The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
jf | L a - l Y'IL'jji:1;} Oil*' tfyijf ',) I Work will eompnre with | | that of any other Firm,..., THIRTY-THIRD xri& I EAR NO. 32. - | *' ’a »* r; „• , cd v . j “ l '»• ?, <« > n -i t • * . , , f •, ■•' u C E B A R T O L S , - G iLuO f.MHOAY, AHGCST A 1910' *4* 1 Council m e t in re g u la r ac.-moii Monday evening, All nminbora belli p re sen t except J . Ik Caldwell, who h a s been indisposed w ith tho h ea t wince la s t F rid ay . Reports of th e differen t comm it tees were h ea rd . The lire comm it tee recommended t h a t tho dam in Massies creek n e a r the bridge bt removed. The ag reem en t when constructed was th a t when dam was no t used i t was to bo opened wo that, i t would n o t Hack water- on .the W in te r’s property. Mayor A ndrew ’s repo rt- showed one fine assessed (luring the month, M ilton Coleman, $5.00 for intoxlca- ' turn. No report of any fines or li censes collected. B ills to the am oun t of $275.20 w ere ordered paid. I t was during the d is cussion of tho bills th a t th e ‘■Busi ness' Adm inistration*' m ayor kvt out a notch and imm ediately removed J . P, Caldwell as chairm an of the •street comm ittee and also as a mem her of the comm ittee. G. II, Irv in e •w as named chairm an of the commit tee and B. 'hi, M cF arland w ill re- iplace Caldwell. • The trouble arose oyer the bills for labo r on the s tre e t and when tin m a tte r was pressed by Dr, S tew art as to who had ordered the work, tin M ayor sm arted but held his temper f o r a time. The D r. iiad been in formed by Mr. Caldwell as ch a ir m an of tho. stre e t comm ittee, who has control of this work, th a t he had ordered no work done. The Dr. w an ted to know upon whose au tho r- . Uy the-work was done, but. th is was p ry ing too fa r into the secrets of th e “ adm in istration .” The Dr. does not yet. know b u tth e r e is a strong suppo sition th a t the m ayo r ag a in exceed ed Ins au th o rity an d was going to ru n things or b u rst tho m achine. A t a former m eeting of council the m ayo r made seve ral recomm enda tions as to s tre e t re p a ir an d th e re p o rt was accepted. Wo m inu tes were read a t tho la s t m eeting to show th a t th e s tre e t comm ittee had eve r been in structed to proceed. Because the re p o rt w a s received th e m ayo r Im agined th a t such whs in- rtm e tib n a to th e s tr e e t comm ittee. 1 D r. S tew art d id no t object to sign in g th e bills because th e w o rk had n o t been perform ed b u t was d eter m ined to find o u t who usurped th e ch a irm an of th e s tre e t comm ittee’s .au th o rity . , Tho m ayo r imm ed ia tely removed Caldwell as ch a irm an and as- mem ber of tho comm ittee on a trum ped up charge of “ non-perform ance of d u ty .’’ Tlie usual proceeduro in such cases is th a t where an oflleor is removed lie m u st be suspended -and given a heaving and then if the' charge, is proved he is discharged. B u t under tho ru ling of Mayor Andrew , Caldwell was fo rthw ith discharged. not even being a t the m eeting to know of w h a t was tak ing place or given a chance to answer. I t begins- to- look lik e the m ayo r’s conception of* law was abou t the j Provr-rJ lal ground hog 's knowledge j iff a 1 - !id;;y. D u ring the m eeting j rhore was some discussion a s to -street improvem ent an d w h a t kind ! of m a te ria l to .use. Mayor Andrew found fa u lt w ith th e crushed stone . that was being' us< d on tho stre.-ts an d stated th a t a good q u a lity of g ravel m ade a b e tte r stree t. The m ayor slated tb a t i t looked as if th ere was a little of every th ing in the crushed stone. MoHunting Or Shooting Daw 3 Turner Injury. A REMARKABLE COW. PRICE 01.00 A YEAR . 5fS THE RIVER'S SWEETHEART. B y R ida D. A roueb . Mr. Go- ’•ge Hniith, who cm liavu r-i ed to get Mayor Andrew (o take! i some action against the parties guil- ty o f shooting nea r his residence on .Saturday n ight, J u ly 23, states th a t, • ... , . he Jia.sin m ind the erecting of a Mgri "?^’ 1 ,J t !