The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26
RegularMeeting Of Council. tJouiieil mill Monday in ragulw session *11 m*uib*rs bring present. , Mr. 4. I t Orr, the n<*w member re- ■ c#Htly ehoMu as *,u«e*»bor to til*, l*ut J. W. Pollock took his rest and, and w*« sleeted president of council and appointed member of the fin - [ Alice and etr^et committee, bc-tb ; placet being held by Mr> pollock. Report* of the different commit* •■ tee* were read and approved and ‘ the usual monthly bills allowed. A i resolution wm passed remitting; the license for the K. of P. lodge j in giving picture shows. The Resolution for tha cojistrue- ti n ofeerntn’ s'rti walks on Chilli- ootlie street was detested. Stewart, Orr, Caldwell voted in the affirm}* five while McFarland, Hhrosdee, Irvine in the negative. This quere turn of improving this street has- been before council for some time. A resolution for a ♦‘safe and sane Fourth1’ which had the support of the W. T. C. U., Mrs. Stewart Towneley and Mrs. W. H, Barber representing this organisation, was laid on the table until the next regular meeting. This was done at the suggestion of Bhroades who claimed that passing such a resolu tion now be an injustice ,to mer chants who have purchased fire* "works.'": The clerk was instructed, to make a certified copy of the ordinances for publication# A lettter of thanks as to flowers and resolutions from Mrs. J. W. Pollock was read by the clerk# Council will meet on June 30 to finish up the business,of. the. first half of the year and make a levy for next year • Dayton's biggest and most complete Department store, occupying more floor space and employing morepro^ pie than any other stort in Dayton - Satingis beliaving—Tell all your neighbors of this great June gale. Cem# ta Dayton *t Our Kxpsna* WE PAY YOUH ROUND TRIP FARE If yoarcarfare if i6e, it is refunded on$6punbase 1 1 yourcarfare is86citisrefundedon $16 purchase if vvarcarfareis60c it isrefunded <*n$16purchauw If y«arcarfareSg7«>eit iarefandedonlJld purchase If I'surcarfareisll it Is refunded on $26 purchase If yourcarfare is$1.26itisrefar.dedon$86purchase ■When through trading present your returntirkst and ali sales cheeks at our second flooroffice, anA year car farewifi be refunded to you in fash, Two Senators AreNominated. The Republican Fifth-8 i x fcii Benatorial convention was held in Chillioothe last Friday *nd, named Dr# W. R. Holden of Fayette county and Coke L. Doster, Greenfield, Highland county for the state Senate. An attempt was m*<.,e to land F. M. Cfievenger for another term bu'tilhls was unsuccessful. It will be Greene county’s termm two years#. It it* stated that both nominees are favorable toHarryM. Daugherty for U. S. Senator from Ohio against Itenator Dlok. ’ 4?* «m~mm m Forty-eight hours without food! For two days and nights Bob and X had tramped through the snow and slush—Bob with his thin, scant tail bobbing back and forth whenever 1 glanced down at his shaggy form, myself with my head bent wearily to escape the blasts and to hide aotnethmg of my heartache from the jostling world around me. .Bob was an optomlst.' The spirit of the optomlst prevaded every hair of his back. What mattered it though he did fail to find a bone for dinner? There was always supper to look forward to. This was Bob’ s philos ophy, and I verily believe he tried to impart it to me during those weary days of tramping through the friendless streets of the city. I was out of a job, out ot money, out of friends or s o l thought—and almost out of hope and ambition, and when I closed my secondbreak* fastless, dmnsrless, supperless day and facsd a blizzardly night without either food or bed, I was as dis couraged a youth as ever trudged the Bowery. Bob kept faithfully at nty heels, drawing his great shaggy tongue over my band whenever I chanced to drop it at my side. Ho was my only friend- a dogl Never did tlie world look drearier* ana more hopeless than when t sank ex-, hau&ted in a doorway of the Cooper Institute and drew my shivering body outof the reach of tho needle* like snow. It Is In this dssprur&to plight that a man who is now a highly success ful journalist and author Is intro duced to the readers el Human Life for June m an article by Hugh (3, Weir entitled “ My FirstJob,” being a series of personal interviews With no.ed men in various lines.