The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 27-52
atfcnfSHihJ^rf»te<».<ah.Wi>i£fc1 frirfB -tfTt -*»rtfcif[f*!| |*ffrif^ifluXTlUXI For £ j .'41 hrm Our Job Work will i with that of *ny other firm.. „. T E i u T Y ^ m m ) m m m 'Seda CKDARVILLB, FATAL ACCIDENT II A telephone message from the (.’or- oner in (’ohimbus Monday to Mayor Wolford brought the nows of the sudden death of 1Toy McFarland, duo to an accident in an elevator in the Busy Bee Candy Kitchen in that city. Mayor Wolford immediately not ified the unfortunate young man’s father, Mr. D. II. McFarland. The ten o’ clock express was stopped and Raymond McFarland, a brother %nd C*. A. Shvoads went to Columbus to care for the body. There is no positive theory ad vanced as to just how the young man met his death. There was no eye witness to the horrible affair but a young man was nearby and had been talking to MoFa'rJand just as he was going up. One story is thatRoy had started the elevator and,jumped on it while in motion and in doing so was caught between the floor and the lift. Another theory is that while talking to a companion his head was projected too far and was struck by a beam supporting the upper floor. In. eifc’Mr case it is evident- that his skull was crushed by the blow. His body fell from the carriage back intathe.elevator shaft a distance of -thirty feet. By this time his companion had noticed an unusual noise and upon making an investigation found MeFariand’s body in a sitting pos ture r» one corner of tne shaft. Aid was sumturned but bis life slowly ebbed itvfay without ever regaining consciousness, Beside the crushed skull there was only one otherbruise on the body, that war t ie eye. The body was brought home Monday evening. < . The deceased was the son 'o f ex- Mayor D. H, McFarland and was one of the most popular young men about (own. He. *was of a kinci- a i > , j i r t i a l disposition and ■a- it« s look.,- d upon the bright side m ine. Ho is survived by father, n invahd mother, throe brothers, B. E , Raymond, Arthur; and two sisters, Miss Merle at heme and Mw s a .^ t^ o f Bay ton. ' 9 Mm- Chosen A Fifth Time. Mercdd, *s~-rr\_^ Ti;i* Item when marked with m f ; Index, dtwote* that year saberr.:. 1 , is -past dee ged a prompt sctfc-| *im .t is esmmiy desired.. . . . . . . S i ■ ■ ' *■ AY , NOVEMBER 20, 1909 PR ICE 11.00 A YEAR . t t IiCN. O. E. BRADFUTE. Probably no other breeder of live stock in this county has had the honor conferred upon him as has Hon. O. E. Bradfute, who for the fifth time has boon Chosen judge of cattle m the student judging contest at International Live Stock Show in Chicago which opens S&fc- clay. The prizes amount to about $.y)Q 0 including 20 scholarships of $20 each iu’ leading agricultural colleges over *Tm tired j cars In oppasti the rather »t| A. He Iroin Hsjrfcso self at the; the M. 8 . and sruok Sfr,^ sah Hinan got the jobi sinan m town; Car at presented Hopping! oyer a month, oil from men ■ in UrnEast Et| ting a Jobw it^ j house but ftoi were.keen fori ami weotovar' lilac. Hopping has | perlcnoe in t&*. though in tb* time m this * ed—Clipping i Single fit more than a i erfc Arthur Dec. 14, 'Pat *— 24 PeF^ a year or month, a ment.Wi matter. ( p w -Seattle. Iff to sell motor the (,,adUiao” ie way h which |[ lately' arrived seduced him- B. Plke-sfc of fetor Car Co. pain for* jo Mr. Hopping »e busiest aale- ■ the Cadillac SELMA Mr*. It. G. Calvert who recently underwent a critical surgical opera- ion improving nicely and is expected home soon. Mr, and Mrs. D, L, Yarned are visitors in Springfield this week. The Townsley Bios, repaired the largo chimney on tho school build- Kennon Buys Dray Business W. It. Kennon,who for the past nine years has fatten connected with tlie village as night wachman and engineer of tho fire department, has purchased the dray business of B. iug last Saturday, which was da™-' K. McFarland and took charge Mon- I satti« a little U reconmiend- it In the trade >difficulty get- il automobile his prrapeo'i that he quit rbouseof Cad- ive years’ ex- iin Ohio find but a short Steady welllik- vttie paper. ife la . Worth death. Ilol> 9p»ra House, lag, "• ■ Dividends eeniu pel »dinvest* irprinted Hie', Ohio. aged by lighing laBt summer. The f j b as fl,° rkmen were closely watched by *. l a* mar,y during the perilous work. N. V Branson and Mrs, Howard Smith were in WaynesvillelastHat- urday attending tho Friends quart erly meeting. About 23ladies were present at the thimble party at the home of Mrs. Howard Smith last Thursday ait r- noon aud enjoyed tlie event, Mrs, E E. Dinwiddle gave a fuie aacoivufcof her recent trip abroad, after which the ladies were served to an elegant supper. Wm. Morgan and Mrs. Matlack will leave, the latter part of this month for Californiawhere theywill spend the winter, day morning. Mr, McFarland nas not yet decided what he -will do. Mr, Kennon will resign his present position some time this coming month. Flat now open for Tuesday even ing get a reserved seat it will cost you nothing extra. LEGAL NOTICE. 