The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

9 nwk m ^ v s m C " * W L f Y ' W i l l TheDayton Inner Tire Pre= vents Blowouts, Rim Cuts and Punctures I t is first necessary that you'understand the con­ struction of the strength part of the tire casing. Tires ate built of rubberized duck, which is the foundation or strength; this foundation is then covered with thread gum, which protects the fabric from road travel. There is only one way to strengthen a tire, and th a t is to add more plies, of good high-grade rubberized duck to the internal walls; this we accomplish by building gwhat We 'call the Inner Tire, built of plies of Rubberized Duck, which has the enormous guaranteed tensile strength of 48^ pounds per ply, made to fit the casing perfectly and become an. inte­ gral part between the casing and the inner tube, as the illustration shows. You will note that our Inner Tire protects the entire casing from edge to edge, add­ ing strength to the e'ntir,e walls. The Dayton Inner Tire is not in an experimental stage, and has proven tha t it eliminates 95 per cent, of blow-outs and rim cuts and G5.per cent of punctures. We.Guarantee" our Inner Tire, when placed in your casing, to increase the tensile strengb according to the following table: Increases the tensile strength of 4, 4 1-2, and 5- inchtires 1,952pounds; 3 and 3 i-2 inch, l,464pounds 2 1-4 and 2 1-2 ineh, 976 pounds. As the above table is guaranteed correct, is there not a reason why we boast tha t we eliminate your tire trouble and increase mileage one-half? Our Inner Tire is treated with a special vulcani- zing’cement which causes it to adhere and become£an integral part of the tire. The"Dayton*InneraTire’has an almost endless life, can be removed and placed in a new casing after wearing thread off old tire. The directions which go with each inner tire are so explicitjind simple that any one can place them, or remove and place in another tire. I t is not necessary to change the inner tubes, as there is ample room for Our Inner Tire between tube and casing. As the Dayton Inner Tire is built of the strongest and be*t wearing material, and has been tried out in every part of the country on all kinds of .road and * subjected to most severe tests, and a set of four costs less than one new casing and prolongs the life of four tires one-half, is it not time you consider their use? Any questions you may ask will be cheerfully answered. A Saving of Many Dollars Piieumafie Automobile Tim; aro dcnignatcd to carry loads in proportion to their croon sections and diameters. Nothing1will tear tires to pieces so quickly ay overloading. Many motorists who got frequent; punctures, “ blow-outs’*and who have tire trouble in gen­ eral, can trace tin jr trouble to over loading. It in estimated thett 5 per cent, added to the weight of a car adds fifteen percent to tho wear and tear on the tires. For this reason it is always economy to adopt the use of the Dayton Inner Tire, which increases the strength two-thirds. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY DaytonIimer=Tire Mfg. Co. I Long distance phone, Bell 5306. I I 17 Madison St., - - Dayton, Ohio. I TRY OUR JOB PRINTING The Palace Restaurant Mrs. Clias. Hards, Prop. Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by C. C, Weimer. Meals by day or week, Lunch served all horn s. Furnished Rooms for Rent Tttt SfcifcLt Ub tffh HAft AM tifatur* Senses It ond Echoes th t Welcome. Sweeter than cwy psriumo ever (Untitled by the chcmint, mveetes than rmcj or ca[e V.vanfinea (tv tlio ceenfc of a rip*1 /jrarm, sweeter than new mown buy or a baby's breath, enactor than fre ;h linen and milady'a washed hair, is the smell of the rain. It is tho breath to the rav-tril’1, exhilaration to the 111113s, elixir to the hlr.p'l and wine to the brain. The dusty earth inhales it and Is pulsing again with potential life. The flowers that were panting are re­ vived, and the very leaver of the trees absorb it as incense and are lifted up. Hungry, fretful, parched and complaining, man opens his mouth and gulps it down like a gormand. The fading and waiting cotton blossom welcomes it as a message of new life, and the naked of all tho world rejoice in the hope of re­ plenished . wardrobes. The growl­ ing, groveling beasts of the stock exchange, intent upon the dust and drought and want of grim prospect, sniff it and are abashed