The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

I p * G et the G ift At' L I N D S E Y ' S Special prices on Jewelry? Silverware, Cutlery, Musical ' Instruments* Guns, Gent’s Furnishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases and Holiday Novel­ ties. You are Invited to Call and Examine a Bewildering Display of Tempting Bar­ gains, T. G LINDSEY, 27 S. Main St., Dayton, Ohio. H o liday P re sen ts In the Leather Goods Line Just a few suggestions for gists such as Trunks, Traveling Bags, Leather Suit Cases, Man­ icure Cases, Toilet Cases, Traveling Cases, Mocca- cines, Music Rolls, Bill Book, Art Leather Jewel Boxes and many others too numerous to mention. JOHN C. STORCH, Faulkner Touches Political Situation. The Bon. “ J oqibq 1, F a u lk n e r ,! pastmnstor la tho a r t of recording political dope to? tlio Enquirer, has the following to say concerning the situation in the Sixth D istrict: “That eminent Scriptural au thor­ ity, Colonel F isher of Wilmington, having lost a ll hope, has resigned himself in nonparjol type to a gerry­ mandering of the Sixth Congres­ sional Districts by the Democrats. I t is his opinion solemnly express; -d, that, as now laid out, the d istrict will continue to elect Democrats to Congress. That foe of pragmatism, Samuel H en ry Pye, of Blanohestsr, has not yet endorsed this view, nor has Hon. William Miller, Assistant Attorney General, who is to be dec­ orated w ith the Order of the Can within a few weeks, expressed an opinion. One of those horse doctor politicians down in Clermont coun­ ty, while in the general store a t Bantam la s t week, is quoted as hav­ ing said, “ I t wuzn’t the district, as much as the stand ing candidate tha t needed gerrymandering," Is it to be deduced from this th a t the gal­ lant, though hapless, Jesse Taylor is to be banished? P em h the thot and the th inke r thereof l A congressional election in the dear old Sixth without Jesse on the ticket? I t wouldn’t seem the old' familiar place. This unceasing champion of justice and tru th will not flinch in tins critical hour. I t is for Taylor and Reform in 1912 and against the ’Big S ix .’ " 42 W. Fifth Street, Home ’Phone 2535' - Dayton, Ohio. One square north of P. 0. Patriotic. Artist (to tentative customer)—Now, I’ll be quite frank with you. 1 refused a thousand dollars for it from an American, because I don’t want it to go out. of France, but I'll let you have it. for ten.—Boa Vivant. Not A Joke. The edict has gone forth That Downing’s work’s the best, And now the thing to do Is to call and learn the rest. Photos and portraits Of every kind and style ; The work you get at Downing’s Will sttrely make you smile. . • Xenia, Ohio. W5-. / , 5V-. £}f:. It , v N ow fo r Xm a s With Xma3 less than a month away, RIGHT NOW isn't a day too soon to begin to select your “gift things'*—much better NOW than later—stocks are more complete and you can be more deliber­ ate in choosing. Will you look over the following list of practical, sensible gift suggestions (just a hint of our Xmas stock), things with which you aro certain to please. For Women Jewelry, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Handbags, Parses, Neckwear, Marabou Sets, Scarfs, Hosiery, Ribbons, Art Novelties, Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Comforts, Perfumes, Sachets, Umbrellas, Purs, Tailored Gowns, Costumes, Waists, Milliiiery, Ruga, Curtains, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Etc., Etc. For the Baby Dainty Celluloid Articles, Soap and Salvo Boxes, Talcum Boxes, Powder and Ribbon Boxes, Satin Covered Amulets. Teething Rings, Bodkins and Combs, Brush and Comb Sets, String Dolls, Rag Dolls, Hand- Dressed bolls, Satin Coat Hangers, Carriage Robes, ICid Shoes, Fancy Bibs, Sacque-s and Nightingales, Pil­ low Cases, Bootees, Shawls, Flannel Skirts, Slips nnd Dresses (hand­ made and