The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

I'.AcdliCQCC? O n y tfiilb I jWtivk will eozaparo with < <iJUat©f anv otbez £teji.. i 'Cedarvilk herald, TKs item »bcD oarlctd with ra? Icicles, d raacs ifcat yew ratescrip ? lo past due ond a r ro»pt $etsM neat to earnestly desired..,( 5 * 0 * 06 * T O H F v T Y -T H I I iD Y E A R N O . G E D A B W I T ® , Q ilM ) , t W D A Y , M A R C H 4 , 1910 TRACTIONPROSPECTS ITI P R I C E $1 .00 A Y E A R , HarperWill Case Settled. The pronpectii for a traction line South from Springfield have bright- m i d up within the pa*;t few days according to report:! in and about Clifton, For sometime the Clifton people have been endeavoring to interest Mr. George \V. Raker, owner of the tho South Charleston lino in build* ing to Clifton from Springfield. • Soveral mimtha ago a fbmmltteo was chosen to wait on Mr. Balter and ho was informed that, a free right-of-way would bo given by property owners. Soon after tlilo the South Charleston people endeavor­ ed fo influence the owner to extend the lino from that place to Wash­ ington C. II. The situation became, a complex affair and it was not long until the public.’ was forced to be­ lieve that Mr Baker had given up all ideas Of building. Several days’ago Mr. Baker sent for tho Clifton people and- stated tha t if they would’ give him a free right-of-way and $3,000 he would Start as soon as p sible. While no definite answer has yet been given it can he positively stated tha t the Clifton people will only guarantee th e risrht-of-way, Mr. Baker only promised to build as •far as Clif­ ton this summer, but then fjedar- ville had hopes of seeing tho line by fall if the line was started this w iy a t all. I t is known tha t Mr. Baker lias one of the best paying electric roads th a t is entering Springfield a t pres­ ent. The company is under Ills control and management and is making a good per cent on his in­ vestment. The longer lines entering Springfield are not credited as do­ ing so well. 11might then be proven th a t several short lines out from Springfield under one management would be a solid investment for any­ one. Something more on the situation will be known within the next few days. The general Impression pre­ vails th a t Mr. Baker is very anxious to build the road tins way and that In tho end Cedarvillo will be includ­ ed. a ’ 'I , ,w IN MEMORY OF " ONE OF OUR NUMBER. BY RIDA B. ARCHER, The m atter of the Harper will ease was settled in Common Pleas court today before Judge Fisher, when Mrs. Harper through her attorney, H. L, Smith, compromised by agree­ ing to d e 765 acres in Greene county .among the Harper heirn. The as -rage lies in Ross, CVdarvill NOTESABOUT iFarmers Condemn THEPOLITICIANS .1 TheGo',eraor- Some weeks ago J . 10. Lewis, ‘'rep­ resentative ’ 1 from ibis county to the legislature, introduced a Dill that if passed would perm it the eonunis- sioners in tho various counties in the state to purchase ami own land s : for fair purposes. Tho hill lias some i- A t the Yellow Hpr'iigs Farmers’ Institute last week r, ^olarmus were passed tha t bitterly condemned the action of Govern?:v Iiarpjon in r<- moving G. 13. Jo?"- of* this place from tho Board of Smto Agriculture A number of protrgn -:it farmers in this section have taken issue wi th H ugarcnek and Bpring Valley town- j toutures about* it and ramie had I « 1P oyer this m atter, . ships. Tho m a tte r was first brought •0IU,„ an Woli a s of course there is two <»™mg th a t p o lio -i was a t the up m P rob ate Court, when an app li- . .......,.n • bottom of th e troubu ?Hardman ; treasurer, P. M, Bfewait. while all the good filings were bein said about him, and this among hi« home people. The result is tiiat, , Lewis has won the ennuly of the.fci’ K> executive committee in Mrs. majority of the leading farmers "fmrlough, _Miss Lmzm Dallas, Boss and Silverereck townships and ; ^ ilkorson, E. H . Schauer, Tiio following poem