The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
\n. ftf I h # m ■UllkjM IlM ■KiiiPMwnrintiri ^ -.raOrnaryi rnmtmm THE VERT LATEST POPULAR OPERA, SACRED and CLASSIC. Music * ? .vy -iron ’ to too 4hr.y At DSV,< il #itJiTO. MEREDITH’S, _38„W. 3cJ'8t.» Dayton, O , Ooth Pfeosaes. « ■ !A l c o h o l t o C h i l d r e n V,i t e h yum' 4 e s io r Low o t o lie jvcrcrlib 's a lcoho lic sttaitaai £ 0 ? ciiltteii. He v;Hl rarely. O A lr c a <!p mat n ird f i o v ;« ffoiu S eg prc-ceribss a H obicc fo - p robab ly ray, “ V a ry , very „ A( U\ thaw. pM f answer, “ Very, very frequently.” lie will Then asL i. a him [akout Ayer’s non'-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a ton e for the vmsnq. Follow Illsadvice. H g I seows . J i ‘ J?;cr 0i?iPirelli,McY, i 4>1' . f ; 'it tin* Tn> ! rf; Iftf Mj: 1 J l >■ I n , j too UrJt greatruleci Iicaltia—*sJiJatSymovementof the As?: fJto U r h 63. Tam ask him afcsat Avert Pdfa. 8 oM for ocafe As?: s-'CKtfdostcrif \3 tMg yews. r.ft' r si*'• ti, Jin*5 ?tt'f u tiv !.*<>I‘ij? f to( ftvwi * dainty rc to $ht luonj’ vjrii {!{.■ (?u( {'Uoat krooftot a r. v/iofe, vvLuii tjjs mt]U'lni rivrioii •i Jt.< ' K «>? .,*11 .:' 't*VIf F p.lIVCjl >■. " ;,n» B.itm.tay l' Iit *( .Oi* It ijOJJJt' ■'ry.- ?, , q in a « ” , 'L ] V ijj.'n •r'.' *' » „ ,n ar’ 1 L’;n ■ --- - ism^.seams .asttiai “TAKE THIS CUT' DoYour f e SaitYou? The Cedarville Herald. • $1 .00 JPCS* y<25ip. Edita V Our Refraction Work 1$ Not Excelled By Anyone Charleses*''Fay, S g gM ’f t f Optician. “ 28j£ E. Mam SbMSpringfield, O, INSOMNIA ••IlhmbfleatwineOaBonretsfo*Insomnia,urith. nrliicUI havebeonafflictedfor oyertwonty yoare, andlean s&ythatUasearatgImvo' Givenxnatnoyo reliefthan'anyothotromeCy 1 havoovertried. I ■hallcertainlyrccomtaomithorntomytrionds as betas*Uthoy'aro ropresentod.” ■ ■ ■ ■ ;fto - ' 'hoe.G!Hft*3,£!gi&illL J' Best For The Bowels I - m o i HVdcaoetQi CANDYCATHARTIC PlaM.nt,r.Ut.bls, Potent,TasteQooa.Ila/Jooa, WoverStcken, WeakenorGrlpo,lOo,Eje.iCoArovor ■oldinbulk, The genuinetablot stawsed 000, UnataUteedtocureoryouraouoyback. StarlingRemedyCo ,, ChicagoofN.V. 597 ANNUALSALE,TENMILLIONBOXES WANTED! 100,000 POUNDS W O O L W IL L PAY THE HIGH EST PRICES. Phone or w rite l|the l DeWine-BeldenCo. Ohio' Yellow|Springs,3j BothIPhones. No Potato Bugs will annoy you or cut down your potato yield i f you use this powerful 1 Noa-pofsondiisPowder— a N T I P E S t ^ CongreED lias adjourned and wo ! now read of v.’liat wonderful things havo licen done the past few montha Thu many new laws passed will be of a betterment to some and no doubt another class will claim an injustice to their particular side of the issue. The first thing wo find with the adjournment of congress is a squab ble ao to who gets the credit for the legislation. Reports come from the White house that President Taft is foremost in securing the legislation as promised under the Republican platform. RText wo hear that the ’ ’Insurgents” are alone responsible for the legislation in behalf of the people for had. not this faction made the fight possible tho ’ ’ Regulators’ * would not have made any effort to support needed measures. When it is all summed up Wfe doubt If the public