s Pharmacy Tlie following is from George F. Williams, Clork a t Cairo's Pharmacy, New Orleans, La. “No t once did I have to cu t the price on atiy A. I). B. prepa ration , my principal argument being th a t the A. D. S. avoided expensive advertising and trav eling "salesmen’s expenses and pu t the best of everything into th e ir preparations, making them so fa r superior to eompetetivo p a ten t medicines as to make them incompatible. Another argum en t is th a t A, D. 8. prepa rations a te much stronger, the doses smaller, m ak ing them out la s t any paten t. Therefore cheaper, aside from superiority in quality. I have always pleased my customers, a# well as m y employees, by selling A. I). B. goods, Therefore I am very deeply in terested in A. 1). B,’’ Above preparation# are sold by WASTHREATENED. The sto ry of the stolon rug ns told exclusively in our last issue certain ly s tirred political circles. Those Interested becam e maddened Like a furious beast in th a t the se c re t of a gang plot had been exposed particu larly a t such a time, The fac t t h a t M rs,'M inn ie H am ilton found a rug which she claimed . lad been Btolen from her home placed the Ridgwaye in a very close place. I t was no t un til Mrs Ham iltan sought the aid of the officers and the law th a t the holders of the property decided i t would be best to retu rn the rug to Mrs. Hamilton; who was abon t to bring a replevin suit. While Ridgway claimed th a t Mrs, Hamilton,waa working u p -a whis key case ag a in st him , he has la te r offered ano ther explanation and states th a t “ Dick” Jones brought the rug there while he was em ployed as a porter.* This only com plicates the m a tte r the more and brings a n o th e r, p a rty in that protests of having any knowledge about the rug, The exposure of the p lo t of the gang to land Jud a s W righ t in th e school board threw the followers into a fft of fr* nzy and all day Sat urday these men were explaining how it all happened. Juda s makes ad e a n denial of the exposure ex cept th a t p a rt concerning the “ sto len rug” and ue th inks probably th a t is true. Good! , When the gang editor published the story of tho raid on the Ridg way drugstore in Ju ly 1908, i t is said th a t be suffered a “ tongue lash ing” from the proprietor's wife and had to make himself scarce abou t the Ridgway place when Bhe was in charge. When J udas was called as witness a t the *tria l he “ knew nothing” and. from th a t time eiv has been a welcome visitor in his favorite haun t. Mr. ftidgway now desires to repay his friend and had planned to cap ture the colored vote by hav ing 1\ B. Andrew work Minnie H am il ton while th e Ridgway and Andrew rag buatnesa tu rned up a t a critical time and carefully la id plana were all fo r naugh t.. I. Wisterman, [Married ! New ij j Mr. H a rry FI business m&a Nells Margara place, were jClty, a t eleven according to here th a t a ft* . The cercmu Rev, Daniel 35. Church of th* New York. Mis# Condon week in B rad f on to New Hork fiance. Milt Dayton acted bride jva# attei both Calhoun Misses Faanle the groom, who also present. The bride and their honeyrn and w ill re tu rn abou t Decemhe# MAY RETURN HERE. ork City. (art, a well known Dayton and Miss Condon of th is led in New York Jelock, Wednesday “rleg ram received . m. ras performed by »n#,pastor of the >od Shepherd in hee»5#pendiug a. \ Pa., before gome] sera she piet hei Mathews ol it man while the by Miss Eiliza- fashiagtonD. <£. {Lydia, sisters of > in Dayton were mu will spend New England Dayton to reside, Vote For Bond Issue. PROTECTIVEASSOCIATION. A meeting of teotive Asso Tuesday af tarn a re asked to he much business* be transacted . In to vote do a ttend th is meet NOTICE Notice is hereb j era m u st remain1 Samuel Creswell hunting will be a n g to la w . j Pedarville Pro- k wlll he held d a ll members it a s there is im p o r ta n c e to feien you come have until you en th a t hunt- tb e farm of ] p e rs o n s found Rented accord.. jra l weeks a t a san itarium In Ind i ana hat. was little benefited by the treatm en t. H e r m any friends here will regret to hea r of her illness. ■ Mr, Collins, while here, pot >id sale bills fo r the Proctor sale which will be held November 9. A large number of fine cattle, horses and hogs will be sold. : . ■■ » Mrs. Harper Won Suit. Mr, M. W. Collins, who J s m ana ger of a large farm nea r "Trenton, belonging to Mr. W. C. Proctor, the m illionaire soap m anufacturer, has I decided to give up his place and J The