and tame. Hiasmas of privation and distress fade away from it ns the fogs be­ fore the sunshine, and mellow wholesomeness possesses the fields and permeates the habitations of men. ■ The grass of the plains, brown and withered and dry as stubble, senses it as’the blind and deaf are aware of the unseen and unheard approach of friends, and it steals over the land as the perfumed herald of an unforgetting provi­ dence, ■ The very sparrows of the ground twitter their delight,, the songsters of the forest acclaim it with more liquid melody, and the mother bird on her nest whispers rejoicings to the brood beneath her wing. The bee that buhg despairingly to the honeycomb flies straight to the clo­ ver field. -It springs up like a newborn presence; it comes down like a ben­ ediction. An unseen' censer is swung in tire air; a silent baptism is cele­ brated; the prayer that was uttered haltingly and half faithlessly is an­ swered, nnd a resurrection is re­ alized. What skeptical, impatient and unworthy creatures are we; what malcontents and murmurersl And bow shortsighted is our view of ereatio and reproduction and the eternal scheme of life 1 Six thou­ sand years have taught ns little, though we know "so much of the current day aud hour. A lifetime o f Ixpmty, centuries of progress and the teenrring cycles of a perpetual universe are vain to impress our poor understanding with the truth of the unfailing ami the everlasting. What know we of tins recessions and procession;-, the action;; and the re­ actions, the. energies and the rcst- ings of this old-young earth's large life? ITow unmindful we are of the deep, big truths which nature has been exhibiting all these years and generations and eons of the up­ ward and advancing marchS A lit­ tle trial, a little hardship and we are undone, though the storehouse is full and the fat years are cer­ tain to return, for tho fruitful ground will not belie itself. But the smell of the rain—one whiff of it and all repinings are done, and the way is Binning Again, and we .are after the butterflies as eager and as heedless as before. Men are but children of a larger growth, and their cars are dried and their hurts are healed- by little kisses which they straightway for­ get.—Fort Worth Becord. The Life Plant, A creeping moss is found in Ja­ maica, in Barbados and in certain other islands, of the West Indies which is called the “life tree” or, more properly, the “life plant.” The powers of vitality of this strange freak of nature are said to he beyond those of any other known plant! I t is absolutely indestructi­ ble by any means except immersion in boiling water or by application of a redhot iron. I t may he cut and divided in any manner, and the smallest shreds remaining will throw out. roots, grow and form buds. The leaves of this extraor­ dinary plant have been placed in a closed, air tight, dark box, without moisture, for the purpose of testing its vitality, hut invariably without effect on the plant's duration of life. • Too Uncertain. The traveling salesman had look­ ed. at Mre. Dolan's third floor hack and found it neat and attractive. “I’ll take it for two months,” he said, “and always pay as I go. 1 suppose that will suit you.” “It will not,” said Mrs. Dolan firmly. “There’s times I’m not in the house whin folks goc-a. They’re liable to he called off suddent whin I ’m out o* the way. My hoarders pays whin they come—-or else they don’t come.” ISBEAllTf WORTHYOURWHILE2 ViolaCream positively .ornUtoftio* freckles, moles, Moot liesiK Barbara ir.i, f o«t»oein g (Kccp'.l, Matched-taiKtimidoily , „„ , r.Tda tuthe he'ItttcfS <M;t ilolfrsryofsnath. 1 rtjftoMnosabsututoforttiiosuperioritatm* ler.mrer,..’ration. r«helife ccwct ofthoraorM’a fffr■’.tewUUIuf.»eUaSiet, At all Drnrjftlaiaot baud! forcocrots. njirt-ial pmsosltsoa end «ntdo to lU-Wvau r e a « v , , . , Vint a Sian b»n«» 4f-{ re?CCllcl,s.r.rsctyccA t it tU ' l -JM AJJJJi JLfJl'lJ U U U ^U lF J 'i f Ag f\U A g (\ h A ft f\ f g u i] f\ (T ; \ i \ ft f, rtjl f\ f/ ?\ I, ,1 p 3 5 £5 PUBLIG SALE BILLS PRINTED ON Water-Proof Stock They Cost no More Than Bills from Other Houses Printed on Inferior Stock LET YOUR BILLS BEAR “HERALD PRINT PAYTON ■ AUTOMOBILE. SHOW;, . March ■ N ew Memorial Bldg., Cor. 1st and St. Clair Streets. Largest and Bast Decorated Auto Show in the Central States. 