The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

o m J ■* % * 1 *1 tlaeiro fan* liavQ to taiat >ur IjwtoiK'F.. or Meats only Mud to appliances for a n d th q y ’r* h * m L Don’t it’d hot. Buy U SB , IS, O. eumatism, ins of any tlie sys- strainnp-. Almost' an be ob~ Dr. Miles and with- ter-efCeets. rst indiear i t will ’liey are a ablet, sold ’erywbere, cents; nlk. onnstant head- four years. A t . n fitted for the ii^agcd, that of tcrla the advice . Miles’ Antl- esult has heen eradicated my uous headaches 1 mental strain, me all that i3 RUSSEIX,, attic Creeh, la. tiles' Anti-Pain ' for neuralgia •ling Mice them- i a idcssins? to HAMH.TOJSr. jper Alton, Ills, r. MiIso’ Anti- ithorize him •to package (only) U. Elkhart, la d nervous ,1* Hie Mirse, Ky., “had he heart, ar. e of Mrs. ok 2 bot- and it did than any took. rs old and s not left lots better ui.” ’s Tonic ertised and no: friends, o advised | fie Cardui, n cured of trouble, by knewwhat *o. tired Mrs. A t e . it you too. it? ", n, d< x.'r ,:.rr r-:ya3j.i,” S.*Jfl J c'cw!’D h " Aj <tdQ wit pci 1 lrjx» ftr,, t 'r , iC^ti' 6 . 4 4W w * II, & A. Bird's Saturday Specials “A R E M O N E Y S A V E R S ” Look them over carefully. W e offer you, today only, Satur­ day, February 12th. 3 Sacks Corn Meal for............................................. ................. ............ 2 5 c 3?£ lbs. Crackers..................................................... 2 5 c ■libs Prunes (choice o n e s ).................................;.................................. 2 5 c 8 Bars “ K in go f tho Laundry Soap” ............... ................................ 2 5 c 8 iOo-pacbages Quaker or Mothers Oats.......................................... 2 5 c 8 lOo-packages Post Toasties.................. 2 5 c 1 lb. can Royal Baking powder................. ............ .......... ................. 4 4 e S ILK THREAD regular 5o Spools...................... / ............................. 4 c COTTON THREAD 6 spools for......................................................2 5 c G INGHAM (apron checks) o«r7/5o line, por yard........... 6 1»4c CALICO all colors, per yard.............................. .................................. 6 c ORANGES ■ * * j Extra fancy California Navels, our 25c grade, per dozen..... ..1 9 c This is a “special bargain” APPLES Good Baldwins, medium size and smooth stock, per pk...........3 0 c VALENTINES— BOOKLETS And “Valentine Post Cards” the largest stock in town to select from, each........................................................................................... i c to $1 lo Valentines and Post Cards.......................................... .......... ..7 for 5 c 2o Valen tines and P o s tc a r d s ......................................... ........ ,..3 for 5 c $1.48 Women’s Muffs for................................................................ .......8 9 c $2.50 Women’s Muffs for ................................................... :.......... $ 1 .4 8 55,00 Women’s Fur Scarfs f o r .........................;............................... $ 2 . 9 8 $7.60 Women's Fur Scarfs fo r .................. ......................... .... .• $ 3 . 9 8 Men’s $3.60 and $3.00 Corduroy Panf s (all sizes)............. ...... $ 2 . 5 8 These-are extra heavy and good. BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE & Q u a l i t y la *rh 3 t yonbuy1*of indr©Importancetoyou. thanproflUthat thodealerswkosoffwlisthoiwllajou. Jinnydealer* are soshort- - sighted thatthoonlythinethoywill considerin thepurchasoof'stock • 13howcheaptheyCanbuyit, Theythinktho,canperanadotheircustom, cmtobuywhatthoyhavoin stockanyway. Arc you that claVof extern, or? Ia * PEERLESS FENCING ,n "“torW, Inworkmanship. Intheory ofcnnstrnctioij, itcortsallttlomoro on tho rod. but not enough tobo noticablo, andyouaroassuredofnfence thatwilt lastn)lfctltoc. Donot ^occoptanysubstitute, MakeyourdealergotPoorlesafenceforyon. Peerless Wire Fence Co., **& ADBIAN. MICH. Physicians Advise ,tho nso of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent tho poisons of undigested food fromgettingmto year system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on tiie liver, as welt as on the Stomach and towels, and is of tho greatest possible efficacy in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, Sickheadache, feverishness, colie,flatulence, etc. Try VF1 VELVO LAXATIVE LIVER NEW MEAT STORE I have opened a meat store in the J. C Barber room and asks for a share of your patronage. 