>‘ U‘V u i:' 0i barfcy A little Brook started out as a rover, From her home in the mountains vast, Saying I will go and iind my lover And with him my Jot will cast. • Tin- brt al; between <; mg,' ii. Cnx ! of Cincinnati and F-itamr Burton of .Cleveland ban rtfaded a serious hearing th e inscription, “ Xo .H u n t-. ing or Hhooting AlUnved.” The shooting took place while mothers and children were .in th eir yards and when the then were called to tim e for th e ir .act one of tho lad us. was addressed In a disre spectful m anner. • The public is entirely helpless so ShreST a .gT°.d;hye t 0 Uerm 0 UnP,'nVetreat ■ ionf? a» the officers devote llieir ex clusive. time to looking a fte r flu “ Business A dm in istration .” ' In murmurings so sweet and low, Good-bye for I go my lover to meet, I'll scatter wealth and blessings as I go. She was dressed in colors bright and gay This dear little saucy rover; She traveled by night, and traveled by day To find her handsomCIovcr. . ,_ j ■ - - Her dress by night was flecked with the light. As she traveled slowly along; By day 'ttvas blue and green with lace so white, . And she saug a merry love song. 0 trees, pray.tell me, tall, stately old trees; 0 where shall I find rny lover? In the clover fields where hum busy bees Or must I seek the world over? ‘O gentle breezes and ye winds that blow And wait me fragrant caresses, Dear sunlight bright with sparkling light, Making gems to suit my tresses.*’ Will my lover know when we meet below, That 1 am from grand old mountains? That 1 have traveled thru rain, sleet and snow, ■ . And started from tiny fountains? ■ Pray what will my lover he like think you? Tall, and portly, handsome, grand? With wealth and fame, or will be' good and true, For honor, right and virtue st/ind? Tam sure for honor, virtue and right, 1 would have my lover stand, true; With heart that is pure and mind that is bright,. u '■ • Tis more than fine looks; Wliat think you?. 1 am coming I think to my lover’s home In the beautiful land of the skies. Where thru hills and woodland swiftly- be roams; ' - ' And in valleys dreamily lies. In the broad, sweeping river deep and . clear, ' I’ve found my greathearted lover;- What care I for wealth if hi&heart holds me dear, . , For I ’ve sought him half the world over.” —FOUND :—A mileage book, Own e r giving description and number can get same by no tifying Sidney Sm ith. HUMAN LIFE FORAUGUST. —W AN TED ;—Some one to a c t as operator. Applicants should call a t th e Exchange. • i * O d a rv iito Telephone Company Dr. Mlloa' Antl-Pntn Filin rcllovo Dhtta. The rem arkab le sto ry ' of Mill Poindexter, the stand a rd hearer of Insurgency from the F a r W est who has become a national figure iu bin first term in Congre«s, is one of (ini leading articles in h i n u N L if e for August.- . . “ SbaUThcreB e a Monopoly of'tho A ir’?” Is a question th a t far-seeing men are beginning to ask, realizing 'th a t i t is likely before long to over-, fop all others in world-wido in terest and 'importance. H iram Mo ■ Greene hand les this subject in mar- ferly fashion, and offers an original and p ractical solution. Roosevelt's battles in the political; a re n a a t the ou tset of his career, always as a fearless champion of the common good, are of profound in tere st as told i n - Alfred • H enry Lewis’s g re a t serial, “ Tim Ktory of Roosevelt,” in this imsuo . The second in the series on g n a t American captain* of im l'iM ry a p pears in tills number, and tho story of Heinz, the Coudinenit K ing ,” m an A rabian Kn igh ts worn, t tale of a m an who has reared an industry of tru ly astounding-proportionsXivm the humblest of beginnings. The g re a t free W e st recru its 'its reform leaders from all ranks, b u t th e sto ry of R eady K eneban , black* sm ith ami S ta te A uditor of Colorado is ce rtain ly one of tho most .unique j ?, m ,-- w >#**« Too love pf pictures is »u o l d 'a s th e race itself, and there id vVealth of thorn in th is issue. Crisp, seto- tiU ating editorials on pooxile in the lim elight, an d numerous thumb* n a il sketches of th e g reat and m-ar great, complete this num ber.