The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26
WiDOUGUS » 1 » 35 °&S 4 .SH 0 ES w w m m m , n m ? | THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES." I hay# warn W. L, Doifglas shoes for the PMt six years, and always find they are far superior to all other hitchgrade shoes Instyle, comfortand durability," W. Q. JONES. . , 110Howard Ave., Utica, N. Y. If I coula take you into my large fac- torJes at Brockton. Mass., and show you how carefully Wi, L, Douglas shoes are made, you would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Jljour nralercaunr.tfityonwithW-LIhsuglaMlioca. »nt« ter Mail OrderCatalog, lV.r,.l)oytfM.TJteekton, * »> . ------ FOB SA1® BT—— R. BIRD, CedarviHe, O' $ LOCAL AND PERSONAL ^ —Ask for Eclgemonfc eraker's at McFarland Bros. Mr. M, W. Collins of Tronfon was intown Wednesday. ' Prof, 'K. E, Eandall of Spring Valley was m town last Saturday. —“ Lightning and Toothpicks” at the opera house next Tuesday evening.: —Fresh, line of cereals, crackers * and cakes atMcFarland Bros. Mr. W, J. Smith of Kent spent Saturday and Sabbath with rela tives here. Mrs. Harry Townsley entertained a few o f her lady friends at dinner Thursday. —Call McFarland Bros, for, Ced- arnllo, Clifton, Jantesfown, and Gold Medal dour. —We will pay 28p per . lb. for Choice Sutter, At Bird's. Mrs. Albert ’Denham or Tippeen* nue City is visiting her father, Mr. '|-Wjys,—.Jnhn K. Brailfate. Mrs, IdlUah Clemans and tw< children are visiting relatives in Hew York FOB SALE:—Five Duroc Jersey brood sows. W. A. Turnbull. There will be preaching In the M. E. Church sabbath evening at sev en o’ clock. —HOUSE FOB BENT: Inquire of O. L. Smith at the Exchange Bank. —The best In groceries and can ned goods at McFarland Bros, Mr. and Mrs. W» B. Stevenson entertained a number of friends at dinner last Friday. Mr. B. F. Kerr v'as in RushviJle, Ind„ the ilrsfc of the week, on bus iness. Miss Katherine Simms of Spring Valley wtt3 the guest of Miss Hat tie Dobbins over Sabbath. - Cottage Bakery’ s and Krug’s bread fresh daily at McFarland Bros. A gocl fairo nm {Mary hanU. Bell ’plicae Ci’i-I. I . W. MilJoy, Trofeeuw Mro. Milton Yodor of Bello t-en- sep is visiting her lirotherand sis- ■ t . Mr. fieri ansi Mbs Mary Turn* A number of Mrs. Moore McMil lan’ s friends ana neighbors gave her a btrtSiday surprise last Thnrs- doy evening. ■ —Tho fifth number bn the lecture course Tuesday evening, January 23th. Plat opens Saturday after noon at Johnson’ s. MrB. J. E. Jobe and son Merrill, xpeetto leave next Wednesday for a visit with Mr. A, L. Brown who ilyes near Jacksonville Florida. Prof. W. K, McChesney. and wife and Miss Grace Morton will enter tain a number of friends this even-. tag. Miss Zelnia Shepard of Keokuk, Iowa is the guest of Mrs H. A. Townsley and Mrs. A. O. Bridgman and other relatives. —LAST CUT*. 33 1-3 per cent off, Women’s and Misses Winter Coats. See our window display. Buy now. At Bird’s. Mr. James Bratton and Mr. James Collius of Xenia were in town Sat urday in attendance at the funeral of tlie late Samuel Raney. FOR RENTITwo 7 -room hous es. Both fitted up with electric light and gas. Rent reasonable Apply to Robert Bird. KOTICE—Any one wishing my service as auctioneer, can make dates with W, W.Creswell, in town as I will be away from home for a while. ■B. T. Baker. The Supreme Court decided this week that “ a man can take liquor from a wet county to a dry county if the transaction is pot for profit” . This means that a visitor to a wet town can bring the goods to his friend as a matter of accomodation. Mrs. Bessie Spiiggof Columbus visited over Sabbath with her grand father, Mr. A. Bradford. Mrs. Sprigg’e hiv>haud is a soldier in the Barrack Station in that city. FOB SALE;—A cement block machine and moulds lor several kinds of work. Also house moving outfit, pulleys, rapes, etc. Apply to A. I). Townsley. A meeting of the Corn Improve ment association will be held in Xenia Saturday. Messrs. O, E. Bradfute, S. K, Williamson, and O. A . .Dobbins of this place are on tho program. Mrs. Harriet Tllff, who suffered tho amputation of a limb seyerai months airo has been present with a wheel-chair so that she will be able to get about the bouse. She desires to thank those who contri buted for