The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

THE VERY EJTCST POPULAR OPERA, SACRED and ClASSIC. Mask A:ir MEREDITHS, 3 ® W. 3 $ 0 §iS»B Ma^Con, €J, B o thH io n c s , J ’"to r * 9 s H a i r V i s o r I Caven t r ^ ----- - .. tcps.ra'n, hose ft. Qrir.: /tocto: 3, Scdk . Vices*. n>Gfe**!* 1 t> C i Atoff-*' J.- Ado*L .■ -Jvj l?ijyriai?‘3 ka*e? Ac-k ytinir tfcvfer. 1 ' ft r* *t *>v 13 c l m x i i itcrci? AsEi r T O it slop fallow Sialr? Acli >"OOT d c s t e fov to. \Vi!l 16 destroy dandntfl? As!i your ■ fetor. j mid U H »'.Qr, * " ? r * f c s n o t C o l o r t f . i e H a i r DoYour Glasses SuitYou? The Cedarvilie Herald. iSGQR 1 INRAILAFFAIRS S t ,o n P e r Y e a r . entuto cl Iy wc-r.ld I 1 ‘fttOOtllC IW'ikably J'< 1 ’ | urci 1 ikc.t t- ' f)! 3 f£;'('HE prat flee. Ci KABLH SUI-U Edita Our Refraction Work 1$ Hot Excelled By Anyone . Charles~S'l Fay, "MTgi Optician.; " 8 /i Ej*. Mam St*, Springfield, C). mmmmmmmmtm i»»»f«n~-jrw***»i****w'n» i —■ BADBLOOD **I'hudtrouble*wifcHmy bottela whteii made my WoodImpure}* Mytaco 37^3 covorofl v/ithplmplo» whichuaexternal rdmodycrjuld romovo/ I tried yourCawrotn nud groat vrti* myJoy when fch# S imples cUsappcarodnftcr a month's otcaAy na®. haveraeommondodthemto &Umy Ariosos and. <ralto a lowhavefoundxollof/j <J.J*jpuseU,OCTPathAvo.»Nta?YorRCHy,IT 8 Best ForAto- r y * The Bowels, imvxmb CANDYCftTHftftTIC .PleMsni,FulatshfoFotont.*ran*sGood,Daflood, Jt*rerSicken, WeakenorUripe.IBs. C 3 e SGc.New joWJnbulk. Tlio genuine tnb’efcstomped 000 . Gnaranteodtoontooryourmoneybncli . StortingRetoddyCo., Chicagoi 7 ILY. 690 ASJMUALSALE,TSBMILLIONBOXES WANTED! 100,000 POUNDS P»■ QfV * •f»-T j |W| A ,M, ♦*.»•«* " it—OF— WOOL Jli’KIDAY, 3 1 iX j Y 22 , 1010 . REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, * The Republican state convention in ColmubuB next week iBattracting | consuicrable attention, especially ! pinon George B, Coat of Cincinnati, ! ban offered to bet $ 15,000 on tbroo } different propositions that Judgo j O. B. Brown of Dayton will bo nom- | inatod and eieclod. The indications Jat tins time are that the delegates j will have the selection to make as | the bosses have nqt sufficient votes nominate on the first ballot. The large delegation, that Cox will de­ liver will of necessity be a factor in that Hamilton county will control 91 delegates. I t appears that President Taft has a candidate, Roosevelt * candidate aiK| CoS a candidate. At this time Cox claims 400 votes for Judge Brown, which is considerably more than that claimed by the other can­ didates. One thing seems apspred the con­ vention will not give Senator Charles Dick an endorsement or re­ fer to it in any mariner, which hacks Aho' claims of state politicians that the recent primary is not binding. The dispatches state that George B, Cox may be put forth as a candi­ date tor United‘States Somftor in case the legislature is Republican this fall. M ’s Sseeess InG a M Mat* ters Wins Lees Praise, Iclcccly tvatthc i tin Hanson career, . {t:;pc«*t ; clew Hruu.on*! tluvo- i ticii to iSsVi'i ratloa pmetis'c la pro- ; Ivorllal. He c;sn kj :iaal k;a nil- read ivc* ivsralilfi in rdorqaa In- t<'re-,;f:; fop (.-ii iht a£tvr attStMtt* j iug hi:; pre;;!