The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

m wcm a *# mwmL -FJMEEJ Jtv«*i t?;» subscription sff*T <-npa*,: */'«-»&c!a i Ahi.3, w<Jf i' rakch, A, IS. Garciaa Mrte(J l*M Wt Jti 'fhftrjieS fit_ Xenia attended iSjo funeral y£ the ‘ lato Fact! McMillan, Monday. j ITOC, tOOK, LiSTIN! Mr. JuSniNabij y,:tarnrtii to Indian- ai • ;>*, Tm K-tay. -F r iR RRNT; A heaso until M i. Inquire of Samuel Albright. Cfc - I Gewnor Veto** tU*o# brewing ilii, .{ and Park M*asur* cn $;,m Stof.J. Raymond Fitzpatrick o f ! lie . Charlc-g Ervin and wife o f ; i , * ? * ! * ^ » . , Iv*ciane ac!7t * • ; eJ - la ^ t o w a spoirt Monday with ; crcssing j , * * , ,b„ ( 7 . vg j™ i Mro. MarJja Ervin* ■ tto Lungworth jaw limits Mlsa Mao Raney ha<l for her gtscst l ■- jtiio bonded ln<fcbt**luisy of mrnieb this week, Miss Verna Golan of? * w . Boss Hurao ot Clifton will] X^OCl&OJa s'li’.v-vrt.*fr\ tm £5\/x HCfilU'^lSSnfS n.o£*/T*vl ? -Canned fruits Mr. Warren Arthur spent; Bahhath i app!o :® a pcaeSi hntiov ln aL „ 1lU *1’1** haD“ ath i McFarland Bros.; «4vAsyJAAv* J £ CROQUET •ach. SETS 75e to $2 At Bird’*. Mr. Harry Iliff of London spent Monday here. Commencement presents at the Home Clothing «o. Misa Lena Kerns of Greenfield the guest of Miss Mae Tarbox. There will bo preaching in the M. E. ebwrii Sabbath tho usual hour. paJiiies, lAwyer-SIke Governor Hannon gives as a reason, jifs reason' act forth mam ct length for vetoing tbc Bader park cammisvium fcill-xhgfc the matter should, in addition to .being .approved by municipal conntils, have the op> Tho now paper mill recently built |prove! of a imirehy r.f the electorate |jn Urb ana by the Howards, tho one J■ {regardless, It jb presumed), whether ?preach in the McMillan eeSiool _ ! Injiigo on tiro ColumbuspnmSabbath ami liorserves 1 attcmem « fc » ,rco Every ano a* se rv e s ,, OE,0 e&Msally invited. . l Ccdarviilo raised ^100,000 foe and Jtba electoi’ is a tarpav-r ov not, And ^ did not get, is now on oporation and turning out tho product. The plant is modern in every respect. Mrs. Bay Bawreneo of Cincinnati is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Griwlle. is —•For buggy painting go to Town- slay and Murdock’s. Miss Charlotte Sieglerlefb Satur­ day for a visit with I ) iyton friends. Mr, Foster McFarland ieft Tues­ day morning for Oakland, lad., wlioro ho will spend several days. The Oedarviile township school commencement takes place in the opcr&houso this evening. —Shirts, and etc. overall hosiery, gloves McFarland Brop. Mrs. Oarl Pauli of Dayton attend­ ed commencement, Thursday. —General repair work and rubber tires at Townaley and Murdock’ s, —Get your buggy painted Townsley(.avd Murdock’s. at Mr. Eli Small of Springfield spent Decoration day with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Iliff. —I t is not for men, the 7 in 1 snow flake kitchen combination that is being offer free on page one. . Communion will be observed by the United Presbyterian congrega­ tion Sabbath, preaching by Rev. H.D. Wilson. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, and the new Princess Slips At Bird’s —WANTED i-To purchase grass for hay, either clover or mixed, or will put same up on the shares, tf t F. B. Turnbull. Mrs. W. B. Marshall. Mrs. F. O. Boss, Mrs, Frank Tnrbox, Mrs Charles Ervin and. Miss Flora Nes~ bit of Xenia attended the college commencement, Thursday. Miss Pheobe Hanna of Dayton spent Sabbath and Monday with her parents. , —Edgetnont crackers also full line of bulk and package. . - McFarland Bros. —My paint shop is now open and ready for Bpringwork. Ralph Wolford. Miss Rosa Holmes of Xenia has been spending several days with Mrs. J. B. Winter. HAMMOCKS a goodlynumbor from which to select at Si .00 to #6.00 oach at Bird’s. Miss Rosa Stormont expects to leave soon on an extended visit with relatives in Kansas.’