The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52

|% Twr X»«iIf*noe Oar Job Work will vumpftrtf with tk«tof*nay ntlii-rfirm,. ., \ 'Ceda Xerald. | Tkia hero afeea jsaikttd with m | Index, dacstes tfcst >-ror tutmrii, 5 i3 p.'ist d ie j p «J a prcroj t set; | m e tt it earnestly desired. A THIRTV-SKCOSJI VEAB SO. 47 0EDAHV1LLE, OH*),. ■ D A Y , XOVEMKEB 19, 1900 LOCAL COMPANY GETS Th* O e ih m lle L igh t & Power Company v m the lowest Judder on fu rn ish ing power for tho village of Yellow .springs and a con tra c t to th is effect for ten y ears was signed up Wednesday evening, Th* pooplo of Yellow Springs r e ­ cently voted oleetrio ligh ts and bids were asked for. Tho Springfield & Xenia Traction company, Xenia L igh t company and Mr. Foreman of the Jacoby mill were the bidders beside the local company. The local company will construct a line from Clifton ^to Yellow Spriugs anti work w ill be starred in a few day®, Tho company sells the power over its own m ete r a t the sw itch board in Yellow Springs. <Ah a ll n igh t service is guaranteed, Yellow Springs will have about *75 tneandeseeofc s tree t ligh ts of (Hi candle power each While the v il­ lage purchases its power from the Cedarville company it w ill. In turn bo so ld , to the ctfiaei.s of Yellow Springs a t a profit to th a t village*. I t is s ta ted th a t abou t .fifteen .miles Of wire will be required for s tre e t ■ purposes alone, Yeilov Springs hav ing a larger s tree t m i­ leage than any other village in ' thf county. The local company in placing th e ir Water tu rb iu a i Clifton foi w a te r power provided for the fu turr and can fnrn isn Yellow Spring! w ithou t overburdening th e ir plant. They were th e only' company bid- ‘d ing t h a t had ah emergency p lan t in case of acciden t and th is wan much in th e ir favo r' in ge tting ' the contract. G. W. Rife Elected D irector. THEATRE NOTES. * As will be seen in our adve rtising columns the Exchange Hank has increased its cap ital stock to |30,<HO i t formerly was $15,000. Mr. George W. L ife, one of the prominent and most successful farm ers in th is community has been Chosen a d irecto r ami also V u e - President. Tho Exchange B ank is one of the strongest private banking in s titu ­ tions in this section o f the sta te and has an ind iv idual liab ility of over $100,000, The business of the insti tntion is in the hands of Mr. O. L . Sm ith, Cashier, who Isconservative in his methods, always keeping th e standing of his bank such as .to in su re a safe depository for the pa trons. • Early Monday Morning Fire. F ire Was discovered in the I ) , M, B ean ba rn sho rtly a fte r twelve D'eiook Monday morning. The d is. tqada Jb f -Iffr. f * Robert A. Elwood On Platform . The following accoun t o f. Bev, Robert A rthu r Elwood is taken from the “Lyceum” : Born, New uirgb, X, Y., Nov, 27, 1873, 'educat­ ed in public schools; Manual Train-; ng Sohooi, Ph ilad e lph ia ; Attended .Ire tyea r of Cedarville College; Be- i'ormed Presby terian Seminary, Philadelphia; Princeton Sem inary, Princeton, X , J . Served m TJ. S, Volunteers du ring Spanish-Ameri- can W a r; member of General Harry G. E gbe rt Camp U. S- W. V ., Ger­ mantown, Pa. ;Ordained Presbytery of West Jersey , April 38, 1890,« Pas­ tor Presby terian church, Absecan. N. J ., Olivet Presby terian church, Wilmington, E e l.; F irs t P resby ter­ ian church, Leavenworth, K an . Noted as a Preacher, Evangelist, Reformer, Lecturer, Author and Poet. -Ho has w ritten th e following works: M ed itations; Model Oondi- ti,ons of Life. Bev. Elwood will lecture i n the opera Louse,' Tuesday evening, Nov, 80. One of the d istin c t novelties in connection w ith the engagement of Robert Edison atthcFa irhan lrs The­ a tre Wednesday, November 21th, iwill ho his appearance in a farcical 5charactnre, devoid of the immi a th - -lotic personality 60 closely identiil- redw ith previous Edison creation | “ The Noblo Span iard” is a fare* of < of tho early ‘50s, du ring thosoAnth- ouy Trollope day s when the women wore loop sk irts and tho men adorn- ed themselves in high sa tin ' ‘topper and stock co llars, and will presen