>:it fiirii »stiit'o. 1 An for the Bryan cult- they havo 1 2 <>fit eight of ovorythlnc ®vro sena- '. torial ondoir.crai'iit. . j BENEFITS ME FAR. DEMOS WILL PAY THE HIGH­ EST PRICES. Phone or write the DeWifte-BeldenCo. Yellow] Springs, Ohio BotffPhones. N o P o t a t o B a g s will annoy you or cu t down your i mcnt Intended to follow in Egyifo Ho 'potato yield if you use this powerful | had seldom liotencd to a srceelt with T. R. U U D E D ^ COMMONS Minister Grey Says Guildhall-Gpeesh Was Submitted to Him Before ! Delivery—Was Not “lti*ult.” i Dditon ■Wisi'rsfc and Colonel Bryan; \ will’ have to hunt about for another j Iseue before they can. accomplish the | destruction fof Theodore Roosevelt, f Immediately artcr the colonel dcllv- ! ertd himself at his Guildhall speech, in which he discuracd Britain's for* eigtt policy, and particularly Egypt, with his customary frankness, both- Hcarst and Bryan attacked the for­ mer president’s lack of politeness. Ills speech was characterized as an '‘in­ sult to' his host,” and the clamor of tumult raised over the incident led many folk in this country to believe that finally T. It, bad “put Ids foot In it.” But the British people refuse to feel “insulted.” Indeed, last week in the house of commons Sir Edward Grey, foreign secretary, told the members that Colonel Roosevelt's Guildhall speech had been communi­ cated to him and approved before It was delivered. Grey was answering the Conservatives who had seized upon the nddycaa to demand an ex­ planation of the course the govern* Nott-poisoitonsPowder— ANTIPEST i f J S n d s P o t a to B u g N u isan c e Da* or two sifting* * season snfilefeat, Jrotter, rafea?or .3 tr.oroccoccmkal thanPeris 'ifrrcoa. Cavcsflrsc,JaLtreedcrpercc. laostca f Write for *RID Booklet . T f t e A i i t i p e s t ^ F e r t i l i z e r C o . «5 E, Third St, tiftdiUMif "V. FORSALEBV ¥tm & ^stings Bros., ....... greater pkasuie, Dir Edward said, Its friendly Intention, he raid, was obvi­ ous, and, take n as a whole, it was the greatest compliment to the work of one count 1 y ever 1 aid by a citizen of another. Sir Edward delivered bis defense of the c done! with mark* d cmEiIia.'dQ. fTpeaklrg of tko sitaatfon in Egypt, Dir Edward aid it was not co ct rious as rcprcseuted la come quarters, bat that it was useless to try to conceal the fact that things were not satis- much sod it ! Guildhall and ho had never in alt | Ida public experience heard a speceh | which was Ices deserving of being f called an insult Tko uttmn'-o, ho i vent on, was conopli uous for its sym­ pathy and Its broad knowledge of Bio cMuatfea nud ecr-taSnrd ce word tint could reasonably bo taken by tko * moot schtilifvo Briton as objoctlom ©0 VfiARS* £XI»ERIE»Gg TWOE fidORK* ■ BEfliaM* Coffynianrs Ac. ftrtc'-Wnr t Cr~*:icV"tv,'.n? <--i? 1 / . a e;cowarwc? aj -ftMrs **\«vfwr'"-r',i v f ,rjrin.'C'ft. MO»r=re CNN.rAKc.lVo'‘-.;9 Tko tfomondous ontkusfanm with which the Cincinnati Bagahor Islam* basting Bryan for sagge sting such a thing as a senatorial endorsement loads to the suspicion that possibly John R, M*;L#au may tofcio to Ohio to vote this fall. . . •mntmn-. ... prom >M-tff-jn t. rs r,; - ■-.fcV _--- * >r Av***» 5 **’Ftit*!**r*‘M nt-fk:*. m ^u*ft 1 v«:r*-» >f- The Woman in the Moon. Afemii; ijiar* days nrtor the now S ofts « pr-iity Etiu! a LriLly f, uff.luo »l.