The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 1-26

££*>, am\% 5 logah mum&xwL § £ tav & ut n 'J:v »»»ra 'ii»»iiin ii< ~ Mrs. diaries Enin and a rnw r i w . ml - - - - Xeina RAlwdi w f*f with- Sirs. Sarah Barber v.-im Juts JtyUM i b m l tiuito ill fcroomo time. Opera House, Saturday night, “ Thu Minister’s Son ” . Mr, X>, B . Johnsou was in Payton, Monday, on lmsuiCHs. Mr. Woodbridgo Fetich spent ■Tuesday iu Columbus. - “General repair work and rubber tires at Ttnvniiiey and Murdoch's. Mr, Chariot? Unibreath ot Payton spent Sabbath with his mother. ••The r.Iit»td< r't. a play that - iear'.o’n the heart at*.I iteih r of mankind. Opera house, Haturdny i night. Mr. G, A . MeCl'dlan ami family and Miss Irene McClellan of Payton •spent Habitatli with Heir inothi i\ jMrr.i. Lucy McClellan. Mrs. David 1‘Vllorvs ot Birming­ ham, Ala,* arrived Tuesday evening and is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miibimi. — hjip something now io Offer m tho egg- lino and all poultry producers should sea his announcement in this issue. Mrs, O. A. Dobbins, who has been •unending the v/erl; a1' Iter former - home In Dawson, will return By,tm>, /la y . uccompitnied by her sister, . Mr.i. AYillianr-im. 1 . . . •{ ,t a meeting- o f tbo Board o f ; , .mueation, Tuesday owning, Miss ; Ethel .Spencer was ciupui enii'mera- . I tor for tins district. Tho hoard will . elect touchers on M'ay 11). ■ _ " rGe.t y ° « f JJWSJff painted at* James Hannlfan, afbrmer Cedar- lowmfioy and Murdoch s, |vJUo boy, seems to have mud®, good _ „ . 8on the Aguslu, Georgia, team o f. Don’t forget tho» date of '.‘The?the South Atlantic league. He ! he duplicated Minister’s Son1’ , .opera house, Sat-(promises to mafeo a star pitcher, urday night, April 30. | _____________ : , Jamestown will hold another fair j and home coming some time this ! fall, Sept. 21, 131, 23, having been . about decided upon. ' The fair lastj |season was a great success and . j there is m> reason why it cannot ' “—— l a *-*-, TT*.. . —i ,i.. <?£»ttaA»ifcUBI sa*< - /^./'"7rSx\ (/H, X# 50 -S * £ ast MainStreet, Xenia, Ohio. Mrs. James Murray spent Thurs­ day in Payton the guest of Mr; J . P, Barr and family. * Mr. O..30. Bradfute Is just recov­ ering from an attach of. rheumatism that has confined him to tile ‘ house for sometime, . Mr, Charles Coulter of Oxford, visited at the home of Mr, IK. B. Barber over Sabbath. Mrs. p. M- Reynolds was called to Blanchester this week by the death of a cousin. Miss Grace Morton will entertain a number of her college friends ■Saturday evening. —Something for the man,-who brings us the most eggs on Satimiay May 7. 'Three prizes will be given and the advertisment can be found iu this issue. Mr. and Mrs. W . R, Sterivtt ars ; ; visiting their son and daughter, 1 i 'Waiter and LouneUe, who are at- ; |-tending college .at Beaver Falls. ; They also attended the closing ex- j ercists of tho Allegheny Seminary! of .the I t ,. P, church (O, & ), Mr. Bterrett being a member of the.! Board of Superintendents. Mr. Frank JSudsley of Dayton spent a few1days with Mr, It. g. Townsley this week. —We have something to interest you in our shoe window. Home Clothing Co. Miss Lydia Turnbull entertained a number of college friends, last Friday evening., Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hamilton of Bloomington, 111,, speiitTlmrsday with Mr. and. Mrs. A. Z. Smith, j Dr. W, A. Galloway of Xenia made Mr; and Mrs. A. Z. Smith a . friendly cap Sabbath-before leaving for Germany. • - Pr, F. M. Spencer of Sterling, Kansas, ‘ and Mr, Thomas Spencer of Xenia, spent Wednesday with Mr, W. A; Spencer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Townsley were given a surprise Monday evening by their children a/nd grandchildren, the occasion