The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

r j n f m i T — ** * - i-iw.KiiVi-imi-riii-ait mmtg m m * nWfflariWTBr~it-~TW-^^ Sam oYour Glasses SuitYou? Our {Refraction Work Is Not Excelled By Anyone Charles S. Fay, M’f 'f Optician. 23}i 9- Main g t., Springfield, (). The Cedarville Herald* ; • $ 1 :.p a JP e r Y e a r . KARUri BULL - E d ito r 23atP?cd a t tho SVafc-Dfilco, Coder- villo. Getohor SI, 1887, an second class matter. FRIDAY , DECEMBER 20, 1*10 THIRTY-FOUR YEARS. The th irty .th ird yoar ot tho H er ­ ald ’ s existence in completed rrith this issue aud we are nor/ entering upon the th irty -fou rth milesto i at this jou rnal's career. • The many years th a t the H erald has served a s ' a weekly visitor, whether under the present manage­ ment or th a t of predecessors, i t has always stood for the in terest of the people a t large, irrespective of the views of any faction, organization or eliijao. There being ?flsh j motives to proaaoto, tho H eisald ’ s columns wore open to all. The poli­ cy has never been subject to a censor or a dictatorship or outlined to pro­ mote anything but what w 'an for the interest of all tho people. While wo are closingaycarw h ich has brought a t times tho “ b itter ami tho swoot" wo are now entering upon tho joyous Yuietuio season anti to each and everyone wo extend the greotlngo ot tho occasion in a “Marry, merry Christmas.” We notice by the press dispatches a few days ago th a t Congressman Denver has expressed himself on the organization of tho coming con­ gress and his attitude on one of the contentions of the campaign, will be pleasing to his thousands of fol­ lowers in the Sixth District. For several years past there has been the charge made against the Repub­ licans th a t the speaker of the House was delegated w ith • too much power The M. D. Levy 6 Sons Co.= You’ll Find What “He” Wants At Our Store Here’s :a list of things men like. Cat i t out of the paper and use i t as a memoran­ dum for your shopping when you come to Springfield this week. ,Our -assortments are the largest and our prices pleasingly pop­ ular always. NECKWEAR 25c to $1; immense assortments at every price. SHIRTS, 50c to $2.50; white and fancy, plain and pleated bosom. HOSIERY, 25c to $Ta pair; silk, bale and cotton. GLOVES, 25c to $2,50; all ki ids of leathers* MUFFLURS, 50c to $2.50; “English Scarfs and Waykmt.” * COMBINATION BOXES, 60c to $ 1 , handkerchief, tie and half hose. FANCY AND WHITE VESTS, $1.60 to $3.50; absolutely correct. SWEATER COATS AND JERSEYS, $1 to $3.50; an ideal gift. - HOUSE COATS, $4 to $ 6 ; new double faced fabrics., BATH ROBES—the popular blanket robes / HATS AND CAPS, 50c to $3 ; all kinds, all styles. CORDUROYS, $ l to $3; coats, vests and trousers. MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN'S Suits and Overcohts; $10 to $25 v BOYS’ AND CHILDREN'S Suits and Overcoats; $3.50 to $ 10 . TROtfSERS FOR MEN AND BOYS, 50c to $5. Member* of the Merchant*’ Association. Carfares Refunded on purchases of $15 or over. Copyright H*«t 8ch»fTn«r&MMX The M. DoLevy&Sons Co. Corner Main and Fountain A v i. . . Springfield, Ohio. T h is store is the home of H a r t Schaffner, & Marx Clothing. l 4 Off IMMENSE DISCOUNT SALE OF- Furniture, Carpets, Rags, Linoleum, Etc., a t the C. R. PARISH FURNITURE STORE S. Detroit S t , Xenia, Ohio. During the month of December wo will make tho unheard of offer for cash of 1*4 Off On Every Article in Our Store Wo mean to make this tho banner month of a succoooful buoincao year and WE WANT TO GET ACQUAINTED W ITH EVERY CASH BUYER OF FURN ITURE IN GREENE COUNTY. Wo Catty Is coinplotAhtte »f everything you need for tho homo* also a largo assortment of Rockers, children * chairs, children’s dining sets, Doll Carls, Kindergarten Drawing Boards, W riting Desks, RtO., for Christmas gifts. Get the little folks oomethlng th a t will continue to be source of pleasure to them a fte r the Holiday season We would Consider It a pleasure to show yon tho splendid lino of Furn iture, etc., now on our floor. The store is open evenings, and whether you buy or not w© heartily invito you to call. Peo­ p le intending to buy Furniture in tho spring will make a large saving by selecting goods during this -ftNil# hi* EVERYTHING IS OFFERED A T SACRIFICE PRICES THEC. R. PARISHCO, 30 SOUTH DETROIT ST., 9 XENIA, O. in tho control o r dictation of logio- latlon through tho variouo commit­ tees, which a rc undo? his control. Dissatisfaction In the Republican ranko over ouch tactics led to a re ­ volt and what now scorns a hopeless­ ly sp lit party known ha tho “ etand- pattorQ” and “ insurgents.” Such a condition led to a Democratic vic­ tory th a t placed eongrcEa under the control of this party . Tho question of late has been whether or not tho victorious pa rty would “ follow buit" of tho Republicans by adopt­ ing tho ojd rules or new ou . cb advo­ cated during tho campaign. From Congressman's Denver's interview we learn th a t ho will favor tho new- idea and have all committees select­ ed by a committee on committees, thus relieving the speaker of this power. The congressman's views are in accordance with tho progres­ sive element of both parties la the district. NELS0N-GARL0UGH. On December fifteenth a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. F . Stewart, uncle and aun t of the bride, Miss Ruth E leanor Garlough, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, S. G. Gar- lough of Pitcbin, waB united In mar rings with Mr. George Nelson of Selma. The ceremony was per­ formed a t four o’clock by t h e Rev. VSf. E . Pu tt, In the presence of about fifty guests. The father gave away the bride. Mr. H a rry Garlough, brother of tho bride, was groomsman while Miss Rachel Ga ria ugh, sister of the bride was ring bearer. Miss Clay- bourne played the wedding march. A fter the ceremony a sumptuous two course supper was , served. After congratulations the happy couple left for Springfield, O. They received many beautiful and useful presents. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ son-will make their home with the groom's father. The best wishes of many friends go with these estima­ ble young people. . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the m a tte r o t Publication of Notice in the estate of William Duxuford, deceased. Notice is hereby given th a t the undersigned ’ has been appointed and .duly qualified by the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as adm inistrator ot the above named estate. A ll persons indebted to said estate m ust make immediate pay­ m en t; these having claims will pre­ sen t them fofifeU lment. I*. G , Bull. —Six hundred pounds of fancy candy for Christmas at Marshall's. SIM Rtwirii | 1M . • The r«»der»of thi* pepar will b* k>learn th*t there k at A rm * one (beaded <H m m that itoteaM ha* been able to ear* la all lie atagee and that la Catarrh, Hall's Chur* Cure 1*the only poeUitw ewe now known to the medical fraternity. Qatar* being a constitutional duwaaa. requires a laeatUwUonal treatment Hell'* Qatar* Our* la taken internally! acting directly ap OBtb# blood and muconsinrrsota of ijralimi thereby dwtroylng the foundation ot tba dtaaaea, )tnd tiring the patient sinwgth by Mdldijig up the amidtution and ^Mating nature In doing H*w o*, The prop**tore haTtaowuch faith In It* cturathra puw*r*, hM they offer one Hundred Dollar* t o any ■an that It MU to auta. Send t o Mato taU n tnU s Addiean T. 3. CHntUT A Oo, Teitd* O. MU tqr Vnf&Q, We. al'a Family Mis are St* t o l “TAKE THIS CUT" i ! i ' ill ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ; A^jetableKepanfioftfirAs- I n fa n t s / children CASTORIA For Infants and:OMItton. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought . r w . •»- - V - !L ,'\ PromotesDigcslionOueifiA- ness andReslContatasiieito, Opiiou^torphiae norMuerali N o t N a r c o t ic * UtapeefOfdUtSMSJIV)Mt IhcpkiaSttd “ 1 JlxJtmt*- JkkHeSJts- jtobeSui* ’ AperfectRemedyforConsfifu- Hon, Sour Storakh.piarrtitiei WormsjConvufekmsfevemtt- ness awlLoss OPSLEEP. TheSimSe Sijjiumire °T NEW YORK. A tb m o n th s o ld IMPOSES - 3 5 C:EWTS Exact Copy o f Wrapper. In Use Over Thirty Years H W /.. THKOKNTAUHCOMPANY*NEWYORKOkTYe j “Wo recommend it; there isn ’ | nay bettor.,. i I n mid-summer you have to tru st ! to a largo degree to your huts her. Well Cared For Meats in ho t weather aro the only k ind to huy; we have proper appliances for, keeping them right, and thfljr’re sweet and safe whon sold,. Don’t ge m eat shopping when i t ’s hot. Buy of ns and be sure. C. H . GROUSE , g e d a r v t l d e , 6 . I I f You A re not Familiar ,MaeanHM*iMaaaap*BH i*a*aaMMWManaMBMHannaBn*ee With our line,, we want you to take the first opportun­ ity to call, and look i t over. . We specialize on exclusive imported novelties in Brass, Copper, Gun Metal and Leather. Fine Stationery, Christmas and . Motto Cards, Etc. Tn our Optical Department will be found a line of Field and OperA Glasses, Lorgnettes, Barometers, Thermometers, Readers, E tc ., which cannot be dupli­ cated elsewhere. Geo. F. Merry, 33 £ . 3rd Street, (N ew L o c a tio n ) B e c R e l H o u s e B lo c k , Dayton, O. 0 CROPFAIHJRE w e s o l ic it y o u r WHEN YOU PLANT MONEY THE BANK SORETOGROW PATRONAG E S af * D eposit B oxes for R ent P aid C apital $80,000X0 lNDlVlDKAL RESPOFSIB1L1TV THE EXCHANGE BANK, CBDARVILLE , OHIO, 0. W. S m ith , President. G eo . W. R if e , l»».Vioe Pres. O l iver G amlough , Id V. Pres. O. L. S m ith , Cashier L. F. T ihdall , A ssistan t Cashier. It’s All in the Making; When the ■ Christmas tr«e makes its bow, its boughs should be ifiden with a good percentage of the useful things of life, as well as the amusing, jolly, jim -cracks, which we forget after the first laugh. Here are presents that outlast the present time. Gloves, n,eckwear, shirts, sweater coats, bath robes, smoking jackets, under­ wear, jewelry, hats, caps, etc* T H E WHEN* Arciulo, gjpflngfleJd, O. Whether clothes fit or not. That is where we excel. Whether we succeed or not, you can judge by the fact that the best dressed men in Greene County almost without ex­ ception patronize us. Poorly made clothes always look cheap, while those made by us have comfort, style and elegance and give perfect satisfaction, both in wear and price* Kany,The LeadingTailor, N* Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. The Palace Restaurant Mrs. Chas. Harris, Prop. Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by C. C. Weimer. M ea ls by day or week . Lunch served all hours, Furn ished Room s for R en t *A*i[jin ‘A iM O lp n v ‘sou© ! -USAUOQ ‘diqSJUIPQOS EH J . S 3 9 3 H J L X 3 0 •saseDM pm? spioA 000‘00h •snopbRsnm 0009 00^3 •paiqnog ^ p a ipK ij nopstuiojq pjiauap 'sauniua^ uaAagjo am)Eii •itjdvi3o3rear| aijpuatag niopoifl Xq padojaAag oopipuy^ jajsqa^ aqj, -uoiwanpg |o -too^ *S*fi •,3nuoi ‘SP^H ‘I 'M *j a *JaRD ■rpa ‘a a n s s i x s n r A U V N O I X D i a n V N O U . V N U 3 J . N I ~ M 3 N s ; u 3 x s a 3 M jaA03DU3An3iuDJjMa[j The Bookmaltdr ...Hestaumnt.,. INTHE BOOKWALTER HOTEL IHIGH STREET DININGROOMFORLADIESUP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W "as C B N T S . Lunch Counter- on Mailt Floor Open Day and Night, Tho Bast of Good Uaed in tho Gul­ inary Dopartmant. i J . H. McHILLAM. Funeral Dtrootar and Fnrnitoro Dialer. Manulaeturer of Oomoiit Grave Vaults and Cement Bull4lag Blocks. Telephone 7. Cedarville, .Ohio. DR. LEO ANDERSON, Veterinary Surgeon and Dontlst, GRADUATE O. 0. U. Ofilee Waddle’s Livery Barn. Citizens 'Phone 98 and 81 CEDARVILLE, - - OHIO l.■I.J. I'.ll'1 'JL—'l..1W iPW " I'M II ■M,»*IHM BADBLOOD ,‘Ih*atronblA'Vl«iciyfbow»1* which CJ*3*my bleedIrapnro. Mr face wbi cOToredwith pimp)** whichnoostornftl remedy could remove., 1 trie* your Ceecerota end greet vre* n j Joy when the f lraplos dleeppoBrad eftar « motithri eteed/ u«», b*vorecoramondod them tn »Umy irleud* *&e Quit#e fov»have found rolSof.V _ . ^ —. 0,,1. Punch,8<nPerkAvo.,HewYorkCity.K 3. Beat For, v m. |f^r The OoWel*. bnocctotiio. CAHCVCATTlAimC )a.£j3,i#d. P-..-...V «>*v'.VICAtQpiOd1 Us&r&ntftQdto cur©or your snoatjr back SterlingRntnedyCo., Chicago* 7N.Y* let MHUALSAII, TEN MIUION BOXES FISTULA ■AMAM, DISEASESOFTHERECTUM .■ CHetnArannareeMia JVRVMVRVM 00 ndfl S ^ S » S £ S S n s S £ f f DR.«J. J. McCLEtXAN HMiSiliM COlUMIUl, 0 .