The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
I ■ f . .;: 4 v , $ / A 1 J ; ! * 3S I f There nhould havo been more peo ples ou t Im t Thursday to hea r the speech of Mr. I I. N . Ensign ■ a t the Fa rm e r's In stitu te on the “ Far eeh) Post” -. Mr. Ensign in an interesting talke r and Has n large fund of knowledge when iteoinea to explain* ■ing tho operation of different .bran ches of the government. One of tho speaker's im p o r ta n t ^ statements was that most of the 41 . commercial clnbuand similar organ- , izations ov >r the country are oppos- ■ ing this measure along with the 1U> .great, expi‘c,;~. companies in t h e ; United States. Mr. Ensign pro- , . duced figures'to show that our pres- j ent system of postal rates are unjust ; when compared with that of other ; countries. , j Whilo Mr. Ensign may he com cl j as to the action of the various com - j mercial bodies in opposing that measure, we do not know but that it is ju st and proper and th a t the ac tion is well taken, Y/o do no t want to be listed as against the measuro on the whole bu t must be recorded against thaf p a rt th a t will directly benefit the large mail order houses of Chicago, New York and elsewhere, tluiC. are are eating the very life out of the commercial business of today. Il tilers is some sort of protection granted the local merchants ngamsf the great mail order houses then we should favor parcel’s' post, but not on the order as it lias been proposed. The proposed measuro wouid. if • passed and made a law, nut a large percent of energetic merchants oui of business, in favor of a class tha1 instead of benefittnig the country is the g reatest curse the business- world knows. The small merchant is deserving of an honest living and not one is there th a t would earn the name ol ‘ being square should they sell tin small class of goods for tho saim price of tiie catalogue house. Tin local dealers know when they sell an article th a t it must be as repr - sented or the money will be returned ’With the mail-order fellow, tin money is secured first and goods known as "seconds” are sent, there seldom being a provision of a. sails factory transaction. Some month* ago the writer had an occasion U talk to a m anufacturer of a stand ard line of goods. During the con versation the mail, order subject came up and it was learnod th a t tht linn sold several thousands of dol lars worth of goods each year to tht various catalogne houses. One a r ticle pu t ou t by this manufacturer sold for fifty cents in all stores handling first-class goods. Wo re marked th a t the same article had been advertised in a certain medium by a mail order house for 30 cents. The m anufacturer explained that ju st the month previous he had shipped th is firm $1000 worth ot in ferior goods, p a rt of which would not stand tho factory test, p a rt of which had been returned by dealers as not being perfect. He explained tiia t the company could not loose such an amount and they always find a ready m arket for "seconds’’, among the catalogue houses.. The margin of profit to tho catalogue house was the greatest on an infer ior article. Thus, wosee how, impossible i t is for local dealers to meet the eonipc- litiou with the catalogue house. One selling a first class article with lguaran tee, while the mail order purchaser very often-gets an article th a t has been refused in some first class store. The small merchant sees the inev itable by the passage of tho parcels p ist and of course is out to defend himself. W ith the?mail-order house eliminated, we venture to say that ; Mr. Ensign will find the comnier- clubs and similar organizations j favoring the lull. Mr. Ensign also touched upon the postal deficit of which we will havo something to say later. I ! Christmas Cantata Friday Night. HOLIDAY GIFTS! Our Mg store is in Christmas attire- We have been buying for .months for this occasion, and can show hundreds of useful articles suitable as presents. GLOVES. English, fur lined . - $3, $4 and $5 Street Gloves, ' unlined, silk lined and fleece lined — 50c, jh , .$1.50, .$2. Boys* Rough‘Rider Gloves, with Star on. the'- Gauntlet - •- r 50c LEATHERGOODS. Cravat Holders, new, ~ 50c, 75c, $1 Shoe Bags, Collar Boxes, ^Hankerchief Holders, Cravat Cases, and other articles "• $1, $1.50, and $2. Suit Cases and Traveling Bag’s Suit Cases $1, 2. 3, 5, 7 ,50 , 10. Traveling Bags $ 3 .5 0 , 5 ,7 .5 0 10 ■Hole- Proof Hosiery - All packed in holiday boxes, guaranteed .for six months $1.50 'and $2. the Box Silk Hose - - - 50c and $2.00 U se fn l P r e s e n ts . Bradley Mufflers. All the ne . colorings,, suitable for street wear and motoring.. 50c, $1.00, $1.50, and $1.75, Neckwear for.Men and Boys Hundreds of new,styles at 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, and $2100 Special Boxes for all Ties, 75c up. Handkerchiefs One thousand four hundred Jap Silk Initial Hankerehiefs 10c. Other lines - 15c, 25c and 50c. Scarf Pins, Guff Buttons, Tie Holders. Single and in sets. Prices • 50c, $1.00. $1.50, and $2.00. a 'Manhattan - Shirts - New styles in neat semi-stiff •bos oms i SI.75 and $2, Negligee styles $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Wilson Bros’ White Pleated Shirts '$1, $1.50- Good negligee styles at 50c, 75c. Sweater Coats and Jerseys These make a warm present, prices 50c, $1, $1.50, $2, $3, $4, $5 House Coats amd Bath lo b e s $3.50, $5, $7.50, $10. These Make Useful Christmas Presents. R.. S, Kingsbury, Globe Trading Stamps With All Hobday Purchases. 50-52 E. Main, Xenia, 0. H£a IHOI ’I’iie United Presbyterian Sabbath j School gives a Christinas can ta ta m ! the church F riday evening, entitled j “ Tho Christmas Story.” | Miss Vera Andrew lias tra in e d ’ a chorus of about' forty voices f o r . tliis occasion. As there is no admio- [ sion charged the general public is : Jitvited to lie present. j New Ownership For Journal. Tho announcement was-made in* the Sunday issue of the Dayton j Jou rna l of file sale of tha t paper to Air. K. G. Burkinan of Uolumhtm. formerly owner of tho Columbus D ispatch. The change in owner-hip . took place Tuesday a t which time ’ Mr. (it, \ . McClellan retired as tin* Hi(ml of tho company and publisher, ■ •As Mr, McClellan has not b.en in good health for Some time lie will take a much noetic 1 rest of several tnonthii before making any an* powucHdont for the future Your Last Chance Before Christmas To Secure a Refund of Your Carfare to Springfield and Return The members of The Merchants’ Association of Springfield want your patroirge and'have a plan . by which all. shoppers living within 40 miles of the city are reimbursed in cash to the . amount of their carfare for the round trip. At the present time everybody is buying some thing for themselves or somebody else, and stren uously endeavoring to make their money go as far as possible in order that no one will be neglected. A trip to Springfield will save you both time and money and the. worry you may experience for fear your poeketbook may be depleted before you have purchased enough things to go around, SATISFACTION ASSURED You can always find in the enormous stocks of high-class merchandise carried by Springfield’s metropolitan stores jtisfc what you are looking for at hist the price you want to pay. Hundreds of persons from this vicinity have *learned that Springfield is by far the cheapest shopping center in this section of the state and are regular patrons of Springfield stores. GRASP THE OPPORTUNITY NOW Those who have deferred their Christmas shop ping until this time, cannot only save on each and every purchase made in Springfield, but can have the expense of the trip paid by The Merchants’ Association, If you think wisely and buy wisely, you-will take advantage of your last chance to get in on the FREE CARFARE OFFER before Christmas. EXTRA INDUCEMENT As an extra inducement to new customers' The Merchants' Association will make a re fund or One Per Cent, in Cash on all money expended by each person, in excess of 815.00 XMAS GIFTS! This store was never so well prepared to serve you with gift goods of every kind as now! Your shopping can be done with pleasure as well as a saving. Endless selection of practical gifts and novelty goods of every description at popular prices. Make your purchases, while stock complete Buy a Fine Tailored Suit for Christmas $20 and $25 Fine Tailored suits in Black and colors, all this season’s styles and materials special price............. $12,70 So Fine Suits tha t were up to $2<) .... ............. ...... $3.73 Women’s long black W inter Coats, excellent values a t $5, $10, $12.00, $13, and up Silk Waists for Christmas Gifts New Holiday Styles in Messaline Satin, Chiffon Waists and Taffetas, in black ami all good new colors a t $2.05, $3.50 $8.05 ami $5 Silk Petticoats m black and colors and Persian patterns a t $3.30, $5.00 and $0.00 $5 and $0 Bath Holies for gifts a t . ...................... ................... $2.05 Silk Hose a t 5 0 c Pure Silk Hose for men and women, a very unusual va l ue . . . . ................... 50c Embroider'd lisle hose for Women a t 30<\ 75c and $1 Pony Stockings Die best made for boys and |;irl8 ............................ .... 25c GLOVES FOB G IFTS— Gloves for {jiffs sold here can be fitted or exchanged aft «r Christinas day. Fine Silk Umbrellas 100 Fine Silk Umbrellas, tape edge, Taf feta silk, new mission handles for men and women, a good $1 .GO umbrella value Special p ric e .............................. .......... $1,00 Endless selection of Gift Umbrellas for men and women, all prices..................... $5 s R ich Cut Glass f o r Gifts Best quality Cut Glass a t cu t prices, all kinds, sm art shapes and articles a t a decided sav ing in price. Tumblers (for 6 pieces) a t ...... ............ $1.25 Nappies and D ishes...................75c and DBc Cut Glass bow ls..................... $1.95 and up Sugar and C ream s................... $1.75 and up Pitched Tumblers and Goblets. Boxed Neckwear. New Persian Neckwear for gift;, .n Holiday boxes a t ‘ #3c and 50c Boxed lace and embroidered neckwear .............. 25c and 50c New Boxed S to c k s ................. ............................... . 25c and 50c Scarfs ■ Every color, fine quality, laige size..............fifio, 76c, $1 and $2 • Candle Sticks and Shades Glass Candle Slicks a t .. . ...................................... 10c, and 25c Brass Candle Shades a t . . '.......................................... ioe Bilk Fringed Shades, a ll colors ............................................ ioc Mission Shades a t .............................................. ........... . .... lpc Children s Birthday Candles.............. ............. ...................loc Fine Furs for Gifts Nothing gives ladies and ' children more real pleasure than a present of fine Furs. Nowhere can you see a better selection a t popular prices than here. Women's Black Fu r Scarfs, In all the new shapes, and stylish F u r s ..............................................$1.05, $3.93. $5 and up to $35 "Women's Black Muffs, in tho largo new shapes, m all furs a t $1.05, $2.50, $3.50 and up to $20 Children's Fur Bets, in white muffs and scarfs to match a t $1.60, $2, and $2.50 Children’s Brown and grey fur sets a t .................. $1.50 to $3.50 Children's Bain Capes, silk lined hoods.......................... ...$3.09 Jobe Brothers & Company, ' X E N I A £3 O H IO . STP&ft&en This month 1 Buttetmk Patterns IS o ^ n om higlier. patriotic. Artist (to fontaUve customer) -Now, Ml bo quite frank with you. I refused a llmusuiul dollars for it from an American, because I don’t want It ta no out of Franco, but I’ll lot you havo it for ten. P.on Vivant r To Cure a Cohl in One Day I TakeLffltatiW BrOlHO Q*tiilitt© TaMets. V © fiv JL ■ S e ^ ti MSISmi tostess sold In pmt l a Months* <Th§g r im a t tV G . Heid’s Caps for Men & Boys With fur lined ear bancs 50c,$1.50 Stetson Hats $3.50, $4 and $5 New Rough Hats $1.50, $2, $3. Fancy Vests New lines $1.50, $2, $3, $4, $5 White Wash Wests$l, $1.50,$2 $3 S S f s I s s s s s s s s s s s i \ «»**€*% fe»Two niya, i t THU A fter P-. ■ tubercuh;-.. Phillips, eternal ;■>!, 11.3b, af?* and death Tim ,h Mary J. ih ; five child;-* ' Mrs. Gcdr;. Jliff of c;, Frank Phil Mr. Phi,; oran and w O. V, I. l *the M. E. The fun,e •Tuesday a home, tin- j. by Jtev. w 'M. E. elm north of to The folio ers: ChkrJ* son, T, V. W. U. Har ropj ftic-i On a 1 feels pr head, a jam dov table; bi what fe fur cap? All st; heads a. pockets 1 Arcade,' s g j 1 .1 i l l at md ) at I $6. .. $ 2 . fts -01. .east . pric D o IC tr-caig a m
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