The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26
M id * Summer Millinery Jit Moderate Prices OSTEP.LY, ssssaa Trimmed Hats Sup*rb Collection of White Hats and. Black Hats Especially attractive and ntw Featherand Fewer Trimming* Netv Sailors With Band Trimming. In all the Hew Shades Kxtra Large Size, $1.50 Up. Children's Hats Decided Reduction in the most wanted styles in Trimmed Hats formerly $2,50 | How $1.50 Osterly, S7 Green St.. Xante, Ohio. $ *>*11?jjalsttftop » now <^cn . M K« m K*S0M. f ! " ^ ' " ‘ A h W . K : ! , I :i ....... ? i— ~ , j ^ rgi j , H, Andrew hag J-pen —FREE! Head fc!i« (subscription j spending several day* visiting in 1 offer on page <oiie. f Cincinnati. f Miss A. L. Cranford spent Tacs- j Men’* $8 SO and J4.t>0 K<gal Tan ! day in Cincinnati. 10xfords, Special Frie# $1w. | j Moser’s Sho« Store, Xenia o . j —Shirts, overall hosiery, gloves} ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ " ' " ' I andeto. McFarland Bros.! Mr. Oliver Jnl*e, who lias been j attending Wooster University, ar- ! —For buggy painting go to Town- sley and Murdock’s. Mr. C. M. Crousemade a business trip to Columbus, Wednesday. ■—General repair work and rubber tires at Townsley and Murdock's; —FOR RENT: A house until fall. Inquire of Samuel Albrigh t. 8fc rived home today 1 — — | —It is not for men, the 7 in l snow; flake kitchen combination that is being offer free ou page one. —Springfield and Dayton broad fresh daily at MoFarland Bros, Mr. Wm. Ritter returned to Phil adelphia Wednesday evening. —Get your buggy paiuted at Townsley and Murdock’ s. Mr. Frank Jackson was in Colum bus, Tuesday cmbusiness. Mrs. Ira. Gates visited relatives in Columbus the first of the week. - Mr. A. 85. Smith was in Columbus Thursday on business, ■, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kiug of Washington C. H. have been guests of Mrs. C. D. Bobbins and family. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Prof. P. S. Morgan and family have gone to Van Wort tor the sum mer. $ J9SBS MONEY CANNOT BtJY A BETTER PAINT THAN The Paint poaaesslngevery essential quality. . Nothing In It butwhat should he there. Nothing lacking that will Improve it. Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground In Pure » Linseed Oil, “ The Made to W ear Paint” that outwears alt c^hera, and thatin waning »way doe**o grata-* «My tea*i*r n jmrtectsurface leg repainting, , _ ’ *Wt»*i**¥ i \ KERR & HASTINGS BROS, Mrs. IiSster Small of Springfield spent Tuesday with Mrs. Rose McMillan, -^-Housewives who want a relia ble kitchen outfit should look up the Herald’s Offer on first page, —FOR SAJbE:-A team of four year old mules, well broken. A.'G, Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wells have returned home after a visit with friends m Indiana. —Edgemonfc crackers also full line of bulk and. package, MoFarland Bros. . * There will be no preaching servi ces in the Reformed, Presbyterian church, Sabbath, Mrs. I. C. Bayis and children o f Cincinnati ■visited relatives here over Sabbath. —Canned fruits and pereerves, apple and peach butter in bulk at McFarland Bros. Misses Hazel and Lula Tohkinson IsffcTuesday fo. San Antonio, Texas, where they visit Mr. Vince Rake- straw, Misses Bessie and Josephine Cof fey and Nell Ralls of Xenia Were guests of Miss Bessie Ross, Sab bath. Baches *3.00 and 4&S0 Tan Oxfords Special $2,16, ■Mosef’s Shoe store, Xenia? O. Mrs. J, C. Barber has returned home from Rochester, N. Y., where she spent several wseks visiting rel atives. ’ — ——i-’— '-j r The M. B. Sabbath &ehool and publio worship will he at the open bouse next Sabbath at the usual hours. Paid When You Trade In Springfield? If you are not aware that you can, you ought to “get wise.” I f you have never had your fare paid when shopping in Spring- field, you ought to read every line of this advertisement as you have been losing out on something you are entitled to for the ask-. m * All you have to do is to buy merchandise to the amount of $15,00 of rile Members of The Merchants1 Association. (That’s easy) This $15.00 worth does not have to be spent at one store but you have the