12431, Greene ■The plantaf the Oo-operative Har vesting Company in Springfield, in which a farge number of farmers in this state invested in stock has been sold to Harfy Klssel.repreaentinga syndicate o f who will turn the property over to a new manufacturing concern. The pro- orty brought 24,000. Mr, David Deck of near Dayton and Mr. “ Tuck Deck” of Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. I. Deck and family. Case Ho, Courtof Common Fleas, County, Ohio. . ; Sarah Hill, Plaintiff, ■ VS.' . Edward Hill,,Defendant, Edward Hill, residence unknown will take notice that on the 20 th day of October, 1900, said Sarah Hill filed in the Common Pleas Court, of .Greene County, phio, her peti tion for divorce against him the same being upon the grounds o f Wilful absence for more than three years and gross neglect of duty, and that the same will be for hear ing at the Court'House, in, Xenia, Ohio, on December 13th, 1909, at 9 o’ clock a. m. by whioh time defen dant must answer or demur to said petition or judgment maybe taken against him. 40d. (Signed) Sarah Hill Heavy Damage By Storm A terrific wind gtorni visited IS .‘s section Monday afernoon that caused considerable damage to cm n crops, farm property and telephone and traction lfriss, Over the county a numberof fields >of fodder were completely daman' <1 *by being blown into neighborly fh Id and along tho railroads, The D. & X , Traction -Company suifered heavy damage in that a half mile of trolley poles were laid low. The telephone companies met the Bdme fate. At Yellow Springs a barn and wind-mill were damaged belonging toFrank Hughs The Jargo smoke-stack o f tho Xenia Icc .and Cold Storage Co, was blown down within twenty fa tr of the bottom. During the storm considerable damage befell the H, M. Murdock barn but repairs can easily be made Robert Arthur Elwood lecture d last night in the First TJ. F. Church Mr, Elwood’s talks are no machine essays, capable of being analyzed by rule of pen, He follows no fixed plan, and runs the gamut from light to dark, from joy to sorrow, from laughter to tears, p la y in g -with tho emotions ofhis auditors as musican would upon his favorite instrument Last nighfc’Blecture was heard by a crowded church and it is hoped that Rev, Elwood will find it within his power to give another of Ms good talkssoon.-The Times Leavenworth Kan.— Opera House, Tuesday Dec. 14, - ______ » r , Miles* Anti-Pain Pills relieve pan, THEATRE NOTES. The comedy scenes between Fran cis Wilson and Baby Davis In .Mr< Wilson’ s now .play, “ The Ikt,eh<dr»>V Baby”' a cotuedy farce of which ho is.himself (he author, ace report* cl to be nothing short of deticious. Tn ■ too new play, Mr, Wilson has the rod* of a *r»afgr young j»*dMOr wins hi ,3*ft - of &# their influence, writes more bril liantly thanevor. - Thd play depicts the struggle of the .writer to oyer- come the the hold the drugs have over her and those who have seen Mrs. Carter will realize how well this part will suit her capabilities. One critic writes of herns follows t '.*splfudid, thfillipg, dynamic, wlih a voice o f rare clearness and power, with a. carriage and gesture impres aive, and with tone and gtanc* *xuf with the imcc-issof hi* motion plo- f or. h on the ro*rt. He had just m - . d u.t* Bucy Bee concern about two we-kw ago and worked there to earn enough to support himself while studying the art of cartoon ing, o f which lie had a natural trait. Hardly had the mother received the news, of Roy’ s intention to be home for Thanksgiving until a lat- or report announced his untimely death and'sorrow and gloom dis pelled the plans o f a happy family reunion. The lasbpftd rites of all that was mortal took place Tuesday after noon from the M, E, church whore sorrowing friends and acquain tances gathered, Tho church was crowded to the doors. •<■', ...... . ... 'n.» (Continued on page 2) do#* his b «*6 to dwrfiNAfttOtaotfikcm* feeg»t rid of t&» h(t£l* on * / Bui that wan before he saw her and before he fell coptive to her childish charms, ior the little om end* by by twist ing him completely around her little finger and when some one tries to take her from him, fights like a ti ger to retain his possession. Bright lines, delightful situations, most of which are highly amusing and pa thos and comedy skillfully blended make “ The Bachelor’s Baby,’ * one of the season’ s big successes. Charles Frohman presents Francis Wilson whom he has surrounded with an exceptionally strong sup porting company in “ Tho Bache lor’s Baby” at tho Fairbanks The atre, Springfield, Ohio, on Monday, Nov. 29th. m Mood Poison. Mr. Warren Arthur, who is emp loyed on tlie Pennsylvan a Lima as ihrakemnn, recently received a nail cut on his wrist. The injury soon healed and little attention was paid- to it. Last .week something like blood poison set in and Mr. Arthur' was iu a very serious condition at his boaading house in Xenia for sev eral days. He is greatly improved at this time and is thought that there is no more danger. 