The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
* \ f \ ! » SULLIVAN, THE HATTER GREAT 23 South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio. N OW GO IN G ON Our Complete Stock o f Men’s Hats and Furnishings W ill Be Closed Out A t a T rem endou s Price Reduction P reparatory to adding to our stock a complete line of Men’s fine CUSTOM MADE CLOTH ING , we are going to remodel our store room. Th is remodeling m u s t s ta r t very shortly and to facilitate the work we m us t reduce our present stock of M en 's Fu rn ish ings a t once. Therefore we are starting a complete clearance of H a ts , Caps, sh ir ts ,Underwear, ..osiery, Neckwear, and Furn ish ings of every description a t prices th a t represent bu t a fraction of the ir actual worth, “* _ Nothing is reserved. Everything is marked for slaughter. Room is needed. Room we must have at any cost. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. VWWyVVVVWWVVVWtfWWVW^iVVW«%Wi/VVyWWV\WVWUVVVVWVVVUVVWWWVU^/WVWA Springfield, Ohio. Our Great Sem i-Annua l C lea ran ce S a le WILL START July 28th Thousands of dollars worth of the world’s best mer chandise will be sacrificed.' E ach of our 76 depart ments will present some wonderful "B a rg a in s .” Nowhere in th is United States will you find such val ues as here during th is -o u r 33 d semi-annual Clearance Sale. ’ Plenty Of Boose Found. While a committee from t h e Xenia Homo Building & Loan As sociation was inspecting the old Commercial Hotel property which is owned by this association was. discovered to be nailed up tight. After the police investigated it was found, tor contain. liquor and Mayor Dodds ordered the wet goods brought to the jail. There were 26 barrels of beer, seven 25-gal lon barrels of Whiskey, 10 cases of Susquehanna Bye Whiskey, i jugs of gill; As the building was unoccupied the owner of the goods is now being sought, and no one has put in ap pearance for .it, The only identifi cationmarks found was the name of JT. H. Berry on two different bar rels. The goods are valued at fSOO. An affidavit was filed against Berry as keeping4a place where, intoxi cants are sold. Berry operates the Atlas Hotel adjoining the Commer cial Hotel property. On Purchases of $ 1 5 .0 0 or Over We Pay You r Fare to and from Springfield, 4-page Circulars Giving Full Detail Will Be Mailed You. MONEY CANNOT BUY A BETTER PAINT THAN HANNA’SGREENSEAL t The Paint possessing every essentia! quality. Nothing in It hut' what should he there. Nothing lacking: that will improve It. Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground In Pure i Linseed Oil, , : a The Made to Wear Paint” i that outwears ail others, and that in wearing away doe* so gradu- * ally leaving a perfect surface for repainting* KERR & HASTINGS BROS, Supt. Sawyer Quits Home. Superintendent E. D. Bawyer, for fifteen months head of the O, S. & 8 .0 . Homo, has resigned and left Tuesday. Tho resignation was of- fered.after a stormy session of tho board in which there was Bomo feel ing between the members md Supt. Sawyer; Tho charge onpart of thomembers was that "Col. flawyor had been In judicious in his administration" comes from somo favoritism shown two of the girl inmates who wero leaving the institution to accept positions as stenographers. Supt. Bawyer secured those positions for the girls with his cousins, in whoso chargeht placed them at Lansing, Michigan. The Homo board in said to have .opposite view* to Supt. Sawyer on various matters. It is one of the few boards that Gov. Harmon has not changed, the majority bolng Repub licans while the Superintendent was a Democrat. The Governor has taken no action. THIRTY BUSHEL WHEAT. 3. O. Matthews threshed his wheat crop last weok and the yield was exactly SO bushels pel* acre and no finer qual y ever grew out of tho ground. ir, Matthews Is one of our progressive Ohio farm era and la a leader in up-to-date farming and raises a great variety of crops. However, in the raising of wheat he haa very little edge over hundreds of other farmers of Wag oner county whose wheat is averag ing to the riao of S3 bushels. Nr. Matthews has also threshed his oato winch made a yield of 60 bushels. Wagoner, (Okla.) County Bocord. *wmmt To Cure a Coti mOne Day i i tw j m* 1(09 RewMtfc |l00. Thorenders oi tbl* p*p«rWill be pteeee tdimntlmtttiersk *t Umt ons dtttfad Mhe* that nlt&eehas beenable to our*In <01 lie stag* and that k OaMnh, Hall's OakrrhCureis thoonly posUUn* carenow known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requirss a constitutional treatment. Hail’* Catarrh Cureis takeninternally, acting directly up oh thebloodsad mucouSsurrsceisof system Ornribydestroying the foundation of the discus*,andgl*in# the jwtidnt strength by buildingupthe constitution and assisting uaturtln doing work, The ptopilotow l»t* somuch faithin its rmativo powers, hat theyofferoneHundredDollars forany it tafia curs. Bendfor list o htetlmoniaia Address. », J. CHXHBY AOft, ToleJ* (X *U*«family Nik at* the best, T h e Fastest Growing Store In Ohip. The Store that. Made Good from the start. Our Second TREMENDOUS JULY CLEARANCE SALE Begins Thursday, July 26th, And Continues fo r 10 Days In making this announcement we with to sta te tha t never before have the people of CedarviUe and surrounding territory had the oppor tunity to select from stocks as fresh as they will find a t THE HOME The very large business being done from day to day since thi* store opened, enables us to offer nothing but the best and all that is n ew -. ^ Every department on our four floors will contribute and nothing will be left undone to make thisHhe greatest July Clearance Sale ever held in Springfield or any where else in America. We pay round tr ip carfares to a ll points w ithin 4 0 m iles of Springfield on purchases of $ 1 5 or oveT. We have issued 6 -page circulars giving full details of our July Clearance Sale. If you fail to receive one, write us and wa will for ward one to you by return mail. 1 THE FAHIEN-TEHANCO., FAIRBANK BUILDING. 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 , 22 & 24 W*Main St., Springfield* Ohio. AUTO T IR E S REPA IRED Retreading a Specialty Send us your tires and tubes. Will advise cost ofjrepair by return mail. If a tire is not worth repairing we tell you so. We have in charge of our Repair department, Mr. L. M. Borer whose eight years experience in the largeat repair shop of Cleveland, makes him an excellent workman. Orders promptly filed. E ,. H . H U N T 37 West Main Street, ; JM X«nis, Ohio. ■g»jte X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X ‘Mkeroumii*
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