—H u man Rife Publishing Co,, Boston. ICE CREAM. ’ F o r the finest ice cream th a t comes to town leavo you r order a t tins Palace R estau ran t. O rders ‘delivered. Tho Meadow Brook hr-rd of Angus cattle owned by 1). B radfnto & Son, were, shipped today to Lexington, Kyi, for the fa ir. tr BARGAINS IN SUMMER . FO O TW E A R In accordance with our policy of opening each seas< . with NEW GOODS we are going to offer tho public some great values in Oxfords and Pumps, Men’s $5.00 Oxfords, Reduced ■1 ■ t o . . ,.*■#•«*. ». * *$14»29 Men’s 84,50 and $4.00 Oxfords, - , .. Lh; ' Reduced to ............... .................... , .$ 3 .4 5 ■%) . .. vv ^ Men’s 83.50 Oxfords, Reduced to ............... .......... .. $ 2 .9 8 P Ladies’ 84.00 and 83.50 Slippers, a t ................... $ 2 .8 9 Ladies’ $2,75 and'$2.50 Slippers, a t . . , T .-----.'$2.39 Ladies’ 82.00 and $1.75 Slippers, a t ................... $1.49 Big Bargains In Children ’s Oxfords. Gome and - See fo r Yourself. Remember these are the famous Hamilton Brown Shoes, which everybody knows are good Shoes—and what is better still, EVERY PAIR OF THEM is this spring’s style. „ • Don’t miss these—You’ll be sorry if you do. H om e C loth ing C om pany , GOOD SHOES. i managi-mcnt havo !:■ i taken bofurr j ’he public, for Mf-ttfoui •n t, Tho break I was dim to Henufor D it-fon foiling to i keep his word as i-< the Cuyahoga county vote being ciirfu i tho Repub lican convention foriJo.dgt- B roini, There- lias been po umch ua'jd about the C ux -ivm ou aUs«;-ce th a t both parties now seem ready to leave th eir respective side to the public to decide. ’ The quontfoq a t issuo is supported by Mr. Garretson editor of tins C incinhuti Times-Biar, who wa: a witness ufol now affirms the Cox version of th-> agreommt-. Saturday niouiing’Cox was quot ed ii? tho JSnqulrarfoi calling Sena tor Burton to time in tSigt he did not know the i«t>n»ingo^'” tra th ." Tho Cincinnati boss also yUVroribed Bur ton aafollows: “ Ho .a a pinhead' in my estimation, and d- v e ry rusty one at th a t.” The Tim?-"’..Star tho sumo evening confirmed tho statement ol Cox concerning Darina. - ■Saturday evening;,C qx issued a sworn statement fully covering the Burton deal and indicates' that- the junior Sunalor has. been admitted with full menihoivdslp into tin* Roosevelt Ananias C’ub. Cox stales that, he met Burton,In Columbus a t the request of tho Benat.or. Mr. Joseph Gam-tnou of Coe Times-Star was also present. Mr, Burton waut- d aiuiiK lorstaudlugas to tho .can didates t(>bo select* >1 a t tho stall1 convention, Cox dhims th a t Burton formed Carmi Tfhitbpson as foo small for t!se place, Nick Long- worth, ho said was a and came from a snoblnsii famtly and tliaf Cuyahoga county would lie lost, by 10.000,votes if Jio was- jimninaled. Garik'Jd was ah: oiuf. !y tnipossibio. •Judge Brwwu wa>t s«;;{{ -f.ted as the most a\ailublti qiaiw Burton rtatecl that tho, (Tuynhoga vote ol fia votes, ho divided between the various can didates th?T firr.t ballot and on the ficcomt the'fu ll str-i'.gth he thrown to Brown, Tho m onum ; n t fea*^aatvenifop tlon h a ll and the la tte r a sa ttm l the form er th a t thvro; was no- change in th e situ ation , , S enato r Burfon haibh; ou t tho fol lowing against. Cox; “R in time for Ihe people anil public men of Ohio to refursc to subm it to th e bullying tactics of a m an of Cox'a character. I t is obvious that- Cox tr, b itte rly dis appointed and chagrined because of. his failu re to nom inate Jiisi own can d idate for Governor. Tlrer conven tion declined to accept Cox’s choice and picked it’s own candidate. Now Cox ia venting his anger and spite on everybody who refused to take his orders. I f Mr. Cox o r anyone says th a t a t a n y time I promised to give the vote of Cuyahoga county to Judge Brown, his statem en t is un true, no t to e»y preposterous. F o r tunately a th ird p a rty was present, Joseph Gafroteon of C incinnati, who will recall tho cunvoroatiou and eon- II rm the den ial.” Mr Garrofsou in an interview to the E n q u ire r ami tftrough bis own paper, th e Tim* editor, fu lly affirms the Cox version of tin? squabble. From this if begins to look as if Senator Burton planned to do some th ing In’ was ashamed of and ra th e r th an face the opposition ». f tk e Cleveland Reader, backed down arm allov/od