The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

“**- Straw H a t s A tnnS c^i-'iL'V ■/' :Ei-u'* , ro'w i*n ‘V* A^o ,F»^r:mni3 m all ikd late t .uvt; \ Prices m Straps, 25 e to $ 3.50 mm Wmamm* ,00 to $ 12.00 A. J. I&Ser, Qr/aer of the Faraeiw Cheap Store,. So Retire fromBusiness Sullivan, The Hatter, 21 S, Limestone S t , Springfield, 0. St 3 SKS 8 QSHHSG KANY, THE TAILOR There is a © use for you to go and hnj jour Spring Suit , ready - ma . d^j when we will take your“measure and make you a Suit to Order , for the same money W e want you to give us a call and be convinced , Cmir-ificrDfi*' onsiety was felt in Incrd y_:<reantiio oireU:> wic-a it wa.i officially cnuuuuct’d that A. J. lill- It'F. who ha1 he<-u in I huuucsm in Divem* county fur ih<’ pant 27 yeatr., wa:i l<« t*lo.;i* out hri rntiri etnek of merchandise and retire from busi­ ness. Mr. Biller hao lie™ one of (vrcfius counties’ moat aggressive- and induntrluim merchants and the public in general will bo .sorry to learn that, ho m forced to give up fiifj bui-unes.*)'after such a Ion# and nuccpr.ful business career. There io hardly a man, woman or child DON’T FA IL To attend the Surprise Store's i°2 price ©ale of Men ' s , Boy's and Children ' s - clothing , S A T U R D A Y * Stupendous Reductions on Shirts * Ties * Hose * Underwear , Separate Trousers * Hats , E tc , Everything reduced . THE , SURPR ISE , STO R E , 861 wm B. R,EMPLOYES f - MAY STR 1 KE.I A U T O T IR .E S R E P A IR E D Retreading a Specialty in Xenia and vicinity that has not KANY, TheLeading Tailor. -XENIA, OHIO. ■i t C A R P E T S C U R T A I N S 1 W A L L P A P E R In all tho new Spring designs^'Inanj*^ patterns eon- trolled by u&> ^ SPEC IAL OFFERING 100 Brussels Bugs $12 each /'w orth .. . . . .$1(>.50 Drop patterns in best quality extra super A ll-W o o l Two Ply Carpets,..................... 52'4c a yard, worth 75o. Drop patterns in LINOLEUM regular 50 and 60e grade .........................................................87 l-2c yard. STRAW MATTINGS,'one andj[tworoom lots, half price been a customer of the Famous Cheap Store... Mr,Hiller was a man o£ sterling’ character and by hard work and /.food clean buuinesnmeth­ ods had built up a business he could well foolproud 'of, but just at the time when ho wo ’ efting his busi­ ness in such shape unit lie could on- joy Iho fruits of,his long and tireless labor ho was stricken with paralysis rendering him unable to further continue in business, and m order to dispose of his entire stock and fixtures he has engaged the services of Chicago parties toputou a closing out sale and wind up his business affairs. Mr. Hiller has a host of friends In the business as well as the social world who will .be pained to learn of his untimely retirement, from business. Mr. Hiller has al­ ways conducted his business in a straight forward business manner and The Famous Cheap Store has become a household word from one end of the county to the oilier. It is said thatthero was wo hotter buy­ er or judge of merchandise in the state. His most intimate friends and acquaintances hope and look for a speedy recovery. His store is now dosed anti expert hands are arranging and marking down the entire stock for a quick close Out, T io sale of the stock starts Thurs­ day atpi will continue until it is en­ tirely closed out. It will be many a day before wo wilihave a .store to take the place of The Famous Cheap Store where the people of thin vicin­ ity will have the eonfLIenee