The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

SAYSWASSCARE BIGCONSPIRACY WiiTTk-.-jStF . Tawney fiepr HoMzs People. DICKINSON T0 TRY AGAIN Refusal of House to Deceive Ceoorid Report Marked. “Confidential’’ Makes Necessary Third Document on preparedness of Army For De­ fense of Nation—f.icLachian Quotes Chaffee as Man Who Called Danger of Jap Invasion to His Attention, j ■Washington, Dec. Iti.—Ofllclai cir­ cles here are 'becoming more, and more fussed up over Secretary of War Dickinson’s suppressed reports of the unp iep ared iu ss of th e nation­ al defenses. Representative Taw­ ney of Minnesota, chairman of the house appropriations .committee, practically charged th a t a conspiracy exists between th e various depart­ ments and military enthusiasts in congress to create a nation-wide sen-/ tirhent for big appropriations for army and navy purposes. Mr, Taw-' ney’s statem ent explains the activity of tire congress loaders, supported by P resident Taft, in bringing about the suppression of the so-called sensa­ tional Dickinson reports. "The war department," said Mr. Tuwnoy, "has joined In an' effort, to Hobsonize the entire country." • The.. Tawney statem ent was only one of several Interesting develop­ m ents in th e course of the' day. The ■White .House announced, a fte r Presi­ dent T aft had conferred with Secre­ tary Dickinson, and Senator Root, ■who was formerly a t the head of the war department, th a t no report what­ ever would be sen ’ to the house In response to the McLachlan resolu­ tion calling for a statem ent of the condition of the national defenses, ■Later th ere were- further confer­ ences a t th e White House and an an­ nouncement th a t another report-—the third in the series that have been prepared by Secretary Dickinson— would be sent to th e house. This an­ nouncement was made by Secretary Dickinson, himself, a fte r he had a talk w ith the president, ' It is sup­ posed that- Mr. Dickinson objected to the “embarrassing-situation in which he would find himself if he finally had to abandon his intention of send­ ing In a report afjer two- unsuccess­ ful trials.. Accordingly he and Gen­ era l Wood,, chief o f, staff, settled down to the -drawing of a third state­ m e n t This report will eliminate the d a ta and opinions of a ‘sensational character that- were objected to in' the other reports, and apparently, will be entirely harmless. I t is ex­ pected th a t the third report will he finished today, More Confabs a t White House. While Mr. Tawney was • talking Hobson and conspiracy and the White House was holding confer-- cnees, th e m ilitary enthusiasts iff th e house, notably those from the Pacific coast, were airing their opin­ ions. on the country’s military forces and -the doleful prospects of the fu­ ture,. , Representative McLachlan, the au­ thor- of the resolution th a t has stirre d , up th e trouble, was Quoting General Adna Chaffee, Adaiiral Bob Evans, and other authorities of equal prominence on views which they had confided to