being’ the celebration of their forty-fourth wedding an­ niversary. The International Order of Twelve will hold a .public installation at Taborian ball, April so, bpginmng at 7:8(>p. ru. Come one and all and have a'good time. Refreshments in abundance. Over 500. pairs Men’s fine PANTS ta select from at $ 2 to $ 5 a pair. We can fit and please you. Boy’s Knee Pants 25p to $1 -apair. It pays to trade At Bird’s. “We are in receipt of a note from I Rev. S. M. Ramsey of Los Angeles j Cal., stating that lie and ids tlaugh-j tor, Martha, are expected to arrive j here next Friday, May c, with fue l remains of Mrs.. Ramsey. The fun-j eral services will bo c nducted by f Pr. McQbesney intue R. IP. church, J Rugs, a splendid,line.of “ Room I Size” Rugs in Velvets, Axmin- | ] sters and' Bussefs, in ali grades, j sizes and prices. Come in and; see them, Whether you purchase of us or not. It will pay you and we will be glad to show them to you at Bird’s. Miss Ella 0. Kyle, missionary at Cairo, Egypt, writes her Greene county relatives of having bad-the honor of introducing Theodore Roosevelt to the teachers in the college on the occasion of the de­ dication of their new building. Mrs. Robert Wilson and daughter, Dorothy, of Hanna City, III., are guest at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. J. R.Orr* ' Word has been received bore of he death of Walker McCoy, of FlatRoek, Hi. No information is. given as to Ins death but friends have known of Ins sickness for some lime. Tbo funeral will bn held this aftornoon from the residence of a nelee, Mrs. Bristow of Payton. Mi*. William Hawthorne, who has been attending McCormick Semin­ ary, Chicago, is visiting Ins college irieiicls. • •, Mrs. John Lott of Pittsburg Is expected here this evening to make her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Owens an extensive visit. Mrs. J. Berg,who has been visit­ ing her sister Mrs. A. Z . Smith, leaves Saturday morning for her home iu Morton Park, 111. Miss Helen Smith entertained- a' number of college friends Saturday evening in honor of her guest Miss MAne Sliough, of South Charles­ ton. ' Greene County gets an exhibit from-_ the Wooster Experiment Station for the fair this year, arrang­ ements to this effect having been completed some days ago. Mr, Charles Hisley of the Arcade Shoe, Store Springfield, with a party of friends stopped at the Central Hotel, Sabbath evening for supper. Mr- Kisley is tho proud owner of a new automobile and had been touring this section of the country. WE WILL PAY YOU 21 CENTS . ' Per dozen for No. 1 clean, fresh * EGGS” in trade, Saturday! Ap­ ril 3 0 th .. It pays to trade At Bird’s Mr. George Drake of Yellow Springs conferred last Saturday with tho officials iof the electric light company as to. turning on tho. power for bis village, Mr. Drake is a member .of tbo board, of Public Service,. The light company 1ms everything ready and will turn on the power Wh‘m ever ordered by tho Service Board. - Mr. and Mrs, Harry Flubart of ; Payton entertained a number o ff friends'from h-re Tuesday: "Mr, j and Mrs, R. Bird, Rev, Walter j Condon and wife, Mrs. R, C, Watt, j Mrs. H. A. Turnbull and Mrs. Julia j Condon of this place and Mrs. Rador of- Xenia. ’ d e . Y o u r S u i t ? ' ' . When y ou arc wearing an L -System Suit, y ou -need n o t b e surprised when tha t question is asked you . Y ou r cloth ing has a distinct ind iv idua lity . T h e thorough, manner in wh ich it fits, the tasty patterns, those graceful lines and tha t fu ll effect lire n o t found other ready t o wear garments, .T h a t 's why you r friends Relieve the suit was m ade expressly fo r y ou . B lu e serge has the ca ll now . A lways in good taste, the serge is ideal fo r Spring find Summer wear. Ir-Syfcfcem is the standard o f excellence, em boby ing every feature o f the youn g fellows desire; Y ou ^w ill have no difficulty in making a selection from the m any patterns and styles we now | ^ 3 0 C* .A " ' rr£ jpa- ' ^ % '1: I :\meSW ■ ■ y a :-.