The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26
c imt ■ her. Icats Sml to tea for hey5** on’ t go . Buy eak y e s , ans. .t a •eak elis ion , less, k e n It i s pail- ;art, eves < ia en . fie >nie, uals •e. S3 X ■weak, 1reath: ;> good .lunatic DUS. I ”t cure ; d much i liiank- iccilcine, i others me.” - I't'ON, « York. Heart return t falls k in d i f f on!cs filch rety K it to Ute bdiAvlrn- fcOSCofi.!* ia r:.N n;- t i1 FIHY, ..................... .AiTviC- ■m iiSAH iz& n - z & jg • THE EXGHflHGE BANK. C?J3I>AKYILLE, OHIO. W " *’ a po M t - a p i I of fCfi.Cfjft and on additional stockholders l v.. < ittnt-af* tlcptifeitory fur your tuiui*. W» eanuntiy solicit yourpatronage. S, W. H mitk , I’resEdenfr. G eo . W. B in ), 1st,Vic# Pres. O u v x r G aklolgh , id V. Free. O, L. S mith , Cashisr L. F. T imdai . i ., Assistant Cashisr. The Palce Restaurant Mrs, Chas. Harris, Prop. Xenia Ave, Rooms formerly occupied by C. C. Weimer . Meals by day or week. Lunch served all hours. Furnished Rooms for Rent, Mlp PEERLESS ELASTIC SINGLESTRANDBARB SOLD ONLY IN 80 ROD SPOOLS This barb is made from very hard wire; it is heavily coiled so that it is springy and elastic, and wifi not sag down and stretch out of position before it has been on the posts a year. Barbs are short, and will not slip on the wire. They all stand in one direction.' This barb i 3 much superior to the oldfashioned double strand barb, and costs less per mile. Use Peerless barb over Peerless fence, and you will have a combination that will give you complete satisfaction. Your dealer can get Peerless pro- ' ducts for you. Make him. PEERLESS W IRE FENCE CO., Ltd. M i c h lg u n e=flp= # %== Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels Open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from gettioginto your system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on the stomach and bowels, and is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, colic,flatu!ence, etc. Try VF1 VELVO LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP NEWMEAT STORE I have opened a meat store in the J. C Barber room and asks for a share of your patronage* The finest outfit in the county has been installed for the storing, handling and re tailing of fresh and salt m ea ts .; Our prices will always be consistent with the market quotations. Inspection invited. C. C. Wei|ner. Fifteen Years’ Service Without Pamtisag^Ora Mew R oof3- That is Our Guarantee to You - anti the guarantee Is d am p ed right on the roofing itself with tue year y ou buy it. will last you much longer than that, but for ■ IS ye tr.i we are responsible., ^ ,nn£s°* —lav yam 1 roof cud forget It for 15 years. i^o c upohic—no I'ejvsiriug—ao renewiflg. \Vo i on’t know the wearing possibilities of our «wa footing. . Oar 25-year-ofd roots tzto as eervfccah.o iM - look . « good now as toofiag rs.-s -Wo mala* otif gt«r»ntee, lilyoa'stobesa’fe, but woknow it 1 .?good for tW«i;y«five years. D I C K S L M A M ■n E X T R A . » fAnj-'fry TP/' VV;, ■? ' jf 'x‘^ T m -g* rv, »,.|yi,U!:avOCinl .11 i i'i.lfc.T.'.'. 1 1 '£<•■' Tsi,’ r.C'.a !:i I Bure G'limiHti Metal Roofing fl.'.S fetalP?^filmic* rilsf'fc t a To .