* —Housewives who .want a relia­ ble kitchen outfit shoald look up the Herald’ s offer on first page. 1Miss.Mary McMillan of Columbus visited friends and relatives here the first of the week, —Springfield fresh dally at and Dayton bread McFarland Bros. Mr. Ed. Ferris of Cincinnati spent a few days with his brother, Ervin, the filed of the week. Mr, Charles Huffme of Dayton spsnt Decoration Day here witii his many friends, Messrs. Charles and Ralph Gil­ bert of South Charleston spent Dec­ oration day with their parentB, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milbtirn of Lodi, O., arrived Wednesday for a visit with Mr. Milburn’s father and mother. Mr. Paul OrcsWrll, who has been attending school at Fayetteville, Tenn , returned homo Wednesday evening. Mr. Walter Sterrott, draughtsman for the Keystone Drilling Co., Bea­ ver Falls, Pa., is homo far a week. Mrs, W. A. Pollock and daughter of South Ryegate, V t„ are expect­ ed here this week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sfcerrett. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wade of Springfield spent Sabbath with Mr, and Mrs. Enos Clemans. POST CARD BARGAIN DAY 10 Cards for 6 cants', 3 for 6c local view cards, 6for a NICKEL SATURDAY ONLY See our Une of Penny Cards At Bird's. Miss Catherine Ankeny will be in Cedarville, Saturday morning to make arrangements for starting a class m china painting. Anyone in­ terested can meet her at the home of Miss Vera Andrew. NOTICE:—Property owners are hereby notified that all vaults and rubbish i hould be xemoved at once as the fli .al summons will be issued next week to those not complying. Hamuel Albright, Health Officer Word has been received here of the death of Wm. 3. Fleming at his home in Albion, N .V ., lastSabbath. Mrs. Fleming was formerly Miss Kate Dawson, aneice of Mr. Andrew Jackson and a half sister of Robert Jacoby of Goes. Friends of Miss Verna Bird arc gratified to know of the success she is making m the Dayton Journal trip to Europe contest. I t is hoped that Oedarvillians stand by their candidate to the end with united support. Clip the coupons aud hand them to Miss Bird. ^ Mr. Ray McFarland, cashier in the Pennsylvania railroad freight office, Springfield, was here from Saturday until Monday. A new cementsidewalk and gutter has been laid in front of tho Dr. J. W. Dixon and \V, M. Barber properties. Mr. Howard Harbison has accept­ ed a position as clerk m O. M. Townsley’s grocery store, Miss Nelhe Lewis entertained a number of ladies Saturday after­ noon at her home near Clifton in honor of her guest, Miss Inez Osborn of Urbana. Those present were Misses Florence White, Olive Coe, Bertha and Martha Knott, Belle Brewer, Cleo Preston, Mrs. Harris and Alfred Swaby and Miss. Vera Andrew, the further reason that economy should bo tun watchword. Them are scores of ways in wh* i Governor Hanuon has had opportun* ity to show that he Is .sincere in his plea for economy. Blit to preach economy at tim excuse of human life and limb does not carry convic­ tion. In truth, it Is generally suspected thht Governor Harmon was largely actuated by the. natural disinclination of a railroad magnate to acquiesce In the elimination of grade crossings. A •part of the expense of track elevation must be borne by the railroads, and they are Invariably hostile to the Im­ provement. The governor does not cover up this fact by relating his reasons for the Park hill veto first, and In his track elevation veto referring tq the former for the reasons. The mental process was doubtless reversed, and the pa-k hill may have been killed- in order to maintain a consistency and to act as a lightning rod in carry­ ing off public indignation. There is no taxpayer in Ohio cities —and these bills affected Cincinnati and Cleveland—who begrudges one dollar honestly spent in providing parkB and playgrounds for children, and the elimination o£ railroad grade crossings, which each year exact a tremendous toll in life and Hmb, The change in the time of trains here last Sabbath was a disappoint* meat to some in that there is no evening traia'Eaaf onSahhkth*'only' A newtrain,to -pat on :that arrive* here from:the.Went at #’M p.