The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

• >I***%*» *# * * t J f o r S * n l iX M $ O u r ! •% Work will eompwr* with that of m j other firm .. . ilk Merald, . v*Sr ---J ' •«& >*,*-#i-Sf*</^ THIRTY-SECOND j a j i - r r ^ O T O B i i r i o T i f l ^ Why Ridgway Wanted Andrew For Mayor. Du ring the pa st lew weeks the Herald, has bad m any request# as to why th e re was no t a n Independent ticke t pu t in the field th is fall. To a ll the inquirer# wc have answered t h a t there did no t seem to. be enough o l crystallised sen tim en t for such a move- , m en t following the first tria l of the nfcw prim ary law, Tiie H ekaia >has always stood for a primary-so long as such .was conducted in the interests of the people and not a “one man” affair, where candidates were counted in or outjust as those har­ ing oharge saw fib. While we hare been implored from most ♦rety quarter to agitate a,movement for the election of a repre­ sentative man for mayor of the village, we have deemed it expe­ dient to rotnsln silent on the subject and allow the coming ad­ ministration to survive or perish on the platform on which J .H . Andrew was nominated. > The suffrage of the people has no t been considered in the selec­ tion of the on-coming executive. A p la tfo rm so wide th a t all classes could stand thereon was adop ted a t a secret ga the ring on a Sabbath n igh t in a certain d rug store.* I f was a t th is gathering th a t the names of J , H . Andrew and J . W. Pollock were mentioned. The prop rieto r of the drugstore, who has gained more c rie s# repu te owing to. liquor violations, promptly vetoed any proposition in the consideration of the l a t­ ter’s name. Mr. Andrew was the only m an t h a t Mr. Ridgway could place any confidence m and th is gentleman was forced into the race on the cry of a “ business adm in istration” for the people. Mr, Andrew d id n e t w an t th e nom ination and we are told t h a t he destroyed the first paper petitioning his name on the ticket. The same people thafcbrougbfc\him out the first time sta rted the , second paper and Mr. A n d r e w s au tho rity for the s ta tem en t th a t he would no t have allowed the uae.sf his nnifie the second time had it no t been for the H erald exposing the Sunday base bail games th a t were being played on his farm a t th a t time. W ith th is sta tem en t Mr. Andrew wen t before the liberal element and asked for th e ir support. No t satisfied w ith th is, voteB were pu r­ chased in an .pen m anner in order t h a t Mr. Andrew m igh t be nom fnated.and the H e U ald “ shown up .” Mr. Ridgway became active in the Andrew movement and left no stone unturned. The slogan of a “business adm in istration” was th e keynote of the campaign and Mr. Ridgway quietly spread the information among h is friends th a t there would be no W* O. T. U. and chu rch influence w ith the Andrew adm in istra tion and th a t temperance cranks were to be relegated to t h e rear. The “ open, town” was w ha t was wanted and w h a t was p rom ised .. AS for th e “ business adm in istra tion” th e H erald desires to inform, its reade rs th a t i t was n o t for the pub lic th a t Mr. Ridgway became so public sp irited . Mr. R idgway was found gu ilty of two counts in Mayor Wolford’s cou rt fo r v iolation of th e liquo r laws. H is fines amounted to $400 and costs. - Mr. R idgway has lo st these oases in the Common F leas and C ircu it Courts and w ill w ithou t doubt moot th e same fa te in the Supreme Court. Now mayor, J . H . Andrew, i t is expbotea t h a t th is official w ill c a rry ou t Mayor Wolford’s original sentence, R u t th is lies w ith th e discretion of the mayor and is n o t m anda to ry , H e re is where Mr. Ridgway gains his first “business” po in t n a d 8Jf« Andrew is pledged to do the tric k , or Mr. R idgway h a s falsified te a close friend. .. >It has been susplcioned for the p a s t few years th a t the Andrew Bros, w o rt s ilen t p a rtn e rs in th e d rug business w ith Mr, R idg­ way. D u ring the time of the ra id la s t J u ly i t was T, B. Andrew, who by the use of his automobile sp irited Mrs, Ridgway ou t ol , town a fte r closing Up th e store. This foiled the work of t h e de­ tectives, fo r a sho rt time u n til th e a rriv a l of the proprietor, who h ad been ou t of town, leaving ins wife in charge. I t was J . H , Andrew who stood guard a t the fron t door of the R idgway es- tabllshmenfeWhile