«Sv:,>rfpa C j ' *'"r . *1 **• J ‘ * rj r U o’ f-to aoVlffl. i LOOM AND PEI^CNAL f -- ‘* 0 ^ - G#fc the Herjlt—Trad# at Homo. --Bargains in Halt# and Overcoats Homo Clothing Co. —Clean old newspaper* for sal* at this office. M v, A, T. Fttmcy has been on the sick list this Week. Mrs. Hate Jackson of Xema visit ed friends here this week, —Boys’ $1,00Woolen Sweaters for 69c. Home Clothing Co, Battleship Brand Coffee, 20 cents andUS cents at McFarland Bros. Miss Flora Neebit of Xema spent Tuesday with Mrs. F. B. Turnbull. * *V —We have the bestSOo Overalls In the county. Home Clothing Co. Miss Carrie Townsley has been entertaining the grip this week, —Ask for Edgemont crackers at McFarland Bros, Word has been received here that Mr. Charles Tonkinson of Columbus is quits sick. —FOB S A L E T h r e e fresh Short- Horn cows with calves by side, 9d W ill Andrews Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fitch onter- tained a number of friends Monday evening. —Get engraved cards at this office. Cards engraved from old plates. Mr. Joseph Ferryman returned home from Yellow Springs Monday where he has been attending school. Bev. McOerltin of Beaver Falls, Pa., will preach for the B, P. *on- gregation ( 6 . S.), the coming two Sabbaths. —OotFage Bakery’ s and Krug’s bread fresh daily at McFarland Bros. . Mrs. Bobert Kyle of Fair Haven, was called here the first of the week owing to the illness or her father, W. P. Haines. —FOB SALE i—Three hundred bushels of White Seed Oats at fifty cents per huuhei. F. O. Tlarbison. —Fresh line of cereais, rankers and cakes at McFarland Bros. Mr. Charles Galbreatb of Bar ton spent Saturday and Sabbath with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Gal breatb; Miss Bernice Kortbnp has rented the small room recently vacated by Squire Bradford and will open a millinery store in early spring, Mr. Will McMillan, who has been located in Hamilton is ths guest of Ms brother, Mr. James McMillan and other relatives here. Gov, Harmon has designated Fri day, April 8 th as Arbor Boy, on which occasion we should nil go out and do a little Plnchoting. Mrs. W . J. Smith has returned to her home in Kent after spending some time with her brother, Mr. H. A. Townsley and family. Dsvotlonal meeting at the Broth erhood Booms, Sabbath afternoon at 2:30. Prof, Palmer will address us on some subject. L eader . Mrs. J, H. Andrew and Mrs. Charles Ervin of Xenia have been visiting in Middletown and Farm- eravilie for several days. A t a meeting of tho XT. P. Corgreg- afcion Monday afternoon a vote was taken as to the selection of a pastor Rev. Gordon of Huntsville, (.^re ceived the highest vote. FOB SALE:—A cement block machine ami moulds for several kinds of work. Also houso moving outfit, pulleys, ropes, etc. Apply to A. B. Townsley, Mr. O. F. Marshall spent Satur day and Sabbath In Bayton with his daughter, and also attended the banquet of the Ropuplican Clubs Saturday evening. Misses Fannie and Maggie MfeNeill left Monday for Belle Cen ter, O., whore they will visit for a week or ten days. >!);{;•*f 1} f.s:i d.ra 1!'n «")Sit> tl tints iiotfl.jl.e of clack. H wiliia Dltfcstesn *, Wtitiitodaywe Cfjrpk* «ai •krk m Roefirf \< -j'T’i .n!' ",'pVt f i '. iw nan , iv'sr %. ■ v i■ liovi {ftl.wt«ef* fl-) V M f' . A ;.i ; nlrt'A lit,in.'t «** itrnl jrdtt L.>.-ii«n‘1s3£aple. wmefedsf. YH£DICKELMAHKF6* C0» Mbs Bernice Wolford has accept* a position as cashier m the Simr.n Hotel, having entered upon her duties last week, Mise Wolford was formerly connected wills this hotel before *o«ng to (,’hattanooga, Tenn. Miss fcarab Bontecou, of Xenia, *aged 72died Monday morning after months of suffering. For many years tho deceased cared for tho late Eli Milieu and it wak to her he left hia vast estate. The funeral , wereheldWednesday, I^.C. Is Efcii'i f?!y' ill agaibi iiarting suffe;s.i nnotfaes' spell Thuisday with gall stones, I ’ eputy Sheriff McCaUistcr v/ns in town Wednesday looking after the appraisement o f ths George White property that i» to