The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

VV- W-~VI J jf Cikjp i IjWarfe will euLTpasv with f alias any other ur n . . . . ? 'Cedar* Xerald. 5TF3 f?cn r.fcn irrukccl fc-lh c if > Irdea, ccr/::c!ica£S yc"? odbccsjj < t io v& t <•:o ard a jjroofJ ccX •>, >u t r 1 10 carxecilv deoired.. . . . . . t mis HB YEAIi u . a y m i v m j : , o r n o , F r i d a y , I 'K i h i v a h y 4 , w w PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. HEW MAN, Lively Discussion Of Valuations. THEPOLITICIANS. Bi-Monl ing of 'ANDREWOFFICE. ■Governor' Harmon on S a tu rday removed Mr. (5.15. Jobe of ■th is place ns a member of the State Board of Agrioutim*. Mr. John re ­ ceived his appointment under thf H a rris adm in istration and h a t eorved two yearn, though his term was for five years. The Govorner ashed to r the re ­ signation early la s t week hu t Mr. Jobo ignored tho request w ith the Qdovo result. Thu Governor states th a t it is within ilia power io re ­ move a member under the now law and 'g ives as hio reasons th a t Mr. Jobo has not been m sympatl y with the policy outlined as to the conduct of the board’s bussiness. Tho Governor has named E , L- Lybargor, a G rand Army m an and former member of the legislature, to fill the . vacancy. The new a p ­ pointee is a Republican as was Mr. Jobe. Mr. Jobe fell victim of the changes th a t are dealt out under our politi­ cal system in th a t the ' ‘spoils be­ longs to tho v ictor” . The Govern or of course had, to have some ex­ cuse to offer to the public as to Mr. Jobe’s removal and gave the old established rule “ no t in sympathy” thatiB used in the removals and ap­ pointments by both of the parties. We reg re t th a t th e Governor has taken sncli action and know that Mr..Jobe has been a fa ith fu l official and acted in the rig h t on a ll m a t­ ters as his conscience d ictated . But then conscience is r t unknown term- to tho politician and .every officer m ust do w h a t the “ power” wants or off goes your official head. | Tho open meeting of tho Board oi ■Trade Monday evening for tho din ; cnnsion of was well att< box acted as pr absence of Dr. J . O. Stewart, who | Herald came la te r { ho Tim i u™ mu- Now th a t Mr. G. 15. Jobe has beep of Grom;,' ( \ . T,. taxes and vnlualit-ia ’relieved of bin place on the State- v-ill ho trl-l in in 'lull'd. Mr “f t . J . •Board of Agriculture owing to the auditorium . i»l esident owing to the-.political views of the Governor, tho 12, lUl'h S a lm d a j L.T. 1. HAPPENINGS. The Senior ."Loyal .Temperance Legion held its bi-inontlily meal­ ing la s t F rid ay evening, The paper prepared and read by Miss I h a f ’arjs was an in teresting fea tu re of th e evenings program . The following superin tenden ts for. various depart- . m ea ts of work v as appointed for th e coming y ea r: Evangelistic su- perin tendan t. Marguerite K y le , F low er mission, E n la Tu rbos; Med­ a l contest, W ilmah Spencer; Anti- narcotic, Andrew Gresweli; F a ir and open a ir meetings, Robert Conley; Christian citizenship and law enforcement- Wm R itte r; Mer­ cy-Hazel Low ry; Pu rity in L ite ra ­ tu re and a rts- R u th Tonkinson; P ress- E th e l Spencer. The S ta te m id-year m eeting of the L. T. L. was held Tuesday, Decs. 28 HK>9 in Yellow Springs. In the afternoon there was an exe.cut.ive committee meeting, while they were in session the different presid­ en ts were called on to toll what th e ir Legion wa« doing. A fine speech was made by Pros. Wilbur. Cooley which caused tho hea rts of the Cedarvllie Legion to swell with pride, Yellow Springs and Fair- field also responded. In the evening before the program began, tho offic­ ers wore elected for Greene County. Tho following were e l e c t e d P r e s i ­ dent, Miss Mary E rv in ; Vico Pres­ ident, Mrs. H a rry Nagley; Record­ ing Secretary, G ilbert Funderbtirg of Yellow Springs; Corresponding Secretary, Mirja