'H f * finest outfit In the county ha? fcoen ■ , v ■ 5 f 4 * h fc'iing. Intuiting and re- ■ 1 . 9 I. .j s u o i i ll 01 a i. 3 . Oar p ile a w ill a lw ay s be consistent w ith the market quotations. Infection *nvitel C. C. Weimer. T iiY OU a JOd PRINTING f J I mm and • | —Don’t; idieb the big S toq allow MoBday night; a t the opera Immerf —Ifcrgaioo In Haifa and Overcoat d Heine Clothing Co. tkw A\aJn i t c a * I Dir. Hay ricTurlnn'I of Springllsld spent Hobbafh fcoi >. ''■pfr-eh lino e l cereals, epaekors ami cakca afcMoFarlaad Ores. Mr. B . S. Ervin was in Cincinnati the first of the week on business. Mrs, Caroline Wilson spent the week with relatives m Xenia, • T’rco show Monday night a t tho opera house. The G. C. T. Club was entertained Wednesday afternoon by the Misses Orr. Tho Emroidery Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W, R. MeChennoy, Mr. B. J. MeChesney, of tho Sem­ inary, spent Saturday with Prof. W, It. MoChesney. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird enter- gained a number of friends at din­ ner, Friday." —Cottage Bakery’s and Krug’s bread ‘fresh daily at McFarland Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Cherry have issued invitations for a Valentine party, Monday evening. Mrs. J. W. Johnson visited Mr. Joseph Van Horn, Friday, who is confined in a Columbus hospital. Mrs. Fannie McKenzie of New York is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan. Mrs. Wm. Neeld of Xenia spent Thursday w ith Dr. E , C. Oglesbee and fam ily. —FOR SALE :—Three hundred bushels of White Seed Oats at fifty cents per bushel. F. O. Harbison. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Whittalcpr of South Solon were the guest of her sister Mrs. Albright this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Townsley en­ tertained it number of friends at dinner Thursday. —The best In groceries and can­ ned goods a t McFariand Bros. The Modern Comedy Company the attraction at the opera house all n e st week comes h ighly reeom- 11 ended. ____________ . Mr. and Mrs. George Oldham *f Springfield were guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. F inney Tues­ day. Mr, and Mrs. C. N. Stuckey who have been v isiting relatives in Vir­ ginia and Pennsylvania for several weeks returned homo Wednesday evening. The Modern. Comedy Company, a clean, nioral and refined company ol ladies and gentlemen open a week’s engagement at the opera house, Monday February 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Waddle en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. B. W. And­ erson and sou, Mack, of Clifton and Mrs, Carr of Yellow Springs, at dinner, Thursday. Xenia is to have a Ju ly race meet­ ing, the date having been sot for Jn iy i s ,18, 14, directly following the Dayton meeting The Xenia association w ill join tlio ' Central Ohio Association. Tho Watt & Foiist solo of Duroc Jersey hogs was hold at tho Dayton fair grounds, Tuesday, several from hero attending. The fifty six head sold for an average of 038 . 05 . Mr. IS. F . Korr clerked the sale. Tho Ohio Boo Keepers’Association announces that thero aro now 4'5U0- imO.OuOhoe*in Ohio. This lo a per capita of about 1000 bees for every man, woman and child in this rich old commonwealth, not counting bumble boennud quilting he os. For twenty-two years CompboH’o Varnish Stains have been used by hotise-keekers everywhere- for re- ilniahing Furniture, Floors &Wood­ work. Nothing else w ill give as »<uui satisfaction as tho original. upon getting ‘Camphoil’n O M. Crouse carries a lino of all colors. ........ The or,cape of two desperate crim­ inals from the Ohio penitentiary has resulted in a shake-up in tho jimrdG ar that institution. It is a d tha* Gov*trw-r H n inu i ’ as s ii :,-v rni dun ,> •!(. Mi ong i.nn being J. A. H o ltu i of this county. Mrs. A. W . Osborn celebrated her ninety-first birthday Thursday at which fiine a number of her friends 1\ liietiibem i her with a birthday •art! shower, rfhe received about 70 cards, A number called during tho day to honor of the event. Mr Jos­ eph Osborn of Bandusky was also present, Mr. and Mrs. John McCampboll gave a dinner Thursday to a large number ot friends. Mrs. Ed. Ferris, aud daughter of CincinnaF hav* been visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Ferris. Mrs. D. S. Ervin ami daughter, Mary have returned home after a v is it w ith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ervin of Cincinnati, —FOR BALE: Small sprocket chain for driving corn planters, also separator trucks and some pulleys. -«d F. O, Harbison, Mr Charles Raney has been ap­ pointed administrator o f the estate of his father, the late Samuel Ran­ ey.' The Gilds’ B asket Ball team of the college left this morning for New Concord -where they w ill play Muskingum, . The W. O. T, U. w ill meet in their hall, February 17, There w ill be a special program as itfs in memory of Frances E. Willard. The Antic )h Chautauqua w ill be bold this coming summer on the college campus. The date set is June 18 to 26 inclusive. James E . Galloway, one of the 'pioneer citizens of the county was buried from the home of bis niece Mr». S. M. Allison iti Xenia Mon­ day. Mr. W. J . Sm ith and fam ily of K en t and Mr. James Townsley and fam ily, of Franklin attended the funeral of Mrs. H . A, Townsley Saturday, Mrs. Clara Huffman, w ife of Rob­ ert H« Huffman, of Clifton, died at hor home Saturday. She was 52 years of age. Burial took place i,t tho Clifton cemetery. The Springfield Malinee Club will give tho annual horse show at tho Clark Conhty fair ground on June 8 and 0. This affair is ono of the ones that has grown to be quite a society event. The examination la s t Saturday in Xenia for census enumerators was attended by eighty persons. Ceas- arcreek township did not have a representative. Tim examination consisted largely o f catch questions and was to much for many oi the applicants who quit in disgust. A- motig thoso present from here were Andrew George Calvin Ewry, F. A. Jackson, Hurry Konuon, Mrs. S. c . Wright and Mrs.W'. E . l ’utt. A preacher, at the conclusion ot 0110 his sermons [laid: “L et every 0110 who are paying their debt eland up” . In o tan tly ev try man, woman, ami child with one exception arose to their feet. The preacher eeated them and said: “Now every man not paying Ida debts stand up. The exception noted a careworn, hungry looking individual, clothed in his laot cmmnor’o su it slow ly assumed a perpendicular position. “How is it my friend ’ ash the minister “ that you arc tho only man not to meet bin obligations? ”Xnan a newspaper he meekly answered, “and tho brethcru bore who stood ap aro my subscribers and ■” “Xret us pray” exclaimed the preacher. In the absence of the pastor, Dr. H. O. Middleton, o f Vt Mow Springs voij u iceptably idled Triliity church pulpit on Eabbath both morning and evening. W ithin a few days of his mth birth amdyer. nary, ho preaches with tho vigor of young manhood and gives liln hear­ ers uplifting thoughts in Ghristaiun taith. He and Rev. A N. Gpahr b in e had bsofhtriy off*cfion for each other for a h u st hall a rtn* tury. Tho latter did an unusual thing when he left in h is homo all tha t was mortal of h is dear dead daughter and attended church to hear Ills old friend preach, and then gave testimony the sustaining itrfieo of God in t i c hour of deepest affliction. The si one was pathetic in the extreme hut greatly