|.es;s gb ®o w» jy m lalf of tftn di«sk. This L>nr? leiy who n ^ I k WkMi'gfGA f i f . r 1 by fLo »ronnfftj«s acj a r *,i!t»r.erj ^ tTO fA AS c? 'juaniaiD'y, Vanors « i« *>,< S:.fy t 1 L : ! nt c. va Wt ofdloftiv t t *.a TlK'ro’fJ a touch of the good old of personal polltits in th<so lines from the EtcAttkar Tilbune: ‘ Van Baiface. who runs flu- mud mill actesa the ntiu/g and klo fil-cds,” etc, These warn happy days! Two flays after that r-ditorln! in tko Cwacauer found Its /.ay to Olito f( Ct.veuiov Harmon’s “ 11 ) 12 ’* hcadmnib is ft? t'ltsdnn'dl were elms'd. Alabama bait-ru will Sieve to find f| >lr own editorials hi r. afk'r. CASTOR IA Tor Xnfeats and fiMdrcfi. ! t i Kind You Hait Always Bwglrt Pcas* ti6 gtgw-.t'ho of New LawMarks an End to Rato Con* trovc-rcica and Ancuroo Gquara Deal for Both Shipper and Carrier ii* Future—Viewo of Ohio Presa Leave No Room for .Pessimism. Public appreciation -.of -President Taft’a signal success not only In se­ curing the withdrawal of proposed freight rate Increases by many rail­ roads, but In securing the passage of tremendously important railroad leg­ islation by congress, is everywhere Apparent. •, •This show of strength by the’'ad­ ministration will have a very reassur­ ing effect," says the Norwalk Herald, which continues the hope that "it may also have a steadying effect upon that portion of tho public aud the press who are rather prone to uimp to hasty conclusions, and to un­ duly find fault with the president.” "Had Theodore Roosevelt been the president instead of, Mr. Taft,” ob­ serves the Salem News, “this ac­ complishment would have been hail­ ed everywhere as a most wonderful exhibition of executive ability. Pres­ ident Taft is entitled to the gratitude of every shipper.of freight and every consumer of products that must be shipped by rail.” Methods of Taft and T, R, Differ, i he comparison of Taft with his predecessor is also made by the Bet- hire Times, which holds that "Uu> difference betwc a the Rcozevelt way” f doing things aud tho Taft method of accomplishing tho. same results ,.vas never moro clearly shown” and points out that “it is a matter of real- e-rd that the pr&ddcct’h program wai* quickly agreed to' by the railroads/* The poridoh Of fti’c roads, that Ibo in*’; rrmse In tan-s wav; necessary, is held by the Akron Iw&v« Journal to bn ut-Hlined, rather than realf and tiro ,*.rt afiient i.i praised fur 'having i hown the hollowness Ct rise raih-oad blgif.” it ejjspkftdzes this hy citing .hat there ;.haa ■hfecu “instead o? a tatal di’pmr-ion of wdlrond ctocko, which one; would liavo expected if the t-rovioua dip in valuoa had been logit*- raaio, the market robjimria rapidly, iudicatjug that present rates ura nos i;:> fatally low after all,” While ag-ecing that tho railroads have increased their expemoen by n hundred millions a year through wage Increases')* the Warron Repuml* <'nn points that “tho revival of trade and industry .'him caused such ln« crenfle in trade that they arc madff inol-e profitable; than before, notwlth* *tending tho higher operating ex* lenses; thoy are naturally ablo to pay higher wages, buy supplies at higher prices and still increase their liofifn.” • Suits Shippers and Roads. That tho cet'irniv'nt of tlio matter raGsflez the railroads as well, av tho y.sbTo 