The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

f * - iSSKVMHMPNMwawM J I IV ■ o w r i m f a m m Aim* to tt»r trftt fi*U, <si S Jgtfij -firs t Nui* Nun ’®> i '■ rv« n- t!•’«., iw )„ ii«ta mi 4'ii \< land, j«, H, lb wfil l«:H Mt -fa JH'.te<’!»??. £u tho fr.jra * ? » Harm?.' <-n "'n l .'HI - togot >_.f II— Vf £. 'a, A r n'1» lattice of i it %clar/'V« stroEgcefe ?::-. ojs '-; k jh -n lJ»v«t?'.tvatTan^riTj€iJ, ti in Imiiii. largo ct<i« gats* "s of men will ruin.’ from T rio .' . owq 5 Awit- alra!», Warmi, Canton. Akron, EJj'ria, h 'ran), Norfolk uni otkes.* uoitnorn v ,1 k I o each of the morn than’y organize <1 Adult Bible <’I s w g 'to the j^tain is i*o fjuegtcd semi a rcprcrectatwo. OeYiiaiKl ulono is planning to have f>,G0fimen In lino and It is expected that at least lOjmu mt ia will march In the parad ■> sbr.o exhibiting tiw vfilUty ofWumi* school vtviU and tunphasufii.? the importance of Bible study. Bumfe, torch lights transparencies, red lights etc*,Avili characterize the demonstration. Tin# is hut a single feature: of a three days’ Convention, in which fifteen redefi .*p‘"?rUi::is ave engaged as c;peahors and Instructors. A groat bazaar and Sunday-School exhibit wilt ho opened lor the study of all, Delegates elected by counties. Schools may send visitors. Prdgrauinready by Junol. Apply to Ohio Sunday School Association, BellTelepliope Bldg., Columbus, Q. DECORATION DAY. Decoration Day was fully observ­ edin thisplace Monday by the local 0, A. It. post and citizens in gener­ al, In the morning the grayes of the departed comrades were fitting­ ly decorated. Wagons were provid­ ed for those not able to march to the cemeterynorth of town. In the afternoon at the ..opera house the following was the program of exercises: Music, Invocation, Itev, M, J, Taylor, Address of Wel­ come by Commander; Beading of’ Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Mrs. John Johnson, Beading by Mist? Josephine .Randall; Beading by Mrs. W. E. Pu tt;. Music, Address, Dr. W. B, McCheshey, Muic, Amer- ua, by audience. Benediction. The services of a Chicago tree doc­ tor have been called into requisition in the effort to save Dayton’s fam­ ous elm, said to he the largest m Ohio. The giant of the primeva forest is believed to he 150 years of age, measures 18 feet 10 inches aronad the maximum embonpoint and is just fullo f hugs. —Buggies and carriages'painted to wear and topleat Townsley and Murdock, The air is full of ’em. For the best get a line on our stock. 49c to 15.00 covers the price range. Here are the straws that have made a hit in London and Paris, and Panamas in demand the world over. Do justice to your face— come to our hat store, where you’ll find, every­ thing for men and boys’ wear. THE WHEN , Arcade Springfield, Ohio. FOR QUICK SALE AX$4,500 live, profit­ able and steadily giowlug business in Springfield, O. Proprietor geing West, and business Must Be Sold by June 15th $2,000 Takes It Investigate at Once. T HE *ECONOMY that considers nothing but the price at which clothes are sold Is not the right kind# I fs not the Judicious kind, Where would the Kredei St Alexander Store be by this time if their argument held nothing more substantial? One generation after another brings its regulation quota of substantial fair-minded men who are willing to pay a just and equitable price for what they need* And? if at any time you get to wondering how; this store always ranks head and shoulders above all competition just make up your mind it is because it knows just how to cater to men of this kind* Just now we are in a position to sell him the best and most stylish Spring Suit his money can buy* and.we make no exception* at $ 15 . 00 -$ 18 . 