machine-made). For Men Subocriptlong to la d ie s ’ Home Journal, For M isses Fu r Scarfs, Fur Set3, Waists, Dresses, Handkerchiefs, Perfumes, Sachets, Ribbons, Hosiery, Art Novelties, (Roves, Jewelry, Umbrellas, Hats, Underimislins, Trunks, Traveling Cases, Neckwear, Scarfs, Marabou ,Mcts, Etc., Etc. Rmoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Shirts, Underwear, Sox, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Jewelry, Fancy Waistcoats, Umbrellas, Hats, Suits, Overcoats, Trunks, Fitted Traveling Bags, Bill Purses, Pochetbook*. Fur Caps, Overcoats, Suits, Neckwear, Gloves, For Boys Shirts, Underwear, Poeketbooks, Jewelry, Stockings. NOTE—(Gut cut the above) list for future reference.}, T H E R IK E -K U M L E R C O . s s s s s y s s s y y ( y ly s y y A D E C E M B E R S A L E O f Monstrous Proportions IP* unusual to be confronted with such a Bargain Event In December th e b iggest month In th e year from a standpo in t bu t th e unfavorable w eather in November leaves us with such enormous stocks t h a t extraordinary efforts ore necessary to reduce eur stock- ■ Such bargains were never offered in Ladies Su its, Coats, and Dresses, D ry Goods, Rugs and Lace Curtains, B lank ­ ets and Comforts, M illinery, Shoes, Furnjshings, Jew e lry and Men 's and Boy’s C lothing . Th ink w ha t th is sale means to you a t th is time . Can you afford to do your Christmas Shopping elsewhere*? .Read' a few of the prices. $50.00 Stock of Women's Ready /to/Wear Garments at 33c on the Dollar, • » * Not a thought of cost but a determination to convert our stock into cash is the paramount object of this sale Never before such Sacrifice of new seasonable goods, Possibly never again $8 .50 B road c lo th Coats, $ 5 .0 0 Rubberized Coats, 54inches'long, in plain or fancy.Btriped materials, semi or form fitting; guaranteed water proof; all sizes................................................. ...$4.45 $16.50 W om e n ’s Coats, $9.75 Dined throughout with guaranteed satin where necessary and perfectly fash­ ioned, serges, sheriots, Scotch m ixtures English twills and coverts. Tanging in Style from tho sorge model to the new mixtures, 52 and 54 inches iong. Spec­ ia l....................................................... ,$9 .75 $ 8 R ubb e rized o r S lip -on Coats, $4 .45 For ladles and misses, 54-inch long black broadcloth coats, well tailored; perfect fitting, good looking, this purchase was made a t a big saving, the advantage goes to you. Special... .................. $ 5 .0 0 $16.50 W o m e n ’s Ta ilo red Su its, $7.75 $7.50 Voile Skirts, made of hard twiBt voile, trimmed with silk and JateBt ■models, Special............................... $4.75 $16.50 Caracu l Coals, $9.75 Made of rich, lustrous black caracul, full lined throughout, with best quality Venetian lining, these coats are much in demand ana you share our fortune in getting them a t a big bargain. Spec­ ia l................. ................. '..................... $9.75 $7,50 Vo ile Skirts, $4.75 All-wool ladies’ and misses’ Suits con­ sisting of a h u g e ’variety of the season’s latest models .and material’s, in diagonals, home spuns and invilible stripe serges, coats plain tailored, 32 inches long, sat­ in lined, sk irts full plaited or flare, colors, nrivy blue, black, brown, green or, gray. Special... :............................. $7.75 N ew J trriua ls In Lad ie s S h ir t W a is ts Suitable for Holiday Gifts Lingerie Waist3 with embroidered or fancy lace trimmed bosoms, each waist pacCed in a fancy Christmas box.; $2 value. Spec ia l.............. ,..... ........... $1,48 Tailored Waists, tucked front, made of serviceable materials; $1 value........ 79c Blain Persian and Velvet. Waists, $7.60 value, special..... ..................... .............. $ 5 J u s t the T h ing F o r a Useful Ho liday Present. Ladies, and misses Sweaters, all-wool sweaters for lad les; made to fit, sizes 84 to 40, $2.53 values, special................ $1.75 Fancy I^n lt a n d W o o l S h aw ls Long or square k n it Shawls, assorted colors, D7c values, special.................. 25c Fancy K n it Shawls, good selection; $1.00 values, spediaL....,..... ........ :..,...65c Furs Make the Best Christmas Present When you buy furs you w an t to select from a big assortment, too big- That’s why we are forced to make such price concessions $25,000 Fur-stock a t your disposal a t about 60c on the dollar. Herb $10 French Coney Sets, $3.95 ' E x tra large Pillow Muffs and large Russian .Shawl, with ex­ tra head-of good quality French coney; regular value $10 Set, muff and shawl.......... ................................................. $5 .95 $8.50 Belgian Hare, Single Pieces Single pieces of Belgian hare Muffs and Scarfs; splendid quality ; worth $8.60. Price.................. .......................... $5 .95 1 Children’s Sets 75c Bearskin seta for children- Price.:.............................. 45c $1 and $1.23 Bearskin Sets for children. Price................ ... 88c The trouble we experience a t this time is th a t our stock is tha t you can’t afford to overlook therefore we place a are of the bargains we offer. , $4.od Muff or Scarfs, $1.98 Odd pieces Muffs and Scarfs, of good quality French coney: ex tra large size. Price.................... ...:...,„..,.................;.........$L98 $30.00'Belgian Hare Sets, $18.50 This is an extremely attractive number, consisting of large pillow muff, with head and tails, and large Russian shawl also trimmed with heads and tails; $30 values, price $18.50 $22.50 Belgian Hare Sets$l4.50 The very popular Belgian H are sots, large pillow muff and plain shawl co llar; wortlr$22.60. Price....................... $14.50 THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS TRADING SPOT Every th ing for Man, Woman, Boy or Girl —A FEW SUGGESTIONS— $ 1.25 H and Bags............. „.03o 50c Automobile Scarfs.........39c 75c Bilk Scarfs..................49o 750 Women’s capo gloves.......50 Children's Hdltfs, 8 in box 10c 12#c ladles Hdkfs, 3 in box,'.106 lOo Ladies Swiss Embroidered Haiidkerohiefa..................... 15c 69c Onyx brand silk hose, 60c 75oLace Collars........ ...........49c 35c Children’s Bearskin M ittens................................i............ 25c $1.50 Fancy Back Combs, $2.G0-Silver Mesh Bags... $1.69 $1.00 B rillian t H a t Pins,...X9o $7.50 Comb, brush, m irror $4.98 $1 gold finish Jewel Boxei,60c $8 Umbrellas,.................. $1.50 $3.60 Silk Umbrellas fine tape edge........ ........................... ,....$2.00 1000 Pairs of BLAMKETS at Almosl HALF- PRICE A purcliaso of a drummer’s sample line enables us to offer th e biggest b lanket value of the year. $1.00 Double Blankets............ ............. ........................ $1.16 Double Blankets, a pa ir.................................... $2.00 Double Blankets, a p a ir .................................. $3.00 Double Blankets, a p a i r ................................ $5.00 Double Blankets....!....... . ............... „................... ............... 80c .......... '..$1.79 AND COMFORTS TOO $1.50 Full Size Comforts............. ......................... . , $2.00Fu ll Size Comforts................................. ......... $4.00 Full Size Comforts................. ............................. $5.00 Full Size Comforts.................................. ...... ...... Exchange your duplicate sales checks for coupons They are redeemable in cash at 3 per cent, of their face value. The Fair 28 and 30 E. Third St., Dayton* 0. We declare a dividend on our profits in favor of our customers, equal to 3 per cent of their pur­ chase Save your coupons LAW OF COMPENSATION. 