The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

;FWr Rxe&0*R<# Our Job Work will compart* with, aay other t o . *,, She Steroid. 2 i >TM* item erktn m*tk*4 mt% asf ; JKfjr, •»*«** tk.*t |*tur MAW?! !fi psst due end a grow)* *Htk< ■ tsest It m m m 'if deprei. w e ygg-tr W n E O Y .T f i l f iD Y R A B m 17* ORDARVXUX; (MW, FRIDAY, APRIL 08 , 1910 P R I C E $1.00 A Y E A R . WiLUAMSONIMES.LetwB°ie! Mil FRIENDS. To^ Pain,ed- |Mayor Slides ;NewsAbout I t in an admitted fiu»fc that B. I>. WilUamtion Is sunklug great head­ way tn his campaign for County Commissioner, The result is largely due to the- candidate’s personal pop­ ularity and the clean manner in which ho is asking the public for support, Th» main feature of Mr, 'William-1 son’s campaign is th a t many of his friends have interested themselves in his behalf because of his marked ability and qualification for the place to which ho aspires, , As president of the Greene County Agricultural Society, Mr William­ son has brought the fair up into the ranks of the best fairs held in the state. Being a man of personal success in his own affairs it is hut natural-that the business of the or­ ganization of ■winch he is a t the head, would command the attention not only of local people, bu t those away from home. As a sheep breeder his reputation extends across the seas. With the qualifications Of an hon­ est, upright citizen, there is just cause for Mr, Williamson being con­ sidered an easy winner in the race. The same attention and care given personal matters will bo applied to county affairs if Mr. Williamson Is entrusted with the office of County Commissioner. As weather will soon permit 'Out­ side improvements on the farm, ru ­ ral patrons will bo in receipt of no* ticca from their regular carrier, ash­ ing tha t they paint their boxes, An order was received from Fourth Assistant Postmaster General P, V. McGraw a t the localpostolflce Wed­ nesday and will bo placed m the hands of tho carriers. I t is desired of the department to have both boxes and posts painted white. This course, if pursued, will not only result Ju a benefit to pat­ rons in serving to protect the box from weather, bu t will give the box­ es a uniform color and fix their id ontity In allparts of tho county* I t is also specified in the order that patrons of the routes be induced to imprint their names f.n plain black letters The rural carriers in recent year, have experienced a great deal of trouble by the boxes being designat­ ed with names inscribed by the fam­ ily artist, Some are in red paint, part of the letter are lower case, a few Roman Gothic and others Egyp- tain block. County road supervisors will also be asked to paint upon the the posts of boxes, located a t cross roads, the names of towns or villages to which the cross roads lead. This will en­ able travelers in automobiles or driving to find their way when un­ certain as to just which road to take, THINGSPOLITICAL. Several of tho newopapera over the Sixth, District have “ looped-the- loop” oil the congressional situation and have come out in strong state* ments to. insure their readers th a t the matter appearing was being paid for by Jesse Taylor and th a t the newspaper itself did not stand spon­ sor for his statements. The Morrow Tribune seems to have had enough of the “Taylor promise” and comes out for Senator Clevenger* The News-Herald of Hillsboro, tho recognized Republican organ of Highland County speaks out ut the out m the meeting, thus;— As we have had some people inti mate th a t we were supporting Jesse Taylor, of Jamestown, for the Re­ publican nomination for Congress we desire to state that all matter ap pearing m the paper in .regard to his candidacy is paid advertising We do not see howanyone could have got the idea that it was not advertis- in g a s itw a s so marked. One would indicate from thaabove tha t the News-Herald would just as leave have Us readers believe th a t Taylor was not wanted. .The people so spoke In 1006 and there are mur muring* th a t history will repeat it­ self. Along Easy. TheCourts. For some time one ham lias roan-f aged to keep the residents on East] Zeiner Bros,, undertakers of street in a turmoil. The officers I Jamestown havo brought su itin the have boon appealed to, particularly ?Gourt of Common Pleas; to recover Andrew, yet no protection is *$-36 alleged to bo c Mayor r ' given, ' ‘ This same man a feut months ego while in an iutoxicai>d condition made an effort to cut tfce arresting Mrs. A. 55. Smith has returned home from Chicago, after a visit of several weeks in th a t city. {She was accompanied homo by her sis­ ter, Mrs, J , A. Berg, of Morton Park , 111. Mr. Stewart Arthur iB preparing to erect a new ham soon. The old barn, was located on the North side of the Columbus pike, but the old hew one will be on the South side. THE SURPRISE STORE 1 OUR BOY’S AND CH ILDREN ’S CLOTHING Are all made of tho finest of durable fabrics, carefully se« - looted and *are tailored by the best tailmw in America, We oOfwrry the largwfeline of Boy’*Cflajiisigiigshown by any house Children’s Russian Blouse and Sailor Bulls, sizes 2K to 9 years...........................................................* 3 .0 0 t o $ 6 .5 0 MEN ’S AND YOUNG M EN ’S H IGH -CLASS CLOTHING. A t prices tha t cannot fall to win your patronage. We are , show ing an extra fine assortment ofmen’s and young men’s Spring clothing this season in all the latest weaves and newest colorings priced a t $ 8 to $ 2 5 .0 0 . THE SURPRISE 28 & 30 East Third St., STORE, D a y to n , O h io . The approaching primary. May i% is drawing out thecandidatespartic ularly m the county. The comims- sionerslnp see as to be the lucious plum this time and there is a wild scramble for the three places. There are some eight o r n ’ne candidates fpr these places and probably one or two more will drop in before the game closes. By the action of the Republican Central committee la st Thursday delegates will be elected to a county convention a t the coming paimary The apportionment will oe one dele­ gate, for every 50. votes cast for; Andrew B. Harris for Governor, Tins will eive Cedam lle three and the township two. The delegates to the county convention will select the delegatee t®the State, Senatorial and the Circuit Court convention*, legate* to the boramea PI sm oon- ■aoiJLM *3*qWl a t the A candldatea have an­ nounced for village central commit­ teeship and petitions are in circula­ tion. J , W/, Johnson, the jeweler, and, J , O. Barber. Both will come before the May primary. J . C. Townsley is the only one in the township so far to seek tho place* ■petitions havo been circulated Messrs. A. H . Creswell, T. W. St, John, G. E. Jobe, and 0- E- Cool­ ey as delegates for tho county con­ vention* Tho alternates arc J . E, Kly(e, ‘A. M, Tonklnson, Edwin Dean and J . W* Matthews, Two delegates and and two alternates must be selected from *thls list for tho townspip to the convention, officer. Some three were required to as tho offender. The the .fellow* freedom fine. In this case ho a fine on one of th e ; sisted in placing the rest. Time after time E* cuts have had to leave] seeking protection fro^ <me intoxicated and personalinjury. Two | appealed to Mayor At put off with the answi not understand law shQud see someone el was tho onjyoue havl| in such cases, yet duty. Two weeks ago the whiie under;th« mflus started in to abuse with whom he wa brother took a hand a bloody battle for a ; the latter tho winner.] No papers were gatt Mayor until the man escape. He was got days and returned night when more tro« ed on,East- street. Nc been made yet and makes tho prediction * bo any soon, Monday two worn* East street, again vi»l| and begged tha t soma but the Usual ovasirtj given, TimMayor w* language that Imlack* filling the office as ha Mayor was given ott that wo cannot put is the-less the “ bu ib tlon” Mayor slides were a jelly-fish. Hew any effleLali four men m jailing ror allowed ith a light r«massessed tha t as­ under ar~ reefc resid­ ing homes ae handsof on doing ftthe women but were it he did that they 'he Mayor msdiction raded his Ifled man of liquor ,paramour, ring* Her inhere was H time with duo them as funeral expenses for Flossie Dove daughter of John Love, defendant, Tho Sarah A, Wood property in Cedarville has been ordered sold by the Probate Court and R. F .Korr T* B. Andrew and F, P, Hastings are named as appraisers. The apprais- menfc was placed a t $ 800 , In the case of John M, Finney against E . E, Clark «t a!, court finds tha t there is duo plaintiff from the defendant the sum of $814 and Int­ erest to the sum of $77.04. The matter of the estate, of George W. Gray has been appealed from the Probate court to the Common Pleas court, MaryA. Gray, the