The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
For Excellence Our Job Workwill compare with that of any other firm,.... f f k e herald. This iiera whenmarked with on fo* des, denotes that a year’s mh£<;rii> tion if past due and a ’prompt set tlement if earnestly desired, , , * THIRTY-THIRD YEAR NO. 50. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FIMJAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910. BRICE, 31.00 A YEAR. , C,A. GOESTOBOSTN. Rov. G. A. Young, who 1ms been pastor of a Reformed Presbyterian congregation in Philadelphia has roeoivpd a call to the Roxbury Pres byterian congregation In .Boston, Ho has accepted the call and will take charge on Sabbath, January '15th. A remarkable co-incidence in con nection with th is call is th a t Rev. Young is the fourth QedarvJlie boy a s a m inister la the Hub City. The other three are Rev, James Mitchell known to m any older citizens, Rev, J . M, Foster and Rev. W . W . Iliff. W hat greater ropreaentatio;. could this community ask than to have four of her favored sons m in istering to the people of the most cultured city m the country? Christmas C an tata December 23rd. The Sabbath School of the United Presbyterian church will give a cantata, entitled “ The Christmas Story’* in the church on Friday evening, December 23rd. A chorus of about forty voices is being trained under the direction of Miss Vera Andrew.. There will be fto admission fee charged and the general publio is invited. WEATHER REPORT. The following is the weather re- jmrb for November, 1010.. Rainfall 98; per cen t sunshine, 40; clear days, 9; cloudy days, 17; part cloudy, 4; range of temperature, 8; average . temperature, 43; highest temperature, 02; lowest tempera ture, 29; thundershowers, 2; frosts, 0; depth of snow2 ind ie s; freezings, 10; shows 8; ice, 10 times, fogs, 8; rainfall up to date, 29.85 inches, Samuel Gxeswell, Observer. A fresh car of cement, just ar rived. ■ , D . B e t t n . ic Sale Wednesday, Dec. 14, ’10 A t Davidson’s D airy farm, one mile Hast of Xenia, on the James-' town pike a t i2:30 P . M. STALLIONS M a jo r D a lm a r J r . Standard reg istered tro tte r; only son of former world’s champion: only horse ever sired by a Wo minute tro tter; grand dam the dam of two world’s champions, dam a double producer, sound, 9 years old, sure. E g o n . 4 years old, imported teg. German Coach Stallion; weight 1600 pounds; big, sty lish , beautiful, sound su re; two bargains. Also eight Dairy Cows, six Jersey one fresh soon, and one 4 year old registered Jersey Golden Dad bull. Sure and gentle. Selling because of removal from Xehia. J. M. DAVIDSON. T I M NOTES. Charles Frohman has promised to give Miss Lillio Burke a t least one new play each season, This season it is “ Suzanne,” a comedy adapted from the French, in which she shall appear a t the Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield, on Thu rsday evening, December 15th. The F rench play from which It was taken was called, “De Marlage de Mile. Beulemans,” and it was a g rea t success in Paris la s t summer. Before th a t it had been enthusiastically received In Brussels where i t was-w ritten and where the scenes were laid; I t tells a p retty love story of which a Bel gian girl, as winsome and charming as a real Billie-Burke girl ought to be, is the heroine.' This little girl isn’t the petted , spoiled child of wealthy paren ts like Jacqueline in “ Love W atches,” the role in which Miss Burke made her debut as a star, iior a resourceful woman of the world like Mrs, Dot in the Maugham comedy m which she has ju st closed a long tour; “ Suzanne” is a business girl and helps m the office of- her father who is a dealer m bottled beer. She has two lovt rs and it Is her method of choosing between them th a t furnishes the plot for the comedy. I t has been a matter- of universal knowledge th a t birth coupled with money, regardless of mental capaci ty, fills the list of society’s eligibleB. In “The Th ird Degree," wliieh will be seen a t the Fairbanks Theatre, on Saturday, December 17th, Mr. Klein a ttacks th is tradition, The son of a member of an old Knicker bocker sot, has m arried a girl, who by reason of h e r strength of charac ter and na tu ra l mental force, is as good as any lady m the land, bu t on account o f.h e r parentage, causes her husband to be disowned by his father. The youth, no t being of strong mental calibre, plunges into dissipation and debt. A death oc- curmg under strange circumstances causes to be fastened on the boy. the suspicion of having ccaBioned. Unaided and alone, with no help save th a t of a woman’s wit, ingenu ity and steadfastness of purpose, and supreme confidence m her hu s band’s innocence, the girl wife "wins against such g rea t .odds th a t even the strongest of men would, hesitate to overcome. Seldom in the history of .tha e d a p lay t h a t embodies the tense and absorbing in terest contained in “The Th ird Degree,” THE INSTITUTE. —Special—100 pairs Regal $3.50 and $4, special price $1.99. Moser’s Shoe Store, Xenia, O. . — Everything in the fine of fruits, nuts, celery and vegetables at Marshall's. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the m atte r of Publication of Notice in the estate of ■William Dumford, deceased. Notice is hereby given th a t the undersigned has been appointed and duly qualified by the Prohat# Court of Greene County, Ohio, as adm inistrator of the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate m ust make immediate pay ment; those having claims will pre sent them for settlement. L. G. Bull. To all customers whose purchases amount to 815. or over, between now and Xmas, we will give absolutely FREE your choice of any merchandise in the house to the amonnt of $1.00. HE is sure to need something to wear and the best place to buy is at the HOME. A new suit or over coat would be a very acceptable aS well as a useful present. See our nifty ties, shirts, collar, hosiery, caps, gloves underwear, mufflers, scarf pins and cuff links. And many other USEFUL presents. Goods cheerfully exchanged or money refunded for anything not satisfactory. Home Clothing Co., Learn the Secre t Cedarville Trade a t Home. Ohio. The Executive, committee and officers of the Farmers’ Institu te have arranged an excellent program for the different sessions, which will he held next Wednesday and Thursday. The state speakers will he Dr, August Stabler, Brighton, Md., and F rank Blackford, Eldorado. Miss Id a M, Shilling, professor of Domes tic science of the O. S. IT. will have a paper. Several local speakers have been arranged for and so fa r as the program is concerned the Insti tute should be a g rea t success. Well attended sessions with, plenty of discussions of the various topics makes .the best institute. The pub lic is urged to attend th e different sessions, WEDNESDAY, 9:30 A. M. INVOCATION. “Breeding and Marketing of Pork” .....„Frank Blackford, Eldorado, O. ’Leguminous Crops for Soil Im provement "and Forage," Dr. August Stabler, Brighton, Md. Dr. J . C. Goes Dr. J. C. George position at the Daytu He will go into privet Ohio, For several y« tireless, patient worke. terest of the adininiq* dents. Possessed of temperament and di» success in a hospital, i. friendship of the offic# patients. The institute ably managed, and pm considered, the best in| That Dr. George, e to its success is admit a talented physician, U sion,_ and a gentleman , to his friends, social af His many friends w| but success, which he Dayton Journal. nrge Lima. resigned his itate Hospital, letice at Lima, [he has been a £re in the in- and the pa st necessary won to be a naves with the l&mployes and ‘* very admir- ily, all things State. Uuted largely py all. He is jrs his profes- lanners, true „eniat,' Jijm nothing deserves,— Free! Free! Installatioi Rev, Me] If At- a meeting of thej Monday the call of R< Michael as pastor of Presbyterian ' Church - Friday, December 16th,Tj installation services at Dr. Joseph Kyle of preside and 'deliver Henderson, of Sugarcre the pastor, and Rev. S„ the First U, P. Church,] dress the people. tael. Presbytey JV S- E. Me- ifocal United acted upon, set for the IR. M. niinary will srmon; Dr. rill address ftjartin, of, ala,1will ad- ‘Live Stock” ...............H. N. Ensign. WEDNESDAY, I P. M. Nooks Goei To Mi “Needed Legislation and Laws” Dr, August Stabler. “Parcels Post” ........... -H , N. Ensign. “Humus and Soil Bacteria” ' F rank Blackford; Judge Kyle on Moiic motion for a new .trial \ Walter Nooks, convicted intent to wound, and s to the Intermediate . Mansfield. Nooks’ vie® Iiuelf. Question Box.....E . Bradfu te WEDNESDAY, 7:30 P. M. Address Bi Sec. overruled a ic case' of fUttnig with ced, Nook§ entiary at kas Henry >din. INVOCATION. Music....... Reading.... ............. -..Earl McClellan. Address.... ..... ..... ..Frank Blackford. MUSIC. Read ing ... Address.... Address.... MUSIC. THURSDAY, 9:30 A..M. INVOCATION. “ Corn, Cultural Methods" F rank Blackford. “Domestic Science” Miss Id a M. Shilling, ‘Bacteria—W ha tThey Are and Do” D r. August Stabler. This conference !$ for County and' Sunday School Workers. Mr. Wallace I, Woodin, Secretary of Ohio Sunday School Association, will be with us both sessions, and his addresses will deal di rectly with the organized work and mod ern methods of Sunday School improve ment. Mrs, Kaye will speak to us from the standpoint of organized township work from 'personal experience. This conference will be fliU of good things for us to know, and we want everv Sunday School in Greene County represented. Take a day off and spend it at this conference. We can help you and you will be a source of inspiration to us. Please don’t forget the place and date. The conference will he presided over by our County President, Mr. D, O. Jones. Council Tranacts Little Business. mcil met in regular session Mon- lay evening, all members^ being present. T ? was no special business of impor- cc other than the reports of the com mittees and the allowance of the month ly bills, amounting to $247. In the ab sence of the clerk. Dr. J. O. Stewart acted as clerk pro tern. Adjournment was takeis until Saturday night, Decem ber 31st, when the business for the last half of the year