The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52
t m O ij r 3 # V flto rk wiU owap**# w ith ik « of *ay other fi rm, , . , ffhe 'Gedarville M e rd d , vyt-'v*Ar >TK k ttziu y.fcta rsaiktd with o A ■ Igdcx, d*oote* lis t yrar sabs?::. 5 is past doe and # prompt scst1'. 4 meat is earnestly 4 e#ired,. . . . . . 5 mrrmrz _ser- TKIRTY-SKCOND YEAR HO. 20 . ------------------ ------------ -- .— -• mtv#t c B D A B v m ^ c b d , i t i i p a y , j t j l y i n . i t m ..... ........^ ....— ^ HEAVY LOSS AGEDWOMAN JPARTY THROWN TO PBOPMUfj ■ CALLED HOME. The farm ers of th is section suf fered a heavy loss Monday hy rain and wind storm th a tla id field after, field of corn, oats and meadow fiat. On low ground, th e water stood several inches deep and is no t ex pected to do tho crops any good. Those who had h ay cu t found it soaked a f te r the heavy downpour ef rain. The loss to tho telephone com panies in business and property was noticeable. A largo number of poles a re down an a lines b u rn t ou t by th e electrical storm . Over the county there was consid erable damage to p roperty by the wind. The barn o n ‘ the Harrison farm where Curry McEIroy resides was blown quite a distance from th e foundation and otherwise dam aged, There was no loss to stock. The residence came in fo r a share as the rea r p a r t of the house was ba tte red ’ Mr. MoElroy was stand ing nea r a window a t the time of ■ the storm when the glass was blown out. A largo piece stru ck h im in the face inflicting a deep cu t o n ' his nose. The service of a physician was required to dress the wound. Horse Fright ened At Sheep. l a s t F rid a y ’evening while Mr. A rt Sw aby and Miss Mary Turner were d riv ing on th e Federal pike n ea r the Thomas Andrew farm th e young . horse frigh tened a t some Sheep being driven by John Meyers, and le ft th e road and threw the oc cupants into a barbed w ire fence, Mr. Swaby w as unable to hold the horse and was dragged .along the fence fo r some distance receiving several euts. Miss Tu rner was cu t on th e bead one of tli» wounds re quiring two atitchefi to close it. H r. M. L Marsh was summoned and dressed -th e injuries. The buggy was bad ly damaged* i Miss Mary Gibson died a t her | home Monday morning a t tho age of ‘81. The deceased ivas the daugh ter !of Jo h n and Mary Gibson and was ! born April 12, 1828. H eath was duo to th e infirm ities of old age. H e r fa th e r wan for a number of years superin tenden t of th e County In firmary. The deceased was for a number of years a member of tho Methodist church. She leaves two b ro thers, Thomas of Marysville, Havid of Springfield and two sisters, Mrs. John "Wade of Springfield and Cath erine a t, home. Th« funeral was held from the residence on Wednesday a t ten o'clock, the services being conduct ed by her pastor. Rev. W. 32, Pu tt. Bu rial took place a t Wqodlawn in Xenia. Wood Warner Sells Farm. Mr. Wood W a rne r has sold- Ins farm of 140 acres to Mr, Han Ben - nehey for $13,000. The farm is lo cated abou t four miles from town on the Federal pike, Possession is to be given the first of the year. The deal was made by Smith, Clemaus &Hopping. CHAUTAUQUA, OHIO. The Miami Valley Chautauqua, with its nearly tou r score summer homes and more than five hundred tents during its annua l assemblies Is now a real summer reso rt w ith a government postoffice, Chautauqua, Ohio, which was opened early in June, The program given here is the best to be found anywhere. Cours es of lecture* in p rac tica l econom ic* w ith round . tab le conferences. The latest in science as affecting the welfare o f mankind-in a eoxtge News About The Courts. W ith th resh ing a t b and the price of wb*«t becomes of general in te r est to both" fa rm e r, and th e consu m er o f flour Hew w heat will s ta r t abbu t ^1,00 in th is section though there a re some places th a t the price w ill be h igh e r owing to the scarcity bf the crop. Tho crop in th is sec tion w ill be fa ir b u t w ith the ad vanced price about as much can be cleared a s in previous years. There is a large acerage of oats and there w i l l . be a la rg e crop w ith