'Twas tho n igh t before Christmas and all thro1 the house, N o t a creature wa* stirring except­ ing a mouse Who slipped th ro ’ a chink in tho chimney w ith care, Add dropfc in a sock th a t hung temptingly there, He feasted on nu ts and candy galore. Till his poor little stomach could hold nothing more; And Johnny, who woke a t the break of the dawn, Looked ha rd for liis candies bu t found they were gone. MORAL. Woo Johnie go t off with a trifling h ea rtb reak , B u t the mouse died th a t n igh t from fieuto stomach aohe. —L ida Keck Wiggins. WILL YOU DAYTON, 0, 3:Listen to a statement made by Dr. W. O. Thompson, President of O, S. U., who said in his speech a t Thomas Johnson's picnic to the breeders of pure bred live stock, th a t one of tho most satisfactory investments ho had ever made' on Ilia farm wag a pure bred Pereheron ware. Therefore, le t me give you th a t opportunity of seeing some of the beat imported and home bred marcs in this country today a t Tho Champion Porchoron Farm of Amoriea a t Wononn, III., Robert Burgess & Bonn, Props. Andrew Winter, Local Salesman. ftmumiUo i'aina relieved fey «■* •* «*, H W I’m*. M m m . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the matter of Publication of Notice in the estate of Dona M. Royce, <le-- ceascd. j Notice is hereby given lbat the under-, signed have bun appointed and duly' qualified by the Prolate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Executors of the above named estate, All persons ii.d bted to said estate must make immediate pay- ment: those having claims will present! them for settlement, Andrew Jackson, Robert Hood. Christmas Furs Nothing makes a more acceptable present t h a n a Muff, Neckpiece or or Fur Coat Our assortment of dependable furs never so good as now. Prices never so reasonable. Mearick’s Cloak House, DAYTON, - OHIO, CHAS, A , GUMP'S ..RUBBERHQUSK 31-33 Bast Second Street; Dayton, Ohio. When you want first-class Rubber Goods, give us a call. Tho majority of our Rubber Goods are made to our order, and aro of bettor quality than you can And elsewhere. Hot Water Bags, Fountain Syringes, Bulbs, Abdominal Sup­ porters, Appendicitis Bolts, Uterine Supporters, Trusses Crutches, Tubing, Crutch Tips, Jockey .Strops, Hard Rubber Syringes, Rubber Gloves, Rubber Mittens, Atomizers, Elastic Stockings, Knee Capo, Leggins and Anklets, Ankle Supporters Bedside Tables, Bade Rests, Invalid Beds, Rolling Wheel Chairs’ Commodes, Bod Pans. Urinals, Invalid-Rings. Air Cushions! Water and Air Beds, Pillows, Sanitary Covers, Nursery Sheet­ ing, Rubber Dust Caps. Colon and Rectal Tubes, Ice and Bath Caps, Rubber Aprons, Rubber Bands and Sleeves, Ladies' Syringes, Finger Cots, Folding Bath Tubs, Arch Instep Support- ers, Telephone Receiver Cushions, Etc. KODAKS, CAMERAS, Fi LMS, PLATES, and all kind of PHOTO SUPPLIES. Lawn Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Outfits. Leather and Rubber Belting, Packings, Waste, Screen Wire Lace Leathers, Hose and Mill Supplier). ’ RUBBER HEELS, BEST MADE. • Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Poles, Rods, Nets, Oampin/r Beds. Onag Proof and Gold Beat Rubber Boots and Overshoes outwear anybthor make. RUBBER and OIL CLOTHING. %■ i it W V - If. i f 1 R f i p ■l i . : K r- ini' •: . jier.t m.v v lli': !!. ni tl.i U 'd . ■U'liliv Leti.. W , d « i uiitn. h tin* j,. <‘! h ; u Oil'll . lie i ;.! resign lit>n„1 pit:,'.; prol next l iii’i -X, ,\l tornie ■Chun a tu> «Pn -C . 'Ih*' Semi: ami a logier terial in Cl pojml bourn a oil! ton. fereni at iif! sinna: byter child: Mr g e n ; died last 5- No again se n t. befor .settle log wto nk» :ct ’.sis or tist ! $2 .48 of T9c :.5o $5 lay ool 3 31 .75 •ted 75c 1.00 S 5c s a ey: .98 •rge awl ,50 tnd .50 tier 59c 80c 1.29 1.79 3,25 ,98c 1.39 2.98 8.48 sad • o t t to •ar­ sons r >J l i Mo, t,. call. ; h uul an U - uinal t Trim rd Rul ts, Eln Support >M Chf Uiurfiii »?y Gh and IS *< Lad I- flupj 51 kind m<n W Caiiii | OVdlst L