was read a t a recent meeting of tho Wednesday Afternoon Club, of which tho late Mrs. H. A.Townsley was a member: Only waiting till the shadows Had a little longer grown Only waiting till tho Father, Sent a message for His own, Shu was waiting in the..shadow Of the God of love and peace And for her the cloujin have bright­ ened Anil the weary strife has ceased. She was over ready anil willing With her help bar share to do For her friends, h e r'chu rch , lier loved ones W ith heart so cheery, brave and true. Kindest friend we loved her dearly But the Saviour loved her more He war, waiting in the mansions Where there's sorrow uever more So tho boatman on tho river Silently has rowed her o'er But tier Saviour dear has led her rpw a rd to the shining shore. Thorn beside tho living waters With the ransomed, blood-bought throng Crowned with the Redeemer's glory Site has learned to sing His song. May wo live that when’ death’s shadows Gather thickly around our beds We may meet and sing them with her Wear tiio crown upon our fiends. HONOR ROLL. The following are nruflen of pupils neither absent nor tardy: Disk No. 1 Ralph Fry, Paul Fry, Teddy Fry, Willis Curry, Eddie I, ib * son, Bailey GrinnelJ. L ist. No. 2 Myrtle Rt. John, Edna Hanna, lieba Harbiixm, Hazel Bf. John, Arthur Hanna, Howard Ken- mm, OUR Bt. John, Dwight North- up, Dish No. 0 Marie Dailey, Mable Dftiley. Opal Strobridge, Cecil Btro- bridgo, Kdith Ramsey, Alien Lac­ key Willard Kyle. Disc N o 4 Georg*' Pemberton. Disk No. 0 Pearl Evans, Mildred ! Kvmm, A ltiu lltom , Diva McMillan, i j '. n t l Morrow, Vada Moriow, Har-; old Cooley, 'FTiUdi Evatm, Robert i Evans. _ | Dint No. 7 Florence M&tthewfl.j Maty Mft«th o r n • S i V ID ’13: - - IN-simm isflowing ' lie. JO-eHi h to f*-> Slid* bfe ? fo C. C, Mi i*m r will itse ta ll and settle * |tt once. Pleas court No will was found a f - ! 1mg tor tho death of tho late Mr per,and all of the vast estate amou­ nting to about $.100,0(10 went to his widow, Mrs. Vina M. Harper who is tho administratrix. The appli­ cants arc a living sister and brother of Mr. Harper and children and grandchildren of a deceased sister and brother, Marcus Stump and W. L. Miller are attorneys for the ap­ plicants and H. L. Smith is Mrs. Harper's counsel. The land conveyed consists of 458 acres iu Ross township iso acres m Cedarvillo township and 151 a- rcs in Sugarcrook township. The tract in Cedarvillo township will remain in Mrs. Harper’s jmsession for two years owing to .a lease on it that Will uefc the owner about SI, 000 . There still rem ains about 015 acres, in Greene county and about $15,OOP in Franklin cuonty realty, Mrs. H a r­ per Some mouths ago deeded 172 acres to Thomas H en ry H arper the only brother of tier husband, who who lives near Gladstone. . Mrs. Harper was (lesbians • of making a settlement owing to -hi r declining lu-alth and also wished that her husband's heirs to have a portion of the eMute. . The. iinsUiute aim pU'-cod resolu­ tions favoring the , initiative, and r i'erendum, tho *adoption by the General Assembly of tiio hill mak- all taxable stocks anil l"*'.: , — ’ ........- — ‘si des to the question. Most all the: i^timi was niaiio to probate a lost or s t<H'iuu<-n Jtl tp,. county favor such spoliated will of the late George a 5 ^ . but- (>n tl)fl nmst of Harper and wium tlns failed th e J tl({) faxi)ayinp farnwra 8epm tl, bt. m atter was earned to tho Common, BgajMt it n!} ho no end to} , . , T __ . expense in keeping up nueh property! , . 