- m. The morning tram West leave* at Mr. and Mrs. W .A , Spencer and |7:48 *• in** minute* daughters, Ethel andWilipah, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bull m Springfield. ;later than under the former eched- : ule, Mr. Phil Dixon ieft Thursday evening for Detroit whore he has secured a position in tho Ghalmors- Detroit Motor Gar Company. Mrs, W ill Crawford of Davidson, Okla., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and. Mrs, J. H. Milbutn has been quite sick this week suffer­ ing with nervous trouble. Mr. Earl Randall, son of Mr. and Mr*. John Randall, recently passed the examination as telegraph opera­ tor and h&s been given a position on the Pennsylvania lines. CLOSING OUT all our Wo­ mans and Children's White Can­ vas Oxfords at ONE-HALF their { Through her attorney M. J. Hartley, value. We have every size and |Mrs. Holt gave notice of appeal to Mrs. Estella Holt was removed as • guardian of SusanGaines, of Cedar- ? ville, at the close of rather a spicy hearing Tuesday before Judge How­ ard. MI sb Gaines ib 73 years of age, and was ouly recently discharged from the Dayton State Hospital where she was committed several months ago. Certain relatives brought unit to have her mtice, Mrs, Holt, removed as guardian, oil the grounds that she has been delin­ quent in her duties as such. Judge Howard, at the close of tho hearing, d itied thatMrs. Holt had not been guilty of misconduct, hut owing to the ill feeling among the relatives regarding the matter that she would bo unable to properly discharge her duties as guardian, and that another •hould he appointed in her place. can fit you now* At Bird’s County Treasurer Grieves or his deputy will be in Cedarville, Mon­ day, June 13, for the collection of taxes. Mr, and Mrs, J. P. Barr of Bay- ton wcm the guests of M a and Mrs. James JTtrhell from Saturday unti Monday. Mr. Robert Harblsoa left Tuesday morning fur Cincinnati after a short visit with Ids father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Haibisou. Mr, Harbi*ou’ « wife, who lias been hero about* week loft Tuesday evening for a visit with relatives in another part of the stats. —Remember tha7in 1outfit. A now subscriber, a paid in advance sub­ scriber or a settlement in full will entitle you to a combination article such as should bo found in every home. Mr. James A. Gray of Pittsburg visited bis mother and sister from Saturday until Monday. Mr. Gray is connected with tho offices of tho Pennsylvania railroad and has made good in the company’s service. Common Plea* Court. Marcus Shoup represents thoapplicants. Misics Mao aud Goldie Taylor of Mt. Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. D, II. McFarland and Misses Merle and Letha McFarland of Dayton wore guest* ot Mr. and Mrs, B. E, McFar­ land, Sabbath an d Monday* To Be Taken Into Account, “You seem to be pretty well pleased with yourself. What’s happened? Been J hitting It right In the stock market?" J "No, my doctor has ordered mo to go i to Europe for my health/’ "That i doesn’t strike me as a thing that should make a man stop high and bulge with self-satisfaction/’ "But, eay, old man, think of tho compliment ther* Is in such an order/’ ICECREAM! ICECREAM! to handle vcg The name of Ed. 8. Conklin of Lebanon was sent to tho fiofesto on «a!.ufday, by President,Tftffc *9 post* ivi master of that place. A few months [ ago the President appointed J« M. MuMorrtfor the same and was in charge only a abort time wh*n ho wai removed owing to at* much 4'V* positmn dav.-hiping to tho appoint.. ment, Mr. Conklin baa boon * can • d « l* > fora number of ysars, having first been endorsed while Judge —WANTED: “ Young women of eighteen years and Over. Work light and clean. Good wages and comfortable hotel accommodations Close to the factory. Address Tho Peters Oartridgo Company, Dept, 23 Kings Mills, Ohio” , it. Tho following invitations have been Issued: “ Mr, and Mm. William J. Tarbox request tbo honor of your presence at tbo marriage of ' their daughter, Janet, to Mr. Harry A. Waddle, ou Wednesday owning,. Juno fifteenth, nineteen hundred and ton at six o’ clock, Godarvlllo, fkTf’jrkFwa* I » CoDirefi, C A S T O R I A lor Infest* slid fJhflftrtR, t!» KM Y « KlMAI w ji ta(kt Britt* th# I Wc are prepared cream through Strawberry and Vanilla flavors at present. Palate Restaurant. PASSES OVER TAX LAW Governor Allow* Langdon Measure to Become Operative Without . Hi* Approval. Proclaimed throughout the state as. the most substantial measure in the direction of taxation reform that the legislature has ever enacted, the Langdon. bill was .allowed by Gover­ nor Harmon to become \ law without his. signature. There were features of the bill which were not pleasing