I th is popular in a most delightful en­ vironment, Everybody knows Mr. Edison as a romatio actor of no mean ab ility , bu t hie introduction as a com ed ian --1‘a comedian of the Mansfield class,” aa a n Eastern c ritic p u t w i l l be in the na tu re of a genuine surprise to his many adm irers here, H en ry B. H a rris has provided Mr, Edeson an adm ir­ able cast, headed by Miss Gertrude Gogh!an. The scene of “ The Time, the Place and »,ho Girl” Is laid, in the moun­ tains of V irg in ia a t a “ rest cure” whither Happy Johnny Hicks, and- his pal, Tom Cunningham, have fled from the resu lt of an escapede of Cunningham 's in a gamble house in Boston; The complexities of the plot opeur while the rest cure is in a 'state of quaran tine w ith the ser­ vants a ll absent. Tbe guests are forced to do the work themselves—a condition t h a t inspires mutiny among some of them , QL course there is a p re tty love sto ry . The production is unusually a rtistic , and the chorus is tho liveliest and b righ test o t feminine fascinators. Messrs. Adams and Hough are the authors of the p lay and the music Is by Joseph B . Howard. This musi­ cal comedy comes to the Fairbanks Theatre, Thanksgiving day for two performances afternoon and even­ ing. • A t the Fairbanks Theatre, Friday, November 2Gth, HentiettaCroBman Aroerlca’n foreniosl comediene, will present her recen t New York srac- 0 ***, “ J3HAM” which fit cw«o*dM The la Yet stilt I Ai The mel Wit Of haunt Are The T* The si • A But her#i W*l Wjiich ' B< And fcheyl "The They T h e y j Their f 8 Kor And yet • / ' The-j So sing Hi mm For all it WitL I t m a y . b m WHij To tell : tde&assrsrssia! NOTICE TO HU! Corduroy pants, caps to match, toe, SULLIVAN , Si South m non S 0W * ^ !B !$ '; Fa*#*®*!- e Old Song. dreamed the magic strains seee many, many years, music swells and waneB, f ' its spell on him who hears; p is clear and sweet st gladness in each tone; ;swing and rythmie beat lured chords tha t sing alone. i t wrote tho olden rhymes ly, many years is dust; \ held in olden times ago was rust— dy as fair as then the song tha t holds the heart s again, and yet again, iof this undying art. )..wrote this song, they gave i no conquest of their hands, ( Lao battle flags to wave, apled through no alien lands, ie not through women's tears gh the heaping of their gold—* gh ail the bygone years $e song their fame has to ld .. 7, when the night ows from the drowsy west, ires, shadow-light, ' ’ fort and heartsease are blest, Udme fair star p an echo of some strain -who bide afar - .no t write their song in vain, -Wilbur IX Nisbet in Chicago Post. w», |a a 6 | ^fefccr, cue S t„ jitf, Okie. - *nge«t M ii ' WANTED. Young'lady of good acldresa and stand ing to so licit accounts fo r col- l&dti.oii from doctors, m ilk men fisntista and merchants in Greene county, sa la ry or commission. Steady employment and q u ick 're ­ turns. Address a t once American F iducial Co. ii Ash tabula, O. PRIOB $ 1,00 A YEAR. Complaints Made Death of Against Hunters. M. R. Badger. Tim rab b it and qu a il law opened Monday and will c lo seD ec ith , The usual number of accidents over the s ta te have been reeored. Babbits and quail are more abundan t this season th an in former year®which makes the spo rt more facinatiug* While a large number of land own­ ers have posted their farms against hun ting w ith dog oy gun, y e t we hoar of many complaints of tho lew being violated. I t is s ta te d that several hunters in thin section when warned toieave larms,“ talked back” ». and refused to go. I n one instance! we bear of a roan’s turkeys being | sho t by ind ignan t hun ters who had ‘ been ordered oif the farm , W h a t is needed ill such cases is a few -ap­ plications of tho law to tbiB class. The Honorable Janies Wilson, Sec re ta rv of Ag ricu lture in speaking of the In te rn a tion a l Live Stock E x ­ position, which is to be held this y ea r from Nov. 27 to Deo IO, said r “ The In te rnationa l Live - Stock Exposition as an educational factor has carved a niche for itself. “ Producers a re confronted with the problem of increased cost of every commodity t h a t they use, g