The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

• * Christmas In A Scotch City Glgtgowjte commercial metropolis© t! Bcutlaml, with Its well ulsh million la i habitants, can be c ^osea ns an Interest' \ Ins'illKstratioa of the manner In which eao-fcarth of the people of tho country spend the holidays. Many days before the store fronts on Argyll street—a thorccghfaro as busy os any la the land—are gayly and profusely deco­ rated with holly and evergreens, Above nearly every entrance signs of wel- como and tho compliments of the sea- #oa are exhibited, in holly leaves. On Christmas eve the stores keep open late.' Either side of the thoroughfare is a mass of blazing, cheerful light, and there la a moving mass of human­ ity between. But when the stores close.they close until boxing day. All the working people upw got their Chrlsttjuns holiday. On'Christmas forenoon the lord pro­ vost o r mayor presides a t the annual meeting and breakfast given by the directors a t the royal infirmary. Ills lordship makes a speech, after which there is a distribution of good things to all th e patients in the large Institu­ tion. Then he- visits sundry other In­ stitutions for the care of the sick aud poor, where there are Christmas treeing and. feasting. By the way, Christmas day Is oao of the lord provost’s busiest days. A t 2 o’clock, according to an­ nual enstom for years pyst, be pre­ sides a t the annual dinner given to from 5,000 to 6,000 poor men, women and children In the city hall. Albion - Btreet. H is lordship and tho city magistrates occupy.the stage and (tike dinner w ith the poor. During' the fC- past, which consists of soup, beef, an entree, plum pudding, tea or coffee and fruit, sti’-'lng Scotch airs ore played on the big vgnn by the city organist. At the d o s e his lordship makes a speech, which Is reported verbatim in the newspapers. I t Is usually a mas- . terly production. Outwardly the aspect of the city resembles' th a t of Sunday. Neverthe­ less thousands of people are moving about. The myriad of riveters In the miles o f shipbuilding yards along the Clyde have come to the city with their wives and families and are attending the 'matinees or evening, pantomime performances th a t have already been running. These pantomimes are a fea­ tu re of city life In Scotland during the w inter. "Usually three open at the big theaters in Glasgow Christmas eve. They are rehearsed for weeks before. The playwright usually chooses as his theme a fairy tale, “Jack tho G iant Killer.” “All Baba and the For­ ty Thieves” 'an d "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” have been favorite themes. As a rule, the playwright re­ tains enough of the tale so th a t the ' young folks' can recognize the char­ acters. b u t taken altogether the pro­ duction- becomes really a dramatic burlesque o f local life and character, , interesting, entertaining and even ele­ v a tin g to olS and young. Actors and actresses of renown take the leading - p a rts, while there- a re dazzling cos­ tumes, magnificent scenery and a gor­ geous ballet thrown In, No wonder I t la th a t often until the middle of sp ring the pantomimes enjoy, a con­ tinuous rum Latterly they become in a sen se classics, for their libretti undergo, weekly Improvement a t the Suggestion of local w its noted fo r'th e pungency o f their sayings and the fund of dry Scotch, humor they pos­ sess. I t la no exaggeration to say that these pantomimes are visited by some persona each night all the season through and by others fully a score of times. • Then there is the usual exodus of young men to the country a t Christ- mastide. I t is a common saying among Scotchmen that all roads lead to Lon­ don. This Is changed to Glasgow In some cases. There is scarcely a fam ­ ily of note In the Highlands th a t has not a son at the universities of Gins- gow or Edinburgh studying for the professions of law, medicine, the pul­ pit, th e army or th e home or foreign civil service. With what hope and pride the advent of the young student Is looked fo r a t the little railroad sta ­ tion up In the mountains on Christ­ mas eve or morning! If he lives on an estate the next day he Is given a side by his rustic countrymen In tbclr annual Christmas day football match The game Is usually a stoutly contest­ ed one* umpired and refereed by the laird and heads of tho estate. At the comer of the field la placed a cask of good Scotch ale, from which the play­ ers regale themselvea a t half time. Then the game resumes, and the sec­ ond half la fa st and furious. Around th e ropes are the young women of the estate looking on with pleasure and discussing their choices in the dance list of the evening.