The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
1 I . J , | F o r J h t d f c s c e O u r J o b I Workwill compare with I that of m y otherdkm.,*... ffhe M e rdd . THIRTY»TEJRB YEAR NO. 52, CEBARYILLE,- OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23,1910. This item when ®arke<3 with 03 fa des, decides that a year's ctfascrsf.- t i » is past due and a prompt set tlement is earnestly desired. , . - PRICE, 81,00 A YEAR We A r e R ead y To show you a fine line of Xmas goods in the way of Wearing Apparel for men and boys. Our Xm a s O ffe r To all whose purchases amount to SIS.00 or over ^be tween now and Christmas will be entitled to $1.00 worth of merchandise FREE, • Nifty Shirts,,Underwear, Collars, Ties, Sweater Coats, Shoes and Many Other Useful Presents . . . NOTICE . . . You will get better quality for less money by trading at the ‘ Home Clothing Co., “The Quality Store. Cedarville - - - Ohio. ^InstalationServices For ! Rev. J. S. E. McMichael. F r e e ! F ree ! REV . JAMES S. E: MoMICHAEL. Live Stock For Sale! 7 - Head Pine Cows -7 One PolledJersey cow, purebred, about 9 years old, excel lent milker, gentle, tan be led without rope or halter, due to he fresh in January. This is one of the best cream and butter cows in the county. One la’rge red cow, seven years old, Jersey ’and Red-Polled no horns, splendid milker, gentle, can be led anywhere, due to be fresh in January. One red cow, 2 -year-old, has had but one calf, is well broken trained to lead, due to be fresh in January, is half Jersey. One red heifer, half Jersey, no horns, year and half old, a real pet, can be handled by a child, due to calve early in February, will make a fine fandily cow. One Shorthorn cow, 6 years old, is guaranteed to be a five gallon milker, due to be fresh April 1st- One Polled Jersey eligible to registry, 6 years old, due to be fresh Dec. 25th. ^ One Polled Jersey cow, due to be fresh 'now, young, good milker, One red heifer yearling, not bred, polled, gentle, a nice thrif ty animals * . All or any of this stock may be seen at the T a rb ox P lace Two miles west of Cedarville. h or terms Etc., apply to JOHN CL FOLEY, Cedarville, Ohio. A Wonder of the Age Ha« Been the Success of 99 “L ena R iv e r s it Ha* Reached th e Hearts of M illions. By Arrangement with BURT 4 NICOLAI, THOS. SEWELL —P resen ts th e— Beulah Poynter Version of This Great Play OPERA HOUSE, tuedece ! niber 27 . A Perfect Play. A Perfect C ast A Perfect Production. Pura a* th e Lily. S w e e t as th e Honeysuckle- LOWER FLOOR, 6 0 c . BALCONY, v ^ TRY OUR JOB PRINTING The installation service for Rev. James "S. E . McMichael, as pastor of the United Presbyterian church, was held last F riday morning. « The edict was read by E lder J . OJ Stewart. Dr. Joseph Kyle of Xenia Seminary presided and preached the installation sermon, from Hebrew’s 12:1- 2. a sermon/worthy of the Dr. . H e referred to: The Course th a t is set before you ; The Disci pline th a t is laid upon you; The Witnesses gathered about you;, and the Christ enthroned above you. Dr. J , A. Henderson of Sugar- creek congregation, delivered tin charge to the pastor at.d emphasized three thoughts: Be. a Man, Re a Minister, Be a Messenger. Rev. S. E . Martin, pastor of the F irst U, P .chu rch , Xenia, addressed the people. H e commended the people to a greater effort, a greater vision,.* greater brotherhood add a greater intercession. A fter the services “a 1 is t excel- leh ttlinn e r was served to about 275 persons, the congregation being fully represented. One of. the pleas ing features of tne occasion was the little penauts, inscribed with “ Mc- Miohael,” which were given w ith the last course of the dinner and re- matKfl by Mrs. F . O. Ross, wife’of a former pastor, as Rev. and Mrs, Mc- Miolmel wore each presented with a silk pennan t inscribed aB befitted the occasion. After dinner E lder R. F. K ctr, secretai'y ot the Session, called the assemblage to order anti acted its toastmaster. Dr. Kyle welcomedRev McMicbatd, on behalf of Xenia Pres bytery; Mr. G. E. Jobe on behall of Local Firm Branches Out. The firm of Kerr & Hastings Bros, op Saturday purchased the Barrett Blourlng Mills a t Spring Valley of M. A. Broadstone as adm inistrator of the estate of I. M. Barrett. Tho purchase price was $10,525. The mill is one ot the best known .along the Miami river and it is an excel lent location. The mill will be used for tho ’.mar keting of gram as well as for mil ling purposes and will be under tho direction of a local manager th a t has been connected with the p lan t for th irty years. W ith two elevators here and the new p lan t tho firm will be in a position to handle an im mense amount of business. Several Farms Change Hands. The firm of Smith & Clemans re port tho following sales: The farm belopging .to Thomas Spencer and sisters, 186.82 acres a t $100 per acre to Herman Straley of Jeffersonville, possession tobe given March 1st. ■ The Oscar Evans farm to E. L. Stormont 61.58 acres. "William FinnOy farm of 83 acres to Frank Straley for $101 per acre. Mr, Finney will move to town next March, having purchased tlio prop erty owned by Mr, F rank Truesdale. Tho J . Q. A* Balter farm of CO ac res to Fred Lewis of Jamestown. The firm also sold to Howard Baloh\an 1,280 acres of land in Hale county, Texas. Mr, Bateman states th a t this land is fifty per cent, bet ter than he expected to find it. Mr. W. P. Amlorson left Tuesday for Hale county with a view of pur chasing some Texas land. Land in th a t county Is selling from $15 to $30 per acre. the congregation, M iss.Lulu Hen derson representing the lad ie s ; Rev. Mills J . Taylor of.thf R , P, church, the ministers o f the town; Rev. W. E . P u tt of the M, E . church, on behalf of the Christian people of the. community and Dr. W. R , McOhes- ney on behalf of Cedarville College. To these Rev. McMichael responded. The various speeches a ll abounded j in wit and good fellowship. Rev. McMichael is the youngest son of the late Dr. J . B, McMichael and was bornip Monmouth, III. He received his preparatory education in Monmouth College bu t upon his •father’s return to the Sugar Creek congregation, he entered 'Westmin ster College, graduating’i a 1902. The following y earr he entered Xet^a Theological Seminary and gradua ted from this institution in May, 1905, In Janu a ry of the *axne year ho receiVed a call from the* Piqua United Presbyterian congregation and accepted, entering upon h is du ties’ there in Ju ly . I#4 February, 1908, life received a call tb fn ah am ’ar church in Pine Bush, N« Y., and be gan tho work the first of April. On October 12th the Cedarville congre gation extended him a unanimous call and ,lie took up his pastoral duties November 3rd. Rev. McMichael was married in May, 1907, to Miss Katherine Prugh, daughter of J , Mason Prugb, of the Bugafcreelc congregation. Tlioir family consists of two children, Pi ugh and Lester. . Rev. McMichael is a forcible speaker ami has entered upon ldB •work w ith an earnestness th a t pre dicts for him a bright future as pas tor of his congregation. A Beautiful 42 -Piece Dinner Set and Other Valu able Presents Given Away Absolutely FREE For fifteen weeks we will give away dinner sets and on the sixteenth week we will give away a high-grade $25 Three.Piece Mission Furniture Set to the per son present holding cards snowing the largest total amount of purchases made during the proceeding sixteen weeks*. These Dinner Sets and the Three-Piece Mission Furniture set are now on ex- , hibition at our store. We will be pleased to have you call and examine them. Here is your opportunity to secure a set o f . dishes, or perhaps a Three-Piece' Mission Furniture set FREE. Special Notice—Only one dinner set will go to a family. After you receive a set of dishes you wil): then try for the Three-Piece Mission Furniture Set. •------ — C O N D IT IO N S O F C O N T E S T —--------- Each time you make a purchase at this store amounting to over one dollar, the total amount*of sale will be punehed out of the Contest Card, which have been distributed or may be had at this store. , _ - > * j*. Each Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 P. M., you will present your cards in person at our store. 'On the day and the hour specified, the person present holding the card Which shows the largest amount of purchases punched out, will receive absoluter ly Tree of all charge, a beautiful hand decorated 42-Piece Dinner Set, v If your card does not entitle you to the set of dishes at the awarding, hold your cards for subsequent distribution as we will continue giving away a set of dishes each week for fifteen weeks, so even if some one else does get the set of -dishes? one week your card may be highest card some later week, -sosave every voard. . ■ ■ ■ As previpusly stated you are entitled to a new card every time you make purchases at this store amounting *to $ 1.00 or more. For example suppose you purchase at one time goods amounting to $2.76, we will then punch that amount ($2.75) out of that card, so that unless you purchase more than that amount at another time, that card ($2.75) is your high card. . When your card secures you a dinner set it will b e .marked “cancelled” by us and returned to you. . You must save this card along with any others that you may have, as we have another big “prize” for you. I v ! f T C. M. GROUSE,, h a r d w a r e , T / * '» ' 1' • \ ' H f f y t y i ' > ' : x " 1 - * , v ’*s P r e s e n t o n i t s i a r d s E v o ry W «dn*»d ay a t 3 ^P. Cedarville, - « Ohio. t ; V .W A W .'.V iV V .V .V .V .V V .V . V /A V V ^ M W V V A W y W V A ^ V W V W V V W .V A A V A A V A f I->ii j IM i What Shall I Qive? ^fhere Shall I Joseph Elton Superintendent. Joseph E lton, acting superinten dent and financial officer a t the <>. H. & S. O. Home has been named ho the head officer of the institution, although not an applicant for the place. Mr. Elton comes from Hills boro and is regarded no an excellent man for the place. The two puzzling questions of the hour, regardless of one’s circumstances, position or where one lives. " ’ ' The Answer: J o h n s o n ’s Where Prices Are as Low^as You Dare Pay for Qualities You Would Be Willing to Give. I s 5 NOTICE Notice —All persons having bills against Cedarville Township should pre sent same to the Township Clerk on or before the 26th of December for final settlement. Frank A. Jackson, Township Clerk. A BIBLE Makes a very appropriate gift for a friend or relative, and when you can buy one in choice binding and at the right price you no long er hesitate. I also have a very choice lot o 1 the justly celebrated Aikin-Lambert Co. Foun tain Pens. These pens are fully guaranteed for perfec tion of workmanship and material for a year and the prices are much lower than those of other high-grade pens. No trouble to show "goods. Call at Wisterman’s Pharmacy Diamonds. jp Aright, white and perfect in every o respect. All our Diamonds are first quality and it is impossible to secure better than we sell. Every size in stock, Cut Glass. New and original shapes arid artistic designs. The clearest, most brilliant and deepest cuttings. Glass from our store bears a stamp of quality. Our display is unusually attractive. < Watches and Clocks. Attractive cases, reliable works—all our Watches are of the highest qual ity, the product of the greatest skill You can see their bedfity—we guar antee their reliability. Toiletware In Sterling Silver and best plate. Single pieces and complete sets for a lady's or gentleman's *dresser. A variety of patterns, and with quali fy is combiriec! style with Lervice. Jewelry. $ • Of quality, correct in style and ex clusive designs, Besides solid gold we sell goldTilled jewelry, good for, years of service. Few displays of Jewelry more complete than ours. A 1 f Rings. Solid gold, properly made and per fectly finished, Plain or engraved, signet,^single sets and combination of stones. We can fit any finger at any price. ONE QUA ITY ONE PR ICE . J . w. JOHNSON* J ew e ler . - Cedarville* • • Ohio. * 5 u '4^ ■ ,k,£L.-.. „L *
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