Cox to hold tho .sack. The Cleveland L> aitor began a fight on Burton when th e Cox-Burton alli ance wafj’aanounced. {Senator Burton has issued his Mtafenj -nfc unit fully denies th( charge as p u t fo rth in tho Cox affi davit, While h is denial hs general Iit>furnishes; no proof to snb stau tiati his claims. Mearick’s . Mr. David Turner, while unload- , iug hay from u wagon oir Monday met w ith an in ju ry th a t cost him '■mo linger ami thumb from bis left hand. A horse, which did not re- price leading, was worked nl the fork, and tin* in stan t th e word was .riven the an im al started , i-fofore Mr. T u rne r could get hack from th e fork bo was compelled t o ’grab th e •ope m keep from falling and in so .bung had Iris b au d caught in tho palloy, Drs. Adams and H a rris of GJifton wore simunoui'd and am pu ta ted 'tho mangled members, The T u rn e r family, lias been un- t'orlunato w ilhm tho past six weeks in th a t mm son, F rank , was injured in a runaw ay and la te r by cutting on a rte ry in his arm.- ■Miss Reva Moor?', a member of tlm fam ily, also underwent an operation for appen dicitis, • ■WEATHER -REPORT. Rainfall in J u ly 2 . 02 ; wind dirc-c- fiun fch W .; per cent snin^hine, 67; 'dear days, 15; cloudy days 5; p a rt cloudy, i>; ra iny days, IS; thuuder showers 8 ; tog, 1 ; range of 'tempera ture, U degrees; average tempora- furo, 78 degrees; highest tempera- *-'toe 1)2 d e g re e s low e s t temperature, 5 degrees; rain fall up !-o d ate 18.42. Samuel Braswell, Observer. Rev. Sanders©!! .WillResign. Itev. VV. J , Pamb-rson will resign for pastoral clair;-'-' here r'omelime in September wirh tin; Roioimed P resbyterian congregation (O. S-i- to devote Jiis entire time as head of tlie Mission School a t Selma,. A la.,' muloi1tlm control of th a t denom ina tion, Rev. Sanderson had charge.of (Iris school la s t y e a r ami so success fu l were Iris clYmls t h a t ho will bo given a perm anen t,position . The - “ '.;ooIvis fo r colored ch ild ren and. iipii a '(&>. high school hav ing an attendance of 20o, T lie school opens in October. ■ RACE PROGRAM.- • Down n ea r Ryucbbu rg llves a won derful cow, whose owner could make a fortune by p lacing her mi exhibi tion il’ the tru th is told about in r r< m arkable appetite and her utLt-r dls- j regard of tin* choice vikmls. w ith which kinc usually regale them selves, Tlie facts concerning h e r ravenous appetite, gleaned from two witnesses, are. about ns follows: L a st week a fa ir -maiden of sixteen sum mers,’to properly celebrate h e r b irth day ann iversary , invited a number of her girl companions to a picnic party . The place chosen for the fes tivities, was a nice country place about two miles from town, where free from th e c ity ’s du st a n d ' noisc- th e y m igh t enjoy themselves fishing, “boating, p icking up shells from the beach and in general communing with N a tu re and N a tu re's God. The iladies took w ith tnem several bask- ■ ets of food, consisting of cake, eoofc- ' jos ,-sandwiches, cheese, pickles, etc, and a sho rt time afte r their arrival, a table cloth was placed on the green in 'a cool shady place, and tlm 'con ten ts o t the b aske t were soon transferred to tlie same. A fter the edibles had boon arranged, tlie la dies decided to tak e ano ther stroll down tho hill side along tlie stream. A fter about an hour had elapsed they deputed to re tu rn to the feast and when th e brow of tlie lu ll was gained an In truder was noticed in the camp. Imm ediately all was commotion and am id the screams, sighs, and tears of the girls, th e cow scenting’trouble, fled, tak ing with one.of tlie girls coats winch had been left a t the camp. As she dis appeared from view she seemed to w ave a farewell to the girls she left behind her. A close investigation of tho table revealed a wonderful transfo rm ation .' All of tho food had been devoured, besides a table cloth, pocketbook and a paper of. pins. In fact tho cow cleaned the p latter, h u t showed no sign of in ter n a l trouble. ■ ‘ Tho p arty retu rned to their homes and although wiser, a sadder bevy of girls never entered the gates of Lynchburg-—Hillsboro News- H erald T Pa f f l