a good quality . The price fo r August de livery will be about 40 cents. SECTION 70 to 70 CODE, AN ORDINANCE to provide (or the construction and repair of all necessary sidewalks, curbing or gutters or parts thereof. Be it ordained by tire. Council of the ■Village of Cedurville, State of Ohio. S ection 1, That for the purpose of providing a means for the construction and repair of all necessary sidewalks, curbing and gutters or parts thereof within the limits of said Village of Cedar* ville, Ohio, the plans and specifications as contained in the book of Grades and Surveys of said Village at Page £3, be and the same is hereby adopted as the plans and specifications for said work in *aid Village. S ection 2. That whenever the Coun- cilofs*id Village shall declare by reso lution that certain specified sidewalks, curbing orgutters or parts thereof shall be constructed or repaired,‘the Clerk of the Village shall cause a written notice of the passage of said resolution to be served upon tho owner or agent of the owner of each parcel of land abutting upon said improvement, who may b t a resident of such Village, in the manner provided by law for the service of sum mons in a specified action, and shall re turn a copy of such notice with the time *n(l manner of such notice indorsed thereon, signed by the officer serving the asms, to tne Council of said Village, which shall file and preserve the same, S ection 2. That if such sidewalk, curbing or gutters or parts thereof are not constructed within the time specified in tire notice aforesaid which shall not be less than fifteen days for the con struction of sidewalks, curbing or gut ters, or five days for the repairing of Sidewalks, curbing or gutters, from the date or service of notice, then said im provement shall bo done at the expense of the owner under the direction of the Count il of said municipality, and all stu b expenses shall be assessed on all the property lK»undiiig or abutting there on as provided by law Si:< noN 4. Tills ordinance shall take effect and lie in force fromand after the earliest period allowed by law. Pasted tins filth day of May, 3000. J. H. WotFOkl), Mayor, AUMts J. G. Mt Co»H*rJ., Clcik of Council. he-fpffil course* oTBible study, most interesting, story tailing to. children w ith course of instruction in< th is valuable a rt, lite ra tu re , o rato ry and expression have an importan t place. Tho most valu able course of twelve lectures on Boy Problems th a t hav * ever “been given in tbe S ta te In an equal length of time. School of Indus tria l A r t with a number of teachprs courses of instruction in vocal mu sic, K indergarten work. H ealth school, Domestic scieneo, Boys and Girls’ Club, Teachers’ conferences and A thletics. Each of these d e partm en ts presided over by a spec ialist. Among the g rea t lecturers, Col, G. W . Bain, Hon. Wm, Jennings Bryan, Col Bob Taylor, Gov, Glenn In th e lis t of p reache rs; Dr. F . W. Gunsaulus, Dr. H. F. Fox, Bishop D. H . Moore, and Hr. Win. Spur geon of London. Rogers band of 23 musicians, and Rounds’ Ladles Band and O rchestra a re the best in th e ir line. The Dixie Jubilee Sing ers, seven people are w ithout an oqualin their work. The quartettes H inshaw Graud Opera, Whitney Bros, and Dunbars a re leaders from coast to coast. Knowles lias lec tured to the best and on three con tinents, B e rt Murphy “ who sings to beat tho band” and Nicola, tbe mysterious wizard, will be most en joyable. Then readers, soloists, Il lu stra ted loctnr -e, moving pictures tennis tournaments, ball games, aquatic sports and contests. Such a program ! W h a t more could he desired? The best of everything is g iven ; tho prices are lowest. W rite to Miami Valloy Chautauqua, Chautauqua, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE. No. 12233. Common P leas Court, Greene coun ty, Ohio, Katherine Wyatt VS Charles A, W yatt. Charles A. W ya tt, defendant herein, place of residence unknown will take notice t h a t on the 31st day of Dec ember,1908, p lain tiff ftlcd in tho said court herpetltion aga in st him fordi- v*reo upon theground# of gross neg lect ol du ty and extreme