1 j pointed out by the Clave* i md Leader. “Both olden aro satis* U. d, and as far as human Institution van be relied upon, exact Justice will 5 e dune both shippers and railroads” ’ksoush the new legislation, Tho t-r.ntcpt fer nn avoidanca of bitter r ilin g ea huth sides f»r all future Mn,i< ;'.;r;;ia bright to the PorinLiontli 1 -lade, by havlag “exporiGaccil and tQpable men standing as arts b twe< n s.tkoh ralireada on oj fctl s; hi; a chipjars fcQ the ft cvnd.fcton that “will bring jest in mavly every ins ■ Beyond tho rati factory si la tho stock maiket, tho East lo-d lleview £*els that “tho p; Uy io thet tho railroads will with esntenu late.] itaprovemci Iarileipatioa in continued prosper­ ity o fooling that in uoio than chased by tho Ciur'fnnatl Enquirer, which alwajo approaches a subject at mark inaportonco in a cerlcao men* tier, and which rrcitta that “milHnas of European capital already placed to our credit, *and tho hundroda of tail* Hons that will follow into -tho oamo <hatmcla will -ylvo a great impetus to buJnt as In every part of the unit­ ed States, for they will enter tho monetary chcu-athm through a thou­ sand arteries.” Fer "toon Populi” Nest Year, Dcnator l.urrowo of f,IUhigan wants a' re-election, which is perfectly .nat­ ural, but be wants it to como from' the pcoj-lo. He has announced hl-i candhlai y for another term, tho peo­ ple to choose by dlre<t vote, Tho Demmratio 1 'osaes In (?l*Io arc op- posrd to such rirrtion of sesatoro,' that 5 s, they me Just now. west year wL<u no ootutor Js to Bo closeu, fa; y v.'Jll again duiaro in favor of the pi oplr* having a vgh o. -Lomin Times Heffthl, ...■-....... -.*v 'A Few Aro Woiely Kickcro, Tbeio mo several bionds of luntir- { cuts. Many of the iaifmrg. uto Ja fungsenn ere m tbcuougbly R. pabM* cD'.i fn prLsrlple no noy ram in the saulis of tic “regal,mu" ‘lie « i am (tbev hi'-ur;;,nto wku me Utgeiblh .m o'.dv In n uiie, both la p,li„ 3 pfn ood I t i rariko kcr.tUa tu tSy- rariy rad its idc-'I*. Ctodnnatl Timci* It is worthy c£ pasrur-s note, hove- ; ever, to obacrv® that Governor Har- 1 moiv is urging against n. decision ( handed down after n, hearing in j which Judge Duvton set, prior to his { appointment to the supreme court of the United Rtatcs. Thomas G. McKe-U^controlled and owned 25 , 090 ' acre,* of coal ■ lands in Payette and Raleigh rcinnties, W. Va. Melville E. Ingallc, a present Demo­ cratic car. idate for United States senator from Ohio tout against en­ dorsement by the state convention), was then president of tho Chesapeake &, Ohio railroad, McKcll claimed a contract was made that tho road should butid a spur into his property and take and pay for all . coal he mined. Ho claimed breach of con­ tract In that the- road refused to pur­ chase coal he mined, or to furnish him with enough cars to haul his coal to other markets, and awed for $;>, 572,000 damage:) for breach of'con­ tract. Over in West Virginia the Chesapeake & Ohio road, under In­ galls, had ft habit of. provoking this complaint from mine owners, -A t .a trial bcfO•« Judge Gator of the United States court it 'waa hold that AlcKdl had nd enforceable con- i tract. It was this decision that was i reversed by Judge Lurtoa, who held j MeKell'n. contract enforceable. It is on s rehearing of this