l l i TRIP. The members of the Dayton Jo u r n al European trip, mm of whom was Miss V erna B ird, le ft Day ten T hu rsd ay afternoon a n d would a r rive m New York F rid ay and sail <n S atu rday on the Gampagnie Goim;- aie T runs-atlau tique steam ship, Caroline. ' . Tiie p arty while in New York wl 1 slop a t th e M artha W ashington Hotel, which is one of tlie few hotels in the country for wonu-u only. There will be side trips over the city th a t will tak e the ladies to Chinatown, Bowery and other sec tions of in te re st to travelers. The chief points of in terest, they will v isit in tlm various countries will be : . F ran c e—H avre, P aris (live days) ►Switzerland—Z u ric h ,. The Rigi, Viiznau, Lucerne. Germ any—Cologne, Maycnce, H e i delberg, Oberanimergau, Weisbaden Belgium—Antwerp, Brussels. Eng land—B irm ingham , Warw ick, .Stratford-on-Avon, Oxford, London. Scotland—Glasgow, Ed inburgh, Ballocii, Loch Lomond, Inve rsm aid , Trosskohs, Aberfoyle, S terling,' The following ts Ihl* race program for the Greene County F a ir to bo Jn ld August h- 12 : Wednesday, August 101h 2:15 Pace S tak e ( d o s e d ) ...... $500 00 2 ::i 6 P a c e .......................; ....... ;....ftjoO.OO 2:22 T rot ...................................... $200.00 . Thursday, August. 11 th. 2:30 T ro t S tak e (Closed).......6500.00 2 :l() P a c e r.............. $300,00 2 : 4 o T ro t .................................. $300.00 F riday. August 12th. 2:00 P a c e ...................................... $300.00 2:17 Trot........................................ $8t)0.uo 2:23 Pace, S take Closed)......... $500.00 ■No efforts will hesparotl to m ake the Greene County F a ir the best ag ricu ltu ral fa ir in tins section of the state. I t libs always In en in the lead aiul will he lieitcr than ever th is year. SPECIALPRICES WIREFENCE. Fo r a short, time I w ill m ake re m arkab ly low prices on wire fence. This fence in.not an all steel wire, hut an iron wire which tho govern m ent chem ists claims to be tho near est to pure iron as there is on the m arke t. ■ Duo l o t -17 inches high all number nine wire a t 37 cents per rod or 36 cents per rod If-cash w ith the. order, Poultry' fence 58 mcfies high, 19 wire, 6 stay tho best fence on the m a rk e t fordo cents per rod, or 45 cents, cash w ith tho order. These* prices will move tills fence with a rush an d intending buyers h ad better get th eir order in w ith ou t delay. ftf) 0 . M. Crouse. Stop Palos almost instantly—Dr. MO m T AJNtl-Fsi* PDln. K* h*d aXtar-sKsoM. When it.eomes to speed events fo r the Greene County F air, there will bp; none better. The fa st half mile track will a ttra c t a largo list of en tries. —Edgem ont crackers also fu ll line of bulk and package. M cFarland Bros*. Here’s the handy bag gage; and the clothing is handy to fill it with. Everything for xnen’s and boy’s wear. Suits in pin check,- glen checks, club checks, but no check on the variety. Every garment is tailor ed to hold our trade—to suit you and other particu lar men. THE WHEN, Arcade, Springfield, Ohio. <£iY- a m # m m 0 m . c - J S L v i a c g n p l . = T H E SUR PR ISE STORE1 D A Y T O N , OH IO . A l l Men’s, Young Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s S traw H a ts OFFTHE REGULARPRICE Trade at HOME. Ohio. W e are closing out all our Summer D R E S S E S , SU IT S , SK IRT S , AND W A IS T S | 'regardless o f cost|® ior former price. " earick m % 0 b b \ 0 Beys $ 4 Su its $ 4 #2& Boys Straight Pant Suits, double breasted style, S3, $3.50 and 84 value ..................... .$1.62 Boys $1 Pants 29c Beys straight Pants, regular 75c and 81 value while 4000 pairs last per pair ................... .......... 29c Boys $6 Suits $1.98 Boy’s Straight Pant Suits 85 and 80 grade. Double breasted style, a t ............ . . . . . . . . . 8 1 . 9 8 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS ONE-HALF OFF REGULAR PRICE. BOYS and CHILDREN’S SUITS 1-2 OFF REGULAR PRICE BLUE SERGE SUITS 1.4 OFF A & m * 5 if | 4 4 ^ Surprise Store, mnwsmm mum. Dayton, Cloak House, i l 28 and 30 E. Third Street, ■ Life . Dayton, Ohio. Ohio,'
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