privilege of buying anything you need at the different store* (That’s easier) 0 Under the plan of The Merchants* Association you can always secure a refund of the money you pay out for carfare, even if you make the trip every day in the year. Do you know of #any organization of merchants In ANY town or city making a similar offer? (YOU DO NOT, btcause such a plan is not in existence excaptin Springfisld.) Do you know of any town or city where you receive in cash a rebate of 1 per cent, on the money you sp*nd for merchandise in excess of $15.00? (YOU. DO NOT because such an offer is not in existence except in Springfirid.) Suapoae that the next time you leave home on a shopping trip you com* to Springfield. Ask for a free carfare rebate book in the first store you enter. A*k to have the plan explained to you and you will readily agree with thousands of others that Springfield merchants certainly do take good care of their customers. . If it’s good it’s from Springfield ' If it’s from Spriflgfisld it’s good T tumBmiofri'p R*v. W. 4 . Sand#wwto, wife and daughter, Jiave returned ' from Selma, Ala., and will remain- here during the summer. Western. M. O. and Harry Nagley and their Wives attended the funeral of the late J,E. Nagley inBellbrqok last Saturday. —WANTED:-To purchase grass for hay, either clover or mixed, or will put sameup on the share*, tf F. 0. Turnbull. Mr*. Elizabeth Blair of Greeley, Colo., left Tuesday morning for a visit with relative* in Kansaabefore returning home, I wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assist ed during the siekneaa and death of m y ’ (-‘ her, Mrs, Harriet Ilifl. George Iliff, The county Boxwell eommenco- ment will be held in the Xenia opera ' house, Saturday afternoon at a o,clock. Rev. W. 35. Putt of thl* place will deliver the address. Mr. David Fellows of Birmingham Ala., arrived her# Friday for a visit with his father-in-law, Mr, J. H. Wilburn. Mr*. Fellows has been here for some time. Hatnz Tomato Soup” is a most appstzing rsilsh price per can 15c Heinz sweet pleklee per dozen iO cen fe Or 3 dozen for 25o At Birds,:.. Mr. Milford Otiltion fitin*, son *of Mr. 3. It. RHne of thl* place, 1* one of the forty-nine, who graduate j } June 18th, from mterbeln Uiuver- \ eity, Westerville, O. j Antioch college commencement took place Wertneeday morning at that historic institution, There were twenty-two graduates, the largest iu class in recentyears. - -Remember the 7 in 1outfit. A new t subscriber, a paid m advance sub-1 scriber or a settlement In full will I \ entitle you to a oedibiaatten article j i such as should be found in every | ! homo. ' | CASTOR IA tor laltett* sift MAftrtN. a , H d Y u * * B S P * * * d&V&i RSr GOOD FURNITURE AS A SOCIAL INVESTMENT A good piece of furniture incresses in value with age. Its pristine beauty is but added to by the sentiments which gather about the furniture in every home.The poorest' possible investment is a piece of furniture that is bought with the expectation of being replaced sooner or later with a better. It pays to get a better In the first plaee. It is worth moreto you than you realise to have such a furniture store as this, where all chances ofpoor quality in furniture is eliminated; where you select what you want to pay for, knowing that whatever you select and whatever you pay for it, you’ll get b a v a l u e for every*dollar it costs, We suggest a visit at least, at your earliest convenience. Our line of Colonial Furniture Cannot Be Excelled in This Section. Riigs of— All Sizes Ail Colors All Materials J lMm iMM iil'. Nos. 20-22-24 N. Detroit Street, 9 XENIA; OHIO. FURNITUR.E, CARPETS, STOVES. mis When you are in Xenia we will be pleased to show you alt the new ideas in spring and summer foot= wear. Our lines are now complete We have more good shoes than you can find else* where. FRAZER’S SHOE STORE 17 East Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. •xrnntrc asxaa— so. O b *. D a y tat*#*Ik* JPlPWlHww lO U ffl mytOm H x-b*Laxadv« Mmm & 3 g iim i i*s»w n**> wt*i* hh >> t H i i A m in kw . ^ !*% litWBlhpk
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