The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26
O THE YERY LATEST POPULAR OPERA, SACRED m i GLASSIC. I«A At Music W E '51' GTOOK In Do <L'ify liOvsT-jt 4 I’rieeo. MEREDITH’S, 38 W. 3cl St., Dayton, O. B othThcncs. a . v tiU IWSIiins fluffs’ K t <- . f 7 i"aC?~-3 V.:i C” 3 a t o , It c t o U3tr:=to - .oav.n i.i to'*.* 'its t o ci?“3 C to taxes® f&asteSrtsff Atooltottr? J”:t w rtc"-r!:7cltoc;-3 Sk- r : i=3 t o ai-a- Ctoto It s.r o-o tvci; toy ct to to i' ito . cni l_ •cto cr-3Li a to.::-.? ccr-i,t o : y 3t o c:Sjt j Mro, J, Jiorc f Dayton visit'd Dtr. and M m . John McFarland, IWednesday. es not Color the Hair Wo v.v.hscu to pKStfodycsd wriariatsl that Ayer’s Hair Vf-or dees sot affect tie color of -the hair,,-even to the slightest dtoce. Pcrsar.Qwith the whitest cr the lightest andmostdelicate Meadtiakoayuceltftcclywithouthavingthehairmadeashadedarker, Incrcdlrnts; Ps5-r—?* qsvfcrrn. Cuinjn. SadismiCSdorld. llt-~> tiasc. AtochaJ. Water. Pefemc, ghov/ tefc formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of It . , T . A yeb f oagxtre. t o r i t . Masa. - —SpringQold and Dayton broad fresh dolly a® McFarland Bros. tcxzm DoYour Glasses SuitYou? Our Refraction Work Is Not Excelled By Anyone Charles S* Fa y , ,. ^ M’ f’g} Optician." 281* E. Main St., Springfield, O. The Cedarvillc, Herald, § i .o o P e r T e a r . ■ KARLH BULL Ed its ^FRIDAY, JUNE 2 -i, 1010 . j The action of Zanesville citizens in, circulating petitions asking Gov. j Harmon to remove the mayor of j that city has aroused local followers Jof good government in agitating such a movement here against Mayor Andrew, whom the Ameri can Issue recently tormed a "nonen- ity.” The wide open condition of. the town aud the do-nothing policy of the mayor towards enforcing the laws has aroused an element to fever heat. The majority so willed and from all indications six months seems to bo enough to convince the most skeptical that the mayor has beep caught playing double. BADBREATH ' “Hormonths I Iiad Croat troriMowith my stomach and used all kinds o f medicine, tty tongno has to,m y hr. . friend ro imletktt-w .....>entirely. „ >you know that I shall recommend been actually tin greeo as graesVfa b eftth’ ftjivlnj a bad odot, Two weeks ago a ecommended Oa^Garetn and after using them lean willingly and cfcoorfally aay that they have entirely cuied mo. I therefore lot you know tt them tivany one sufforlng.from. such tToubleB/1 _ *"* ~ ~ Ttivington St., NowYork* N.^. dims. H* IIftlptra*IW RV Beat for TheBowels I jsw tn o i ^ CANDYCATHARTIC mF^easaatcPalntablOt Potent. T ap ? Good. Do flood* Hover 8ick*nt Weaken o r tirli> 0 . ,nhs**25e»WA*Never •old in balk. "The genuine tablet stamped GOO* ttuarantsselto curopr your money buck. •Sterllng Remedjr Co.f Chicago or N.Y. 599 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES WANTED! 100,000 POUNDS o r e -o F— si WOOL WILL PAY THE HIGH' EST PRICES. Phone or write" Thejj DeWine-BeldenCo. YeilowlSprings,Hi Ohio" * BotKPhonesJ 60. YEAttS* f EXPERIENCE T race M arks designs C oryriqhts A c . The moral element over the land has been somewhat arroused the past few diiys over the proposed prize fight to take plafie inSan Fran cisco on July 4th. The action of Governor Gillett of that state in using tlie state militia to surpress the mill has set a new example tor executives of Western states. There are always two sides to ever ques tion and the moral element is earn estly hojung that the Governor will maintain liis stand. California is made up of many different elements particularly the larger 'cities, and the issue will now take a political