4l. , ... .... . ■ . H a r - ! A t th p J .vlntlstoWtlf.u.mer8 instItu{, ?! bonds invalid without the *tamp of some time ago considerable c.,iti.H '» <_«f<*sson opposing^ county sup cism fell to Lewis for introducing t fit‘fu«)ls» nod favoring tire such ab ill. The .irgumenta reacbed J waking a course its agriculture fever heat and it, is said th a t “ onr < elementary scimols, statesman’s " ears must have burned TRAMS OF REAL ESTATE ftOarville Cownthip School Report. These offlceri-! m o e le c ted : B resi-' John W. and Lizzie Miller to D. G Romsperfc 55 i-10 acres in Bath tp., $0,0110 Xenia Ice and Cold Storage Co , to Rosalie Bitty, Q lots in X«ma $1, Julia B. and Florence Evans to G. W. Miles, jr, Jot in Lauman’s ad­ dition to Xenia $850. Arthur A. and Anne O, Shoup to Jacob and Efllo Duncan fi acres in Bmvoreeek tp. $1209. (Charles J. and Ella McLaughlin to J, H. McClain', lot in Jamestown, $ 1 . J. H. and Flora Mclain to Ella McLaughlin, lot in Jamestown $1. ■ Wm. M. Wilson, executor to JT. T, )Barnett, Lewis and Monroe’s addition to Xenia $8905. .John T. Barnett to Wm. M. Wil- | jdent, Ed Meredith; vice president, .IJ, M. Goode; sceremry, W, M. a highly esteemed young farmer, Orville Wraith, has been induced to consider being a successor to Lewis. Meanwhile Lewis is waiting and wondering whether he is coining or going. Milton Shaw. son lot Lewis and Monroe's addition $ 1 . - Hiram M, and Mary E. Curry to Wm. H, Graham, 37.80 acres in Cedarvillo tp. $0500. Grafton Johnson by John W. • • • ■ •{ The JaimVown Jou rnal thinks- th a t Jesse Taylorsbi- fid he no tu ltia-; ted for without a light ow­ ing to his losing two years ago by a combination of circumstances wifi not happen again. The Journal Frugb atto ney m fact,, to Lizzie Wither, lot South Bark, Xenia $185. Amy D, Johnson to Wm. W. John­ son, lot’,in Jamestown $1. r ■ Wm, amt'Emma Stephens to Wm . McLanghim, lot in Jamestown $250. S. W Cox to Charles Bldgway, ">.57fiacres in Yellow Spings $550. Wh«n We nay f| t vc:; i t has a? Wm. H. and Ida M, Adame lot in broader meaning than most people: Bpring Valley think, covering a temropy over R‘9 \ Arthur M. and Anna M. Wright to H, Bradford Unj acres m Greene and G0^' acres in Montgomery Ohio, (hi this yftfit domain we find!county $1. s i ' k ' i r ' W W ' W s t % f S’ | I f f 3 I ] 0 ? e> is g* ■* p?* 50 S cr* i Number of D istrict.................. Enrollment............................... Average Dally Attendance ..... Per Cent Daily Attendance..... Number T a rdy .......................... Number Present Every Day . Per Cent Present Every Day... Number of Visitors............ ....... Rank of Feb......... .................... i' 2 a 4 5 0 7 27 24 8 « 1 22: ’31 22 23 « 312 G 21 8) m 92 99 1*> P3 95 99 i o ft' 0 15 t 4 3 e 8 7 1 I 0 ff 2 ! 22 - S3 at C 0 D 22 1 0 0 l 1 0 0 is 3 1 7 6 2 ■i F. A. JACKSON, CLERK. REPORT OF CEDARVILLE VILLAGE SCHOOLS FOR FEB. 1910 Number ot Rooms.................................... Pri 1 2 ) 0 4 6 6 7f S’t Tot Enrollment-........................................... . 2 n 88 30 28 34 83 37 .26! 20 270 Average Attendances................................ 22 82 26 24 29 3i 33 24| 19 240 Percen t Daily Attendance........... .. 86 84 87 85 80 94 04 92 94 89 Number Tardy.... ..................................... 5 9 10 3 38 U 14 8i 11 85 Number Present Every Day................... 7 13 7 -fo 13 13 15 13 8 99 Per cent Present Every Day................. 27 SI 23 85 48 40 43 .50’ 40 89 Number of Visitors...................... ........... 4 l 1 1 1 1 1 4| 4 18 Rank for F o b .......................................... . 5 8 7 4 9 2 , 6 ll 3 ,^ 1 -miles one way mul ni-atiy the sam cJj. rn a l" °Oi«v, or seven time?-,tho afce of | i THIS BIG COUNTRY. seem ; to have some inside infnrtna-: ....... ,; v ............ V' •...... 1 . . . Hon Ui't fli^ 'Fut'H^is iiu(3 ^ viil ^ * Hi und *iTurt!ui X j * jKriMifoirtl to the ease. - Probably JeMi’o has oof-,^hnd it to.of vital ee tor a}J.ohu 13. Bradfc.d ,0.5b. acres .in tilled a new plan frir campaigu Hifs h!i-v,'r to 15»‘>Wl"S:at ibo;f are doing. ■Greene and Montgomery counties ?x. time th a t will not have s o ’many J K'* S'^ts the llt.estafuii ttint-j John M. and Elizabeth Dtffendal ■‘tombb at sous.” The Jou rnal aim ' Uvii from original own-f « ’*W. H. Cox 1 acre in Ross tp., $359 bMieves th a t tho people bad th e ir ' m half tin; lakdtfem* f Susan ami Wdham Cramwno to wen opened tins past two. y rk rs JivtUi i ar«-a i caa tako! Wm, Aftheaugh S5.03 acrck In Bath cbia is true also, T b e ,peoplo atv» - ton*kl«t?v bu t U h * j ?P** $19®. wiser today than tLo-v weri! o«i that ‘Northern, enbed tbit-. . Pattliaudio » Lii, T ,.a n d Nottio WIL limns to uommahio Tuesday* when TUyl of ! F i « a d de -lM a rga ret EtitwottJ.95 ao ro sinB a th T bachebs : Primary, Miss Stormont; No. 1, Miss McFarland; No. 2, Miss Hartley; No. 3; Miss Townsloy; No. 4, Mr. Masterson; No. 0; Miss Finney; No. U, Foster, Morton and Reynolds; High School, Morton, Foster and Reynolds. F. P. Foster, director of music. F, il. REYNOLDS, Sup’t SE3 (ADVERTISEMENT,) Congressional Candidate For Good Roads. H as it over occurred to you, .Mr. Chairman, that {he cotton cloth made in South Carolina annually would make a sheet big enough to cover the .ertf*ro faei* V»f-’Amorlcftf 1 Europe astd ]:»;* ‘<ii Ho* S “ IJ unsninan^n an t i,<*J.iuLtT »h.»old w»tl^siTf it-. tR:Vb»lyi|tue#’. for ’foiSdhit ’ there. Mr, Taylor may Gr, if ttH th<- CR‘flr: *>h* in each year wvre- ono c«w, tsbit could btmvse on. the tropical vrgota* i;p> iSnst] t*'LV‘'U . BoMojitoDo* «Kni>aid**a J viraw w# amt J*. it. Miuddon tb H, *.>utlft*rh ‘H. Hud il. ISDice 8l-tuoof «« acre ‘•to XcnU#L . , n r iT i i i i l i i i i n .... 11 i n i n r« kbown to biinef-lf, Hut fit*-- “ fhtnrn* *tfu f it ii*sn, Lli'-stel’iiiK fittu-jiiafo have P, 34 . devostgi’A dry, that m ntiir ffotii thfe slistrtet, as tho bright- would tv-'Xvc tey. «*st ctar sn tho Sixth "District. Joasof - J . J, Dwwnstsg, can or<for bla Bjaelal traSsifk ktm-i tiiju along tho equator, whilu her tail switched foiclcn off iho north Polo, and that her milk could float a | j.hiploadot her butter and ttln cno j i)(.j aj u::,» phonograph -^(nv ^ <,r *, ^ '^ p e o c h e n now anytime. - 5 it all tho mulca we market each? >; year were one mule, it wotiltl eon- j Frank M. Alien of WaMiinfftub, C.'. | fiiiiiin the whole annual coni crop| H, tm uunounv d that ho will ht'\ of North Carolina a t one meal, and f a candidate fur 'Waly Henate from" kick theopols oif the nun without’!tbio the F ifth-sixth db-tavt; F. M. i swelling its .sides or -shaking its tail’.1}eleven;;* r ut Wilmington j,. r- si'.g ’ Or, if the hogs raised was one hog Iat present and it in thought that h*d that animal would dig the Panama Canal in three, roots, without grunt ing, anil its squeal would be loud enough to jar the cocoanutn off the trees along the canal Kune, fc* ao«! seines Path lot in Pjd«b 1 r*ville>II. srowi! old} Xosiia, D False Report Was Started. Weather Report For February. A report reached here Mr, J , Emerson Ncablt of Dayton was tho guest of his parents, a few days last week. ’ LEGAL NOTICE. Case No. 12520. Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. Cora Harvey. Plaintiff, vs. . Ed. Harvoy, Deft mlant. Ed. Harvey, place of rcsidenco unknown, will take untico that on thofid day of February, A. 1>. lbin. tftnv weeks ajto oignr-d a cnnfrrsct to -1furnish i’.mv'cir anil Kgltt for the I Jtown. { j Mr. O. L. Smith was ask m to the I j report mid a vigorous denial was! Imade, Mating that the company j Inever wa« Isi a more prosperous con- I ilifioii awl there wao a bright future > for success. I Rainfall, 4,05; 1 wind direction, | northwent; depth of ouow in Fobru- |ary , S3 incln r»; iu January 7 inches; total depth of miow thin winter, 43 AnarMia^v ,.B. ,MToent nunshinc, 50; molt- •tlltM - * .... . •. . . . ’at teni- tempora- tnpvra- mpera- third of ifuie enow xeu m mm.-muer and Dec* ]ember, loti’,), ! Hamuel Crcswell, Observer. . <>?R“S- 7 SPECIAL LEGAL NOTICE. Nora Masson, Plaintiff vn ■Wallace Masson, Defendant. In Common PI cor. Court, C oro No. 125 j 3. I ih r report was fvicieuffy otartid j My nephew of Clinton county who Vv, 11 .