him on the dangers from the "yellow peril." I t was the talk of these men, according to Mr. Mc­ Lachlan, th a t Inspired him to intro­ duce .his troubles. “There is something peculiar about this m atter,” said Mr. Tawney, "I do not Wee to use the word ’conspir­ acy’ In connection with it, but there may be interesting developments when the. whole story Is told. “ It is a positive disgrace fo r a man or a nation to declare M,? t he o r ijr is no t capable of c ting with any adversary th a t m. / come alohg. I may feel confident th a t an­ other man’s physical powers are su­ perior to mine, hu t I would be re­ garded a s a coward if I confessed it from th e housetops. “r, his effort th a t has been made to get the report of the secretary of war before the American people Is oimply a p a rt of a propaganda on the part of our military enthusiasts to secure oupport for larger appropria­ tions.’’ McLachlan Explains, Representative McLachlan, the au­ tho r of the resolution th a t called fo rth the report, Jaughed a t the Taw­ ney charge of conspiracy. “I will tell you,” said he, "how I happened to introduce th a t resolu­ tion, I was talking with General Adna H. Chaffee out In Los Angeles, and I asked him about our prepared- tiona for war. He startled me by naylng th a t the United S tates was as 1 olpicsS aS a baby, and th a t we were powerless to oppose invasion by any foreign power—-by the Japanese, for instance. Ho went even further than this. He declared that the Japanese Would find no trouble in landing an ertoy on the 1 ‘aelfic coast, practically vnopposod, and could make a con­ quest of thb entire section west of th e Rocity mountains. More than this, ho doubted If she could ever be dislodged when this was once ; ceom- pilshed. “If ! had not known General Ohaf* f a fierce struggle to , get possession of our business'Vto '" pacify creditors4o preserve some our of holdings^we have won ouWfeut of course, not without a loss combined with a struggle Now togetthe assistance that CASH always gives, we inaugurate GIGANTIC CHR ISTMAS SALE, That will be unprecedented in its offer. Well help you to buy Xmas gifts of useful character at a great saving and you'll help us at the same moment* by thus contributing Jo our CASH Doubt will fly in the face of these offering; ■s I .U n t i l S a t u r d a y 'E v e n in g , D e c . 24 , a t 11 'o ’c lo c k , t h e ' a d v a n t a g e o f ' t h e s e s h a r p p r ic e 'c o n c e s s io n s is y o u r s . , / iln Street, HI. ,1 •'.' ‘ 1 ' -:'M *-ri.I.iranrc,m..n if 'J'/'-Sg.- 1 • V‘ ’ ■ ■ : ■ I/ . ‘ . . FEARS JAP INVASION • KHled In Garment Workers* Riot. Chicago, Dec. 1 6 .—Two men wero Shot, one being instantly killed I t connection with tho work- ' erg’ strike. According to a witness, the m e n . were shot down when the police charged a crowd which had as­ sembled. An immense crowd iimnc- d ia tdy gathered mid 'patrol wagons Representative McLachlan, Who Started,! War Scare. ■ two m m s explo d e One •wore .rushed to the s c e n e 'to prevent j prolonging the riot. . , ■ j ~ 1 ..... ' “""" ~' I % WEATHER OBSERVATIONS, \ -■ •' f-:~. v., . .. *• 4 «--y J <> * ■ i J & f l ..... Observations of tho United States weather bureau taken , at '8 p. in. yesterflay follow •: ■ t Temp. Vfeather. Columbus 'Cloudy New York . . . . . Cloudy A lb a n y ............ . 10 iluow Atlantic, City , . a i Clear Boston . ............ Do » '.Snow Buffalo . ........... . 8 Snow Chicago . . . . . . till Cloudy St. Louis ........ . ?,:s Clear New Orleans . . GO Clear Washington . . . . 36 Cloudy Philadelphia , . . 33 Clear 8* o 0 0 "S -$Q O 0 2 o QO O ooo -0 s> ff -} •O fee for an unemotional, solid, sensi­ ble man aside from his Quatificatlona an a soldier, I should have ccnaid- *rod him a crank. l ’, biter I went to Admiral Hob Evans and ho told ; ., tho raun. thin/: and, if anything, in mere decided t * ii ' a and. emphatic language.” WANTMleEPTOER ' . TOH0LOIF RATES Ratal GommlssionA!st Sug­ gests Flat Ttra-Oeflt Rate. ji i ! ! <> • ♦ f* ■%! «. t ♦ l Q++i’<>Q*0*<>QQ0O<><> ^OOOOOOO^O Fremont Imiulgoa In Riot, Fremont, O., Dec. 1(5. ■ During a clash h> t\vi rn union and nonunion men,- striking n:o!d* ra at the plant of the Lincoln Ftou* company, Mrs. Elizabeth Avon, v./u- of a nonunion Ilungaiian, v.a-i :Tu. in tho hip aud seriously wounded. Man Kilted* O ther. Blown ' A Through Brick Walls. Dunkirk, ' X. Y„ Doc, 16.—-Two I U boUcrt; of . SuO-horsoppwer each o x -; 0 piodc-a In tho plant of tl/c steam 1 healing company ;<t rreficnUi, killing ! Fireman Frederick DurrilL and serl- j mnly and p e rh a is fatally injuring* William IMrfhtip, day fireman. Bishop- ■ ft was blown -through two solid brick n walls. Tho building was completely j deniGltel.ed. a,id all bunding; within J 300 foot arc damaged. . I Pick Oklahoma Capital site . • „ Okiaboe.-.a. City, in \ HI- The i>n-!Q tspopR'd i;;M.i-ji* d when tho house a i w ft '0 i 1 8 o o 0 !0 ' . 1 4 Off Piles or Smiles P A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to fessissUakSfrsllovaandeJilmstdsrtwo »!!(> DR. DEBRASUMffl the wo *6 wottdcrffll Bclentlflct dieeway of if N* VW i lUbU*'' anUirr.tic Calvo hiilfl tlin carin'), rc> r,t«0too troablfic.t>4bra’i too irritation 'tmrncnHy, Ahsoiuto .eatSsfiUton guar- Pile j iis cia.AfeBfWgiftD.fR'toOltda. WiJai ta^e acent#tocoterntaBissg. HI 0. 0* itTNIRCR,»md3#C!tld, w»i|>im iiiinMni«i»1iipnip-'tigaaaMwaiw )i Columbin, O.. Dec. Id. The. Ohio railroad <o: nns- •■on. in it:; report b.v the t.:-fil y*: : e -t . \;k; if net e. .u y, t.. i -;•: .liUfb.U b- a*, ended j i'.r.t lit ,. ■.a,. t'lO'il it:- ruliiiRp, Ji.-u e- d (.? fU . ;. ; leg to r" t ;k f,;** JtlWU’ ( Me nupi* -< lie t •-c.’;c. *’*: a fiiiie t {•■ Te ion n U ■!> a 5-; 1•u 'k u b siiy tie ; 3inun itif-'-b v• nt. i r’f •‘d- ik. u i1 Will pre i ! ' ' il- Is;-.-. To t i , . o d it e->, ,"M .:>.*? ir be g lv t. ,;\V‘ l* to i's i s, or to t I.I'IK1 UJ.; -n i r ,■.;. rate, uye*. it: r vvii i r ' il >!.<•. I.; ri-*• !.'»:;■» la U''. f ,’t it V !■ * ! .t. <• i v j,\u nmeii'.'