100 different makes ranging in price from $378-00 to $7000.00 will be shown. Also large Accessory and Motor-cycle display, MUSIC. : GENERAL ADMISSION - - - 25c THURSDAY SOCIETY NIGHT - - 50c SeflietheFenceQuestionRight There*# only one satisfactory way to aettle tho fence question. , And that way la to get tho best fence—that fence ia built to stand for many seasons. Pay areasonableprice and get tho worth o f you r money. I f It CMt ! twlesuamchaut ItdoMltcooH notbe » m 4*any better, It'* the material,.workmanship aoi scientificmethodof construction . thatmake*PeetleMFenco w>ctronff anddurabl*. O R G A N IZ E D i8yt» . Pc®dea$f«ic*i»*old mo«t crcrywlicre, but If it is not nowon aeloinyourtownyour dealertan Eetit foryou. HonaturallypreferatoaeUwliathohas Instock, butyouarelooking; to your own Interest nnd not his, andshouldinsistonhissupplyinffFeerlesai. Peerless Wire Fence Co., Ltd. » S NEW HEAT STORE X have opened a meat store m the 3. O. Barber room and ask for a share of your patronage. The finest outfit m the county lias been enstalied ior the storing, handling and retailing of fresh and salt meats. Our prices will always be consistent with the market quotations. INSPECTION INVITED C. C. W e im e r . THE EXGfiflJiGE BANK CEBAKVXBL 13 , OHIO. With a paid capital of ?G0,000 and an additional stockholders individual liability of $100,000, wo offer a safe depository for your luuds. W e earnestly so lic it you r patronage* . W. Bnm r, President. G eo . W. K tm , Ist.Vice Pres. O liver Ganx-oroir, 2d V. Pres. O. L. S mith , Cashier I j . F, T iwdall , A ssistant’Cashier. Fifteen Years’ Service Without Painting—‘Or a New Roof—That is Our Guarantee to You— ELAST IC . ROOF PAINT for tin, metal, paper, felt and rubaroid rnofo. D proof against the weatheror rust. Absolutely non* porous. Will not crack, peel, blister or scale.' Will not evaporate after once set. Is a fine water.proof­ ing material. Contains no ingredients ouch as Salt and lime which enter into the composition of tho major part of the so-called roofandiron paints on tho market to-day which have no elastic qualities and aro destructive to metab aad fibres, and are hound to crysiathe any metal. It io germproof. Studfo r tirada t andpritt list* Why not purchase the fast tchen it costs ms more. The D A L L M A N C O O P E R S U P P L Y OO., Fond -(Iu.loo ,W la £V Physicians Advise fiis up of a /yioJlaxative, to keep tho towels open a r j prevent tbs poic&na of ucfesto l *JJdfw:ai;caii:.-,:iifjyaarGy,ti;ui. ' ' “ mit -iMii ?: o f is VfcLVOLaxativeLivtrSyrup,purely vcgctaWe,ce-atto, flRil c,f a pkassnt, aron;atK ta;te. Volvo acts on tho liver, ns well os on the l30f G’rcaf^t posj.jhlo cfiieaty in coiiLtipafion, tedigeydr.n, f-ub headaelio,. foverirhness, coliCitbtulchce, etc, Try vp i LAXATIVE vn vi) ■LLvU and the guarantee is stamped right on the roofing itself with the year you buy it. i I 'i will last you much longer than that, but for lil years we ran responsible. ThinI: of that —lay your roof and forget it for IS yearn. if a (sponr.c—no repairing - no renewing. Ue don’t know the. wearing possibilities at our i-oofii;;;. Our 25-year-old roofa aro m ccrvii-eabij and look good now en ror.fiug laid fiva yea;a ago. Wo make r»!*r guarantee lS yearn to be cafe, but v.o l:aow it ia good lot twenty-Jiva year*, LIVER SYRUP ‘-i-T *‘P t y "YW.. % ’ i -y FOIJEbT ■ ’ S f # f© ■’ - - D 1 C K E L M A N E X T R A Grlranb::;! alcfcl Scoffeg l<)K.-mlvratKif tro^lfiT fiicHa wliisli !v so c . - i i ' v e . , A ; ; ict-aa bo i;iar* an;, d tuvt.. Cmljr ti;e t’vaffacat, most nlivblo. « ms * r.eJru» r-locV I-rovvi o -. k J, vsdo ai''-;-? M T1 ..list-; • |!.r. -;r :"il 1 'C . i\ l.-. nJ:at wl. lit i'i <.!t fi.ilv’ani. iejf i ti;.-! lliVi *f-l-ski rCoo* r:,it tens*? I,ut pser 'atilt* tbisfctjf 9n;l asaal-sm'.te* with tie uetal fcite, t!iu9protcrtSt;;;it lorove?, DicUctman Jissrafe oaonvlakl. It si cu ready tacneJ ana edittsted ler «.:.t S- i --. pi - AllyfmhavotoOoi'i t-v plv-o nai J K!li wo n nor?- ,'t OarMp u> ‘lrv-itwof our cam;sc el- Sft aaX Ucrt t~'to ue-» j.if. ssti’c m 'ti Uvitf-rc law t"i ' Wl.; ■»ili '.3 ti-a tl it..', or c a . y . lit Willla J35dictejat*'«» WfItotodayI. e Free f.*.xp*cs sal B;:ts ca RecJp| K-rb will t?.6*7&rXifmwva % t -n r.mui men.v* n^o^rro-Oa ,’,!:<rt.'4oTov**v'?-' h i I.. .7 to a^o.dir-;.'....’»■£’>i, Year dealer w.'l t-n w !, toao’e. A-.t - l l n t i i m i- ;- 5 "-‘a ■ U.3; anaWe. Witi-'C• 59 fisu&y Ik-, F*tsd» 0M»