that1. Jus store has enjoyed for to many years. t t B. Detroit StreetXewiR. Ohio. News About The Courts. The Herald is in receipt of mfor-. mation. from fiupt. Darnaid of the Pennsylvania lines rfating the atti­ tude- of the company towards its employees. At present a vote is being taken by tim Order of Railway Conductors and Iho Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen as to whether there) shall bo a strike or not. The engineers are not concerned in iho argument,' Tim firemen ares included however. It has been admitted that prob­ ably 85 pci; cent of the employees have voted to strike but; whether such will bo the gasd isTo bo deter­ mined. Tilt-:lust serious strike of tbo com­ pany was iu 1801and there was con-, siderablo loss to the company and bloodshed on the part of the strikers It .became necessary for president Cleveland to" order Out troops to protect property. The company recently increased the wages of various employees and the circular states, that the men. are enjoying os good or hotter wages and working ( ouditions than any other Eastern road. Tho company does not think enough men can be.prevailed upon to quit work ami Ruts tie up the road. The road has been very Arm in the pasfciuregard to taking back men that have struck. In fact, few over got back on tbo pay roll after refusing to take out a train. The trainman refusing must surrender Ids keys and passes and once given up, ids connection with the system terminates tor life. TimcompanyIsas given tho men to iuMtrridftiul that there will ho no more advance*. It i* paying as much as it believes It can 'Afford to pay ami it will not sign any agreement with any of the federations repre­ senting the employees of tho system, - THE R M, HARMAN CO„ 30 & 32 N . Main St., Dayton , Ohio. ^ € f t ' .Li U £ > S B True Paint § Ecomomy 8 B o y G o o d P a in t fiS It costa lera for. tho labor of R putting ca n<>c;i paint then cheap paint, hrraiso it { .j takca fever gallos a of good point to cove? e given oar* face, cencequcntiy It take* leas time. By the ,viHof the late Miss Sarah B. Beall, probated 1 Saturday, her. property is divided into sixths), and bequeathed share and share alike to her living brothers ami sisters, or the children of her deceased brothers and sisters. By the will her brother, the late E. G. Beall, was named as executor. The will of Augusta L. Mills was probated Saturday. It was execut­ ed January 4th, liWi), and leaves all the property to Margaret Bell, the testator*!?slater. MaryT. Miller has brought suit ■against Mary J. and Arthur Duffy for forclocuro of a mortgage on real ' entate in Bollbrook and BUgarcreek township, given in IlHtO, to necuro a promissory note for ? 3 ,C 0 i). G. L. Bneneer and Burch .and Johnson, attorney;-. A petition in error has been ilk d in Circuit Court by tho County Cotninie-ii mere, in tb case of Wai- t; r I j . Beau a ; f utility Auditor, against the Board of County Com* itiiisahttieri), Judgment In favor of the County Auditor v/au rendered by Judge Kyle. MUCHWORKLIES AHEAS OFTAFT President Eager to Continue Legislation For People. SEKSREPUBLICANCONGRES With Party In Control of Legislative Branch, Next Congress Can Achieve a Record Quite a* splendid as That Made In Recent Session, Gome Pending Problems, 6&M paint will cover *soro curfew?, ber’duno in good paint tho body la e laptocl <o£ clcatfe oubstoscca—Puro m - ■ ■“ ......... LEGAL NOTICE. It probably £nti rest Fi\oMcntTaft k- . ", than 1 is 1 'V? 116 £‘ too future to have tho »I- d> f !' ftio pro.,!