The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26
MAKINQ A WINEGLASS,. 1 »$ i *s» t* It 'i *>«•'&»Many Pros***** a?.si Pit Worfe wf F cm " M »n . FIRST ANNUAL Automobile Show • j -. * 1 Thursday, Friday, SaturdaY, , 2 1 , 2 2 . EXHIBITS = THE ELMORE CHALMERS-DETROIT HUDSON BUICK BAKER ELECTRIC "*sm ip 1 Time and Place, AUTOMOBILE S. Detroit Street, x e , n i a . o. ADMISSION FREE, Xo\ 'lr !'U c;~' i {rv : Jio!k»v ii«a of (jpo fsf 1 M ot ; p ? c # form the b Thin met il i , u mob-rial a::d i ;, glues. It so ini'!o rod lead, mixed I b cerium 1 FiF-) n'--''1 k i o m a i' t-vr.k ifdm, the ’ 2 ‘w t u F to Inogte. • jj *of hot, r-offc molten mi wiiito eand, . a*id i-altpeier in=, and tlion it Uus Lwr. re ‘d:.v.l into mol ten glam, tHunk-ally kmi~n as metal, Tf>n lump of material on the end of the pip," j ; yollcu to and fro on a pap ihod table to obtain the desired smoothne?:" ami evenness of surface. After sv/inglng- the hot glass rap idly through the air for come mo ment;! the worlmr thou Worm down the' pipe -until the lump of soft ma terial has expanded to the required size and shape, when ho gauges it with bin callipers to see that the dimensions are correct. It is now passed to a second man, who casts on sufficient metal to form the stem, while on to this again is added ma terial for the foot. The processes now follow one another rapidly, the glass being passed from workman to workman and hack again as each fulfills his particular task. Over and over again the partially completed object is inserted into the furnace whore.there is a heat of 2,000 degrees h\, held there for a few moments and then quickly with drawn to he further treated, With a precision that only comes of Ion" training, one man trims the howl of. the glass to the required size by cut ting the superfluous material away with a pair of shears. The howl then has to ho opened out to the ■desired dimensions and measured to. seo that it is perfectly correct in size, when it is Anally lifted by a hoy from the workman's holder on -the end of a forked stick, a finished article, and placed in the oven to he annealed.—Philadelphia Inquirer. •Lamb Hissed H13 Own Farce. Lamb’s unfortunate farce, “Mr. H.,” has one o f the shortest theat rical titles on record, and it could not possibly have had a shorter the atrical life, since it was performed only Once. Lamb, as everybody knows, ‘'hissed and, hooted as loud ly as any of his neighbors.” Writing to Wordsworth the fol lowing day, he paidr “ A hundred Iiisste (the word I write like krwes —how different)*—a hundred hisses outweigh a fhouHiud claps The former come <aBre directly from the heart. Woll/it'a withdrawn and there is an and.*’ But it is to he obseneil tku he did nm cuive his audience, as your modern play wright 'Would have done, for Lamb happened to bo a sound and sane MEN'S R E .G U L A R ReductionSaleof CLOTHING i In this regular semi-annual Reduction Sale we guarantee every garment to be as represented. True fits, hand tailored, in qualities at much less than their real values. Men’s Suits and Overcoats reduced from $30, $28, $25 and $23 to $18.50 Men’s Smits and Overcoats, reduced from $22, $20 and $18 to - Man’s Suits and Overcoats, reduced from $15, $14 and $12 to I N C L U D E S E V E R Y S U I T I N T H E H O U S E . $14.75 $9.75 Boys* Clothing. O’COATS. $12 ami $10 values reduced to......... .........$7.Sip $10, $$aml $7 values,reduced to,............ $ 4 .9 0 $1.20 and $5 values, reduced to............ .-$3 .50 SUITS. $7.(50, $7 and $6 values, reduced to... $5.00 and $4.50 values, reduced to.... $3 and $2.50 values, reduced to........ $ 4 .9 8 $ 3 .5 0 ....$1,98 Men’s and B oys ’ T rou sers . Men's Trousers, reduced from $8 $7 and $0 to-. Sion’s Trousers, reduced from $1.50 and $1,00 to............................... ................ $ 3 .5 0 Men’ s Trousers, reduct cl fmit .$3 and $2.50 t o .. Men’s Trousers,'reduced from $1.75 and $l.r>0 to ...... Hoys’ Trousers, reduced trom $1.50 and ....$ 4 .9 8 $2-«0 to................... ........:..................... Boys’ Trousers, reduced from $1,25 and . $1.00 t o ............................ Boys’ Trousers, reduced from 75c t o . l , —... Boys’ Trousers, . , ' $ 1 .2 4 redu ed trom 50c to......................... . $1 .98 $ 1 .2 4 89c 6 7 c 4 3 c I £ S 5I wa ;* z* MANHATTAN SHIRTS. $0 value, reduced to....... ,. ................... . $2 and $1.75 values, reduced t o .............. $1.50 values reduced to...-............... ..... UNDERWEAR, $3 Values’ reduced to............................. $2 values, reduced to............... .............. $1.50 vat ties i ecueed to........................... $1 and $1,25 values, reduced to............... G5e and 5ttc values, reduced t o .............. NECKWEAR. $1 a- d 75c Ties, now.... ........... -------- B0« Ties,' now. : ......... !;. MEN’S STIFF $0 and $2.50 values, now...... Men’s Furnishings. WILSON BROS, and YORK SHIRTS. $1 .98 - $1 .39 $1,15 •$1 .98 .. $1*„39 •$1.15 i— 89c • 4 5 c 5 0 c 2 5 c RATS.;:;:y>l'::v-'; Fancy Vests, 25 Per Cent Discount. . $1 values reduced t o ............................... ... 89c 75a "’Famous” values, reduced to................ 59c fibc and G3c “ Famous” values, reduced lo..45c FANCY HOSE. $1 and $1.25 values, reduced to..................... 75c . 50c values, reduced to....... ............ .....i......... 39c 25c values, reduced to................................... 19c 15c values, reduced to.... .......................... ..... 11c HANDKERCHIEFS. 25c Fancy, now............................ ........... ......... 15c 15c Fancy, now....... .... ............ ............ - ......8 c 10c Fancy, now............................................ 4 e SPECIAL CAP SALE. $1 00 and 75c Caps, n o w ......................... . . 50c - . • - 8 ....... Bags and Suit Cases 20 Per Cent Discount. critic Of his Chronicle, own ivorhv—London AH Over. KNo more will I hear htV. foot steps on yonder Walk just as the clock strikes the hour of 8.” “'Gracious, Jeanettel” “ And the old parlor light will never barn low for him again.” “ You don't mean it?” “ I do, and, furthermore, he will never pit ou this bo fa three nights a week and call me pet names as he has been doing for the last two years.” ^ ‘T am astonished.” “ And tonight I am going to burn all the old love letters in my else,-it of drawers “ B-but fly? Are yon going to discard -him Y* “Discard him! Mo, you goose. I am going to marry h i mL o n d o n Scraps. Tile Merry Minstrels. “ Wtiafc am the difference, Mr. Bones, loin fen » forger and a man ploying vnlx-v who ealt-j the other fellow'i; lot:-” “Ag!, £ai-itio, I am at a loss to answer year query. What is the difference; Isiwc -a a forger and a man playing piker who falls the other fellowh betl” “The ilut man raises a cheek, anil the eeroiid one ehi-<L-a rake.” During inform!! .Ion, ladies and gentlemen, the* orchestra will play that delightful tnnb»1y entitled “ Fa ther, I’loa'C IF- Furofulj the Jeni- tor's Got a GioHiln”—S t Loti!,; Star, _ _ _ When Odd Loot# 6rcon. Gobi omi I,.’ b 'atc-n out bo thin that ii allows Fght to pat's through it, In which tar, though it mill ap pears brilliant yellow by reflected light', It h giv. n u’ ■.iewed by trans- mission—-that i\ by tlm light that passes through f r. 'Wio etiriqus ef fect can (-a fly he observed by lay ing a picto of? ..LI leaf npm a plate of glm ; ati'l Sidling if between the eyo and tbo JbdJ, when the gold will oppf or r-' onwi pji'eiit and of a e e ' >r I t-f, ,C*vy M *i *nJ nhuinnt sn iB ll f i t ' *MhtRin««^rnnafni»4?orm«ntMATi; f «*#. ! #0*1 U*.****NYOrpM, 8*ni»nwi4»l,(i„,we5r'. .tv'.htl'ie.ip j H-n. W« *4’.;.. it i f , , if, fte.« of; i**W- *' 1 iflHrtn, !MfHrlftthf V 5 . *r»l foStigiltu.y.lllf 3 j W t f t H i, is , 0 .A.»N 0 W & 0 0 . % V v *5 5 R. S. KINGSBURY, 5 0 - 5 2 E ,. M a in S t . , X e n ia , O. I .V\VAV.VAV%W»VVVVViVVV CAVAW >V/AVAV.W AW .,AV /AV /A VAV>,M ,VW/AW.% XX GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X To Cure a Cold in One Day TakeLaxativeBromoQuinineT»Mots. * A Seven MHBon boxet soW In palt 12 niontk*. Tills signature, Carat Ctfp In Two D«yn. onevery box. 2 Sc« Only Once in a Lifetime You will buy a boiler if you buy wisely* A boiler will give you SUMMER HEAT IN W INTER , will boat every portion of your bouse, • and the money invested will give more comfort, health and happiness than can ho obtained in any other maimer. It will banish colds, pneumonia and will ROB WINTER OF ITS TERRORS and rigorij. While indoors YOU WILL NOT KNOW IT IS WINTER. . Without boiler heat you are missing the greatest comfort and blessing in life. Irind out the costto secure such heating and you will wonder why you did not have it done before. HIGH GRADE STANDARD BOILERS furnish well heated houses at minimum coat of installation and for fuel. Twenty-two years’ experience shows us what to furnish to secure best results. O tJB , C A T A L O G IS F & X E . A*k lot ttMd f « any tefajiifattoaattesatIfeatiny, G IBL IN m. CO. « U T I C A , N. Y. t
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