m general will feel any great benefit. The public loots too lightly on law making, Raws come from our national and state legislatures like gnats from a putrid garbage. There are a thous and special laws passed yearly, th'eu permitted to die because they serve no special purpose. All laws should be made to be en forced-enforced all the time, every where, against all men. The mak ing of special exceptions only weak ens therespectfor law, The tendency today is for all new ly elected members of law making bodies toatt*mpb to attract, public attention by introducing and urging the passage of some law that wilt strike some large corporation, tn most cases we find that xnufehof this legislation is done for political effect and not for the direct good of the people. The higher cost of living is with out doubt largely due to the constant light that is being made on public corporations. Tho more the law makers burden the corporate inter ests just that much more will the consumer ultimately pay for his wares, • Corporations have high salaried men to protect their interests and as a rule nothing need be said in their defense, As we see the situation today the consumer is becoming the victim for he is compelled to pay for tho four different kinds of taxa tion that are being forced on cor porations. The corporate inforests have in the past probably not met their share of ! government expense, yet it appears ! that tho increase is being taken |from the consumer in what he eats j and wears. , Ends P ota to B a g Nnisance A On* or tiro * season eafEcSent, l *' - - ■< |PcttoLyKkfornscljnoro cc ciicmscnl tliAUParis- I *IVT t * fSnTfstes o. well greets. S*v«»time,Mcr*sides®eEse. Insures f ? ‘James w ain es* a, w o u K now greatestpes*:h!oy:c-lb jszer-st bum t ih'age. ! colored citizen, was married last Saturday evening to Mrs. Caroline Aplanttsm«;ssird l« fcsgdcstycjrer,Maofor capbig*plants, tosaafavinosetsdresobashes, jT/ilt not p&Sten humans, for.’!*! er plant£ Eatisfsctien guaranteed cr money back. | . , Write for FREEBooklet O The Antipest & fe r t iliz e r Co. S5 K. Third St. ( i*dim: fl , FORSALEBY |Webster. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Vincent Smith. I | Mose Cohon’s body, the missing i Dayton merchant, who disappeared { ou Pebruary 1, was found last Prl- I day in the Miami river below the Kepp & fastings B pos . •s ( 1 isyr 5 ?SX l pleasure riding m a boat. By pic- { tnren of the wife and daughter in ' tho ease of the wa*eh the body was identified. Relative;) have been er hound gsh I i«u.ja unie, tho v;m,‘U ut th preaented to flm hrjd Reports have reached here that da ! feature o f the al?. n Mr. J.Halo Collins, formerly o f this place, 1ms M i Monmouth, 111., and with hif family has located for the present in Greeley,' Colo, -Mr. Col lins of lato has beon suffering with blood poison. n,s ruvrn In fear- j n«i hir.s. P:i' Si d'-* f«.r a rexi- ( >?s ’ n in a Vtoto . th (’ ra!f'cl vol- ■ A movement io on foot to havo all the retail etoror; In Dayton closed at Go’clock on Saturday evenings, A number of strong clubs are Imcl: of tiio movement, and the stores will probably close during the summer months, at least. In a city the size of Dayton such a movement is great ly -> be desired, as it 1 b perfect keV ing with tho times. ^ LEGAL NOTICE. zm PENNSYLVANIA r LINES COLUMBUS HI R.015ND T R IP SUNDAY Train leaves Cedarville at 8:15 A. M iPSW Eoarebitig all’ovtr tho country for the missing man, whoso mind was thought to iiave beon affected by business reverses. c*. H 9S PENNSYLVANIA LINE8 , CINCINNATI $1.23 Train leavr a Octlarville ?,Ciia. in, $100 Rewurdi $100. f« n5« iRo | rnlatblkldm itsYYk, ’ Tho''propsitsS isc# at i to,# on tho wentora half of *Imvasa much fnlth in its curatko ciswrm th# Woman in the Moon. Kim dai/O after tho Tho readers of this pspor will fcs please- to Icwii thit there i* at leaet cue drtad«a <3 fee*so that Kitanos lawb**n slta to cur* la *K its »6e#s* m& that is Oktutk Hall'# ! (Atsish Cure Is tho only pesitlfo earonaw known to tho taedical fratcwiity, iMmh i tw&fi s csnatltnUonsl disease, tcqtilsfc# a I casstlwtionel treatment, Heil’a C*kmh Caro is taken internally, cctiag directly up on tkerfeloofl and tauroassarroccs af systestn Qjejoby destroying tho foundation of Ui* ^disease, aiul olvmg the pstlent otresgtb by cow ] huiidinguptho oaatlthtlcn and essMlng ^havaeo much faith in its cumtlro piswas, tm mm. jhlo lu;wr Ir.dy, who Hi fnt they oOcroiallunasal Mora teeny Cofld lot list o flf s'slcd l,1; tli0, j tells to (me, faou«,„.r,» aad tabSoinado cwbracoi !•BstimoBieis, S J jiJ ., ftnN VapOto > P. J. Ct2MWY * fto, Toledo «t .. t;?.’ ‘ sees thTsggh |goldby Dronhit, ?tfc. I *1115FamilyMl* aratho h ti, i » mdlasiry opera giscs. NO.12G000, Common Pleas Clourfc, Greene County, Ohio. Mrs. George Williams, Plaintiff, vs. George Williams, Defendant. George Williams, of real-, donee unknown, defendant herein, will take notice that on tho 31st day of May 1910, said plaintiff filed in Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio,'her petition for di vorce against him, upon the ground of willful absenco-for more than three years, and that said defendant is required to answer or demur to said petition on or before July 9th, 1910 or. judgment will be taken against him. Said action will be for hearing at the Court House in Xenia' Ohio, July 10th, 1910, at 9 A. M., or as soon thereafter as the same can he readied. Mrs George Williams, Plaintiff.- Prank L. Johnson, (7-16n) Attorney for Plaintiff. V A CO- 311 was a J contvat In wind: *i <■ answers to { question;) wi ro name a o f t akes. A ] silver tipifon as the prize was won J by Mies Verna Dint, w! > presented it to Mies Ilir.efc. PYtvnrs wore passed by little Tiit'ima Sir” !1, fie:c» «f the hoatecs and little Illwet.d Soiith of 1 Xenia. Mirsc s Franc s Iliuek ami Mildred Ha!!syp;!‘ --d :he rofrojh- imntc. Among the tw« uly gucr.ln juvtiont v/ere the t-dlowinp; from Xenia: Misses Laura, Nell, Flor ence and Franco,s'iiinek, Mrs. II. L. Bayre, and her guest Miss Nolau of Cincinnati; Miss Br.-s Rinek of Col- umhur, Grove, Mr*, i). L. Crawford and Flwood t?mSth. Mr. Fulton Fergnsou, who has been teaching tho past year in Wil liam’o College, has been the guest ot his sister, Mrs. Charles ’Turnbull. Mr. Ferguson is a graduate o f Yale Univerusty and is one of the best educated young men that have gone from this county. As proof of this fact he has been employed a3 an in structor in Yalo for the coming year, : ‘ ;■ Pr^3®.trfS'I1)®sSff[\,Clie€ff? ness atiilHtfsoCPhljfiisi t illier I f f i f t e i M l o . , IKtiiUlk'ii'tiil ~ 4ix.A Jigiet* hi<£lU ilJnpSri- .. Apci'fecfj \V( lYfirfTihnjiL .FhcSitjfa jjluNJte of Forlpfimta and CLildytm. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of feXACT copy OFWRAPPER. Mr. Guy Moilon, n prominent Cin- nati attorney who is a member of the O. S. Vi, board, With two sons j and a daughter spent Wednesday ! with Mr. 0,15, Bradfate. Mi;. Mul- { Ion ii a great believer in. physical In „ Use For Over Thirty Years GASTOMA THECCr.TAUHCOMMNY, NCW.V^OKCITY. exercise and he with his chilcren were riding through ttom Cincinnati to Columbus on their bicycle!?. There was a meeting of fcb* O. B- I’.; board Thursday and Mr, Rradfute j j was m attondrneo. PATROWAGE The End. When thoro ie nothing left for a man to bo enthusiastic over, he might as well be dead. Announcement W e are desirous of our many friends and patrons that we will be unable to call on each personally and respectfully aglC&at you give us a call, inspect our goods, and secure our prices before placing your order for;, McCORMICK BINDER TWINE McCORMICK BINDERS McCORMICK MOWERS DIARY MAID SEPARATORS CORN KING MANURE SPREADERS INTERNATIONAL GASOLINE ENGINES PETER S BUGGIES FARMERS’ FENCE WEBER FARM WAGONS BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILL C.N. Stuckey&Son, Cedarville, Ohio, ^NOCROPFAILIIfflwE s o l i c i t y o u r MEN YOU PLANTMONEY INTHEBANK 4TS SURETOGROW S afb -D e p o s it B oxes for K ent P a id C a p it a l $80,000.00 I n d iv idu a l R e spo f sib iu t x THE EXCHANGE BANK, OI5DA1WILLE, OHIO. S. W. S mith , President, G eo , W. 11 - ife , let.Vice Pres. O divek G arlouoh , 2ct V. Pres. O. L, S mith , Cashiei* ’ L. F. T xndadl , Assistant'Cashier. sss KANY, THE TAILOR There is no use for you to go and buy your Spring Suit, ready - made, when we will takeyour measure and make you a Suit to Order for the same money W e want you to give us a call and be convinced; KANY, The LeadingTailor. XENIA. OHIO. House -Furnishings mm. x i // NI'hrT ^'•*rA ii // tot-u '-S O u U wj I--'•<U‘fc:wb Mi!;-i«- at Hutchison & Gibney’s FINE ASSORTMENT R o om Rugs, loAiest pri- . _ tr r _ ces reached b y the great Laundiy Tour Loco Curiaus Auoti(Jn jjjvan* L a c e C u r t a i n s M AD RA S and N E T T S— In all the new 6gures. L INOLEUM— all g r a d e s . .............50c up O IL C L O T H ,.................. ............................................. .25e up GREAT SALE OF CORSETS; ALW AYS FITTED NEMO, REDFERN, ETC. SILK GLOVES, mail colors. Wash Suits, Auto Coats, Skirts HBTGBIS 6 N & GIBNEY’S, OHIO ’«££an NEW HEAT STORE I havo oppnod a meat ntoro mtho J. O. Dafbor room and ank for a nhare of your patronage. The finer,t outfit m tho county linn been enstnllMl ior tho ntoring, handling and retailing <»f fresh ami salt moata. Our prlcoa will aiwayo lio oohsiolont with tho market quotations, INSPECTION INVITED C. C. W ei ill er. The Palace Restaurant wdr.'JMtoto.1 Mrs, Chas. Harris, Prop. Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied bywC. C. W «imer. Meals by d a / or^veek, Lmich served nil hours. Furnished Rooms for Rent, Meat Is Healthy, The human oystem needs meat, not the tough, in° digest-able kind which makes it a labor for the diges tive organs to asimilate it, but the nutritious, juicy kind which gives you muscle and nerve for daily duties. C W , Crouse & Co, SucoMorto C, LWEIMI-.IL . . tal “ Wo reeoraaient It; t-feere Isa’ nay bettor... In mid-summer you havo to trust to a large degree to your but* her. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather are the only kind to Fiiiy; wo havo propor appliance* for keeping them right, and th<jr’r» BV/eofc and eate whon sold, Don't gw meat shopping when lfc’fi hot. Buy of us and be sure. C . H . C R O U S E , GBDAFVtLDE, O, ‘EvervMonth’ writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., “ I used to be sick most of the time and suffered withbackache and headache. My Mother,who had been greatly helped by the use of Cardui, got me two bottles, and I have' been well ever since.” E49 Take CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Cardui is a gentle tome for young and old women. It relieves and prevents pain. It builds strength. It feeds the nerves. It helps the whole system. M a d e from harmless roots and herbs, it has no j bad after-effects, does not interfere with the use of any other medicine and can do you nothing but good. Try Cardui. Itwill help you. Your dealer sells it. Th] B ookm aker ...Hestaafant.. IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET ! DINING ROOM FORLADIESUP STAIRS j ALSO REST ROOM. jM E A L S N O W 35 C 10 N T S . ■ j . Lunch Counter on Main Floor ] Open Day and Nlgljit. j Tho Best of Good Used In tfa* Cul inary Department. toss J. H. McfllLLAN. Fu: ,ral Director and Furniture Dealer. M&nutaeturor of Cement Grave Vaults and Cement Building Blocks, 'Telephone 7. C e d a r v ille , .O h io . SWeSMHBSH* HUNTING FISHING oat-____ __ „_______ jor.u bos cittifci rs-.: jti"r..etaur ,j»n l.yeittiml?«stf htvpt rj.v.if;:,'. it sca'te lora <- trt -3 tfjrg* 3 f« win HATiORALSP8BTSHAH to tests ftea*8%i:s>3 1 ycat t Jr.HttMUse, Ictet- i-'.r-!, j:fcr;r. Intel t:. :.C3 co liazimp, tri^rnesti ats vett *$ .8ic?:« Kt.r.s.-a Snt’Al niAL9ffiu 8 tEa»K«. ftOsKJ* it ?*•'., *r.a ire trill etr.;r tea It eery cl fcft HMtffiASt txaaauM oTcSCKacfCtt» Iscasnr .l:sss» l?5t3 e*SS96 ticia Wafcl) $ £ M!> « ?"'-v.. tfiownwltti t::s* Hue «c:l ec’-il't-Jiaa Ccnseatest VMS :,iu.c(acps.tss::a . . irt. f vr//j>3 .fisait 3 -a»w, . ®tto" i * 0 R SSe#C«# HATiOSAI. S ff STTSHtiUc-, IMFfJftstS!. B: *tT6 IS3E1II1I WORTHTOURWH1UI ViolaCream Msitlfi-ty erniJSe&tfi* fterKesrswies, b l« e le Ise&.lftj siml amwiitl t*n, *{» RT..I t , i ! y ------ - - -y n i j the fi« ',.ne*T »n;t iVifcstveftettih, .mere i* so RafritiNift f t thit ecr-to rTistw f}* .’MtetfWir-att. Diu-totojVw^trn tt\w tr 1 iMod 3 .■ .Uirfwrw C L —Tho for “ PI. J , O, i bath he —A yc Ing “ Pi Mr.,a: home fi —Dor mouth’ M iss: Dayton .Mrs. H FC i : HOU L o ca t io n newb Appb OLD ~ per b bu s h i ! ti' at BARC and ( Tan ‘ S563 * 1 W 1 t-a p r - 81.25 fort ,81.50 j>r tn to e m 1st Ir. Egjga, Brins! payo
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