*! roivd IcrMatlon t.r . If 1 1 nt oersitn of a>:n%X(. j t!taib!'- 1 i '''I . akor ttonnoa on tho ea” Vi... A n?»i rj iirytLt-jita- tko r.lwii ' a i,|v V " i O? The fact rowiain.; u. y 5 f . \tlvslS*- ■fa f..r* quiet. efTvttivf. j il ' ' 1 the prcaUlciit Muctof, fu id t i! iCof tip droira* bio kcMat L n w '.fed, and this fact tho t>'•an' f»r• * V li.J slut clow io c din :• { SM-W i f - tX v »•■*}* TUa LM„ - Ww.’, JIx;<! fr-i n plan- /Uto Lead, Faro Elas—-which, when properly nixed with p®a Lfneocd Oil, fiowo oat wall tinder tko brack. In cheep patet fas body Is cotiponcJ of bfittlo cub- ei&sco—-whitoiif, tte, -tkinuca onfcwith bouuoifi and liko mitcrJais, consequentiy it dries as coon as it touches tko rartoco. Tho real csenemy of Good Paint Is, that it wcaro tot years, is alwaya bright cud clo-sy, wkilo cheap paint will check usd pool off ia a fow moatke. M R 1 ' I I C I f I I I O C O ^ R A D E l i c u i d :# : P A I N T Is the most <xor„om!rai x-aiut cm buy, boar.s^ being UL.’.es c? tbo pun zl v.i'Jxfitlo * *J 0 tbo most tclc'ktob tian- uer. I t rests I f ? to futt L oa. It takes less f;albme. It wears bare? and gives Aboultito satisra.,t[')a, W g tatrardes It to do m. SmtFACTUlLSt m ThGDean&BcnyCo COLtMIB P, « . A?k \.:y .tr-M? tor a t», A B, ts>tm t.vtd and bo Jtfcf. ft, & 6 . >«r; No. lErim ■Common Picas Court, Orcouo County, Ohio. M m . G i orgo Williams, Tlaiutiff, vo. (toofi/o Wiilimno, Bofeiidatif. Cicurgo W»*lIa-ho, of I't oi- doner; unknown, defendant herein, will take notice that on the Mot day of May 1010 , uaid plaintiff filed iu Conniwa Fleas Court of tiroono County, ^)hio, her petition for di- voroo ojviinsit him, upon tho ground of wiiifui alKioneo for more than three y; am, mid that said defendant iu required to inifitoer or doinur to said pofition on or before July Oth, Itm or judgment will ho taken against him, Laid action will he for Inarm;; at theCourt Itmu.oin Xenia* Ohio. Julyir,tii, itdo, at h A. M., or no soon tlu r<after ns tho nauio can be readied. M m i-h Willimnn, Maintiff. li'rank L. Joun on, i 'MC ui Attiuney forlTaintiiL ' ning to suoko “natMsulailty of like i’ a oiap-ticn feat* ' tiro tain toil i ib I ivo fa li> about \ for nn 1 to t'ski its place, tor i«io A mc «itan fj, hit c f fair play will i new? talcuA” ij'to;epn rintation of } as ratoiidafrf.ti-'vs li has been go i oingulariy doMt. 4 f i tbo publia t?el» ’ fare, and to l*tt?'* dl'; &wd to exploit j iu.l'sf. ] Mr, Taft bar tmu >1 Li'r.G(-lf a pio- •grereive v’Mz- u, well as a pro- ■fii’c.wivo Ltpu'Mmn. on a splatform, lie rt oi«r, ui> 83 i entering ' ills hlfji afJce. a t himself about to have tt«u ?jlaf?(Miu pCdgM curried JInfo ef.v t. If. immitofited ids ! broofttli by j n> inho? to tlla- l tract iilo fm'ii td* ismpojt-. Ho c 3 U i not atoit In !>y moudiiM qutaaoniama *ami ‘liaii.t h<!,- 1 1 and snanifest- ! <d a tiu'.iilar ixtb p> e at timea when ’ tho nie .or ‘ h cf 'i IjoiiJULseut threat- ns. ,1 i-or; i •r:' j ), ot<> f f laosiy of the ; r«on ,;n( •n:»tH -«i t'\ f( ’tito by his uv.'y. K u b c t‘-r >V “to , months of /t ie t f;,n be gave d rpiendid f ,n t * ? ivoa und con* tool ly rt ./> Hit f dlfi- 1 <Usra and at- ' fairdn;? Ills e;.1-; C. M. ’to, 'n Tilj , 1 Ika it 1 K j CASTOR IA 2 /f-i M 'lo 'o a-id liMMfca, !taW YeaB» ta p Sought Lciato Cu , UigwaliLoof i\ While s - i t ” tv- MMarion ran to> *. :i fir,- .1 « , )-n.1 >ti nwh ea it lt -5 Cje -J Vi!, v.lit h isoniiv. l ?.) li>. t - * , .... - *, c"i\ tto.tli to c,e e< e *.!1*. >... F a'11. il) tufc < 1-t ' O ' . ......... ! .! ft. Ct»r s- t- ■ . iu- s in th<i i rti n i 11» f, ‘ , . >n• n'be H>e *ua /, ' " h h i- •( wt 1 >* i info B.O 1:v I v t t',, i.irut ’11 . 