—lit?- MAN LIFE FUBLIbHING CO., Boston, !$ • Ktwtt* $m 1 ' Th« rtedtrs of thispaper will he pl*«**# **kftMtb*ttb«te is at lesst on« dmaflsd dkssMt thats*Une* hss two sMs to #*«*la «U IIS sieges end tbst tsOelsrcb. Bsll'S OswihOsrels theonly podtire «mr*aow kaewa to the mot led fr*t*mlty. 0»k»rh j beta* S constitutions! diw***, rejainb s j eowitituiiottel treatment Beil’s Catarrh | < wm is tekeninternally, arils* ditorily sp [ on theWoodandmurenseumoes oleysistn iMrtby destroying the foundation of the | disesse, sadflying tbs patient strength by j lmMing upthe renetttation end eeeieilng | aelsrsintVdng It*work, The proprietors \ hsvssotniKhfeith in its Cnixtlte powsra j ttet Ibsy offero*Mlle«clr*di)*»mforany | ameSheilM fall* to cars, Bendfor listo > Addim t. J. MfffKJttf k fb,TN*ds 0. sirs Areally Pitt*ate its* best, l AVery Special and Important JuneClearanceSale N o w I n F u l l S w in g We aay a very special and Important sale and wemean every wqrffofitfQt1ino»r 3%ywars of businesswo navaraxperloricedsueh conditions as they exist this season. Not In the life of man of the present dayhas such extraordinaryweather beenexperienced, To be brief we had planned for a very big years business and placed heavy order* for all kinds of Merchandise we sell in our Mammoth stora. AHthe goods we bought have been shipped promptlybythe manufacturers and we bought still more Inorder not to be caught short. Butalas, the weatherman has gone back on us handing out Julyweather in March and Januaryweather in May. What should wo do? Stand still?—NEVER^-pecldod to take our medicine at ones, instead ofwaltfng for July and August to oome to olear it up, our dacislon said to do It at once, InJune. No profits thisyear InJune, everything, must go to the people, so therefore we say this Special and Important sale, means big savings in Silks, DressGoods, Wash Dress Stuffs, White Goods, Linens, Men's andWomen’s Underwear, Hosiery, Vaco*, Embroideries, Gloves, Rugs, Mattings, Curtains, Draperies, Handker chiefs, Shoes, Women’s Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Men’aand Boys’ Clothing, Millinery, Ladies and Children’s Muslin Underwear, Wall Paper, Furniture and Household Needs, Chinaware, and everything suoh as a big store likeTRAXLER’S sell. NOTHING WILL BERESERVED. Don’t you thinkIt’s a good time to get Into thlaBIg, Fresh, Clean Stock of Mtrohan- dlsewlth a fat wallet and load your homes? We do. Home Furnishings Will Never again Leave .Our Store as Cheap as During This Great Special Important June Clearance Sale MEW SPRING SUITS SeoWomen’s, Misses and Junior New Spring Suits at one-half off. ■ $60,00 Suits, One-halt Off................ $25.00 $10,00Suits, One-half Off...,.,.......... $20.00 $80,00 Suits, One-half Off................. $16.00 $85.00 Suits, One-half Off.......... .......,..$12.60 $20,00 Suits, One-half Off...................$10.00 $15.00Suits, One-Half Off-------*... . $1.60 $10,00 Suits, One-Half Off....’................ $5.00 $8.00 Stilts, One-half Off............... », $8,08 SKJRTS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES’ , Voiles, Panamas, Serges and Fancy Mixtures, also white serges. 60 Voile Skirts, $10.00values, extra....$5.00 $7.60and $8.60 Panama and Serge skirts, Extra............... $5.00 $16.00 Voile skirts. Extra-.....-....... ....$9.98 100 Skirts made to sell at $8.00 and $8.6f> Extra...—........ .....$1.98 Dihen coats, $5.00vvaluea at..—....... ,..$2.98 Cloth of Gold Coats,. 50x63 inehea long, $7.60and $l0.00values, Extra.....,....$5,90 WHITE LAWN AND LINGERIE WAISTS Table 1. $1.00White lawn Waists. Ex- tr&ii....... ................................... Tables. $1.26White Lawn Waists, Ex- tra*.,.*,,*«.