The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
% i * mm gs»jaaiaE»aafc!afi,jui!n:\.,T:#<*«r;irir'T"<nBfi'tOTr*-amwri«f*iM^ j ig iig m g g ^ U f r ^ f a w * . ..-■ Xenia Merchants Bid For High-Grade Pianos $150 .00 UP C a s h o r kT im e . , ■ ■ ■ EVERY PIANO GUARANTEED Call and see our line of Pianos before buying. You will save $100.00. Make us prove this. SUTTON ’S MUSIC STORE., 23 Green S t r e e t , -]] - Xenia,^Ohio. T h is S p a c e R e s e r v e d For M iss O sterly , M illinery . M l CHRISTMAS Will Soon Be Here And now; is the time to make your selection and the best place in Xenia or Greene County is SCHELL’S JEWELRY STORE HERE YOU CAN BUY Ladies’ gold filled Watch from. .10 to $25 Gents’ gold filled Watch from. . . .8 to $50 Ladies’ solid gold case from. . , .10 to $50 Gents’ solid gold Case ............... 40 to $100 Also-a line of low priced watches for Ladies or Gents from......... .... .1 to $7 Diamond Rings from..................... 6 to $400 Signet Rings from ........................ .1 to $16 Triple Plated Knives and Porks per s®t . . . . . . . ................... 3 .50 to $ 4.50 Quadruple Plated Knives and Forks. per set................................... 5 to $6.50 You can also see a large line of Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, set............ 4 to $10 Sterling Desert Spoons and Forks, per set....................... .................... 10 to $16 AND ALSO FOR A NICE G IFT Solid gold necklaces, solid gold bracelets, solid gold sleeve buttons, solid gold scarf pins. Also the same line of goods in gold filled. Toilet sets brush, comb mirror, military brushes, clothes and hat brushes, scarf pins, dress pins, gold and gold filled lockers, and an endless variety of set rings, signet rings, plain ripgs, band rings, all solid gold, silver and gold thimbles, gilt clocks, chafing and bak ing dishes, rich cut glass, large line of back combs and hat pins, the largest stock in Xenia. Special inducement for persons wishing to buy Umbrellas. 25 Pe rcen t also will give the same discount on Ladies’ Gold Brooch Pins. * Kodaks from $1 to $20, and all kinds of Kodak sup plies. Fine Hand Painted China. In fact a full and large line ofgoods always to be found in a first-class Jewelry Store. f . j . h T s c h e l l , Steele Building, - . Xenia, Ohio. Christmas Shopping 1 Christmas on A Canalboat “Hpw are we .going to spend Christ masV exclaimed the good natured Mrs. Captain Boggs, cremingly a bit sur prised at the question, for canalboat folk are sensitive of any criticism aim ed in their direction, “Why, we’re going to spend the day just like other folk. Some think be cause we live on canalboats we don’t have any comforts and eat like sav ages. My, but I’d a heap sight rather live down here than iu a flat, like my niece’s. She’s got sis rooms, and they don’t begin to be as big as mine, “If you think there ain’t room just loo: here,” and Mrs. Boggs displayed the secrets of xi suit of rooms, the in genuity of the* arrangement rivaling the den of the New York bachelor girl. Out of the main cabin, which served as living and dining room combined, two alcoves jutted, besides an tnfluitesimal corner dubbed, the kitchen, but which was even tinier than the modern-apart ment house;k!tctieixette. While under ordinary circumstances the kitchen was part of the cabin proper, two doors at right angles to each other eoujjij be drawn out, which, ■meeting, form* a room Uy Itself. A shiny cotil stove or range quite filled the compartmrat. leaving just room beforejt in which to work, while above it every inch of wall space was utilised with pots and kettles and kitchen uten sils of every sort. A low cupboard opening into tlie hold contained more articles of kitchen use, as well a s vegetables and canned goods. Bunks were Ui-q lajcd in the two other alcoves, whh h v.ere, iu open view of the cabin. But from the re cesses of the boat Mrs. Boggs pulled out a sliding door, which completely divided the space into two rooms, ami when curtains were druivn into the cabin the oecupahhs enjoyed all the privacy desired, r A big divan could be opened up at night into a roomy double bed, and an other bunk, "just under the eaves, vyas sufficiently large to tuck two small youngsters away. Chests of, drawers built in, wardrobes and cup boards In out of the way places sup plied room for bedding, clothing and the boots and Bhoos of a family of children. ' One of the biggest surprises In the boat, one which conveyed a hint that might bo applied In small*houses where room is a t a premium, was the pre served fruit lockers. "We all do J b >our own frtiit,”*went on Mrs, Boggs. "You see, while wo go up the canal we are in the country most of the time, add It is much cheaper to put up our owd fruit than " 1T 1 A HEAP OtOHT EATHEH MVE DOWS HEiia" buy it In winter; and this is where we store it." Going to the stairs up tbo companion way. she pulled out tiny drawers Small knobs jutted out from the face of each step with which to open tbo drawers, while within there was quite room enow .t to allow pint fruit jars to stand t prlght, A cole’ storage room was tucked Uway in tlie bold, into which a small door about two