comfort­ ing to every Christian heart. —Entire ehaugo of p ragm a «seh night a t tho epora next- week. - Wo have tiie kset Oils Overalls In tho county. H o w Clothing Co. *w=rr— Trrg'ii.n , 1 . —Ask for Edgowiont* tracker* at McFarland Bros, —Clean old newspapers for sals at th is office, —FOR S A L E -T h r e e fresh Short- Horn cows with calves by eido. ' 8 d W ill Andrews —Boy*’ $1,00 Woolen Sweater* for 680 . Home Clothing Co. » Mr. Wm. Haines, who has been quite sick for some time, is better this week. '—Take the fam ily to the show at tho opera hom e Monday night. I t’s free. Watch Our Announcement of Automobiles For 1910. Central Electric & Supply Co XENIA, OHIO, STJSCGET OUR PRICES ON PRIPTING X X O n ly O n c e i n a L i f e t im e You will buy a boiler if you buy wisely. A boiler will give you ‘ ■ ' ■ . j • SUMMER H EA T IN W INTER* will heat every portion of your house, and the money invested will give more comfort, health and happiness than can be obtained in any other manner, ft will banish colds, pneumonia and will ROB WINTER OF ITS TERRORS and rigors. While indoors YOU W ILL NOT KNOW IT IS W INTER . Without boiler heat you are missing the . greatest comfort and blessing in life. Find out the cost to secure such heating and you will wonder .why you did not have it done before, HIGH GRADE STANDARD BOILERS furnish well heated houses at minimum cost of installation and for fuel. Twenty-two years’ experience shows us what to furnish to secure best results, O U R C A T A L O G I S T R E E . A ik for it and for any Information about Heating. G I B L I N COu CO . » U T I C A , N. Y. Seven MHSon boxes *oH in pas* To Cure a Cold in One live Bromo Quinine TaMets. ^ month*. This signature, * WLD0UGIAS $3.$3SL0&$4.SHOES BDYSSHOES. £ 2 .ftO $ 2 5 9 E L A S T I C ROOF FAINT F/ for tin, metal, paper, felt .and tubt-roid roalo. lo I proof agaititil tisn v/<athn‘or nr f. Abooluiely non. porous.'’ Will not trad:, ped, blister or stale. Wilt not evaporate after onto bet. Is a fins waterproof­ ing matViial. t otdains no ingredients ouch CDealt and itmo winch enter into tiie coiapooitfoft ©£ the major past of tho so railed roofami feiti fQifitS an tho r.:ark<t to day which have no elastic qualities and ore destructive fa snetalo and fibre d , and arc bound to cryotalko any metal. It in go;in proof. JSifiJfor eirtalarandpike list, VPhy not pmvhase t i t hsl& itn it tests no more. T h e DAbt-MAN COOPCR fSO PP^Y ©©., Powd-du-CaiOjWl# ITny h**d*'*h* Itf- MU**’ Afttl.tMtl Tiffs I k. Blkl>t Ceanrvilltt O THE LARGESTMAKERAND RETAILER OFMEN’S FINESHOESINTHE WORLD. '’eubcmoR t o omen makes " I have worn W. L. Dauttas siiois fc:* t';e pest six years, and always find they are far superior to nil oX.trr l.egb scade shers insiyle, comfort ami durability." W. (I. dON£8, . , . 113Howard Ave., UUf.a, N, Y. If I Could take you into my large fac­ tories at Brockton, Mass,, and show you how Carefully W. t» Douglas shoes are made, you would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greatervalue than any ethermake, fiAli'MOSI'-rv-n.AS\y,t .ff.-ue’ssrvrie- tSJjatHB«4rfia*i«Hrt:.i, 't'AkaNs NntMtitwfe. K j i r * * , u -ti . '%■;,1 v ,',1 w i‘«forwtsd? - r»; 5 ;*' w . mcsmus , THE HIGH GRADE LEHR PIANO 18 USED AND ENDORSED SY theCrsmt Cnnamhr/ elMutlf, ihwYtrkPltf. Th« P*H«wt»sels Cells** *1Musk, WiUsSststils. Chicago Cwssnstery * HieshswHJwst if *Mr*, Chicago. Ihs H ho M o esasorratwyo»MutW,IMd*, Csto, A m OTHKA kKADINO <WA**AVATOAII* Astroctsrtl.filSfcnt and po«c(fol teic, ex^olffto wo, nrrfort mijaslniont and rtutaWo ft.iihinjM-u.p sTo. * Itin tho f.oat rank r ft!. ili-JMsirXuj.’..; 0 t-'i-dsv. It t 91 !» Men! {,!S31f t ’so j,.**. aeawas’eneft .rtfu*eanIt of —• •‘>0 i-iodn s'“.l tt! u:" in Ine msrlcet at a s*i",Cu.tu^v r 1 ucrcr ",ot. v<,3oT.,iJi,rnf nt -joa'if’-'r w n i tn Tint t'AfAf; AH mot 'fUBJJUCW«.u Or pmvr -.- h - —---» -- Ha i-KHR jfc COMPANY, IWanuff>» nil!’!-p.vwhhhtwsuea f' v V k J u S , 11 ) Tjar IXIlEg. Kftstott, P«*