the officers were load ing booze from the back door in to a wagon. I t was T. B , Andrew who went on Ridgway'# bor l fo r both c^ses. I t was T. JB. Andrew who acted as dispen­ s e r du ring M r, R idgway’s trip to Cuba la s t w inter. I f th e An­ drew Bros, have no financial in te te s t in th is store why then do th ey do for Mr, Ridgway t h a t which they do no t for any one else? Mr. Ridgway has ano the r eye to business. H e has increased th e price of, h is th roa t-w ash to 115cents a ha lf-p in t and 60 cents a p in t. Th is i* only lay ing th e ground work fo r a prosperous two y e a rs and wo are sure th a t Mr, Andrew will no t embarnss h is friend in any manner. Another promise t h a t m u st be kep t o r a certain class disap­ pointed and th a t is th e sta tem en t of Mr, Andrew t h a t first of­ fenders before h im w ill be released and told to go home and use better judgment. There being no discrim ination, i t makes no difference who comes before His Honor, the first time, all are to be liberated . A number of years ago J . H . Andrew ran for township treasur­ e r on the Prohibition ticke t. This was m the days when such a step appeared to he a wise po litical move b u t the candidate m et de fea t ju s t th e same. Insince rity to the cause of the p a rty jm s the charge of the defeat then and i t seems th a t he has appeared in the double role ever since. I t would be an injustice to attem p t to defeat any candidate who claims to bear an honored nams runn ing on such a p latfo rm and en ter office bound and fettered. On Jan u a ry 1st, Mr, Andrew tak e s up the reins o f th e village government and we a re to. have two prosperous years under a “Business adm in istration .” I f he stand s by h is promises he will reap the w ra th and indignation of a Ch ristian community, If he fa ils be reaps the enm ity of his friends whose scorn will out like a two edged sword, f Great Sale Of Jerseys. — i . The public sale of 32 head of Polled JerseyB w ith a number of calves th a t wero sold Tuesday by Mr. W. H . Forbes, brought good prices. The h ighest brought $22Q while a number of calves only a few weeks old brough t abou t $50, The average of the sale was abou t |84. Mr. Forbes bad one ot the best J e r­ sey herds in the country and was known as a breeder of some excel­ len t ind iv iduals th a t proved to be great prize winners. POST CARDS FREE. Second Church Given Decision. Tho contention in the Courts as to th e righ tfu l owner of $l,33f as pro* needs of the sale of the Third *0. P, chu rch property in Xenia waa set- ■tied th is week by a C ircu it Cou rt decision wherein the Bseond church was dretared the rightful claimant# The heir# o f Daniel McMillan b rough t su it first b u t the Common Flea# Court made th e Second church”, ami tlio It. F , church of th is place, equal holders. The Sec­ ond church appealed on the ground t h a t i t was en titled to a ll. The cir­ cu it Court field th is to be tru e . The heirs dropped ou t of the case a fte r th e Common Flea# decision, FOR BAfit'];- *A content block machine and moulds tor several kind# of work. Also house moving outfit, pulley#* rope## etc. Apply to A. 3b T#W»il»y. Tuesday Is Election Day. There will bo no con test on the municipal ticket n ex t Tuesday ex­ cept for m arsha l, Jam es H . Bailey, having petitir ned his name as an independent candidate for th a t placo. H . A . McLean 1# the Re­ publican nominee. I t is expected th a t the selection of threo members for the board of education will prove in teresting . There a re seven c a n d id a te s :!, W. Johnson, H . A. Turnbull, L .I L Bullenberger, T. N. Tarbox, T. J . F itch , F , A. Ju rk a t and 8. C. W righ t. In the township th e re are only two candidates, J . I f . Stormont Aftd N. L. Ramsey, although there a re threo places to bo filled. - -For Bale.4 Pmm-bred Rhode I s land Red Cockerels. Carrie Jtl. Btowarl, Bptlngfleld, R. It, 4. Clif ton Bell Rhone 462, Send me six cents in stamps and I will send you postage paid, free, 10 beautifnl “ Remembrance” Post Cards, printed In many colors. This offer good only to farm folks. Ad­ dress, Jam es Slocum, 940 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE:—Persons are prohibited from hun ting w ith dog or gun on the land owned by A. L. St. John. Wisterman’s Pharmacy Tlie following is from George F. Williams, Clork a t Cairo's Pharmacy, New Orleans, La. “No t once did I have to cu t the