E dn a F la tte r of Fa irfie ld ; Treasurer, Dwight Htev- ro tt. The nex t mooting of the L. T. L. will bo Tuesday ovemng, Feb. 9 a t 7:30 o’clock in the Carnegie Hall. AH members are urged to be preo- on t. - -Fresh lino of aetealo, crackers and cakes a t McFarland Bros. flntiiitflammaiiis Human hands have no p a rt in m anufacturing An tiin- fiammatus. From tho mo­ ment. tho- ingredients a re placed In tho compounding maehina un til tho mirso removes tho finished pro­ du c t from tho sterilized con ta iner a t tho bedside, ’very moves is done by m a­ chinery and under th e most rigid atdlscpfio precautions* Tho phyoie'an desiring ins patrons to use one ot the Most perfect products of t o kind need no t fea r to i’oeommond it both a s re­ ga rd s qua lity and price*- IS' ovst disappoints, always- sa tisfac to ry , f j lbs, 2:*e? 1 lb Sue; 0 lbs W i s t e r m a n ' s P h a r m a c y Tho subjects wore many as)Unvari­ ed and th e arguments were livelj and bristled with w it,pathos and sarcasm. Wo have not space to toll a ll th a t was said and wo doubt if any ono present con relate tho happenings of tho evening. While the taxes and village ap- prainments were th e main topics, tho subject "of economical manage­ m en t of public affairs was dwelt upon from a wide point of view. The addition of improved te rri­ tory to tho corporation was advo­ cated by Dr. S tew a rt and he bad the support of the audience In thiB movement. I t is estimated th a t about $200 yearly could be added to tbe corporation funds under the present levy on the valuations as a read by Mr. Pollock. The la t­ ter holds out t h a t th e expense would not justify th is movement. I t is a question whether an investment of a reasonable sum would not be benifleial in the long run. One ex­ pense would se ttle the m a tte r for years to come. A roso lu tation was passed re­ questing the secretary to write to Representative J. E . Lewis p ro test­ ing aga in st the proposed bill of a l­ lowing the commissioners to levy ono m ill for fair board purposes. Several spoke ag a in st tbc b ill while Mr. R. C.. W a tt favored it and explained t h a t the counly should own its own fa ir grounds as the land was being offered a t a bargain. Adjournement was taken .until Tuesday evening in the Mayor’s office. A resolution was passed th a t the Board of Trade and council each name two persons to comprise a committee to confer and advise with Mr. John Pierce, the village, app raiser as to the new valuations. suggests th a t tho no rth ­ eastern p a rt of the county have a', NOTICE. I have, taken over the ItaftffftSn stock of post cards and fancy eta tin n e ry a n d ' would he pleased to have friends call and see me in my new quarters. I w ill hand le all kinds of fru its and vegetables in season. Wm Marshall. THEATRE NOTES. The Fairbanks Theatre, Spring- field, will offer on Tuesday, Febru­ ary Bth, one of the foremost of mod­ ern dramas, “TheTh lef,” interpret­ ed by two Of the leading players of the stage, H erbert Keleey and KiJlo Shannon. '1hio p lay , it w ill be re­ called, iaono of the g reatest su rm is­ es of recent years. I t imo already held the stage for three seasons and will doubtlesk"continue to interest and a ttr a c t for as many more. I t is a tense drama from beginning to ond. The situations grip tho au­ dience a t the s ta r t and holds tho in­ terest un til tho conclusion. Too theme, it will he recalled, is (ho jus­ tification advanced by a wife who steals in order to provide heroeli with finery tha t she may retain the the adoration ami iovo of her hus­ band. He, himself is without the means to supply her w ith tho.adorn* merits which ho io desirous of see­ ing her wear. Tho big scene of the production io tho one in which ho forces his wife to confess her theft. Adequate presentation in every re­ spect is assured. Margaret Anglin will be seen in her notv ploy “ The Awakening