cruelty, and that? the same will ho for hea r ing a tth o Court House, Xenia, Ohio, Ju ly filth, 1900, A. M. or as soon thereafter as tho same can bo heard, by which time defendan t is required to answ e r or demur to said petition or judgm en t will be tak en against, him. 7-lfl-d. K atherine W yatt. Mrs. O. T. Wolford in company w ith Mrs. W. P, Madden of Xenia and Mr. am i Mrs. J . P. McLaughlin of Springfield are enjoying camping a t the Miami VAlloy Chautauqua. Mary Gray has been appointed adm in istra to r of the estate of George M. Gray. Bond $3000,'W. F. Lewis, Andrew Turner and J . B. Christopher, appointed appraisers. P rank B. Scott was appointed ad m in istrator of the estate of Henry M. Scott. Bond $301 It, F. Kerr, as adm in istra to r of H a rrison Johnson, has petitioned the court for permission to soil real esta te to p ay debts. I n the case of L u the r Crisembery, efc al, heirs of Calvin Crisenbery, against Lydi# Crisenbery, executor of Calvin Crisenbery, a motion to require the defendant to give bond has been filed .' A petition to sell real estate has been filed by Rebecca Galloway, executor of R ichard Galloway. J , .W- Pollock na s been appointed adm in istra to r of the e sta te of tho lato R r r . F . O. Ross. Springfield Lid Driven Down, A fte r Springfield voted d ry the former saloonkeepers opened, res tau ran ts soft d rink hous* s. and tho like. I n fac t they never (put sol ving the real goods, They kep t their places, open seven days and soven nigh ts in the week. They bad no Dow tax to pay and were were doing more business than under tho old rule; B u t th is did not la st b u t a few inonlhs. The officers in conjunction •with tho Law and Order league made some forty arrests. Several were lined heavily and one or two scu t to jail. ’I’lio Liquor people seeing th a t some th irty men were to be a t tho morcy of Probate Judge Geiger promised to sign any kind of an agreement and qu it. This was done Thursday. ( LAWN FETE. To be given on tho Church lawn by the M. 13. Lad ies’ Aid on Sa tu r day n igh t, J u ly 21th. Refreshments consisting of leo cream and cake and every th ing to suit the numer ous appetites. The pnblje cordially invited to come and enjoy a good time. The Board of H ealth should take under consideration the keeping of hogs w ith in the corporation limits du ring the summer month*. There nro abou t town a largo number of p igpens th a t aro w ithout doubt a menace to tho community. While the p roperty owners m ay consider th a t the pons are as clean as pos sible to have them ye t there Is g rea t danger with such places dur ing ho t weather. This is a question th a t has been discussed for years and no th ing of a prohibitive natu re done by local or s ta te hoards. Jamestown underwent a thorough cleaning on Tuesday by order of Council. The garbage wagon was sen t over the different stree ts for the purpose of hau ling away a ll rubb ish , tin cans, etc,, th a t no cumulates In alleys and back yards. Property holders were requested to clean up and have the wagon c a rt the garbage away. This is a good example for every town to follow. The m in isters of Jamestown have m ade a public p ro test ag a in st base ba ll t h a t was scheduled for la s t Sabbath . Yellow Springs has had Sunday baseball for some time and there is every indication th a t this will b* stopped. ! A frigh tfu l accident occurred o l d j the Fairfield p ike no rth of Xenia j ITuesday evening when A rthu r Col- j llin s and fam ily ami Miss L iz z ie ;1 Dallas, d augh te r of ’ Mr. Daniel j| Dallas were thrown In a carriage over a twelve foot embankment with two horses on top. ’l’he party hud attended the Dallas reunion a t .Sims station in Clark count}' and wero retu rn ing home. One of the horses suddenly utoppod apd Jjegan backing and could no t bo stoppod in time to save the vehicle being thrown ovei’ the embankment. > Miss Dallas sustained a sprained arm , a deep gash on the head by ono of the horses hoofs. L ittle Irm a Collins received a bad cut over her le ft eye. Mrs, Collins' and son Robert were no t h u r t bu t Mr. Col ima received a few bruises. The ca rnage