this purpose through the solicitations of Mr. C. C. Weimer. Miss Lillie Stewart has resigned her position as assistant to post mastoi l'arbox and expects to leave here about the first of February for Columbus where she has secured a position as bookkeeper for the firm of Benzin & Usticlc, manufacturers ofneokwoar. The Cedarvillo Light & Power Company has Increased its capital stock from £510.000 to *C0,00{>. Mrs. Elizabeth Bull, who has been quite sick for several days, is re portedmuch hotter. Mrs. Lewis Gilbert who has been quite sick for several days, Is re ported greatly improved, Mrs. (Jhas. Alexander and Mrs. Ed. Moorman of Xenia and Mrs. Chester Carter of Detroit spent Monday with Mrs. J, B. Winter. ■Don’ t loan your season ticlui but £ t an extra one and fake your friend along for neither of you want to miss Sylvester A. Long, the en ter: in n in g , ' Em * i f a i n m n t L u f t n - or.*’ ' ■ Jtnm Hamilton w a io employ »t tho Waddle liver:*' barn, was overcome with gas fumes early this won ing and was found in a ooim- comscious state. Ilo had started the gaa flro early and then laid down for It few mint tea and had I k *not bi*r*» ftfonaed within tho next half hour it Ik probable that ho vMid have When tftlnrj Into tiK'Open air ho soon rams to. Tho dummy had bccoaio lliled With aoot and closed tho pipe so that theift »b draft. mtaa Hattie attaott iwMaalIr~:-lbr, Iffllsif J£Sf£mm, mm ****mm —Our Saturday Specials!—8 Bars King of the Laundry Soap, 25c| 25 lb, sack Fine Granulated Sugar. $1.29; 3 10c-packages of Quaker Oats for 25c; 3 10c- paokages Toasted Corn Flakes, 25c; 1 lb. Can of Royal Baking Powder, 44c. Above prices are cash and good today only, Sat urday, January 22, Bird’s Mammoth Store. A number from hero will attend the Laymen's convention in Day* ton next Week, Tho following from tho II. P. church will attend: W. P. Harnman, Dr. W. B. Mc- Chesney, P. 5. Morgan, S. C. Wright, Kev. «T. M. Taylor. From he U. P. church tho following:Dr. M. I. Marsh, F. P. Hastings. J. E. Jobe and B. F. Kerr. SALE Willner's Mammoth Annual Whirlwind Sale is Now in Full Blast^People attending from distances as far as fifty miles from the center of Dayton. The most stupendous Clothing Sacrifice ever held in Ohio^Prices, Profits, Cost-vall are forgotten to accomplish the immediate Clearance of our colossal $75,OCX) stock of Men's and Boys Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, EtovPositively the most phenomenal Clothing Sale ever held in Dayton, , $10.00 and $12.00 Men’s Suits and Overcoat s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.00 and $14.00 Men’ s Suits and O v e r c o a t s . ............ $1,5.00 and $10.00 Men’s Suita and Overcoats.. . ......... .. $18.00, $12.00 and $22.00 Suits and Overcoats. 1____ ___. . . . . . . . _____ $25.00 and $30.00 Suits and Over coats'. . . . . . . ......................... ............. $1 & $1,50 Trousers....................... .. $2.50 & $3 T r o u s e r s . ................... $3,50 & $4 Trousers. „ , . ................... $4 50 & $5 Trousers................... .. $6 & $7 Trousers ................................... $6.95 ■. ‘ , e $8,95 $11.95 $14.95 $17,95 89c $1.95 $2.95 ’ $3.45 $4,95 $2,00 and $3.00 Boys Suits and Over coats______ ____ ________ ______ $4.00 and $5.00 Boys’ Suits and Over coats .............. .................... .. $5.50 and $6.50 Boys’ Suits and Over coats ............................................................ $7.00 and $8.00 .Boys’ Suits and Over coats. . . y 50c B o 3 ' s ’ Shirts......................... 75c Boys Sweaters..................... 35c Boys Fleeced Underwear. 40c Boys Winter Caps.............. 40c Boys Knee Pants.............. 75c Boys Knee Pants................. $1.39 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 , . 29c 43 c 19c 23c 25c 39c 50c Men’s Black Work Shirts . . . . . ____ 29c 50o Men’s Heavy Fleeced Underwear... 39c $1.00 Men’s Heavy Lamb’s Wool Under wear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ . . . . . 79c $1 and $1.25 Men’s Work Gloves............... 79c 25c Men’s Woolen Mittens ............ 16c 25c Police and Fireman's Suspenders.. 19c 25c Men,s Heavy Wool Sock s .................. 16c 10c Red and Blue Handkerchiefs.. . . . . 5c 15c Men’s-Heavy Cotton Hose____ ; ; . 