will be finished. A Beautiful 42-Piece Dinner Set and Other Valu* able Presents Given Away Absolutely FREE For fifteen weeks we will give away dinner sets and on the sixteenth week we will give away a high-grade $25 Three.Piece Mission Furniture Set to the per son present holding cards snowing the largest total amount of purchases made during the proceeding sixteen weeks. These Dinner Sets and the Three-Piece Mission Furniture set are now on ex hibition at our store. We will be pleased to have you call and examine them. Here is your opportunity to secure a set of dishes, or perhaps a Three-Piece Mission Furniture set FREE. Special Notice—Only one dinner set will go to a family. After you receive a set of dishes you will then try for the Three-Piece Mission Furniture Set. ---------------C O N D I T I O N S O F C O N T E S T -----------— Each time you make a purchase at this store amounting to over one dollar, the total amount of sale will be punched out of the Contest Card, which have been distributed or may be had at this store. Each Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 P. M., you will present your cards in person at our store. On the day and the hour specified, the person present holding the card which shows the largest amount of purchases punched out, will receive absolute ly free of all charge, a beautiful hand decorated 42-Piece Dinner Set, If your card does not entitle you to the set of dishes at the awarding, hold , your cards for subsequent distribution as we will continue giving away a set Of dishes each week for fifteen weeks, so even if some one else does get the set of dishes, one week your card may be highest card some later week, so save every ■ ..card. As previously stated you are entitled to anew card every time you make purchases at this store amounting to $1.00 or more. For, example suppose you purchase at one time goods amounting to $2.70, we will then punch that amonnt ($2.75) out of that card, so that unless you purchase more than that amount at another time, that card ($2.75) is your high card. When your card secures you a dinner set it will be marked “cancelled” by us and returned to y o u . . You must save this card along with any others that you may Lave, as we have another big “prize” for you. C. M. CROUSE,, 1Pre*«»ixt -COotiM C ed a rv ille , O h i o . V U V W IW U W V V V U V V V ^M V V W V ^ ^ What Shall I Give? Where Shall 1Bay It? The two puzzling questions of the hour, regardless of one's circumstances, . position or where one lives, The Answer; J oh n son ’s Where Prices Are as Low as You Dare Pay for Qualities You Would Be Willing to Give. ‘Tuberculosis*’... Dr. Leo. Anderson. There Is a live photographic wire in Xenia which Is proving quite a conduc tor, and those who are shrewd and fol low it tip, find It leads direct to Down ing's Studio. THURSDAY, 1:30 P. M. MUSIC. “ Clover” ........... Dr. August Stabler. “ Domestic Science” Miss Id a M. Shilling. MUSIC. “ How to Make a Successful In sti tu te” ........... ........ F rank Blackford. Question Box............O. E . Bradfute. MUSIC, —-ThGHungarian Irchestra which conies here on December 10, as the the third number oh the lecture course is one of the highest priced attractions th a t has ever been brought hero by a lecture course committee. The organization has no superior on the lycotim platform. •“■Bouorts Kobstt coffee, no ad vane in price, 80c per pound. Naglcy Bros# BEN HEALTH Poultry Powder 25c lb. That's something of im* portance to poultry raisers, Vfo carry a big line of the kind of poultry supplies that tend to keep hens healthy find in best laying condition. Egg Foods, Poultry Powders. Oystor Shell, Ground Bone, Mice Grit, Etc. Let us supply you with poultry goods. Nobody cfcn beat our prices. Wistorman’s Pharmacy Diamonds. Aright, white and perfect in every respect. All our Diamonds are first quality and it is impossible to secure better than we sell. Every size . in stock. Watches and Clocks. Attractive cases, reliable works—all our Watches are of the highest qual ity, the product of the greatest skill You can see their beauty—we guar antee their reliability. Jewelry. Of quality, correct in style and ex clusive designs. Besides solid gold we sell gold-filled jewelry, good for years of service. Few displays of Jewelry more complete than ours. Gut Glass. New and original shapes and artistic designs. The clearest, most brilliant and deepest cuttings. Glass from our store bears a stamp of quality. Our display is unusually attractive. Toiletware In Sterling Silver and best plate. Single pieces and complete sets for a lady's or gentleman's dresser. A variety of patterns, and with quali fy is combined style with service. i i Rings. Solid gold,[properly made and per fectly finished. Plainf or engraved, signets single sets and combination of stones. We can fit any finger at any price. ONE Q U A U T Y ONE PRICE. J . W. JOHNSON, J ew e ler . C e d a r v i l l e * • * O h i o * iV A ’,^ ^ ^ V V W W '^ % W ; -M ,,A% ^W W W ,V .V ^ «V .W A V A V ,V aV.V^VWV^VV^WWVV^VV%VAVW J r - 'W* • f
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