7 w m i t,7sm im .n B/JWfl.49 &,<WD during WISTERMAN’ S We have just unpacked and are now offering a very fine assortment o f Bibles in many a n d attractive styles, binding and print and at prices that defy competition. I f at all in terested do not fail to call and look at them before the assortment is too much broken. Prices range from 75c tn * 3 no V*-^ Riverside Pharmacy, Ccdarvilie, 0. Theodore Roberts in “ The Bar rier” willbe tho attraction afc tho Fairbanks Theatre, Tuesday, Nov ombor 30th. The title refers to the racial prejudice which stands be tween tho love of a girl Who is sup posed to ho a halt bleed and an army officer. The girl *3 father, through adoption, in a hind o f un tutored woodsman Hamlet. Tho woman he loved had been killed by her husband, whom ho hated; ho had foun i hot dead and had taken away child, fleeing into the wil derness charged with a murder of which ho could not prove himseli innocent. When the girl had grown tip, believing herself to bo tlie daughter of a uquaw man, the evil father crosses the trail of the exiles Then the story of hato -agaisiot bate begins, and never ends until the killer gives up the ghost. Mrs. Leslie ( ’after, who comes to the Fairbanks Theatre, Thu s<lay, December 2 nd needs no introduc tion to tho the. tro goofs of thin pro* tion. Her appearances here have drawn about her a circle of admir ers both in and out of Springfield. This year she will present a new play, “ Varda Hetno” which So said to differ greatly in theme from the typo of plays which she has hereto fore presented. Tlie charts ter in that of a tab’llted woman who be comes addicted to drugs, and undci The first Greene County victim of the hunting season Is Hugh Harper 14-year-old son of Leo Harper of Spring Valley. While hunting rab bits a mill) and one-half from Spring Valley Saturday the gun which ho was carring miiz'-do downward, was accidentally discharged and tho largo toe on his left foot was so bad ly injured that it will have to he amputated. Don’ t fail to hear the lecture attlie Opera House Tuesday evening Dee. 14. Admission 25c. $100 Reward! $100. The readersof this paper will to plc.iSa (>»fer.rti there id at least one dreaded oiseoza tiiateticaro boa teen able to euro iu all its etages and that iaCatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curela the (inly positive euronow hnoivn to the medio! fraternity. Catarrh tiring a toiH-titutmual disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cureis taken internally, actingdirectly up on tho Moo i and mui ousourracto of system thereby destroyin';* tho foundation «f the disease, and giving tho patient strength by Imildin;; up the. constitution and assisting: naturein doing its work, Tho proprietors havero much faith in its curative powers, that they oiler oneHundredDollars formiy case that it fails to cure. Scipl f«r list o testimonials, Aidrc rj. F. Jf, CHFNEY & Co, Toledo 0. .■-'oldby Druggist, 7oe, flairs Family Pills arc tho best. IT PAYS • j t m - tm . you are getting A SQUARE DEAL, how happy you would be. W e are endeavoring to see that our custo mers get this and that we give you honest values. Our goods are all marked in plain figures and we treat you all alike. Any purchase not satisfactory, we cheerfully refund your money. Winter is upon us and you should have a new suit and overcoat. SUITS, $9.90 to $25.00 OVERCOATS, $7.50 to $22 You will find these garments are all new, and the tail* oring is the best* 1 SHOES: Make your feet glad by wearing our “SELZ ” Shoes. vO a Give us a c&ll and see the only NEW Cloth ing Store in the County. Home Clothing Co., n “The Quality Store.” New Bank Block. - - '. Ccdarvilie, Ohio TO TRADE AT HOME, Bad it lAK'y. rh-’-TriTtnipfi » /* 7 * /* ■w * The Newsalt Jewelry Mouse a cgj> TTS i*( D IA M O N D S , C O R K E R R O r R T H A N D M A IN S T R E E T , Th e Finest o f its kind in'th® State Of Oh io lo r fine W A T C H E S A m S T E R L IN G S IL V E R W A R E * « • m » ■ m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m rn im m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m tm m DAYTON, OH IO . Ls*' b* rr ***»-$#*■%
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