*,......r—,« ...........fiio Table 8. $1.50 White Lawn and Lingerie ■Waists# Extra.................. ...............OSe PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS 39'e Secco Bilk 22c. Seeeo silk, 27 inches wide. A soft clingy silk for summer waists and one-piece drosses, A com plete line to select from Juno Clearance? sale, yard-.................... .....................22c $1.00 Silk Diagonals, 49c; full one yard wide and showing a full range of colors for street and evening wear. - Popular Bilk ft long coats, and one- piece dress es. June Clearance Salo, yard....,.....490 69o Rough Shantung Pongee 89c, Wehave this in ail shades, also natural, so much in demand this season. Also two tone effects. June Clearance Sale, yard. ,.89* G9o Foulard, Bilks, 89c. Come m 21 inches wide; beautiful satin finish, all this sea son’ s deeigns, 50pieces to choose from, June Clearance Bale— — SOe 59c Silk Poplin 33c. This is a very popular fabric for waists anti one-pieces, comes in full range of colors, 19 inches-wide, June Clearance Sale, yard,................ 88c 50c China silfe 80c. Comes in black, white land, colors, all pure silk, June Clearence Sale price, yard........ ...... $1.00Black and colored Silk Taffeta 67c# 80 Inches wide all pure silk, A grand, qualitty o wear, and has nice Chiffon ^finish. Juno Clearance Sale, yard..A7o $1.00Fancy Silks, 49c, •Includes a clean up of all fancy Messalines, Foulards, Fancy Taflets, and many other beanti- ■ fill silks, Juno Clearance Sale, yard..,.49c $1.00ValentineShower Proof Foulards 76c Come in full lino colors and all new de signs, 24 inches wide# This fabric has held the honors of the season and guar anteed not to spot, June Clearance Sals yard.................. ,.760 $1.2* Pongee Tussorah 89c, 27 inenes wide, all pure silk, Very desirable for ladies long coats and one piece suitB, June Clearance Sale, yard................ 89o $1.2*Shepherd Check 83c. Comes 38inches , wide, all pure silk, heavy and lustrous AU slses in chechB, black aud white, June ClearanceSale, yard..................88c 80c Tuosorab Foulards 20c. 100 pieces of this most desirable fabric in all the lat est patterns, These are much wanted goods# June Clearance ‘ ale, yard— 29e 29c SHk Habutia 21u. 1J inches wide, all silk, and will was. A ll colors, June Clearance Sale yard........ ............. 21o JUNE CLEARANCE SALE OF WASH DRESS GOODS B.^'c Scotch lawns 4j£c. 10 cases of light'' anti dark patterns. II undreds of styles to chose from. June Clearance Bale, yar,d........ ..... ........................ 4J£o 12#o Fahey Bastiste 81-80. New fresh patterns in stripes and figures, 28 inches wide# pasfc colors. Suitable for Kim onos, Lxessing Sacques, and House and Street dresses. June Cleavence Sale, ............... ..............8 l-8c yard K*^#*».M*»* * **♦*-*»*’ 15c Bastiste 10c. Fine aud sheer. These good* are copied from the r*0c imported wash fabrics and certainly very desir able for summer wear. June Clearance Sale, yard, 7c'Calicoee 8c. In blues, greys, .black and light shirting styles# Come in short lengths# J u n e Clearance S a l e , yard-......... . .......Sc 7j£c American Foulardprints 4 7-8# Made by the American Printing Company. Standard the world over. Guaranteed fast colors. Light and dark effects, June Clearance Bale, yard............. ,.47-S 12«o Madras WaUtinga 8 l-8c. White and colored figures stripes or dots. Beau tiful goods for boy’swaists, men’s'shirts and ladies*morning gownB. JuneCIear- ence Sale, yard.MOtH.lCI'X'H*'#"1 -«*»►»*#»I#'I81-?c Cotton Challis 8 T-8c, Big variety of . patterns to choose from. New fresh styles. JuneClearance Sale, yard,,. .87-8 12k#c Seersucker 10c. In stripes, checks and novelty effects. June Clearance Sale yard 100 I6c Chambray Gingham HJ£o 50different co I oxb to choose from# Come 82 inches wide. Guaranteed fast coloring, June Clearance gale, yard....... .................l l^ c WHITE GOODS AND LINENS 12)<{CCambric Muslin 10c, This is one of the finest fabrics ever offered at the price. 