decision that j the governcr had lust made argu­ ment. This i 3 one of the biggest-—if not tho very largest—c migration case ever brought in the federal court in tho Southern Ohio district, and it was transferred there, in 181)3 on mo­ tion of the railroad, having been brought originally in tho Scioto coun­ ty court of common pleas. McICefl. died since bringing the suit/ Sfes I f e c f iron Hawo UotigMs o m l trihliels lifts licen. | h os© fos? over £»£& §reaFS» jsas T jopiio t lie signatnro o f ^= 3 # « k 1 lia s -Dccn.«ja«l 0 'EiafleF- t i n per-* ‘- 5 > 3 ii 1 sajh?j?v«ion ptoce it s infancy* , -z'Vf r-c^z/.iZC^, £& iqxj no on® to fteceivo yon to this* A il Counterfeits, Ijn itations andl1**Jnst*n 9 >g>ood*vare liati EsRcrtincsits tlrat tri; 3 o iv itii oncl endanger th o licaltlr oi? . In iim ts and Children—lisp er iea co aga inst Experiment* What is CASTOR IA A Castorfa is a harm less substitu te for Castor Oil, JParo- gorle, Drops and Soothing 1 Syrups. I t is Dlcaspnt, I t contains ne ither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. I ts ag e is its,guaran tee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness^ I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colic. I t relieves ifcethSng tr o u b le s , enres Constipation and F la tn leacy , I t assim ilates th e F ood , regulates th o Stomach and B ow e ls, g iv ing hea lthy and natural sleep* The Children’s Fanaeefv-The Mother’s Friend . GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears tlio Signature of T h e K i n d Y o u H a v e A l w a y s B o u g h t &sc; In Use Foi^ Over SO Years. • / THECEnTftun-*o«pa;«v, -?7 ntmtiav gtocct . cievjyohm orrv. f I f Net Yet; No, Not Yet! An anti-graft association has. been- formod on a large scale la NewYork, Tlio fates voucher brigade of Hie pres­ ent DonioersHe administration In .this state have not’applied tor mem­ bership.—Elyria ‘Xeleju'hm, ' <cJ0CRQPFAILUffl w e s o l i c i t y o u r M wm YOU- patronage WvUR MONEY P- — 4NTHEBANK P t f ')^ J T 5 SURE TOGROW THE EXCHANGE BANK, CEDARVIDLE, OHIO. S. W. S mith , President, Gteo. W. B ike , Ist.Yioe Pres. Otftvun OARfcotTOK, fid Y, Pres. O, D. S mith , Oftshior D. F. Ti'iDAftir, Assistant Cashier. ‘‘Wo rcoommcnd It; there hm* sa y Butter,,, In inid-Bumiacr you have to tin** to n lftrfi '0 degree to your bntehor. Well Cared For Meats in hot wwathor aro tho only kind to buy; wo have proper appliance* to r keeping thorn right, and th«y’J« sweet and safe whon sold. Don’t f* meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of ub and he sure, C . t t . C R O U S E , GEDARVIDDE, O. ‘EveryMonth’ writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., “I used to be sick most of the,time and suffered with backache and headache. MyMother,who 1 had been greatly helped by the u se of Cardui, got me two bottles, and I have been w e ll ever since.” E 49 S afe D eposit B oxes for K ent P aid C apital $ 30 , 000.00 I ndividual R esp OFS ibiltjtv ' SOBEfi. SECOND THOUGHTS Well, he'.; fcOT.c a£afa. - 4 ^ . And now to *1 duican Ruin threatens to Inject Hat-lt into the. nlroddy eorn- plieated-Drmcfraric situation. Jedgo Harmea ho Jlst ley tow. Mr, D. Stafey Creamer of St. Clair*- villo isn't Bi-Uie™ on his own lenom- icftttos, hut it's iltuply bremmo Mr. I>. Staley Creamer Ss. not a 'hotting man,* .to*}* People "who .shudder at tho awful brutality of b prize fight had bettor chip. tho political nows from Day- ton, if corao, rr.'to pcaag Bryacito undertaken to insist on aonatorlul en- aor.ic'iiunt. 1 liey’re going to ncmlnato Harmon for governor, and cmlbroo him. for prr-iildr-nt. Sligl'-t an well steal tho Bryan thunder and ecdorao aim for i senator, too. Tkat’o an easy way-out .j of a had -laucb. t House Furnishings ■'-" /r;V ' /'L'rito * Pranela Barton llerrlcsn ohouldn’t j fed co badly about It. but clioi re* | member in tho future to send r* re- i trartioa anti aR-togy in ahead of bis | card when too eaila. on a men wkoni i bo baa elandoroil. There went to any nioro loud re* laarho from lktAaratln i-ayera about atoia “fcobn- fornn rritti royoli y, cad show* hand lug hfs tt»f i HU 0 a « riaalag clilni* Irer/” pallet e.*-* k at cur l S talk in only iboat Indulged in v hen fa o oCJ an tx-oan be* nee.” tv,ecu. ation _ Aver- Uftlling to noto £1 ! f VC ccafe meEtion ifthll* of tlio Hos Gart r j lift ’lor, tho mis* o on i'toini In a.i nerd V Jt io nay havo afid I’f-no O’scr tt« fk Jtt'nd to urge Wil liain Jt nr li:r ; f -t \ \( yare a acini l to ! bio recent monograph entitled “Stand ; Aside.” . ' f j Hu tch ison&G ibneys FINE, ASSORTMENT Koom Edgs, lowest pri- . . „ r _ . . cos reached by the great W r y Your Lace Curtnus AuoUen gllcg Lace Curtains MADRAS and, NETTS—In all the new figures. LINOLEUM—all grades............ .: .................... 50c up OILCLOTH................................................ ...... .25o up GREAT SA LE OF CORSETS; A LW A Y S FITTED NEMO, REDFERN, ETC. B IL K G LO V E S , in a ll co lors. W a sh S u it s , A u to C o a ts , S k ir ts H D T G H I S O f l & G I B N E Y ’ S , xm u . OHIO _The Womans Tonic Cardui is a gentle tonic for young and old women. It relieves and prevents pain. It builds strength. It feeds the nerves. It helps the whole system. M a d e from harmless' roots and herbs, it has no bad after-effects, does not interfere with the use of any other medicine and can do you nothing but good. Try Cardui. It will help you* Your dealer Sells i t I111® B o o k t t i a l t e p Liestaofwt..'. j j IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL I HIGH STREET | DINING ROOM FOR LADIBS UP STAIRS | ALSO REST ROOM. M ISA foS N O W 35 C E N T S . i I Lunch Counter on Main Floor . i Open Day and Night, ■Th* Beat: of Good Used in tins Cul- j iiiary Department. ■» -iTi- »ulr 9 Hi *rr;ji Bcraccrstto editors In Gbfo have * been running around In circles- woz- rylfifi whom tho ItopahMeans will noulnato for c-jW-iEii', fiioy have pro: lalaifl tho i,hos 3 {’*” in favor of every man ucatloLd, in oucccoolon, r,o when the uoailnaifon Is ®a* 3 o they can cxt-lalm; “\ 71 iat*d I tell you!” The cartorial bfp-ilop of oar own 3. Warren Kolfov l:cs li ca tlio big newa out of WcpbificEoa this weak. But vrill they know hfci whon ho comca homo to OMfonfii 15 ? Dnco tlio equal­ ly venom ilc* CLei’li 3 llrnry Graa* venor parti a vrith about 'AJ Snebca of Wa patriftrohnl beard, and tho next year they f cat haftlner man to con- grera fram the? Athene district. It ik«_na't toy to he a cut:up whoa irn ’s o pact € 3 . Cleopatra's Envy, Dor taller pleLcd up a nttlo ronca C»t