price on atiy A. I). B. prepa­ ration , my principal argument being th a t the A. D. S. avoided expensive advertising and trav ­ eling "salesmen’s expenses and pu t the best of everything into th e ir preparations, making them so fa r superior to eompetetivo p a ten t medicines as to make them incompatible. Another argum en t is th a t A, D. 8. prepa­ rations a te much stronger, the doses smaller, m ak ing them out­ la s t any paten t. Therefore cheaper, aside from superiority in quality. I have always pleased my customers, a# well as m y employees, by selling A. I). B. goods, Therefore I am very deeply in terested in A. 1). B,’’ Above preparation# are sold by WASTHREATENED. The sto ry of the stolon rug ns told exclusively in our last issue certain ly s tirred political circles. Those Interested becam e maddened Like a furious beast in th a t the se­ c re t of a gang plot had been exposed particu larly a t such a time, The fac t t h a t M rs,'M inn ie H am ­ ilton found a rug which she claimed . lad been Btolen from her home placed the Ridgwaye in a very close place. I t was no t un til Mrs Ham iltan sought the aid of the officers and the law th a t the holders of the property decided i t would be best to retu rn the rug to Mrs. Hamilton; who was abon t to bring a replevin suit. While Ridgway claimed th a t Mrs, Hamilton,waa working u p -a whis­ key case ag a in st him , he has la te r offered ano ther explanation and states th a t “ Dick” Jones brought the rug there while he was em­ ployed as a porter.* This only com­ plicates the m a tte r the more and brings a n o th e r, p a rty in that protests of having any knowledge about the rug, The exposure of the p lo t of the gang to land Jud a s W righ t in th e school board threw the followers into a fft of fr* nzy and all day Sat­ urday these men were explaining how it all happened. Juda s makes ad e a n denial of the exposure ex­ cept th a t p a rt concerning the “ sto­ len rug” and ue th inks probably th a t is true. Good! , When the gang editor published the story of tho raid on the Ridg­ way drugstore in Ju ly 1908, i t is said th a t be suffered a “ tongue lash ing” from the proprietor's wife and had to make himself scarce abou t the Ridgway place when Bhe was in charge. When J udas was called as witness a t the *tria l he “ knew nothing” and. from th a t time eiv has been a welcome visitor in his favorite haun t. Mr. ftidgway now desires to repay his friend and had planned to cap­ ture the colored vote by hav ing 1\ B. Andrew work Minnie H am il­ ton while th e Ridgway and Andrew rag buatnesa tu rned up a t a critical time and carefully la id plana were all fo r naugh t.. I. Wisterman, [Married ! New ij j Mr. H a rry FI business m&a Nells Margara place, were jClty, a t eleven according to here th a t a ft* . The cercmu Rev, Daniel 35. Church of th* New York. Mis# Condon week in B rad f on to New Hork fiance. Milt Dayton acted bride jva# attei both Calhoun Misses Faanle the groom, who also present. The bride and their honeyrn and w ill re tu rn abou t Decemhe# MAY RETURN HERE. ork City. (art, a well known Dayton and Miss Condon of th is led in New York Jelock, Wednesday “rleg ram received . m. ras performed by »n#,pastor of the >od Shepherd in hee»5#pendiug a. \ Pa., before gome] sera she piet hei Mathews ol it man while the by Miss Eiliza- fashiagtonD. <£. {Lydia, sisters of > in Dayton were mu will spend New England Dayton to reside, Vote For Bond Issue. PROTECTIVEASSOCIATION. A meeting of teotive Asso Tuesday af tarn a re asked to he much business* be transacted . In to vote do a ttend th is meet NOTICE Notice is hereb j era m u st remain1 Samuel Creswell hunting will be a n g to la w . j Pedarville Pro- k wlll he held d a ll members it a s there is im p o r ta n c e to feien you come have until you en th a t hunt- tb e farm of ] p e rs o n s found Rented accord.. jra l weeks a t a san itarium In Ind i­ ana hat. was little benefited by the treatm en t. H e r m any friends here will regret to hea r of her illness. ■ Mr, Collins, while here, pot >id sale bills fo r the Proctor sale which will be held November 9. A large number of fine cattle, horses and hogs will be sold. : . ■■ » Mrs. Harper Won Suit. Mr, M. W. Collins, who J s m ana ­ ger of a large farm nea r "Trenton, belonging to Mr. W. C. Proctor, the m illionaire soap m anufacturer, has I decided to give up his place and J The H erald is desirous of seeing will