-.•'K *.vi ■ } v - / >0 h A s 4 k ■ - 7 \ / ;* ? v ; a I a / 'A V : i ’ l l ..;4 t ' ' ' , I < ' 1 /s ,v * . I ‘A i 4 1 V '-* i, V - ‘ *V ' ,, < i <« ' V | %' Y "■ -S ; V ■’ 1 ' " „ v t > ’ A n ■„ -’ ^ 4 f ' ,\H rv-rti-.1 ^ h a. •' {>- - / a 4 / < I - I -1 \ \ Xk I t \\ v ‘ r<9 t . - m ■ The •W. B. Bryson tiorse sale Thursday drew n large crowd and all but three dorses were- sold, Pr. M. I. Marsh sold his driving horse for $155 to a Payton party. We notice that C. E." Raney of this place purchased Fanny Delmar for $102.1)0 Harry Townsley bid in Anna Leigh at $180. Piazza Chairs should be given a coatof OatapheiPa Greene. Vatins b >I Stein-; Tt produces a very band- >I some effect tbai adds to f heat tra ct-; iyenefis o f your, front porch . o r \ summer house- Anyone, can apply i this, Stain Pries hard and stays-! bard. Color card on application-to O, M. Crouse. ’ - - , Suits for Business and Dress . i H irsh-W ickhire offers the same opportun ity t o the older men. These suits, “ The Peer o f P ine Clothes” are hand tailored, o f fine fabrics and unrivaled in tastefulness o f pattern, superb fit and general ser­ v iceab ility . Y o u 'll find m any <£1 Q a (j*OC pleasing styles a t . , ? . - . ____ For the $ !0 and $ IS Man . 1 M any d o n o t care to pay over that amount for a suit; W e carry other stylish, standard makes , wh ich will g ive g o od , service; d»1 A r <j»j /? These are excep tiona l va lues a t . *r tJ)l U SpringandSummerHeadwear. Th is is headquarts fo r Stetson h a t s . . $ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 K ingsbu ry S p e c i a l s . . . . . . . . . 4 ? . . $3 A storia . * . , , . . . —» . » * %. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .. Standard, m akes____ and $ / . 5 0 • M a n h a t t a n a n d W i l s o n B r o s . S h i r t s . A re here in many attractive patterns.' Unlim ited selections are offered a t , 4 . . . ....... .. .•-----$1 to $3 In neckwear, hosiery and genera l, furnishings, we invite your inspection of oUtf superb lines. “I f it Comeh from Kingsbury's, it Must be Good" Have you purchased a New Spring Suit” yet*? If not come In and examine Those $15 ALL WOOL SUITS for Men and Boys We have them in all the NEW SPRING THADES. It pays to trade at Birds. Work lias- already btmn utarted on the uxcavatloii.fot th® now addi­ tion to tho M-- E. .church. Tim contract has been lot to tliff- Bros. Tlds congregation has planned for some extensive improvements on the church building this summer that will uot only add to conven­ ience but will be ornamental as well. ' . RTOKSI In an article In The, Uvationni Stockman and Farmer, Mr. Lowell Roudebush of Clermont County re­ ports that careful attention to tlm soil of on 0 of his fields enabled him to produce 102bushels of corn to the acre. He apologetically explains however, that he expects to be get­ ting IK) before long. . Wllberforco University was de- j fcated Thursday evening in a do- ; bale with Howard University o f ; Washington I). (J. on the question: i "Resolved That the Amount os Pro­ perty Transferable by Inlu-ranco • Should be Limited by Statue” . The I The judges were Prof, W’ cfiton of ) Antiocli, Prof. Allen of Cedunville ■ College and Rev. Cherrington Xenia. ? Mrs. .Caroline Williams, colored, employed as a domestic at the homo of Mr, A. L. St. John, suffered a broken right limb and foot Monday, A gasoline engine is used to furnish power for washing and churning and in some manner iier dress caught 'm tbo holt which drew her into the machine. Prs. M. I. Marsh and J. O. Stewart were called and sot the injured members. Xagleyllros. ambulance removed the unfortunate woman to iior home m town. ; Among those from out of town ’ who attended the funeral of the late ; J. W. Pollock. Wednesday, were *Mrs, Kate t Jackson, Mtsj? Flora Heshit, County Auditor Walter L. Dean, Frank Dean, Joh McYny, ’ It. It. Grieve, It. L. Oowdy, Uev. ' McClure, Mrs. F. O. Boss, W. R, .Torrence, J. A.Harimrd of Xenia, sJolm B. Stevenson ami Frank John­ son Yellow Springs, James Currie, ’ Springfield, Johu Ervin, James- ; town. MiwehantK. ami citizens in general' An Arrest fay Jackaun and a Timo He aro romhuled of tbn banquet o f} Didn't Danco, AV. J, Bilking, on itt Barber’ s Ha il; Ifc was a fighting age. in which Friday evening, May <5, on “ The; Andrew Jackson-lived, and every [ Retailing of Merchandise A man who expected to command the j Science''. The spanker is o f rutLon- ’ respect of the world went prepared 5 al reputation ami every merchant not only to fight at a moment’s no- f should bear him. M f-A G;.’ Brown tiec, but also to meet his man on editor of the, Monmouth A tlas,; the field o f honor, stated to. Pr, Stewart, president of It can easily- be imagined that the Board ot Trade, that Mr, F ill:-; Andrew Jackson, with his excitable ugton spoke in hit? c it y a few days nature, his domineering manner and ago and gave the. mt-rchantn one of his habit of regarding every op- the best, lectures ever beard in that portent as'a personal’ enemy, was by cily. ; no'means the most peaceably dis- — ^ i posed citmon o f the new settlements W omans Pay at the A. M. E , ; ?? Tennessee. The stories of .all Church Sunday May 1, An excel- i 1)ra’vls imt5 duels T‘ °'dl(1 fl11 a lent program o f si rvicob has been 1 volume. . ,, arranged for the day, ; , ™ 'vel| f Miss Mary Evans, a young woman bistro a.-.1 ny the folloe’ing anecdote o f ’-are,attainment, a graduate of nm of tbo Chicago High Schools, a-li- c.-nsed Evangelist. i:i the chuicb, tvlll preach two setniousi and render sn-vieo ofherwirio n:'-drded by otin r noble women. Everybody it-, mo:*!' i-nvdulliy In­ vited do attend the &, rvices and loiitnbuto liberally to a worthy cause, — 1 - ... A . Clever Line of Hats Th e hats shown in our w indow ■■V - - are some o f our biggest sellers. ' ; She shapes are g o o d and have prov­ ed extremely; popu lar since their show ing. S ty le , qua lity and workmanship are 111 our hats. One ha t will br ing you here n o t once, bu t all the time. Our 62 .00 H a ts are equa l t o any 62.50 H a t "sh own in this c ity . ?r KS The heavy frost and freeze Sat­ urday night has played havoc with the fruit m thin section of the country. Xot only fruit tr-. but shade trees-are brown as tho result of'ttin^frccZfr; tfnrsimtettry’fjrfnp-re- ■ ported as tow as twenty-five above. B- B. Vandervort and Mose Hnglor, two well known fruit growers re- port that there will be no fruit this season Unless itshou id be late apples. In places wo find that the >traw- berries and other small fruits were damaged but slightly. which conn-; down to us from the time when he was supremo judge on the Tennessee beach. One day. a desperado named Bean paraded up and down in front of the log court- 1house and threatened to shoot sher- 5 iff, judge and jury. Twice Jackson Jordered the sheriiS to arrest the •man, and. twice the sheriff was over** ! awed by the desperado’s threats and __ . , |forniiuiibic sypeiiranc-e. Mrs. Mary Conklin, widow of the!- t r n hif lato 1-L nry ConkVni, who rr-sidt-d ( T - £'rii * JacL.on,. losing pa- i.i'ar Xenia on the Columbus pif:i\ t 0 aV a '-.« ,, . . T , died Sabbath owning after an ill- i Ihe sh.'-rfir ewnphed* and JacL- upks o f *iireo mtudh". Hhe was f-d* f orh; <v.o pistols, walked out year of ago and wins a pioneer ail!