'e \>1 if* til?' ? k H' i ■<ov*»r tie tosJff. ns tutuTimo Send ns your tires and tv ies. W ill advise cost of repair by return mail. I f a tire is not worth repairing we tell you so. W e have in charge of our Repair department, Mr. L . M. Borer whose eight years experience in the largest repair shop of Cleveland, makes him an excellent workman. Orders promptly filed.1. E,. H . H U N T , 37 West Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. M ONEY CANNOT B U Y A B E T TER PA INT TH AN f HANNA’SGRENSEAL The Paint possessing; every essential quality. Nothinginit but what should be there. Nothing* lacking that will Improve it. Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground In Pure $ t Linseed Oil. “ The Made to Wear Paint” i that outwears all others, and that in wearing away does so gradu- .3 ally leaving a perfect surface for repainting* fob sale ey KERR & HASTINGS BROS. ffrnMMH To Cure aColdinOneDay TakeLaxativeBromo Qitlnlne ^ Z StevenMBBonboxes sold in past 12 month*. T h is ^ g & a t a p e , ^ OcrMOrip fa TwoDfty*. cm e v e r y b o x . » 5 c . ahvayo boon, bocuusc the tariff is what General, Haucork was laughed' at for cdili&b It, thirty ycarh atro* "A local I b .'. iu ’.” But even these difEer- encca wifi disappear In future revi­ sions, which will bo Ruidetl by nelen- tific. data from the tariff board, which the president go persistently urged and for which lie secured nn appro­ priation 6 tiindent to make effective. It wifi bo possible in the future to frame a tariff affording the protec­ tion to which the Republican party is pledged: ‘'The difference in cost of production at home and abroad, plus a reasonable profit for the American manufacturer.*' Wherein tho I’ayne tariff law exceeds or falls short of this platform specification, It in due entirely to the absence ef scientific information and 4 the trading ten­ dency of the ceprpsnntativcs uf dif­ ferent sections of the country, c.r.d not io any lad: of purpose to faith* fully carry out the parly’s pledge cn.. tho part of the administration. 1MRAGENT INEACHTOWN m d d is tr ic t to ride and exhibit* Innd bicycles, but These we clear cut rerun) and tow #: tototo 5rv?.-?j:2;;lv to ‘■to;tVL:cn.totr*1toV ;.Ci;.!,to hI?‘-:-0 retail stem. toa—j--'..a.-', at 1 a ... ra* -..-'a o.t to ,U or GXp, jbcrdritiUvn bargain lists mailed free, AC n':7Pf» nnAffP'J c,n';lJ .Imported roller cliuins and pedals, parts, r cti L-tol-Jlfeh-uLtortoO, c:tirn=3tcf all Linds at Is!/ his v;::-:! rcUX iriut. * ’ rc*’*‘ E K W N PUNCTURE-PROOF*J 80 ( =V, SlWEflUM TIRES &SS 2 US& f l , , t f xtu 00 T ! : l p r i e s o f t h t c e l i r t s i f £i C%r> ! r / ?:V , ! at l> t ,}r - :: - r 'ill fed, ' - . y . rCf, iXwJcTvftijJ. t,Ju 2 s 7 ;s 5 ;]DiSi?f! 3 r.?pemm ius L : W .ij, Tanl-.n a s <3’ tC3 wilt n ot lob th o l a . . . w h ouo. t'4C.:cit:J p:t:j tr, 11y c . t r . rra' Art.