86 inches wide, 85c Wash Poplin. A nice hew stock of full bbltS 8 l-3c Unbleached Muslin, 5c This is a good quality full 86 indies wide. 10c Checked Nainsook 4#o. We place on sale 100pieces in all size checks suitable for children’s dresses or aprons, TOWELS AND CRASHES -Huck towels red or White borders 26c lin en kind Special each ...........19c A special 15oHack towel, large size l2J£o IdoCotton Huck towels Special each 7M<f 20c Cotton Huck towels, Special, each 17c 5c Cotton fringed towels. Spocjal, each 3J4 600 HEARTH RUGS S Ye Old Time Rag Rugs, 27xWsize’ rever- M' sible, $1.60values. Bale price each.,....69c k $1,75Wilton Velvet Rugs, 27x64 and rugs m with wonderful richness and sheen. Bale price each.......................... ,.......,$1,89 M Royal Administer rugs 87x60 size. 100 m of the best designs and colors y«t produc- W ed. $260 values Sale price each........ $1.69 ” EXTRA ROOM SIZE t Superior Brussels rugs 11-8x12 all rich, W splendid designs , all wool $22 values, Bale price......... ..... ........... ....... .....$14. 77 $80.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs ,11-8x1* Size « ' wonderfully rich and beautiful just the ■ S er size for large rooms Bale Price r i .................. ............... ........ ,..,..,$22.46 M $86,00 Axminister'ruge U-Sxl* deop, silky m . pile, and designs that can’t help pleas-, ■ * ing you, Bale Price each...... ...........$26.00 r JUNE CLEARAHCE OF ALL t LACE CURTAINS f $8.00French NetCurtains JuneClearance M Sale Price $1,77. « $ 4.00 French Net Curtains June Clearance ■ Sale Price......................... $2.77 F $4.50 and $5,00 French Net Curtains, June m . Clearance Sale prica... ........... .........$8.10 & $8.00and$7,00FrenchNet curtains, June S Clearance Sale Price.......... .......... „.,$4.$0 JF JUNE CLEARANCE SALE OF 1 MILLINERY * June Clearance Bale o f Millinery and I Ladies and children’ s ready .to-weara W , $2 to $8.60 fine satin, Straw untrimmed . ■ hats afe...t,.................... ,49c *■ 76c H. Js.S, Cortots,..,..—... ...... ;89c 4 $4.50Black Ostrich plumes................ $1,98 ■ 89e Corset Covers,,.,.,...,.,...,*......................iEc m 5 FLOORS, EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH THE LOUIS TRAXLER C0„ MAIN STREET, ARCADE, DAYTON, OHIO. PUSH SUIT WITH VIGOR Govsmmone 8*ek* Mon "Higher Up” In Sugar Fraud Boamjal. Shortly after the exposure, through the efforta of Collector Loeb of New York, of the weighing frauds, prac ticed by the auger trust at ita 'Wil liamsburg docks, there was a clamor for an investigation by congress, President Taft, however, opposed any such action, holding that fo make public ail evidence in the hand* of the government would de feat the possibility of securing a con viction of the men "higher up," To secure conviction of the cor rupted government clerks and weigh# men was a comparatively easy mat ter, but the president’s well-known desire to reach those of greater au thority seems in a fair way to be coming realized now. In the trial of Charles R. Heike, secretary Of the sugar company, the other day there was a sensation when Oliver Spitzer, who had been convicted last February* was called on the stand. He had been pardoned by the- president in order that his testimony might bd used In the case now on trial. The cashier and su perintendent of the refinery are also on trial, and Spltzer’s testimony im plicated both, directly, in the frauds. It Is hot difficult to recall the tu mult raised by the Democratic press when President Taft objected to fur- nlshlng all papers in the sugar scan dal to congress, and insinuation* were not lacking that the president was seeking to protect the trust. The ultimate developments will likely prove a complete vindication of tho prtoldentVs course. The president expressed- himself ott the matter of trust prosecutions some time ago In substantially this language: "The serious difficulty in prosecut ing men or corporations for creating monopolies comes, as a matter of fact la criminal cases—not from tho lack of convincing evidence, but from tlie reluctance of Juries to send the individual offender to prison for what ho has done. "It is easy for the average citizen to declaim about what should be done to the makers of trusts, but, when fco to actually in the Jury box, he finds It very difficult to send a man to Jail for practices that, until within a comparatively short time, have been considered legitimate and clover. "In one of the foremost recent trust Investigations, virtually all of the evidence