he sold by order o fcou rt • Campbell"* Varnish Stains are scientifically prepared from soluble colors, combined with the toughest hard gum floor Varnish in "such a way that this Stain works like a transparent Lacquer Nothing like it for use on Floors, Furniture and Interior Woodwork. Very durable. Stains and Varnishes at on* operation, C. H. Crouse sells it. A wagon load of household goods belonging to Br 7 . C. Adams, who has purchased the practice in Clif ton, skidded from the roadside Friday afternoon during tho heavy snow storm. The wagoa turned over and large'part of tho furni ture was completely destroyed. The the acoident happened near the home of Mr. H, N, Coe on the Clif ton pike, ■ ' The M. E, Congregation is cont emplating seme extensive improve ments on the churoh building this spring and summer. An additional room will be added fox Sabbath- School purposes, the entrance changed to the South aide, the tow er moved to the West end of the building and the pulpit moved to the East end o f ’the present build ing. The proposed improvements will greatly add to the Convenience and appearance of the building, q’he Directors of the Coflarvill* Telephone Company have done away with the collector of residence phones and beginning the first of March the patrons will be expected to pay their bills at the company’ s office. It often required, two and three trips, to various parts ot town ow in g to persons being away from home the first of each month. The gas and electric companies each require bills paid at their re spective offices. Mr. R. Hood was in Springflt-b 1 Monday where he ie having a pat tern made for his steel tie and rail to be used on railroad*. He has his drawing eomplepe and within the next few months will give hip patent a trial on the railroad here, tho company granting the privilege. In case it is a success the question ot wood ties will no, longer confront railroad manager*. Wood ties that formerly cost twenty-five cents are hard to get » dollar each. To Whom It May Concern: It isbeing reported around toon by ths suspended members o f the Western queen Tabernacle No. 6 U that the said tabernacle will not. pay sick benefits. le a n truthfully say that this report is falsa fend only in tended to hurt Our Order because they could not run things to suit their financial requirements. I have been sick now for some time and the Daughters are doing all that is required of them and a great more. Dt. Haggard, Per. Mrs. Taylor H. 7., Mrs,'Spencer, Sec. Petitions asking the legislature to change’ the season for rabbit shooting are being circulated over the state and when filed with names will be sent to the fish and game cemmitte* o f ths assembly. The request to be make of the legisla ture is that the season that now ex tends from November 15 to Decem ber 15, shall be changed ae as to open November Vi and last until January 12. The season now opens too early, It Is argued. Thera is no snow sometimes, and the rabbits arc too young. I f the season were put back a little the weather would b« better and the sport improved. What nearly every town needs is a more pronounced public spirit. Civil stagnation is the result of indiffer ence and that indifference has its rootin a selfishness t ;iat considers nothing hut pr vats gain. Take any community whose citizens arc in tent only ou their private affairs and you find a community destitute o f progress and public spirit. It is n short sighted policy kneed unon the wrong idea that it does not pay individually to spare even a fraction time to devote to the general good. Xu truth it does not