feet Iu height opened. The dining table was a folding affair which turned Up against the wall of the cabin when not In use. When some surprise was expressed at (he presence of a sewing machine in the room Mrs. Boggs said: "Oh, that’s nothing! Many of the boats have organs as well, and there is one fitted up with a porcelain bathtub. So. you see, we have some of the luxuries of city houses and plenty of good all* and sunshine. A concert is to be given on one of tbo boats here New Year's eve, and if you should like to come down we’d bo glad to have you and show you a bit of canalboat hos pitality," A Christmas Game. The "chest" may be arranged In any way that will hide one of the players The game is based on the old poem, "Mistletoe Bough:". Tho miotletOO hung' In tho castle hall. The holly branch nhoiso’ on tho old oak wall. Tho barOn’n retainers wore blltho and 'g&y A-fccepitig tho Christmas holiday. The "retainers" all form a ring about tlie "lover," who is blindfolded, The retainers sibg: Bora wo aro to blltha ami gay,' Neaping our Christmas holiday. One will hide in tno cheat hereby. To guess who It la you must surely try. With that one of tho “retaiuera" runs and hides In the Improvised chest. The "lover" is led fo it, and be may ask questions of tlie hidden one, who may reply by "Yea” or "No," disguis ing the voice. By these answers tlie “lover" must tell who the retainer Is. If he fails he must try again. When he succeeds, the hidden person becomes the lover. ___________ , I, vA l PWBOL y ? o o t ^ lYNolce orWater touches \ \SEM.SBVPT OYSTERS', ,\NoOtettiicalPreservative^ \ Natural YVavor.YresV.tiwvV/i'/C/iTl/ \ b qua-Wly // A/ft. Sealshipt and Other Oysters Oysters with a Difference Sealshipt Oysters . .- *. Are packed in a sanitary, germ-proof, enameled case, wh ich is sealed . Tub oysters are packed in a stale, slim y , spggy wooden tub w ith a loose cover. * $ ■ w U j Sealshipt Oysters Are handled on ly by the men who shuck them at the beds. Tub oysters are tended by the hand—too often grimy—of the ra ilway em ployees; 1 . _ ' . . Sealshipt Oysters Are protected from germs by an air-tight, sea led case. Tub oysters are packed in a tub w ith an ill fitting removable cover, often out of place.j I Sealshipt Oysters Do not come in contact w ith .ice -it is packed around the case. Tub oysters have ice put directly among them , often bruising and con tam inating them! . Sealshipt Oysters Have a delicidps piquancy the true Vhalf-sheU” flavor. Tub oysters are fl^t, insipid, w ith no marked flavor, save that of chemicals,. Christmas Candies, Nuts and Fruits p. We* have not on ly the largest but the finest line of CAND IES , NU T S and FR U IT S for Christmas treats. Special prices for quantity lots to School Teachers and Sabbath Schools. H. E. Schmidt 6 Co., South Detroit St,* v Xenia, Ohio. BALDNER & FLETCHER No. 42 East Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. PRACTICAL Steam and Hot Water Heating. Gas Fitting. Tin and Iron Roofing and Spouting We MaKe a Specialty Of Picture Framing A / W N A Expert workmanship hundreds of new and up-to- date moulding carried in stock. All work done promptly. V \ A A A / Zell’s B 00 K Store XeS&0. NEAR POST-OFFICE S t a t io n e r y a n d O f f i c e S u p p l i e s M W Christr I m R i It was a lair r:ii*i k.* *fV*T r u i n f T t <I *: on a li; |». ' ij gaUi;:.’’ '■ e > FlIlUO i t tl. ■ 1:. of iLe • ' .tv (.ovohv 1,1' U. bmwvif i, 1 olil Hngi: ; ■ ways •cry; : (lava and b i: family ft'-siNai- the go, :i] ,.id ; c children feci 1 plant j i;t* c in this <UI:'*inus h the choicest gift The squire Ur company, wl.ic large, old f.islii,i posed of dl'fci'i'Otl ous family f-on variously neciiph wooden horaes. tattered dolls nb| traces of a little ' that lmd frolickj day. While the mufti lug on between relatives 1 bad tl rnent. The gn sll vouldl i’itlil THEDA.SOE from the wide to make way for midst of which glowing and bln a vast volume o I understood, \v the squire was brought in and eve. according It was really squire seated 1 chafr by the b ancestors .and I the sun of a sy and gladness to very dog that 1 os be lazily yawned, w master’s face, floor and stn| sleep, sure of Supper was our arrival, spacious oaketj . of which shorn' which were s<| decorated with the accustomed tapers, calid wreathed w a highly polii family plate, dantly spread but the squin ■frumenty, a dl| boiled in milk a Btandlng dls mas eve. I u friend, mince . the feast. The supper to gayety, and] moned-from ti| The dance, Ilkj per. was a older folk joir himself flgim with a partue he had dance nearly half a The party with the kirn shaking hand] the hall on 1 the dying cm sent forth a not been the dares stir ab half tempted at midnight rlc-s might n the hearth. I lind sc::t<| strain of nm in the air jr « listened and c band whir waits from I drew aside more distine through the ment, parti: qttated hpa they recede' aerial and quiet and ti listened. Ti tender and ually died i the pillow, Ingtoa Irvin A pretty l ping a larg pine, cotfue sized hoop stout cord, from upPH'l large red nf *liawraa» 'ffraOtdr-^ Jtes. ft fflMqfc. O j m i free,, t C.A.
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