00 -$ 20.00 ST. REGIS Borne high-priced shoes have cheap red leather soles, hut you’l l find only the best hard oak tanned in the uBt. Kegis.” Made of the popular- gun- metal and tough, durable bos: calf stocks in button and blU- cher styles, The lasts are narrow and wide Potay swing styles and the double soles laive just the proper extension. They eonid not be made neater, ntronger or better for-— THREE-FIFTY “ STRAWS WITHOUT A FLAW” Every individual hat shipped to us is care­ fu lly inspected fo r flaws and blemishes. I f any are found they go hack to the ^manufacturers by first freight. Those that are shown oi:r patrons are known and guaranteed by us to be free from imperfections. A l l the new proportions and braids in the staple yacht style and many new novelties in soft straws— ”*■*— • —.... ■ $1.00 to $5.00 KREDEL &ALEXANDER M A I N S T R E E T , N E A R L I M i E S T O N E COLLEGE BRAND SUITS Stylish spring raiment for young fellows from 17 years up. The unprecedented vol­ ume of our young men’s pa­ tronage-even in the face o f a season none too ideal, is attrib­ utable to the many commend­ able features of this line. Double and single breasted with the center of popularity shown the lines at-— $ 1 5 . $ i s and $20 SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. - 7 SU-^ ” Rent “Gold Bug,* "Hie Gold Ho*” la the title elf one of Edgar Allan I’oe’s uncanny sterk% It la also the cafee given to a curious llt> tie creature lately found In Australia, in one of the Bendigo gold mine*, at a dentFt of 1,20!) feet, the miner# wese surprised to discover * peealtar beetle attached to the ijsmf* took and haring Into it it was brightly colored and studded with ua: title# nf real geld. It liSS been sent to Melbourne for $il> entitle examination, Mesopotamia to Boom, Egypt, whose climate la ‘Winter Is quite similar to that of Mesopotamia, Is the goal cadi season of vast now* hers of tourists and other visitors. This country of Mesopotamia and Babylonia Is not less Intorootlng from the view point of antiquarians and archeologists, while to the business man and capitalist It otters oven mom of l»tt rest, 'for It Is apparently just on tUo verge of tremendous com, merclal dekdopmaht#, TK1C ' .HI MX » *T ' H«r*'« th# Limit, We don't mind pooling her waist, leaking j»f# jf her white skirt# •ho*, nod if her hat 1# oft straight; v?e don't wind pinning up a veil umv and and cleaning the mud off her ruhh»r*, hot nhen if comes to holding one end of h «fnte switch ■aIdle «h« hreldn if, we think the limit l as hern rcflrticd, and If n time for ua to assert pj,r independence. BctiOife Jfr*a Preas. aexJDLnt, 'm r try-, Ancient “Property" Teeth.'- Tho artificial tcoth of Ivory, hon« or wood found v/hllo inakfng archco^ logical ospSoratiotia r.ccni to havo boon designed for cosmetic purpose# ex­ clusively. Like stage ‘'props," they tveso meant to bo gazed tipoft; to fill the eye, to Jena enchantment to a, sinilo, they inasatioraded cifidently, but when th*’) owner got down to tho fia-!(,u3 hantoesa at eating they were- rctcuvea.--??ew York MediUl Journal,. The W#y of the World. * roar-year-old Janies awakened early fifto morning and found his father dressing by lamplight and asked why he .was up so early, “To earn pota­ toes for you, my lad," was his fa­ ther’s reply. Presently James siuwly climbed out of hed,‘ and his father asked why he got tip so early. “Why, to eat the potatoes,” came the attswar, - -Btlincafer. N#w York’* Truancy Probitm. Truancy is on the increase In New York city, and the hoard of education complains of the indifference of par­ ent#. About ISO parent# are taken before the city magistrate each month for violating the law. The largest number are from among th# Italian*, where there are the most children, and the next highest number come# from native horn patent#, ( ve-*