H erald is desirous of seeing will probably retu rn to his farm in bofld jgBU0 ftir to r the the Nash neighboroood. Mr. Col- purchase of a site and th e erection lins has met w ith good success a# (o f a n e w building fo r the County head of the Proctor farm and stock Ch ildren 's Home. Voters are in te rest and retires owing to h is ’asked to k ind ly consider this mat- wife’s health. !te r and vote “ y es” nex t Tuesday, Mrs. Collins has been in very poor j Tim present building was erected health all summer and spent #ev- befor? the war and has been in use many years. The san ita ry condi tion a s well a s the physical comil tion o f the 'building does n o t war* ra n t th& keeping o t young children iu such a place. The S ta te inspec to r has con demned th e building and so notified th e In firm a ry Board th a t ofcheJ quarters m ust be obtained, The board has no power to borrow moniy or ren t q u a rte rs fo r keeping th e . w ards of the county and the question npusfc he fa irly m e t b y the voters. Unless a two-thirds vote is secured the issue cannot ca rry and the question will then arise a s to w h a t w ill become o t the homeless little ones who have no t suitable homes when returned to th e ir pa rents..; ’■ Messrs. MbVay and Fleming, members of the Infirm ary Board Were in town Tuesday interesting persons oh hehalf of th is movement Mr, J , O. W illiam ton , son of Mr. J . D. Williamson, is th e Other member of the board, i 'TiH f i t * « k th tiiwkftt with t a Index, dsso tti that your #«h«;np is past due and a preaipt s tttk - j.isot is earnestly desired, PR IC E $1.00 A YEAR IlLACK FOUND GUILTY. The C ircu it Court lias affirmed Judge Kyle in the case wherein Mrs. Viuna M. H arper was defen a su it by the County Treas urer for. the Dow tax a fte r John Jones was convicted for selling sel ling liquor in Mayor Wolford’s Court. Mrs. H a rpe r was given the decision in the Court of Common Fleas for it was shown th a t the property was not ren ted to Jones, bu t to his wife, ana th a t Jones was nothing more th an a trespasser. j NOTICE. Miss C lara H a rp e r of Columbus has been spending a few days a t th ^ , home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E . Jobe. You are Invited to call a t my f ru it stoifei Call and see my supply of fresh fru its. Oysters received three times a week. W ill appreciate a ll p a tro n a g e . Wm. Marshall. The ease of J5d Black, alia# Eve r h a rt, for stealing a horse from Wm. Conley, on the W hitelaw Reid farm September 18, was up in the Court' of Common Fleas, F riday , T h e ' ju ry was ou t abou t fifteen minutes and a fter th is brief delibt r- ation reported a verd ict of guilty A motion for a pew tria l has been filed on the ground th a t the verdict did no t mention tho value of th e property as required by law, Judge Ryle has not yot ruled bu t if b e sustains the motion, a new trial w ill be necessary. I t is sa id th a t Black is well posted on legal points and could handle his case himself. 12481, Greene LEGAL NOTICE. . Case No. Court of Common Pleas, County, Ohio. Sarah H ill, Plaintiff, . ■ vs. Edward H ill, Defendant, Edward H ill, residence unknown, will take notice th a t on th e 20th day of October, 1909, said Sarah H ill filed In the Common P leas Court, of Greene County, Ohio, her peti tion for divorce ag a in st him the same being upon the grounds of w ilful absence for more th an three years and gross neglect of duty, and th a t the same will be for h ea r ing a t the Court House, in Ren ta, Ohio, on December 18th, 1909, a t 9. o’clock a. m. by which time defen d an t must answer or demur to sa id petition or judgmen t m ayb e taken against him, 49d, (Signed) Sarah Hill« m ? 11 ^ t m *$ t V» > * fPMn -/.« faV-vS i l l .... By trading at HOME Don’t Pay. fo r Reputation, Buy QUALITY instead; It w ill give you more SERVICE Suita From $9.90 to $25.00° Strong L ines from $ 15.00 to $18.00 We claim to give you better value for your money than Others can hope to gi^e. “The Quality Store.” i Sweater Coats We have jusfe received an immense shipment direct from the mills consisting of Sweater Coats, Vests and Military Style Sweaters and offer them a t uurprismg prices, Overcoats An extra fine line from $7.50 to $22.00—all the latest. Nifty styles and patterns, including long, short and medium lengths, Military Style and Cravanettes. Strong line from $12.50 to $18 GET THE HABIT TRADE AT HOME. Make Our Store Your Headquarters.
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