to the gov­ ernor, and he took this negative method of treatment rather than- frnnky s'gaing It as the best mcas ure possible, or vetoing it as unsat­ isfactory or ‘‘unconstitutional/’ * This is scarcely the stand the peo­ ple expect an executive to take on * matter ot first Importance. Shifting and dodging responsibility can never b« counted an element of strength, it did not add to the public esteem of President Cleveland when the al­ lowed the ‘Wiliam tariff hill to become | a law without hi* .signature. The friend* ot Governor Harmon are estopped from further criticism of the Langdnn mea*ure, for if it is a bad hill he should have vetoed it; nor can they claim for him any por­ tion of the credit for it* enactment, ns he refrained front giving It hi* approval. This inaction wifi serve but to strengthen the growing belief among the people of the state that the gov­ ernor has more consideration for his personal political fortunes than for the duties of hi* present office. It will Intensify the belief that he un­ dertook to influence by stealth such legislation as he (lid not wish to como up to him, It will carry conviction that this was especially true in the case of tho Woods utilities bill, tho Black bill and the Dean bill, to give municipalities the privilege ot local option independent of the counties in which they are situated, LOUDER THAN WORDS Harmon’s Actions Sine* Election 8how His Devotion to Mor­ gan interests. Judge Harmon was receiver of tho C„ H, & I?, refiroad-appointed at the behest of Plcrpont Morgan—at the time of Ids election as governor of OMO. The interests o f Morgan are as dia­ metrically opposed to those of tho people as are the interests of the hawk to the hen. No man can serve two masters, but for eight months after taking tho oath of office Judge Harmon under­ took tho task of serving the people of Ohio and the potketbook Of Wall street's undisputed king, Ho made a feeble effort to do tho latter by rr«*y> and sought to have Ida law partner, Kdward (’olston, succeed him in the Morgan receiver­ ship, But the courts declined to aid bim in this palpable makeshift, and intimated that if Harmon retired a LEGAL NOTICE. No. 123S0. Common Fleas Court, Greens County, Ohio. Mary 15. Boyle, Flalntlff, vs. , Martin M. Boyle, Defendant. Martin M. Boyle, place of resi­ dence unknown, defendant herein, will take notice that on the 37th day of April 1910, eald plaintiff filed In Common Fleas Court of Greene Jjounty, Ohio, her petition for di­ vorce against him. Upon the ground of press neglect of duty, and that, said defendant is required to answer ordemur to said petition onor before Juno llth, 1010, orjudgment will be taken against hhii. Haiti action will bo for hearing at tho Court House ih Netiia, Ohio, June 18th, 1010, at P A. M., or as soon there­ after as the same can lie reached. (Mid) Mary25,Hoyle, Plamtiff» . . . . co-rccciver would be frankly named out too season, for JlSs ,aW m tn „ t So, rather than trust th* Morgan interests to hi* partner and another, Harmon continued In personal matt* agomeat ol th* railroad himself. And this camel of personal devotion to Morgan Is gulped down without ef­ fort by those who shriek loudest while straining at the gnat of the In­ terior secretary’s personal corespond- erice with one of Morgan’* partner*, uMtMl't* * mum at m I r is ta * * * " " * tt. m a t i « *• m * mtUpmm. N * mm « M PilesorSailotP A POSITIVE SUARAiTEE •*Wl Mtttriri*.-. - m«tm the twoM* penmuMMBy- AT rriOSWAM g a ’ a w t g g ^ i i f c m m THE W ELL - DRESSED MAN Everyone Likes to Make a God Appear­ ance. Let Os ShowYou the Way Buy Clothing at The H O M E The place where they keep them PRESSED ONE WHOLE Y E A R FREE OF CHARGE. TRUNKS AND TRAVE L ING BAGS -Be fore you start on your summer vacation, see our line of travel­ ing goods. Shirt, Ties, Collars, Hosiery and Underwear that are new and up-to-date. "Make your feet glad” in a pair of our Shoes. Trade at HOME. Home Clothing Co THE. QUALITY STORE, Cedarville - - - • f Ohio *ST When you are in Xenia we will be pleased to show you all the new ideas in sp r in g and summer foot= - v# - wear. Our lines are now complete We have more good shoes than you can find else* FRAZER’S SHOE STORE, 17 East Main Street 1 x