was a to ta l wreck bu t the horses escaped serious in- jn ry . : , THE FASTEST GROWING STORE IN OHIO. THE HOME STORE 12-14-16-18-20-22-24 Fairbanks Building, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. WE CARRY NOTHING BUT THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. Our Tremendous July Clearance Sale Opens Thursday, July the i6th, And Continues for Ten Days Only, T h is being our first Ju ly Clearance Sale, it is being looked forward to by all as the most im po rtan t bargain event ever held in Springfield. . Every item to 15e offered is entirely new and of this season's production giving all an opportunity to select from the season’s best styles of High Grade Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Undermuslms, £orsets, Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Domestics, Hosiery, Underwear Cur tains arid Draperies, Laces, Embroideries, Gloves, Leather Goods, Jewelry, Hair Goods, Novelties and Men’s Furnishings at prices not to be Duplicated in America. Outfjpurposeis to close out quickly all classesof this season’s merchandise and we will leave nothing i^tdone to accomplish this end. Though you may not have any intention of buying this sale will be an education you should not overlook. Member rierchants’ Association. COME TO SPRINGFIELD AT OUR EXPENSE. We pay your fare both ways oh all purchases. of $15.00. Ask" our salespeople and they will explain to you our system. . T E H A N c o . ....... ... . ■ --------... ............. 3d saved. 25c Lnco Hosiery fo r 20c 10c saved. Mon’s e;Jc Balbrl- gan Underwear for 40c 10c saved. OOo Corsets for 40c 10c saved. 51)« S ilk Gloves for 40c 40o saved. Ladles’ Tan Ox fords $2 quality for $1.00 5c saved. Men’s and Boys, 25o Bftlbriggan Undcrweatt 20« 5c saved 23c all Linen Towels fo r 20c. 6c saved 25c Neckwear for 20e 0c saved 23o l ’ony Stocking# for 2oc Ec saved. 25(3 W h ite Goods for 20c —. ..if aoc saved $UH) Colored Silk Umbrella for art*. 20c saved $1 Black silk Umbrellas for 80c 20c saved 20c saved 20o saved 30c saved , 3Qo saved. $1 Black $1 W h ite $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 ’Taffeta .S h i r tw a i s ts . Table Linen Ladies Oxfords Trimmed H ats for 80o for 8oe fo r 80a for $1.20 for. $1.20 2 0 Per Cent D ISCOUNT CLEARANCE SALE ‘ " ‘ y.Q . 15 Days of Dry Goods Selling at 20 Per Cent Off Our Usual Prices. Not one item in our house reserved and as oiir goods are marked in plain figures you can practically do your own shopping and figure your own saving. Think what tha t means: 20c on every $1.00. $1.00 on every $5 cash purchase of good seasonable Dry Goods, Millinery, Suits and Shoes. Sale will begin Saturday, July /Oth, % and dose Saturday, July 24th. Partial List of Goods on Which You Can Save Twenty Per Cent’ Dross Goods Colored Bilks, p lain and fancy B lack Bilks, all grades Dress Trimmings and Linings Wash Goods, a ll k inds W h ite Goods, p lain and fancy Toilet Goods, a ll kinds Silk Umbrellas Wliito and Colored Parasols N#ek W ear Kmbroidoriea and Laces Table Linen and ’Towels Curtain Swisscs W h ite S h irt Waists Baby Caps and H a ts - Hosiery, a ll kinds Summer Underwear for Men Women and Children. Corsets, a ll make* Gloves, silk and K id Muslin Underwear In fan ts’ Dresses and Underwear Children’s B lurt W a ist Drosses Ladies’ Dress Sk irts Ladles’ Tailored Su its Silk and Sateen Petticoats Ladies’ Oxfords and Shoes Misses and Children's Shoes JOBE BROTHERS* CO. X EN IA , OHIO . $1.00 saved $1.50 saved 20c saved 10c saved $3.00 $7.60 $1White Bod 40(3 While Drosses Linen Si , Eproad Bleached Sheets for | i for $(i , for toe \ 'Jf far soo $1.20 saved «r».w5‘White Wash Suit# for $1.76 20e saved $1 Black and Colored Dress Goods. 80c, $1.00 saved $5.00 Tailored Skirts for $4.00 20osaved $1 Wrapper#, 800 75c saved $3.75 Fine Waists for $3. 00c saved $2.50 P a ten t L ea the r Oxford for $8. 50osaved $2.50 White Sk irts for $2 60c Slued $2.50 Trimmed H a ts for $2. 50c saved $2.50 parasols, white, colored for $2 $1.00 saved $3.00 Hilk Petticoats for $4 saved $5.(HI Table L inen Set for $4,W>. i
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