—Brooklyn Eagle. CLOSING Of the Entire Stock of M. Marcus & Co., 30 East Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. Over $14 000 worth of Men's and Ladies* ready-to-wear goods now being sacrificed at LESS THAN 50c ON THE DOLLAR. Read th e se prices, then come ’ to our store and compare them. Santa Claus In tha Zoo, Said Santa Claup: “ ‘TIa Chrlottnoa eve (The animals looked pleasant). And each of you Will now receive Ilia yearly Christman present. But I’d fce glad If every guest Would mention what he'd like the best.” . The tapir said! “That pleases me. I'll state succinctly, therefore, If I may be so bold and free, The only tiling 1 care for Would be those matches on the shelf, With Which I'd llKo to light myself.” Ills wish was granted. Then up spalio A timid little adder; « “Sir, but a trifle It will talto To make my Christman gladder. A slate and pencil, If you pleace, Would let me do my sumo with ecusa.” The reindeer said, “You may believe VS be a happy fellow . . if l were euro t would receive * A good sized nmborrellow, . And also I'd like four galoc+ie, ■.Tes, and a rubber mackintosh.” —Walton Williams, Piles or Smiles P A POSITIVE OUAftANTEE feMiewrialriyrtlievi and*lfl*»t*b/**f»wtth DR. HEBRASUN60ID the moat wondetftrt scientific discovery of modemtimes(hr thesevereste.-uwaofltchlng idle*, F*i«ns, Tetter, Bslfc Rheum, Ulna VffHi Berbers Itcli, etc. This highly raedP eated asttseptto Salvo Mils the germs, te» more* the trouble r.ud heats the tmtaUna permanently. Absolute satiafatUca goaf- JifetMdortfit»*yjfWu«dedU._„ „ , prib#M cts. «tDruggist*. OfttsUMt Trial »wtt|4egosnta to cover nusltteg, THE I. 6, BITTNER Ttiod#, Ohli. Men’s Collars All sizes except 16 and regular 12/4o val­ ue, sale price.................................................... 40 Men’s Hose Black and Tan Hose, regular 10c value, sale price....................... -...................................... r-4° Men's Hose, ICOquality, sale price ...... 7&c .Men’s extra heavy wool hose, regular 60c qual­ ity, sale price...................................... -.......... 190 Men’s Underwear Men’s Fleeced lined, extra heavy Shirts and Drawers, -50c and 76c value, sale price....... 20c Men’s Collars Men’*Rubber Collars, 20 c and 25c Values, sale price ........... ;............-.................................. 14)0 Men’s Suspenders 26c quality, sale price...................................- 10 o 85c quality, sale p rice-.............................»..... 17o 50c quality, sale price........... ........................... 25c Men’s Jersey Overshirts 75cand$1.00 quality, sale price....... .............. 80o Men’s Sweaters Turtle necks. $3. and $8,50 quality, sals price......... •.............. ....... -........-............. ......$1.*5 Men’s Working Gloves 50c and 75o quality, sale price.........................,29c $1 quality, sale price... ................................... A5o $1.50 quality, sale price...................................76 q Men’s Caps 25c and 85c quality, Bate price.. ----- 50cand 75o quality, sale price.... - ..... ..16c ..25c . Men’s Clothing •Notice our tremendously low prices Men’s $7.50 Suits, sale price.,.,...................... $3-00 Men’s $10 suits, sale price............................. $**75 Men’s $18,50 suits, sale price......................... $0.00 Men’s $15 Suita, sale price.................... ........$7.00 Men’s $20 Suits B ale price............................. $0-00 Men’B$23Suits, sale price......................... ...$11.60 Men’s Overcoats We have the largest stock of Overcoats ever shown in Xenia, All new stylos, weaves and makos, Such as Raincoats, Cravanettes and Slip-on. Our prices are so low tha t every man young or old, can afford to own one. /> Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats, regular $0 value, sale price.............................. .......... $4.00 Regular $12 value, sale price-.......................$6.00 Regular $15 value, sale price... .................... $7.00 Regular$18 value, sale price,......... .......... ,....$8.00 Regular $20.value, sale price....,........ —.......$9.00 Regular $22.50 and $25 value, sale price... ,#10.00 Men’s Pants Ladies’ Cloak and Suit Dep’t Ladies' Coats, In all shades and this season’s styles, regular $10 value, sale price.........$5.00 £12.50 quality, sale price........................ ......$ 8.00 $15 quality, sale price........... ............... .......$7.00 $20 quahlty, sale price.................................. .$9,00 Misses’ Coats Misses’ $7,50 Coats, sale price............... ........$3.6o Misses' $10 Coats, sale price...,......... .............