The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
» J I Rev. Lawrence Declines Call. Word has-been received hero th a t Bov. T7. R . Lawrence of Pinkney* ‘ villo, III., has declined the call ex- ■ tended a few weeks affeS, Fry tlio - United Brosbyterian congregation., I t in said th a t Rev. Lawrence has accepted another-call. Prof. J. H. Sayres An Editor. Wo arc umler obligations to M rj 1). N. Tfirbox for copica of the Zion - Olty Nows, owned by Wilbur Glenn V.oUva, and the Zion City Indepen dent an edited by Prof. John II. i Sayres,.formerly superintendent of I the local schools and for several f years head of the Zion City schools, There exists two factions of the elti- /.ono of the city th a t the la te John Alexander Dowle. founded, each beaded by a papo.t. The factions are about equally divided in num bers. The editorial columns' of the two papers th a t there is con siderable Btrife between th e ’two fac tions tor control. $100 Rewards $100. The readers of this paper will be ptenBa- to lcorn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has boon able,to ourein all lie sieges and that-is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cora is tho only positive cure now known to the mediciil fraternity. Catarrh beads? a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cnroifl taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucous snrraces of Byatem thereby destroying the foundation of the dissaie, and giving tho patient strength by .building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing Itawork, The proprietors have 60 much faith in its curative powers, hat they oiler one Hundred Dollars for any oasse that it falls to euro. Send for list p testimonials. - Address. F. J. CHFNEY &00. Toleds a 6aU by Druggist, 70c. til’s Family Fitt» ara tb* bret, All Straw Hats ( Off regular price ' We seldom advertise cut prices bu t when we do ' the cuts are deep and honest— nothing is reserved. Our 58th annual clearance sale opens Thursday, July) 28th and gives you the .r a r e ! opportunity to buy a high- j grade, up-to-the-minute hat for a fraction of its value. j For instance 83.50 Panamas i go for §2.33, 85.00 grades for j 83.33. 81.00 grades are cut j to 67c. 82.00 Straws to 81.33, i etc., etc. "Dunlaps" imj rted Eng lish "Tress" and our own “Bancroft Deluxe" straws are all included but no doubt you know our reputation for sell ing the finest line of hats in this section of Ohio. i A T U N L O A D I N G P R I C E S Seeing is believing. Don’t say, "Oh, I have seen advertising like this before.*” Come and be convinced. Every dollar’s worth of this: large well-known stock of merchandise must be sold regardless of cost. Sale now on, and will be continued until every dollar’s worth is sold. i • . 1 ' ■ if • Men’s Fine Suits at Less Than Manufacturers See these at $12.48, $10.35, $9.85, $7.49, $6.15, $5.65, $4.85, $3.55 FINE SHOES, OXFORDS AND SUPPERS £1.25 Ones 5 _S2.00 Ones .... 5 "d.75 G iles__ .......$1*,2U If $1.5C( Ones ....... . . . ... .......?U9 c $1.0U Ones ..... ......... 79o A ll o f Theafe G oods a tL c s s T h a n Cost Finn Straw H a ts, Fins Soft Hats, Fine Stiff Hate, Best Stylo- Dnderwer, .L atest S ty lo -Belts, Fine Dress Shirts, Latest Collars, Newest N '-k-wear,Best Styles Hosiery, all stylels Suspenders, -Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Jackets. Young Men’s S u its Boys’ Long Pants Suits and Boys’ Knee Pant Suits at less than manufacturer’s cost. , 1 . . . . . . F toe TTVotxsers , A t less than manufacturer s rccst. See these at. 83.49/ 82.98, 82-89, 82.38, 81.73, . 81.35, 98c. . Boys’ Knee Trousers 44c, 19c, 37c, 69c.. HSMCKn' Krwf.-tftt-rycgyiirani _ Everybody Invited to This Sale It will pay you to come miles forthe . # .. saving, Don’ t miss it. • a n . * 1 XENIA . OHIO. 45=49 West Main Street, Store Open Even ings. Don't Miss the Place See Large Sign. MONEY CANNOT BUY A BETTER PAINT THAN HANA’SGRENSEAL . § - • -* . The Paint possessing every essential quality. Nothing in it but what should be there. Nothing lacking that will improve it, . Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground In Pure ; Linseed Oil. “ T h e M a d e t o W e a r P a i n t ” that outwears all others, and that in wearing away does so gradu- % ally leaving a perfect surface for repainting. : ft*#***.* rl FOB SALE BY . KERR & HASTINGS BROS, T H E N E W B U IC K s" | EVERY 1910 MODEL M . \ i i-l 'S i AUTO T IR E S REPA IRED R etread ing a S p ec ia lty i t Send Us your tires mid tubes. Will advise cost of repair by return mail, a tire is not worth repairing we tell you so. We have in charge of our Repair department, Mr. L. M, Borer whose eight years experience in the largest repair shop of Cleveland, makes him an excellent workman. Orders promptly filed. E . H . H U N T , 37 W e st M ain S tre e t, X e n ia , Ohio. 1 VVVWVVVW^WVUVWUWW 'M W A % W W .V .% W .V ,W .‘.V .V , VW AW W A V M W W W W VW V Not only Menys but Boys’ and Children’s summer head- wear of .every deicription go At the same reduction. Don’t miss this. Speed and class pre miums over $12,00. 58th Annual B iggest midway to bo £ found in middle w est CLARK COUNTY FAIR ■SPRINGFIELD , OH IO . A ugu st 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th. Four days of Profitable Pleasure and Instruction. Ten separate and complete departments with liberal premiums in each of the ninety-one daises. Speed program par excellence -Three races every day—85,000 in purses. Fin- tries dose August 11th, J . S. HICKL1M, Pres. FLWOOD M ILL IE ; Serfy, Band ooncort all day Every day of fair. Don’t Tuesday The beat half mile track in the State l i i S i ' Speedy = Powerful = Silent The Buick cars will last twice as long as 75 per cent of the makes of automobiles on the market today. Three Buick cars purchased about three and one-half years ago t carry b . S. mail and passengers over the trails of the half desert country between Roswell and Torrence, New Mexico, have covered 110 miles a day 300 days a year; each car has run over 110,000 miles; they are still in service and expect to run out five years in Unde Sam’s employment. Hundreds of B *ck cars are in daily use that have run 60,000 miles. Over 40,000 Buick owners will vouch, for the reliability, speed and power of their cars, ’x lie Buick Company is not experimenting a t the expense of their customers. Seven Models to select from at Prices from .S?.*». 9 P 9 to $1,750. You do not buy a “lawsu it” as these machines are licensed under the Sefdon pa tent. * Central Electric & SupplyCo. South Detroit S t, Xenia, 0, ti ASK AHV 3UICK OWNER. > To Cure a Cold m OneDay t *«Laxative Bromo gutufac taw *, A SmknlMlm boxes soldtopact 18wonfos, S’Ms d^i&ISNDi, JJwaiCi# * b Twopoys, „ m m m r y <* 5 'P »i.T* 5 ft/if / THU J, Cil'CM 11 ' Mon: la;- present i-Kc lias been :i idnet f J ports • t<*('SWi-If U too rociiinui Massios rl'. removed. ' cojisfiueu <i notused u v it would i W inter’s pi Mayor Ai ono iitio asfti Milton (Join tion. Xu n- (*< 11 ,sos collet. Bills to t li'j ordorod paid (JUHSiOUof ti noss Admin a notch and J . P„ Cftldw sireet (*omm her of tho c was narinol < io»* and B, spiaco CaUhi . Tlio tronhl labor on th matter was j as to who lia Mayor stnnr for a tlnu-. formed l<y ■man of tli has control u ordered no wanted to I; ity tho work prying too U “ admiitistra , . <t know ]>u p i ! ion that ti . <.d his atilho run things 01 A t a forme mayor nuut '-n-as as to st iHirfc was a w< ro read a , tha t tli ever been Becausetho mayor imag rfruetioiiH t<, . Dr. Btewii. , ing tho bills not been pei] mined to fin ,chairman of authority. ri'ho mayoij Caldwell as bar of tlio co nji charge o du ty .’5 Tli such cases is removed lie : given a her charge is pr< Bu t under Andrew, Co, discharged, meeting to lc place or give I t begins to conception < ll L a d ic j L a d ic l L a d io l
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