aspect and the Governor may get t ie worse of the deal in the end but- he will have bad his say and done his duty* Aim*»wo/J!nif a Bke'.fh w:3d*ierlpti™ e » j enfexlT MMtisln our orlntcn free wtetkor an irtranBoaM probatlycritr-abui CoftmuiCsa. uniMjKrioiiyesafidtctui. K*F ■.dir— ------ Now that Arizona and New Mexico are states we learn that the field ot operation for prize fights has been extended. These new states still have the spirit of the typical western country and will probably admit the pris;e fighting mills until the state becomes strong er financially and morally. Many of the new states have a hard strug gle to exist in that their financial support for self government is very limited, consequently most every thing goes in order t h a t t h e licenses may go to swell the revenue Prize fighting goes m the class of state rights and of course each of the new states will say whether this form of sport Bhall be tolerated As long as they were territories the United states had a say. We understand that tiie scheduled prize fight that has been prohibited by California’s governor is to be moved to Navada where everything Is permitted. The only solution to the prize fighting question is for the government at Washington to take a hand and by such legislation as is necesrary squelee prize fights in lands under Uncle Sam’ s control. HIS FRIENDS FARE ILL wufiout cnerte, in tne ScientificAmerican. LfafttaiatlriUtsttn n:«i4on ct any »ff!eT' jmt ! frt«r»ontfeM! i « g ° £ a tunMhBnwIrtilsfirsts we«k>. " ,« « « r>.r. criTaM u *rsr rt n:i2o $".sraal. ’i tnns, IS * r«f: o r,:-.t ,»uadldbyMi»ie«;cT*. There are a number of different oporto that are plaei d hy many peo ple in the oame class Q3 the prize lYBl*fM4iWy, ^ _ I T St,WasBtcitwj"I>, NoPotatoBugs will annoy you or cut down your potato yield if you uco this powerful \ Non-poisonons Powder— r ANTIPEST i EsdxPotatoBagNuisance , fir* or two Biff:::** * ewron edSdcst, Better, saferarA«iwo econoalcal thanParis green, Savest;s:e, lahj-rnr.-J cxitzac, tesares f raatestpaisiblayieW. Dae.ta’t tarn foliage, plmt tetsfasswoJlasbagdestrsyer, Fiaotor "I vm -*® P'^‘ S> tomatovices urAzcsulznht Will nat povsoaliSn»rirf^#Is* or pSstfc ^Satisfactionguaranteedcrmcaeyback. *■ •’ W rite fw FREE Bookle t ; fighto and urge that all such should ( bo placed under tho ban. 1 To the |writer there io still a worse form of |evil that io supported by all the state and national goverum? .ds |that probably does greater damage ; to all classes than a prize fight. By |this we do not wish to bo under- |stood as favoring this sport but de- i sire t j awaken tho interest of tho I |public to the harm that io foreod j j upon tho people hy stock exchanges ! Chicago Board of Trade, etc. I f a j |person were to form most any kind' j of gambling outfit and attempt to ! earn a living off its victims there j would be an arrest and possibly a |conviction. However the bodies ! referred to above go on day after j day taking the hard earned money i.froni all classes who have a specu- jTheAfttipest* FertilizerCo. ,. ®S& ThirdSL tlRrimiAfl ' ^ ... IORSALfi BY Keff &Hastings Bros, srtsJRr;. f.'r *1 qi ? vi 1V i i'olP O.. lias * ill- Frc-parfoty, 'reach Ouitloal * lapa.’.ltjui'b iiE1 t-iyi nfy f 1?.