of Helena R itch ie” a t tho Fairbanks Theqtro, Thursday, Feb ruary loth. Four acts, pansing in the home and garden ot Mrs. E itehio are, taken to toll tho sto ry , which begins when Helena Kimble 1ms deserted her drunken husband and comes to live in Old Chester as tho sinter of Lloyd Pryor, in whoso Iovo oho expects to find the happiness th a t eluded her in he r first attempt; of ttio heart B5io is regarded as a widow by the village people, whom so fa r as pos­ sible, she. keeps a t a distance,, and only a t the request of Dr. Lavender oho consent to take into her homo a boy, David, whom he brings t o i n r . Tho nows of her husband 's death, followed by tho revelation of her lover’s loss of affection for her. ' iier confession atid the awakening ‘th a t comes in her atonement by pa rting with tho adopted child whom sho had learned to love- all these d ram atic episodes of tho no* vol are retained in tho play. Lov­ ers of fine acting and good plays are promised a treat, when tin s company cornea to town. t«iCufi.o«te Louis r>» ue» - dt. M m Aftti-Kdft ffil*. * dsmm ^rn (: n*,! l y. Morning Dovoilnnal, ■darvilio e.dfige* W1 cand idate for county commissioner, in tho person of th is esteemed c iti- Hon; * zcn. .Mr. Jobo served on the A g r i . ^ ^ Holds 111 # cu ltu ral Board without, pay o th e r. William.-, . than actual expense and there in no HrauvilJo, o .: i« c reason why Cedarviile township should not be listed for a place on the board of commissioners. We know of no person who io more com-' petent or careful of hio business than Mr. Jobe and feel th a t his ef­ forts for the tax payers would ho for tho in te rest of all. tb ly Meeting 'FF-ieiafion jfcKlidoy J-ohool ilo, February" *$k> standard -MeGiiesney, iBirlng asEocia- ohakespp&rc Prof. g . l . 1 Halter ForMayor; Badge ForMarshal Firo destroyed the office and p a rt of a waroroom owned by Andrew Bros, about ha lf pant three Batur- ’ day morning, when the alarm was \ , . ,, turned in th e office was a seething Ulld{!1’ t!ie government ol the majority, and the “ lifted lid ” m furnace and in a few minuton spread JT',^hb ‘d to tho scale shed and then to the Tho lid has been lifted, evidently, from what boiled over la st BabbuDi morning. But then this was to bo expected under tho Andrew-Ridgv vy businocs adm in istration .” Thcro should 1e little ci n pku : t f< j mi to o w h a t wan * mversuy, •lub ricating oil. ai:isrrc!'!‘sq'b(' Ut. smian Who hiiHon, prin- Woo'iter, (>. Jamestown seems to have tho fe­ ver for a ll theoffices, whether in the county or congressional district, and they have a rig h t to this feel­ ing if they want it, A. G, Carpen­ ter -has served two terms as county eommissiouci’ and will no t enlist in the-primary fight next May. J . E. Lewis while residing in Ross town­ ship is a p a rt of th e Taylor political machine in Jamestown, Jesse Tay­ lor will try for Congress again and now W aiter Barnett, the mayor, of. th a t village th inks he would fit bet­ ter in the-office of county commis­ sioner and has announced himself for th a t place. Ae there are mole offices to be fillet* there is still room for more aspirants from Jamestown. We hope they will be more success­ ful than their fello\v townsman, wno is the first Republican to allow' the Democrats to carry the comity. As the tax question is paramount with, all a t the present time i t m ight be well for the ta x payers to consid­ er the position of J . 