8c One-Fourth Off On All Sweaters. 1 1 6 - 1 1 8 Main Street, WILLNEB’S, J. W. FO X , Vice President and Manager. DAYTON , OHIO. A CARD. We dAftlr* toexpre#* our thanks to um-friends ami all these who»o kindly assisted ns m our bereave ment; Hagley Bros, for the maimar id which the funeral was conducted, also the Gholr for the beautiful music rendered. Mrs. Baney and Family. WH 1 TT-NAGLEY. Miss Zella Nagloy, a popular young lady of this place, became i ’ xj bride of Mr, S, J. Whitt, of X iia on Wednesday evening nt the home of Bev. E. H. Cherring- ton. The ceremony was performed In tho presehoo of a few .relatives and friends, who Inter accompanied the bride and groom to the Frances Inn, where a dainty wedding supper was served, Mr M. G. Hagley being one of those present. Tho bride is one of Codarville’B estimable young ladies baring a largo circle of friends. She is a sis ter f Messrs/Moody, Harry, Oscar and Clark Hagloy, of this place. For some time she ha been book keeper for the firm of Hagley Bros, Mr. Whitt is connected with tho Schell jewelry store in Xenia and i« well known in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Whitt are enjoying a short honeymoon trip to Cincin nati after which they will be at home at 662 Chestnut street, Xenia. The fire department was called out Monday to respond to a fire at the Kerr & Hasting Bros., elevator opposite the depot, where an ex plosion took place due to thawing out some pipes that leads from the gasoline tank outside the bidding. 1’hero was no extensive damage Smoother than tho burning of the luilding whore tho ta**k was locat- d. Mr. F. V. Hastings received a few slight burns that Mere not ser ious, Tho Clifton institute held Monday and Tuesday this weel: proved to bo one of tho best over hold In the eotmiy. The attendance was good and groat interest was manifest throughout the program. The fol- lowIngxdJleniH were electedr Presi dent, Charles HatHcld; vie® presi dent, S. T. Lues; secretary, A. L. Flatter; treasurer, B. 3. Carry; exourivo committee, Eldor Corry, James Bwaby, E, 0. Corry, Miss CAtria Elf* anil Mrs. Harry wliaw. If" we could show you the $16 Men’s Fine Suits we are of fering at $9 .9 8 It would not re- ruire any effort to sell. They ars extra fine, all wool worsteds, medium weight, all the year round suits. Choice styles that arc so pleasing to the genteel dresser. Won’t you come in and take a look at them, not a suit in the store reserved. You ean take your pick of any $15 suit for $9 .98 . Bird’s Mgmmoth Store. P. S . You can have our $15.00 black dress Overcoats at $9 .98 also* Mrs. James Murray was tho recip ient of 100 post cards and 21 hand kerchiefs as tho result of a pft:'t card and handkerchief shower ar ranged by lior friends in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Murray Iswell known and lovod by many friends as was attested by the shower thm wools* Mrs Murray returns "grateful thanks to her many friends whoso kindly remembered the anniversary of iter birth. J. H. MemiXAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer, Manufacturer of Cement J Grave Vaults and Cement Building! Blocks. Telephone 7, I CedarviHe, ;Ohti, ......... SHOCKING FISH. An Attuning Experivrtc* With a Coup** of Slectrieal jjM n B Ip the natural liiafnvy o? tropical South America there are few crea tures more curious than tho elec trical eels. They are interesting to the stranger because of their power to impart an electrical shook, anfi many nmusing stories arc told of their actions in that respect. Some of the best are related by J. K. War ren in his work on “ Para, or Scenes and Adventures on tho Banks of the Amazon.” A friend at whose house we were visiting, writes Sir. Warren, had a small eel of the electric kind which he kept in a tub of water placed in the yard, A thirsty duck in rum bling about in search of water chanced to see this vessel, upon the side of which he perched himself and began very inconsiderately to drink. In a moment he received a shock which made all his feathers stand on end and which magnified him to twite his ordinary size. But the duck was more valorous than any one would have supposed, for ho returned to trie attack with such violence that he would have vonn dispatched his slippery