reatly enhancing th e ir expenditure “ Obviously th is necessitates rigid economy, and those who reduce'ceat or production to a minimum insures maximum profits and his own sur­ v ival where others fail. “ The In te rn a tion a l is teach ing its valuable’ lesson to the country a t an ,ppertund moment. ' . “ During the period of cheap feed and feed lo t extravagance suqh edu­ cation was not valued, because its benefits were no t realised a t the time. ; “ Under new conditions, the man lyho produces beef,pork iina mu tton Cannot afford the use of inferior ma- qhinery in h is business, ,,Economy requires th a t he han­ dle the very best types .of the most improved breeding; and these les­ sons can be obtained a t th e In te rn a ­ tional Live Stock Exposition, which is acknowledged to be an education­ a l institu tion o f th e h ighest order SaifoiltafcV Mr, M. It. Badger, one of th« In st known colored citizens «f th is c u n - in an ity d ieda tthcG a lU po lfs hofi f- ta i for epileptics op Monday a t tho age of 75. H e h a d been In fa»Kt;g health for aom* time. Besides a wife he is surv ived by two dmiph- ter», Mrs. LeonaH athaw ay , Owens- btvg, Ky ,, and Mrs. F red Morris of Springfield, l il. One son, William, Is in a hosp ital in S e a ttle w ith a broken ankle. The funeral took place from tfto residence Thursday afternoon, Burial a t Massies’ Creeir. TheRev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac For 1910. Beady November lOfh, 1909, a splen­ d id year book, on astronomy and meteorology, the only on* contain­ ing the original “H icks W eather Forecasts” By m ail, postpaid 85c: on newstands, 30o. One copy free -with a year’s subscription to “Word and "Works” tho Bey- I r l B. H icks Monthly Magazine, the best $1, monthly in America. Discounts on Almanacs m quantities. Agents wanted. Bemember the genuine “ Hicks Forecast” are no t published , anywhere else—you get them -only in his own pub lication . ’ word ax i > WORKS I'UKLISUINO CIO,, 2201LOCUS& ‘lb.,'St. Louis, Mo, POST CARDS FREE. Send me six. cents in stamps and I w ill send you postage paid, free, 10 beautiful “ Bemembrance” Post Cards, p rin ted in many colors. This oiler good only to farm folks'. Ad­ dress, Jam es Slocum, 910 Majestic Bldg.. Detroit, MI. h. FOB SALE t—A cement block machine aRc^, moulds fo r several k inds of workc. Also house moving outfit, pulleys, ropes,-etc. Apply tq A. D. Towpolay. ’ . ■ ; IY « *G $! 0 ff Reward* $td& The mdtr# of this i»p«r will be plettSe to leern that there is at least one dreaded (fiswuMthat science has been able fo curein all its stages and that is Catarrh, Uall'a Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Ball’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up­ on the blood Wid raucoussarraces of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, andgiving the patient strength, by building up tha constitution'’and assisting nature iu doing its work, Tho proprietors haveao ranch faith ib its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred hollars for any coaelhatit fails to cure. Send for list o testimonials. Address. F. J. CHFNJRY &Co, Toledo O. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Ball’s Family Pills arc tho best, NOTICE: Hu n tors a re forbidden from hun ting w ith dog or gun on the land owned hy W. A. A rthu r. A mutton tu t naw tria l in JJh* ows* of Ed . Black alias E v e rh a rt mad* hy Ills attorneys, J . N . and Frank Dean, Was sustained by Jadg* Kyle, on Monday on th e grouds th a t the affidavit d id no t re tu rn the va lue of tho horse. E d . Black is the man found guilty iastw eek of attem p ting to stea l wheat from Wm . Conley, Who also owned the horse. F ran k Jeffrey was sentenced to the workhouse Tuesday on a flhfc of $5 and costs fo r p lain drunk. The Dayton polieo arrested Boy Brown Monday fo r tho th e f ta suit of clothes and siloes from F rank Jeffrey on complaint of tho Cedar- ville Officers, Mayor Wolford sent Brown to ,th e workhouse under a fine and costs amon ting to $21.85, —Balph Bingham, the popular en tertainer, is tho second attraction on th e lecture course, and will ap ­ pea r in the opera house on the evening of Nov. 29. S T A T E M E N T O F ■tr The Exchange Bank Cedarville, Ohio. Wishing to advance with the steady growth of this community, we have increased the Paid Capital of this Bank to -----$ 30 . 