«sr Bat wliHo the last session of con- nrrsa wan the co. i important olnct* the tivi! war in the <-t:J.cfn:ont of leylslation for the people, it io ol v.r;t ImpoitatKo to the nation that the work under way bo not Iialtfd. To this end it ic; esat-ntial that the lit publican party bo continual in ; 'Aver in connroon. There will < the oboit session, tomnnneinr; Ike. 1 , of lourse. warn eonrur:/; will remain llcpuhlican, re- fiaidlcss of the election, but fhothree, month period ia too briif for nrcat ".eromi.iir/.lia'K-ntq, and many import­ ant matters, rust, amour; which io the plan tor a tJenUfo- Tevlbioii of our monetary system, must of mccsoity r,o over to tho tiext conwoo. It wifi tio Jicrersary alco to (lotcr.uiae the extent and detail of supervision over future issues of ntoefca and bands of railuiad (orpuraHmin: furtacr eon- rJcb'ration of tho fuloval kv-orpora* tSou plan advocate';! by ?’iv- ;Sdtnt Taft in a id* rsaav rent to eonyre'-s rtuue months ar.o, \;hieli will piwvhb- for i'e;,ul,;tion of all .oifoiw tioart lonietlfin^ after the manner in which tS:e rctent lav/ applies to rail­ roads; to provide lenlslatfoa in tub fillu.-nt of mitiinjiinction pbd'.v i f the Rt patiliersn platform, which it Was imposrlble to obtain dminn tho jfcrnt cepaion; to enact further <mi» cervatlou J; ylrfiation, ui^ to uuvilder such refonr-s as the parcels post, as well as many oilier laatteis whl-h are of real inijmmneo to the I'-'ople, With the Ih rublienn party in cun­ tsol of the 1 c-fMotive as wall n-i the (•-'/«uthe braneli of the row-;mat nf, tie m-rt u .nm ns «an make 'inlfe ,-yj ; ili si ’{.! « r< fosfi an he", ft en n -hiev- m ! (bnlnw ■' e to’? < c h-n i;fi ! 'dll' »..refsifiy the <t, ’ iikSte '.'tSifibS th ‘,1 ScS-Otu Sint td.'tle, the Siiot . 1 (Of- 0;.rt'..a e *. 1 . ..., i.„c* »----- I / ; “esr'toto#;;sr*-!,Aiiruiftoco.jtbiivdv \ j r.rd ;..... jie -,%c . * > r . i i : - t HasUp.wkli^ae, jttf { utUi aviS r./i!c-f»w5fi: Uuevcriicsosnrd 3nowia vea in.:;:. Ucl ..3«pectr.Ufntneiureawithoutn1Vj>v* 7ei ' clii-Xit bjonettc-afr^n* •, ij-titnl'.Mvor.IvtsCwapaa’t,. t t.ottca tbo thtf t; rubber trcsdl “ A1* cud «;:•.!( tuso strips “M“ Mud “ IV^also rim strip “ II1* to prevent rim catting. This tiro will outlast ftny other Malio-SOFT, IjL-ASHG «n d aum:/G. M for te received, y ia ship-C, O .» . a t ! ' V/tl.-it youwill haCOwell pi that tv v.aat , » t j t*a3b va trialcay r ‘ m ® r a n t!.ae,-o. iatiatw■’nctce/prl-eqtad.- ,r ...4r'*eU X c © W w i i ! " : ' I iyjw .v. i aj.r voio w.ti tiiUgivsus ywststdccl ------ ..'abietlmoffcr. >Q tT.-.j. tr.aibs :i noaiii ;nfcwalt .....— i» 0 *f too tWuatprirea, 1 v. »U I(«H’ UtlUN'icor»UVIWOat..!fvc!<» cLlroWi fl.o i/aba'; i. L era's" */ < f <■' ; /* nueatil yon !:«:«v/tl:oetwk*idWoniUtful •...1to i.arat .V::dag, VAitc, i; KOW. i.i,. Cj 1 j.. ilS . mm, CHICAGO, ILL fc’or liesaad.a Dr. MtJas’ Ar,tt 4 'aiu Ttfiv Daily“H«htw»ClevelandandCedarPoint**Daily I skS |t<l1t9 * rJaa 05 tlie "U,#te*‘ W in « i« Otesmcs STEAMER EASTLAND 02J }, t iv » Homs AT T H E P O IN T to anytoad cf w/atto tha» *tty<UR«Mtamer of u#\iS* «w‘fik* «!lW SKASON OfltNNJUNt I0t t.ace « tccetau i vjkcH eiieEvto. AWsWSfcl«*vel(!ifla * * WA, M, « » is:*n A. m, • « 3?..?.», 1 - • - V4S p. M. J CiONCS#*Nt. 7, » f-n BMS.5, "re*,::*. «;>«'*' S3?Tsf? toSA ™', Fa*!!a»)!l C*. tbnittai, q, ................ Tiio c mayor* StJg WGl Hi* Ho iniBiiod Ifc pco discovo they xrt there w up /1 The c streets ’ chauile and the of law. Frooei .the stab full hut charge 1 vioiatio excuse f Ex-m the delt tion wat Court t< ’ ‘Thai fy the - chauffe That/ any se thing ai That thority recognii A l l o ask* thi the case ' After i Court c stated a case Ive rather t the tax The a ; which t passed George House, .rest w* , mayor deemec headir - ■We I - druggn mayor, a nice l dant hr •’ It w a y li lljfUUl < again*! Tho i law i* i * in w h ici. in I fi 6 !: