The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
I t . -tt a . siSsSiiS Ch r is tm a s Shoppers WISS i n i BIRD'S MAMMOTH STORE their “Mee* ea.” its the only store that can fill your wants, and we invite you' to come and see our display of HOLIDAY GOODS . DON’T put off making your purchases until Saturday afternoon unless you can’t avoid it. Come in the morning you will get better service. G ranges fancy F loridas.. . . . .20c, 25c,. 30c, 45c doz. OYSTERS ......................................... .25c qt. ; 15c per pint APPLES ................ . v ........... .................. ;35c, 40o and 50c peck CANDIES numerous assortments 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c and 25c per lb. WANTED-Pop Com and Walnuts CAKES We have ordered an extra large supply of those good cakes and doughnuts for Christmas and will not disappoint you, but better place your order ahead. —WE WILL PAY YOU— 35c per dozen, in trade, for Clean, Fresh Eggs. Bring in your surplus. Christmas Post Cards, Booklets, Seals and Tags, tures, Fooks, Etc.,-at Pic- BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE. In Planning to Purchase Christmas Presents Do not overlook the fact that it is important to purchase an Enduring: Gift. The name TIFFANY on the jewelry box * signifies quality. rx herefis nothing as nice, for Christmas’as. something in the way of Jewelry—a diamond, a watch, spoons, a clock, silverware, cut glass and the almost endleis variety of; attractions found in a first-class jewelry store. This store has the Largest Stock to select from in its history. Everything up-to-date. Many novel ties to enlist your attention. Avoid the rush incident to the last days before Christmas. Come now and make your.selection. Take advantage of two. impor tant things—Ample Time and a Complete Stock. This Is tha P lace fo r Rea l Bargains Engraving Free. The Tiffany Jewelry Store, South Detroit St., - - Xenia, Ohio. UJGAA ANV re&GNAL Mr. and Mrs. J . G. McCorkoll ■wore in Dayton, Wednesday. ■—Try Nagley Bros, for sealshipfc oysters. FOB BUNT:—The 55. T. Phillips property. H . N. Bhoeley. —FOR SA L S :-B u ff Plymouth Back Cockerels. W. A. Turnbull. —•Ice cream the year a- round at Marshall’s. Dr. W. E . McChesnoy will preach Sabbath for the P resby terian con gregation in Clinton. ’ Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Townsley -will entertain a number of relatives a t dinner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John W a rne r of Yellow Springs spen t Oabbnth w ith Mr*. G, W. .Harper. D r. J . W . Dixon wife anti sons, R obert and Wolter, spen t S a tu rd ay in Dayton. Mrs. Bello Gray and daughter, Lu- clle, and Miss Lucite Haines spent Saturday m Dayton. ^ Miss E thel Spencor, v/ho is a ttend ing business college in Dayton, is home for the holiday vacation. —Canvas gloves and mittens,, lea ther and k n it gloves. Nagley Bros. Mr. George gtrobel moved to Day- ton, Tuesday, where he has pur chased property apd expects to make J his fu tu re home.- Mr. It. C. W a tt shipped one of his finest Polled Durham heifers to Mr, H . F. Caldwell, Bentonvllle, Ind ., Thursday. Mr, ami Mrs. W. H . Owens are expecting Mr. and Mrs. John Lott, ot Pittsburg and M r.-Harry Qv/ens of St. Louis home for the holidays, —Boubr.s Koban coffee, no advnnc in price, 20c per pound. Nagley Bros. — Everything in the line of fruits, nuts, celery and vegetables at Marshall’s. Mr. I.'O . Davis and family of Cin cinnati will spend the holidays with ; relatives here. Mr. Charles Galbreatb of Dayton is fiho guest of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Galbreath. — Finest line of Box Gan dies in town at Marshall’s. Mrs. Sarah Biehnrds and son, Ed win, were called to Xenia this woob on account of the illness of the for mer’s sister. —FOR SALE : Ono Jersey cow, will bo fresh about the fifteenth of December. F, P. McCarJey. Mrs. Mason Pi-ugh of Bellbrook .sponfc Thursday with her oonrin-law and daughter, Rev. J . S. E . Mc- Micbael and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J,. EL Nesbit antici pate a trip to Chicago, where thoy will spend Christmas with their son, Mr. W. D. Nosbit and wife, College closed last F riday for two weeks holiday vacation. The vli- tage schools will have b u t one week ! for vacation, opening on J a n u a ry t, again. Mrs. W. P, Haines left Wodnes- la y for F a ir Haven, O., where Bhe will spend the winter with her son- in-law and daughter, JBev. Robert Efyle and wife*. The Herald Is out sooner than usual as is our custom with each is sue preceding Christmas. This is done in justice to the many adver tising patrons. Among the Springfield shoppers Monday were Mrs. W alter lliff, Mr. W .L . Wilson and wife, Mr, B. W. Anderson and wife, Mias Ada Stor mont and Mrs. C. H. Crouse. Mr, and.Mrs, C. M. Crouse and Mr, O. M. Townsley spent Monday in Sprineflelcl. Mrs. Crouse remained over Tuesday witu her sister, Mrs. F rank Welohhans. Mrs. Belle Gray and daughter, Luoile, expect to leave Friday morning for Pittsburg a n d Tarentum, Pa., where they will spend the holidays. r —NOTICE: In addition to tho published prices on another page for the "Lena Rivers” show in 'the opera house, Tuesday night, Dec, 27 the general admission will beSCofor ad alts and 25c for children. I t is said th a t Miss Beulah Poyon- ter who wrote the play, “ Lena Riv e rs," Visited all the scenes of th a t popular book and met several peo ple after whom Mrs. Holmes mod eled hor characters. Patrons of jthe Gedarville Tele phone Company will be without the service Sabbath from 7:30a.m. until 9 p. m. The company has made i t a rule each Christmas to give its em ployes a t least one holiday of the year, which they deserve. The Sabbath School of th e R. P. church will give a can tata in the church on F riday evening, Decem ber 20th. A special songservlce and appropriate Christmas exercises will be given in tho M. E . church Sabbath evening. Mrs. Ira Townsley was given a surprise Monday evening when tvrelvo of the members o l her Sab bath ' School class called for the evening. •Mrs. Townsley was pre sented with a Bible in recognition of her services. Refreshments were sorved. John ' W. Bookwaltor, wealthy manufacturer of Springfield, v/ho spends most o l his time in travel, has sent a check for $7,000 to he used by the different organizations In th a t city in bringing cheer and sun shine into tho homos of hundreds of the city’s poor on Christmas, Rev. Thomas Turner of New Tex as, Pa., has received a call to the Dravosburg, Pa., Presbyterian con gregation, located eight miles from Pittsburg. He will take up bio new work the second Sabhaih of Janu ary . Mrs. Turneram i son, Brenton, arc expected here today for a visit while Rev. Turner comes Monday. A shower was given Mr. and Mrs# Leslie 3. Oglo a t the heme of Mr. O. H . Gordon last Saturday evening in honor of the recent marriage of tho couplo. Guests, numbering sixty-six persons wore there from Dayton, Springfield, Jamestown, Xenia and London. There wore many beautiful presents of china, silverware a t d linen. Mr. Oglo is train dispatcher for the D. T. & I* railroad in Springfield. Light to Danish Sorrow. Sorrow dwells longest where tho sun is shut out.—Florida Timeo-Unloa. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ThaKindYouHailAlwaysBought Boars tho Signature of Ms. Huntoe Dull of Xenia, known ] to many of-our citizens, wag stack* J fjfP® on with paralysis la st Sabbath morn- - MM mg In Bobbath School a t tho Pres -1 byterian church in th a t city, h o : foojng superintendent. He wag r<-~i moved to bis homo where be h a s ' since been in a yery serious condi tion, with little hope of recovery. Mr. Charles Kelso, Lincoln Hypos and.Hon. George L ittle have incorporated a-company known ns the Xoma and New York City Real ty Company for tho oalo of city lots on Long Island , Since the new Pennsylvania railroad station has been erected in Nov/ York City much new property in th a t section is to bo developed, j The announcement of the coming' of "Lena Rivero” Is certain to a rouse , feelings of pleasure in advance to the countless people who ore fam ili a r with Mrs. Holmes’ book. The play was .taken from the novel ana bps been tho principal success of the season, and it has known an amount of popularity th a t has sur prised even the most of its sanguine well-wishers. The play in said to be a delightful reproduction of all the dram atioand comedy scenes of the book. eeaascsaa I SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $10.00 \ $25.00 r l a all sizes and patterns. You’ll not have th© slightest difficulty in getting something just to your notion in Clothing and Fur Caps, THE GREATER YOUTH’S COMPANION. Since its enlargement by the addi tion of an amount o f . reading in a year equal to four hundred ordinary magazine pages, The Youths, Com panion can offer even a wider range of wholesome entertainment than evor before; bu t the character of the reading m atte r remains the same, and the subscription price, $1.73, is unchanged, , Every boy will eagerly look for the articles on sk ill in sports and pas times and how to develop it. The girls will find many novel and practioal suggestions which will be helpful in their daily life. For the family in general, hints AT LEAST One thousand peo ple should read this ad. I t is important “th a t you should a t tend to your Christmas Buying without delay. Our stock is varied—dain ty and up-to-date and best of all— Lowin Price We would make a special requost th a t your picture frame work bo sent in soon. Books Then there is noth ing more satisfactory for presents f o r friends a t a distance. Bibles Forchildren, teach- orsj and- the family, Every child should own a Bible, Novelties in Brass Goods, Tea Sots, Five O’c l o c k TeoB, Berry S e t s , Chop Flates, Cake Fiates, Salad Bowls, Vases, Jardinieres, Fern Holders, Can delabra, Gongs and Cathedral Chimes. Great Display Of Pictures nicely framed, from 10c up. Good things too, and worthy of your a t tention. Musical Instruments .Violins, G u i t a r s , Mandolins, Accordi ons, Harmonicas, Vi olin Bows ami Boxes, Strings and Fixtures. For Young Men Necktio H o l d e r s , Shaving Sets. Smok ing Soto, Desk Sets. We Gaft S u it E v e ry N eed . WEsrs Book Store, XENIA, i OHIO. I Sensible Christmas Gifts Our store is full of sensible, practical presents for men and boys-—Soft and Stiff Hats, Fur Gloves, Neckwear, Shirts, Collars, Fancy Vests, House Coats, Bath Robes, Mufflers, Suspenders, Sweaters. Hosiery, Dress and Driving Gloves, Jewelry, Umbrellas, Trunks, Suit Cases and Va lises, and many other articles that will please him. Prices so low that you’ll quickly decide to make your selections here. c •.\v S u l l i v a n , Clothier - Hatter . Furnisher So. Limestone St., " Springfield, 0. Mm l- •v$ Hi: Hutchison XENIA, Gibney Silk and Heatherbloom, Persian Petticoats, $5.oo Silk and Crepe Kimonos FURS—Child’s Sets $2 up. Pillow Rug Muff $2.75 Fur Set^ $12 to $loo. SILK WAISTS-Embroidered or Tailored Waists Mufflers Mitts Gloves Silk Scarfs Towels Fancy Hose Leather Bags Purses I Three Cases Full of Christmas Novelties Children’s and Ladies’ Sweaters $ 1.00 up Shawls and Scarfs 50 c to $1 Dressing Sacques Knit Petticoats Handkerchiefs Aprons for tho profitable occupation of the winter evenings, lor Increasing the happiness and comfort of the house hold. This reading is all in addition to the ordinary treasury of stories, a r ticles by colobrated men and wo men, the unequaled miscellany, the invaluable doctor's article, the terse notes on what is going on in all fields of human activity. I t will cost you nothing to send for the beautiful Announcement ot The Companion of 1911, ana we will send with P sample copies ot paper. Do not forget th a t the early sub scriber for 1911, receives free all the remaining issues of 1910, including those containing the opening chap ters of Grace Richmond’s serial story, "F ive Miles Cut." The new subscriber receives also The Companion’s A rt Calendar for 1911, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. . THE YOUTH’S COMPANION Hi Berkley St., Boston, Mass. Now subscriptions received a t this Office. Dampening the Gloved, WILL YOU 1 Listen to a statement made by Dr. W. O. Thompson, President of O. 8 . IT., who said in Ilia speech at Thomas Johnson’s picnic to the breeders of, pure bred live stock, th a t one of tho most satisfactory investments he had evor made on his farm was a pure bred Porchemn mare. Thereioro, lot me give you°,w f ovf are P,Qcto between th a t opportunity of seeing some of the folds of a damp towel for an hour before being worn they aro much eas* ier to put on. The damp causes tho hid to become more pliable so that they will stretch to tho required shapo without cracking or splitting. the best imported and home bred mares In this country today a t The Champion Percheron Farm of America a t Wenonn, 111., Robert Burgess & 8011s, Props. Andrew "Winter, Local Salesman. =The Newsalt Jewelry House a ' Th e F inest of its kind in the State of Ohio for fine DIAMONDS, WATCHES, AND STERLING SILVERWARE COEM ER FO U R TH . AH® M A IN ST R E E T , - * • * * * . . . » DAYTON , OHIO &■ h t • I >
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