- into the street. Lean at once meek- -z<»ir*-»f-GK3-eo«ji*y.- ho- following *fy. surrtiiusi:£‘,d..; r, ™- -™~.; eluldren survivi-: Volin-y B. of ‘‘When the iine-e come walki Logan county; James A ,, Arthur F ., Roscoo who live on tho home, place; Edward of, Arkansas; Mrs. Ida Lowry of (Mdiu-vilte and Mrs. Btolla Steele o f tho Coluruhna pike, Tlie funeral uervie* 0worn held from (lie home Tuesday afternoon. Sullivan, The Hatter, 21 S. limestone S i , Springfield, 0* . Mr. R. ll. Barber, who has not; i been in good health for some timo ; : miffered a nervous bnak«down lli i s ’ week that has temporarily affected his mind. Tuesday, lie waudt red , away from home ami was gone- > several hours Bourn alarm v.-aa felt and the family amt a numbm* of neighbors were summmid to a;-* slut in tb« search. He was found ; 1in an old grave! ptfc on the Badger farm about one mile from bonus cold and exhausted from being \v<*t in an attempt to u ‘< h >! ih * cm*!.-, 1 'Tit; was taki n home nod gh<5. ' medkul tr. af:m r.t and ehnv.s soHie uupvovnm-iil. Ms-, Bmbi-y F mi osieneive farmer umi hi hss * pliynical condifiou the 1 i am of Urn farm has worried him, 1 Earnest Man a natural Leader. What a wedge, what a catapult, I d an earned. luan. Who can reclst bbn?—Tfioreatr.- $1 “The Minister’s Son” OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT, APRIL 30th. GEORGE ALV IN BUTLER In McCauley and Patton's Su ccess , “THE MINISTER'S SON” A PLAY THAT PLEASES EVERYBODY. A SPLENDID COMPANY. BEAUTIFUL SCENIC SURROUNDINGS. Everybody Will Enjoy Them se lves and Feel Bet- | t e r Having S een It* Price - 25c - 35c - and - 50c P eifsw* E tm m m biPemm H ox t S c ltd ay Train lcavon C» durulln L8ii«tm, •jfVho judg n’ outyTcau aflenrard explained, “1 looked him in the eve, an’ I saw riwot, an’ there hadn’t been, shoot in nary other oye in the crowd. So I pays to nm-elf, raya L *01e boss, it'a about lime to tung rinall,’ an’ so I did.” On another occasion, while Jack- fon was rilling circuit, he was stop­ ped hv two rivenneiw-of tho class whor-ij h ;;wt it was that they were “ half law. o, half alligator, tipped with :■*■;.,;ppiiv; turtle”—and was told. Ihat Si'" would have to .dance for f their e!:;!cation. Jackson meekly aa.-.wered that he was not accustom­ ed to iliiiv.-i"ff without his pumps, but that they-were in bio saddle* bag; and if hiu cajitora would per­ mit In v.niild put them on before givi'si;.-; flu* performance,, Nothing io.Uh, they cimseuted. Jackson ac- cm-di!,(,'l ;/ opened the hag and. pl.UT- :=v'; in hath hands, drew them net whh a pi- in each. Pointing' them f dl ;>f' the men, he roared; “ Yuv, i.e‘1 teo '..ho doer, the dano,« iug! Dfttn e, you devibl Dance!” They danced.—Chicago Trihmio, ... .............NOW .ia,,XH£.„T.IM l^..-,:'.-. .... ... .... T o havel’your^Felt, Panam a o r Straw hat cleaned jfm d remodeled for the Spring and Summer. W e are experts in this w ork and all w e ask is a ‘ trial to p rove our claim , , PAYTON, oj SNYDE.R. H A T CSO., 123 W. THIRD ST., Next to Y . M. C, A. - J. II. NISBET, Local Agent. "*V“ 1 E L A S T I C . ' '« ROOF PAINT for tin, mtetal, paper* felt »it<l futoteld.teofi. ■ 3& , proof againsl the weatherorraSt*. AbteiutljyMB* z, porous, -Will not crack* peel; blister or scale. Will ' notevaporateafter tmce set. Is tiiSnewater•jwtsof* * ing material. Conhiios uoitigrodients Such a> »*lt “ ir and lime which enttf into the COftitWSitiOtt bl lh* JNJ® **major part trf the *o,ca!lcd roofanil Iranpaint!b» lie market fcMlay which havo no rihstio qualities rut ato destructive to metals ,*hd flUies, and are bound to crysGHre iinj' racial, It Ingerm pTOof. #* ■A Sindfor timthraniptiit list. Wap n.nt$>mtost tfa fcif&Xmil fonts#s mtft. TTtwOAL.fc.IMAM <t*OOM«e*t »WM!5l*|UY