“' C . ; to do the eosnpauy an injan'Jeo and Elian owned land in the Panhandle Wallace Masson, place oi r r <4- j , 3;, j}, ,.ri ( j »(1j;art:o in terested | eonnfry for in-arly two yearn recent f J it modher kind of liglrt th a t will j ly went down to make that place his J ; feel the logs of business by the in*( home. He flays to tell the.people* resi­ dence unknown, will take notice that on the 21 th day of January, 1910, Nora Ma:;sv.,n fib d in s-asd Cora Harvey filed in said court her eouff* f petition against him f o r ,Yellow springs, petition against him for divorce groi.sneglect of duty ami wilful ab t ftodneflon or elcctne lights In upon tiie ground1! of extreme cruel­ ty anil gro.-iu neglect of duty and that the same v. iil ho for the Court House, in on. March iilst, l'fio. a t a o'clock a. tn„ or an noon thereafter on tho same can bo heard, by which time said defendant must answer or do- mur or judgment will bo taken against I 11111 . lid. (Signed Cora Harvey. a settee to r more, than th ree years, ?. and that unless eaid defendant any-1 The House oflb-preacntatlvcn on ud petition on o rT u e sd a y mnemh d tho IHtsner cigar- ef t bill preventing .tho b »1 o mid cigarcttea in the bare minors of the my form. A Him n* u u ..................... iirl favhF* vrer or demur to sat- Xi-nia, Obh, b(‘l0l'« Man‘h 7th> 19pi, jmigiiK nt f j f ],jij will bo taken against him. Said ’ ijiaiaifaeLure of caiiso will be for hearing at th e :c.fcifo, so that it Court House iu Xenia, Ohio, March - ,g tidiaeco in 7th, 101(f ut it o'clock a, m., or no „f from $5 to 025 may in im* sned. soon thereafter as the same can bo Tiic bill!; ns pmsed do* a notnfop fb Ual«i of cigaretfcn but only tho use of them to minors. reached lod Nora Mnxson, Plaintiff. here, while not in tho land business, j ho will ho on tho lookout for bar-i gains amt will take anyone I send | down, out m Ids machine to sec tho l country free of charge and if they f Rhnnld df cuieto hoy ifc will bo a t a price tm land company can touch. Hfioulil not an opportunity of this kind appeal fo anyone a t all. Interest -1 ed? ' J . J . Downing, Xenia, O. m»r Pain* *i»{wt lRJit*»tire »r. A*M-P*i* XiO*. » • **<■ The statemont In Washington Dispatches of February 20th th a t the Secretary of the Navy toldthe membersof the House Naval Committee that next year lie wottll ask Congress to authorize the building of a world’s record-breaking battle ship to cost $16,000,099 leads me to call the attention of the voters to the fact that tha t amount of money would macadamize ovi ry mile of public road, and erect a hitching post in front of every house along the roads, in this congressional district and that my plan would be, if elected to congress, to labor and vote for the strictest economy in affairs of the* general government and to never cease talking and working until the demands of the people were complied with to the end that an amount in reasonable propor­ tion to tha t expended for lrregation projects,* canal construction, lovee building, river ami harbor improvement anil army and nn\ y equip­ ment would be appropriated to return to the old national policy of aiding in the construction and maintenance of public wagon roads. I will cast my vote for a speaker and the adoption of such House rules as will permit a majority of the House to transact business and to perform duties entrusted to them by the people. JESSE TAYLOR. T R U S T E E ’ S Two-Thirds of the Money Demanded By the Creditors Has Been Realized. There Now Remains But T R U S T E E ’ S S A L E ONE=THIRD TO BE RAISED S A L E MOSE The Trustee of the Mose Cohen Stoch. MOSE COHEN H A S ORDERED EVERY M a n ’ c o f i / l CU ttA ran ’c COHEN STOCK FOURTH and MAIN, I tiv I i oj m O i i i v i i s ciiiii tmiurinb iiciriiiviiib C U T R E G A R D L E S S O F C O S T O R V A L U E STOCK FOURTH and MAIN, DAYTON, OHIO. Don’t miss this week-Somebody is going to get the bargains-it might as well be you-There’s but one objeet, viz: to raise the rest of the money for the creditors. DAYTON, OHIO. i 1 m ■}, m* - *