000.00 ------ We are also pleased to announce Mr, George W. Itifo as a member of our board of directors acting as Vico President. We thank our many customers for their continued confidence and promise careful and prompt attention to all business entrusted to us, With a Paid Capital of 830,000 and an individual liability of over $ 100 , 000.00 m ©FfowiHi m f l»# £&$ £x«3»i*e *f *vwy deligh tfu l qaaHty which characterise?? her work, Bh* appsar* aa K a the rine Van B lpp tr, a young nopiety woman reared with the most ex travagan t notions and le it an orphan w ith no income with which to g ratify them , So she he, comes a social sham , preying upon tier well-to-do friends and going over head and ea rs In debt. H er love for a robust young American w ith independent views o t life changes her head long course a n d brings the p lay to a happy end. TRUESDALE-ROLAR. We offer a Safe Dejtontory for your funds, WE EApESTLY S0UC1T YOflR PATRONAGE. « . W. SMITH, l»ra*f*laiitt OEO. W. HJFE, Viet Praaldant, O . L. SM IT H , C a t h it r , L. f* TINfifAEL, A ttt. C tsh ltr . Mr. E rn e s t Truesdale and Miss Essie Bolar, daugh te r o t Mr. and Mrs’ JohnB o la r who reside on the Hopping farm , were quietly m arri­ ed Monday evening a t the home Of M r.and Mrs. John Hfceclo. Only a few friends of the contract- ingp a rtie s were present, (ho cer- mony being performed by Bov. W» E. Bu tt of tho M. E . church. The bride and groom are popular young people and a large num­ ber Of th e ir friends gathered about th e house a fte r the ceremony and trea ted them to an old fashioned boiling th a t aroused the neighbor­ hood. The groom is employed in tho e . H . Crouse m ea t store and has a largo circle of friends, Tho bride and groom have gone to Converse. Ind ., where they w ill vis­ it the la tte r ’s paren ts, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Truesdale. On their return they will go to house, kebpibgin tho Andrew property.,. The bosb wishes of a host of friend a re extended to both b ride and groom. LEGAL NOTICE. Case No. 12431, flourt of Common Fleas, Greene County, Ohio, Sa rah H ill, Plaintiff, vs. Edward H ill, Defendant. Edw ard H ill, residence unknown, will take notice th a t on th e 20th d ay of October, 1009, said Sarah H ill filed iu the Common Fleas Court, o f Greene County, Ohio, her peti­ tion for d i' oree ag a in st him the same being upon the grounds of wilful absence for more th an three years and gross negmet of duty, and th a t the same will be for hear­ ing a t the Court House, m Kenia, Ohio, on December 13th, 1909, a t 8 o’clock a. in. by which time d e fon -, d a n t must ausiver or demur to sa id | petition or judgment m ay b e taken against him. HWd. (Blgned) Sarah Hill. fra. * * WNY PAY MORE? And make an ex tra trip when you can buy just as good for L E SS money a t the ‘‘HOME.” W STEN G EN TLEM EN— W e do no t claim to sell you a Gold D o lla r for F ifty Cents nor likewise a $ 40.00 Suit for $ 10,00 bu t we DO claim to give you A SQUARE, DEAL ¥ And honest values and furthermore th e only clothing store in the coun­ ty th a t has an absolutely N EW STOCK. SUITS, Ranging from $9.90 to $25 OVERCOATS, $7.50 to $22.00 p 9 W e are hand ling the famous W EA R W E L L brand of clothing, they fit like custom made garments. SHOES! W e have th e famous SELZ Shoes, the best shoes made for the money, We can prove th is sta tem en t to you if you will come in and let us show you. “No trouble to show you SHOES And no SHOES to show you trouble.” F e lt Boots, Rubbers, Arctics, H a ts , Caps, Ties, Collars, Shirts, a nd in fact everything In the way of wearing apparel for men and boys Be Thankful and Get a New Suit fo r Thanksgiving - * Trade at HOME Clothing Co. Get the H AB IT HOME New Bank Building, Cedarville, Ohio. NOTICE! Money cheerfully re­ funded for all pur­ chases no t satisfac­ tory* Leave your packages and meet your friends a t' T h i s H O M E . * ‘j if