‘«S /fttoltj, n f If!r|i»wfr*p y lfi. V :.i*. -t* r,o, *>MlarviJlo, >m’ fdnr'lc anti 'r.dfH sjuts? or j lativo tendency. This is what is |termed “ legitimate gambling” and ; tho markets of Iho world are forced ' up or down just as a few of tho head ' men si v fit. The result is that a few ' suon reap fortunes in cornering Jwheat, corn, cotton, all of which , comes off the eonouiner>wh{Vi3''iiejl|i* ; lefja, In maintaining the standards ; of our morals the public should not j forget that tho prise fight will not *only be a detriment to a few men all under a l while the evil of '‘h giflmatogamto and luotvuc ling” I d crushing a whole natiuu. Harmon’* Altle* In the SenateTurned Dov;n For Renomlnation Jn Two Instances. A very delicate sitaatlen is golnd to confront Governor Harmon when Mrs. Harry Wilson spent Tliurs- , , , “ araon wnon ,tn- 1V) ■nn.-t™, kie Stumping tour takes him Into tho W in u-aton. i Slftoenth-Slxteenth and the Thirty* —For buggy painting go to Town- Bloy and Murdock’s, . Mrs. S. ti. Stewart of Covington Ky., is the guest of friends here, ’ Mrs. Elizabeth Eeid, vehq has been the guest of relatives hero for several weeks has returned to Cin cinnati. The Junior L. T. L. will meet next Monday afternoon in Carnegie Hall iitR-o'clock. All members are urged to do present. Mrs, Minnie Bull of Bellesontaine was the guest of her sister Mrs. J .H . Nesbit from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. J. C. Townsley and Mrs. Sarah Barber are visiting Mr. and Mrs.-Charles Ervin in X*nia. Mr. Barber will remain some time. Miss Charlotte Siegler, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sohafler in Dayton for several weeks returned home this morning- LEGAL NOTICE. No 126000. Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. Mrs. George Williams, Plaintiff, vs. George Williams, Defendant. George Williams, place of resi dence unknown, defendant herein, will take notice that on the 81st day of May 1910, said plaintiff filed In Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, her petition for di vorce against him, up.on the ground of willful absence for more than three years, and that said defendant is required to answer or demur to said petition on or before July 9th, or judgment ‘ will be taken 1910 against him. Said action will be for hearing at the Court House in Xenia, Ohio, July 16th, 1919, at 9 A. M., or as soon thereafter as the same' can be reached. Mrs George Williams, Plaintiff. Frank I*. Johnson, (7-16n) Attorney for Plaintiff. fir it senatorial districts. In both places ho will have to omit tho usual courtesy of “beyating” the local par ty tickets, for in tho knit-name:! Sen ator Aladorf, who was turned down for ronominatloc by hio party, is run- ning independently. Alsdcrf was the floor leader of the governor during tho recent secslon of the assembly, and his slaughter wao retaliation for his vote against tho Dean measure modifying tho county local option law. The irony of the situation bos in the fact that Senator Alcdorf is believed to have been largely actuated by Governor Harmon’s wishes when ho opposed this bill. The governor did not wish the embarrassing situation thrust un der h|3 nose, and found H “expedi ent” to have the bill shanghaied. And for .this loyalty the Muskingum statesman Is tossed to one oide by ills constituents. Senator Hugh .Cory, in the Thirty- first district, was given a doso from the same bottle, and for the same reasons. Mr. Cory was not so close ly in the confidence of the governor as his colleague, and bis undoing would probably have attracted little comment outside Ills district did it not so Closely parallel the experience of Walter Alsdorf. Mr, Cory will make the race as an independent Democrat. . And to add to Harmon's discomfi ture, Senator Isaac Huffman was re nominated by the Democrats of the Second-Fourth dlstiiet against . his wishes. Huffman was nominally tho floor leader ot bis party la the. son- *ate, but he did