secured by the govern ment was based upon tho conduct of one man, the president ot the offend ing corporations, yet, when, the Jury came to render Us verdict, this man was set tun and the torporafkn was fined, Ibb is unfortunate, for, In my opinion, nothing would stop this building tip of monopolies more quickly than the conviction of gomo of tho individual* who create them by their illegal acts,” Antioch Chautauqua [ Gollege Campus, Yellow Springs, 0. June 18-26, Inclusive. Place—An ideal Spot for intelleetual recreation, famed for its history and its beauty. Convenience—Ivo pains have been spared to make the fourth year the most convenient for all patrons. Grounds of easy access by teams, autos atul footmon, by sep arate gates to avoid all confusion# No need ot leaving grounds for water or food, either formau or boast. •Time—The ideal ttmo for suoh an outing is the latter part of June, Attractions—The program for 1910exceed* thoae of all pre vious years in the representative character. Saeh performance is its own recommendation. George R. Stuart has no €<iual in his role since the ’death of SamJones. Governor Glenn is America’s mote passionate orator. Governor Hoch has Won the fight of the last decade. Filbert Hubbard is quoted around tlie world. Amherst Ott Is at tho head of tho Modern Lyceum Move ment. Ghas.Tyndall, the wizard of modern science, wireless teleg raphy and radium. Mrs. L«nora Lake, tho modern Mary A. Livermore. Bob Heeds, the farmer’s friend and orator. Abies in his wonderful handling of a hive of faces before tbo audience. Dr. Ohas. B. Bond, the Tuberculosis expert. Dr# Wisharfc the eminent Pittsburg divine. Rev. Arthur W. Evans, recently irom^Wabw.^n “ Democracy afld Aristocracy*’ The Houston®, in their ivwtd reading stunts. Mies Maiido-WilliA, the realtor. MUSIC. The Howe»2oiglor Concorh Co., in two concerto. Jeannette Dttrno, the famous Chicago pianist Keilog-Hamcs ringing party, without a superior in tlie land. The MacDonalds, nonobottof. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Shakespeare Day- -Tlie Coburn Mayors, afternoon and even ing. As You Like It—The Merchant of Venice. Do not miss tbo attraction that has won great favor In over fifty colleges ami UuiVeisUies ftuii at least tm country clubs of liio United Btates Season Tickets, $ 2 . 50 . S. D. FESS, Manager N E W B U I C K S E R Y 1910 MODEL HWiWW X* k*4 YMl i THE HIGH GRADE Speedy - Powerful = Silent fv The Btiick cars will last twice as long as 75 per cent of the makes of automobiles on the market today* Thrge Buick cars purchased about three and one-half years ago to carry U. S. mail and passengers over the trails of the half desert country between Roswell and Torrence/ New Mexico, have covered 110 miles.a day 300 days ayear; each car has run over 110,000 miles; they are still in service and *xpacfc to run out five years inUncleSam’s employment. Hundreds of Buick cars are in daily u*e that have run 00 0Q0 miles. Over 40,000 Buick owners will vouch for the reliability, speed and power of their cars. The Buick Company is not experimentingat the expense of their customers. Seven Models to select from at Prices from $i,ooo to $1,75°. You do not buy a “lawsu it” as these machines are licensed under the Seldon pa tent. LEHR PIANO ftt tjMKD AND MNDOMSKD NY Tfc*SrtHHlCkiMKWrtM* tt HMt, NtoY*rtt<%, YG* i ^ ICMAtA gUtoJaiyd* grWHWJW “ •HlWmWfilflll |k»riiW* 0 toi»ff»t>fy *f Mtohr,EtoMt,CW». ANA OTHCft MCAOIMG GONSXRVATOftlM A mmSSti rt 4 - RWSPvJfiV mini , metim * brililmt **4 P^UWiW ftj___ _, .—^---- NdjMitMnt MA (Iambi* WttrkMMMtilM WiMOftHiUi* fwmt m*k o f Dm boat in«irnm«at« » mm « fe£h if. IIM4h#M«*l v I kho lbt th« !(«», wk«to M X ton*, *x(|WMto Central Electric&SuplyCo, South Detroit S t , Xenia, 0. tl ASK ANY BUICK OWNER, II jpm*i»h<w t*» nm andrrtlnowaat TWtKitN r*Axa I*ttumtifodttm« ««4#f AagalMiy%i'i wn M*wAWrMwkkki **MM Un»«WA*rpi«4«iNfol», *M H hM lw;hi*»^Jl.brtlll(U»t MWoMMtojS J r- o*t (Awm it. iMWaa»Wit is thw*Mrk***t * mitfakftr jwW. w *rt* ibmo S b HsHUKHN A OOMAPANYy M«nuf*r% * KiiNtGtiy P«* ^ GET OUR PRICEb ON PRINTING X X
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