probably retu rn to his farm in bofld jgBU0 ftir to r the the Nash neighboroood. Mr. Col- purchase of a site and th e erection lins has met w ith good success a# (o f a n e w building fo r the County head of the Proctor farm and stock Ch ildren 's Home. Voters are in te rest and retires owing to h is ’asked to k ind ly consider this mat- wife’s health. !te r and vote “ y es” nex t Tuesday, Mrs. Collins has been in very poor j Tim present building was erected health all summer and spent #ev- befor? the war and has been in use many years. The san ita ry condi­ tion a s well a s the physical comil tion o f the 'building does n o t war* ra n t th& keeping o t young children iu such a place. The S ta te inspec to r has con­ demned th e building and so notified th e In firm a ry Board th a t ofcheJ quarters m ust be obtained, The board has no power to borrow moniy or ren t q u a rte rs fo r keeping th e . w ards of the county and the question npusfc he fa irly m e t b y the voters. Unless a two-thirds vote is secured the issue cannot ca rry and the question will then arise a s to w h a t w ill become o t the homeless little ones who have no t suitable homes when returned to th e ir pa­ rents..; ’■ Messrs. MbVay and Fleming, members of the Infirm ary Board Were in town Tuesday interesting persons oh hehalf of th is movement Mr, J , O. W illiam ton , son of Mr. J . D. Williamson, is th e Other member of the board, i 'TiH f i t * « k th tiiwkftt with t a Index, dsso tti that your #«h«;np is past due and a preaipt s tttk - j.isot is earnestly desired, PR IC E $1.00 A YEAR IlLACK FOUND GUILTY. The C ircu it Court lias affirmed Judge Kyle in the case wherein Mrs. Viuna M. H arper was defen­ a su it by the County Treas­ urer for. the Dow tax a fte r John Jones was convicted for selling sel­ ling liquor in Mayor Wolford’s Court. Mrs. H a rpe r was given the decision in the Court of Common Fleas for it was shown th a t the property was not ren ted to Jones, bu t to his wife, ana th a t Jones was nothing more th an a trespasser. j NOTICE. Miss C lara H a rp e r of Columbus has been spending a few days a t th ^ , home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E . Jobe. You are Invited to call a t my f ru it stoifei Call and see my supply of fresh fru its. Oysters received three times a week. W ill appreciate a ll p a tro n a g e . Wm. Marshall. The ease of J5d Black, alia# Eve r­ h a rt, for stealing a horse from Wm. Conley, on the W hitelaw Reid farm September 18, was up in the Court' of Common Fleas, F riday , T h e ' ju ry was ou t abou t fifteen minutes and a fter th is brief delibt r- ation reported a verd ict of guilty A motion for a pew tria l has been filed on the ground th a t the verdict did no t mention tho value of th e property as required by law, Judge Ryle has not yot ruled bu t if b e sustains the motion, a new trial w ill be necessary. I t is sa id th a t Black is well posted on legal points and could handle his case himself. 12481, Greene LEGAL NOTICE. . Case No. Court of Common Pleas, County, Ohio. Sarah H ill, Plaintiff, . ■ vs. Edward H ill, Defendant, Edward H ill, residence unknown, will take notice th a t on th e 20th day of October, 1909, said Sarah H ill filed In the Common P leas Court, of Greene County, Ohio, her peti­ tion for divorce ag a in st him the same being upon the grounds of w ilful absence for more th an three years and gross neglect of duty, and th a t the same will be for h ea r­ ing a t the Court House, in Ren ta, Ohio, on December 18th, 1909, a t 9. o’clock a. m. by which time defen­ d an t must answer or demur to sa id petition or judgmen t m ayb e taken against him, 49d, (Signed) Sarah Hill« m ? 11 ^ t m *$ t V» > * fPMn -/.« faV-vS i l l .... By trading at HOME Don’t Pay. fo r Reputation, Buy QUALITY instead; It w ill give you more SERVICE Suita From $9.90 to $25.00° Strong L ines from $ 15.00 to $18.00 We claim to give you better value for your money than Others can hope to gi^e. “The Quality Store.” i Sweater Coats We have jusfe received an immense shipment direct from the mills consisting of Sweater Coats, Vests and Military Style Sweaters and offer them a t uurprismg prices, Overcoats An extra fine line from $7.50 to $22.00—all the latest. Nifty styles and patterns, including long, short and medium lengths, Military Style and Cravanettes. Strong line from $12.50 to $18 GET THE HABIT TRADE AT HOME. Make Our Store Your Headquarters.