not enjoy the confi dence of the governor nor did bo work in harmony with him. - $100 Reward* ${00. Tlie readersof tbk(p*jw will be pUase- toteamthatthere fa *t least one dreaded diseasethatsciencehssbeenable tocurein all its stages and thst isCstarrb, Hall's CatarrhCarsis lb« only positive carenow known tothe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hell’s Catarrh Cureis takeninternally, actingdirectly up on thebloodandmucouasurrscssofsystem therebydestroying the foundation of tbs diaesae,andgivingth*patient strength by buildingupthecotosfitwticm id assisting natureindoing itswork, The proprietors Imre»omuchfaithin It* curative power*; that theyofferon*HundredDollxrs forany remthatU faff* to 4V**. SendforMsto tmtlmonUla, Address* V. 3. CHFKXY Ado. Toltda0. Goldby Druggist, 76c. *11'*FamilyFillsaretbs beet. KANY, THE TAILOR There is no use for you to go and buy your Spring Suit, ready-made, when/ we will takeyour measure and make you a Suit to Order for the samemoney W e want you to give us a call and be convinced. KANY, TheLeadingTailor. XF.NIA, OHIO. Money On Short Notice BORROW Wher* You’ re Suf* Lowest Rites Possible. XENIA LOAN f CO. PaymentsWeekly Or Monthly 154 E. Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. Citizens Phone 102 StraightTime to 1 Farmers. j The Palace Restaurant M rs. Chao. Harris, Prop . X en ia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by C. C, Woimer. M ea ls b y day or week, L un ch served all hours. Furnished R oom s for Rent. ' * The B 3M You Have Always Bought, and which lias beeet i* ufio for over SO years, has homo the signature o f and L bs been made under per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no on* to deceive you in this. A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and.44Jnst-as-good” are huh Experiments that triple with and endanger the health « f Infants and Childrcn—Expcricnco against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castorio. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare- gOriC, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves ’Teething troubles, cures Constipation .and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panaeeft~The Mother's Friend. . GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of TheKindYouHa n AlwaysBought In Use For Over 30 Years. THCCXf»TAUftdOMFAtfV. TTMURRAYSTfl^CT, NEWYORK-CITY. ^No C ropfailure w e s o l ic it y o u r WHEN YOU PLANTMONEY PATRONAG E THEBANK S a f k D e p o s it B o x e s f o r R e n t P a id C a p it a l $,TO,000.00 SURETOGROW I n d iv id n a l R e s p o f s ib il it y THE EXCHANGE BANK, CEDAEVIDLE, OHIO. \ ' 0. W, S mith , President. G eo . W , R ife , lst.Vice Pres. O liver G arloitgh , 2d V. Pres. O. I*. S mith , Cashier L. F. T indall , Assistant Cashier. House Furnishings ■at. Hutchison & Gibney?s FINE ASSORTMENT R o o m RtlgSf io m a t p ri_ , , . _ ces reached by the great Laundry Your Lace Curtwna Auoficn g»,es. Lace Curtains MADRAS and NETTS-^In all the new 6gures. LINOLEUM— all grades. ........ ................ .. .50c up O ILCLO TH .................... ........... .. ,25c up GREAT SALE OFCORSETS; ALWAYS FITTED NEMO, REDFERN, ETC. SILK GLOVES, in all colors. Wash Suitsi Auto Coats, Skirts “TAKE THIS CUT "We recommend it, there im ' cay bettor,,, In mid-Bummer you have to trust to a largo fogreo to your butoher. Well Cared For Meats Ip hot vreatlior are tho only kind to buy; we have prifpor appliances for keeping them right, and fhqy're sweet and r-afo when sold. Don’t g* gicat nhopx»ing vvlien it’ o hot. Buy of no and be euro. C. H . CROUSE , ©3SDABVJTLDE, O. 