Mlu'c? fijat vena ?n {be mm of tho l»fr Wlllt ‘-Y ,5 . i! . *.YM % e ir NEW HEAT STORE I have opened ament stove in tho J. 0 . Barkov room mid ask for a shave of your pationapo. The finest mil Sit in the county has bconpnntftlled lor the moving, haudliiif? and n tailing of frc.qh and nalfe meats. -i^ur prlecn will aiway a bo consistent with tho market quotations. INSPECTION INVITED C. C. Wtimer. over am ovt'V, ••tobet would U ko * patra have given f<s>rawh a little* Mb** m* as thfc, to pjt n,b to rho <onW Asia It ‘when nhr v.aif* A it! WofMo! To think ai tl'Cit h<d fiy, Whoso only wliroio wcto i Mlviw Wo doii’t know wins tm my! v? live la/' tot veficGtea cs he fold it (totvfo Meat is Healthy, I ’ho human oyatem xjeeda meat, aofe the tough. In* digestable Mud whieh trnlm it a labor for the? diges­ tives organs to aDimllftto it, but tho imtritiouo, jtiiey kind wMeh gives you nmiclo and nerve for -daily duties. C W* Crouse & Co, toy;, c . wrjp-R, S m m i f J* 11 . McniLLAN. Btonoral D irecto r and Fu rfiitn r* Doalor. M an u tae tu re r of C em en t Gvftvc V au lts a n d (tomont Building' Blocks. Telephone 7. ttod&rvill*, .Ohio. HUNTING fishing ’ Jfoli tie fr.ri cff&r.:?* life t»$n titt* i'.Ciiizt ctisiss?.fpost#. fo ei *6 Sout ftes ot ts 4 it* pie** <-“}i.-;!.tr.o tu wtr.I,ti br.«b?*a.i*ys*»iapr ?7 ■tylit&’J f 5 o»’» teril , S.Ui 2 M S ! it 5 S*i|: ICJ nm a VJA « iSCmt ISiJiKU?*, tote*, icstteb thsiiltof;, hte-pH .rttcii tScuci oa tetitfi, f-.uae. tatep'ej.tor'Kg! v tnoil. ofever,? ihki n..a I.v.y.l.DU-..-3 wl-ar UUiAt TWH,OfftS ScaEsEjs.**sfs{.s cr, r * a a we will c:sa yea - 'CSR? 01 tis BfAtfJOXAt, srexrtsKsjt, steoae rfct.s heavy , I-.::.-.:, it'ifd Owtein M 6 ia Wfttel) 1 fKRiltM' plte. 0*!.> W <?nw>::i f.-.s- ttt ic?. 8 ’« «i*r Cstijrattalfla*? I tua:caiODS;t 5 Eia . . SiS.*!tfos&fl NAytONAI, fifOWSMAN. Srr, IMFeS-ftlfif.*-,!.* * ■ tor-’i.iW.imirri'irniiBifiir/iiiiiriiiiiiiiTninurir ISBHUTI WORTHYBURWMllEt ViolaCream .'.’isimrty ftrftdlofttft* ..Tckle*. »cl«j blftok IisjrifcsMibnmwri ?a«, £• f f i y ‘'i • 1ftRndt'Uv ——----- - i&tisi&Sfat&s&Atsm nv 'cU.wfmtfafo , ** it. Vl rt l wf t ht nt »Hf . - tMKfH.'. JilTfKKR( i ™, f'l'wijip^cfiosuTSi tm - 109 9 k 12 D r o p p u tt Two F l y Drop pat .grade'... STRAWA THE 30 Sc P the use of a goodfax. food fromgettio^ntc The latest prod- reliable and of'a p stomach and hov/el. biliousness, sick hea Daily ==ltet Don’t. Fail to ontheGreatI^hes FARR $ 1 FOR. ROUND TRIP TheEASTLAND, in airy Y^ave Clerelan;'. ArriveCedaf Fain EeaveCedarFoln Arrive Cleveland comb atice eat v “Not V Fold! conv- 'Ask Fold! ingCrib, both the baby. Th handle these t' MISHAWAKA THE LEH 18 USED Th*GrandContent ThePcnntirlvanlftCo ChleugoConsemts Th*PuebloConterv AND OTHER Aawdifcyctfctl. Case, perfect edj:: plac*isin tlioCroa to-day. It is tho i presence iv ar.'.-.dr. TIioJVEHii n tho cast of pr.wktrti to tea -oaifcct at H . L E H R ■A i,iV^ •i \ ' ft\ '\ ■>' "7 i* i i 1 A I » i In ... M ' 11 r'i ■n \y j t o p *v ' - . i f . • e;:s?ea-s::r.iEi 31 *Rts t-f ' v*. •- O f. . ft-; •’ ' t i- ion .1 •. % I'.t. ;.’0 < .e I Vtt.. . ) t " j a* (i •£uv t*s ; . tt i .I'it * 1 ?. •■ V .- 4 f',. > . .5 " S. 1 . c - to r d v> • *t. ov.-urr . • . . r- t u t . to . 11 r t . w ’ t . t- - f f'.in, .f 1 *• m ^ b ^ r d rtf. .; y s t . - 1 1 E ®