plaintiff, alleges th a t from June 4, 1908, until June 4, 1009, she rendered services to George Gray in tho way of house­ work and nursing which is reason ably worth $10 a %yeek, aggregating $3*120, and she asks for judgment m this sum and the costs, in tile case. R, B. Gowdy, attorney. RESOLUTION OF L . T. L. it by tho mails h|a >r several Saturday £<was start- ltd have Herald will hot siding on le Mayor f bo done* per was :in plaid Itkbone In ild, Thn rmatlon Never- linistra- if ha Whereas our all-wise Father has taken from our midst a loving -wife and mother, m the person of Mrs. Jerome Black, he it Resolved, th a t we as a body of Begioners extend to Austin Black a son of the deceased and a member of the Gtasdtone Begion, also the family, our .heartfelt sympathy. And be it further Resolved, that he being a member of good standing In our Begion, we pledge ourselves to cheer, comfort and. md him In .Ut,y way we can and bo It further Resolved, tha t » copy of these rea elutions be sent to the family, one pu t on the minutes ol the Begion Secretary Book* one to Die press at Jamestown ami one- to the Cedar- villa papers. , Nellie Ilower. Com. i Mr*. Huffman. Olive l4weHek. ■ A FEW BARGA INS AT McFarland Bros. 3 lbs, Prunes fo r----- - *.......................... . . . . . . . . . . . .25e 3 lbs. B u lk lia is in s ......................*.............. .................... 25c 3 full pound Packages, seedless R a is ins..................... 25c 3 lbs, P e a ch e s .............. ..................... .............................. *25c % lbs. K x tra Fancy Peaches....................................... *2Se 3 Cans Pu tm an Tomatoes............. ................ *».......... 256 3 Cans Baron o r E avy 's Corn...................................... 25c 3 Cans Ind ian Seal P e a s .................................................25e 3 Cans Salmon.................................... ............ *.............. 25c 3 Cans ICratit , **** ****.*,*«***«*> »>*. »»*»* ****2oe 3 Cans B lackbe rries ................ ........................... * . . . . .25c 3 lbs. F lag Crackers................................. . . . . . . . . . . ,25c Edgem on t C rackers................................................... 10c lb. 6 Loaves B r e a d ............*.......................................... .... .25e N iw T e t r i C e l e r y * Lettuce, Onions, Pineapples, Ap* p iss, Sw e e t Potatoes, Oranges and Bananas. These arc all now goods, all guaranteed, and these prices hold good every day in tho week* NOW IS THE, TIME, To have your Fe’t, Panam a or S traw h a t cleaned and rcm iH ieW l for th e Spring and Summer. We are e x e r t s in th is work and all we a*k 13 a tr ia l to prove our claim* SNYBEJ&, H A T CO., t t t w t h i r d ST., «V* Y. M. V, A. HATTON, 0* J* M. m t m m Bocal nAgeiff. W. C. T. U. Holds Institute. Tile w . G. T. U. held an interest­ ing two days session in Yellow (Springs last Thursday and Friday. Mrs, 8, T. Baker, superintendent of Scientific Temperance Instruction, reported tha t every teacher and member of tho Cedarville school hoard and tho faculty of tho coll, go have affixed their signatures to the pledge. A veto was taken asking every minister in tho county to preach on “Narcotics,” Sabbath, May 8. Dr. George Black ofAntioch spoko on “Optimism.” Dr. 8. D.Fess also Spoke a t the evening session on the subject “Tho Advancement of Wo­ men,” Tho Friday afternoon session was devoted to the general discussion of thy various phases of tho temper anco work and tho now department of tho B. T. B. Work by tho now president, Miss Mary Ervin, Xchitt will entertain the institute next year. Gedarville was well rep­ resented a t tho Yellow Spring* maoting. NOTICE* Ail lot owner® in the eomofry north of Town, who desire to have their lots mowed, cleaned or graded or stones erected, can have same done byealllngon W. U . ford. 4fc Tho cold rain with dome snow th a t fell Monday and Tuesday brougot two of tho mosfcdxaagrecablo days of tho opring. March having been an unuanlly good month, mado change very unpleasant. Different reports are given about tho condi^ tion of tho friut. In most cases, however, tho Impression fe that little of tho fruit has been injured., Tho rain vmn needed for tho grass, wheat and particulary Hio young clover, yard fu*» about k*g»».ms” , 1* morn than the public can uaderstund, when a demon Is a t large almost weekly eominlting violations of our laws. Tho poor widow lacks the suffer- ago of tho vote, and mu*t stand the blunt, while tho other fellow goes free by tho will of the Mayor, And tho Mayor is just of small enough caliber In principle to carry out th a t vlow. L .’ T . L CONTEST* The B. T. Xb Silver Medal Contest held iu the opera house Tuesday evening was one of the best contests ever held in this place. Tho music ol the evening was furnished by a number of young ladies comprising a double quartette Misses BueileGray, Oliva Winter, Kathryn Md liven. Ethel Hpencer, Ethel Barlow, Carrie Townsley, Gertrude Reynolds, Esther Town­ sley. A piano duet was rendered by Misses Mary Hastings and Hazel Lowry, while Miss Helen Ogleshoe rendered a piano solo. The following were th* contest­ ants and their subjects; Donna Burns, “ Poo?House Nan” ; Andrew €rcswo''l,uThe Liquor Traf fic” }Kathleen Putt, “ The conflict Irrepressible” ; Karl McClellan, “ Sacrifice, “The Victory Spirit” ; EtilaTarbox, “The lb-fence of tho Alamo” ; Dwight S tetrett. “The Enemy Under H ip Flag” ; Wilmah Spencer, “ The Children of Today Make the Nation of Tomorrow” ; Paul Turnbull, “Tim Streets of Death. Tho judges were Ear. Ross Hume Rev. McCormick of Alleghany Seminary and Rev. M. J . Taylor. Rev. Hume in a f.w Well chosen remarks presented <he winner, Miss Putt, with the medal. JUST ARRIVED. HOUSTON ESTATE* B. Charleston SentineD—An in­ ventory of tho estate of the late Boon H , Houston filed in probate court reveals that Mr. Houston had owned in full five large farms con­ taining acreage as follows; 030 acres 502 acres, *18 acres, S30 acres, and 389 acres. Mr. Houston was also part owner owner m farms contain­ ing the following acreage} ono-thlrd interest m 808 acres, three-fourth a 195 acres, one sixth interest in 1708 acres, and one-half interest iu 65,994, 3G3, G7, 181, 030, 105, 10, and 17 acres. Mr. Houston also" hold securities amounting to $833,098.98. In addi­ tion to this his chattel property is valued a t $1,805,50. NOTICE* The trustees of Cedarvillo and Ross townships will meet a t Robert Townsloy's farm residence, Satur­ day, Slay 7, a t 1:80 P. M.for tho purpose of selling to tho lowest possible bidder, tho, cleanngof about 145 rods of township roads contain­ ing brush and stumps, You must ho convinced when you r.oe them- They are Vauties, com­ pactly built, deep ribbed, good stylo, an ear like a thor-itighbred, a coat of hail’like silk, ami all black W’itSi wSiiiostar; could you auk for better' combination. They are Mntuers (too black import'd P< reheron Stal­ lion) colts and fmf unate is tho man who has them, i*>r draft horse market in good, but will be better if present conditions ar» any guide. Heo Motour before booking your mason. Jeff Hood a careful ami experienced caretaker in charge. .Andrew Winter. - -Defter get j our order p, for buggy painting. Town*b\v and Murdock. Mr, John B. Stevenson, candidate fof County Commissioner, was in town, Thursday. T h e h a t is th e b iggest th in g a b o u t y b u r d re s s —a n unb ecom ing h a t c a n k ill th e w h o le effect of y o u r ap p e a ran c e , Corns h e re w h e re you w ill g e t exp e rt service . T h e n ew S p r in g de r­ b ie s cove r th e field an d w e w ill cove r th e w ise h e a d s of th i s tow n . Caxiaro paid on purchase of $16, TIflO WHEN , Areado Hpriiigfleld, Ohio. D O N ’ T Forget when you purchase your cement, th a t the Farmers' Atlos Po rtland [Cement is always uniform and gives perfect satisfaction. We can quo te you a low price on this High- Gr»de Cement. . Washing Machines " c o a t f g~ Clothes Wringers These machines are ball bearing, and have all the very Jatest labor saving devices. We inv ite your in­ spection and comparison of prices. A new and complete line of Screen' doors' and Window Screens. Kerr&Bastings Bros. This is “One among Many.” Come in and have the pleasure of seeing the best line of shoes that was ever in Cedarville. Men's shoes from $2.00 to $5.00 Ladies' and Children's shoes from 50c to $3.00. Home Clothing Co., GOOD SHOES Cedarville, Ohio. The Palace Restaurant M rs . Chas. H a r r is , P ro p . X en ia Ave. Room s fo rm e rly occup ied b y C. C. W e im e r . M e a ls by d ay o r week , L u n c h se rved a l l hou rs . F u rn i sh e d R oom s fo r Ren t. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING