The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
I t & '} < 1 * 4 5 i [ \1 li iu I * 3 Xenia Merchants Bid For MM Christmas Shopping 5gas^ W w J»a=a High=Grade Pianos $150.00 UP C a s h o r 'sT im e ; { • EVERY P IANO- GUARANTEED • j Call and see our line of Pianos tbefore buying. You will save $ioo.oo. Make us prove this. SUTTON ’S MUSIC STORE,, 23 Green S tr e e t / -]f - Xenia,\Ohio. T h is S p a c e R e s e r v e d For M iss O sterly, M illinery . Xenia. CHRISTMAS Will Soon Be Here And now is the time to make your selection and the best place in Xenia or Greene County is '1 SCHELL’S JEWELRY STORE HERE YOU CAN BUY Ladies* gold filled Watch from, .10 to $25 Gents’ gold filled Watch from,, . .8 to $50 Ladies’ solid gold case from.»., 10 to $50 Gents’ solid gold Case.. . . . . . . 4 0 to $100 Also a line of low priced watches for ladies or Gents from.. . . . . . . I to $7 Diamond Rings from................. 6 to $400 Signet Rings from................... . . I to $16 Triple Plated Knives and Forks per set............ ..3,50 to §4-50 Quadruple Plated Knives and Forks, per set................... . . . . ,5 to $6,50 You can also see a largejlinc of Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, se t.. . . . .4 to $10 Sterling Desert Spoons and Forks, per [; set.....................................10 to $16 AND ALSO FOR A NICE GIFT Solid gold necklaces, solid gold bracelets, solid gold'sleeve buttons, solid gold scarf pins. Also the same line of goods in gold filled. Toilet sets brush, comb, mirror, military brushes, clothes and hat brushes, scarf pins, dress pins, gold and gold filled lockers, and an endless variety of set rings, signet rings, plain rings, band lings, all solid gold, silver and gold thimbles, gilt clocks, chafing aDd bak ing dishes, rich cut glass, large line of back combs and hat pins> the largest stock in Xenia. Special inducement for persons wishing to buy Umbrellas. 25 Per Gent also will give the same discount on Ladies’ Gold Brooch Pins. Kodaks from to $ 20 , and all kinds qf Kodak sup plies. Fine Hand Painted China. In facta full and large line of goods always to be found in a first-class Jewelry Store. F. J. H. S CH E L L , Steele Buildings • - - Xenia, Ohio. "Y IlfHHKI KING ARTHUR’S FEAST, If THEODOSIA GARRISOH IFW G Arthur gave a Christmas feast .At-Camelot, at Cair.elot, In honor of tho little Christ, Who was of Virgin horn, i And’at tho board sat great and least, Tho mirth and wine between. Merlin, tho ccer*■ and Lancelot, And Guinevere,1tho <j«ecn. ^T'HE torches flan <3, tho great logs M blazed. At Camelot, at Camelot, In honor of tho little Christ, That was cv Virgin’s son. i The v/tnowas pouted, tho song was raised, But still with brooding eyes Upon the queen and Lancelot Looked Merlin, the most wise. “WHAT18 ITTHATTHINE EYESMATBEE?“ ^pHEN spake King Arthur solemnly, ■* * At Camelot, at Camelot, ’’Thou who hast neither word nor song. But. wisdom overgreat. Whart is it that thine eyes may see ' By other eyes unseen That thou dost look on Lancelot And Guinevere, the queen?” A NSWERED the lung the graybeard ’ ■' seer, ;■■,'■, . At Camelot^ at Camelot, "I *eo a lltilo winged child, As fair as snow and fire, Between the two ye hold most dear, A flower o* flame he siandtu And he hath snsiled bn either one And tooehad them, with his hinndj.” D ROPPED king and court on bended ■ -knee, ;v . At Camelot,'at Camelot. “Behold, it'is the little Christ' Who is the Virgin's son I He comes to beat us company, For iliis our loving's sake.” And low with them bent Guinevere, And Lancelot of the Lake. BUTTYi’OTHET.BKHffl TO LOVE. B UT Merlin held Im eyes opart. At Camelot, at Camelot. He knew he saw a heathen God, A God ho might not name, Who slept not ’ncoth a Virgin’s heart Nor gave tho peace thereof. Oh, king and court, they knelt to Christ. But two there knelt to love. K ING Arthur gaVo a. Christmas feast At Camelot, at Camelot, In honor of tho little Christ, Who was of Virgin bom. And -at tho board sat great and least, Tho mirth and wina between, Merlin, the steer, and Lancelot, And Guinevere, the queen. -~Now im k Evening Meal. Making Appropriate Gifts. The year Just cloning has been do prosperous that tho spirit of philan thropy will find very large expression in tho giving of Christmas cheer a t home and abroad, writes Cyruo P. Jones In Success. Tho transatlantic malls are already burdened with tho money let ters sent from America to "tho old- folks at home," ' Next to tho gifts which brighten tho homo of the American citizen-, those given to worthy charity, are important to consider. Too many people give in discriminately. They mean wall, but do did the committee which sent $20,000 worih of fireworks to the Irish famine sufferers. Still others- give something of no value whatever. An instance of this was made manifest a t a public gath ering in New Tor!:, wliera one of the speakers called attention to the suffer ers from a prolonged oUilje and sug gested the advisability of giving them something. One in the sympathetic au dience got up and said, "1 move that wo give them three cheers I" Let tio se lect’ our gifts with reference to their appropriateness and utility. f#iw» m n ** i itm **»%•« i i w m l o w i\Noto orWatertoadies\ s m s m n m$rms>\ p a ChsciicdPresemtlvel \usei. _ . I ptetertd \&%»\uyG0ABWSKS.BJ If Sealshipt and Other Oysters Oysters with a Difference Sealshipt Oysters Are packed in a^sanitary, germ-proof, enam eled case, w h ich is sea led . Tub oysters are packed in a stale, slim y , soggy wooden tub w ith a loose cover. Sealshipt Oysters Are handled on ly by the men who shuck them at the beds. Tub oysters are tended by the hand—too often grimy—of the ra ilw ay em ployees. Sealshipt Oysters Are protected from germs by an air-tight, sea led case. Tub oyste s are packed in a tub w ith an ill fitting removable cover, often out of ■■■ . place.'.'..:. Sealshipt Oysters D o not come in contact w ith ic e - it is packed around th&case. Tub oysters have ice put directly among them , often bruising and con tam inating them . , Sealshipt Oysters Have a delicious piquancy the true *‘ha lf-shell” flavor. Tub oysters are flat, insip id , w ith no marked flavor, save that of chemicals,, Christmas Candies, Nuts and Fruits £>"W e have not on ly the largest but the finest line of CAND IE S , N U T S and ^R U IT S for Christmas treats. Special prices for quantity lots to Schoo l Teachers and Sabbath Schools. \ H. E. Schm idt <S Co .4 South Detroit St„ ✓ > • 9 Xenia, Ohio, I ■ ’I 1 BALDNER & FLETCHER No. 42 East Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS Steam and Hot Water Healing. Gas Fitting. Tin and Iron Roofing and Spouting We Make a Specialty Of Picture Fram ing Expert workmanship hundreds of new and up=to= date moulding carried in stock. All work done promptly. Zell’s Booh. Store Xente Ohio, N E A R PO ST -O F F IC E S tationery and O ffice Supp lie s 'r.l ••£ ■' #
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