$5.00 Misses’ $12.50 Coats, sale price............. .......$ 0.00 Misses* $16 Coats, sale price.................. ...... $7.00 Children’s Coats at.less than 50c on the dollar ® Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits $15Suit, sale price............ ,... .....................,..,.$7.00 $20Suit sale price.... .......................;.... ........ $9.00 $25 Suit, sale price... ........ ..... ............. $11.00 $80 Suit, sale price........................ .......... ...,.,$13.60 Ladies’ Waists Ladles’ Swasetta W a iB ts , trimmed, in all colors regular $2 quality, sale price....................... 89o Ladies' line Taffeta Bilks, in, all colors, and latest makes, regular $4 quality, price....$1.08 Ladies’- extra line Taffeta Waists, in black only, regular $5 values, sale price............$2.76 a Ladles' flue MessaKne Waists, very handsome, a real $10 waist, sale price................ ......... $4.25 Ladies’ Underwear Ladles' Ribbed, Floated Lined Underwear, Shirts or Pants, 25c and 35c value, during s a le ............. ....... ............. ........... ............. ........ 17 c Ladies’ and Misses’ Skirts . We have a fine line of-high gi’ade'Pants to be put on sale. You can buy ft'flne pair of trousers for almost as cheap as you can buy a pair ol work pants. Men's Shoes We haven line of Men’s, high grade Dress Shoes tha t will be sold a t a great sacrifice. Now is your chance to get a pair of Shoes for one- half the usual amount. Rubbers One lot of Misses’ and, Children’s Rubbers, which wiil goat sale price................./..........15c One lot of Boys’ 75o and $1 Rubbers will go a t sale price,....-................................................ 25o Ladies’ $8.20 Skirts, sale price............... $1.76 Ladies’ $5,00 Skirts, sale pries..................,..$S.60 Ladies' ,$0.00 Skirts, sale price.................,..,...$8.00 Ladies, $7.00Skirts, sale price....... .............. $8.60 Ladies’ $9.00 Skirts sale price..... ................$4,00. $10 and $18 Voiles go a t ..............................,...$6.00, Ladies’ Muslin Underwear 25c and 35c Corset Covers, sale price...'..........14c 50c and 75c Corset Covers, sale p rice ...........29c Ladies Muslin Drawers 50c and ,75c quality, “ sale price.................... ....,............. .................. 29c Ladies’ Gowns, 50c and 75o quality, sale price............................................... .........;..„......S9c . $1 and $1.25 quality, sale price..;...... .......,....60o .$1.50 and $2 quality, sale price....................... 79o Ladies’ Petticoats 76c, sale price............ ..... 37c $1Petticoats, sale price... .... ...........,50c $1.50 and $2 Petticoats, sale price.,.... ..... ,....;..50e $1.50 and $2 Petticoats, sale price.,....,... ,.....„....75c Ladies’ Velvet Lined Underwear, regular Cpc, 76c, $1 and $1.25 value, Bale price............... 88 c Ladies Union Suits, regular 50c and 76o values, sale price...... ................................ .......... ..,..,.,.880 Ladies’ Hose 10 o quality, sale price............................. ........... 6 c 15c quality, sale price....,................ -............,..,.7c Millinery Department Ladies $1.60 and. £? Hats, sale price............ $ .76 Ladies’ $8.00 and £4.6u Hats, sale price,,,.... $2.00 Ladies’ $5 and $6 Hats, sale price............... $2.60 .Ladies' $7.00 and $7.60 Hats, sale price......$8,00 Ladies* $8 and $9 Hats, sale price..................,.$4,00 We hayo two lots of Ostrich Plumes, $2 quality B ale price....................................... ........... ..... 76o $3.50 quality, sale price............................ i.... $1.50 W ithou t a doubt th is is the greatest bonafide sale ever held in Xenia. Every th ing is marked in plain figures. Prices lower th an cost to manufac­ ture goods. Remember, th is sale will only la s t un til the entire stock is disposed of. Earliest buyers have best choice. Look for our signs—two doors from Green Street; ‘ . . A Precocious Diplomatist, Boy—Oh, mamma, I : upset the salt cellar over my clean clothes. Mamma—That was careless. Go and brush the salt off, and see you don’t soil the clothes. “But, mamma, when any one spills salt they have to quarrel, don’t they?” “So they say.” “Well, then, if they don’t spill the salt they don’t have a quarrel. Isn’t that so?” “Yes, that is so. But why do you ask?” “Well, because, mamma, it wasn’t the salt I spilt; it was the ink.” No Bait, No Pish. A stanch teetotaler and an en­ thusiastic fisherman had a good stretch of the Dee to fish in and en­ gaged the services of an experienced boatman. But night after night he came back with empty creel and at length departed in disgust. - When he was gone the boatman was approached and asked how it was that a fairly expert fisherman had ouch a run of ill luck. “A wcel,” said the man, “he had nae vhuskie, an’ I took him where there was nae fush.”