23.. Lewis, Greene county’s representative in in the legislature, on the expendi­ ture of public money. There is a book g ra ft th a t is pulled off each session m what is known as “How e’s H istory o f Ohio” wherein fhe sta te spend* several thousand dollar* for these books for free distribution. For the past few years | MS® a lobby in Cciumhusi'qnai to the 1J* Jwind direction, southwest; per cent, quor forces when a pi'omineut m ess-!s u n s h i n e , f o g s , 4; frosts, 7; range ure affecting their in terests is up!o f temperature, tl degrees; average fov final aetflomout, A few days} tempera!are 31 degivfs; d e a r days. lil-l niandard Why So Many Btory of a Ink}* Won” , }>f*U J , If. ciplo 'imuJimr seh Fu ive rsiiy , Aftcrnoiiu sesi-lo -- Music; address. Are Fond of Whittlfcr” , Fiof. W il­ liam s; recess; m lrtA * , “ a question cf Investment” , #rof. Diekason. Music for the day jumler. tho dir- ection.of Prof. J . W; Leaf it-, Direct­ or of Music for Xenia schools. Former Officers Are-Praised. One of tho most shocking acts, t-vor comm itted in tho village was forced upon a number of cifizenn last Babbatb morning while they w« i e on th e ir way to church. The affair was so degrading th a t we are fore* d to with hold the names of tho parties who wore witnesses to th e ac ts of a. The dcp'U’tmeht was slow m gch-sman no intoxicated th a t he had lost all m anner of decency, To know’ ware-room whore there was a quan- Ity of sa lt, coal oil, gasoline and A represent at ivf M tho S ta te Bur­ eau o f Accounting was in town Thursday exam ining the Corpora­ tion books, the u«o a l examination being made every t wo years. The examiner found tins books a ll in excellent condition and highly commended Mosers J , II, Wolford. Jacob Siegier. and J . G. MeCorkell for the neatness end busins'RS-Hke manner in which flic books bad- been k ep t bunug their term of office. Their accou rts were correct to the cent and Exam iner stated th a t their wark wax as satisfactory as any ofilioiais In- had called upon, A high co apUm*#T was paid Mr. Wolford a s major" In. th a t he was the only official tt m n g in th a t ca­ pacity in tho county th a t had collected ami turrn-d over any tium-. e.v In ffiatc ca:-es., WEATHER ting the appratus to tho firo In that' to many citizens failed to give a helping hand and rushed to the scone of conflagation. Once the de­ partmen t was in action tbe fire w’aa checked without-any trouble. Tho owners carried no insurance nor (lid they .have a safe for the. protection of valuable papers. They claim th a t several deeds, mortgages notes, and a ll tfaoir books were de­ stroyed. I t is said th a t they have no means of k n o w in ,o f those who were indebted to them. 1’he cause of the fire is unknown hut the owners claim it to be of mcenduu’j origin and say tha t they have good reasons wher- to lay tho blame. -Tho deputy state fire m ar­ shal of Dayton was in town Snt- making an investigation. Tho office was bu ilt a number of years ago by the late S. K. Mitch­ ell during the time ho operated a lum beryard . The presen t owners expect to rebuild a t once. HONOR ROLL. ago tho House voted to have 17,Wiu copies of these books published a t a cost, of ?3i,t)(lt) and only three mem* bors voted agaiimt tbe measure and we did not find Mr. Lewis’ name in th a t Ih , Sine, tho House voted for th a t measure the Senate lias killed the hill and given it a decent burial. • Good Program For Institute. The Jamestown Far’mors' In sti­ tute will be held February 14 and M and a good pi •... > has »*. *.-i p re­ pared for the event. Tho citato speakers will he J . B. Brigham and J . W. Hicodemuc;. Monday a fte r­ noon there will be ladies session for which the program will be: “ Dari: and Bright side of Farm Life” , Mrr*. (’. H; W althall; demon* stra tion of flrelera eooln ry, n a d - ing Prof. Palmer; ‘ Homo surround- ingy” , J .W Xieodemus. Mrs. Bra­ den Sm ith will have charge of tho question box. There will bo an evening session Monday. Tuesday morning W. B. Bryson ofOaklftwn Stock Farm will read a paper on “ Confonnation and (*c:rr of the Horse.” Tuesday afternoon a lo ­ cal speaker will be I*. XV Llnton.The officers of tho in stitu te are: I’m s , J . H. Lackey; Vico Pres., Mrs.I". P. PaulHn; stc re fa ry and treasurer, Bosworth Porter. NOTICE. The Cedxn’Ulo L ight &Power Co. effom to tho