pay not to do it for in these pushing days the town destitute of that wholesome, wide «- wake spirit which n skis for the pubic welfare falH behind. Other towns pass it by, draw’ away its trade, and leave it hopelessly in the rear as a fossilized specimen of antiquity petrified through clinging to a dead selfishness and obs-oloto msthods. CASTOR!A For Infant# and Children, ThsKindYouHm AlwajcBought Bears ths Signature o f R. E. CORRY. AUCTIONEER. Secure Dates Early. Bell Phtm . Clifton, (>. • 0 mm of Automobiles For 1910. Central Electric & Supply Co., X E N I A , O H I O . GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X A poor furnace is not only a source o f discomfort, but causes ill health, and wastes your fu e l and your money. HIGH GRADE STANDARD FURNACES give you not onlywarm air, butpure, . fresh air, to breathe, and it ia warmed to the proper temper ature. STANDARD FURNACES are honestly made o f the'best -materials, and will pay for themselves in a very short time by the fuel they save, They. ; are not an expense, they ! ARE AN INVESTMENT earning you larger profits than almost anything else you can buy. Oar Catalog is Free. Ask for it and for any information about Heating. G ib l in & Co . U T I C A , N . Y . ' To Cure a Cold inOneDay TakeLaxative Bromo QuinineTablets.>? pxA Seven Mason boxes sold in past 12 months. Th lS s ig n a tu r e , Core* Grip In Two Days, cm e v e r y b o x . 3 5 c , WL’DOUGLIS «a$3jL0&$4SHOE3 BOYS E L A S T I C ROOF PA I N T U for tin, metal, paper, felt and ruber&itl roofs. Is !( proof a;'ain: 1 the wtathar or nr t. At>. jlutcly non- ’ porous.^ Will not e : ; . s p . cl, blister er scale. Will hoi evaporatoafter oy.ui 0 . i. Is 0 Sinewater-proof- iirjlii.'it.'iiaL t oai.'iii,:)Si;j ni'.n 'ii* at:i oui'il USsalt and lime which enter into the 'coiuposition of the A S ' i "(*A1NTS 1 * major part of the so-ea5k\! soof m:d iron paint* on C ? . - v the market to-day vAiLh have no eh'-tie qualities and aro deatnn tsvo to metals and fibres, and are bound to erystalizo any metal. It is germproof. Sendfor-tirtttiurmdprice fisf. Why not purchase the itti tvhen ftrestsns>were. T h s OAI.I.MAN COOUKU S U P P L Y CO ., frn n d .4 u .|a0,Wls ‘ i THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES.” I have worn W. L» Douglas she,** fos1tlio past * 1 * yours, and always find they are far superior toall otherhighgradeshrrs instylo, comfort anddurability.” W, GUfONES. . . . ,* 119Howard Are., Utna, N. Y. If I could take you into toy large fac tories at Brockton, Mast,, and shew yea how carefully W . 1» Douglas shoes are made, you would realise why they hold their shape, fit better, Wear longer, and •re of greatervalue than any other make. fJAtJWtAV SMLhaLW.jL.PAn^M,l«wean 1 !t'.'# tMMmpeitiiitStinPnilam. Take NoanlMilfutr. Itirrtittv.-wraim*>*tuyr.uwah tv f.- . •>. lorM.oiiiiwetr ,r, ».t,. THE HICH GRADE LEHR PIANO R . B I R D , C w l a r v l l l e , O - IS U 8 ED AND SNDORSIO SY The«ra»dC#h**ryirletr*t ***». R**YartCSfi. Ths fesf.syfiiftl* Cshse* stMeiSs. PhSsdsijM*. fhkngo CsnssOiSleoiA HhtihnWSissI m The Pu*Me C**Mnr*t«?et Mi’iHS, N s SH k C s I s . h m OTHiR LtAMNU «OR**RVAT»ltl*S A ? ■r t *t.l brilliant snApowerM to»e, exfibWte \ ,> i i-iipiMment aad 4«raM» wrrkman.hfp f it ;> t -ar,imt,rank of th*heri lpstromt ptsrtsrte ’ a*-, V: i'. tbr MrSi piano fbt the h«mr, where its l>' a' fAX«ytVmwi?ffMi^nads*rinsM*rir >*ewMer--Ml»ioa*^fefeTsMjit' ;»s,.srStfcat a asusflwlMyjscce* WRilfc loft tAMW -XMMtm fMMmB. * I.IHXI 4 COMPANY, Manufr*, » Pie carv r,a M \
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