enemy nad inn a servant interposeu anu ’ prevented so tragic a termination of the battle. Two incidents as amusing as the foregoing; took plaic on board our vessel while we were on our return voyage to the United States. Among our living curiosities wehad two young electrical eels, which we . kept in a largo tub on deck. ! Wishing one day to change the water, we upset the tub, leaving the. creatures for a few minutes on the dry boards. Having replenish ed the vessel with fresh water, we’ requested one of the sailors to put j j them in, As he proceeded to do *eo he received a strange thrill, which caused him to let the fish fall from his hand in a moment. He attempted it again, but with no better success. Infinite was tho consternation of the other sailors, who all tried in turn to put the diabolical fish into the tub, and truly laughable wore their looks of wonderment occasion ed by the' mysterious sensations which they had severally experi- encf 1. Xo one, however, was more amazed than the captain’s mate. Being himself wholly unacquainted with the properties of the fish, he was unable to imagine any other , reason the sailors could have for <ir than the difficulty of ■ t - holding such slimy and slippery things in one’s hands. Fortified with this opinion, the mate walked boldly up to the lar gest eel and seized it with a power ful grasp in order to prevent tho possibility of escape on the part of the fish. He was soon forced to let go his hold and to yell out as lustily as if some one had touched him with a bar of hot iron. After much laughter the captain finally pro cured a shovel, and we returned the cels to their native element with out any further difficulty. The Meaning of Book*. A good book is the purest es sence of a human soul. The good of a book is not the facts that, can be £ot out of it, but the kind of resonance that it awakens in our qwn minds. A book may strike out of U3 a thousand things, may make us know a thousand things that it does not know itself. Every ono able to read a good book becomes a wiser man. He becomes a similar center of light and order and just insight into the things around him. A collection of good books contains all the nobleness and wisdom of the world before us. Every heroic and victorious soul has left his stamp upon it. A collection of hooks is the best of all universities, for the university only teaches how to rojia the book. You must go to the book itself for what is in it.—* Thomas Carlyle. fe ’ • . in, ^Tir . ,t,■„! ■' ■#.. Thoroughly Lord Greenfield, being asked to buy something by a smart young matron who kept a table at a ladies’ fair, said that he wanted what was not for sale—a lock of her ha'ir. Whereupon she promptly cut off the coveted curl' and handed it to him, naming the price—a hundred dollars. Later tho purchaser was. showing his trophy to a little circlo' of friends, / "She rather had you there,” laughed one benedict. “To my cer tain knowledge she only paid $3 for the entire bunch.”—Lippineott’s. Lincoln’s Rules For Living. Do not worry, eat three squnm. meals n day, say your prayers,' ho courteous to your creditors, keep your digestion good, steer clear of biliousness, exercise, go slow and go easq Maybe there are other things that your special case re quires to make you happy, but, mv friend, these, I reckon, will give you a good lift.—Abraham Lincoln, tWicumallr* tmnn etlev*a | j «s < *nii.p,. r >‘Hi« «*»«ima s* THE ELDER & JOHNSTON CO. DAYTON, OHIO. Winter Clearance Sale S T A R T S SATURDAY. JANUARY 22d, 1910. < * During the next two weeks, this store will be the scene of a mercantile event of unprece dented importance— a Clearance which for sacrifice of price and excellence of qualities involved will surpass any ever known. With a higher trend at every quotation, each department bought heavily, and now we have the largest stock in our history, It must be lessened at once and prices are whacked right and left. Everything goes from jIT’S A TWO WEEKS SALE! You may profit to the Wearing"Apparel to House j | fullest extent by those Furnishings, Books, Jewel-1 O t r i C f i y junusual buying opportun* ry, Etc.. Etc. j FOR. CASH. * WE SERVE A GOOD DINNER FOR 25 CENTS ON THE 4th FLOOR.
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