public, its preferred Mock at. 03(1 per 'share par value. Thin preferred stock is a preferred claim on its entire plant, building, tmvohiufiy, equipment, contract,' and extensions and pays ft-per cent, payable neini-atinually and is non* taxable to the share holder. For fu rther Information see the officers of the company. Officers and Hhareboldera; (5. F, Biegler, W. J . T’arbox, M. I. Marsh, O. L. Fiiiiith, D. 15. Ervin, L H, rhillonbergor, I. B. Preston, 15. G. Lowry. "J —FOR HALE: Two hanging lamps, cheap. Inqu ire a t this office for owner. ti; cloudy days, 2b; p a rt cloudy, f>; highest temperature, 32 degrees; lowest temperature U2 degrees; U snows, 7 inches deep. Janu a ry , lijlo was 3 degrees warmer than Decem­ ber W(JUon an average, ,Samuel Creswell, Observer. Not Exempt From Cholera. I OR HALE:--A cement lilneh niaebitsn ami moulds for several kinds of work. Also house snovhjg otuflf, pulleys, ropes, etc. Apply to A , X). Towasley, The following arc names of pupils neither ta rdy nor absen t: D ist No. 1- -Margaret Linson, E d ­ die Linson Ruth Linson, Louis Linson, Bessie Linson, Bailey G rin - null, Ralph Fry, Pau l Fry. , Diet. No. 2—Emma Chaney, Ma­ bel Murdock, E dn a Hanna, Reha Harbisou, Hazel Si, John , A rthu r Hanna, Howard Murdock, Howard Kennon, Ollis Bt. John , W ilbur Conley, Robert Andrew. Dwight North up. . Dint. No. a Mabel .Dailey, Marie Lackey, Edith Ram- Lawrence Andrew, Morton Creswell Dist. No, d ..2’etu‘Iu Evans, Mil­ dred Evans, Allie Hixoti, E lva Mc­ Millan* E th e l McMillan, Pearl Mor­ row, Vada Morrow, Harold Cooley, F rank Evans, Robert Evans, W il­ bur McMillan, Meryl Stormont. D lst. No. 7—Florence Matthews. W. C. LACEY, Bupt. th a t men and women have to p u t up with such In a community ouch an this, is astounding. Complaints were made to th o officers b u t as yet no th ing has been done. The Marshal is waiting on instructions from the Mayor. Thus it can be seen th a t th s executive officer!: of tbe village dare no t take steps to a rre s t a drunk th a t has been guilty of a serious act. B u t then it must bo known who th is drunk was and then it will he seen why the officers have refused to take notice, Tbe guilty fellow lias bet u the po rter (n th e Ridgway drugstore and Mayor Andrew or Marshal Mc­ Lean dare not lift their hand. The question m ight be asked why those who saw the a c t did not file the papers*? Because if such were the case some two or three h igh ly l < - spooled ladies would have to appear in court and testify as to w h a t to* k place and no respectable citizen would allow Ins wife to appear. L a ter tho same day a general fight took place on a back street,” a ll be­ cause one man drank more of the whiskey than the others received. This case has gone unnoticed by the officers because of the “ business ad ­ m in istration” policy. • Some idea of the Mayor’s adm in istration so fa r can be gained from Ibe above and the actions of a peace distu rber w ith nn open kn ife, a couple of weeks ago. Three officers were requiri rt to' overpower the mu n. This same fellow called the mayor twenty va rie ties of vile names y d His Honor could only assess a fine of bu t “ five and costs.” The more money taken from the boys the less there is for tho busiiiess “adm inis­ tra tion” —the drugstore. While the druggist decorated the Marshal with his official badge it .now appears the'Mayor lias been given a “h a lte r.” CeMlie township School Report. * . 8 & p B! s m 02 : m. B? m S ' 02 w . Ett . w •02 . m ■ 03 m w M m n a ►3 bA -l-A MiO O zrj03 (S % •M■' O 02 ' ^ ' ■O: -53'- - *=t .O 0 W f <& ' ■ O j ■■J*.' 3 '1 Number of D istric t....... .............. Enrollment.................................... Average Daily Attendance........ Per Cent Daily A ttendance... ... Nutnhnr T a rd y ............................ Number I b w i i t Every Day ..... Per Cent Present Every I)ay..... Number pf Visitors.................. .... Rank of J a n ............... ..... ............ i 1 2 SI 4 5 6 7 j 27 22 8 18 10 22 12 119 22 l ’J 8. 14 0 20 11 10S 182 87 09 78 90 Oi 80 88 1 6 10 0 10 0 12 1 40 12 6 0 5 IS 1 •iff ;s3 (ill 73 0 00 l>5 8 SR l . O - *a 0 0 0 0 £ 4 1 C i 2 7 8 '2 a W*G. LACEY, The Greene County F a ir Board organized last Monday with the fol­ lowing officers; President R. D. Williamson; Vico P residen t J . B, Lucan; Secretary R. R. Grieve; Treasurer, O. M. Austin . REPORT CEDARVILLE VILLAGE SCHOOLS FOR JAN . 1010 Number ot Rooms................. .................... Pri 1 8i 8 4 5 I G1 -V| S’t Tot 'Enrollment............................ .................... 23 38 80 20 33 31 37 201 20 201 Average A ttendance............................... 19 31 19 24 20 28 85 28j 19 282 Per cent Daily A ttendance.................... 83 89 63' 92 88 90 95 94 : 95 83 Number Tardy........................................... 4 10 2 4 16 5 6 10) 4 61 Number Present Every Dav................... B 18 5 16 12 16 27 14! 9 117 Per eonfc Present Every D a y ,................ 22 34 17' 01 41 51 73 54! 45 44 Number of Visitors.................................. 1 2 i; 1 *4 2 2 1) 3 15 Rank for Jan ............................................. 7 6 o, 8 8 4 2! 6 1 T eaciihus : Primary, Miss Stormont; No. 1, Miss McFarland; No. 2, Mies H a rtley ; No, 3; Miss Townsley; No. 4, Mr. Masterson; No. 5; Miss F inney; No. (i, Foster, Morton and Reynolds; High School, Morton Foster and Reynolds. F. P. Foster, director of music. ” . ' F. Iff. REYNOLDS, Sup’t Tho veterinary department of the Ind ian a experiment station reports a test in which four hea lthy *mule- footed hogs and four cloven-footed hog'. >f mixed breeding of equal size and weight were exposed to hog cholera in an infected pen contain­ ing a sick cholera bog. A n a result all hogs became «ick a fter seven days exposure, and a fte r eleven j days of oxpoBuro tlirco mule-footed S hogs bad died of to g cholera while g tho fourth made a r- covery. The I* checks or cloven-isott-J hogs died I d mi thv, twelfth and th irte en th daya ]$ a fte r exposure, t avo t.::e which also made a rccovt ry, l:i th is experi­ ment it was shown th a t tne mule- footed hogomiecumhrd to the disease with the tiaiuo p tnmpttxrn as other hogs, and th a t n a tu ra l uimiwnity in other hogn, Is eonih.f d only to indi­ viduals wSik’ii may occasionally es* capo. LEGAL NOTICE, Case No. lL’JSik Common Pica:- Gratrt, Giectso County, Ohio. Com Harvey, Plaintiff, vs. Ed. Harvey, Deffir latif. Ed. Harvey, place »>f residonco unknown, will tuhn irsfLe t h a t on the 2d day of Pebruui-y, A« lb TOIO, Cora Harvey filed Its miij I e<siirt her petition agaiie.t Ulux tor divorce upon the ground« of iv lm im cruel­ ty and groc.s >.'t o f du ty and th a t the name will be f*T hearing at tho Court Homo, in N< isia, Olffo, on March 2!sb WIb. a t 0 o’clock a. m „ or a t thereafter m the samnean he heitui, by w h lrli tiino sold defend a” « must m ^w ef Of 'le- i,3tir or jndMu* !it 'i ff* bft taken against him* jiff, sSLgs'd Corn Hfirtoy.! j''g**Mayoi- Br» noan iff Xenia ss htu-k ill the basnrvH «g«in jim fmv* liUUl in the - which |-.(Wi 1 ioU be h* Id p t‘ vb*HH to hiB dectiots four «*o. Golden '~UW A To Buy a H i^ h -O ra d e S u i t o r O ve rc o a t a t a G re a t B a rga in , LAST SALE OF THE SEASON. A m , X A 825.00 Suit or Overcoats. 822.50Suit cr Overcoat... 820.00 Suit or Overcoat.. 818,50 Suit or Overcoat.., 816.50Suit or Overcoat... $18.50 Suit or Overcoat.. <« t * t ,.,$18.75 ...810.75 , 814.85 . . .818,25 . . . 8 1 1 . 0 0 . . . .$9.85 1=4 Off on Children’s Overcoats S P E C IA L : Or. Wright’s famous spring needle or natural wool underwear sold the world over for $1.00 now 85c. See m before you purchase. I t will pay, you. Home Clothing Company, 93 “The Quality Store. New Bank Block, « ° Cedarviiie, Ohio. Get The Habit Trade a t Home, f, x / /