—Boston Trav­ eler. Solid Mahogany Bridge. In the state of Chiapas, Mexico, a bridge which spans the Bio Mi- cliol, which with its approaches is lfiO feet long, with a width of fif­ teen feet, is built entirely of solid mahogany. The bridge is used both by teams am! by foot passengers and, though roughly constructed, is very substantial, jtfone of the mas­ sive timbers was sawed, as there is not a sawmill in the region, but all were hewn out With the ax from Argonaut. logs. The Producer. "It must bo annoying to have to ask your husband for money,” said tho in­ trusive woman. “I wouldn’t think of doing so,” replied Mrs. Oumrnx. “Wo Insist on family guinea of bridge and in that way avoid being under tho olighteat obligations for what ho con­ tributes,” CHAS. A GUMP'S .RUBBER HOUSE.. 31-33 E a s t Second Street, Dayton, Ohio. When you want first-class Rubber Goods, give us a call. The majority of our Rubber Goods are made to our order, and are of better quality than you can find elsewhere. Hot Water Bags, Fountain Syringes, Bulbs, Abdominal Sup­ porters, Appendicitis Belts, .Uterine Supporters, Trusses, Crutches, Tubing, Crutch Tips, Jockey Strops, Hard Rubber Syringes, Rubber Gloves, Rubber Mittens, Atomizers, Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, Leggins and Anklets, Ankle Supporters, Bedside Tables, Back Rests, Invalid Beds, Rolling Wheel Chairs, Commodes, Bed Pans. Urinals, Invalid Rings, Air Cushions, Water and Air Bods, Pillows, Sanitary Covers, Nursery Sheet­ ing, Rubber Dust Caps. Colon and Rectal Tubes, Ice and Bath Caps, Rubber Aprons, Itubbor Bands and Sleeves, Ladies’ Syringes, Finger Cots, Folding Bath Tubs, Arch Instep Support­ ers,.Telephone Receiver Cushions, Etc, KODAKS, CAMERAS, FILMS, PLATES, and all kind of PHOTO SUPPLIES. Lawn Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Outfits. Leather and Rubber Belting, Packings, Waate, Screen Wife, Lace Leathers, Hose and Mill Supplies. RUBBER HEELS, BEST MADE. Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Poles, Reels, Nets, Camping Beds. Snag Proof and Gold Seal Rubber Boots and Overshoes outwear anyother make, RUBBER and OIL CLOTHING. Only Once in a Lifetime THEhlCHGRADE LEHR PIANO 18 USED AND ENDORSED BY Th«GrandCeneemiety nf Meric, NtwY*rfcCity. ThePennsylvaniaCallage of Marie, PMMriehit. GM«g* CenterurieryAMathewSeheel «fOpera,CMiefe. The Petrie Ceaienttery 6f Marie, Path)*, Gala. AND OTHKII LKAOIMQ COMSIHVATORIM A eweei yri brilliant and powerful tone, exqnMie 3 , correct adjustment ana aurablo workmanship place it In tho front rank ef the beetinstrument*made to-day. it Is the Ideal piano for the hocic, where it* presents i«a elan ofcnlture and refinement, „ The I-xn it VIANG is manufactured under rinenlerly.Vrorableconditions which lemm (he ooet of production, and It has achieved a brilliant, anccee* m the r “at elegant lnetrament In tjhe market at a eaUsAtctory price, WRXTB FOK CATA& IVJB AMD rJUCBft. LEHR A COMPANY* M anufre, - Easton, Pa. Youwill buy a boHer if you buy wisely. A boiler will five you SUMMER HEAT IN WINTER, will beat every portion of your house, and the money Invested will give more comfort, health and happiness than can be obtained in any other manner. I t will banish colds, pneumonia and will ROB WINTER OF ITS TERRORS and rigors. While indoors YOU WILL NOT KNOW IT IS WINTER. Without boiler heat you are missing the greatest comfort and blessing in life. Find out the cost to secure such heating and you will wonder why you did not have it done before. HIGH GRADE STANDARD BOILERS furnish well heated houses at minimum cost of installation and, for fuel Twenty-two years' experience shows us what to furnish to secure best results. OUR. C A T A L O G IS F R E E . A*k lor it sad for way Information about Uettfof. G IBL IN <& CO. » U T I CA . N. Y. J. E PIERCE, Agent, To Cure a Cold in One Day T<*eLaxative Bromo Quinine m/JL mwm , 3tev#« *raiio« T h i s w » ^ OPEN IN -. T h e Western — ^ „ '. « '.* ', « ’ , .• * • OPEN IN - 1 Nev N THE Consolidated Salvage Company, THE ’ 7 1 . ■ L«P 1 EVENINGS Promoters, 30 E. Main St., Xenia, Ohio. EVENINGS We m c o m * >!<»rs ,. 89o and fu is lack J2.7S !W1Q, .1 $425 ’ear, ring ,.17o 50c, ...a&c lues, ...880 ..... 6 c ...7o $ .76 $ 2 . 00 . $2.60 $3.00 $4.00 ality ,.„75)C $1.50 C- rs I P n . e F 9 '=• ER, ■ b it O R S r is p s 1 :;!* Seven" RS £ • free Qrip Oft f r y n r