-;. ti ni r; * .1 i • iato t-, n: cn I’,'- :U‘U' ■• 1: .7ile l • 4 s : *•■: T t 1, aubmitu-d ' A H • f;..' ',. i t d-tlimi !•’. that t,-.» law i. ‘ JA‘ f f ?. : Si am and f <tie, a, ty. ?t t'fi'U is' t .A - ‘th Tuirt v\ *\ i : l i . >1 ’ r 'In''- tb U 5lt {! ) <■ «V I Lo t banln upon fit etlie li.4' tL 'f.u r; . .,;■ it..* Mate. At pri m at i a \ «it ' as e figured on a fi-cent h.v ruultlplo of •f, but made the neaieot M. * - * r-ii'UiSiiaifttfo I'alna relieves ft? d#e w ^ Mitt* Anti »*aip S’ttin, su n m <> Weather' Foreoact. «> W'aahington, D ot , 16. Woatli- ( t forocant for tomorrow: OMo Fair, v.itli li/iti;, tt-rn- pcr.gari*: idTk noi’r.iV.ostc-rly win-id. dirninir.hiug and bocom- ing variable. Noted Pncor To Dead, i.e::iiigton, Ky.. I n i t ; . - Star Point' r, with tho t-xoi-j,tlon of Da i Patch tho fast: at pac ing lj'iiuo that tiie ccic-nco of bm -dlng lum ,itt pro- ducotl, fil.-d at too I'.onio of hi:t own­ er, W*. H. William;!, at Columbia. Term., at tho ago of 21 yearu. B irr Pointer made hi;: record of 1 -s at Iioadviile in AiiMiut, lS|l‘f, in which Koccnn ho iron cigtit out of 15 .Too Fatehon, tl.o oiro of tho cham­ pion, 1 tn-Patch, being bin <or-ip, ti- tor. Ho wafl t-iroil by Ik own Hal. dam hiweepMallot; by Hnow Heel;., aiid bn d by II. T. I’ointcr of Ryrim; Hill, Team Penck i Bill Grown $30,063,000. Washington, Inc: 16. -Xoasly $30.. 000,000 will be added to the annual penaion roll if a bill favorably re ­ ported by the bott." t-oinnilth e on in ­ valid I’eiisdnns lx «omen a law, an there is every roaum to believe R Will. 5(5- and fit nag' rr.r-tcd a comp" anise bill 'nclei ting the < ,15 itnl ; 0 north­ east of Oklahoma City. The th ief oompremb e war. ' that tho capital comniintdoti to bo pclntod by the governor j'-mrina in the bill. LIVE STOCK AMD GRAIN CHICAGO • i’.il; !-• lv v -fj. f-1 :,v-j 7 2V Tevcs stic..:. 'J 1- -.'i <•', ra o!c-‘r.. j il, ( 1-.1 * I .i),h li'-.f.. S' riv;.1. Gur.-a Sf ,ij Va iS. t-b *;* I, (tnbs - (S rhstiv -;b- p. f 2 4“rr-i \u t.-j-rs. su r,» y f,4 t-.stive broths, St :,n; wo.3» - 'lit, :3 ."((--<> 23: >*.;i:iMT!!. St i.0',3 05. i;<» ;i Light, vi ! T.-: n.ivij, SV . ,■ (i1, 1 .";■.y. S/ iti •. * ,5, r >uoi*. il7 « 7 S3, pg :, S; LV:7 7>(- V/h..if -No. rob a ;•'■•■> f c j .\‘o. J, ivijii iv , fi at''* X-*. Jf fit •* '•„ EAST DUFFALO «'.!•.!•- Ir-joit *•: t;,». sa O'Cj'i v >; & ; sto-rn. S3 75 f. SOi, b ! c.itti , Ct “ ■• i h i; i .vij.5 a:,-. f:t tn;-..:. i - so ij cl. Sa :.(1'v3 ! I. .')• |I :::•••). 5,3; C j C j li *. t ’; 31-' S' 1. —t ’- ji - p :!< 0 •,'U.SO.I nli'.p, g.l I.srct el, nil" era, SI !- >i S i5; i ’.vi n ? / 5 ; >J '■ -. i Ji, 01. 0 4 ', ysr i); S* ,*•(:(■>•'/ I .i, Ifcovlct, i t id; . i.ieiltUTi:!!. $7 'K ■■',11 :> p!ijs>. S3 10 ; HiUBbu, S' i)'»r>7 l‘<; st,.ie $6 V 8 S{S S ‘. CLEVECANU «U. li'i Pl f ; S3 S’tfeiOe0; S3 «ii'c0 5": tut c»*w S3 Z j , S4 i <'ii S', nns* o, ristgvtn, 320 aO'v03 O t 510 Oit <:,ow.'. fi'/cp ami I. oi:'..- StKip, S3 50, '0 7-e, *W'-s. S3 r.'iv ■; nhetP. $3 Ciers v5, e , S i >,>; ; * t , i , i ■• 00 0 0|0 Q |U 5) 0*0iO0'0 ' -IWRHENSE D1.SC0UNT.SALE OF— Furniture? Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Etc., at the C, R. .PARISH FURNITURE STORE S. D e tro it S t., Xenia, Ohio. D u ring tint mouth of December wo will make th e imheard of offer for cash of 1-4 Off On Every Article in Our Store We mean to m ake th is tin* banner month of a succosHful business y ea r and W E WA JfTTO « E T A CW A IN T E D W ITH EVERY CASH H t:Y ER OF F C R N lT C ItE IN (1 IIEEN E COUNTY. W e ca iry a complele line of t-veryfhiiig you need for the home, als<r=a large asso rtm en t of Rockers, ch ild ren 's chairs, ch ild ren 's dining sets, Dolt Carls. K indergarten D raw ing Boards, W ritin g Desks, E tc., for C h ristm as gifts, (let tin* little, folks so ething that, w ill continue to he source of pleasuro to them a fte r the Holiday season "VWwould emmuJcr it .api*.(sure to.shoiv-you the.sf.h ndid line of Furniture, etc., now on o u r Hour. Tho store is open evenings, and w he the r you buy or not we h ea rtily inv ite you to call. Peo­ ple intend ing to buy F u rn itu re m the sp ring will m ake a large saving by selecting goods du rin g th is nab* as EVERYTHING 58 OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES IIa ®* 8 THE C. R. PARISH GO. IL i t f ,.Ko n -If IV? C A S T O R SA 2?or ia fea ts aa4 OMIOca, l o Kliii You \lm Always SsagiS Hoars tho Cigaatura of ?>« S.ii Iii ■ * tUiJSi.U, 07 53. Yurl'iW-, 57 i-3 r. In; T'l"£i. 57 vb; 57 6.>; rough;:, 5* ei;:-,.. stil;,.:. S3 Ch ilj B>. PITT3BOP.G- I'ltlli': Pimk-o, SO C 35; pn;.'.'-, S3 75. 0 an; (My imti-hi.-rsi. 55 JOr-jO CO; iuie.-is. 52 5*'Gi5 50; .-xvs, bn?':; a'l'l S3 0<)\t <5: fresh io -.-. g , 53V 1.0' v C j (If. Chive;), SO 0>. Gb'cep imU L imbs- I’l'lnic v.-ethi rs, S-J 1> 01 ;;iu! n.-is, (1. 63 eO, l.ijah..-, 54 3 0 23. Ho. s ib .vy bo,';-!, r.iu'hutie: ai d In s u Vo;la is, 57 '<5:j 7 ru; light V ohwwi awl l>Igs.-SS 0». CINCINNATI V,h at. No, 3 r. ;b Tgcf;. 51 1' I’Gru - n ' h . a iiiiv'd. ; v•■. •)’'(- O.vifi \ , f . 3 n»ix>0. i;v.- S», A ■*•*.*. Lard •?•.) 9.1. n.dh MtMiB ■ $1U 6.:=., Lri.-sil. Sll 50. Cal lie- 5.J 35'v 9 C7. I.a:«ln S3 <3 t j?C f fi. If.t.tfl »S3 735*7 SO. T oledo V.'lti'U, !■(.!>; i .,r.t. L-,-: I SB I Ktt!Ff v»?• i' rye, OCc; (■: ovits .‘’ i 1. $9 23. 30 SOUTH DETROIT ST ., 0 . • . J XENIA, O. I GET OUR. PRICES ON PRINTING L /-4 r'C ' Tho Phllonopher of Folly, “The reanon on many of our pro* fesnipnal alhleteo aren’t piupivly traintfl,” r a js the Philosopher of Fol­ ly, "r.i that thi’y have to upend go much time being photograph- -a.” j — — / Tho Voice of Ejiperlcaee. “Ho yoa’vu decided to build a house? How acosi Is It to b e finbdif d?” "The coidvaelri* rayfi it wilt be ready mr Sue in tin* faff. Wo are giving up' i'laeo hi October," "And v.horo do you expect to live nest winter?’ x z r : <& MDSP©a TdscLaiaRveIveus® Seven Million fcoxca fef-MIn jpas* 13 ntosillis* o t t M c i O n -<'* ,r7 W iT r " Ctrlv I s TwoD ayn, „. . OH e v e ry ' s m m 2 9 ^ J w f y f a n n * * I m > x . M