The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26
Amrnim mi M i M RDM MDUMin *uM» NEWMEAT STORE I have opened a meat store in the J. C Barber room and asks for a share of yomr patronage. Th e finest outfit in the county has been installed for the storing, handling andj’ re- tailing of fresh and salt meats, j Our prices w ill always be consistent with the market quotations. ‘ inspection invited. C. C. Weimer. ELASTIC ROOF PAINT for tin, metal, paper, feltand ruberoid roofs, is proof against thoweatheror rust, Absolutelynon- porous, Will notOracle, peel, blister or soale. Will not evaporateafteroncetset. la a linewater-proof, tagmaterial* Contains no Ingredients such as salt and lime which ente'r into the composition of the i” major part of the so-called roof and iron paints on the market to-day which have ,qo elastic qualities and are destructive to metals and fibres, and are hound to crystalize any metal. It is germproof. Sendfo r circular andprice list. Why not purchase the best when it costs no more. T h e O A L L M A W C O O P E R S U P P L V C O .. F o n d - d u - U c , W i s , THE HIGH GRADE LEHR PIANO IS USED AND ENDORSED BY TheGrandCantwrabryofMusic,NowYorkCity. * ThtPenniylvanlaCbllogoofMutlc, Philadelphia. CWcujoConservatoryA HinihawSchool ofOpera,Chicago. ThoPuebloConservatoryof Music, Pueblo^ Colo- AMD OTHER LEAD1NQ CONSERVATORIES . A sweetyet brilliant and powerful tone, exquisite case, perfect adjustment and durable workmanship placeit in the front rank of the beatinetninieutsmade to-day. It is the ideal piano for the home, where its ptMgi'oeieaeitm of culture and.refinement.: 1 TheM H R PtANO iamanufactured under singularly ’kvorableconditionswhich lessen tbe coeto f production, and It hasachieved p, brilliantsucceuns theV -»feelegant Instrument In. *pe market at a satisfactory price. WHITE FOR OATAJO iUK ASTD X'KICXS. He LEHR & COMPANY, MlnufiSy - Easton* Pa. Swell Styles for Winter Overcoats are dominant when you |frequent the fashionable thorough fares or where the up-to- date man is a ‘habitue/ because they have been made by us. Our fab rics are exclusive— our styles are popular favor ites, and no one in Ce- darville would be re garded as a man of fashion Would have his suit or overcoat, his evening suit or Tuxedo made by any one but fill'd I l A C0PYRlGHT.A.PAt^9 KANY, TheLeadingTailor, X E N IA , OHIO. OKGANT25I5D 1890 IRE EXCHANGE BAM , CX3DABVILLI3, OHIO. With a paid capital of $30,000 and an additional stockholders individual liability of $1<K3,000, we offer a safe depository for your funds. W e earnestly solicit pour patronage. 8. W. B jiith , President. G eo . W. II icb , lat.Vieo Pres. O liver OAhLot'Gir, Sd V. Pres. O. I<. S mith , Cashier I s. I*\T inrall , Assistant Cashier. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Physicians Advise opcnand w n t ««Poisoi^cf undfgttW! Tb* latest tToJu-t fi r«df*hks atKl ataswch «).• Mitou*r»«u VELIO te, 1 Tty i otxthe ,indigestion, Vi: l LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP driving an elephant . This Mahout'S Bock and Sptk* and HI* Kiif# and Tc», **Tlio do* i-i innuVi eninpaiHGai the ■elejiiiatif io hw davcv’ writes Kir Kcmuel \V. Ba»w ill ‘ ‘Wiki I’ ra'-t-i iSRil Their Ways.*’ The dog f-hare.i with hrf master the delight of tuiatin* awl defends him from cm eneiay'fl attack, hut an enemy might hill an elephant's naahoat. awl the beast would not interfere to rave him. He never volunteers his rorv- iee-, although lie eaa Lie trained to do certain acts, for he has a wonder ful capacity for learning. But he will not do them unless he is or dered to Try* his mahout, to whore guidance lie submits because he knows that disobedience will bring punishment. The mahout, sitting on the ele phant’s neck, governs the animal by an iron hook and spike, which re sembles a boat lioolc and weighs from four to six pounds. The ma hout drives the elephant forward by digging the point of the spike into its head and r ails him back by in serting the he in the tender base of the ears. Without the lioolc the elephant is like the donkey without the stick. He obeys pot from affec tion, but because lie knows he will be punished if lie disobeys. An elephant whose mahout rules him responds to the secret signs of his driyer. The gentle pressure of the maliout’s tpe, the compression of his lenee, the delicate touch of bis heel or the slightest swaying of his body to one side guides the mighty beast as a ship is guided by an al most imperceptible movement of the rudder. But the mahout must himself be cool and free from all nervousness if he expects the ele phant to obey him. Illustrating the fact that a p6or driver makes a disobedient elephant, Sir Samuel says a man may sit a horse gracefully, but if he has not the gift of a “ good hand” there will be little comfort for the animal and no ease for the rider. A rider with a “ bad hand” makes the fact known to the horse almost as soon as he seats himself in the saddle. The re sult is that the horse becomes nerv ous and does not perceive what his master wishes him to do. The elephant is not bitted and therefore is hot disturbed by a <fbad hand,” But if the mahout is nerv ous or hesitates or vacillates he will be sure to have a “ bad knee” or a “bad toe.” His mood will in fluence his muscles, and the ele phant feels that the mahout dues not exactly know what he is about. Instead of obeying instantly ^the pressure of knee u* toe, the animal vacillates, swings his head, be comes unsteady and if engaged in hunting or scenting a tiger turn* round and runs away—made a now- arfl by.his maBter^jMtrypi ForextYand D*#*rt*, Whole provinces of the Tibetan borders of China have been convert ed into uninhabitable, sandy desert, which centuries ago were fertile and well watered and supported rich cities, apparently in consequence of the destruction of forest The formation of desert is due in the first place to the destruction of for est, the. consequent formation of a barren, sandy area and the subse quent spreading of the “ disease” or "desert ulcer” by the blowing of the fatally exposed sand. Sand des erts are not, as used to be supposed, sea bottoms from which the water has retreated, but areas of destruc tion of vegetation—often both in central Asia and in north Africa started hy the deliberate destruction of forestry man, either by artificial drainage starving the forest or by the simple use of the ax or fire.— Chicago News. Uplifting F*th«r. The men here of late have anoth er fight on their hands, and it is with daughter’s music teacher. Men, having low tastes, like ragtime mu sic, buy a piano and hire a teacher, that, daughter, in the evening, may make them forget the day’s worries with ragtime pounded out with en thusiasm. But daughter isn’t al lowed to play ragtime. Her teach er, if she is anybody at all, would not let her touch a ragtime sheet, and father has to hear music in which there is a whole lot of hand gymnastics and not u jingle. This is in accord with the plot in which all women are implicated to uplift father in spite of bio screams.— Atchison Globe. Unknown to the Lawyers. Judge ——, one of the groat law yers of the last generation, charged ji client a retainer of $1,000 in an important case, but the parties got together next morning and settled tim rnii before the jiulgohad opened a hook or written a line concerning i t His client called to see if he would not refund part of the money. The lawyer seemed sur prised at the suggestion. “ Re fund 1” lie exclaimed. “ Refund, did you aav ? My friend, that is a kind of fund unknown to the legal pro- iV'Csion!” Piles or Smiles 9 A POSITIVE GUARANTEE DR. HEBRJLS UNfiOID ft* Moot wrmderftil edewHIte disc*very of Um<*foHh*i«¥#r«rti!2frt eflttnln* Pit#*. BfiramiL. Tetter. Rlumm, lUfti Worm,B*th#r*« hch, etc. Thto hl*blr Jatfl* fitted kfttfsejittcmi**, kill* the * « * / , t * move* th# trotiM* .*<id he* * the lniUtlmt Ah#'.lute mU»f#<et!on gnsr- AnteeiJw money rtfunded, Pile#J»ft*.*t] »U «KM 4 .n tT ria l •tm»leac«ki tonommulng, thc e. e. srrTNiftQo.,r»f*i4,0Mi. «K MID-WINTER Clearance Shoe Sale Read this carfully and note the tremendous reductions. W e are going to sell shoes cheaper during this sale than GOOD SH O E S were ever sold in Xenia LOT NO . I. About 30 pairs Hanan’s Shoes, former prices* $5.50 and $6, reduced to $3.50 LOT NO. 2. 75 pairs Men’s Shoes, Howard & Foster and W a lk Over makes, worth $4 and $5 a , pair, reduced to $2.65 LOT. NO. 3. 75 pair Men’s W a lk Over and Geo. Kieth makes worth $ 3 , $3.50 and $4, reduced to $ 2.10 LOT NO. 4 . 40 Pairs Boys’ Shoes in patent leather, and gun metal, good sizes and rare bargains in this lot, reduced from $2.50 and $3.00 to $1.75 LOT NO. 5 W-L-D 43 LS 3 S I B O Y S S r THE LARGEST OFMEN’S FINE '•supemon *I b*ve worn V/. p**t *ix years, am sup.rior toall otha comfortsod dMrab 110 If I could take tone# at Brockto- how carefully YV mad., you would their shape, fit !> are of greatervnl c.1ni'Moar-scotin It -•»:i)PC:lon111',bolto It yourdealercannot ■writeforMali OrderCa « w i. ,— _ r o n R. BIRD, I LOCAL fi —Ask for E McFarland Br Mr. M. W. O' in town Wodni Prof. K. E. Valley was xn . ■■ \ —“ Lightning at the opera evening. 35 Pairs little gents' and boy’s shoes reduc ed from $1.50, $1.75 and $2 to ■Jaii- : - $uo ,w i t iK i 9 $ri 6 'lie',tfceBeftfalil ever offeredinXeiua. One lot ladies* shoes, small sizes, reduced from $3.50 and $3 to . $1.85. During this sale we offer all reg ular lines of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes at 20 per cent discount from regular pri ces, ' No Goods Charged During This Sale FRAZER’S SHOE STORE, XENIA, OHIO. —'Fresh line * and cakes at Hi Mr. W, J> !■ Saturday and tiveB here. Mrs, Harry rl a few of her lac Thursday. —Call McFai arville, Clxfti Gold Medal fle —We will p Choice Butte - Mrs. Albert ' nue City is vii John K. Bradi • Mrs. Lillian ehlldrcn are 1 New York FORSALE: brood sows. There will lx E. Church Ha en o’ clock. —HOUSE I of O, L. Smi<:' ■ Bank. =1 Th. Mott D*ng«rou» Capital, London, which used to boast of be ing the quieteflt and safest capital of the world, has. become noisier than Paris and more dangerous than New York, Nearly 300 persons are now killed annually by street accidents, and how many more just escape with their lives cannot be computed.—Out look. Dr. Mil##' Aatl-Pain Pill# relieve pain. . Work of Humorous Mason. In Lichfield (Eng.) cathedral the cen tra] pillar of the chapter-house and tho clustered shafts and vaulting ribs which spread from it are very fine spe cimens of early English work. One of tho pillars contains the quaint design o? a cat with a mouse In Its mouth, It Is supposed to have been executed in a humorous spirit by one of the ma> sons, who, so far a3 the stone permit, ted, made it quite realistic. The Palace Restaurant Fifteen Years’ Service W ithout Painting—Or a New Roof—That is Our Guarantee to You— « J the guarantee is stamped right on the roofing itself with the year you buy it. twc:xty-fiVo year*. I T will last you much longer than that, but foi 35> we aro retpatutble. Think of that —L;y your roof and forget it for i5 yearn. No e;;pt uso—no repairing- -no renewing. V/c don’t knowtho wearing possib'Titics ol our own roofing. Our 25-ycar-old room are n; serviceable and loot: tn good now aa roofing laid five yearn ago. Y.’o ninko our gnarantf ISyearn to be safe, but we know it is'good £«.. DJICHCELMA, E X T R A GalvanizedMetal Roofing M rs . Chas. Harris, Prop. Xen ia Ave . Rooms formerly occupied by C . C. W e im e r . M ea ls by day or week, Lunch served a ll hours. Furnished R oom s for Rent. —The best nt>d goods at Mr. and M entertained a dinner last Ft J Mr, ft. F. R Ifid., the firs Inoss. Miss Rathe. Valley was t tie Dobbins m a a M h fa tiici only mo'.at roofltr; maCo whtah rt stkuii! cnlJy tra.vaaizcu that II cau be t'uar anlccj nf,'aia-;t fuat. <)nlv tlie KKsiier.f, : or.t pllnblc, r,po:> hearth stool: is ever i .-a. 'l'Jiia rac-tnl la IK'Culioriy pntons nr.d loiiK-f.lK'voil, r.o ttn* wl’.on I t t s ' w t t ! . o . galvauixtuff nots ttio THE BEST VEHICLES FOR THE MONEY. THE McKAY BUSBIES# SURREYS, Spring, Road i Oil Field W A G O N S Best quality—Select Ma terial. Carefully made. Built to standHardService. The cheapest in die end. Write for completo Catalog andBrices, McKAYCARRIAGECO., fiROVE CITY, PA. —Cottage 1 Bread fresh Bros. The Cednrv Company hvockfrom ?!< si Mrs. Elizab quito fvick f< ported much 1 Mra. Lewis quito nick f<« ported greatl; Mra. Chas. Ed. Moornia Cheater Ca*-< Monday with liflukl f.pitt.’i'das* nc-i votieeriici p^aefVnlf ♦INF ■- .... * • ■*..... .................................. ■VV*, • V. ..... .. .«««« — liter ana auiftleasaa**#wHa tlwi sl : S*«e, tbitsprolcctini'?itforever. D'CkCiCiua I'::0 ..i.i i ■ , ■ ’ , rcatlv 5.UIM.3 .'.n.1. a I'U'if.-l t : 3;oi- Allyouhavetodoir, t» pl.-.»o yc-.lii.cxoa eccu . J'ryer.ocf iv,n' c.'uiiidc-'.'. (o<Uif mvl {ben tir.s8.)mo<.i.1ic.irofialv.'i!ii;!i ilrt'iititij. Ibv; {In ej;n v.’Jiidi Ones ml flatioor!:. It willboOitksimmn'*, Vv’si'.otoilc.yfor freeSample*endBoek en Rsefi ^ Tliebookwillstiowytitihowyoncannave «v.##u. uvr jr*ev#*#v?vv ,v<♦#«>4,s4l|f#;.*VV r.iriijcV oil year sootlfi", in n to lay tin f- !*u; liov: to nvciJ r.--f>Jir Mils Yt.. *■ .................... tews* dfeale* \viit ab.nt ‘D.dsil. #»#»’#. Antililm, lieftet tr. rn;:X yea ' ' hotoJay. ihla be.ibna.lscal;!'!?-. Wrii THE D 1 CKELMAH MFC*. C 0 . SGftmrieySi,t ftnd, Okie - -Don’ t h>a But j? t an <v friend along ’ t« mist* Sy lv> tr-r;mid::; , * or.' THE RAPID Go -Ca rt Folding combines comfort, durabilityandappear, anasat tho lowest possible price consist eat with quality. Mother’s motto:- ‘ •Nothingtoo good for tho baby.” , .?v« »‘s<> manufacture Thompson’s folding (lib. Military, comfortable,' sonventcut, durable and economical. . ......... j i l. Ask your dealer to shotv you ft « Rapid (lo-t axt'*and Thompson’s Fold- jng .lib, both of whufl mo necrsraiy mticles for MUHAWAKA FOLOIMB CARRIABE CS„ . ML •frttl.i H.V'ltl At the Wad ovoreomo wi mosniftg and «on«dotm Ma< gao fire early for ft tew mi bcoa arsHu-e?. linnr it la 1 haw nufte'.- tlu sips n an cliaimicy lie and rf* tb e i ft was msr.s i *m -m * m kf III 1
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