'EveryMonth’ X E K IA , writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., “ I used to be sick most of the time and sufferedwith backache and headache. MyMother,who had been greatlyhelped by the use/of Cardui, got me twoiaottles, and I have been well ever since.” E49 Take The Woman's Tonic Cardui is a gentle tonic for young and old women. It relieves and prevents pain, It builds strength. It feeds the nerves. It helps the whole system. Made from harmless roots and ‘herbs, it has no bad after-effects, does not interfere with the use of any othermedicine and can do you nothing but good. Try Cardui. Itwill help, you. Your dealer sells it. Th®Bookoialtef .4 estaafant... |INTHE BQOKWALTER HOTEL ! HIGH STREET ; DININGROOMFORLADIESUPSTAIRS j ALSO REST ROOM. ! m 13AI-S N O W ag CBN TB . i Lunch Counier on Main Floor j Open Dayand Night. Th* Boat of Good,Used in tho Cul inary Department. J . H, M cfULLAN , Funeral Direofcar,, and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Cement Grave Vault3 and Cement Building Block*. Telephone 7. Cedarvill*, ;Ohlo. N EW H EAT STORE HUNTING FISHING. Ifk6ten oftuucdy foi» ia thawcfcrlsS To f.ral coatee! cpo:i». . u h . l yo-t Otiactfc-I ii.t f ics- cat.t In wcatacs tvrtrcsr.iDyewI:.;-;.; Lrr.s:;-i. It jc-j-ffl ir.-'1 of then tniew JitS wtj erjtyths RMim a tam s ICOjests tsnsKiib, 1000 ft ycat, tetruc-A-e, .ir.i;,. C5»n.-;i, t:.v..tir.-, Itfo-pf cu huctirR. ....... U.l . fi-uoft,ccr.ij \< i'np.31:cKtcfoetQpra I have opened a meat store m tlie J. 0 . Barber room and ask for a oharo of your patronage. Tlie finest outfit in the chunty hao been enotalled ior tho storing, handling and retaiJmg of fresh and salt moats. Our prices will always be consistent with tho market quotations. INSPECTION INVITED C. C. Weinier. Meat is Healthy. The human feyetem needs meat, not the tough, in- digeetftble kihd which makes it a labor for tho diges tive organs to asimilate it, but the nutritious, juicy kind which given you muscle and norvo for daily duties. C, W, Crouse & Co, mi**’ Atiu riu* r*u*v« »*<*, Succ *stm toi3C, C. WBMER, a end win lives v.-!;t!e tlitsa c!:s.-:r< enlertncota &ra fits! at Lata: Steple sittautiM. effit itofs ot rasS afcjii -te* wsn «aa vcn i toy.? ot iha irAWfiilAt BSOESSMAK alsaer.a r.f cat h ew tarn- i.’-x.l Oaiclo RsM Want) S'osa ttsttOE* jsrtae. ote.) si p;CV 3 Uwfiii tso. tit leathft ear. A . .■OfflyeataHKj? iWntcSircVKsaSafptao , Cfe. ) At?, f.o'.anal Bpo;.a--aa . , IGt. i VOIJtlS r.-.atvhw- cao’ f r o n ----- - ---- tnnOiJAt SIPOafSWAS. Iff. rjF rl-a lS j.BM ia ixzsiiuxr i ISBEAUTY WORTHYOURWHILE? ViolaCream or&atoedo* fftcMca, kso I cs , b u c k **w*.i.«v^if AaaiSACSy UiKUB bcftils,mmtanimam , ffi nfiP?Sa » OLvjsr.1, in.AiicJ. esij on? —--------- mfia to t!;o bpr.bncss fiflil {Jilf-sfvoftnaib, 'ih cio is no jrabrntrito,f-ra KkaBorri^r'baw'- d?frser i.iailul enlteWPraof? ca r-iafst. "i •5=3 «(S ft p a £ pots. Fc ho ( pop ht, I sole, l It*' ) U H ililii, a Is Rob use • e tii clca foil • < * « M r rhe • UJCAiui, • o i m i - i d —There a for “ Plymo sin Mr. Thor spent Miinc —-Avoid li’ ^g ing “ Plymo eni Rev. I<ol >d Hanna Cit> p; trer —General J tires at To tl. —Don’t u J,lc mouth” twi *.U » & Mr. ,Jame fie his arm Sat tie Hit Farmers ,i „ Ovine, “ It’s used,” “ I ’ prSl my fnoiuls.: 'tmm , 3U&.’ . - ; PH Mrs. J. A. p * are visitiiq county. r f j —“ PJyinoi Ti Mrs. M. A. * numberof 1 dinner, Satu .TE : eei —Shirts, o and etc, — -.DIE! Miss Edna £QQ a few friend honor of Mis = a = =—»Mal Nig c i efl feme and .tot men hc.1 iHiai Y r f lild c 11
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